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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 2008, Article ID 397340, 15 pages doi:10.1155/2008/397340 ResearchArticleTheReverse H ¨ older InequalityfortheSolutiontop-HarmonicType System Zhenhua Cao, 1 Gejun Bao, 1 Ronglu Li, 1 and Haijing Zhu 2 1 Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 2 College of Mathematics and Physics, Shan Dong Institute of Light Industry, Jinan 250353, China Correspondence should be addressed to Gejun Bao, baogj@hit.edu.cn Received 6 July 2008; Revised 9 September 2008; Accepted 5 November 2008 Recommended by Shusen Ding Some inequalities to A-harmonic equation Ax, dud ∗ v have been proved. The A-harmonic equation is a particular form of p-harmonictype system Ax, a dub d ∗ v only when a 0 and b 0. In this paper, we will prove the Poincar ´ e inequality and thereverse H ¨ older inequalityforthesolutiontothep-harmonictype system. Copyright q 2008 Zhenhua Cao et al. This is an open access article d istributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction Recently, amount of work about the A-harmonic equation forthe differential forms has been done. In fact, the A-harmonic equation is an important generalization of thep-harmonic equation in R n , p>1, and thep-harmonic equation is a natural extension of the usual Laplace equation see 1 forthe details. Thereverse H ¨ older inequalities have been widely studied and frequently used in analysis and related fields, including partial differential equations and the theory of elasticity see 2. In 1999, Nolder gave thereverse H ¨ older inequalityforthesolutiontothe A-harmonic equation in 3,anddifferent versions of Caccioppoli estimates have been established in 4–6. In 2004, D’Onofrio and Iwaniec introduced thep-harmonictype system in 7, which is an important extension of the conjugate A-harmonic equation. In 2007, Ding proved the following inequality in 8. Theorem A. Let u, v be a pair of solutions to Ax, g duh d ∗ v in a domain Ω ⊂ R n .If g ∈ L p B, Λ L and h ∈ L q B, Λ L ,thendu ∈ L p B, Λ L if and only if d ∗ v ∈ L q B, Λ L . Moreover, there exist constants C 1 ,C 2 independent of u and v, such that d ∗ v q q,B ≤ C 1 h q q,B g p p,B du p p,B , du p p,B ≤ C 2 h q q,B g p p,B d ∗ v q q,B ∀B ⊂ σB ⊂ Ω. 1.1 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications In this paper, we will prove the Poincar ´ e inequality see Theorem 2.5 and thereverse H ¨ older inequalityforthesolutiontothep-harmonictype system see Theorem 3.5.Nowlet us see some notions and definitions about thep-harmonictype system. Let e 1 ,e 2 , ,e n denote the standard orthogonal basis of R n . For l 0, 1, ,n, we denote by Λ l Λ l R n the linear space of all l-vectors, spanned by the exterior product e I e i 1 ∧e i 2 ∧···∧e i l corresponding to all ordered l-tuples I i 1 ,i 2 , ,i l ,1≤ i 1 <i 2 < ···<i l ≤ n. The Grassmann algebra Λ⊕Λ l is a graded algebra with respect tothe exterior products. For α α I e I ∈ Λ and β β I e I ∈ Λ, then its inner product is obtained by α, β α I β I , 1.2 with the summation over all I i 1 ,i 2 , ,i l and all integers l 0, 1, ,n. The Hodge star operator ∗: Λ → Λ is defined by the rule ∗1 e i 1 ∧ e i 2 ∧···∧e i n , α ∧∗β β ∧∗α α, β∗1 ∀α, β ∈ Λ. 1.3 Hence, the norm of α ∈ Λ can be given by |α| 2 α, α ∗α ∧∗α ∈ Λ 0 R. 1.4 Throughout this paper, Ω ⊂ R n is an open subset, for any constant σ>1, Q denotes a cube such that Q ⊂ σQ ⊂ Ω, where σQ denotes the cube whose center is as same as Q and diamσQσ diam Q.Wesayα α I e I ∈ Λ is a differential l-form on Ω, if every coefficient α I of α is Schwartz distribution on Ω. The space spanned by differential l-form on Ω is denoted by D Ω, Λ l . We write L p Ω, Λ l forthe l-form α α I dx I on Ω with α I ∈ L p Ω for all ordered l-tuple I.ThusL p Ω, Λ l is a Banach space with the norm α p,Ω Ω |α| p dx 1/p Ω I |α I | 2 p/2 dx 1/p . 1.5 Similarly W k,p Ω, Λ l denotes those l-forms on Ω with all coefficients in W k,p Ω. We denote the exterior derivative by d : D Ω, Λ l −→ D Ω, Λ l1 , for l 0, 1, 2, ,n, 1.6 and its formal adjoint operator the Hodge codi fferential operator d ∗ : D Ω, Λ l −→ D Ω, Λ l−1 . 1.7 The operators d and d ∗ are given by the formulas dα I dα I ∧ dx I ,d ∗ −1 nl1 ∗d∗. 1.8 Zhenhua Cao et al. 3 The following two definitions appear in 7. Definition 1.1. The Hodge system holds: Ax, a dub d ∗ v, 1.9 where a ∈ L p Ω, Λ l and b ∈ L q Ω, Λ l ,isap-harmonic type system if A is a mapping from Ω × Λ l to Λ l satisfying 1 x → Ax, ξ is measurable in x ∈ Ω for every ξ ∈ Λ l ; 2 ξ → Ax, ξ is continuous in ξ ∈ Λ l for almost every x ∈ Ω; 3 Ax, tξt p−1 Ax, ξ for every t ≥ 0; 4 KAx, ξ − Ax, ζ,ξ− ζ≥|ξ − ζ| 2 |ξ| |ζ| p−2 ; 5 |Ax, ξ − Ax, ζ|≤K|ξ − ζ||ξ| |ζ| p−2 for almost every x ∈ Ω and all ξ, ζ ∈ Λ l , where K ≥ 1 is a constant. It should be noted that Ax, ∗ : Ω × Λ l → Λ l is invertible and its inverse denoted by A −1 satisfies similar conditions as A but with H ¨ older conjugate exponent q in place of p. Definition 1.2. If 1.9 is a p-harmonictype system, then we say the equation d ∗ Ax, a dud ∗ b 1.10 is a p-harmonictype equation. The following definition appears in 9. Definition 1.3. Adifferential form u is a weak solutionfor 1.10 in Ω if u satisfies Ω Ax, a du,dϕ d ∗ b, ϕ ≡ 0 1.11 for every ϕ ∈ W k,p Ω, Λ l−1 with compact support. We can find that if we let a 0andb 0, then thep-harmonictype system Ax, a dub d ∗ v 1.12 becomes Ax, dud ∗ v. 1.13 It is the conjugate A-harmonic equation, where the mapping A : Ω × Λ l → Λ l satisfies the following conditions: Ax, ξ ≤ a|ξ| p−1 , Ax, ξ,ξ ≥|ξ| p . 1.14 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications If we let Ax, ξ|ξ| p−2 ξ, then the conjugate A-harmonic equation becomes the form |du| p−2 du d ∗ v. 1.15 It is the conjugate p-harmonic equation. So we can see that the conjugate p-harmonic equation and the conjugate A-harmonic equation are the specific p-harmonictype system. Remark 1.4. It should be noted that the mapping Ax, ∗ in p-harmonic system Ax, a du b d ∗ v, is invertible. If we denote its inverse by A −1 x, ∗, then the mapping A −1 x, ∗ : Λ l → Λ l satisfies similar conditions as A but with H ¨ older conjugate exponent q in place of p. 2. The Poincar ´ e inequality In this section, we will introduce the Poincar ´ e inequalityforthe differential forms. Now first let us see a lemma, which can be found in 9,Section4 forthe details. Lemma 2.1. Let D be a bounded, convex domain in R n .Toeachy ∈ D there corresponds a linear operator K y : C ∞ D, Λ l → C ∞ D, Λ l−1 defined by K y ω x; ξ 1 , ,ξ l−1 1 0 t l−1 ω tx y − ty; x − y, ξ 1 , ,ξ l−1 dt, 2.1 and the decomposition ω d K y ω K y dω2.2 holds at any point y ∈ D. We construct a homotopy operator T : C ∞ D, Λ l → C ∞ D, Λ l−1 by averaging K y over all points y ∈ D: Tω D ϕyK y ωdy, 2.3 where ϕ form C ∞ D is normalized so that ϕydy 1. It is obvious that ω dK y ωK y dω remains valid forthe operator T : ω dTωTdω. 2.4 We define the l-forms ω D ∈ D D, Λ l by ω D |D| −1 D ωydy for l 0 and ω D dTω for l 1, 2, ,n,and all ω ∈ W 1,p D, Λ l , 1 <p<∞. The following definition can be found in [9, page 34]. Definition 2.2. For ω ∈ D D, Λ l , the vector valued differential form ∇ω ∂ω ∂x 1 , , ∂ω ∂x n 2.5 Zhenhua Cao et al. 5 consists of differential forms ∂ω/∂x i ∈ D D, Λ l , where the partial differentiation is applied to coefficients of ω. The proof of 9, Proposition 4.1 implies the following inequality. Lemma 2.3. For any ω ∈ L p D, Λ l , it holds that ∇Tω p,D ≤ Cn, pω p,D 2.6 for any ball or cube D ∈ R n . The following Poincar ´ e inequality can be found in [2]. Lemma 2.4. If u ∈ W 1,p 0 Ω, then there is a constant C Cn, p > 0 such that 1 |B| B |u| pχ dx 1/pχ ≤ Cr 1 |B| B |∇u| p dx 1/p , 2.7 whenever B Bx 0 ,r is a ball in R n ,wheren ≥ 2 and χ 2 for p ≥ n, χ np/n − p for p<n. Theorem 2.5. Let u ∈ D D, Λ l , and du ∈ L p D, Λ l1 . Then, u − u D is in L χp D, Λ l and 1 |D| D |u − u D | pχ dx 1/pχ ≤ Cn, p, ldiamD 1 |D| D |du| p dx 1/p 2.8 for any ball or cube D ∈ R n ,whereχ 2 for p ≥ n and χ np/n − p for 1 <p<n. Proof. We know Tduu − u D . Now we suppose u − u Q Tdu I u I dx I , where I i 1 , ,i l1 take over all l 1-tuples. So we have ∇Tdu ∂u ∂x 1 , , ∂u ∂x n I ∂u I ∂x 1 dx I , , I ∂u I ∂x n dx I . 2.9 So we have 1 |D| D u − u D pχ dx 1/pχ 1 |D| D I u I dx I pχ dx 1/pχ 1 |D| D I u I 2 pχ/2 dx 1/pχ . 2.10 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications By theinequality n i1 a i 2 1/2 ≤ n i1 a i ≤ n 1/2 n i1 a i 2 1/2 2.11 for any a i ≥ 0, and the Minkowski inequality, we have 1 |D| D I u I 2 pχ/2 dx 1/pχ ≤ I 1 |D| D u I pχ dx 1/pχ . 2.12 According tothe Poincar ´ e inequality, we have I 1 |D| D |u I | pχ dx 1/pχ ≤ C 1 n, pdiamD I 1 |D| D |∇u I | p dx 1/p . 2.13 Combining 2.10, 2.12,and2.13, we can obtain 1 |D| D u − u D pχ dx 1/pχ ≤ C 1 n, pdiamD I 1 |D| D |∇u I | p dx 1/p . 2.14 By 2.9 we have ∇Tdu p,D ∂u ∂x 1 , , ∂u ∂x n p,D D ∂u ∂x 1 , , ∂u ∂x n p dx 1/p D n i1 ∂u ∂x i 2 p/2 dx 1/p D n i1 I ∂u I ∂x i 2 p/2 dx 1/p D I n i1 ∂u I ∂x i 2 p/2 dx 1/p . 2.15 Zhenhua Cao et al. 7 Combining 2.11 and 2.15, then we have ∇Tdu p,D D I n i1 ∂u I ∂x i 2 p/2 dx 1/p ≥ C l1 n −1/2 D I n i1 ∂u I ∂x i 2 1/2 p dx v 1/p ≥ C l1 n −1/2 D I n i1 ∂u I ∂x i 2 p/2 dx 1/p ≥ C l1 n −1/2 C l1 n −p−1/p I D n i1 ∂u I ∂x i 2 p/2 dx 1/p ≥ C 2 n, p, l −1 I D ∇u I p dx 1/p , 2.16 where C 2 n, p, lC l1 n 1/2p−1/p . Now combining 2.14, 2.16,and2.6, we can get 1 |D D u − u D | pχ dx 1/pχ ≤ C 1 n, pdiamD I 1 |D| D ∇u I p dx 1/p ≤ C 1 n, p, lC 2 n, p, l 1 |D| 1/p ∇Tdu p,D ≤ C 3 n, p, ldiamD 1 |D| D |du| p dx 1/p . 2.17 3. Thereverse H ¨ older inequality In this section, we will prove thereverse H ¨ older inequalityforthesolution of thep-harmonictype system. Before we prove thereverse H ¨ older inequality, let us first see some lemmas. Lemma 3.1. If f, g ≥ 0 and for any nonnegative η ∈ C ∞ 0 Ω, it holds Ω ηf dx ≤ Ω gdx, 3.1 then for any h ≥ 0: Ω ηfh dx ≤ Ω ghdx. 3.2 8 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Proof. Let μ be a measure in X, f be a nonnegative μ-measurable function in a measure space X, using the standard representation theorem, we have X f q dμ q ∞ 0 t q−1 μx : fx >tdt 3.3 for any 0 <t<q.Now, we let μE E ηf dx and νE E gdxthen, we can obtain Ω ηfh dx ∞ 0 h>t ηf dx dt ≤ ∞ 0 h>t gdxdt Ω ghdx. 3.4 So Lemma 3.1 is proved. Lemma 3.2. If u, v is a pair of solutiontothep-harmonictype system 1.9, then it holds Ω |ηda| p dx ≤ C Ω |a dudη| p dx 3.5 for any nonnegative η ∈ C ∞ 0 Ω and where C C l1 n p . Proof. Since u, v is a pair of solutions to Ax, a dub d ∗ v, it is also thesolutionto A −1 x, b d ∗ va du, where A −1 x, ∗ is the inverse Ax, ∗. Now, we suppose that da I ω I dx I and let ϕ 1 − I η signω I dx I .Byusingϕ ϕ 1 and dϕ 1 I signω I dη ∧ dx I in 1.11, we can obtain Ω A −1 x, b d ∗ v ,dϕ 1 da, ϕ 1 dx ≡ 0. 3.6 That is, Ω da, I η sign ω I dx I dx Ω A −1 x, b d ∗ v , − I sign ω I dη ∧ dx I dx. 3.7 In other words, Ω I η ω I dx Ω A −1 x, b d ∗ v , − I sign ω I dη ∧ dx I dx. 3.8 By the elementary inequality n i1 a i 2 1/2 ≤ n i1 a i , 3.9 Zhenhua Cao et al. 9 we have Ω η|da|dx Ω η I ω I 2 1/2 dx≤ Ω I η|ω I |dx Ω A −1 x, b d ∗ v , − I sign ω I dη ∧ dx I dx. 3.10 Using theinequality |a, b| ≤ |a||b|, 3.11 3.10 becomes Ω η|da|dx ≤ Ω A −1 x, b d ∗ v I sign ω I dη ∧ dx I ≤ Ω A −1 x, b d ∗ v I sign ω I |dη|dx C l1 n Ω A −1 x, b d ∗ v |dη|dx C l1 n Ω |a du||dη|dx, 3.12 where I takes over all l 1-tuples for dη ∈ Λ l1 ,thusithasC l1 n numbers at most. Now we let f |da| and g C l1 n |a du||dη|. In the subset {x : fη g}, we have {x:fηg} |ηda| p dx ≤ {x:fηg} |a dudη| p dx. 3.13 In the subset {x : fη / g},leth |fη| p −|g| p /fη − g, then we easily obtain h>0. So by Lemma 3.1, we have {x:fη / g} hfη dx ≤ {x:fη / g} hg dx. 3.14 That is to say {x:fη / g} hfη − gdx ≤ 0, 3.15 10 Journal of Inequalities and Applications that is, {x:fη / g} |fη| p dx ≤ fη / g |g| p dx. 3.16 Combining 3.13 and 3.16, we have Ω |fη| p dx ≤ Ω |g| p dx, 3.17 that is, Ω |ηda| p dx ≤ Ω C l1 n a dudη p dx. 3.18 So Lemma 3.2 is proved. The following lemma appears in 2. Lemma 3.3. Suppose that 0 <q<p<s≤∞, ξ ∈ R, and that B Bx 0 ,r is a ball. If a nonnegative function v ∈ L p B, dμ satisfies 1 μ λB λB v s dμ 1/s ≤ C1 − λ ξ 1 μ B B v p dμ 1/p 3.19 for each ball B Bx 0 ,r with r ≤ r and for all 0 <λ<1,then 1 μλB λB v s dμ 1/s ≤ C1 − λ ξ/θ 1 μB B v q dμ 1/q ∀0 <λ<1. 3.20 Here C>0 is a constant depending on p, q, s and θ ∈ 0, 1 is such that 1/p θ/q 1 − θ/s. The following lemma appears in 10. Lemma 3.4. 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The reverse H ¨ older inequality In this section, we will prove the reverse H ¨ older inequality for the solution of the p-harmonic type system. Before we prove the reverse H ¨ older inequality, . Applications In this paper, we will prove the Poincar ´ e inequality see Theorem 2.5 and the reverse H ¨ older inequality for the solution to the p-harmonic type system see Theorem 3.5.Nowlet us see some. and Applications Volume 2008, Article ID 397340, 15 pages doi:10.1155/2008/397340 Research Article The Reverse H ¨ older Inequality for the Solution to p-Harmonic Type System Zhenhua Cao, 1 Gejun