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  • Preface

  • 1. Introduction

    • 1.1 Some Basic Terms

    • 1.2 Outline of the Book

    • Notes

  • Part 1. Bargaining Theory

    • 2. The Axiomatic Approach: Nash's Solution

      • 2.1 Bargaining Problems

      • 2.2 Nash's Axioms

      • 2.3 Nash's Theorem

      • 2.4 Applications

      • 2.5 Is Any Axiom Superfluous?

      • 2.6 Extensions of the Theory

      • Notes

    • 3. The Strategic Approach: A Model of Alternating Offers

      • 3.1 The Strategic Approach

      • 3.2 The Structure of Bargaining

      • 3.3 Preferences

      • 3.4 Strategies

      • 3.5 Strategies as Automata

      • 3.6 Nash Equilibrium

      • 3.7 Subgame Perfect Equilibrium

      • 3.8 The Main Result

      • 3.9 Examples

      • 3.10 Properties of the Subgame Perfect Equilibrium

      • 3.11 Finite versus Infinite Horizons

      • 3.12 Models in Which Players Have Outside Options

      • 3.13 A Game of Alternating Offers with Three Bargainers

      • Notes

    • 4. The Relation between the Axiomatic and Strategic Approaches

      • 4.1 Introduction

      • 4.2 A Model of Alternating Offers with a Risk of Breakdown

      • 4.3 A Model of Simultaneous Offers: Nash's ``Demand Game''

      • 4.4 Time Preference

      • 4.5 A Model with Both Time Preference and Risk of Breakdown

      • 4.6 A Guide to Applications

      • Notes

    • 5. A Strategic Model of Bargaining between Incompletely Informed Players

      • 5.1 Introduction

      • 5.2 A Bargaining Game of Alternating Offers

      • 5.3 Sequential Equilibrium

      • 5.4 Delay in Reaching Agreement

      • 5.5 A Refinement of Sequential Equilibrium

      • 5.6 Mechanism Design

      • Notes

  • Part 2. Models of Decentralized Trade

    • 6. A First Approach Using the Nash Solution

      • 6.1 Introduction

      • 6.2 Two Basic Models

      • 6.3 Analysis of Model A (A Market in Steady State)

      • 6.4 Analysis of Model B (Simultaneous Entry of All Sellers and Buyers)

      • 6.5 A Limitation of Modeling Markets Using the Nash Solution

      • 6.6 Market Entry

      • 6.7 A Comparison of the Competitive Equilibrium with the Market Equilibria in Models A and B

      • Notes

    • 7. Strategic Bargaining in a Steady State Market

      • 7.1 Introduction

      • 7.2 The Model

      • 7.3 Market Equilibrium

      • 7.4 Analysis of Market Equilibrium

      • 7.5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium

      • Notes

    • 8. Strategic Bargaining in a Market with One-Time Entry

      • 8.1 Introduction

      • 8.2 A Market in Which There Is a Single Indivisible Good

      • 8.3 Market Equilibrium

      • 8.4 A Market in Which There Are Many Divisible Goods

      • 8.5 Market Equilibrium

      • 8.6 Characterization of Market Equilibrium

      • 8.7 Existence of a Market Equilibrium

      • 8.8 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium

      • Notes

    • 9. The Role of the Trading Procedure

      • 9.1 Introduction

      • 9.2 Random Matching

      • 9.3 A Model of Public Price Announcements

      • 9.4 Models with Choice of Partner

      • 9.5 A Model with More General Contracts and Resale

      • Notes

    • 10. The Role of Anonymity

      • 10.1 Introduction

      • 10.2 The Model

      • 10.3 Market Equilibrium

      • 10.4 The No-Discount Assumption

      • 10.5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium

      • Notes

  • References

  • Index

Nội dung

196 Chapter 10. The Role of Anonymity examination the assumption that agents discount future payoffs, when com- bined with the other as sumptions of the model, is not as natural as it seems. The fact that agents discount the future not only makes a delay in reach- ing agreement costly; the key fact in this model is that it makes holding a spe cial relationship costly. A buyer and a seller who are matched are forced to separate at the end of the bargaining session even if they have a special “personal relationship”. The chance that they will be reunited is the same as the chance that each of them will meet another buyer or seller. Thus there is a “tax” on personal relationships, a tax that prevents the formation of such relationships in equilibrium. It seems that this tax does not capture any realistic feature of the situations we observe. We now try to separate the two different roles that discounting plays in the model. Remove the assumption that pairs have to separate at the end of a bargaining session; assume instead that each partner may stay with his current partner for another period or return to the pool of agents wait- ing to b e matched in the next period. Supp ose that the agents make the decision whether or not to stay with their current partner simultaneously. These assumptions do not penalize personal relationships, and indeed the results show that noncompetitive prices are consistent with subgame per- fect equilibrium. The model is very similar to that of Section 9.4.2. Here the proposer is selected randomly, and the seller may switch buyers at the beginning of each period. In the model of Sec tion 9.4.2 the agents take turns in making prop os als and the seller may switch buyers only at the beginning of a period in which her partner is scheduled to make an offer. The important feature of the model here that makes it similar to that of Section 9.4.2 rather than that of Section 9.4.1 is that the seller is allowed to leave her partner after he rejects her offer, which, as we saw, allows the seller to make what is effectively a “take-it-or-leave-it” offer. As in Section 9.4.2 we can construct subgame perfect equilibria that support a wide range of prices. Suppose for simplicity that there is a single seller (and an arbitrary numb e r B of buyers). For every p ∗ s such that p s (1) ≤ p ∗ s ≤ p s (B) we can construct a subgame perfect equilibrium in which immediate agreement is reached on either the price p ∗ s , or the price p ∗ b satisfying p ∗ b = δ(p ∗ s + p ∗ b )/2, depending on the selection of the first prop os er. In this equilibrium the seller always proposes p ∗ s , accepts any price of p ∗ b or more, and stays with her partner unless he rejected a price of at most p ∗ s . Each buyer proposes p ∗ b , accepts any price of p ∗ s or less, and never abandons the seller. Recall that p s (1) (which depends on δ) is the offer made by the seller in the unique subgame perfect equilibrium of the game in which there is a single buyer; p s (B) is the offer made by the seller when there are B buyers 10.5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium 197 and partners are forced to separate at the end of each period. The limits of p s (1) and p s (B) as δ converges to 1 are 1/2 and 1, resp e ctively. Thus when δ is close to 1 almost all prices between 1/2 and 1 can be supported as subgame perfect equilibrium prices. Thus when partners are not forced to separate at the end of each period, a wide range of outcomes—not just the competitive one—can be supported by market equilibria even if agents discount the future. We do not claim that the model in this section is a good model of a market. Moreover, the set of outcome s predicted by the theory includes the competitive one; we have not ruled out the possibility that another theory will isolate the competitive outcome. However, we have shown that the fact that agents are impatient does not automatically rule out noncompetitive outcomes when the other elements of the model do not unduly penalize “personal relationships”. 10.5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium “Anonymity” is sometimes stated as a condition that must be satisfied in order for an application of a competitive model to be reasonable. We have explored the meaning of anonymity in a model in which agents mee t and bargain over the terms of trade. As Proposition 8.2 shows, when agents are anonymous, the only market equilibrium is competitive. When agents have sufficiently detailed information about events that occurred in the past and recognize their partners, then noncompetitive outcomes can emerge, even though the matching process is anonymous (agents are matched randomly). The fact that this result is sensitive to our assumption that there is no discounting can be attributed to other elements of the model, which inhibit the agents’ abilities to form special relationships. In our models, matches are random, and partners are forced to separate at the end of each period. If the latter assumption is modified, then we find that once again special relationships can emerge, and noncompetitive outcomes are possible. We do not have a theory to explain how agents form special relationships. But the results in this chapter suggest that there is room for such a theory in any market where agents are not anonymous. Notes This chapter is based on Rubinstein and Wolinsky (1990). References The numbers in brackets after each reference are the page numbers on which the reference is cited. The hyperlinks lead to reviews of the items on the American Mathematical Society’s MathSciNet. Depending on the services to which your institution subscribes, the page containing a review may contain also a link that allows you to check the availability of the item in your institution’s library. Admati, A. R., and M. Perry (1987), “Strategic Delay in Bargaining”, Review of Economic Studies 54, 345–364. [119] Admati, A. R. and M. Perry (1991), “Joint Projects without Commitment”, Review of Economic Studies 58, 259–276. [67] Anbarci, N. (1993), “Noncooperative Foundations of the Area Monotonic Solution”, Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, 245–258. [90] Aumann, R. J. (1959), “Acceptable Points in General Cooperative n-Person Games”, pp. 287–324 in A. W. Tucker and R. D. Luce (eds.), Con- tributions to the Theory of Games, Vol. IV, Princeton University Press. [65] Ausubel, L. 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Ngày đăng: 22/06/2014, 17:20