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Teachers book Sea SYyssass wul- Writrg-~ Teacher’s book Virginia Evans 2= Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing in 2000 Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: inquiries@expresspublishing.co.uk http: //(www.expresspublishing.co.uk © Virginia Evans, 2000 Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2000 Made in EU All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers ISBN 1-903128-51-X Contents Unit i Part A - Guidelines for Writing cua s8 na on HH Ha ghe Unit lnformal Lelfers TH HH HH Hà TH HH hà, Unit Formal Letters Unit Semi-formal Le@f@fS ca HH HH Unit Transactional LelfefS SH HH He HH Hà Unit Describing PeOple Unit Describing Places/Buildings_ ch nho Hà nhà hen Unit Describing Objects Unit Describing Festivals/Events/CelebrafiOns _ chua Unit 10 First-Dpe@rsOn Narratives Unit 11 Third-person NaffaliV9S uc Hà Ha TH HH HH KT HT TH ki Unit 12a Unit 12b I0 Am Unit 13 “For and Against” ESSayS HH HH 1H Hit Unit 14a 091hlsii= Unit 14b Providing Solutions to Problems Unit 14c Letters to the EdifOr nh nh Hoà Hà HH HH HH Hà KH Hinh Unit 15 Assessment and Proposal ÄepOrlS cong = = mins = S Ss T An ốe mẻ TH ng Hư anh ranrereerree, ¬— HH exercise homework used in the book students’ first language/mother tongue = = page pages minutes studeni students teacher re ch Han ko H HH HH HH rec = = = re oo cccceceeerserccreensersseeeensercnecneeesiteenesssnieeeerersuaseureesesaeireaeeneases jclEUiđiiiiiiiiiaảảáắốäốäẽẻảä$s›s3 Ex HW p pp 11 Abbreviations L1 Hư 0s Revision Extension Section IEj°-si HH HH Unit | Unit Part A Guidelines for Writing (np - 15) (Present the theory and explain the meaning of any unknown terminology Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary in the extracts Ask individual Ss to read the extracts aloud and elicit which type of composition each is from Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task Check Ss’ answers.) 1G 2A 3E 4F 5C 6D 2C 3F 4E 5D 6A 78 (Read the rubric, ensuring that Ss understand the task Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers around the class.) reader situation type of writing specific topics to underline the key words and answer the guestions Check Ss’ answers around the class.) b) (Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers around the class.) why you admire the person: helped those in need; entire life was devoted to others; donated money to charity personality: selfless, compassionate, courageous, patient (Present the theory and explain the meaning of any unknown terminology Allow Ss about two mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) a) My manager | work for a local tourist office and the manager has asked me to write a report on a new restaurant which has just opened in our town Para Para Para Para An assessment report/A report | should include a description of the restaurant, the food and the service and | should comment on the restaurant’s good and bad points a) (Read the rubric aloud, then allow Ss three or four mins to underline the key words and answer the questions Check Ss’ answers around the class.) Key words: you are a writer — your editor ~ short article about famous person — twentieth century — you admire — describing personality — reasons you admire him/her C B b) Johann Sirauss, because nineteenth century B,C,E he lived B,D in B b) A (Allow Ss three or four mins to read the article and complete the task Explain/Elicit the meaning of any words Ss not understand, then check Ss’ answers.) (Read the rubric aloud, then allow Ss three or four mins (Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers around the class.) why you admire the person personality 7B (Read the extracts aloud and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss about four mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) 1G a) the 1: person’s name and reason you chose her 2: personal qualities 3: reasons you admire her 4: final comments/feelings Mother Teresa She devoted ail of her time to others and never put her own needs first Sne was also very courageous and never thought of the risks she was taking when looking after people who were sick or dying © Her entire life was devoted to charity work For example, she opened a centre in Calcutta for the terminally ill, dignity e She also won many awards including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 She donated all the money from her awards to fund other centres (Present the theory, then allow Ss two or three mins to read the main body paragraphs of the article again Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to report back to the class.) Topic sentences Para 2: Mother Teresa was a selfless person (This can be replaced by No 2) Para 3: What | admire most about Mother Teresa are her achievements (This can be replaced by No 1) Unit | 10 a) (Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) A2 B3 b) (Read the questions aloud and elicit answers from individual Ss.) —They belong to the main body of the composition — Banning cars from the city centre -—A discursive essay (a “for and against” essay) 11 15 16 (Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words Read the sentences aloud and ask individual Ss to identify the relevant sentences Check Ss’ answers.) (Allow Ss three or four mins to think of appropriate supporting sentences Ask individual Ss to report back to the class.) 17 (Suggested answers) 2 18 C2 Ð (Suggested answers) A B 14 Making your own clothes has certain advantages There are certain disadvantages to spending money on medical research (Present the theory Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words and allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task Check Ss’ answers.) On the other hand What is more Asaresult because However 19 Simon failed the exam since he had not studied enough Although ordering take-away food is very convenient, it can be rather expensive Aaron wanted to go to the football match but his mother wouldn’t let him Adventure holidays can be very tiring and (they can be) quite dangerous It started getting cold so | put on a jumper Even though the hairdresser said it was perfectly safe, the chemicals in the dye made my hair turn green As therefore despite such as Even though (Present the theory and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss three or four mins to identify the writing techniques used Check Ss’ answers.) = (Allow Ss two or three mins to think of appropriate topic sentences Ask individual Ss to report back to the class.) On the other hand Fer example (Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task Check Ss’ answers around the class.) Ơt + 18 He’s tall and slim with short, straight, brown hair and brown eyes He usually wears a suit and tie She likes being with people and everyone has fun being with her She enjoys going to parties and never turns down an invitation to an evening out with friends Asaresult What is more (Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task Check Ss’ answers around the class.) A,C 12 (Read the extract aloud and expiain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss three or four mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) a) rhetorical question addressing the reader directly creating mystery and suspense setting the scene quotation (Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss three or four mins to complete the task Check Ss’ answers.) A B C narrative (third person) discursive essay (opinion essay) description of a person b) (Allow Ss two or three mins to read the extracts again and ask individual Ss to identify the writing techniques used in each.) Successful Writing Intermediate - Unit | quotation proverb/saying addressing the reader directly direct speech 20 a b (Read the extracts aloud and explain/elicit the c d two mins answers.) e meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss about 21 to complete the task, then check Ss’ A impressive huge comfortable most extraordinary B whispering paused peered crept 24 CODON Doh © (Present the theory Read the phrases aloud and check that Ss understand their meaning Allow Ss three or four mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) _ 22 B, A, C, am entitled to (formal style) Drop by (informal style) point in favour of (formal style) were seriously injured (formai style) with flying colours (informal style) porcelain-white skin (formal style} To my mind (formal style) Don’t miss it! (informal style) won't be able to make it (informal style) (Read the extracts aloud and explain/elicit meaning of any unknown words.) 25 the @› TT narrative (third person) semi-formal letter 26 b) (Allow Ss about three mins to complete the task Check Ss’ answers around the class.) 23 6¢ A,B,D A (Read the situations aloud and elicit answers from individual Ss.) B Firstly was not reached What is more the slightest collapsed realy love Ive met dull moment however full of comical scenes Also in common computer-generated images extremely realistic is more (Present the theory, read the extract aloud and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss about four mins to comolete the task Check Ss’ answers by asking individua/ Ss fo read the corrected mistakes aloud.) runing made better america successfull > > > > > running (S) threw/gave (WW) best (G) America (P) successful (S) hadn’t been able go > hadn't been able to go (G) report 1C, EG A,E,F A What discursive essay (opinion essay) formal letter informal letter (assessment) report news young) | (because you are writing to a friend of yours) ForS-F (because a news report is a factual piece of writing) S-F (because you need to sound polite and respectful to your friends’ parents) (Read the extracts aloud, explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words, and ensure that Ss understand the task Elicit answers from individual Ss.) C (Elicit from individual Ss what type of writing each extract is from.) (ŒØ(@)0> a) F (because you are writing to sb you not know} S-F (because the magazine readers are quite such ill > soill (WW/G) (Allow Ss about two mins Check Ss’ answers.) A B C5 to complete D the task E Unit | Unit Part B Letter writing (pp 16 - 19) 3A 4D §F — OA ON 6B - 20 OO 1E Letter A Hi — just a quick note say thanks a lot all your heip getting ready What you did played a big part making sure whole thing went so well thank you enough for BRWOND (Present the theory and explain the meaning of any unknown terminology Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary in the extracts Ask individual Ss to read the extracts aloud and elicit which type of letter each is from Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task Check Ss’ asnwers.) (Suggested answers) Letter B I am writing thank you very much your kind assistance preparations Your contribution was very important ensuring occasion was such a success 10 tell you how much | appreciate œ ¬I © ƠØ ƠI +> C2 Ow > R — Key words: come to my party what you think | should do; | really need your advice I’m having a fantastic time; | went sailing; I’m going to take part in if you could give me some more information if you could consider my application | am writing to complain about © Tm 10 11 12 F F | 13 14 15 | F (Allow Ss about two mins to read the situation and complete the task Then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.) a) A_ B ©€ informal semi-formai formal b) C— afriend A -— your former teacher BW— letter letter letter letter letter letter the my my the the my acareers advisor (Allow Ss about two mins to read the pairs of expressions Ask individual Ss to identify which expressions are informal and which semi-formal Allow Ss three or four mins to complete the task Then check Ss’ answers.) giving news; informal style asking for information; formal style accepting an invitation; informal style apologising for sth; informal style of complaint; formal style of application; formal style (Read the rubrics aloud and explain/elicit any unknown words Allow Ss four to five mins to complete the task Ask individual Ss to report back to the class.) TAMoOOWY F 8F | letter letter letter letter letter letter mMmModODr F F 6l hà — F 3F ml @œ complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) (Read aloud the beginnings and endings and elicit any unknown words Allow Ss two mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) C (Present the theory and explain the meaning of any unknown terminology Ask individual Ss to read the phrases aloud and elicit which phrase is formal and which is informal Allow Ss two or three mins to Ö (C1, Letter refusing an invitation Ơi + B3 TI > A2 b) Letter A is informal Leiter B is semi-formal They are letters thanking someone Œ (Read the paragraphs aloud and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss about two mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answer.) Ø a) of application accepting an invitation giving news giving information of complaint congratulating someone headmaster of the school friend friend person interested in learning French manager of the cereal company cousin TmmƠØQ@U> Unit formal style informal style informal style formal style formal style informal style (Suggested answers) A Dear Sir, Yours faithfully+ full name B Dear + my friend’s first name; Love + my first name C Dear + my friend’s first name; Take care + my first name D Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs + person’s surname, Yours sincerely + your full name E Dear Sir/Madam, Yours faithfully + your full name F Dear + my cousin’s first name Love + my first name (Suggested answers) A Opening remarks: | am writing to apply for the position of teacher advertised in Closing remarks: | would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience B Opening remarks: Thanks a lot for the invitation, I'd love to come Closing remarks: See you then! C Opening remarks: You'll never guess where I’ve been Closing remarks: Write back soon D Opening remarks: | am writing to give you the information you requested Closing remarks: Do not hesitate to contact me E Opening remarks: | am writing to complain about Closing remarks: | hope the matter will be resolved F Opening remarks: | have just heard the great news and would like to congratulate you Closing remarks: Well done! (Read out the theory and the paragraph plan Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown terminology Then ask Ss comprehension questions to make sure they have understood the theory Read the rubric and the questions aloud Help Ss to identify the key words in the rubric, then Ss complete the task Check Ss’ answers.) Key words: you recently moved to a big city — decided to write to a friend from your old neighbourhood — letter — describing life in your new city — feelings about the change 10 Unit - Informal Letters (pp 20 - 25) 1° (Read the questions aloud and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then Ss the listening task and answer the questions Check Ss’ answers, then ask individual Ss to talk about the letter.) 1B A A,B,E,F A friend of yours In my old neighbourhood Inabig city To tell my friend about the city Topics: a) life in the big city b) feelings about the change Dear + my friend’s first name Lots of love/Best wishes + my first name constant noise from cars (negative) ugly grey buildings (negative) plenty of sports facilities (positive) choice of things ic co icositve; huge crowds (negative; good public transpo% system iDosiive: large modern shops (positve, (Suggested answers) Unfortunately, there is heavy traffic | can’t get used to the ugly grey buildings | like living here because there are plenty of sports facilities What | like most is that there is a wide choice of things to | hate huge crowds The best thing is that there is a good public transport system | like living here because there are large modern shops You can get around easily You can make lots of new friends You can lots of different things You can’t walk home safely at night 2=c | feel pleased as there are always new things to = b | feel unsafe because there’s more crime in the city =e | feel disgusted because there’s rubbish everywhere 5=a | feel excited because the city never sleeps a) (Allow Ss three or four mins to read the letter and complete the task Explain/Elicit the meaning of any words Ss not understand Then, check Ss’ answers.) Ive taken I'd drop haven't got I'll never Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: had didn’t you’ve been heard life in the new city writer’s feelings about the change closing remarks (Explain/Elicit that the words clauses of concession, then any unknown words/phrases mins to look at the pictures Check Ss’ answers.) in brackets introduce explain the meaning of Allow Ss three or four and complete the task (Present the theory, then read sentences - aloud and help Ss to match them to points a - h in the theory box As an extension, Ss can tell you examples of their own practising the theory presented.) e ® 3g 4h e d † (short forms: You'd never believe, verb: getting on) 8c (Read out the theory table, then ask Ss to give examples of informal writing Allow Ss three or four mins to complete the task in Ex Check Ss’ answers around the class asking Ss to justify their choice.) 10 that’s all for now write soon can’t wait to hear you’ve been up to Lots of love (Ss work in pairs to complete the task individual pairs to report back to the class.) There are lots of things to However, heavy traffic makes it difficult to get around Although there are plenty of sports centres, they are expensive to join There are few buses and trains Nevertheless, they always arrive on time Although there are no restaurants, there are a few inns that serve delicious homemade food e¢ (colloquial expression: give a hug) (phrasal verb: are you up) (short forms: we’re) Sorry ages really drop you a line let you know ® formal informal informal informal formal informal phrasal (Read the extracts aloud and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words Allow Ss about four mins to complete the task, then check Ss’ answers.) b) Topic sentences in the letter: Para 2: Birmingham is a really exciting city with millions of things to Para 3: | like living here now, but | sometimes feel homesick as | miss lots of things about Gowrie (Suggested answers) Para 2: Birmingham is a great city to live in Para 3: | enjoy living here but, there are some things | miss about my old city NOOB OPM Unit Ask Opening remarks Closing remarks Hello! How are you? I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party on 2nd July I’m really sorry about not being able to come to Please come It'll be great fun your party The reason !’m writing is to ask you if you could advise me on how to lose weight Sorry again Please write and tell me all your news Write back soon and tell me what you think | should (Allow Ss two or three mins to complete the task Then, check Ss’ answers around the class.) Write and tell me hew it’s like in Paris what | still can’t get used to wake up so early in the morning waking | thought Ứd write and ask you to give me arf advice some | hope that everything will turn ja all right out Sorry | haven't written freth ages but I’ve been busy for Write me a line and tell me all your news Drop I’m writing to apologise about not coming to your wedding for | look forward to péar from you soon hearing 10 Don’t you think my news g¥6 exciting? is (news is an uncountable noun)

Ngày đăng: 31/12/2023, 13:30

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