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Tính toán thiết kế cho hệ thống điện sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời tòa nhà khu c trường đại học sư phạm kỹ thuật tp hcm

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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH ĐỒ ÁN TỐT NGHIỆP NGÀNH NĂNG LƯỢNG TÁI TẠO TÍNH TỐN THIẾT KẾ CHO HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN SỬ DỤNG NĂNG LƯỢNG MẶT TRỜI TÒA NHÀ KHU C TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT TP.HCM GVHD: NGUYỄN BÁ SƠN SVTH: TRƯƠNG KIM VIỆT HỊA VÕ MINH QUANG SKL009389 Tp Hồ Chí Minh, tháng 8/2022 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUÂT THANH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH KHOA CƠ KHÍ ĐỘNG LỰC ĐỒ ÁN TỐT NGHIỆP TÍNH TỐN THIẾT KẾ CHO HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN SỬ DỤNG NĂNG LƯỢNG MẶT TRỜI TÒA NHA KHU C TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUÂT TP.HCM GVHD: NGUYỄN BÁ SƠN SVTH: TRƯƠNG KIM VIỆT HÒA MSSV: 18154023 SVTH: VÕ MINH QUANG MSSV: 18154043 Khóa: 2018 Ngành: NĂNG LƯỢNG TÁI TẠO TP Hồ Chí Minh, tháng năm 2022 LỜI CẢM ƠN Đầu tiên, nhóm chúng em xin gửi lời cảm ơn đến thầy Nguyễn Bá Sơn giảng viên khoa Cơ khí động lực, trường đại học Sư Phạm Kĩ Thuật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh tận tình hướng dẫn nhóm chúng em suốt q trình làm Khóa luận tốt nghiệp Những kiến thức thầy cung cấp góp ý chân thầy thầy giúp chúng em định hướng hồn tồn đề tài theo đuổi Tiếp theo, em xin gửi lời cám ơn đến ban giám hiệu nhà trường ban chủ nhiệm khoa Cơ khí động lực tạo điều kiện để chúng em có đủ điều kiện sở vật chất để hồn thành Khóa luận tốt nghiệp Cuối xin gửi lời cảm ơn đến anh chị khóa bạn bè xung quanh có lời động viên góp ý để nhóm hồn thành khóa luận tiến độ Tuy nhiên, đề tài tất nhiên khơng tránh khỏi sai xót Rất mong ý kiến đóng góp từ thầy để giúp Khóa luận hồnh thành tốt Em xin chân thành cảm ơn! TP Hồ Chí Minh, ngày tháng năm 2022 TRƯƠNG KIM VIỆT HÒA VÕ MINH QUANG MỤC LỤC LỜI CẢM ƠN DANH MỤC CÁC TỪ VIẾT TẮT VA KÝ HIỆU 12 Chương 1: TỔNG QUAN ĐỀ TAI 14 1.1 Tổng quan chung 14 1.2 Tình hình phát triển điện mặt trời nước 15 1.2.1 Tiềm ngành lượng mặt trời 15 1.2.2 Tiềm phát triển điện mặt trời áp mái 2021 .16 1.3 Tính cấp thiết đề tài 17 1.4 Mục đích đề tài 18 1.5 Đối tượng phạm vi nghiên cứu 18 1.5.1 Đối tượng nghiên cứu 18 1.5.2 Phạm vi nghiên cứu 19 1.6 Giới hạn đề tài 19 Chương 2: CƠ SỞ LÝ THUYẾT 20 2.1 Phân loại hệ thống điện lượng mặt trời .20 2.1.1 Hệ thống điện mặt trời hòa lưới (On-Grid): 20 2.1.2 Hệ thống điện mặt trời độc lập (Off-grid): .20 2.1.3 Hệ thống điện mặt trời kết hợp (Hybrid): 21 2.2 Lợi ích hệ thống điện mặt trời .22 2.3 Tấm pin lượng mặt trời Solar Panel 23 2.3.1 Thành phần pin mặt trời 23 Version 7.2.14 PVsyst - Simulation report Grid-Connected System PVsyst TRIAL Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant No 3D scene defined, no shadings System power: 292 kWp Thủ Đức - Vietnam PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL Author Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Project summary Geographical Site Situation Thủ Đức Vietnam Latitude Longitude Altitude Time zone Project settings 10.85 °N 106.77 °E 29 m UTC+7 Albedo 0.20 PVsyst TRIAL Meteo data Thủ Đức Meteonorm 8.0 (1996-2015), Sat=100% - Synthetic System summary Grid-Connected System No 3D scene defined, no shadings Simulation for year no PV Field Orientation Near Shadings User's needs Fixed plane Tilt/Azimuth No Shadings Unlimited load (grid) 11 / ° System information PVsyst TRIAL PV Array Nb of modules Pnom total Inverters Nb of units Pnom total Pnom ratio 504 units 292 kWp units 300 kWac 0.974 Results summary Produced Energy 440.9 MWh/year Specific production 1508 kWh/kWp/year Perf Ratio PR 83.91 % Table of contents Project and results summary General parameters, PV Array Characteristics, System losses Main results Loss diagram Special graphs Aging Tool Predef graphs P50 - P90 evaluation Cost of the system Financial analysis CO₂ Emission Balance 10 11 12 14 PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 2/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 General parameters Grid-Connected System No 3D scene defined, no shadings PV Field Orientation Orientation Fixed plane Tilt/Azimuth Sheds configuration No 3D scene defined Models used Transposition Perez Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm Circumsolar separate Horizon Near Shadings User's needs Free Horizon No Shadings Unlimited load (grid) PVsyst TRIAL 11 / ° PV Array Characteristics PV module Inverter Manufacturer Model (Original PVsyst database) Unit Nom Power Number of PV modules Nominal (STC) Modules Generic JKM580M-7RL4-V 580 504 292 36 Strings x 14 Manufacturer Model (Original PVsyst database) Unit Nom Power Number of inverters Total power Operating voltage Max power (=>45°C) Pnom ratio (DC:AC) Wp units kWp In series Generic SG110-CX 100 300 200-1000 110 0.97 kWac units kWac V kWac PVsyst TRIAL At operating cond (50°C) Pmpp U mpp I mpp 267 kWp 562 V 474 A Total PV power Total inverter power Nominal (STC) Total Module area 292 kWp 504 modules 1378 m² Total power Number of inverters Pnom ratio 300 kWac units 0.97 Array losses Thermal Loss factor DC wiring losses Module temperature according to irradiance Uc (const) 20.0 W/m²K Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K/m/s Global array res Loss Fraction Module mismatch losses Strings Mismatch loss Loss Fraction Loss Fraction Module Quality Loss PVsyst TRIAL 2.0 % at MPP 20 mΩ 1.5 % at STC Loss Fraction -0.8 % Module average degradation 0.1 % Year no Loss factor 0.4 %/year Mismatch due to degradation Imp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year IAM loss factor Incidence effect (IAM): Fresnel AR coating, n(glass)=1.526, n(AR)=1.290 0° 30° 50° 60° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° PVsyst TRIAL 1.000 11/05/22 0.999 0.987 0.962 0.892 PVsyst Evaluation mode 0.816 0.681 0.440 0.000 Page 3/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Main results System Production Produced Energy 440.9 MWh/year Specific production Performance Ratio PR 1508 kWh/kWp/year 83.91 % PVsyst TRIAL Economic evaluation Investment Global Specific 3368000000.00 VND 11522 VND/Wp Yearly cost Annuities Run costs Payback period 0.00 VND/yr 0.00 VND/yr 3.9 years Normalized productions (per installed kWp) LCOE Energy cost 382 VND/kWh Performance Ratio PR PVsyst TRIAL Balances and main results GlobHor DiffHor T_Amb GlobInc GlobEff EArray E_Grid PR kWh/m² kWh/m² °C kWh/m² kWh/m² MWh MWh ratio January 137.5 71.86 26.44 149.2 145.9 37.41 36.83 0.845 February March April May June July August September October November December 138.4 163.9 174.8 166.7 156.3 157.0 153.6 133.0 163.3 116.1 119.9 69.47 81.32 80.94 80.75 78.69 83.61 85.32 78.60 78.45 76.54 67.35 27.20 28.51 29.14 28.87 27.60 27.57 27.56 26.88 27.07 26.70 26.62 146.8 167.6 172.2 159.3 147.0 148.8 149.4 133.2 171.1 122.6 130.3 143.8 164.0 168.0 155.0 142.8 144.4 145.3 129.7 167.5 119.3 127.3 36.51 41.33 42.33 39.29 36.64 37.16 37.27 33.34 42.59 30.93 32.76 35.96 40.71 41.72 38.71 36.10 36.61 36.71 32.83 41.98 30.46 32.25 0.838 0.831 0.829 0.831 0.840 0.842 0.841 0.843 0.839 0.850 0.847 Year 1780.5 932.89 27.52 1797.6 1753.0 447.55 440.89 0.839 PVsyst TRIAL Legends GlobHor DiffHor T_Amb GlobInc GlobEff Global horizontal irradiation Horizontal diffuse irradiation Ambient Temperature Global incident in coll plane Effective Global, corr for IAM and shadings EArray E_Grid PR Effective energy at the output of the array Energy injected into grid Performance Ratio PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 4/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Loss diagram 1780 kWh/m² Global horizontal irradiation +1.0% Global incident in coll plane PVsyst TRIAL -2.48% IAM factor on global 1753 kWh/m² * 1378 m² coll Effective irradiation on collectors efficiency at STC = 21.22% PV conversion 512.5 MWh Array nominal energy (at STC effic.) -0.20% Module Degradation Loss ( for year #1) -0.65% PV loss due to irradiance level -9.83% PV loss due to temperature +0.75% Module quality loss -2.06% Mismatch loss, modules and strings PVsyst TRIAL -1.02% 447.6 MWh Ohmic wiring loss Array virtual energy at MPP -1.48% Inverter Loss during operation (efficiency) 0.00% Inverter Loss over nominal inv power 0.00% Inverter Loss due to max input current 0.00% Inverter Loss over nominal inv voltage 0.00% Inverter Loss due to power threshold 0.00% Inverter Loss due to voltage threshold -0.01% Night consumption 440.9 MWh Available Energy at Inverter Output 440.9 MWh Energy injected into grid PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 5/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Special graphs Daily Input/Output diagram PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL System Output Power Distribution PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 6/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Aging Tool Aging Parameters Time span of simulation 25 years Module average degradation Loss factor 0.4 %/year Mismatch due to degradation Imp RMS dispersion Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year 0.4 %/year PVsyst TRIAL Meteo used in the simulation #1 Th c MN80 SYN Years 1990 (reference year) Years simulated 1,6,11,16,21,25 Energy injected into grid PVsyst TRIAL Performance Ratio PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 7/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Aging Tool Aging Parameters Time span of simulation 25 years Module average degradation Loss factor 0.4 %/year Mismatch due to degradation Imp RMS dispersion Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year 0.4 %/year PVsyst TRIAL Meteo used in the simulation #1 Th c MN80 SYN Years 1990 (reference year) Years simulated 1,6,11,16,21,25 Th Year 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 E Grid MWh 440.9 438.7 436.6 434.4 432.3 430.1 427.2 424.2 421.2 418.2 415.2 412.9 410.6 408.3 406.0 403.7 401.4 399.1 396.8 394.5 392.2 388.6 384.9 381.2 377.6 c MN80 SYN PR 0.839 0.835 0.831 0.827 0.823 0.819 0.813 0.807 0.802 0.796 0.79 0.786 0.781 0.777 0.773 0.768 0.764 0.76 0.755 0.751 0.747 0.74 0.733 0.726 0.719 PR loss % 0% -0.5% -1% -1.5% -1.9% -2.4% -3.1% -3.8% -4.5% -5.1% -5.8% -6.3% -6.9% -7.4% -7.9% -8.4% -9% -9.5% -10% -10.5% -11% -11.9% -12.7% -13.5% -14.4% PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 8/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Predef graphs Array Temperature vs Effective Irradiance PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 9/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 P50 - P90 evaluation Meteo data Simulation and parameters uncertainties Source Meteonorm 8.0 (1996-2015), Sat=100% Kind Monthly averages Synthetic - Multi-year average Year-to-year variability(Variance) 5.2 % PV module modelling/parameters Inverter efficiency uncertainty Soiling and mismatch uncertainties Degradation uncertainty 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 % % % % PVsyst TRIAL Specified Deviation Climate change 0.0 % Global variability (meteo + system) Variability (Quadratic sum) Annual production probability 5.5 % Variability P50 P90 P95 24.4 440.9 409.6 400.8 MWh MWh MWh MWh Probability distribution PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 10/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Cost of the system Installation costs Item Quantity Cost Total units VND VND 504 5000000.00 2520000000.00 116000000.00 348000000.00 500000000.00 PVsyst TRIAL PV modules JKM580M-7RL4-V Inverters SG110-CX Other components Accessories, fasteners Total Depreciable asset 500000000.00 3368000000.00 3368000000.00 Operating costs Item Total VND/year PVsyst TRIAL Total (OPEX) 0.00 System summary Total installation cost Operating costs Produced Energy Cost of produced energy (LCOE) 3368000000.00 0.00 441 381.955 VND VND/year MWh/year VND/kWh PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 11/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Financial analysis Simulation period Project lifetime 20 years Start year 2023 Income variation over time PVsyst TRIAL Inflation Production variation (aging) Discount rate 0.00 %/year 0.00 %/year 0.00 %/year Income dependent expenses Income tax rate Other income tax Dividends 0.00 %/year 0.00 %/year 0.00 %/year Electricity sale Feed-in tariff Duration of tariff warranty Annual connection tax Annual tariff variation Feed-in tariff decrease after warranty 1938.0000 20 0.00 0.0 50.00 VND/kWh years VND/kWh %/year % PVsyst TRIAL Return on investment Payback period Net present value (NPV) Return on investment (ROI) 3.9 years 17089920629.65 VND 507.4 % Detailed economic results (kVND) Electricity Run Deprec Taxable sale costs allow income Taxes After-tax Cumul % profit profit amorti 2023 854496 0 854496 2024 854496 0 854496 854496 854496 25.4% 854496 1708992 2025 854496 0 854496 50.7% 854496 2563488 2026 854496 0 76.1% 854496 854496 3417984 101.5% 2027 854496 2028 854496 0 854496 854496 4272480 126.9% 854496 854496 5126976 2029 854496 152.2% 0 854496 854496 5981472 2030 177.6% 854496 0 854496 854496 6835968 203.0% 2031 854496 0 854496 854496 7690464 228.3% 2032 854496 0 854496 854496 8544960 253.7% 2033 854496 0 854496 854496 9399456 279.1% 2034 854496 0 854496 854496 10253952 304.5% 2035 854496 0 854496 854496 11108448 329.8% 2036 854496 0 854496 854496 11962944 355.2% 2037 854496 0 854496 854496 12817440 380.6% 2038 854496 0 854496 854496 13671937 405.9% 2039 854496 0 854496 854496 14526433 431.3% 2040 854496 0 854496 854496 15380929 456.7% 2041 854496 0 854496 854496 16235425 482.0% 2042 854496 0 854496 854496 17089921 507.4% Total 17089921 0 17089921 17089921 17089921 507.4% PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 12/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 Financial analysis Yearly net profit (kVND) PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL Cumulative cashflow (kVND) PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 13/14 Project: DEMO Variant: New simulation variant PVsyst V7.2.14 VC0, Simulation date: 11/05/22 07:39 with v7.2.14 CO₂ Emission Balance Total: 2752.4 tCO₂ Generated emissions Total: Source: Saved CO₂ Emission vs Time 515.15 tCO₂ Detailed calculation from table below: PVsyst TRIAL Replaced Emissions Total: System production: Grid Lifecycle Emissions: Source: Country: Lifetime: Annual degradation: 3588.8 440.89 407 IEA List Vietnam 20 1.0 tCO₂ MWh/yr gCO₂/kWh years % PVsyst TRIAL System Lifecycle Emissions Details Item LCE Quantity Modules Supports Inverters 1713 kgCO2/kWp 2.71 kgCO2/kg 269 kgCO2/units 292 kWp 5040 kg 3.00 units Subtotal [kgCO₂] 500662 13682 807 PVsyst TRIAL PVsyst TRIAL 11/05/22 PVsyst Evaluation mode Page 14/14

Ngày đăng: 28/12/2023, 18:51

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