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Influencer of power to change anything_6 doc

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137 6 Harness Peer Pressure SOCIAL MOTIVATION I was part of that strange race of people aptly described as spending their lives doing things they detest to make money they don’t want to buy things they don’t need to impress people they dislike. —Emile Henry Gauvreau Design Rewards and Demand Accountability Change the Environment Harness Peer Pressure Find Strength in Numbers Make the Undesirable Desirable Surpass Your Limits MOTIVATION PERSONAL SOCIAL STRUCTURAL ABILITY Copyright © 2008 by VitalSmarts, LLC. Click here for terms of use. 138 INFLUENCER W hen seeking influence tools that have an impact on profound and persistent problems, no resource is more powerful and accessible than the persuasion of the people who make up our social networks. The ridicule and praise, acceptance and rejection, approval and disapproval of our fellow beings can do more to assist or destroy our change efforts than almost any other source. Smart influencers appre- ciate the amazing power humans hold over one another, and instead of denying it, lamenting it, or attacking it, influencers embrace and enlist it. THE POWER In 1961, when psychologist Stanley Milgram set out to find U.S. citizens similar in disposition to what society believed were the crazy misfits, blind fundamentalists, and psychological wrecks who had marched Jews, Poles, and Romanies into the gas cham- bers at Auschwitz, the world was surprised by what he discovered. In fact, Dr. Milgram’s findings were so disturbing that he fell under attack from every corner. Nobody wanted to believe the data. Mystified by what had happened in Hitler’s Germany, Dr. Milgram was interested in what type of person could be com- pelled to annihilate his or her innocent friends and neighbors. Naturally, blind fundamentalists who followed unspeakable orders all in the name of political zealotry would be hard to locate in the suburbs of Connecticut. Nevertheless, Milgram was determined to track down a few of them and put them under his microscope. Of course, as a respectable researcher, Milgram couldn’t create circumstances under which his neighbors actually killed each other. But maybe he could trick subjects into thinking they were killing someone else, when in truth their victims would remain unharmed. To create these odd circumstances, Dr. Milgram ran an ad in the New Haven newspaper asking Harness Peer Pressure 139 people to take part in an experiment that lasted one hour and for which they would be paid $4.50. Interested persons reported to the basement of Linsly-Chittenden Hall on the campus of Yale University where they were told that their job would be to take part in a study that examined the impact of negative rein- forcement on learning. While waiting for their turn to earn $4.50, subjects would chat with another participant about the upcoming job. This friendly stranger was actually a confederate of Dr. Milgram’s who was working as part of the research team. Next, a scientist in a lab jacket would appear and ask each of the two subjects to reach into an urn and draw out a slip of paper to determine who would perform which of the two jobs that were available. One would be a “teacher,” and one would be a “learner.” In actuality, both slips said “teacher,” guaranteeing that the actual research subject would take the role of the teacher. The teacher would then accompany the learner and the researcher into a small booth where the learner was invited to sit down while the researcher applied special paste to his arms. “This,” he explained, “is to ensure solid contact between your skin and the electrodes when we administer the shocks.” At this point, the learner would matter-of-factly explain, “A few years ago in the veterans’ hospital I was told I had a bit of a heart condition. Will that be a problem?” To which the researcher would confidently say, “No. While the shocks may be painful, they are not dangerous.” After strapping the electrodes to the learner, the researcher and teacher would close the booth door and move to the adjoining room. There the teacher would see a frightening piece of electrical machinery with which he or she would deliver shocks to the learner. To reassure subjects that the machine was pumping out real electrons, each “teacher” would be given a 45-volt burst from the machine as a sample of the initial shock the learner in the other room would receive dur- ing the experiment. It hurt. 140 INFLUENCER The stated goal of the experiment was to measure the impact of negative reinforcement on learning. To test this, the teacher would read a list of paired words loud enough for the learner to hear in the adjoining room. The subject would then read the first word in each pair, and the learner would try to recall the second word. Should the learner get the word wrong, the subject would throw a switch that would shock the poor learner with the heart problems. With each subsequent missed word, the teacher would raise the voltage, flip the switch, and give the learner an even larger shock. Despite the fact that the subject thought he was increasing the voltage with each new error, the “learner” received no elec- tric shock whatsoever. Instead, with each throwing of the switch, the researchers would play prerecorded audio that the subject could hear through the wall. With the first shock came a grunt. The second shock produced a mild protest. Next, stronger protests. Then screaming and shouting. Then scream- ing and banging on the wall with a reminder that he had heart problems. Eventually, when the voltage levels exceeded 315 volts, the subject would hear nothing but silence as he read the words, raised the voltage, and cruelly flipped the switch. Of course, Dr. Milgram knew he would have to experiment with a lot of subjects before he’d find anyone who would keep cranking up the volts. In fact, when Milgram asked a sample group of social psychologists to predict the results of this chill- ing study, they suggested that only 1.2 percent of the popula- tion, only a “sadistic few,” would give the maximum voltage. When you watch black-and-white film clips of Milgram’s actual subjects taking part in the study, the hair stands up on the back of your neck. At first these everyday folks off the streets of Connecticut chuckle nervously as they hear the learner grunt in protest after being given a 45-volt shock. Some show signs of stress as they increase the voltage and the learner starts to shout. Many pause at around 135 volts and question the pur- pose of the experiment. Harness Peer Pressure 141 If at any time the subject called for a halt, he was told by the scientist in the white lab jacket that the experiment required him to continue—up to four times. If the subject requested to stop a fifth time, the experiment stopped. Otherwise the exper- iment came to an end only after the subject had given the max- imum 450 volts—to a learner who was no longer protesting, but who had gone completely silent—giving the teacher the dis- tinct impression that the learner had either passed out or died. Clearly the subjects who continued to send more and more volts to their protesting, screaming, and begging cohort took no pleasure in what they were doing. It’s unnerving to watch clips as anguished subjects suggest that they should stop the torture. After offering their suggestion, they are immediately told that the experiment calls for them to continue. Researchers watched and recorded the subjects, taking comfort in knowing that only a few subjects would administer much of a shock. As it turned out, “only” 65 percent of sub- jects would. That’s the finding that got Milgram in trouble. He hadn’t discovered a tiny handful of Connecticut zealots and sociopaths who would gladly give their souls over to the totalitarian cause. He had found the vulnerable target within all of us. He had looked for the freak and found himself—and you and me. And nobody liked it. What was going on? Why do human beings place such a high premium on the approval of others—often strangers? Certainly that’s what you’d ask if you were a social scientist. If you were a student of influence, you’d ask how this amazing social force might work either for or against you as you do your best to orchestrate change. You’d want to co-opt the awesome power of social pressure for your own purposes. Savvy people know how to tap into this enormous source of influence in hundreds of different ways. They do so by fol- lowing one simple principle. They ensure that people feel praised, emotionally supported, and encouraged by those 142 INFLUENCER around them—every time they enact vital behaviors. Similarly, they take steps to ensure that people feel discouraged or even socially sanctioned when choosing unhealthy behaviors. The actual methods that influence masters use to exploit the enormous power of “the fellow in the lab jacket” deserve a much closer look. Whole literatures are built upon the foun- dation of social influence. Topics ranging from leadership to interpersonal influence to group dynamics draw from this same source of social power. This being the case, we take care to narrow our search by first examining how social support can be harnessed for good. Then we look at three best practices that help magnify the power of social support. First, we explore how to make use of that unique group of people who routinely exert more influ- ence than anyone else—the much-vaunted opinion leaders. Next, we examine how influence geniuses routinely assail not people per se, but their shared norms. We’ll see how brilliant leaders directly attack norms that would otherwise impede vital behaviors. Finally, we look at what it takes to create an entire culture of social support. THE POWER OF ONE Stanley Milgram clearly demonstrated that one respected indi- vidual can create conditions that compel ordinary citizens to act in curious, if not unhealthy, ways. But he also found the opposite to be true. After discovering that he could propel peo- ple to act against their own consciences, he began exploring which variable had the largest impact on compliance. Was it the size of the room, the look and feel of the electronic machine, or the distance to the subject? After conducting tests with over a thousand subjects of every ilk and under every imag- inable condition, Milgram concluded that one variable more than any other affected how people behaved: the presence of one more person. Harness Peer Pressure 143 Dr. Milgram learned that if a confederate either shocked the person all the way to 450 volts or stood up to the authority figure, it dramatically affected how the research subjects acted. He could increase the already stunning 65 percent of all-the- wayers to 90 percent if only one other person (a confederate) gave a full dose of power just before the subject had a turn at the machine. Equally important, he discovered that the num- ber who would administer the full shock dropped to a mere 10 percent if one person before him or her refused to do so. Either way, it just took one person to turn the tide of compliance. This finding paints a much brighter picture of humanity and offers us a wonderful influence tool. To harness the immense power of social support, sometimes you need to find only one respected individual who will fly in the face of his- tory and model the new and healthier vital behaviors. Here’s how this works. We (the authors) once watched the power of stepping out against the norm at a large defense con- tracting firm. At this company the CEO was trying to transform a rather timid culture into one where individuals openly stated their differing opinions as a means of resolving long-standing problems. After months of lecturing, he faced a moment of truth. In a meeting of his top 200 managers, the CEO extended an invitation. “I’ve been told that I’m unapproachable,” he began. “I am trying to work on it. But to be honest, I don’t know what it means entirely. I’d appreciate feedback from any of you who would be willing to help me.” For a few seconds, the auditorium felt like a morgue. As the CEO scanned the audience for any takers, he was about to break the awkward silence and move on when a fellow by the name of Ken raised his hand. “Sure, Bill. I’ve got some suggestions.” With that announcement, the CEO set an appointment to talk one-on-one with Ken. As you might guess, from that moment on most of the water-cooler chatter was about the fool- ish risk Ken had just taken. Pay-per-view could have made a 144 INFLUENCER fortune selling access to the private meeting between Ken and the CEO. But in the end, the entire story came out—from the CEO. After meeting with Ken, the CEO sent out an e-mail de- tailing the feedback he’d gotten. He made commitments to a couple of changes that he hoped would make him more ap- proachable, and he was as good as his word. Equally important, the CEO sincerely thanked Ken for his candor. The CEO showed his genuine support of the behavior of being candid by not becoming defensive and by rewarding the person who had taken the risk to be honest—even when it hurt—and he then made personal changes to demonstrate his commitment. The results were far-reaching. The CEO’s and Ken’s living examples of seeking and giving feedback emboldened the other 199 managers. Within months candor among employees increased dramatically across the entire organization. Em- ployees began to open up and successfully solve problems. Although it’s true that neither Ken nor the CEO wore white lab jackets, they did exert social influence. Both were respected individuals, and both demonstrated how to break from tradition and speak frankly. Had the CEO only given lip service to the proposed vital behavior, he would have doomed the change effort. Had he simply used verbal persuasion, his influence would have been equally limited. Instead, the big boss encour- aged candor, embraced it, celebrated it, and rewarded the first person who had the guts to speak his mind. When a respected individual attempts a vital behavior and succeeds, this one act alone can go further in motivating others to change than almost any other source of influence. But take note, the living examples of other humans exert power only to the extent that the person who is modeling the vital behaviors is truly respected. For example, when an HR man- ager at a midsized plywood mill we (the authors) consulted with tried to put teeth into a training program she was touting, she videotaped the president of the company singing the praises of Harness Peer Pressure 145 the new training. The president ended his short, energetic speech with, “I encourage each of you to take to heart the con- cepts taught in today’s training.” When the HR manager showed the video clip at the begin- ning of the first training session, participants jeered, hooted, and mocked the president. It turns out that members of the audi- ence despised anything coming out of headquarters. They thought the president was a raging hypocrite, and his ringing endorsement only served to harm the training’s credibility. Some individuals can exert a great deal of influence on one another; others can’t. So how do you know who’s who? THE POWER OF THE RIGHT ONE We’ve seen that one person can have an enormous effect on motivating others to enact vital behaviors. We’ve also seen that the influence of formal leaders (like the CEO and the guy in the white lab coat) can have a remarkable influence on the behavior of those in their sphere of influence. So if you want to influence change, it’s essential that you engage the chain of command. Smart influencers spend a disproportionate amount of time with formal leaders to ensure that the leaders are using their social influence to encourage vital behaviors. But the bosses are only half of what you’ll need. It turns out that there’s a second and often overlooked group of people whose social support or resistance will make or break your influ- ence efforts. To find out who this group is and how to enlist it, let’s take a look at the work of Dr. Everett Rogers. His contri- bution to influence theory remains one of the greatest in his- tory and has important implications to how all parents, coaches, and leaders can best make use of social support. After graduating with a Ph.D. in sociology and statistics, Dr. Rogers took an intriguing job with the local university exten- sion service. It was his responsibility to encourage Iowa farm- ers to use new and improved strains of corn. What could be 146 INFLUENCER easier? The new strains of corn Rogers was touting produced greater yields and were dramatically more disease resistant, and therefore, far more profitable than current strains. As Dr. Rogers talked with local farmers about the terrific new seeds he was recommending, he quickly learned that his education and connection to the university didn’t impress them. He wasn’t exactly one of them. Farmers dressed differ- ently; their hands were rough from physical labor; they read dif- ferent magazines and watched different TV programs. Other than speaking the English language, they scarcely had a thing in common with Rogers. At first, Dr. Rogers figured that this difference would actu- ally work to his advantage. The reason the farmers should lis- ten to his advice was because he hadn’t done what they had done. He had made a careful study of the crops they should grow. He was now working for the experts in agronomy. In fact, Rogers figured that when he talked, farmers would be taking notes and thanking him for helping them increase their yields. But it didn’t work that way. It turns out that Rogers wasn’t just different. In the farmers’ view, he was the wrong kind of dif- ferent. He was naive. He was a city slicker. He had never plowed a field. Sure, he said he read books, but what if he was wrong? Who would dare put their annual harvest at risk by listening to a young fellow just out of college? None of the farmers. That’s who. After being summarily rejected by his target population, Rogers grew increasingly confused and desperate. What good is it, Rogers wondered, to invent better methods—in fact, far better methods—if no one will put them into practice? The very advance of civilization relies on citizens letting go of old, inefficient ways and embracing new, efficient ones. And Rogers just happened to know what those better ways were—at least for the farmers. What could Dr. Rogers do if people didn’t respect him (which they most certainly didn’t)? The very fact that he was [...]... one of the Tinka, Tinka Sukh story lines a beloved character was not allowed an education, forced to marry young, and died in child birth As a result of the poignant episodes, the listeners in the village of Lutsaan were propelled to find a way to change the long-held practice of marrying young But what actually brought about this tremendous change in norms? According to Dr Arvind Singhal, the power of. .. better if he had carefully sought out opinion leaders to tout his strains of corn Given the boost opinion leaders can offer an influence strategy, it is no surprise to learn that the influencers we studied routinely use this powerful source of influence For example, when Dr Don Berwick and IHI try to influence the behavior of hundreds of thousands of physicians across the United States, they first engage... reaction to the episode Listeners were so affected by what happened to the young girl that 184 Lutsaan villagers placed their thumbprints on a large public poster in honor of their fallen heroine in a gesture of solidarity and support Of course I will not marry off my daughter before she turns 18,” one listener told Dr Arvind Singhal, who was commissioned to study the effects of the serial drama “Prior to. .. combined with the actions of the beloved characters made excellent use of social support as a means of promoting change To see how to work with opinion leaders, independent of other influence strategies, let’s take a look at what Mao Zedong did some 40 years ago A terrible human being in most respects, Mao understood a thing or two about leveraging social influence to accomplish a bit of good On June 26,... same changes you are Exercise together Diet together Work on your explosive tempers together Encourage each other, keep each other in the loop, and hold each other accountable We crave the acceptance and admiration of those we admire So co-opt the power of social support for your own benefit Become an Opinion Leader Yourself If you aspire to become an effective influencer, you should also aspire to become... rest of his career learning what happens to innovations as they move through a social system He wanted to learn why some ideas are adopted and others aren’t He also wanted to uncover why certain individuals are far more influential in encouraging people to embrace an innovation than others As Rogers set to work, he examined every known study of change He reviewed how new drugs catch on among doctors... already changed their views on the treatment of young girls, but it was difficult for them to share their differing views openly without falling victim to public ridicule for not honoring their past Many people were uncertain about the tradition and wanted to be able to talk it through, but once again, it just wasn’t done Entertainment education specialists applied the power of vicarious stories to the... efforts to institute change Enlist Social Support to Influence You On a more personal note, if you’re trying to change something within your own life, co-opt the power of those who have an influence on you If it’s true that we’ll electrocute a stranger because a guy in a lab coat says, “The experiment requires that you continue,” what could we get ourselves to do if we could only find a way to marshal... triumphant voyage around the Cape of Good Hope, he took 160 men with him Only 60 returned because the rest died of scurvy Fortunately, in 1601, an English sea captain named 148 INFLUENCER John Lancaster discovered a cure for scurvy He gave a little bit of lime juice to his sailors every day, and no one died of scurvy And yet it took almost 200 years for the practice to catch on Initially the British... subjects into a routine part of the public discourse, and you possess an enormously powerful tool for dealing with some of the toughest cases imaginable Make Undiscussables Discussable In the early 1980s, the authors were invited to help a management team revive a dying manufacturing plant that labored in the very center of the industrial rust belt The task was to increase profits in the facility by reducing . your best to orchestrate change. You’d want to co-opt the awesome power of social pressure for your own purposes. Savvy people know how to tap into this enormous source of influence in hundreds of different. humanity and offers us a wonderful influence tool. To harness the immense power of social support, sometimes you need to find only one respected individual who will fly in the face of his- tory and. voyage around the Cape of Good Hope, he took 160 men with him. Only 60 returned because the rest died of scurvy. Fortunately, in 160 1, an English sea captain named 148 INFLUENCER John Lancaster

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2014, 04:20