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International Perspectives on Global Environmental Change Part 17 pdf

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Wind Farming and the Not-in-My-Backyard Syndrome: A Literature Review Regarding Australia’s Challenge in Relation to Climate Change and CO2 Emissions 469 argued by proponents of wind energy is the creation of new jobs in the industry. Employment in this new industry could be an escape from poverty in rural and regional Australia, and it could be the catalyst to welcome wind farming. “Farmers are reaping rewards from wind energy” is an article written by Brown (August 21, 2000): Farmers and ranchers in the United States are discovering that they own not only land, but also the wind rights that accompany it. A farmer in Iowa who leases a quarter acre of cropland to the local utility has a site for a wind turbine can typically earn $2,000 a year in royalties from the electricity produced. In a good year, that same plot can produce $100 worth of corn. Just one last thought: Coleby, Miller and Aspinall (2009) find that young people are more accepting of wind turbines than older ones. This then raises the question, do we have to wait another generation to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions? If NIMBYism, as explored in this chapter, persists, Australia may have no option. But that would be a coal-grey future; therefore hope has to prevail that attitudes will change: “We have a larger moral responsibility to reduce our emissions than most other nations and most other people” (Clarke, 2008, p. 9). The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. George Bernard Show cited in David Clarke’s The Ramblings of a Bush Philosopher 11. Acknowledgement I am grateful for the assistance provided by Ms Alex Zauner-De Ville and Ms Noelene Milliken. I am indebted to Professor Ian Gray for his thoughts on this chapter. And I would also like to thank the referees / editors for their advice and recommendations. 12. 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