Acte de langage
1.1 Conceptions des actes de langage
Linguistic pragmatics has evolved from speech act theory, which posits that the primary function of language extends beyond merely describing the world; it also serves to perform actions.
The theory was initiated by British philosopher Austin in his 1962 work, "How to Do Things with Words." It was further developed by J R Searle in two significant publications: "Speech Acts" in 1972 and "Meaning and Expression" in 1982.
1.1.1 Conception des actes de langage d’Austin Notion
The theory of speech acts challenges the descriptive view of language, which posits that its primary function is to describe reality, with declarative statements being categorically true or false Austin argues that language also serves to act upon reality, suggesting that declarative statements are not simply true or false but can be successful or unsuccessful He differentiates between constative statements, which describe the world (e.g., "the sun is shining"), and performative statements, which execute an action (e.g., "I promise I will come") While constative statements can be evaluated as true or false, performative statements are assessed based on their success A performative statement is deemed successful if it is directed at someone and understood by the recipient, illustrated by the difference in meaning when expressing dissatisfaction either angrily or playfully. Typologies des actes de langage À l'examen, Austin trouve qu'il est difficile de distinguer clairement constatifs et performatifs En effet, un énoncé peut être implicitement performatif Par exemple : je viendrai demain
En outre, un énoncé constatif correspond souvent à un acte de langage implicite: l'assertion
Par exemple : je dis la vérité
According to Austin, the act of enunciation involves three complementary activities: the locutionary act, which refers to what is being said and involves the production of meaningful sounds in a language; the illocutionary act, which pertains to what the speaker is doing with their statement, as it carries a conventional force such as declaring, promising, or committing; and the perlocutionary act, which goes beyond linguistic boundaries to address the effects or outcomes of the utterance.
L'énoncé provoque des effets (perturbations, changements) dans la situation de communication
Il y donc des remarques suivantes : À chaque niveau, l'acte peut être direct ou dérivé
Locutoire : sens littéral→ sens dérivé Ex : j'ai mal au coeur = estomac
Illocutoire : acte primitif → acte dérivé Ex il fait chaud ici = requête pour ouvrir la fenêtre
Perlocutoire : la dérivation dépend de l'interprétation qu'en fait le destinataire
A statement is considered successful when the recipient understands the intention typically associated with its expression To achieve this, the recipient can utilize unambiguous markers, intonation, and context Conversely, the speaker must adhere to the rules of discourse, which can be summarized as: not just anyone can say anything in any circumstances, as illustrated by the example of stating that the sun is shining.
1.1.2 Conception des actes de langage de J.R Searle
American philosopher J.R Searle, in his 1969 work "Speech Acts," posits that speaking a language involves performing language acts, which are enabled by specific rules governing the use of linguistic elements He argues that linguistic statements function as particular acts—such as commands, questions, or promises—that create effects and alter the conversational context.
Speech acts, also known as illocutionary acts, refer to the various actions that can be performed through language The effectiveness of these acts is governed by specific linguistic rules.
+ Les forces illocutoires, qui correspondent à la composante, dans un énoncé, permettant à cet énoncé de fonctionner comme un acte particulier
In "Sens et expression" (1982), five general categories of illocutionary acts are distinguished based on their illocutionary purpose and the alignment between language and reality These categories include assertives, directives, commissives, expressives, and declarations.
Assertive statements aim to engage the speaker's responsibility to varying degrees regarding the existence of a particular state of affairs and the truth of the expressed proposition Their adjustment direction spans from language to reality.
Directives aim to prompt the listener to take action, reflecting the speaker's attempts to influence behavior These attempts can vary significantly in intensity, ranging from subtle suggestions to fervent requests, depending on the desired outcome.
Les promissifs : Ce sont des actes ô dont le but est d’obliger le locuteur (ici aussi, à degrộs variộs) à adopter une certaine conduite future ằ
Les expressifs : Ils sont dộfinis comme ayant pour bit ô d’exprimer l’ộtat psychologique spécifié dans la condition de sincérité, vis-à-vis d’un état de choses spộcifiộ dans le contenu propositionnel ằ
Les déclarations : L’accomplissement réussi de l’un de ses membres garantit que le contenu correspond au monde
1.1.3 Conception des actes de langage de Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni
Language acts originated in the classical theory of speech acts in an abstract and isolated manner, detached from their contextual realization However, in practice, language acts operate within context and as part of a sequence of actions This is also the aim of a more recent discipline, the pragmatics of verbal interactions, which seeks to uncover the rules and principles that underpin the functioning of conversations and, more broadly, the various types of communicative exchanges observed in daily life.
In general, speech acts, or illocutionary acts, refer to the various actions that can be performed through language The operation of these acts is governed by specific linguistic rules.
According to C Kerbrat-Orecchioni, a speech act is the fundamental unit of conversation, characterized as a linguistic sequence with a specific illocutionary value or force It also aims to effect a certain type of transformation on the recipient.
1.2 Formulations des actes de langage
It can be challenging to delineate the boundary between direct and indirect formulations; however, two primary types of supports for the direct expression of speech acts are generally recognized: performative expressions and sentence forms.
Acte de compliment
Selon le dictionnaire Larousse (1996), le mot ô compliment ằ porte deux significations :
(1) Paroles élogieuses ou affectueuses, que l’on adresse à quelqu’un pour le féliciter
(2) Petit discours adressé à une personne à l’occasion d’une fête, d’un anniversaire
Selon le Petit Robert (2014:275), le mot “compliment” porte les trois significations suivantes:
(1) Paroles louangeuses que l’on adresse à quelqu’un pour le féliciter Faire des compliments à quelqu’un Tous mes compliments pour votre réussite! Compliment sincère, hypocrite
(2) Paroles de politesse Je vous charge de mes paroles pour M.Martin
(3) Petit discours adressé à qq1 pour lui faire honneur Réciter un compliment en vers
Après avoir bien observé ces deux définitions, nous remarquons que le compliment est considéré comme un “cadeau verbal” qui a le but de valoriser la
“face” positive du destinataire Il s’agit en fait du fait de faire plaisir à l’interlocuteur par une expression de sympathie, d’admiration favorable à son égard
Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous allons aborder principalement le premier sens du mot compliment, ỗa signifie des paroles ộlogieuses, obligeantes et affectueuses qui font plaisir à l’interlocuteur
Selon Véronique Traverso (1996:89), le compliment est une intervention :
- Possédant une valeur illocutoire assertive
• Ou sur un objet dont il est responsable
• Ou sur une personne à laquelle il est lié et dont le mérite rejaillit sur lui d’une manière ou d’une autre
Le compliment est considéré, selon Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1994:202), comme :
- Portant sur une qualité ou une propriété de l’allocutaire A (un compliment, c’est une louange adressé à la personne conce)rnée
- Ou bien encore, sur une qualité ou propriété d’une personne plus ou moins étroitement lié à A
Selon Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, le compliment s’oriente vers :
- les qualités intrisèques de l’allocutaire (ses yeux, son intelligence…)
Ex : T’as de beaux yeux
- des objet dont l’allocutaire possède par hasard ou par choix (sa maison, sa voiture, son intérieur, voire sa ville ou son pays)
Ex : C’est chic, votre sac à dos
- des objets dont il est auteur (son article, son plat…)
Ex : Votre bouillabaisse est vraiment excellent
- les qualités et les biens, des êtres auxquels il est plus ou moins attaché
Ex : Ta copine, je la trouve adorable
En se basant sur différents critères, les compliments se distinguent de plusieurs faỗons :
2.2.1 Auto-compliment / Compliment orienté vers autrui
In her postgraduate thesis, Trần Phùng Kim asserts that self-praise is generally frowned upon due to the law of modesty, which discourages overt displays of vanity and stigmatizes self-compliments Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni elaborates on this phenomenon through the "law of flowers," suggesting that self-praise is akin to "throwing flowers" at oneself, and doing so carelessly can lead to social sanctions, including sarcasm However, if one wishes to compliment oneself, using litotes or other forms of understated praise is advisable.
Ex : ô Dans la derniốre partie je prộsenterai ce qui constitue…euh ma contribution la plus importante, entre guillemets ằ
Ou bien il vaut mieux atténuer les auto-compliments par l’hyperbolisation des compliments adressés à autrui :
Ex : ô Quand j’ộcris de la fiction-enfin, quand on ộcrit de la fiction… ằ
Quant à des compliments orientés vers autrui, Holmes souligne que les filles tendent à s’entre-complimenter plus que les garỗons en proposant les chiffres suivants :
Féminin- Féminin : 51,2 % de l’ensemble des énonces du corpus Féminin- Masculin : 16,5 %
2.2.2 Selon Boisvert et Beaudry (1979), nous pouvons considérer qu’il y a trois types de compliments :
(1) Les compliments justes, sincères et spécifiques
(2) Les compliments complètement faux dits par ignorance ou flatterie
(3) Les compliments vagues et trop généraux
According to Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, compliments can be categorized into direct and indirect types Direct compliments are those that address the recipient A directly, such as "You are charming." In contrast, indirect compliments refer to someone other than A, yet still closely associated with them, which can indirectly affect A, as seen in the example "Your child is adorable."
According to Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1994:206), a compliment is explicit when it is delivered through a performative statement, such as "You are beautiful," where the evaluative judgment is clearly stated In contrast, it is implicit when the judgment is implied, as seen in phrases like "Hello, beautiful" or "Are those beautiful eyes yours?"
Ou sous-entendu : ô Il en a de la chance votre mari ằ
2.2.4 Les compliments sollicités de ceux qui ne le sont pas (obstensiblement du moins) ô- Comment trouves-tu ma nouvelle robe ?
According to Marandin, informants hesitate to categorize a compliment as a positive evaluation in response to a request for feedback Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni notes that solicited compliments are not perceived as genuine, indicating that a true compliment must evoke a sense of spontaneity.
Selon C Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1994:212), c’est le phénomène ó le locuteur rapporte à A des propos louangeurs tenus sur A par un énonciateur individuel ou collectif, identifié ou anonyme
Ex : Il paraợt que c’est trốs intộressant ton sộminaire
Les recherches interculturelles des linguistes font preuve que les thèmes des compliments varient selon la culture de chaque pays Selon Barnlund et Araki
In 1985, compliments in Japan predominantly focused on actions (31%), work and studies (19%), and appearance (19%), while in the United States, the emphasis was significantly on appearance (34%) and personal traits (33%).
According to Trần Phùng Kim (2004), the quality of life in Vietnam is increasingly improving, marked by a growing appreciation for material comfort and moral well-being Compliments regarding women's fashion choices and ornamentation are becoming more common Additionally, there is a noticeable emphasis on education, with frequent praises for professional success, promotions, and competencies.
2.4 Cadre spatio-temporel d’un compliment
Compliments are exchanged in a variety of settings, including within families at home, such as at the doorstep or during meals They also occur among colleagues in the workplace and among classmates in schools Additionally, public places like cinemas, shops, markets, supermarkets, restaurants, and theaters serve as common venues for sharing compliments.
Compliments are often used at the beginning of conversations for various reasons Firstly, they create a positive atmosphere for the interlocutor, as the compliment-giver may have the intention of making the other person feel good, similar to how merchants aim to please their customers or when someone seeks assistance from the complimented individual Secondly, this frequent use of compliments can also stem from noticing a change in the other person or from a desire to strengthen social bonds, as noted by Trần Phùng Kim.
Compliments can occur during conversations, such as at the dinner table, in the context of a variety show, or during encounters with well-known public figures.
Par exemple : - Tu ne m’as rien dit sur ma nouvelle robe
- Trop tard ( corpus Trần Phùng Kim)
Compliments often appear in the closing moments of a conversation, serving to leave a positive impression on the listener before saying goodbye They can also help create a pleasant atmosphere before parting ways, such as at the end of a party or social gathering.
Ex : J’ai eu une excellente soirée
2.5 Nature de la relation interpersonnelle dans le compliment
In horizontal relationships, compliments reflect a clear preference for familiarity; conversely, in distant relationships, they tend to be more formal, as noted by Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1994: 215).
According to Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1994), vertical relationships characterized by equality promote the exchange of compliments, particularly in France This phenomenon can be attributed to the religious belief that all humans are considered children of God, leading to a sense of equality in the eyes of God.
Ex : L1 : Je crois qu’on se connait L2 : Alain !
L1 : Victor ! L2 : C’est extraordinaire L1 : Finalement, tu n’as pas changé ! L2 : J’ai un peu vieilli (corpus de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1994 :77))
In unequal relationships, compliments often flow from the higher position to the lower one, indicating that the person in a superior role is complimenting the individual in a subordinate role For instance, these compliments may serve as a form of encouragement.
Ex : Tu es la meilleure en nage libre, Amy On compte sur toi (Premier Amour, Callie West)
Au contraire, les compliments circulant de ô bas en haut ằ semblent rares
Ex : J’ai très envie de lui renvoyer son sourire, accompagné d’un compliment sur sa personne Je n’ose pas : elle est le chef (Robbe-Grillet, Djinn, 1985 :14)
Compliments expressing hierarchical respect are notably rare in Western societies, particularly in France, but are common in several Eastern cultures, such as India In these contexts, individuals in subordinate positions often show loyalty to their superiors through compliments This is also evident in Vietnamese society, where Confucianism historically influenced spiritual life, emphasizing the supreme role of the ruler and dictating five cardinal relationships: ruler and subject, father and son, elder and younger siblings, husband and wife, and friends (younger to older) Despite significant societal changes, the hierarchical nature of Vietnamese life remains evident, as reflected in proverbs that emphasize respecting superiors and adhering to established social order.
Cette idộe contribue à expliquer la production de type de ô bas en haut ằ au Vietnam
2.6 Structure de l’échange complimenteur en France
Il y a beaucoup de manières pour réaliser un compliment Pomerantz (1978) a distingué dans le compliment deux composantes :
En analysant son corpus, Véronique Traverso a répéré quatre formes principales très fréquemment attestées pour l’intervention initiative de l’échange complimenteur
Forme 1 : Tu + être + anxiologique positif ( +spécification)
Toujours selon Traverso, cette forme semble être utilisée pour le compliment le plus fort impliquant totalement le destinataire (l’intervention est focalisée sur la personne) :
T’es super avec tes cheveux courts !
Forme 2 : Ce X te va (très) bien
This specific compliment focuses not on the person as a whole but rather on a particular aspect of their appearance, emphasizing an object For instance, saying "This sweater looks great on you" or "The red suits you very well" highlights a particular item that enhances their overall look.
Forme 3 : Tu as un + axiologique + X
Tu as un joli pull C’est aussi le cas dans les formules suivantes qu’ on peut associer à la même forme:
• Ton X + être + axiologique Ton blouson est super
• Ce X (c’) + être + axiologique C’est joli !
Réseau social Facebook
Un réseau social, un terme que l'anthropologue australien John Arundel Barnes a introduit en 1954, est un ensemble d'individus ou d'organisations reliés par des interactions sociales régulières 5
Voluntarily creating structures for social networks allows participants to expand and enhance the efficiency of their personal or professional connections.
The term "social media" encompasses various activities that integrate technology, social interaction among individuals or groups, and content creation According to Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein, social media can be described as a collection of online applications based on internet philosophy and technology, enabling users to create and share user-generated content.
Social media facilitates collective intelligence through online collaboration, enabling individuals and groups to co-create web content Through these communication channels, users can index, modify, comment on, and merge their contributions with personal creations Various techniques are employed within social media, including RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, photo sharing (such as Flickr), video sharing (like YouTube), social networking, collaborative bookmarking, podcasts, mashups, virtual worlds, and microblogging, among others.
The essence of a social network lies in reconnecting with people you know, who can then introduce you to others This interconnectedness allows your personal network to expand rapidly, potentially becoming substantial in a short amount of time.
Social media enables us to reconnect with lost acquaintances, meet new people, stay updated on the news from our friends and contacts, share our passions and interests, expand our personal and professional networks, and even search for job opportunities.
La communication est sans doute un élément central des réseaux sociaux qui proposent tous des outils de communication synchrones (chat ou vidéoconférence) et asynchrones (commentaires, forum)
Il existe aussi des systèmes de communication indépendants tels que Skype ou Yahoo Messenger
Some social networks on the Internet connect real-life friends, while others help users create new friendships, find business partners, or secure employment Notable platforms include MySpace, Facebook,, Twitter,, Mupiz, Viadeo, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, The_Changebook, Blupps, Weebluzz, and Pheed Additionally, certain social networks focus on content discovery and sharing, such as StumbleUpon and Reddit for web pages, and 500px or Pinterest for photography There are also social networks tailored to specific interests, including those based on sexuality, like Rainbow Web.
An increasing number of private social networks are emerging online, serving as exclusive clubs tailored for seniors, singles, families, and various other groups defined by shared interests.
Several social networks are emerging based on the principle of homophily, with political parties and artists creating their own platforms Cultural-focused social networks are also gaining traction, while top executives have established their own community sites Additionally, there are specialized social networks dedicated to the social economy.
In 2010, only 2% of French HR managers reported using social media for recruitment, compared to 45% in the United States, according to Additionally, organizations are increasingly adopting enterprise social networks, which are secure, internal virtual platforms that enable employees and external partners to collaborate within communities based on projects, expertise, and interests These networks utilize application platforms that provide a range of integrated collaborative features, including directories, contact lists, calendars, messaging, and document sharing/archiving.
3.2 Qu’est-ce que Facebook ?
Facebook, originally known as "Thefacebook," was launched in February 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg Initially designed for Harvard students, the platform quickly expanded to include students from other prestigious American universities.
In September 2006, Facebook was launched to the general public, allowing users aged 13 and older to join the platform Defining Facebook can be challenging due to its rapid and continuous evolution.
Selon Wikipedia, Facebook propose à ses utilisateurs des applications, qui ont symboles de petites boợtes superposộes sur plusieurs colonnes qui apparaissent à
Facebook's user profile page is designed to enhance interaction and information sharing It features a list of friends, mutual friends, and networks that both the user and their friends belong to, as well as groups the user participates in Additionally, users can access their associated photos and view a mini-feed summarizing recent activities related to themselves or their friends The platform also includes a wall where friends can leave messages for the user to respond to Since April 2008, Facebook's instant messaging feature has allowed users to indicate their online presence and engage in conversations with one or multiple friends in a group setting.
Users can select which applications to display on their Facebook page, allowing them to add, remove, rearrange, or hide apps from public view These applications enable Facebook users to play various games for free, including popular titles like FarmVille, Island Paradise, FIFA Superstar, Top Eleven Football Manager, and arcade games such as Paf the Dog Since opening up to third-party applications in May 2007, Facebook has seen significant growth, with over 8,000 applications available by November 30, 2007, created by both novice and expert developers Facebook provides tools and development frameworks to help developers align their creations with the platform's standards.
Depuis novembre 2010, on peut d'obtenir une adresse e-mail qui termine par
In 2010, Facebook had over 200 million active mobile users, with significant features including Open Graph, Facebook Connect, and the introduction of Facebook Credits as a virtual currency.
Since January 29, 2011, Facebook has updated its messaging system, allowing users to view their conversation history and SMS in a new interface On July 6, 2011, Facebook introduced video calling in partnership with Skype Additionally, on October 11, 2011, Facebook launched its iPad app, which incorporates nearly all the features of the social network This followed their first marketing conference held on February 29.
Présentation du corpus
Our study comprises two distinct parts, focusing on observations from Facebook in both French and Vietnamese It is important to note that compliments are not present on every Facebook page we examined; in some cases, they were entirely absent Whenever we identified a compliment, we meticulously recorded the source (the URL), the specific post, and all related comments To streamline our analysis and facilitate statistical evaluation, we created a compilation featuring only the compliments, totaling 100 in French and 100 in Vietnamese.
Analyse du corpus
2.1 Faỗons typiques de complimenter sur Facebook
Nous allons tout d’abord analyser nos corpus franỗais puis vietnamien sur le point suivant : ô Quelles sont les faỗons de complimenter typiques sur Facebook ? ằ
Firstly, we observe a new way to give compliments on Facebook by clicking the "Like" button The "Like" feature, known as "J'aime" in French, is a social module integrated into Facebook that allows users to express their interest in various types of content on the platform, including posts, comments, Facebook pages, and photos.
Il y différentes manières pour donner un compliment par ce bouton Quand on voit une publication sur Facebook et on appuie sur ce bouton signifie qu’on complimente cette publication
Comme un jugement sans témoin – avec Margaux Blaa
Aùt-Salah Florence et 37 autres personnes aiment ỗa
On peut aussi complimenter quelqu’un en aimant un compliment d’une autre personne
Nawel Mdj Comment elles sont belles mes copines !!!
Ce mode de Facebook a influencé le langage parlant dans la vie quotidienne ô Like ằ - un mot anglais , est devenu un mot nouveau dans mờme le franỗais et le vietnamien
Louis Hry Lopez Là je surlike (meme si je préférais le premier acteur malheureusement décédé) moi perso #Jesuiscrixus
Bích Ngọc hót gơn nhìu lai quá :((
23 novembre 2013, 21:13 ã J’aime (Hotgirl, trop de like :(( )
Pham Son Tung Nhiều like tnay mà chưa lấy chồng kìa J’aime ã Rộpondre ã 26 dộcembre 2015, 08:59
(beaucoup de like mais pas encore de mari)
The term "ô like" has emerged as a popular new word in both France and Vietnam, with French and Vietnamese internet users even creating variations such as "lai" and "laik." The verbs "like" and "surlike" have also entered the French language, reflecting the significant influence of Facebook on everyday conversation.
An emoticon is a symbolic representation of an emotion, mood, feeling, ambiance, or intensity, used in written communication This trend originated from combining various typographic characters, such as the smiley face :-), but the term also encompasses small images—either static or animated, like a winking face Emoticons serve to convey information succinctly in writing, akin to facial expressions, vocal tone, or gestures in spoken communication Understanding how to effectively use emoticons can enhance written interactions.
In our analysis, we identified a significant presence of emoticons within our corpus Out of 200 compliments examined, 79 included emoticons, with 48 compliments in Vietnamese and 31 in French We categorized these compliments into two groups: those that solely use emoticons and those that combine words with emoticons The Vietnamese corpus contains 44 compliments that integrate words and emoticons, while 4 are composed entirely of emoticons In the French corpus, there are 29 compliments featuring linguistic markers alongside emoticons, and 2 that consist solely of emoticons. Compliment formé seulement par des émoticônes
Examinons tout d’abord les exemples:
In daily life, complimenting someone doesn't always require words; gestures and facial expressions can be effective as well For instance, applauding can serve as a form of praise Similarly, on social media platforms like Facebook, non-verbal cues can convey appreciation.
UTILISATION DES ÉMOTICÔNES Émoticônes Marqueurs linguitiques + Émoticônes parle pas face à face, on a besoin des émoticônes pour remplacer des gestes, des émotions
Pourtant, observons les émoticônes qu’on utlisent souvent
Il nous semble que les émotions exprimées par ces émoticônes sont exagérées
In everyday life, our expressions can vary significantly For instance, on Facebook, when a boy sees a photo of a beautiful girl, he often compliments her using emojis.
In everyday life, when a boy looks at a girl with sparkling or heart-shaped eyes, it can come off as impolite and is generally avoided However, on platforms like Facebook, such emoticons are frequently used and tend to be perceived as humorous rather than offensive. Compliment avec des marqueurs linguistiques et des émoticônes
On constate que sur Facebook, dans les compliments, on ajoute assez souvent des émoticônes
Benjamin Perdrix WhosBad Trop belle mon amour Hier, à 01:42
1 ã 22 aỏt 2015, 19:19 Phạm Nguyên Cát ù uôi c xinh thế
Le Bich Ngoc xuynh yêu thích hình ảnh giản dị như cánh đồng lau trong bộ phim hoạt hình "Tonari no Totoro".
Quels rôles jouent des émoticônes? En effet, les échanges de textes ne sont pas accompagnés de mimiques, de postures et de gestes qui facilitent la communication
The lack of emotional information in digital communication can lead to misunderstandings and ambiguity, making it difficult to grasp the sender's intent Humor, sarcasm, and the overall mood of the sender can be challenging to interpret in online exchanges, potentially resulting in conflicts This is why emoticons have become essential, as they help clarify the meaning of a text Emoticons convey the sender's state of mind, mood, and intention, acting as digital facial expressions that influence the reader's perception For instance, a compliment paired with a smiley face can enhance the recipient's mood, while a smiling emoji strengthens the positive emotional content of a message.
Emojis have emerged as a prominent trend, transcending the digital realm and permeating everyday interactions Whether in text messages among friends, family, or colleagues, and even in professional communication with superiors, the use of emojis has become commonplace Furthermore, there is an increasing prevalence of marketing campaigns that leverage emojis as a key component of their communication strategies.
Coca-Cola propage le bonheur sur internet avec des émoticônes
T-Mobile lance des émoticônes pour lutter contre le sida
Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni distinguishes between solicited and unsolicited compliments This article aims to explore whether compliments on Facebook can be classified as solicited compliments.
In principle, self-praise is frowned upon due to the law of modesty, which discourages overt displays of vanity Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni explains this phenomenon through the "law of flowers," suggesting that giving oneself compliments is akin to "throwing flowers" at oneself, which can lead to social sanctions or sarcastic responses if done carelessly However, if one wishes to compliment oneself, using litotes is advisable.
On Facebook, users frequently share attractive photos and positive achievements, seeking validation through likes and compliments from friends This behavior can be seen as a subtle request for positive reinforcement, rather than a genuine expression of spontaneity As a result, the compliments received may lack authenticity, reflecting a more calculated interaction rather than true appreciation.
Compliments on Facebook are often not explicitly solicited, as the person receiving the compliment does not directly ask for feedback from specific individuals For instance, when someone shares a beautiful photo, all their friends can see it, creating an implicit and subtle request for evaluation It is not mandatory for all friends to provide compliments, making the act of complimenting entirely voluntary for those who choose to engage.
Dans cette partie nous allons répondre à la question : Sur le réseau social Facebook, qu’est-ce qu’on complimente ? (Quel est l’objet du compliment)
Our study features a collection of 100 compliments in French and 100 in Vietnamese, with a significant focus on physical appearance Notably, all 100 compliments sourced from Facebook in Vietnamese (100%) and 94 out of 100 compliments in French (94%) emphasize physical attributes.