日 本 大百 科 全書 に よ り 、 接 辞 は 「 語 の 構 成 要素の 一 つ 。 そ れ 自体が独 立
While not commonly used, elements added to a base word can create new terms.
Derivatives, known as "bound morphemes," are formed by adding affixes to a base word They can be categorized into prefixes and suffixes based on their relative position to the root word.
つ ま り 、 接 頭 辞 は と は 、 語幹の 前 に 付 く 接 辞 の こ と で あ る 。 接 頭 辞 は
A coined term is a component that does not function as an independent word on its own but rather relies on other words for meaning.
The prefix "の" is used to form compound words, adding meanings such as emphasis and respect.
The concept of prefixes is essential, as they can be categorized into three main types: native Japanese, Sino-Japanese, and loanwords These prefixes play a significant role in forming various derived words across different parts of speech.
例(1)新+学期=新学期 ( TÂN + HỌC KỲ = học kỳ mới )
Các tiền tố như "真っ" (chân), "反" (phản), và "非" (phi) được sử dụng để tạo ra những từ mang nghĩa đặc biệt Ví dụ, "真っ白" (trắng phau) kết hợp giữa "真っ" và "白", "反体制" (ngược lại với quy định) kết hợp giữa "反" và "体制", và "非日常" (bất thường) kết hợp giữa "非" và "日常" Những tiền tố này giúp làm nổi bật ý nghĩa của từ ghép trong tiếng Nhật.
The words "semester," "white," "system," and "daily" serve as roots to create new derived terms by adding prefixes.
辞を 68 個と漢語系接頭辞を 42個統計することができた。田村(2014)も 5 つの大きい辞書で調べ、和語系接頭辞と漢語系接頭辞のリストも作成できた。
ま た 、 中西 泰洋( 2012 )は初 級日 本 語 学 習 者 が 学ぶ「 日 常 語 」 に 接 頭 辞
The study examined how the prefixes "お" and "ご" connect in the Japanese language through introspection and corpus analysis The findings revealed that out of 1,500 common words, 341 were native Japanese words that used the prefix "お," while there were 42 exceptions where "お" was applied to Sino-Japanese words.
The article states that there are 60 Chinese words that can be prefixed with "ご," while only one loanword, "トイレ" (toilet), is associated with "お," excluding "たばこ" (tobacco) from being classified as a loanword.
1,500 語 の 「 日 常 語 」 の 中 で 、 接 頭 辞 「お 」 あ る い は 「 ご 」の 付 く 語 は
In Japanese, approximately 30% of words include the prefixes "お" and "ご," with about 10% being exceptions that feature "お" in kanji compounds However, the patterns of "お + native words" and "ご + kanji words" generally hold true Therefore, when teaching beginner Japanese learners about the prefixes "お" and "ご," these established rules are considered effective Additionally, since the exception words are commonly used in daily life, they should be taught as examples of words that include the prefix "お."
In Taylor and Seto's (2008) analysis, the polysemy network of the diminutive suffix "小" is examined, highlighting its meanings related to "degree," "emphasis," and "contempt."
The article categorizes concepts into three main categories, each stemming from the central meaning of "small" in relation to physical size While these categories are interconnected and cannot be entirely separated, they each have distinct applications that highlight their unique uses.
The article discusses the various meanings of the diminutive suffix "小" (ko) in Japanese, providing specific examples extracted from Taylor and Seto (2008).
例えば , 【 程度】に 分 類 さ れ て い る 「小 雨」 は雨の 一粒の 大小が 問 題 な
The expression focuses on the manner in which rainwater is observed rather than the rainwater itself.
のも の は具象 的 な物では あ るが,「小雨」の 「雨」 は事象で あり,時間 経
山下喜代 ( 2001 )は 、 「現 代日 本 語 に お け る 漢 語 接 辞 の概観 」 に 日 本 語
There is a lack of existing literature that provides an overview of the research history on Chinese conjunctions.
According to this research, "Chinese suffixes" are generally represented by phonetic characters written in kanji.
The term refers to the morphological elements that form three-character words by attaching either before or after two-character kanji compounds.
す 。 「新 体操・ 前校長 ・ 近代化 ・ 合 理 的 」 に お け る傍 線部 で あ り 、 「新・
In the Japanese language, prefixes such as "前" and suffixes like "化" and "的" play a crucial role in word formation These elements not only connect with Chinese characters but also integrate with native Japanese words, loanwords, and hybrid terms to create compound words.
盛 岡( 1994 )は 、 形態論 は 語 の 構造を記述 す る 部門で あ る と し 、統語 論
The article discusses the foundational aspects and positioning of morphological elements, focusing on the components that make up compound words.
形態 素を 「 語 基 ・派生 辞 ・屈 折接 」 の三 種に 分 類 す る 。 い わゆる 、 接 辞 は
派生 辞 に含ま れ る の で あ る が 、 漢 語 系 は 「御」 を唯一 の 接 辞 と し て い る 。
Additionally, while being a component of heated language, its meanings and usages resemble those of affixes.
「準接 辞 」 と呼 んで 、 純粋の 接 辞 か ら区 別し て い る 。 「亜 熱 帯・ 過 保護」
「 運転 手・ 近代的 ・建 築 材」 な ど 、二 字熱語 が 基 に な っ て 、 語 頭 ま た は 語
In the study of kanji morphology, elements added to the end of a word are referred to as quasi-prefixes or quasi-suffixes, indicating their position within the structure.
野村 ( 1978 )に お け る 成 果 は ま ず 、第一 に新聞に お い て 、 ど の よ う な 漢
The article highlights the high frequency of usage of certain linguistic expressions Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of Chinese language elements in this context.
The article categorizes introductory phrases based on their grammatical properties and meanings, providing specific examples for clarity.
1 連体型 脳細胞・県議会
2 連体修飾型 大都市・高気圧
3 連用修飾型 再検討・最年少
4 連体詞型 前会長・全日本
5 用言型 過保護・反政府
6 否定辞型 無意義・未発表
7 数量検定 第〇日・満〇歳
8 敬意添加型 御婚礼・令夫人
Tamura (2014) conducted a study on "Japanese native and Sino-Japanese prefixes," examining both types of prefixes as they apply to nouns, adjectives, adjectival verbs, and adverbs, as well as their usage across multiple parts of speech The research provides a descriptive analysis of their meanings and functions According to Tamura's classification, there are 43 Sino-Japanese prefixes, which are written in kanji and read using on'yomi (Chinese readings).
Research on Japanese language suffixes indicates that they play a significant role in the structure and meaning of words Understanding these suffixes enhances comprehension of the language's nuances and grammatical rules.
Research on prefixes has been limited, particularly regarding Sino-Japanese prefixes However, understanding the role and usage of these prefixes in the Japanese language is crucial for linguistic studies.
Research on Vietnamese learners of the Japanese language has been limited This gap highlights the need for more comprehensive studies to understand their unique challenges and learning experiences.
There has been no research conducted on the usage of Chinese-derived prefixes in the Japanese language.
This study focuses on Vietnamese learners of the Japanese language, examining their experiences and challenges in acquiring Japanese It highlights the unique linguistic and cultural factors that influence their learning process, aiming to provide insights that can enhance Japanese language education for Vietnamese students.
新 明解 国 語 辞典( 三 省堂)に よ る と 、 日 本 語 に お け る 「 語 」 」 と は 一 定 の
Words are fundamental independent units that carry meaning and are essential for constructing sentences.
The most important material is essential for creating meaning While individual words can form an infinite number of sentences, the number of these materials is finite.
「 語 」 は 文 法 的 な働き 方 、 意 味 、 形 に 基づい て 、 い く つ か のグ ー ル ー プ
Words can be categorized into different groups known as parts of speech The essential parts of speech include verbs, nouns, adjectives, and particles.
Words can be categorized into different parts of speech based on their grammatical functions, forms, and meanings Additionally, they can also be classified according to their structural components.
The composition of words encompasses two key aspects: the process of word formation, which examines how words are created, and the structural aspect, which analyzes the internal structure of a given word.
The term "fire" in Japanese, originally expressed as a native word, evolved into a kanji representation, leading to the creation of a Japanese-made Sino-Japanese word through its on'yomi reading This reflects a perspective rooted in the study of word formation.
The term "fire" in Japanese, represented by the kanji "火事" (kaji), is composed of two elements: "火" (fire) and "事" (matter or event) This structural perspective highlights the linguistic components that form the word, emphasizing its inherent meaning related to fire-related incidents.
Based on linguistic composition, words can be categorized into two types: those consisting of a single element and those made up of multiple elements Words such as "fish" and "tree" are classified as "simple words," as they cannot be broken down into smaller components.
ま た 、 さ ら に小さ い 部 分 に 分 け ら れ る も の は 「 合 成 語 」 と 言 う 。例えば
Table 1 illustrates the structure of Japanese words, categorizing them into simple and compound forms Simple words include examples such as "woman," "he," "see," "hot," and "who." In contrast, compound words consist of phrases like "trash can," "exam study," and "inhale."
畳語 用例:人々、国々、時々など
用例:不 機嫌、暑さ 、食い と め る 、子 供
Simple words represent essential meanings and serve as core elements of a word's significance They consist of a single root, which, historically, can sometimes be found in compound words.
The term "michi" originally referred to "御路," indicating a path or road, while "mabuta" specifically denotes "the eyelid" in reference to the eye Additionally, "sakana," meaning fish, combines the elements of "sake" and "御菜" (okazu), highlighting its significance in Japanese cuisine.
だ っ た が 、酒を飲むと き に添え て食べ る物と し て 「魚(う お)」 を 用 い る
こ と が 多 か っ た と こ ろ か ら 、 「 う お 」 を 「 さ か な 」 と い う よ う に な っ た 、
な ど で あ る 。 こ の よ う な の よ う に 、遡っ て(さ か のぼっ て)分析す る こ と
In contemporary linguistic awareness, words that can be considered as single entities are treated as simple words.
Compound words consist of two or more root words combined to form a complex term, as well as reduplicated words that are formed by the repetition of the same root.
Derived words can be categorized into base words and affixes, highlighting the significance of Japanese language education in understanding their structure and usage.
会 」 、 「機械化 す る 」 な ど の高次 結 合 語 が あ る 。最 終 段 階の 結 合 に よ て 、
日本語 +教育 +学会 (機械 + 化)+ する
複合語 +学会 派生語 + する
複合語 複合語
上 に の よ う 見 て き た よ う に 、 「 日 本 語 教 育 学 会 」 、[機械化]の よ う な
The composition of three-character or longer Chinese words is considered similar to the structure of native Japanese and loanwords.
1.2.1 接辞の定義
According to the Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten (Sanseido), affixes are grammatical elements that attach to a root word to convey specific meanings, and they cannot stand alone as independent words.
Affixes are dependent elements of word formation, serving as morphemes that attach to the front or back of a base word or root, thereby forming a single word.
1.2.2 接辞の特徴および分類
① 語基に何らかの意味を付け加える。
Incorporating meaning into a word also involves determining its grammatical category, which is essential for establishing its role in a sentence.
There are various ways to classify affixes, but fundamentally, they can be categorized based on their origins and positions within words.
Table 22 categorizes affixes based on their etymology, providing a systematic classification of affixes according to their origins This classification enhances our understanding of how different affixes contribute to word formation and meaning in the language By examining the etymological roots of these affixes, we can gain insights into their historical development and usage.
和語接辞 漢語系接辞 外来語接辞
The classification of affixes is based on their position within a word This categorization helps in understanding the structure and function of various affixes in language By examining the placement of these morphemes, we can gain insights into their grammatical roles and how they contribute to word formation.
In Japanese, the concept of infix morphemes is not recognized, leading to a focus on prefixes and suffixes instead.
辞 の 問 題 に な る 。 本 研 究 で は 、 ま ず 、二 番目 の 方 法 に 基づい て展 開す る 。
This study categorizes prefixes based on three main types: native Japanese prefixes, Sino-Japanese prefixes, and loanword prefixes Each category will be examined in detail according to the first method outlined in the research.
In Japanese, prefixes play a crucial role in word formation by modifying the meanings of base words These affixes, known as 接頭辞 (settōji), are integral to the language, enhancing clarity and specificity in communication Understanding the definition and function of prefixes in Japanese is essential for grasping the nuances of the language.
A prefix is a subordinate element of word formation that cannot stand alone.
Morphemes, which serve as the building blocks of words, attach to roots or base words without being able to stand alone.
例:無+関係=無関係 未+確認=未確認 大+急ぎ=大急ぎ 小+寒い=小寒い
接 頭 辞 は 接 辞 の 一種で 、 語 の 前 に 付 い て 、 語 の 意 味 を補っ た り 、 語 の 意
The concept refers to the ability to reverse flavors or transform them into different forms Additionally, it possesses the power to alter parts of speech, enhancing the richness of expression.
接中辞 接尾辞 接頭辞
The term "prefix," also known as "接頭語" in Japanese, is often referred to as "接頭辞" because it is typically not used independently.
1.3.2 接頭辞の特徴 前田勇(1968)は 近世上 方 語 の 接 頭 語 の 性質に つ い て 「 近世の 上 方 語 彙 に
One striking phenomenon that leaves a strong impression is the uniqueness of conjunctions This uniqueness is particularly evident in at least three key aspects.
日本語における漢語系接頭 日本語における漢語系接頭 日本語における漢語系接頭 日本語における漢語系接頭辞 辞 辞 辞
The concept of "Sino-Japanese prefixes" originated from the integration of Chinese linguistic elements into the Japanese language This phenomenon reflects the historical interactions between China and Japan, particularly during periods of cultural exchange Understanding the origins of these prefixes is essential for comprehending the evolution of the Japanese lexicon and its unique characteristics.
い て は 、 阪 倉( 1973 )に よ る と 、 「幕 末か ら明治期に か け て 、 洋 学 の
The influence of Western grammatical classification on Japanese language emerged prominently, as noted in the introduction of "Gokai" by Bunko Otsuki, where eight parts of speech were outlined in the "Guide to Usage" (1882) This framework has since become a stable reference point in the study of Japanese grammar, shaping contemporary understanding.
The criteria for categorizing parts of speech are widely recognized and acknowledged.
こ の 「 語 法 指南」 で は 、八品詞 以 外 に 、 「 接 頭 辞 」 と 「 接 頭 語 」 が 示
The article discusses the inclusion of Sino-Japanese vocabulary alongside native Japanese words, emphasizing the significance of understanding both language types for a comprehensive grasp of the language.
The term is utilized as a component in the formation of two-character Chinese compounds.
が 多 い こ と 、 ま た 、 「新発明」 「高性能」 な ど の3 字漢 語 の 多 用 化 が 起 こ
The article suggests that the current state reflects previous conditions, particularly emphasizing the significance of the Chinese language.
げ て 示 し て り る店は注目 さ れ る 。 「 語 法 指南」 で は 、 接 辞 と い う 語 は 用 い
The article highlights the significant recognition of "Chinese affixes" as a distinct linguistic unit within Japanese grammatical classification It emphasizes that the "Grammar Guide" serves as a foundational text, marking the first instance where Chinese affixes are clearly identified as linguistic units This development is noteworthy for its contribution to understanding language structure in Japanese.
2.1.2 漢語系接頭辞の定義 漢語系接頭辞については研究者らによって、定義が異ちるれたが、本研究では漢語系接頭辞の定義は次のようにする。
This study focuses exclusively on prefixes written in kanji and read using on'yomi (Chinese readings), while excluding those that are difficult to separate, such as the compound word "未曾有," and phrases like "不安," "非常," "未来," and "無恥."
As a result, a total of 52 Chinese-derived prefixes were compiled These prefixes can be categorized into five major groups.
① 否定性漢語系接頭辞
② 過去性漢語系接頭辞
③ 形容詞性漢語系接頭辞
④ 待遇性漢語系接頭辞
In Japanese, the negative Sino-Japanese prefixes convey a sense of negation, serving as linguistic markers that indicate denial or opposition.
According to the "Modern Japanese Dictionary, 5th Edition," the prefixes commonly used in contemporary Japanese include a variety of terms that enhance meaning and context in the language.
た だ し 、 「未 曾有」 の よ う な 一 単 語 化 し て 分 割 り し に く い も の や 「 非
The study will exclude heated terms such as "common," "rudeness," "shamelessness," and "future" from its research focus.
・ 「~ではない」「~しない」の意味を表す。
日 本 語 の 「 非 」 は 「ヒ」 と読ま れ ま し た 。 「 非 」 の後接 要素、 語種か ら
In contemporary usage, while there are loanwords and mixed words in the Chinese language, these terms are not commonly employed today.
(例):非常識 PHI + THƯỜNG THỨC = bất bình thường
Không chính thức là sự kết hợp giữa PHI và CÔNG THỨC, trong khi không tính thuế được hình thành từ PHI và KHÓA THẾ Bên cạnh đó, không có tình người và nhẫn tâm xuất phát từ PHI và NHÂN TÌNH, và cuối cùng, không có luân lý được tạo nên từ PHI và LUÂN LÝ.
非利益 PHI + LỢI ÍCH = phi lợi nhuận 非公開 PHI + CÔNG KHAI = không công khai 非公式 PHI + CÔNG THỨC = không chính thức
日 本 語 の 「不」 は呉 音の 「フ」 と慣用音の 「フ ゙」 の二つ読み方 があ
The character "フ" is used far more frequently than "ブ" in the Japanese language Additionally, the Japanese "不" can combine with both Sino-Japanese and native Japanese words.
(例):不必要 BẤT +TẤT YẾU = Không cần thiết
不可能 BẤT + KHẢ NĂNG = Không có khả năng 不正直 BẤT + CHÍNH TRỰC = Không chính trực 不親切 BẤT+ THÂN THIẾT = Không tử tế
不採用 BẤT+ THẢI DỤNG = Không tuyển dụng, không chấp nhận 不なれ BẤT + QUEN = Không quen, chưa có kinh nghiệm
(例):不機嫌 BẤT +CƠ HIỀM = Không vui vẻ
Trong bối cảnh kinh tế hiện nay, từ "不景気" (BẤT CẢNH KHÍ) chỉ tình trạng suy thoái và ế ẩm trong kinh doanh Tương tự, "不都合" (BẤT ĐÔ HỢP) diễn tả những điều không thích hợp hoặc không ổn thỏa Cuối cùng, "不健康" (BẤT KIỆN KHANG) thể hiện tình trạng không khỏe mạnh.
3 無 (む) VÔ [~が良くない]「~がない」などの意味を表す。
ま た 、 日 本 語 の 「無」 は 漢 語 ・和語 ・ 外来語 ・混 種語 な どと 結 合 で
き る 。 「無」 が漢 語 系 の 前 に く る場合 だけ 、 「 ム 」 「フ ゙」 の二つ 発
When it comes to capturing sound, words derived from native Japanese, loanwords, and mixed-language terms predominantly adopt the pronunciation of "mu."
「無」は名詞 に付く。
(例):無愛想 VÔ + ÁI TƯỞNG = Không mặn mà
無作法 VÔ + TÁC PHÁP = Không quy củ, thô lỗ không phép tắc 無遠慮 VÔ + VIỄN LỰ = Không khách sáo
無条件 VÔ + ĐIỀU KIỆN = Vô điều kiện 無軌道 VÔ + QUỸ ĐẠO = Không có quỹ đạo 無記名 VÔ + KÝ DANH = Không ghi tên
・ 「 ま だ ~し て い な い 」 「 ま だ時 間 が来て い な い 」 な どの 意 味 を 表す。
In Japanese, the character "未" is pronounced as "mi." Similar to "不," it can be combined with both Sino-Japanese and native Japanese words.
(例): 未完成 VỊ + HOÀN THÀNH = Chưa hoàn thành
未開拓 VỊ + KHAI THÁC = Chưa khai thác 未経験 VỊ + KINH NGHIỆM = Chưa có kinh nghiệm 未処理 VỊ + XỬ LÝ = Chưa xử lý
未成年 VỊ + THÀNH NIÊN = Vị thành niên 未報告 VỊ + BÁO CÁO = Chưa báo cáo 未結婚 VỊ + KẾT HÔN = Chưa kết hôn
The following is a summary table of the meanings and combined parts of speech for the negative Chinese prefixes "非," "不," "無," and "未."
Table 4 summarizes the meanings and combined parts of speech for the prefixes "非," "不," "無," and "未." These prefixes convey distinct nuances in negation and absence, each playing a unique role in forming various grammatical structures in the Japanese language Understanding their usage is essential for mastering nuanced expressions in Japanese.
2.2.2 過去性漢語系接頭辞
1 旧 (きゅう) CỰU
(例): 旧秩序 CỰU + TRẬT TỰ = Trật tự cũ
旧体制 CỰU + THỂ CHẾ = Thể chế cũ 旧住所 CỰU + TRỤ SỞ = Chỗ ở cũ
旧国鉄 CỰU +QUỐC THIẾT = Đường sắt quốc gia cũ
CỰU + ĐẠI TÁNG TỈNH = Bộ Tài chính cũ
意味 ま だ〜し て い
〜がない 〜ではない
名詞 サ変動詞
名詞 形容動詞 サ変動詞
名詞 形容動詞
名詞 形容名詞
The term "former" is used exclusively as a title When combined with a job title, "former + job title" signifies an individual's past association with that profession.
例:前首相 TIỀN + THỦ TƯỚNG = thủ tướng trước でも、前サラリーマンと言わない。
・ 今より一つ前であることを表す。
Trong tiếng Việt, "tiền" kết hợp với "thế kỷ" tạo thành "thế kỷ trước", chỉ thời gian đã qua Tương tự, "tiền" kết hợp với "chức trường" mang nghĩa "nơi làm việc trước đây", ám chỉ công việc đã từng làm Cuối cùng, "tiền" kết hợp với "tiến duệ" chỉ "tiến độ trước đây", thể hiện trạng thái phát triển trong quá khứ.
・ 二つに分けた場合の前の方を表す。
(例): 前半生 TIỀN+ BÁN SINH = nửa đầu cuộc đời, nửa đời về trước
前学期 TIỀN + HỌC KÌ = nửa đầu học kì
意味 「 前 の 」 「元の 」
「古い 」 な ど の 意 味 を表す
今よ り 一 つ 前 であ ることを表す。
二つ に 分 け た場合 の 前の方を表す
結語語幹の注意点 は じ め 、 以 前 な ど
「 前 」 は地位 名と の み付く。
のパタ ンが あ る が 、
職業名が 大統領と
か 、 大臣な ど の 漢 語
と つ く こ と が で き
る 。 し か し 、サラ リ
マン、エ ンジニ アな
ど のカ タ カナ 語 の職 業名に つ く こ と が で きない。
2.2.3 形容詞性漢語系接頭辞
ば、「好」は名詞 に付く。
(例): 好条件 HẢO + ĐIỀU KIỆN = điều kiện tốt
好人物 HẢO + NHÂN VẬT = người tốt,người có nhân cách tốt 好成績 HẢO + THÀNH TÍCH = thành tích tốt
HẢO trong tiếng Trung có nghĩa là "tốt", khi kết hợp với THANH NIÊN, tạo thành cụm từ "người thanh niên tốt" Tương tự, khi ghép với NAM TỬ, nó chỉ "chàng trai tuấn tú, người đàn ông dễ mến" Cuối cùng, khi kết hợp với CẢNH KHÍ, HẢO mang ý nghĩa về "sự thịnh vượng, sự phồn vinh".
好印象 HẢO + ẤN TƯỢNG = phù hợp, ấn tượng tốt
「悪」は名詞 に付く。
(例):悪趣味 ÁC + THÚ VỊ = Sở thích xấu 悪影響 ÁC + ẢNH HƯỞNG = Ảnh hưởng xấu
悪天候 ÁC + THIÊN HẬU = thời tiết xấu, khí hậu xấu 悪感情 ÁC + CẢM TÌNH = ác cảm
悪循環 ÁC + TUẦN HOÀN = vòng tuần hoàn xấu 悪性質 ÁC + TÍNH CHẤT = bản chất xấu
「大」は名詞 とサ変動詞 に付く。
(例):大発明 ĐẠI + PHÁT MINH = phát minh lớn
In Japanese, the function of prefixes generally does not determine the grammatical category of words This applies to Sino-Japanese prefixes as well, which fundamentally lack the ability to assign grammatical properties to words.
Among the 52 Chinese-derived prefixes, the number of compound words formed by each prefix varies significantly.
ち が う 。 ま た 、グ ルー プの 中 に 、 漢 語 系接 頭 辞 に よ っ て 、造語 力 も ち が う 。
た と えば、 形 容 詞 性 漢 語 系 接 頭 辞 のグ ル ー プに 、 「 大 」 と い う 漢 語 系 接 頭
辞 は 漢 語 系グ ー ル プの 中 の 形 容 詞 の 形 容 詞 よ り 結 語 力 が強い が 、 「高」 、
考 察 の 結 果 に よ る と 、 「全チーム 」 の 「全」 、 「激 ブレ ーキ」 の 「急」 、
「抗ヒスタ ミ ン剤」 の 「抗」 、 「高カロリ ー」 の 「高」 、『低カロー リ』
The Chinese prefix "低" can potentially be combined with foreign word roots However, there are considerations to keep in mind.
While it is a Chinese-derived prefix, it generally tends to combine with Chinese roots It can also connect with native Japanese and loanword roots, but the frequency of such combinations is relatively low.
Negative Chinese affixes not only add meaning but also serve as a combinative element in word formation.
The function of changing the part of speech in language is present, but the conversion capability of the prefix "非" is weaker compared to other prefixes like "不," "無," and "未." Additionally, the choice of the part of speech it combines with is specific to Japanese.
In the Chinese language, prefixes can be attached to various parts of speech, including nouns, adjectives, adjectival verbs, and verbs.
第三章第三章 第三章第三章
In Japanese, Sino-Japanese prefixes play a crucial role in word formation and meaning enhancement These prefixes, derived from Chinese, contribute to the richness of the Japanese language by creating nuanced terms Understanding the function and usage of these prefixes is essential for grasping the complexities of Japanese vocabulary.
A comparison of Sino-Vietnamese prefixes in the Vietnamese language reveals their significant influence on vocabulary formation These prefixes, derived from Chinese, play a crucial role in enhancing the richness and complexity of the Vietnamese lexicon Understanding the usage and implications of these prefixes is essential for grasping the nuances of the language This analysis highlights the interconnectedness of Vietnamese and Chinese linguistic elements, showcasing how historical and cultural exchanges have shaped modern Vietnamese.
Learning a foreign language is often accelerated by comparing it to one's native language This approach, which involves studying two or more languages in relation to each other, is known as contrastive linguistics.
The article discusses the similarities and differences between two or more languages, highlighting their common features and unique aspects.
Simultaneously benefiting national language education, it also allows for a better understanding of the unique characteristics of each language.
Additionally, the similarities and differences between the two languages highlight the unique characteristics of each country's literature.
It is said that the similarities and differences in the thoughts of the people from both countries arise from their cultural backgrounds.
Contrastive analysis involves comparing the target language with the base language, which not only highlights differences in linguistic competence but also reveals cultural and habitual distinctions between the two countries.
日本語における漢語系接頭辞および日本語における漢語系接頭辞および日本語における漢語系接頭辞および日本語における漢語系接頭辞および ベトナム語における漢語系接ベトナム語における漢語系接ベトナム語における漢語系接 ベトナム語における漢語系接頭頭頭頭 辞との比較辞との比較辞との比較辞との比較
Vietnamese learners of Japanese face unique challenges and opportunities in their language acquisition journey Understanding the cultural nuances and linguistic differences is essential for effective learning Tailored resources and support systems can significantly enhance their proficiency and confidence in using the Japanese language Engaging with native speakers and immersive experiences can further accelerate their learning process, making it a rewarding endeavor.
Teaching methods for Sino-Japanese prefixes involve understanding their meanings and usage in context Effective instruction can enhance vocabulary acquisition and comprehension for learners Incorporating engaging activities and real-life examples can facilitate better retention of these prefixes Utilizing visual aids and interactive exercises can also support learners in grasping the nuances of Sino-Japanese prefixes, ultimately improving their language skills.
This article examines the proficiency of Vietnamese learners in utilizing Japanese Sino-Japanese prefixes It focuses on how these learners apply their understanding of these prefixes in the context of the Japanese language, highlighting the challenges they face and the strategies they employ to improve their skills The study aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of their learning methods and the impact of cultural differences on language acquisition.
The study focused on intermediate to advanced level Vietnamese learners of Japanese, specifically targeting approximately 220 third and fourth-year students from the IT department at Hanoi University of Science and Technology The research period indicated that third-year students had around 400 hours of study time.
After completing 600 hours of study, third-year students are classified at the intermediate level, while fourth-year students reach an upper-intermediate level.
The study focused on intermediate to advanced Vietnamese learners of Japanese, specifically targeting 220 third and fourth-year students enrolled in the Japanese language classes at Hanoi University of Science and Technology's Faculty of Information Technology.
Regardless of the academic year, participants are asked to respond to the same questionnaire This consistency in data collection allows for a more reliable comparison of responses across different groups.
The assessment of learners' understanding of Chinese characters is conducted through fill-in-the-blank tests, effectively measuring their comprehension levels.
The focus is on assessing the ability to operate these systems After collecting responses, the results will be analyzed.
This article investigates the misuse of language by learners, thoroughly analyzes the issues with high rates of misuse, and explores the underlying causes of these errors.
Bài viết này đề cập đến việc sử dụng sách giáo khoa "新完全マスター語彙 N2" cho việc khảo sát Các câu hỏi trong bảng khảo sát sẽ được trình bày trong phần phụ lục, và các câu trả lời sẽ được đính kèm trên một trang riêng.
The survey consists of 19 fill-in-the-blank questions divided into six sections, all designed at an intermediate level of difficulty.
4.1.2 結果の考察および結論
① 調査の結果:調査の結果は次の図で示する。
表6666.... 問題1の結果問題1の結果 問題1の結果問題1の結果
表7777.... 問題問題問題問題2222の結果の結果 の結果の結果
表8888.... 問題問題問題問題3333の結果の結果 の結果の結果
1 (正解正解正解正解)160 60
2 89 (正解正解正解)正解 131
問題1 無 不 未 非
1 (正解正解正解)正解
2 33 67 (正解正解正解正解)
55 (正解正解正解)正解
35 53 25 (正解正解正解)正解
(正解正解正解) 正解
(正解正解正解) 正解
表9999.... 問題問題問題問題4444の結果の結果 の結果の結果
1 (正解(正解(正解(正解) 162 58
2 109 (正解正解正解正解)111
表10101010.... 問題問題問題問題5555の結果の結果の結果の結果
1 (正解正解正解正解)168 52
2 115 (正解正解正解正解)105
表11111111.... 問題問題問題問題6666の結果の結果の結果の結果
副 名 該 最 超 新
1 (正解正解)正解正解
2 47 (正解正解正解正解)
3 27 25 (正解正解正解)正解
4 32 26 22 (正解正解正解)正解
9 26 19 62 (正解正解正解正解)
6 35 27 23 29 15 (正解正解正解正解)
表6 ~11の図を見ると、次のような結果が挙げられた。
The overall accuracy rate for the survey questions ranges from 30% to 70% Among these, the highest accuracy rate is observed in Question 1 of Problem 4, answered by intermediate to advanced learners, with a correct response rate of 76.4%.
で あ り 、 2 番目 の 正答 率が高い 問 題 は 問 題3の 問 1 (解答が 「各」 で7 3%である。
Conversely, the questions with the lowest accuracy rates are Question 3 and Question 1 of Problem 1, with correct response rates ranging from 30% to 34% The answer to Question 3 of Problem 1 is "incorrect," while the answer to Question 1 of Problem 1 is also noted.
持 っ て い て 、 ベ ト ナ ム 語 に も 否 定 性 漢 語 系 接 頭 辞 「Vô] [Bất]も あ る が 接 頭
辞 「不・無」 は同じ の 意 味 を も ち 、 結 合 し た の 語 彙 の数量が 多 い の で 学 習
It is likely that there are common misunderstandings regarding the term "副" in Question 1 of Problem 6 This term can denote a supplementary role, indicating an auxiliary position, or refer to something that occurs as a consequence of another event.
ベトナム人日本語学習者に対する日本語の漢語系接頭辞の使用力向 上の提案
To enhance vocabulary usage skills, it is essential to explore effective instructional strategies that can be implemented.
4.2.1 語彙指導法 日本語教育において、語彙指導についての研究は様々である。
In 1989, Kai identified ten specific methods for vocabulary instruction in Japanese language education.
The use of tangible presentation methods, such as slides, illustrations, and models, is the simplest approach if feasible This includes the use of visual aids to enhance understanding.
The associative method involves identifying the words that are triggered by a specific term This approach helps in understanding the attributes or the value-laden meanings of those words Additionally, the associative method facilitates deeper cognitive connections and enhances comprehension of the language used.
The article discusses the relationships between words, highlighting the importance of synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, and words of the same category Understanding these connections enhances vocabulary comprehension and enriches language use.
Identifying synonyms through paraphrasing helps enhance the understanding of the target word By pointing out similar expressions, individuals can better grasp the intended meaning and select the most appropriate synonym from the given options.
④短作文―そ の 語 を 使 っ た 1~3文 構 成 の短文 を作ら せ る 。 形 容 詞 や 形 容
When it comes to phrases related to value and evaluation, they should be structured in three sentences rather than one This approach enhances clarity and depth in communication Adopting this format allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts being discussed.
5 辞書での確認―国語辞書、漢和辞典などを使って確認させる。
6 語義の説明―どういう意味か、どういう事物かを説明させる。
7 意 味 分 類―『分 類 語 彙 表』 『類 語 国 語 辞典 』の よ う な 意 味 上 の区 別を さ せる。
8 派生 ・ 関連語 の 指摘―ど う い う派生 語 が あ る か 、 ど う い う 関連語 が あ る
The article explains the concept of related words, which includes not only synonyms but also antonyms, hypernyms, and hyponyms.
9 空欄補充法―付与の文表現の空欄箇所に適切な語句を入れさせる。
10 筆記法 ― その語句についての知識を書かせる。
These primarily involve the selection of important vocabulary in reading comprehension activities and the interpretation of difficult words.
Effective expression in writing involves the careful selection of appropriate vocabulary and phrases This process is essential for enhancing clarity and coherence in communication By choosing the right words, writers can convey their ideas more effectively and engage their audience.
Japanese language education for foreign learners involves various methods and approaches to enhance their learning experience.
In addition, it is possible to guide vocabulary through explanations and translations using intermediary languages.
一 方 、 加納( 1997 )で は 、 外 国 人 学 習 者 に 漢字の 学 習 方 法 に つ い てア ンケ
The research revealed that learners employ various methods in their studies.
① テキストに出てくる順に覚える。
② 同じ部首の漢字や類似形の漢字をまとめて覚える。
③ 読んでいる文章に知らない漢字があったら辞書を引いて覚える
④ ノートに整理して覚える。
⑤ 字源や記憶のためのストーリーを使って覚える。
⑥ 熟語や例文といっしょに覚える。
⑦ 何回も手で書いて覚える。
⑧ 何回も読んで覚える
⑨ カードを作ったり部屋にリストを貼ったりして工夫している。
To enhance memory retention of kanji, visualize them and associate them with synonyms, antonyms, and related terms This method fosters connections that aid in learning and understanding.