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SỞ LAO ĐỘNG – THƯƠNG BINH VÀ XÃ HỘI ĐỒNG THÁP TRƯỜNG TRUNG CẤP THÁP MƯỜI GIÁO TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH TIN HỌC VĂN PHÒNG Đồng Tháp, năm 2020 Contents UNIT THE COMPUTERS I WARM UP II READING III LANGUAGE WORK: THE SIMPLE PRESENT AND MODAL VERB “CAN” IV FUTHER READING: TYPES OF COMPUTERS V DIFFERENT TYPE OF COMPUTER UNIT 2: EVERYDAY USES OF COMPUTER 10 I WARM UP 10 II READING: COMPUTERS IN EVERYDAY LIFE 10 III LANGUAGE WORK: ARTICLES 10 IV FUTHER READING 12 UNIT 3: KEYBOARD AND MOUSE 14 I WARM UP 14 II READING 16 III LANGUAGE WORK: THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 17 UNIT 4: PRINTER 18 I READING 18 II DISCOURSE COHESION 19 III SCAN READING: QUIZ 20 IV LANGUAGE WORK: MAKING COMPARISON 21 V DESCRIBING YOUR IDEAL PRINTER 25 UNIT 5: DISK AND DISK DRIVE 26 I WARM UP 26 II READING 26 III WORK IN GROUP 27 IV VOCABULARY 28 V LANGUAGE WORK: REVISION OF PREFIXES 29 UNIT 6: USING A WORD PROCESSOR 30 I WARM UP 30 II READING 30 III LANGUAGE WORD: WH- QUESTIONSTHE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 32 UNIT HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 34 I WARM UP 34 II READING 34 III WRITING 37 IV WORD FORMS 37 V FUTHER READING: HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 38 UNIT 8: NETWORK 40 I WARM UP 40 II READING: NETWORKING FAQS 40 III LANGUAGE WORK: PHRASAL VERBS 42 UNIT COMMUNICATIONS 158 I WARM UP 158 II READING 158 III LANGUAGE WORK: MAKING PREDICTIONS 160 UNIT 10 WORD PROCESSING 162 I WARM UP 162 II READING: DRAFT LETTERS 164 III LANGUAGE WORD: PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE 165 UNIT 11: DATABASES AND SPREAD SHEET 165 I WARM UP 165 II READING 166 III VOCABULARY 167 IV LANGUAGE WORK: PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE 167 V GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION 168 VI EXTENSION 168 UNIT 12 PROGRAMMING 169 I WARM-UP 169 II READING: TYPES OF ERROR 170 III LANGUAGE WORK 171 IV PROBLEM-SLOVING 172 V FUTHER READING 172 UNIT 13: INTERNET 158 I WARM UP 158 II READING: NEWSGROUPS 158 III LANGUAGE WORK: PAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUS 161 IV FUTHER READING 162 UNIT THE COMPUTERS I WARM UP Task Label the names with the parts of the computer Computer case Printer Mouse Modem Monitor Mouse Speaker Keyboard II READING Task Computers have many applications in a great variety of fields Look at these photographs of different situations and match them with texts to below A B C D Airline pilots use computers to help them control the plane For example, monitors display data about fuel consumption, and weather conditions In airport control towers, computers are used to manage radar systems, and regulate air traffic Computers can help students perform mathematical operations and solve difficult questions They can be used to teach courses such as computer-aided design, language learning, programming, mathematics, etc Computer is used with laser and barcode technology to scan the price of each item and present total at a supermarket Banks use computers to look after their customers’ money They also control the automatic cash dispensers which, by the use of a personal coded card, dispense money to clients Task Match these titles with the pictures Using an automatic cash dispenser In education, computers can make all the difference Scanning the price of each item and present total at a supermarket Controlling the plane Task When you read texts like these, you đo not always need to understand every word However, there are words which you can guess from (he context Look at these words, Are they nouns (n), verbs (v), or adjectives (adj)? workstaion… data… perform… automatic… monitor… financial… store… Conneceted… Word procesor … l0 large… Now find the words in texts to 4, and match them with the meanings below information self-acting, mechanical execute (do) screen connected with money powerful computer usually keep (safe) massive linked connected to a network 10 program used for text manipulation Task Look at text one again and discuss these questions How are/were computers used in your school? What other areas of study would benefit from the introduction of In my school, computers are used to speed up the process of looking for references in the library computers? Example: III LANGUAGE WORK: The Simple Present And Modal Verb “Can” A THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite) Examples: Computers are part of our everyday lives They have an effect on almost everything you He works for GM as a computer programmer Task Fill in the gaps in the following sentences using the appropriate form of the verb in the brackets A computer system (consist) of two parts: hardware and software The majority of computers (use) _ a standard system of the binary representation of characters Each character in a keyboard (have) _ its own arrangement of eight bits Floppy disks (be) _ inexpensive and reusable It (be) _a calculating machine that (speed) _ up financial calculations B MODAL VERB “CAN” “CAN” is one of the most used modal verbs in English “Can” is an auxiliary verb ( modal auxiliary verb ) It can be used to express: Ability; Possibility; Permission; Request; Offer Examples: Computer can help you to find the book you want as quickly as possible IV FUTHER READING: Types of Computers Task Study these details of diferernt tvpes of compultcr Find the answers to these questions Which type of computer is: the most common? small enough for a pocket? the most common portable? used by many people at the same time? used like mainframes? also called a handheld computer? the most powerful? not suitable for a lot of typing? Types of computer Mainframes Notes Large, powerful, expensive Multi-user systems – used by many people at the same time Used for processing very large amounts of data The most powerful mainframes are called supercomputers Minicomputers Used like mainframes Not as big, powerful, or expensive as mainframes Less common now because microcomputers have improved Microcomputers or The most common type of computer Personal computers Smaller, cheaper, and less powerful than mainframes and (PCs) minicoputers Laptop About the size of a small typewriter Less common now because smaller and lighter portables are available Notebook About the size of a piece of writing paper The most common type of portable Subnotebook Not quite as big as notebooks Can fit into a jacket pocket Handheld or Palmtop Small enough to fit into the palm of one hand Not easy to type with because of their size Often used as personal organizers Task Read the text A Write a list of as many uses of the computer, or computer applications, as you can think of B Now read the text below and underline any applications that are not in your list What can computers do? Computers and microchips have become part of our everyday lives: we visit shops and offices which have been designed with the help of computers, we read magazines which have been produced on computer, and we pay bills prepared by computers Just picking up a telephone and dialing a number involves the use of a sophisticated computer system, as does making a flight reservation or bank transaction We encounter daily many computers that spring to life the instant they are switched on (e.g calculators, the car’s electronic ignition, the timer in the microwave, or the programmer inside the TV set), all of which use chip technology What makes your computer such a miraculous device? Each time you turn it on, it is a tabula rasa that, with appropriate hardware and software, is capable of doing anything you ask It is a calculating machine that speeds up financial calculations Ït is an eleetronic filing cabinet which manages large collections of data such as customers’ lists, accounts, or inventories Ït is a magical typewriter that allows you to type and print any kind of document - letters, memos, or legal document It is a personal communicator that enables you to interact with other computers and with people around the world If you like gadgets and eletronic enteriainment, you can even use your PC to relax with computer games V DIFFERENT TYPE OF COMPUTER Task Label the pictures (a-e) with words from the box Laptop Desktop PC PDA Mainframe Tablet PC b…………… a……………… c………… d………… e………… Task 10 Decide whether these sentences are true of false Correct the false ones 1) A mainframe computer is less powerful than a PC 2) A mainframe is used by large organizations that need to process enormous amounts of data 3) The most suitable computers for home are desktop PCs 4) A laptop is not portable 5) Laptops are not as powerful as desktop PCs 6) Using a stylus, you can write directly onto the screen of a tablet PC 7) A Personal Digital Assistant is small enough to fit into a palm of your hand 8) A PDA does not allow you to surf the Web Task 11 Benefits of laptops and tablet PCs Your school is considering buying tablet PCs to use in the classroom Write an email to your teacher explaining the benefits for the students and the school UNIT 2: EVERYDAY USES OF COMPUTER I WARM UP Task We use computers in many different places Which places can you link these computer document with? In groups, make a list of other places where you find computer documents Try to say what the documents are, and what they are used for II READING: COMPUTERS IN EVERYDAY LIFE Task Tick ( ) the computers uses mentioned in the following article Home Art Hospitals Banking Engineering Libraries Shopping Film-making Television advertising Schools Computers are part of our everyday lives They have an effect on almost everything you When you buy groceries at a supermarket, a computer is used with laser and barcode technology to scan the price of each item and present a total Barcoding iterns (clothes, food, and books) requires a computer to generate the barcode labels and maintain the inventory Most television advertisernents and many films use graphics produced by a computer In hospitals, bedside terminals connected to the hospital’s main computer allow doctors to type in orders for blood tests and to schedule operations Banks use computers to look after their customers’ money In libraries and bookshops, computers can help you to find the book you want as quickly as possible III LANGUAGE WORK: ARTICLES Study these nouns a supermarket technology a comupter money

Ngày đăng: 07/12/2023, 21:46