Background of the study
In today's technology-driven era, students must develop the ability to differentiate between facts and fake news amidst the constant influx of sensational information To navigate this landscape, they need to cultivate critical thinking skills that enable them to analyze issues thoroughly, make informed decisions, and confidently articulate their opinions These competencies are essential not only for personal growth but also for success in dynamic job markets.
Critical thinking is a fundamental goal of Western higher education, which has extensively researched and taught these skills for decades (Paul et al., 1997) In recent years, Vietnam has begun to focus more on critical thinking, influenced by the ongoing globalization process.
Despite limited research on Critical Thinking in Vietnam, my experience as an English major at the Faculty of Foreign Languages allowed me to develop these skills through "Critical Reading" and "Debating Skills" modules Observations of student presentations and debates revealed a lack of proper argumentative skills and frequent logical fallacies, indicating a deficiency in critical thinking abilities Consequently, I seek to understand how final-year students at the Banking Academy of Vietnam perceive Critical Thinking, prompting this study.
Research questions
The study seeks to answer the key question: "How do final year students at
Banking Academy of Vietnam perceive Critical Thinking?"
This question is divided into sub-questions as below:
(1) How do final year students at BAV know about Critical Thinking?;
(2) How often do they practice Critical Thinking?;
(3) How often do they face difficulties when thinking critically?
(4) How important is Critical Thinking to them?
(5) How is their interest in learning more about the skills?.
Scope and limitation of the study
A study conducted at the Banking Academy of Vietnam in Hanoi examines the perceptions of final year students regarding Critical Thinking skills However, the research is limited as the sample may not accurately represent the entire student population of the university, focusing solely on those in their final year.
Significance of the study
This study examines the perceptions of Critical Thinking skills among final-year BAV students, contributing to the existing literature on Critical Thinking in Vietnamese higher education The findings may offer valuable insights for enhancing curriculum, teaching methods, and learning practices.
Structure of the study
The present research contains five chapters including:
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations
The first chapter outlines the research background and objectives, while the second chapter reviews relevant theories, concepts, and literature, establishing the study's theoretical framework The third chapter introduces the research methodology, detailing the study's locale and design In the fourth chapter, the analyzed results are presented, leading to findings and discussions Finally, conclusions and recommendations are drawn from the synthesis of the collected data and information.
Literature Review
Conceptualisation of Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking (CT) has its roots over 2500 years ago, yet its development as a concept has occurred primarily in the last century John Dewey, a philosopher and early advocate for CT in the twentieth century, emphasized the connection between CT and "reflective thinking." He defined reflective thinking as "an active, persistent, careful consideration of a belief or supposed form of knowledge in light of the grounds which support it and the further conclusions to which it tends."
1910, p 9) Although the terms "critical thinking" and "reflective thinking" are often used as synonymous, however, the word "reflective" itself is an aspect of CT (Davies,
In this study, "Critical Thinking" is defined with a more specific meaning than the broader term "critical." Over the past 40 years, the significance of Critical Thinking has grown, resulting in a surge of research focused on its various aspects.
Conceptualizing critical thinking (CT) remains diverse and inconclusive, with several definitions being widely recognized and referenced In the late 20th century, the definition of CT garnered significant attention, yet reaching a universally accepted definition continues to be a challenging endeavor.
One of those is the definition of Watson Glaser - co-author of the popular CT test: W-GCTA (Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test) He explained CT
5 as: "The ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things:
Critical thinking involves a thoughtful disposition towards evaluating problems and subjects based on personal experiences It requires an understanding of logical inquiry methods and the ability to apply them effectively This process demands a continuous effort to scrutinize beliefs and knowledge claims by assessing the evidence that underpins them and exploring the implications of those beliefs.
Another definition of CT that is used and cited frequently in papers is
Critical thinking is defined as "reflective and reasonable thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do" (Ennis, 1985) This concept is contrasted with unreflective thinking, which involves hastily jumping to conclusions or accepting claims without proper scrutiny (Fisher, 2001, p 13) Additionally, Reid et al (2014) highlight that uncritical thinking signifies a lack of questioning and critical engagement (p 31).
Figure 1 - Thinking Uncritically and Critically (Reid et al., 2014, p 31)
Concerns regarding the topic have emerged among scholars from various disciplines, leading some academics to identify commonalities in definitions and categorize them accordingly Stenberg (1986) classified critical thinking (CT) into three distinct traditions: philosophical, psychological, and educational.
Stenberg's literature, Lai (2011, p 6) collected the definitions of CT emerging from the philosophical approach included in the below table
Table 2-1 Philosophers' definitions of CT (Lai, 2011, p.6)
"the propensity and skill to engage in an activity with reflective skepticism." McPeck, 1981, p.8
"reflective and reasonable thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do." Ennis, 1985, p 45
"skillful, responsible thinking that facilitates good judgment because it 1) relies upon criteria, 2) is self- correcting, and 3) is sensitive to context."
Purposeful and self-regulatory judgment involves the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference of information, along with a clear explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, and criteriological considerations that underpin this judgment.
"disciplined, self-directed thinking that exemplifies the perfections of thinking appropriate to a particular mode or domain of thought"
Paul, 1992, p 9 thinking that is goal-directed and purposive, "thinking aimed at forming a judgment," where the thinking itself meets standards of adequacy and accuracy
"judging in a reflective way what to do or what to believe." Facione, 2000, p 61
Stengerg (1986) highlights that philosophers have focused on the requirements of formal logical systems, often neglecting the needs of critical thinking (CT) in classroom settings This oversight can be attributed to two main reasons: the demands of formal logical systems do not align with the capabilities of children in educational environments, and these logical systems may serve as models of competence rather than reflecting actual human thinking performance.
Also, Lai's research report (2011,p.8) showed the CT definitions from the psychological approach, described in the table below
Table 2-2 Psychologists' definitions of CT (Lai, 2011, p 8)
"the mental processes, strategies, and representations people use to solve problems, make decisions, and learn new concepts."
"the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome."
To effectively analyze an issue, it is essential to consider multiple perspectives, remain receptive to new evidence that challenges existing beliefs, and approach reasoning with objectivity This entails requiring claims to be substantiated by credible evidence, drawing logical conclusions from the facts at hand, and employing problem-solving skills to navigate complex situations.
"a metacognitive process that, through purposeful, reflective judgment, increases the chances of producing a logical conclusion to an argument or solution to a problem."
Stenberg (1986) highlighted a key distinction between psychologists and philosophers regarding the teachability of critical thinking (CT) (Horenstain & Niu, 2011) In contrast, Black (2005) demonstrated that students can improve their critical thinking skills when provided with proper instruction on how to think effectively.
Sternberg highlighted that prominent educators like Bloom, Gagne, Perkins, and Renzulli recognized critical thinking (CT) as essential skills for problem-solving, decision-making, and concept learning However, educational theories often lack the rigorous testing seen in philosophical and psychological frameworks Bloom's taxonomy positions CT as a higher cognitive stage, yet Davies argues that CT has a narrower scope than higher-order thinking Additionally, Sternberg's assumptions fall short as they do not address the contexts in which CT is taught and applied in higher education, where students may already possess the necessary skills for critical thinking.
2.1.2 The role of Critical Thinking skills
In today's digital age, students are inundated with a vast array of information through mass media and the Internet This easy access leads to a growing dependence on online resources for knowledge (Browne et al., 2000) Consequently, critical thinking (CT) has become vital for navigating and evaluating the reliability of the information encountered.
In today's information technology era, critical thinking serves as a vital filter for students, enabling them to effectively screen the vast amount of information they encounter This skill is essential not only for academic success but also for making informed decisions and solving problems in everyday life and interpersonal situations.
Critical thinking (CT) is vital for effective problem-solving and decision-making in daily life, as individuals face numerous challenges that require thoughtful solutions The ability to navigate complex problems is especially crucial for students in the 21st century, as their decisions can significantly impact their lives and futures According to Duncker and Lees (1958) in "On Problem-Solving," developing these skills is essential for success in a rapidly changing world.
Problem-solving involves searching, means-ends analysis, planning, and decomposition, which align closely with the characteristics of critical thinking (CT) as defined by various scholars Research indicates that effective problem-solving skills are linked to strong critical thinking abilities, suggesting that "students who are able to think critically are able to solve problems effectively" (Snyder & Snyder, 2008, p 90) Furthermore, critical thinking enhances individuals' understanding of complex information, fostering better decision-making and problem-solving in real-world contexts (Butler et al., 2012; Halpern, 2003; Ku, 2009, cited in Dwyer et al., 2014, p 43).
Theoretical frameworks of Critical Thinking
The definitions and frameworks of Critical Thinking (CT) vary widely To select the most appropriate framework for this study, I will examine several existing CT frameworks.
As stated in the previous section, in education, CT is concerned with higher- order thinking skills This statement is drawn from a well-known and frequently used
Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT), developed by Anderson & Krathwohl in 2001, builds on the original framework created by Bloom et al in 1956 to assess students' skills and knowledge in education While retaining the core features of the original taxonomy, RBT offers a more nuanced approach to understanding cognitive processes This article will first provide a summary of Bloom's taxonomy before delving into a detailed analysis of RBT.
Bloom's taxonomy outlines a hierarchy of six cognitive domains: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation, arranged from low to high order Each domain encompasses various subcategories, emphasizing the necessity of mastering lower-order domains before progressing to higher ones Over 40 years later, Anderson and Krathwohl expanded this framework by breaking down the knowledge dimension into two distinct aspects, utilizing both verb and noun forms of "knowledge." The noun form defines knowledge as the outcome of active thinking, and this dimension consists of four structured categories.
X Three categories of the original taxonomy are kept, and there is a new category that is metacognitive knowledge – which is defined as "involves knowledge about cognition in general as well as awareness of and knowledge about one's cognition." (Krathwohl, 2002, p 214)
The "Cognitive Dimension Process" introduces a new verb form of "knowledge" within a revised hierarchy, which has gained significant recognition, evident by its prominence in Google searches for "Bloom's taxonomy." While the number of categories remains the same as in the original taxonomy, Anderson & Krathwohl have redefined these categories by changing their names and converting them from nouns to verbs, as well as altering the sequence of two categories Levels 4-6 of this hierarchy focus on higher-order thinking skills, as depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 2 - The Knowledge Dimension of the RBT (Krathwohl, 2002, p 214)
Figure 3 - The changes of the Bloom's Taxonomy – Illustrated by me
And the cognitive dimension process is described in detail in the book "A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: a Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy" as illustrated in Table 2.3
Table 2-3 The Cognitive Dimension Process (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001)
Remember Retrieve knowledge from long- term memory
Locating knowledge in long-term memory that is consistent with presented material
Recalling Retrieving Retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory
Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication
Changing from one form of representation to another
Finding a specific example or illustration of a concept or principle
Determining that something belongs to a category
Abstracting a general theme or major point(s)
Drawing a logical conclusion from presented information
Detecting correspondences between two ideas, objects, and the like
Constructing a cause and effect model of a system
Apply The use of abstractions in particular and concrete situations
Executing Carrying out Applying a procedure to a familiar task
Implementing Using Applying a procedure to an unfamiliar task
Break material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose
Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant parts or important from
Focusing Selecting unimportant parts of presented material
Finding coherence Integrating Outlining Parsing Structuring
Determining how elements fit or function within a structure
Determine a point of view, bias, values, or intent underlying presented material
Evaluate Make judgments based on criteria and standards
Detecting inconsistencies or fallacies within a process or product; determining whether a process or product has internal consistency; detecting the effectiveness of a procedure as it is being implemented
Detecting inconsistencies between a product and external criteria; determining whether a product has external consistency; detecting the
Alternative Names Definition appropriateness of a procedure for a given problem
Put elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure
Generating Hypothesizing Coming up with alternative hypotheses based on criteria
Planning Designing Devising a procedure for accomplishing some task Producing Constructing Inventing a product
2.2.2 Liu et al.'s framework of Critical Thinking
Liu et al (2014) developed a comprehensive framework for critical thinking, which encompasses five dimensions organized into three categories: analytical dimensions, synthetic dimensions, and dimensions relevant to both analytical and synthetic aspects This framework is visually represented in Figure 4.
To think critically, individuals must analyze and evaluate the evidence of arguments by considering the context, relevance, source expertise, and potential biases, while also assessing how effectively this information supports conclusions Additionally, critical thinkers need to comprehend the implications and consequences of the information presented, enabling them to formulate sound and valid arguments Liu et al emphasize the importance of understanding the causes and explanations behind arguments in relation to both analytical and synthetic dimensions of critical thinking.
Figure 4 - Framework of Critical Thinking (Liu et al.,2014) – Illustrated by me
2.2.3 Some of the other frameworks
Lai suggested that component skills of CT are analyzing, reasoning, judging or evaluating, and making decisions or solving problems (Lai, 2011, p 2)
In their 2014 study, Reid et al proposed a model for critical thinking (CT) that emphasizes the evaluation of information through three key questions: the source of the information, the information itself, and the linking process To assess the information source, individuals should consider how it was communicated, the reasons behind its communication, and its content, while also evaluating the reliability of the source and potential biases of the author Regarding the information itself, it is essential to analyze its precision, completeness, relevance, importance, usefulness, and consistency Lastly, the linking process involves understanding how the new information connects to existing knowledge (Reid et al., 2014, p 3-7).
The frameworks discussed demonstrate a commonality in their understanding of Critical Thinking as a high-order cognitive domain Sternberg (1986) noted that Bloom's Taxonomy encompasses key concepts of Critical Thinking, and since the main ideas remain intact in the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, his observations about the original taxonomy also apply to its revised version.
Davies's (2015) assertion that critical thinking (CT) is a component of higher-order thinking is valid, as higher-order thinking encompasses analyzing, synthesizing, and creating, which extends beyond the scope of CT The frameworks reviewed, particularly those by Lai and Liu et al., primarily focus on analyzing and synthesizing information, with limited emphasis on the creative process Reid et al.'s framework, while not explicitly mentioning these skills, suggests analyzing and evaluating through the inquiry of "What," "Why," and "How" questions Furthermore, the definitions of CT discussed in section 2.1 align with Davies's perspective, as they also lack reference to the creation of new ideas or concepts.
Thus, I understand that the process of thinking critically is not higher-order thinking as it does not contain all the higher-order cognitive dimensions of the RBT
The concepts of RBT provide valuable insights into the CT concept, enhancing our understanding of its implications Figure 5 illustrates the relationship between critical thinking (CT) and higher-order thinking, highlighting their interconnectedness.
Figure 5 - CT and higher-order thinking – Illustrated by me
Despite the diversity of critical thinking (CT) frameworks, they generally align with higher-order cognitive processes outlined in Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, allowing for the assessment of students' critical thinking abilities Liu's framework (2014) provides a comprehensive approach to understanding critical thinking that resonates with my perspective, making it the chosen theoretical framework for this research.
Research locale
This study was conducted at the Banking Academy of Vietnam during the second term of the 2020 – 2021 academic year to examine how BAV final-year students perceive Critical Thinking.
Data gathering procedure
Due to the resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic, to collect primary data needed for the research, I conducted a survey within four days (from 7 May, 2021 to
On May 10, 2021, an online questionnaire was conducted using Google Forms, which offers several advantages Firstly, Google Forms is a free tool that, while not as feature-rich as platforms like SurveyMonkey or Typeform, is sufficient for simple and large-scale surveys Additionally, it allows for easy data export to Microsoft Excel, significantly saving time by eliminating the need to manually input data from paper surveys.
To engage final-year students in the survey, I invited each eligible participant through direct messages and shared the questionnaire link in relevant Facebook groups frequented by these students, encouraging their participation in completing the survey.
The procedure of data collecting is illustrated in Figure 6:
After collecting enough data for the research, I imported it into Microsoft Excel software for raw processing and screening of junk data Detailed processes are described in the following sections.
Research population and Sample description
The research focuses on final-year students at BAV, with an estimated population size of around 4,000, based on the 2017 enrollment figures from Due to the challenge of obtaining the exact number of seniors, this estimation serves as a reliable basis for the study.
The study analyzed 181 responses from final-year students in BAV, yielding 178 valid submissions and 3 invalid ones due to students opting out of the survey Following the data screening process, the actual results were compiled for further analysis.
In this study, a total of 158 samples were analyzed to ensure data integrity by incorporating both negatively and positively worded items in the questionnaire This approach allowed for the identification and removal of conflicting responses, where participants' answers to negatively-worded questions were expected to align oppositely with their responses to positively-worded ones For instance, a participant indicating "Always" for believing uncritically in information from newspapers or social networks should correspondingly answer "Never" when asked about verifying the accuracy of such information The demographic details of the participants are outlined in the table below.
MIS (Management of Information Systems) 0 2 0 2
ISBA (International School of Banking Academy) 0 3 0 3
Research instruments
The research utilizes three key instruments: a questionnaire for data collection, Microsoft Excel 2019 for data screening and encoding, and SPSS Version 22 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for data analysis after screening.
The questionnaire utilized in this study was adapted from the framework of CT by Liu et al (2014, p 15), as well as from the works of Rodzalan & Saat (2015) and Duong (2011) It was specifically designed to capture the genuine perceptions of the survey participants regarding CT, deliberately omitting theoretical and academic details The questionnaire comprises three primary sections.
The initial section of the study comprised a primary question with fourteen sub-items aimed at assessing the critical thinking (CT) abilities of participants A five-point Likert scale was employed to evaluate students' skills in analysis, evaluation, and bias, along with the challenges they face in utilizing these skills This widely recognized scale has demonstrated its effectiveness in gathering data for descriptive studies, as evidenced by research conducted by Duong.
In a comparative analysis of survey results from various studies, including those by Rodzalan & Saat (2015) and Tosuncuoglu (2018), it became evident that respondents often overestimate their critical thinking abilities This observation aligns with findings from Trinh & Nguyen, highlighting the necessity of assessing actual critical thinking skills rather than relying solely on self-perception.
In 2019, I employed a quantitative method to evaluate participants' behaviors, addressing the limitations of qualitative interviews This approach allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the behaviors of all surveyed students, rather than just a small group typically involved in interviews.
The second section comprised 8 closed and 3 open questions aimed at exploring the perceptions of BAV final-year students regarding Critical Thinking (CT), drawing on Duong's research from 2011 This survey sought to assess the students' understanding and attitudes towards CT.
27 the sources of information that they know about the CT, the seniors' perceptions of the importance of CT, and their opinion about integrating CT into teaching at BAV
And the last section included 2 questions to collect demographic information of the surveyed respondents, including their gender and majors at BAV
Microsoft Excel 2019 is a powerful spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft, offering features such as calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language known as VBA I utilized Excel to efficiently screen responses, encode and group data for analysis in SPSS, and visually represent the data through charts.
SPSS 22.0 software (SPSS) is a widely used program for statistical analysis in social science developed by IBM It is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis (Wikipedia, 2021) I have used SPSS to analyze the data to answer the research questions.
Statistical treatment
After being collected, the primary data was screened, then analyzed using SPSS software There are two main steps in the process of analyzing data:
Step 1: Creating a framework of data analysis (Figure 7):
The study aims to address specific research questions by utilizing a questionnaire designed to explore the perceptions of fourth-year students regarding critical thinking (CT) The data collected is categorized into several groups: demographic information, frequency of critical thinking, challenges encountered in critical thinking, awareness of CT, and interest in further learning about CT.
Figure 7 - Framework of data analyzing
Step 2: Setting the stages of data analysis:
(1) Gathering, screening, and encoding the data in an Excel spreadsheet
(2) Importing the data into SPSS
To analyze the data effectively, it is essential to assess the reliability of each group of items and examine the descriptive statistics regarding fourth-year students' perceptions of critical thinking (CT) The mean scores are categorized into ranges: 1.00-1.80 indicates "Never," 1.81-2.60 represents "Rarely," 2.61-3.40 signifies "Sometimes," 3.41-4.20 denotes "Often," and 4.21-5.00 reflects "Always."
Reliability and validity
To assess the reliability and validity of data, researchers commonly utilize Cronbach's Alpha coefficients and Corrected Item-Total Correlations According to George and Mallery (2003), the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients are interpreted as follows: values greater than 9 indicate excellent reliability, values above 8 signify good reliability, values over 7 are considered acceptable, values exceeding 6 are questionable, values above 5 are poor, and values below 5 are unacceptable The results show Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of 813, 847, and 895, which fall between 8 and 9, indicating that the data is reliable and suitable for the study The following sections will detail the processes for testing the reliability and validity of the data.
Table 3-2 Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of groups of research results
Section Cronbach's Alpha Number of items
Seniors' frequency of thinking critically 813 6
Seniors' frequency of facing difficulties in thinking critically
The initial version of the questionnaire, developed in English, was largely inspired by Duong's 2011 survey (p 95-97) Following the completion of the first draft, it was submitted to the supervisor for feedback Concurrently, a pilot test was conducted with five final-year students from BAV After multiple revisions and receiving the supervisor's approval, the questionnaire was finalized for data collection During the processing phase, the author identified three items that required attention.
"NEG1", "NEG2", and "NEG3" had the Corrected Item-Total Correlation values as 0.010, 0.000, and 0.113, respectively Those values were below-minimum values (< 0.4) (Gliem & Gliem, 2003, p 86) (For details on data encoding, see appendix)
Table 3-3 Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of section 1
Cronbach's Alpha Numbers of Items
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
The author improved the Cronbach's Alpha value by removing certain items, leading to significantly better results The revised Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and the Corrected Item-Total Correlation values both met the required standards, as demonstrated in the tables below.
Table 3-4 Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of section 1 (2)
Cronbach's Alpha Numbers of Items
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Similarly, for the items related to perceptions of CT among final-year students,
I also removed the "USAGE" item because they did not meet the criteria mentioned above
Table 3-5 Cronbach's alpha coefficient of section 2
Cronbach's Alpha Numbers of Items
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Table 3-6 Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of section 2 (2)
Cronbach's Alpha Numbers of Items
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
The research locale has been clearly defined, and the data gathering procedure has been thoroughly illustrated The samples and research population are also described in detail The research instruments utilized include a questionnaire, Excel software, and SPSS software After filtering the collected data, its reliability and validity have been assessed to ensure it is suitable for analysis.
Through the detailed description and analysis above, I have shown my data processing methods, and the detailed results are described in Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion
Findings and Discussion
4.1.1 Awareness of CT among BAV final-year students
This section addresses the initial sub-questions of the research by presenting findings from five data groups collected through the survey The first three charts illustrate participants' awareness of critical thinking (CT), while the final two tables display the results of data analysis conducted using SPSS software.
A recent survey revealed that a significant majority of seniors, approximately 91%, were familiar with the term "CT" prior to participating in the study, while only about 9% of respondents indicated they had no prior knowledge of it.
Figure 8 - BAV final-year students' awareness of CT
Before taking this survey, have you ever used or heard the term
According to Figure 9, the primary sources of information about computational thinking (CT) for participants indicate that 60% of surveyed students learned about CT from the Internet, while 55% were informed through their schools Additionally, around one-third of the students reported gaining knowledge about CT from friends and family, and approximately 20% learned about it by watching TV Notably, about 9% of participants stated they were unaware of CT, aligning with the findings presented in Figure 8.
Figure 9 - Sources of information from which participants know about CT
Over 55% of participants indicated that they had received instruction on critical thinking (CT) during their studies at BAV, aligning with the findings presented in the accompanying figure.
9 In addition, 17% of the survey respondents said that they were not taught about CT while studying at BAV Surprisingly, the rest of the respondents (about 28%) answered that they do not remember whether they have been taught about CT or not
Where do you know this term from?
Figure 10 - Final-year students' awareness of being taught about CT while studying at BAV
The table below illustrates respondents' perceptions of the significance of CT in relation to their careers, studies, and overall life The importance levels are categorized based on the following mean ranges: 1.00-1.80 indicates "Very Unimportant," 1.81-2.60 signifies "Unimportant," and 2.61-3.40 reflects a moderate level of importance.
Table 4-1 Perceptions of BAV final-year students towards the importance of CT in their career, study, and daily life
Ranking Items Mean Std Deviation Interpretations
Have you been taught about "Critical Thinking" while studying at
The average score of 4.2553, with a standard deviation of approximately 0.805, indicates that critical thinking (CT) is highly valued by final-year students at BAV According to the data presented, respondents believe that CT plays a crucial role in their career development, making it the only aspect deemed very important by the participants.
CT was important to their study and daily life Specifically, the "Daily life" item had the lowest mean
Final year BAV students recognize the significant role of critical thinking (CT) in enhancing their interpersonal skills, as reflected in the data Participants unanimously agreed that CT fosters improvements in their analytical, evaluative, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities, with mean scores of approximately 4.3228, 4.3165, and 4.3165, respectively Notably, there is a distinct difference in the mean scores for the last two items, indicating varying perceptions among students regarding the impact of CT on these specific skills.
"decision-making skills" item reached 4.1266, a difference of nearly 0.2 points compared to the item that preceded it
Table 4-2 Perceptions of BAV final-year students towards the importance of CT in improving interpersonal skills
3 Problem-solving skills 4.3165 70565 Totally agree
4.1.2 Final-year students' frequency of thinking critically
Table 4-3 illustrates the frequency that final-year students at BAV think critically
Table 4-3 BAV final-year students' frequency of thinking critically
1 You can analyze a matter by thinking about the facts associated with it
2 You check what you read/heard by searching the Internet or in related documents
3 You analyze and evaluate other people's ideas objectively
(assessing their both advantages and disadvantages)
4 When you read an article, you can understand the main ideas and intentions of the author
5 You can see the contradiction between cause and effect in the explanation of a problem
6 You can come to the correct conclusion on an issue by your thinkings
Final year students at BAV demonstrated a strong capacity for critical thinking, with an overall mean score of approximately 3.478 Notably, the highest scores were associated with information analysis skills, indicating frequent use of these skills among participants However, there was a significant disparity between the top-ranked item and the sixth-ranked item, with a mean difference of nearly 0.3 Evaluation skills received the lowest mean score, at around 3.399, highlighting an area for potential improvement.
English major students, who engage in curriculums featuring critical thinking (CT) modules, exhibited a higher overall mean score of 3.576 compared to their non-English major counterparts, who scored an average of 3.451 This indicates that students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages are more inclined to practice critical thinking skills than students from other faculties.
Table 4-4 Differences of practicing CT between English major and non-English major students
Item English major students Non-English major students
You can analyze a matter by thinking about the facts associated with it
You can come to the correct conclusion on an issue by your thinking
When you read an article, you can understand the main ideas and intentions of the author
You can see the contradiction between cause and effect in the explanation of a problem
You analyze and evaluate other people’s ideas objectively (assessing their both advantages and disadvantages
You check what you read/heard by searching the
Internet or in related documents
4.1.3 Frequency of facing difficulties when thinking critically
Table 4-5 below shows the frequency of difficulties encountered when thinking critically of final-year students at BAV
Table 4-5 Frequency of facing difficulties when thinking critically
Ranking Items Mean Std Deviation Interpretations
1 You find it difficult to make decisions
2 You find it difficult to express your thoughts
Ranking Items Mean Std Deviation Interpretations
3 You find it difficult to defend your point of view
4 You find it difficult to analyze information
5 You find it difficult to distinguish facts from opinions
Participants reported challenges in critical thinking, with an overall mean score of 3.15 Specifically, students most frequently struggled with decision-making, averaging a mean of 3.30 Additionally, difficulties arose in articulating thoughts and defending personal viewpoints, as well as in differentiating between facts and opinions.
Research indicates a notable difference in critical thinking difficulties between English major and non-English major students Specifically, English major students reported a mean score of 3.076, which is lower than the 3.186 mean score of non-English major students This suggests that non-English major students at BAV experience greater challenges in critical thinking compared to their English major counterparts.
Table 4-6 Differences of having difficulties when thinking critically between
English-major and non-English major students
Item English major students Non-English major students
You find it difficult to distinguish facts from opinions
You find it difficult to make decisions?
You find it difficult to express your thoughts
You find it difficult to defend your point of view
You find it difficult to analyze information
4.1.4 BAV final-year students' interest in Critical Thinking
The two charts presented reveal students' interest in enhancing their understanding of computational thinking (CT) and their eagerness to incorporate CT into the training program at BAV.
According to Figure 11, approximately 78% of surveyed students expressed a desire to learn more about CT, while only 3% indicated they were not interested in acquiring these skills.
Figure 11 - BAV final-year students' interest in learning CT
The survey results, illustrated in Figure 12, reveal a diverse range of opinions among participants regarding the integration of computational thinking (CT) into BAV's education program Notably, 50% of respondents deemed it essential to incorporate CT into the curriculum, while an additional 40% considered its integration important Conversely, a mere 1% of participants expressed that applying CT to BAV's curriculums was unimportant.
Figure 12 – Participants’ opinions on the importance of CT integration in the
Do you want to learn more about CT?
What is your opinion on the importance of integrating Critical
Thinking skills in the curriculums at BAV?
UnimportantNeutralImportantVery important
4.2.1 Perceptions of Critical Thinking among BAV final-year students
The findings in section 4.1.1 reveal that a majority of surveyed students possess a positive understanding of Critical Thinking (CT) Notably, over half of the participants reported becoming aware of CT through online resources, highlighting the Internet's significant role in shaping students' perceptions This underscores the necessity of CT in aiding students to critically evaluate information found online However, as illustrated in Figure 10, some participants recognized CT but could not recall receiving formal instruction on the topic at BAV.
During my time studying at BAV, I found that the curriculum includes presentations and debates, which are intended to enhance students' critical thinking skills, particularly in analyzing and evaluating information However, the effectiveness of these activities was often lacking, likely due to the absence of dedicated modules that provide in-depth instruction on these essential skills.
Participants rated the application of critical thinking (CT) in daily life as the least important, while considering it the most crucial skill for the workplace This suggests that CT is recognized as a highly valued skill by employers, yet its broader applications are often overlooked by the media.
The issue appears to stem from a lack of understanding or a misunderstanding of Critical Thinking (CT), making it difficult for individuals to connect it to their daily lives This observation aligns with the findings of Trinh & Nguyen (2019) Furthermore, their knowledge of CT primarily comes from the Internet and informal discussions with friends, indicating that they might be at the "remember" stage of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy.
4.2.2 Final-year students’ frequency of practice and facing difficulties when thinking critically
It can be seen that BAV final-year students often thought critically with the use of analyzing, evaluating skills Although students might not understand CT
Senior-year students consistently engage in information analysis skills more frequently than evaluation skills, as indicated by survey results This trend can be attributed to the complexity of evaluation, which is considered more challenging than analysis according to the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT).
Students frequently struggle with decision-making, as indicated by the mean scores in Table 4.5 The participants expressed that critical thinking (CT) did not enhance their decision-making abilities to the same extent as other skills.
Research indicates that English major students exhibit stronger critical thinking skills compared to their non-English counterparts, aligning with Black's (2005) assertion that teaching enhances critical thinking abilities This topic remains debated, as numerous studies have explored the effectiveness of critical thinking training programs; however, many of these studies face methodological challenges (El Soufi & See, 2019, p 151; Willingham, 2008, p 12).
4.2.3 BAV final-year students' interest in learning Critical Thinking
A significant number of surveyed students showed a strong interest in expanding their knowledge of computational thinking (CT) and advocated for its inclusion in the BAV education program This aligns with earlier findings, as senior-year students recognize the crucial role CT plays in their lives, leading them to engage in regular learning and practice of CT concepts.
This may help educators understand more about students' desires for learning
CT, which may partly help them make intentions and plans about integrating CT in teaching at BAV in the future
In summary, BAV final year students exhibit a positive outlook on critical thinking (CT), having developed essential skills through diverse learning sources such as the Internet, schools, and personal networks However, their understanding of CT remains superficial, primarily concentrating on analytical skills while struggling with problem identification and decision-making This aligns with Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, which suggests that mastering lower-level skills, like analyzing, is crucial for effectively utilizing higher-level skills such as evaluating and creating Additionally, English major students who have received CT instruction encounter fewer challenges in critical thinking compared to their peers.
In Vietnam, several challenges hinder the enhancement of final year students' perceptions of critical thinking (CT) and their critical thinking skills The traditional teaching methods prevalent in the country foster a passive approach to learning, discouraging open expression of ideas between students and teachers, as well as among parents and children (Trinh & Nguyen, 2019; Vyncke, 2012) Consequently, students often keep their thoughts to themselves Additionally, the availability of learning materials on CT in Vietnamese is limited, as it is primarily a Western concept Moreover, many students, particularly those not majoring in English, struggle with English proficiency, which further restricts their ability to access relevant information and resources (Lam et al., 2014).
This study successfully explored the use of CT among final year BAV students and their perceptions of it, revealing that students exhibited increased engagement in thinking and learning However, the limited survey sample may not accurately reflect the broader population, suggesting that the findings should be considered as preliminary and warrant further investigation.
To enhance critical thinking (CT) skills, both students and teachers must actively engage in the educational process Students should focus on improving their English proficiency to reduce reliance on Vietnamese resources and participate actively in classes to practice essential soft skills Meanwhile, schools and educators need to foster a conducive learning environment by providing resources and opportunities for CT development, such as presentations and debates Teachers play a crucial role in shaping students' perceptions of CT; thus, they must possess a deep understanding of CT to effectively integrate it into their teaching methods.
This study has several limitations, including potential inaccuracies in measuring students' critical thinking (CT) due to the impact of the Covid pandemic and time constraints, which restricted sample collection and may not reflect the broader population Additionally, the poorly designed questionnaire hindered effective data analysis and discussion of findings To enhance future research on this topic in Vietnam, it is essential to increase the sample size and utilize well-structured questionnaires to better assess participants' understanding of critical thinking concepts.
Critical thinking is essential for everyone, not just students and academics, yet it remains an underappreciated topic in Vietnam Increasing the literature on critical thinking in the country is crucial for guiding educational planners in making informed decisions.
47 improvements And, I hoped that this study may contribute to the panorama of research about CT in Vietnam.
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Questionnaire on Perceptions of Critical Thinking among BAV final-year students (English version) (*Compulsory)
Appendix 1: Questionnaire on Perceptions of Critical Thinking among BAV final-year students (English version) (*Compulsory)
Question 1 How often do you experience the situations listed below? *
When facing a problem, you judge it by your personal bias without thinking
You can analyze a matter by thinking about the facts associated with it
You can come to the correct conclusion on an issue by your thinking
When you read an article, you can understand the main ideas and intentions of the author
You can see the contradiction between cause and effect in the explanation of a problem
You analyze and evaluate other people’s ideas objectively (assessing their
Rarely Never both advantages and disadvantages)
You believe in the information you read on newspapers, social networks without thinking and assessing its correctness
You believe in your lecturers' sayings and opinions without thinking about their validity
You check what you read/heard by searching the
Internet or in related documents
You find it difficult to distinguish facts from opinions
You find it difficult to make decisions?
You find it difficult to express your thoughts
You find it difficult to defend your point of view
You find it difficult to analyze information
Question 2 Before taking this survey, have you ever used or heard the term
"Critical thinking"? (One answer only) *
Question 3 Where do you know this term from (Multiple answers) *
Question 4 How often do you use the term "Critical Thinking (One answer only)*
Question 5 How important is "Critical Thinking" do you think for your *
Important Neutral Unimportant Of no use at all Career
Question 6 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Critical Thinking improves: *
Question 7 Do you want to learn more about "Critical Thinking (One answer only)*
Question 8 Have you been taught about "Critical Thinking" while studying at
Question 9 What is your opinion on the importance of integrating Critical
Thinking skills in the curriculums at BAV? (One answer only) *
◯ Of no use at all
Question 10 Your additional comments (optional)
Question 11 Which faculty are you in? (One answer only) *
◯ MIS (Management of Information Systems)
◯ ISBA (International School of Banking Academy)
Question 12 What is your gender? (One answer only) *
Questionnaire on Perceptions of Critical Thinking among BAV final-year students (Vietnamese version) (*Compulsory)
final-year students (Vietnamese version) (*Compulsory)
Phần 1: Hành vi của đối tượng khảo sát
Câu 1 Tần suất bạn trải nghiệm những tình huống được liệt kê dưới đây? *
Khi gặp phải một vấn đề, bạn đánh giá nó bằng thành kiến cá nhân mà không suy nghĩ
Bạn có thể phân tích một vấn đề bằng cách suy nghĩ về các dữ kiện liên quan đến nó
Bạn có thể đưa ra kết luận chính xác về một vấn đề bằng suy nghĩ của bạn
Khi đọc một bài viết, bạn có thể hiểu được ý tưởng chính và chủ ý của tác giả
Bạn có thể thấy được mâu thuẫn giữa nguyên nhân và kết quả trong lời giải thích của một vấn đề
Bạn phân tích và đánh giá ý tưởng của người khác một cách khách quan (đánh giá cả ưu điểm và nhược điểm)
Bạn tin vào những thông tin đọc được trên báo, mạng xã hội mà không cần suy nghĩ và tìm hiểu về tính đúng đắn của chúng
Bạn tin vào lời nói và quan điểm của giảng viên, mà không cần suy nghĩ về tính đúng đắn của nó
Bạn kiểm tra những thông tin bạn đọc/nghe được bằng cách tìm kiếm trên mạng hoặc trong các tài liệu liên quan
Bạn gặp khó khăn trong việc phân biệt sự thật hiển nhiên với quan điểm cá nhân
Bạn gặp khó khăn trong việc ra quyết định
Bạn gặp khó khăn khi bày tỏ suy nghĩ của bản thân
Bạn gặp khó khăn khi bảo vệ quan điểm của bản thân
Bạn gặp khó khăn khi phân tích thông tin
Phần 2: Nhận thức của đối tượng khảo sát
Trước khi tham gia khảo sát này, bạn đã từng sử dụng hoặc nghe đến khái niệm "Tư duy phản biện" chưa? (Xin vui lòng chọn một trong các đáp án).
Câu 3 Bạn biết đến thuật ngữ này từ đâu? (Được chọn nhiều đáp án) *
Câu 4 Tần suất sử dụng thuật ngữ "Tư duy phản biện/Critical Thinking" của bạn? (Chỉ chọn một đáp án) *
Câu 5 Bạn nghĩ thế nào về mức độ quan trọng của "Tư duy phản biện" đối với *
Trung lập Không thực sự quan trọng
Câu 6 Mức độ đồng tình của bạn với ý kiến: Tư duy phản biện giúp cải thiện *
Hoàn toàn đồng ý Đồng ý Trung lập
Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề
Kỹ năng ra quyết định
Phân tích & đánh giá vấn đề
Câu 7 Bạn có muốn tìm hiểu thêm về "Tư duy phản biện" không? (Chỉ chọn một đáp án) *
Câu 8 Bạn có được dạy về "Tư duy phản biện" khi học tại HVNH không? (Chỉ chọn một đáp án) *
Việc đưa kỹ năng "Tư duy phản biện" vào chương trình giảng dạy tại Học viện Ngân hàng là vô cùng cần thiết Kỹ năng này giúp sinh viên phát triển khả năng phân tích, đánh giá thông tin một cách sâu sắc và đưa ra quyết định sáng suốt Trong bối cảnh kinh tế ngày càng phức tạp, tư duy phản biện không chỉ hỗ trợ sinh viên trong học tập mà còn chuẩn bị cho họ những kỹ năng cần thiết để thành công trong môi trường làm việc thực tế Do đó, việc tích hợp kỹ năng này vào chương trình giảng dạy sẽ nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo và đáp ứng nhu cầu của thị trường lao động.
◯ Không có tác dụng gì
Câu 10 Ý kiến đóng góp thêm của bạn (không bắt buộc)
Câu 11 Bạn là sinh viên khoa nào? (Chỉ chọn một đáp án) *
◯ Hệ thống thông tin quản lý
◯ Chương trình đào tạo chất lượng cao
◯ Chương trình đào tạo quốc tế
Câu 12 Giới tính của bạn? *
NEG1 When facing a problem, you judge it by your personal bias without thinking
POS1 You can analyze a matter by thinking about the facts associated with it
POS2 You can come to the correct conclusion on an issue by your thinking
POS3 When you read an article, you can understand the main ideas and intentions of the author
POS4 You can see the contradiction between cause and effect in the explanation of a problem
POS5 You analyze and evaluate other people’s ideas objectively
(assessing their both advantages and disadvantages)
NEG2 You believe in the information you read on newspapers, social networks without thinking and assessing its correctness
NEG3 You believe in your lecturers' sayings and opinions without thinking about their validity
POS6 You check what you read/heard by searching the Internet or in related documents NEG4 You find it difficult to distinguish facts from opinions
NEG5 You find it difficult to make decisions?
NEG6 You find it difficult to express your thoughts
NEG7 You find it difficult to defend your point of view
NEG8 You have difficulty analyzing information
USAGE How often do you use the term "Critical Thinking"?
ENH4 Analyze & evaluate the problems
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Perceptions of Banking Academy of Vietnam fin Bởi Vũ Chung Thanh Lê
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Submitted to Heriot-Watt University on 2012-08-17
Chapter 1: Introduction outlines the study's background, objectives, significance, scope, and limitations, providing a framework for achieving the research goal In the digital age, students must learn to differentiate between facts and fake news, develop critical thinking skills, and make informed decisions, essential for success in dynamic job markets While Western countries have emphasized critical thinking in education for decades, Vietnam has only recently begun to address this need The study focuses on final-year students at the Banking Academy of Vietnam, aiming to understand their perceptions of critical thinking skills through key research questions about their knowledge, practice, challenges, and interest in these skills The study's scope is limited to this specific institution, with potential issues regarding sample representation and participant honesty The significance lies in providing insights into students' perceptions, contributing to the development of educational programs, and serving as a reference for future research in this area The research is structured into five chapters.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion Chapter 5: Conclusions and
The article outlines the structure of the research, beginning with an overview of the background and objectives in the first chapter The second chapter reviews relevant theories and literature, establishing the theoretical framework for the study Chapter three details the research methodology, including the study's locale, design, and data collection processes, while addressing sampling reliability and validity In chapter four, the findings and discussions derived from the analysis are presented Finally, the article concludes with synthesized recommendations based on the gathered data and insights The research was conducted at the Banking Academy of Vietnam during the second term.
2020 – 2021 academic year to examine how BAV final-year students perceive Critical Thinking 3.2 Data gathering procedure Due to the resurgence of the Covid-