RESEARCH Open Access Advancing donor management research: design and implementation of a large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Lorraine B Ware 1* , Tatsuki Koyama 2 , Dean Billheimer 3 , Megan Landeck 4 , Elizabeth Johnson 4 , Sandra Brady 5,6,7 , Gordon R Bernard 1 , Michael A Matthay 5,6,7 and for the California Transplant Donor Network Abstract Background: Given the persistent shortage of organs for transplantation, new donor management strategies to improve both organ util ization and quality of procured organs are needed. Current management protocols for the care of the deceased donor before organ procurement are based on physiological rationale, experienti al reasoning, and retrospective studies without rigorous testing. Although many factors contribute to the lack of controlled clinical trials in donor management, a major factor is the unique challenges posed by research in the brain-dead organ donor. Methods and Results: This article describes the study design and the challenges faced during implementation of the Beta-agonists for Oxygenation in Lung Donors (BOLD) study, a randomized, pl acebo-controlled clinical trial of nebulized albuterol vs. placebo in 500 organ donors. The study design and implementation are described with emphasis on aspects of the study that are unique to research in brain-dead organ donors. Conclusions: Experience gained during the design and implementation of the BOLD study should be useful for investigators planning future clinical trials in the brain-dead donor population and for intensivists who are involved in the care of the brain-dead organ donor. Introduction Despite recent efforts to improve donation awareness, family consent, clinical management, and organ utiliza- tion, there rem ains a persistent shortage of organs for transplantation [1] and a plateau in the number of organ donors has been noted. Thus, new strategies to improve the quality of donated organs and rates of organ utilization are still n eeded. An important strategy to improve organ utilization is t hrough novel donor management therapies that are designed to optimize organ function in the deceased donor, thus maximizing the likelihood of organ utilization and minimizing the likelihood of graft dysfunction. New donor management therapies should be rigor- ously evaluated before clinical implementation. Rando- mized, controlled, clinical trials are the primary route for testing of new pharmacologic therapies and other clinical interventions in living patients. However, there have been very few randomized, clinical trials in deceased donor management [2]. Current management protocols for the care of the organ donor before organ procurement are based on physiological rationale, experiential reasoning, and retrospective studies without the benefit of rigorous testing [3]. Although there are many factors that contribute to the lack of controlled clinical trials in donor management, a major factor is the unique cha llenges posed by research in the brain- dead organ donor. To a dvance the f ield of donor management and opti- mize organ utilization, there is a pressing need to apply the science of clinical trial design to the implementation of donor management studies. The purpose of this arti- cleistodescribethestudydesignandthechallenges faced during implementation of the Beta-agonists for Oxygenation in Lung Donors (BOLD) (NCT #00310 401) study, a tria l of nebulized albuterol vs. placebo in 500 * Correspondence: 1 Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 © 2011 Ware et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Acc ess article distribute d under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. organ donors. We have placed particular emphasis on aspects that are unique to conducting research in brain- dead organ donors. Experience gained during the design and implementation of the BOLD study should be useful for investigators planning future clinical trials in the brain-dead donor population. Study rationale The demand for lung transplantation excee ds the supply of donor lungs, leading to protracted waiting times and a high death rate on the waiting list [4-6]. Although the use of extended donors who do not meet traditional cri- teria for lung donation has improved donor lung utiliza- tion rates at selected centers [7-10], the national donor lung utilization rate remains low [4]. The most common reasons for failure to utilize donor lungs are donor hypoxemia and/or pulmonary infiltrates [4]. Acute pul- monary edema occurs commonly in association with acute brain injury [4] and is a potentially reversible cause of donor hypoxemia and pulmonary i nfiltrates. In lungs from 29 donors that were rejected for transplanta- tion, lung wet-to-dry weight ratio, a measure of pulmon- ary edema, was nor mal in only 7 (24%), indicating t hat pulmonary edema is very common in organ donors [11]. Strategies to enhance the resolution of pulmonary edema could lead to improved donor oxygenation and higher rates of donor lung utilization. The clearance of pulmonary edema fluid from the dis- tal airspaces is driven by active transport of sodium across the alveolar epithelium [12]. Faster rates of alveo- lar fluid clearance are associated with more rapid improvements in oxygenation in patients with h ydro- static pulmonary edema [13] and better oxygenation, a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation, and improved survival in patients with acute lung injury [14,15]. In addition, in recipients with primary graft dys- function and reperfusion pulmonary edema after lung transplantation, those with intact alveolar fluid clearance had more rapid improvements in oxygenation than reci- pients with impaired fluid clearance [16]. Thus, the capacity to resolve alveolar edema is an important vari- able in determining clinical outcomes across a wide vari- ety of critically ill patients with acute pulmonary edema. Inhaled beta-2 agonists increase the rate of alveolar fluid clearance and reduce pulmonary edema in both animal and human lungs [12]. In donor lungs that were excised but not transplanted, the majority responded to beta-2 adrenergic agonists instilled into the airspaces with increased rates of alveolar fluid clearance [11,17]. Standard doses of inhaled beta-2 agonists reach concen- trations in the pulmonary edema fluid that are sufficient to stimulate alveolar fluid clearance [18]. Based on this evidence, we hypothesized that pharmacologic treatment with an inhaled beta-2 adrenergic agonist to enhance clearan ce of pulmonary edema from the distal airspaces would reduce donor hypoxemia and increase donor lung utilization. To test this hypothesis, we designed a pro- spective, randomized, clinical trial to test the efficacy of inhaled albuterol to increase the rate of alveolar fluid clearance and reduce pul monary edema in brain-dead organ donors. Study overview The BOLD study is a multicenter, randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled trial that compared the effects of nebulized albuterol to placebo on donor oxygenation in 500 brain-dead organ donors. The coordinating center for the trial is at Vanderbilt University. Donors are enrolled at 175 hospitals served by the California Transplant Dono r Network (CTDN), an organ procurement organization that serves a population of more than 10 million people in Northern California and parts of Nevada (Figure 1). The trial is funded by the National Institutes of Health through the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and enrolled its first donor in April 2007. Clinical and physiological endpoints Primary outcome Study outcomes are summar ized in Table 1 and Figure 2. The primary outcome is the change in donor oxygenation from enrollment to organ procurement. This is defined as the change in the Pa O 2 /FiO 2 ratio as measured by arterial blood gas analysis from enrollm ent to organ pro- curement or 72 hours, whichever occurs first. In addition to the overall change in PaO 2 /FiO 2 , the change in the area under the curve for all measurements of PaO 2 /FiO 2 will be evaluated. Secondary clinical outcomes The effect of albuterol on several secondary clinical out- comes will be evaluated (Table 1), including the donor lung utilization rate, the change in static lung compli- ance from enrollment to organ procurement, and the change in chest radiographic score from enrollment to organ procurement. Recipient outcom es Lung and other solid organ recipi- ent outcomes w ill be analyzed as secondary outcomes, including 30-day graft and recipient survival. Secondary physiologic outcomes Lungs that are not used for clinical transplantation are resected without pe rfusion and tr ansported to the BOLD Lung Physiology Laboratory at UCSF for physio- logic evaluation, including measurement of the lung wet-to-dry weight ratio and the rate of alveolar fluid clearance [17]. Selection of study subjects The inclusion and exclusion criteria are intended to maximize enrollment. We considered excluding donors Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 Page 2 of 9 in whom there is an absolute contraindication to lung transplantation (such as serious preexisting lung dis- ease), because the secondary outcome of donor lung uti- lization could not be improved by albuterol treatment in this group. However, because the primary outcome (donor oxygenation) could theoretically be improved by albuterol in all donors, and contrain dications to lung transplantation are not always apparent at the beginning of the donor management period, we chose t o include all donors. All brain-dead organ donors managed by the Figure 1 Geographic area in Northern California served by the California Transplant Donor Network (shaded area). Northern Nevada also is served by the California Transplant Donor Network. Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 Page 3 of 9 CTDN who are 14 years of age or older and have next- of-kin consent for organ donation and research are eligi- ble for enrollment in the clinical arm of the study. For inclusion in the secondary physiologic outcomes arm of the study, the lungs also must be rejected for transplan- tation and approved for research use by the coroner or medical examiner. For inclusion in the secondary phy- siologic outcomes arm of the study, a qualified surgeon must be available to resect the lungs at the time of organ procurement. In addition to the above-mentioned inclusion criteria, for a donor to be included in t he final analysis, they must receive at least one dose of study drug and com- plete the donation process as defined by surgical pro- curement of at least one organ. Five to ten percent of donors managed by the CTDN do not complete the organ donation process usually due to severe hemody- namic instability and/or multiorgan system failure. Because these donors are typically managed for less than 12 hours, they would be unlikely to receive more Table 1 Primary and secondary outcomes for the BOLD study Type of outcome Outcome Definition Primary Donor oxygenation Change in the PaO 2 /FiO 2 ratio as measured by arterial blood gas analysis from enrollment to organ procurement or 72 hours, whichever occurs first Secondary clinical Donor lung utilization rate The number of lungs transplanted divided by the total number of lungs available in the donors enrolled in each study arm. The donor utilization rate will also be evaluated using only potentially transplantable lungs in the denominator. For this analysis, donors whose lungs have absolute contraindications to transplantation will not excluded including donors with (1) significant pulmonary disease, (2) bilateral lung contusion, (3) hepatitis C antibody positive (4) age over 65 years or (5) HIV positive. Static lung compliance Change in static lung compliance between enrollment and organ procurement or 72 hours, whichever occurs first. During study enrollment, static lung compliance is measured every 12 hours and immediately prior to organ procurement. Chest radiographic score Change in chest radiographic pulmonary edema score between enrollment radiograph and radiograph obtained just prior to organ procurement. Chest radiographs are scored in a blinded fashion by two of the investigators using a scoring system developed and validated specifically for this study [29]. Secondary physiological (only in lungs that are not used for transplantation) Lung wet-to-dry weight ratio Gravimetric measurement of the ratio of the wet weight compared to the lung weight after drying. The lung wet-to-dry weight ratio is a quantitative index of the degree of pulmonary edema [17]. Total lung weight will also be measured. Rate of alveolar fluid clearance The rate of alveolar fluid clearance is measured in a rewarmed lobe of the excised lung after instillation of an isotonic albumin-containing solution [17] Secondary recipient (only in lung transplant recipients) 30-day lung graft survival Percent of lung allografts that are functional 30 days after transplantation in each study arm 30-day lung recipient survival Percent of lung transplant recipients that are alive at 30 days after transplantation in each study arm Figure 2 Summary of clinical and physiological outcomes in the BOLD study. Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 Page 4 of 9 than one or two doses of the study drug and would have an inadequate time period o ver which to be assessed for the primary and secondary outcomes. Consent process The complex ethical issues that arise in donor manage- ment clinical trials were the subject of a recent review [19] and will n ot be considered in detail here. Under United States federal regulations, brain-dead o rgan donors are not legally considered to be human subjects for the purposes of informed consent. For this reason, the consent process for the BOLD study has been tai- lored for the donor population. At the time that a CTDN representative meets with family members of the deceased to obtain consent for organ donation, consent for r esearch, including donor management studies, also is discussed. If the family member consents for research, then the donor becomes eligible for enrollment in the BOLD study. Regarding consent from lung transplant recipients who will receive lungs from donors enrolled in the study, a panel of consulting transplant bioethicists have concurred that informed consent from lung recipients is not required in the BOLD study, because the stud y poses minimal risk, it has traditionally been the role of the transplant surgeon to determine the relative risk of an organ, and final ly, there is no precedent in the trans- plant community for requiring recipient consent for donor management studies that pose minimal risk. Treatment groups and randomization There are two treatment groups. The albuterol group receives 5.0 mg of albuterol by nebulization every 4 hours from the time of study enrollment until organ procur ement. The placebo group receives an equivalent volume of nebulized saline every 4 hours. Subjects are prospectively randomized in a 1:1 ratio among study and placebo groups. Randomization is con- ducted by the UCSF Investigational Pharmacy. The Investigational Pharmacy prepares study drug and pla- cebo in identical vials that are randomly assigned study numbers in permuted blocks of eight. Sufficient study drug for one donor is placed in individual donor study kits that are distributed to the CTDN Transplant Coor- dinators for use when a donor is enrolled in the stud y. Each Transplant Coordinat or maintains a stock of these kits so that a kit is always available when a Transplant Coordi nator is on site at any o f the 175 hospitals served by the CTDN. Each study subject is assigned a number that corresponds to the number on the study drug vial as part of the randomization p rocess, and the number becomes that subject’s unique treatment number. Blinding of the study drug is preserved throughout the study. No treatment gr oup information is provided to the investigators or CTDN staff except in case of an emergency, and a log of unblinding events is maintained. Study procedures The study flow is summarized i n Figure 3. All study procedures and prim ary data collection is performed by the CTD N Transplant Coordinators who are respons ible for the clinical management of the organ donor onsite at the hospital. Enrollment into the BOLD study occurs once the CTDN assumes clinical care of the brain-dead patient with consent for o rgan donation and research and upon meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria. Neb- ulized study drug (albuterol or identical saline placebo) is administered every 4 hours by using a standard nebu- lizer device provided in the individ ual donor st udy kit for 72 hours or until the donor is s ent to the operating room for organ procurement, whichever occurs first. Arterial blood gas, static lung compliance, and chest radiograph are obtained before the first dose of study drug and immediately before organ procurement for assessment of the primary and secondary study end- points. Donor s are managed using standard CTDN pro- tocols [20] except for the admin istratio n of stu dy drug and data collection, with one exception. It is recom- mended that all donors enrolled in the BOLD study be ventilated with 10 cc/kg of tidal volume based on pre- dicted body weight to minimize ventilator-associat ed lung injury [21]. However, ventilator settings remain at the discretion of the Transplant Coordinator and super- vising Advanced Practice Coordinator and may be altered depending on the clinical circumstances. Study variables Comprehensive data are collected for each donor. At enrollment, demographics, medical history, cause of brain death, smoking , alcohol and drug use history, and hospital course before brain death are recorded. Throughout the study period, hemodynamic and ventila- tory parameters are recorde d hourly along with medica- tion administration, fluid balance, and culture and test results. At organ procurement, organ disposition for all solidorgansisrecordedalongwithreasonsfor nonallocation. In addition to clinical data, blood is collected for plasma and DNA at study enrollment. These blood sam- ples are transported to an HLA typing laboratory at UCSF by courier along with donor samples for HLA typing. A second plasma sample is obtained at the time of organ procurement and is transported to the UCSF HLA laboratory b y courier along with samples that are collected from the donor for tissue banking. The HLA laboratory processes all blood immediately to separate plasma, which is frozen at -80C in small aliquots and shipped to the coordinating center at Vanderbilt. Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 Page 5 of 9 Hard or digital copies of enrollment and procurement chest radiographs are mailed to the coordinating center at Vanderbilt where they are scored by two investigators blinded to treatment arm assignment. Sample size The sample size was estimated using oxygenation data obtained from the CTDN for donors managed by stan- dard protocols. The targeted enrollment is 500 donors who complete the organ donation process, 250 treated with albuterol, and 250 treated with placebo. This sam- ple size yields a power o f 0.8 to detect an increase in the primary outcome, donor oxygenation, expressed as the mean difference of PaO 2 /FiO 2 , by 37.5 using a two- sided, two-sample t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The principal analysis will be intention-to-treat, based on randomization assignment among d onors who com- plete the donation process and receive at least one dose of study drug. Interim analyses are planned at sample sizes of 100 and 300 for safety (see below) and efficacy. Early stopping rules for efficacy are b ased o n the observed difference in PaO 2 /FiO 2 ratio. Using stopping rules described in Jennison and Turnbull [22], the p- value thresholds are 7.4 × 10 -6 , 0.01, and 0.04 at the two interim and the final analyses, respectively. Data safety and monitoring Safety considerations In a large randomized trial of intravenous albuterol (sal- butamol) in acute lung injury, the primary side effects were tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias [23]. In the BOLD study, heart rate is monitored continuously. I f heart rate increases by > 3 0 bpm during the study drug aerosolization, the aerosol is stopped. Because fluctua- tions in heart rate may be multifactorial, the subject is evaluated and a cause for tachycardia other than study drug is sought and if identified, t reated. The next scheduled aerosolization of stu dy drug is given at 5 mg of albuterol or placebo, and if the heart rate increases by > 30 bpm ag ain, the aer osol is stopped and su bse- quent study drug doses are reduced to 2.5 mg (albuterol or placebo). A subsequent increase in heart rate > 30 bpm results in the study drug being held for another 4 hours and restarted at the 2.5-mg dose. Any subsequent increases in heart rate of > 30 bpm result in disconti- nuation of study drug for the duration of the study. In subjects developing sustained atrial or ventric ular arrhythmias, the study drug is discontinued and the event is reported as an adverse event. Eligible subjects with preexisting atrial fibrillation or multifocal atrial rhythms with a controlled ventricular response may par- ticipate in this trial. For enrolled subjects with preexist- ing atrial fibrillation or multifocal atrial rhythms, study drug is dosed and subsequently adjusted, held, or dis- continued based on change in baseline heart rates as previously described. If subjects develop more t han four new premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) per min- ute during aerosolization of the study drug, then the treatment is stopped for the remainder of the study. Because several clinical studies show that inhaled beta- 2 agonists do not result in significant alterations in blood pressure, we have not established specific guide- lines for dose adjustments for blood pressure. Altera- tions in blood pressure may be related to other clinical events or pharmacologic interventions. Data Safety and Monitoring Board The Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB) moni- tors donor safety, protocol adherence, and data q uality. The DSMB r eceives reports of serious adverse events. Interim safety analyses are performed after 100 and 300 patients to detect unexpected changes in l ung utilization. Pearson’ s chi-square test will be computed to assess differences in lung utilization between treatment groups. Figure 3 Timeline for study procedures in the BOLD study. Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 Page 6 of 9 Statistical significance will be judged based on the nom- inal 0.05 level. If a differen ce in treatment groups is determined, the DSMB will break the blind to assess the nature of the observed differe nce, as well as other fac- tors that might differ between groups (e.g., age, smoking status). Because the study is minimal risk, there is no plan for early stopping for futility. Quality control Because donors can be enrolle d at any of the 175 hospi- tals served by the CTDN, the study activities are per- formed primarily by the transplant coordinators who are at the bedside from before enrollment until after organ procurement. CTDN transplant coordinators arrange for the study drug to be administered by t he hospital respiratory therapist, draw blood samples, and record study data. Transplant coordinators are a heterogeneous group with different backgrounds (nursing, respiratory therapy, em ergency medical servic es), training, and experience and typi cally have no formal training in human research. All CTDN transplant coordinators were trained extensively in the study procedures before the study launch and refresher training is done fre- quently. Study data are reviewed by the principal investi- gator as they accrue, and all protocol violations are immediately reported to the CTDN study coordinator who contacts the respecti ve transplant coordinator to discuss the protocol violation and provide additional training. Study design and implementation challenges Brain-dead donors are a unique patient population. Implementing a randomized, controlled trial in donors has led to many challenges, which are addressed below. Ventilator management Although a recent study suggests that lower tidal volumes are superior to higher tidal volumes in the management of the organ donor [24], standard proto- cols in use by the CTDN at th e start of the BOLD study in 2007 dictated a tidal volume of at least 10 ml/kg of actual body weight and PEEP of at least 5 mmHg with further increases up to a maximum of 15 ml/kg man- dated if PaO 2 on FiO 2 of 1.0 was < 500 and/or chest radiograph was not clear. In addition, it was recom- mended that tidal volumes should be set at the highest possible range while maintaining peak inspiratory pres- sures less than 30 cmH 2 O. This protocol was well estab- lished for optimizing cardiopulmonary function and was associated with lung utilization rates that were a mong the highest nationally. However, because of the known adverse effects of high tidal volume on lung inflamma- tion [25,26] and alveolar fluid clearance [27], we were concerned that these high tidal volumes might cause sufficient lung injury in donors in the BOLD study to render the lungs unable to respond to beta-adrenergic agonist-mediated stimulation of alveolar fluid clearance. Although we would have pre ferred to us e the NHLBI ARDsNet protective ventilatory strategy of 6 ml/kg of tidal volume based on predicted body weight [28], this preference had to be weighed against the CTDN priority for optimizing inflation volumes to demonstrate good lung function to promote lung utilization for transp lan- tation. A compromise was reached at 1 0 ml/kg of pre- dicted body weight. This in tegration of predicted body weight into the setting of tidal volume necessitated a significant degree of staff reeducation. Hospital Institutional Review Boards Because brain-de ad organ donors are not legally consid- ered to be human subjects for the purposes of Institu- tional Review, we did not seek approval from the institutional review boards (IRBs) of the 175 hospitals where a brain-dead donor enrolled in BOLD might be cared for by the CTDN. The IRBs at the coordinating center (Vanderbilt) and at the BOLD Lung Physiology Laboratory site at UCSF both confirmed that the study does not involve human subjects. However, in the course of implementing the study, we have encountered questions from several hospital IRBs when they have become aware of the study, usually as a result of ques- tions from hospital respiratory therapists who are asked to administer the study drug. By request, the study has been submitted and approved by several hospital IRBs. One hospital declined to participate, although no reason was given and the protocol had received IRB approval. Another declined to participate because of a hospital policy barring use of nebulized medications in mechani- cally ventilated patients. Correct study drug dosing Study drug is supplied in a concentrated form that must be diluted with saline for nebulization. On occasion, errors by the hospital respiratory therapist have led to a failure to dilute the study drug appropriately with subse- quent administration of two to three times the pre- scribed dose. To prevent this error, the BOLD study drug vial label was redesigned to highlight the dilution instructions. In addition, new procedures were put in place to mandate face-to-face communication between the transplant coordinator and the hospital respiratory therapist before study initiation. This issue highlights the challenge of implementing a clinical trial of a ther- apy that must be administered by a respiratory therapist to a donor whose care is managed by a transplant coor- dinator but who is still an inpatient at one of 175 dispa- rate hospitals. Management of bronchospasm Although bronchospasm is not a common problem in organ donors, it does occur. To avoid reflexive open label use of albuterol for any symptoms of bronchospasm, a Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 Page 7 of 9 protocol for management of bronchospasm was put into place in the BOLD study such that decisions for manage- ment of bronchospasm are made in consultation with an Advanced Practice Coordinator. Use of alternative agents, such as ipratropium bromide, is encouraged but not pro- tocolized and use of any open-label albuterol is record ed and requires a written explanation. Protocol violations The most common protocol violation has been failure to obtain baseline study variables, such as arterial blood gas, before study drug initiation. The transplant coor di- nator has the difficult task of simultaneously optimizing donor hemodynamics and organ function, arranging for a variety of ancillary tests, assisting grieving families, and assisting with organ allocation. The added work burden of conducting a research study within the short period of donor management can be challenging and may not take precedence during very busy times. Designinganinterventionandcasereportfromthat could be seamlessly integrated into the usual flow of donor management was a chal lenge and ongoing rein- forcement of the need to obtain baseli ne study variabl es has been required. Conclusions To increase donor organ utilization, new donor manage- ment therapies are needed to optimize donor organ function. A randomized, clinical trial is the most reliable method to test different dono r management therapies. Experience gained in the design and implementation of the B OLD trial illustrates some of the challenges inher- ent in donor research but also demonstrates that large, randomized, clinical trials are feasible. It is our hope that experience ga ined in the BOLD study will stimulate other investigators to test donor interventions in rando- mized, clinical trials in the donor population. Acknowledgements We thank Wayne Babcock RN and Eugene Osborne for their contributions to the design and implementation of the BOLD study. In addition, this study would not have been possible without the assistance of all of the transplant, surgical, hospital, and advanced practice coordinators and support staff of the California Transplant Donor Network. We are grateful for their contributions. Author details 1 Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 2 Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 3 BIO5 Institute, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA 4 California Transplant Donor Network, Oakland, CA, USA 5 Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA 6 Department of Anesthesia, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA 7 Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Authors’ contributions LBW and MM conceived of the study and participated in its design and coordination and drafted the manuscript. TK and DB designed and implemented the analytic plan for the study. ML and EJ designed and implemented the study at the CTDN. SB oversaw all aspects of sample collection and processing for the study. GB provided input into the study design for ethical and IRB issues. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Received: 10 May 2011 Accepted: 14 June 2011 Published: 14 June 2011 References 1. Abouna GM: Organ shortage crisis: problems and possible solutions. Transplant Proc 2008, 40:34-38. 2. Feng S: Donor intervention and organ preservation: where is the science and what are the obstacles? Am J Transplant 2010, 10:1155-1162. 3. Kirschbaum CE, Hudson S: Increasing organ yield through a lung management protocol. Prog Transplant 2010, 20:28-32. 4. Esteban A, Fernandez-Segoviano P, Frutos-Vivar F, Aramburu JA, Najera L, Ferguson ND, Alia I, Gordo F, Rios F: Comparison of clinical criteria for the acute respiratory distress sydrome with autopsy findings. Ann Intern Med 2004, 141:440-445. 5. Ojo AO, Heinrichs D, Emond JC, McGowan JJ, Guidinger MK, Delmonico FL, Metzger RA: Organ donation and utilization in the USA. Am J Transplant 2004, 4(Suppl 9):27-37. 6. 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Ware LB, Neyrinck A, O’Neal H, Lee JW, Curtis B, Calfee CS, Matthay MA: Pulmonary edema in organ donors: comparison of chest radiograph scoring to lung weight as a quantitative index of lung water [abstract]. J Heart Lung Transpl 2009, 28:S71. doi:10.1186/2110-5820-1-20 Cite this article as: Ware et al.: Advancing donor management research: design and implementation of a large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Annals of Intensive Care 2011 1:20. Submit your manuscript to a journal and benefi t from: 7 Convenient online submission 7 Rigorous peer review 7 Immediate publication on acceptance 7 Open access: articles freely available online 7 High visibility within the fi eld 7 Retaining the copyright to your article Submit your next manuscript at 7 Ware et al . Annals of Intensive Care 2011, 1:20 Page 9 of 9 . RESEARCH Open Access Advancing donor management research: design and implementation of a large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Lorraine B Ware 1* , Tatsuki Koyama 2 , Dean Billheimer 3 ,. article as: Ware et al.: Advancing donor management research: design and implementation of a large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Annals of Intensive Care 2011 1:20. Submit your manuscript. respectively. Data safety and monitoring Safety considerations In a large randomized trial of intravenous albuterol (sal- butamol) in acute lung injury, the primary side effects were tachycardia and cardiac