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Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guided cloze theme based reading texts

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TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts  I TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION Page The reasons for choosing the topic The purpose of the research The subject of the research Scope of the topic 5 Research methods II CONTENT Theoretical and practical background 1.1 Theoretical background 1.2 Requirements for innovation in teaching methods 1.3 1.4 1.5 The oriented qualities and competence gained in new secondary curriculum The real state of students‟ reading skill at Tay Hieu Upper Secondary School 7 The difficulties facing in improving reading skill The solution to the problems 1/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts 2.1 The purpose of reading text 2.2 Providing understanding about guided –close reading text 2.3 Developing background knowledge and building up abundant vocabulary 2.4 Identifying part of speech needed to fill in the blanks and strategies 10 2.5 Practising reading skill 10 2.5.1 An overview of the lessons of textbook “Tieng Anh 10” model can be applied new reading texts to improve students’ reading skill 10 2.5.2 Unit 1: Family Life 10 2.5.3 Unit 2: Your Body And You 18 2.5.4 Unit 3: Music 24 Findings and Evaluation 29 III CONCLUSION 33 IV RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 33 V APPENDIX 33 2/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts Appendix 1: Survey sheet on practical teaching and learning reading skill at Tay Hieu Upper- Secondary School 34 Appendix 2: Survey quality tests 34 Appendix 4: Some photos taken at experimental class 35 VI REFERENCE 36 3/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts I INTRODUCTION The reasons for choosing the topic First of all, in the recent years teaching Language according to approaching students‟ competence becomes the core method applied in all three levels of education, however, the ability to use language is still limited among students In these days, using language is not only shown through productive skill but also receptive skill, so reading becomes increasingly important as students can acquire background knowledge To be fluent in reading skill young learners have to play an active role in receiving information, understanding and decoding details of the reading text to have their feedbacks Therefore, students have to remember linguistic data in order to have intensive look into the reading text Secondly, with the great development of society, the demand for taking exams such as the top level into grade 10,the GCSE exam, and international certificate etc…It is clear that reading skill is extremely vital, as the scale they measure on students‟ reading skill is so high that if they want to get better result they will have to improve their reading skill Compare with traditional method which has certain barriers, applying modern technology in teaching really motivate young learners Changing the way students absorb reading text will better learning process, as a result they won‟t find the texts are not too long and daunting Due to the complicated situation of pandemic COVID -19 students‟ education is interrupted for sometimes, this causes metal anxiety, it may put stress on learners Therefore, it is teacher who designs useful and fascinating lessons for students Thirdly, no one can deny the benefits of mastering reading skill as makes people more knowledgeable about every aspects of life simply from how to make a delicious cake to how to protect oneself in situation these days Not to mention about the large sum of vocabulary, structures, phrases etc… Gradually, it builds up on young readers‟ strategies in doing reading exercises For the above reasons I choose the topic “Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guided-cloze theme based reading texts.” 1/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts The purpose of the research I apply this method in order to improve reading competence of grade 10 students who are using textbook Tieng Anh 10 model as material The subject of the research The subject is the guided-closed theme based reading texts, which is equivalent to the content of the units in the textbook Tieng Anh 10 Scope of the subject From unit to unit of the textbook Tieng Anh 10 model Research Methods 5.1 Theoretical research Based on the theory of reading comprehension and guided-close reading text on methodology book and the knowledge gained from the Internet 5.2 Practical research Based on the current situations of teaching and learning languages, the need to equip students with knowledge and skills in order to adapt new learning environment using digital platform Certainly, every family or each student has a cell phone with internet access, so why not apply technology in reading skill II CONTENT Theoretical and practical background 1.1 Theoretical background a Competence for reading According to Langer, a professor at Teaching College of Colombia University in America, for each reader with different basis knowledge will bring about different thought, imagination and appearance of the same text Therefore, the more reader‟s background knowledge is attached to the text, the more conscious he gets of what is going to read Reading is a process in which readers explore a message decoded in a text in a certain way, this opens up new world for the readers or lead him to other important discovery 2/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts It can be seen that reading is a dynamic process in which our eyes are looking at the words while our brain is working hard to find out the meaning behind those words For reading skills to be improved, readers must know the key factors that required such as vocabulary, experience, and skills Generally, most readers follow a mock-up reading from the beginning to the end Reading guided-closed test examine learner‟s competence in applying vocabulary, structure, and culture Readers must co-ordinate experience, knowledge and skills to understand the text thoroughly b Types of reading + Skimming: Reading for main idea + Scanning : for specific information related to event, fact 1.2 Requirements for innovation in teaching methods The target of the competence development teaching is to focus on developing leaner‟s virtue, competence and career orientation In other words, the final quality is the key value of education Every student more or less will have to sit for tests or exams several time, especially in those days the increasing demand for language certificate to be admitted into university or pot in job makes students more aware of the importance of improving foreign language especially English In recent years, from real teaching experience, I see that students not pay attention much to reading skills, as it is a difficult skill required several complement skills and knowledge The old teaching method does not motivate learners and therefore does not bring any advance In addition to that, the situation has changed, in order to meet the demand of the increasingly difficult work market Each must equipped themselves with necessary skills such as ICT, working skills and linguistic competence Therefore, graduated high school students have to pass standard level needed so as to continue their higher education Recently, many students have paid their attention to the competence tests conducted by prestigious universities in which foreign language makes up a large scale in this test As a result, the importance is raise higher than ever 3/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts 1.3 The oriented qualities and competence gained in new secondary curriculum At the 8th Central Conference course XI Vietnamese Communist Party a resolution on extensive renovation in education was issued, in which continue to strongly innovate and comprehend basic elements in education Putting learner‟s qualities and competence into centre of teaching process, developing learner‟s virtue and abilities assuring teaching knowledge , morality and career orientation This renovation shift from content approach to competence approach, which lays down the need for changing the teaching methods Also in this conference, the target goals are set in the rudimentary and extensive educational renovation, that is pay attention to development of physical, mental, qualities and competence of a modern and model citizen Especially discover and cultivate aptitude in learners and guide them in choosing their future job In order to meet the initial target, education must centre on forming and developing learners‟ ideas for the future life in co-orperation with educate traditional value of the country 1.4 The real state of students’ reading skill at Tay Hieu Upper -Secondary School Through the teaching experience at Tay Hieu Upper Secondary school, I see that the majority of students not pay attention much to how to improve reading skills While the need for the this skill is getting higher and higher when students have to sit for important tests such as GCSE or University Competence Test not to mention mid-term test and other ones Though a large scale of marks are put on reading texts, many students ignore them or just circle the option in random Other reason to mention here is students have difficulty in new words and complicated structures to understand the reading texts thoroughly Many students even not have enough sufficient materials for their learning Many of them are under pressure of taking tests and the marks, so they may realize the real competence they gain In a survey carried out in two classes 10A, and 10D up to 67% percent of students said that they are scared of reading test especially guided closed test because they are 4/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts so confused among the four options , or they not have enough vocabulary sources, phrases, structures to fill in As a result, they might choose in random 1.5.The difficulties facing in improving reading skill In order to have an overview on how to improve reading skill, we have to look into two aspects of the problem the teachers and the learners, these two sides have their own difficulties For the learners, the linguistic barrier is the biggest one that they cannot get through, they lack background knowledge or we may say students face cultural knowledge gap This is getting more and more complicated when the reading text have many terminology that they don‟t understand Apparently, learners cannot make out and evaluate language outside cultural element Moreover traditional habit of translating word into word makes students mislead to remember core meaning of the text, so they not decode, grasp what the text conveys Normally, most learners apply the way of learning mother language into a foreigner one Furthermore, the flinch psychology of long texts also makes students discouraged in improving reading skill For the teacher, applying old methods in teaching languages makes the lessons boring, and less motivating gradually, learning language atmosphere at classes becomes less avid, curious and active Teacher normally spends most of the time at class to teach vocab, structure and ignore guiding students main approaches in doing reading test The solution to the problems 2.1 The purpose of reading text Overssall trend, all students have to master their reading skill as it is the crucial receptive skill which provide students a wide range of background knowledge By doing reading exercises students are drowning in the river of native culture and social communication, also many new words and phrases will appear in their context Reading guided-closed test will check students‟ ability in using words, phrases, phrasal verbs, collocation and grammatical structures When doing this they have to 5/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts apply all very fluently and effectively Gradually, students smoothly adapt to a kind of exercise that they are often scared 2.2.Providing understanding about guided-closed reading text Normally, the gap-filling text will be about 150 to 200 words and there are a numbers of blanks needed to fill in ( usually 10 gaps) There are four options for students to choose and there are various types of knowledge to be checked such as vocabulary, structure, prepositions, collocation, phrases In addition to that, there will be hints/cues for students and they must remember the following rules: + Noun stands at the beginning of the sentence is the subject, or follows verbs as object + Verb is usually complemented by adverb of manner, and preceded by adverb of frequency + Adjective is used to described noun and precedes noun + Fixed structure: a/an/the + adverb + adj + Noun 2.3 Developing background knowledge and building up abundant vocabulary 2.3.1 Knowledge of prepositions: This is including prepositions after verbs, prepositions after adjectives, prepositions after nouns and others Example: depend on, distinguish between, tell…apart, comply with, prevent from… Adjective phrasal: allergic to , sympathy with, attentive to, concerned about… 2.3.2 Knowledge of structures: 2.3.3 Knowledge of clauses and sentences 2.3.4 Knowledge of conjuncts 2.3.5 Knowledge of pronouns 2.4 Strategies used in the gap-filling exercises + Read and identify word needed to fill in then look through the four options + Compare with the around words + Pay attention to the hint appear around the blank + There two options that you can eradicated immediately, and there are two left to compare and consider 6/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts + This time depending on the meaning of the word which suit the context to choose + Go over the whole text to see if all the options are right 2.5 Practising reading skill 2.5.1 An overview of the lessons of textbook “ Tieng Anh 10” model can be applied new reading texts to improve students’ reading skill 2.5.2 Unit 1: Family Life Practising doing guided-closed text exercises are carried out in Optional lessons, which are added in teaching curriculum one period per week for each class In this lesson I will technology as supporter for teaching process to make lesson more interesting , and students will take part in a game called : Missing word created from teaching tool Wordwall When students join the game, they not have the feeling of doing exercise but playing Following are the details of Plan for Teaching Lesson ( This is enclosed with a POWERPOINT Lesson ) Date of preparing : September 25th 2021 Date of teaching : September 27th 2021 Class: 10D Optional Lesson : Lesson Reading I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to : Knowledge: Develop reading skill for general and for specific information about everyday life Core competence: - Develop communicative skills and creative - Be collaborate and supportive in pair work and team work - Develop presentation skills - Actively join in class activities Personal qualities: 7/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts - Develop self-study skills - Understand more about how to build up harmonious relationships, students can make use of positive relationship in their family II Materials: Base on the following reading text Building positive family relationships The ordinary, everyday things that families together can help (1)…… strong relationships with teenagers Regular family meals are a great chance for everyone to chat about their day, or about (2)………… things that are going on or coming up If parents encourage everyone to have a say, no one will feel they‟re being put on the spot to talk Also, many families find that meals are more enjoyable when the TV isn‟t turned (3)……….! We should all take turns choosing outdoor activities for our families A (4)…… holiday or weekend away together as a family can also build togetherness One-on-one time with the child gives the parents the chance to stay (5)……… and enjoy each other‟s company It can also be a chance to share (6)…… and feelings.Parents should celebrate the child‟s accomplishments, share his disappointments, and show interest in his hobbies Sometimes it‟s just a matter of (7)……… to watch the child play sport or music, or giving him a lift to extracurricular activities Family traditions, routines and rituals can help parents and their children (8)…… regular dates and special times For example, we might have a movie night together, a favourite meal or cooking (9)…… on a particular night, a family games afternoon or an evening walk together Agreed household responsibilities give kids of all ages the sense that they‟re making an important contribution (10)…… family life These could be things like chores, shopping or helping older or younger members of the family 1.A build B to build C building D to be built 2.A.interest B interested C interesting D interestingly 8/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts 3.A.up B in C over D on 4.A relaxed B relax C to be relax D relaxing 5.A.unconnect B connected C connecting D connect A think B thought 7.A show on 8.A set up B show up B set on 9.A course B period C thoughts D thinking C show out D showing up C set aside D set about C time D session 10.A for B on C to - Computer connected Internet D about - Television III Language Analysis Words/form Pronunciation Vietnamese equivalent encourage Sự động viên /inkʌriʤ:/ Một đối One-on-one time rituals / „ritʃʊə/ Lễ nghi extracurricular /ektr ək ərikjuːl ə/ Hoạt động ngoại khóa accomplishment / əkʌm’pliʃm ənt/ Thành tích responsibility /rispɔːnsəbiliti/ Trách nhiệm IV Assumption Anticipated difficulties Solutions Students may lack of knowledge and the usage of some lexical items Provide students with meaning or explanation students may have underdeveloped Encourage students to work in pairs, reading, speaking and co-operating kills groups , provide feedback and help V Board Plan Date : September 27th 2021 Optional Leson : Lesson Reading • Warm-up : Pictures matching Pre-reading : 9/34 TOPIC: Promoting grade 10 students’ reading comprehension competence through guidedcloze theme based reading texts Vocabulary : Teaching vocabulary Check up : Do the quizlet: Follow the link: https://quizlet.com/_ballhn?x=1qqt&i=3w3mra • While reading: Activity 1: Look at some tips to gap- filling exercises Activity 2: Follow this link https://wordwall.net/resource/31670808 10/34

Ngày đăng: 09/11/2023, 20:17

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