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Anh văn 1 english communication skills for successful career development iuh

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TS PHAN TH ị TUYẾT NGA (Chủ biên) ■ TS CHEN CHENG - HU B ANH VĂN (Ml ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR SUCCESSFUL CAREER DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY PUBLISHING HOUSE PHAN THI TUYET NGA, PhD « CHEN CHENG-HU, PhD ANH VĂN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR SUCCESSFUL CAREER DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY PUBLISHING HOUSE CONTENTS CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PREFACE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BOOK p UNIT 1: ACTIVE LISTENING p Section 1: How much you know p Section 2: Ways to improve listening skills p p 11 Section 3: Grammar Review p p p Section 4: How to be an active listener p.12 Section 5: Global Engineers and English Listening Comprehension p.17 UNIT 2: MAKING YOUR RESUME STAND OUT p 21 Section 1: Personal Information p.22 Section 2: Career Goals p.27 Section 3: Education p.33 Section 4: Work Experience Section 5: Skills Section 6: Personal Interests p.37 UNIT 3: JOB INTERVIEW SKILLS p.41 p.47 p 50 Section 1: Before the interview p.50 Section 2: During the interview p.55 Section 3: The interview p.59 UNIT 4: READING A USER MANUAL Section 1: How much you know Section 2: Skimming p 63 p.63 p.67 Section 3: Matching headings p.70 Section 4: True/False questions p.73 Section 5: Imperative sentences p.77 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The completion of our book is not possible without the help of the following people: 4- Interns from the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and APEC project students from National I-Lan University, Taiwan 4- Book reviewers ■J- Anonymous people whose photos/pictures are available for free download on the Internet PREFACE The desire for this book has originally come from our long-term appetite for preparing practical knowledge for ESL/EFL non-English majors at National ILan University, Taiwan, and the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam The cultivation of interdisciplinary talents has become the focus of higher education today in the world Industries’ demands are changing and present challenges to higher education in producing future workforce To empower the ESL/EFL non­ English majors whose English language level is currently at an A2 CEFR level for the world beyond the classroom, four units in the book with vocabulary, sentence structures, expressions, and learning strategies are presented in such a way that is useful for both the students’ academic learning and career development The students will take their first steps in interacting and performing successfully in future job-related situations It is expected that the students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to become more fluent and effective communicators in various future work contexts We also hope that this book can build the self­ confidence in learning English of ESL/EFL non-English majors and is a stepping­ stone to their lucrative careers HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BOOK 4- Learning strategies: Listening skills and tips - UNIT Active Listening Skills Ways to improve listening skills How to be an active listener Facts about Active Listening Global Engineers and English Listening Comprehension 4- Language focus: should/shouldn’t; it’s adjective + to-ing 4- Vocabulary: Resume 4- Learning strategies: Resume writing skills and tips UNIT Making Your Resume Stand Out - Personal Information A good email address Career goals Education Work Experience Skills (Soft skills vs Hard skills) Personal Interests 4- Vocabulary: Job interview 4- Learning strategies: Job interview skills and tips UNIT Job Interview Skills - Qualities of job seekers How to prepare for a job interview Inappropriate behaviors of a job seeker What employers want? Mock job interviews 4- Vocabulary: User manuals 4- Learning strategies: Reading skills and tips UNIT User Manuals - Skimming Matching Headings exercises True/False exercises 4- Language focus: Imperative sentences UNIT ACTIVE LISTENING Lesson outcomes At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Understand practical ways to improve their listening skills • Use Should/shouldn ’t and it is adjective + to-infinitive to make sentences • Apply active listening skills to their listening tasks Video Lesson Introduction Section How much you know? Task LI: What are some ways you can to improve your listening skills? Answer the question based on your knowledge 12 Video Ways to improve listening skills Section Ways to improve listening skills Task 2.1 Watch video Put a tick (a/) next to the advice mentioned in the video !.□ It is important for beginners of English to understand that it takes time to improve listening skills Ũ You should listen to the audio and videos that you can understand at least 60% of n You should start with the learning material that is spoken at a fast speed and you can understand a little Ũ It is useless to use a transcript to learn new words and sounds □ It is very useful to have a text or a transcript to check your listening comprehension Ũ You shouldn’t select what you listen to because listening to different tasks can improve your vocabulary Ũ You should be picky about listening materials in order to maintain your learning motivation Ũ You shouldn’t play back language audio because it is very boring and doesn’t help your listening comprehension Short audio and videos are preferred to lengthy ones at the early stages of the listening development process 10.Ũ You should practice listening as a part of your daily routine Task 2.2 Watch Video again Write a number (1-5) to put the following statements in the order they appear in the video Order Statements Try using a language resource with both audio and a text transcript Practice makes perfect You should find the listening material that is slightly above your current level You should listen to short audio or videos no more than minutes long unless you are an advanced learner You should listen to something relevant, enjoyable, and interesting Task 2.3 In Video 2, the speaker gives five steps to improve listening skills and their reasons Watch the video again and match the steps with the reasons Steps Reasons A You can repeatedly listen to audio, Find the material that is slightly looking up what you don’t understand, above your current level new words, and phrases Listen to something enjoyable, and interesting relevant, B It is important to use the transcript to check your comprehension and learn new words and sounds Try using a language resource with c After that, you can gradually listen to both audio and a text transcript harder audio as your level increases Listen to short audio or videos no D The secret is patience and trust in your more than minutes long unless you are language learning process an advanced learner Practice makes perfect 10 E You can maintain your motivation and continue listening Video Grammar Review Section Grammar Review Task 3.1 Based on the advice in Video 3, complete the sentences using the words/phrases and pictures below It is important to You should/shouldn’t It is useful to It is necessary to Should we 11 Section How to be an active listener Task 4.1 Facts about Active Listening Put the advice into the correct group Choose one piece of advice and explain why you should or should not it Interrupt a speaker to ask questions Be patient while listening to a speaker Make a lot of noise while listening to a Stare at a speaker speaker Nod your head to show that you are Take notes while listening to a speaker listening Keep eye contact with a speaker Daydream while listening to a speaker Stay focused while speaker 12 listening to a Seek a speaker’s permission to ask clarifying questions - Task 3.2 Read the following statements Write Yes if you think the sentence is correct and write No if it is incorrect Watch the first part of Video to check your answers Statements You are familiar with skimming skills Skimming helps you find the main idea of the text only You use skimming skills when you not want to read the whole article Skimming helps your reading speed increase 2-3 times Task 3.3 Arrange the following statements in the order they appear in the second part of Video Skim an article Statements Order Read the last paragraph attentively as it may contain a summary Glance at the title of the article Read the opening paragraph to identify what will be discussed in the material Skim a paragraph Statements Read the topic sentence Pay attention to key details such as the word answer for WH-questions, proper nouns, numerical adjectives, words in bold, italics, or capital letters Read the body of the article that tells the main idea of the paragraph 68 Order Task 3.4 Put a tick (*0 next to all correct answers: Skimming is a method that helps you find the main ideas of a text quickly the same as scanning a reading technique used to find detailed information a method that increases your reading speed How important is skimming in reading? You not read the entire article It helps you save time It does not help you find the answers You are able to decide whether to continue reading the material Skimming is just helpful for reading technical manuals _ How can we skim texts effectively? Read the texts very quickly Skip some short paragraphs as you read Read from top to bottom, left to right Pay attention to key details (proper nouns, numbers, words in bold, italic, or capital letters) Read the first sentence of a paragraph Read the last sentence of a paragraph Task 3.5 Skim the two paragraphs below to find out the main ideas A One of the main goals of this project is to increase the ability to save energy of the power units for different kinds of fluid machines This project recommends replacing a traditional induction motor with a magnetless synchronous motor This will solve two 69 main problems of power units in the market First, because there are no rotor winding, aluminum bars, or copper bars, the waste heat and energy can be reduced This improves the efficiency of the motor Second, the magnetless synchronous motor can be produced with the conventional motor manufacturing process It helps to save the compression casting materials that are needed by induction motors It can be said that this type of motor not only saves energy itself, but also saves the energy that is used during the manufacturing process B There are three main ways to produce electricity Firstly, electricity is produced by burning coal, oils, and natural gases, which has caused environmental pollution and global warming Secondly, clean, renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, has been used worldwide However, it takes a long time to cover high construction costs Besides, it depends on weather conditions to produce electricity from wind or sunlight Finally, nuclear power, although it has low operation costs, can cause radiation pollution As a result, we have not found a perfect solution for electricity production until now Energy saving has become an important issue around the globe Section Matching headings Video Matching headings Task 4.1 Discuss these questions What are headings? What is a matching headings exercise? Is it a tough exercise? Task 4.2: Watch the first part of Video and fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box There are more words/phrases than you need whole 70 paragraphs similar meanings reading text summarizing more pick the best headings overcome headings With Matching Headings, you have to read not only the long lesson but also remember it while reading to get the main ideas in a short time Headings are usually short sentences important information of a paragraph You are given or titles and required to suiting different paragraphs in a reading text The number of titles is normally than that of paragraphs Some of the headings may appear to contain Task 4.3 Watch the second part of Video and match each step with its content Step Content First step Read the first paragraph of the text to determine its main idea Second step Repeat the same process with the second paragraph until you finish Third step Come back to the headings and choose the most suitable one Last step Spend about or minutes reading all headings and underlining keywords in the headings Task 4.4 Watch the last part of Video and decide whether the following statements are T (True) or F (False) Statements When you read paragraphs, start with a long one T/F ị Ỉ Ignore strange words when you try to guess the general meanings of paragraphs I t 71 Try to tell the similarities between similar headings If you can't guess the correct answer, try to it repeatedly After you match more headings, it may be easier to continue Task 4.5 Choose the correct headings for paragraph A - J from the list of headings below Brush heads Smartphone Holder Beauty Bag Environmental Notice Guarantee A The product comes with a one-year warranty that begins on the date you buy the appliance from Arthur We will, within the warranty period, repair or replace the appliance free of charge if there is something wrong due to faults in materials or work quality This guarantee applies to where Arthur or its selected distributor supplies this appliance Hand in or send the device, including your sales receipt, to an Arthur Oral-A Service Centre to receive service within the warranty period B Clean the smartphone holder with a damp, soft cloth Only use glass cleaner, alcohol or similar products without silicone oils After cleaning, make sure that the surface is dry and dust-free The smartphone holder should be kept in a clean and dry place Always take your phone out of the holder while it is not in use To make sure that your phone/charger can be used in a bathroom setting, follow your smartphone's user manual 72 c The light green tracer bristles on most Oral-A brush heads give you information about when to replace the brush head The green color will fade halfway in about three months if you brush twice a day carefully for minutes You need to replace the brush head then You likely brush your teeth and gums too hard if the bristles spread out before the color fades D Batteries and/or recyclable electric waste come with the product To protect the environment, not throw electric waste into the dustbin Instead, take it to one of your country's e-waste collection locations Remember to use protective clothing such as gloves and safety glasses when removing the battery for disposal It can help to avoid any skin contact with leaking batteries E The product comes with a travel case and a beauty bag You can use the travel case to store your clean and dry toothbrush/brush heads Surface stains must be cleaned immediately Always hand wash the beauty bag with warm water (30°C - 40°C) and keep it in a clean and dry place Section True/False questions Video True/False questions Task 5.1 Watch the first part of Video and fill in each blank with a word/phrase in the box There are more words/phrases than you need variations synonyms stated in the text chance of being correct response contrasts There are some statements taken from the reading text asking you to choose a True or False There are other of the True or False format as well, such as “yes” or “no”, “correct” or “incorrect.” You will decide whether the statements match what is actually "True" is used when the information in the text is entirely similar to that in the statement or they have showing the same meaning 73 “False*’ is used in case the information in the text absolutely with that of the statement Task 5.2 Watch the second part of Video and match each following step with its content Contents Steps After you successfully locate the part that helps to find the answer in the text, read First step the statement again and decide whether it is “True” or “False.” Read Second step the statements carefully to understand them and underline keywords Use the keywords to skim the text to locate Third step the matching information Task 5.3 Read the passage and the statements that follow Write “T" if the statement is true according to the information in the passage Write “F" if the statement is false Using your toothbrush Brushing technique: Apply any kind of toothpaste on the brush head after wetting it Before switching on the handle, guide the brush head to your teeth in order to stop water from going in all directions For each tooth, spend a few seconds to guide the brush head slowly on its surface, starting with the outside first, then the inside and the chewing surface For four areas of your mouth, brush all of them equally Timer setup: The activation status of the «State of the art» timer can be changed by pressing and holding the Mode button for seconds By pressing the on/off button, you can toggle between timer selections Press the Mode button to confirm the selection 74 Pressure sensor: To remind you to reduce pressure, the Warning Ring will light up in red The brush head pulsation and oscillation movement will also be stopped and reduced during «Normal Clean», «Deep Clean» and «Light» mode Brushing modes: The «Tongue Clean» Mode is recommended for MODE occasional and daily use Use the «Light» brush head when the « Tongue Clean» Mode is activated Your tongue can be brushed with or without toothpaste Apply gentle movements in 20 seconds when brushing the whole area of your tongue systematically There will be an indication of a flashlight of the Warning Ring during the recommended brushing time The mode you selected last automatically starts when your toothbrush works Press the Mode button to switch to other modes while using Press and hold the Mode button to return to the «Normal Clean» Mode from any mode Switch on the handle before guiding the brush head to your teeth to stop water from going in all directions If you want to modify the “State of the art” timer, just push and keep the mode button for seconds If you put too much pressure on the Warning Ring, it will brighten in red to remind you to increase pressure Users should brush their teeth in more than 20 seconds Your toothbrush automatically begins in the mode selected last Task 5.4 Read the passage, then match the incomplete sentences with the correct endings based on the following reading text Incomplete Sentences If you brush thoroughly, twice a day for two minutes, If the bristle spreads out before the color gets lighter, You should read your smartphone’s user manual carefully 75 If you stop using smartphone holder, You can store your toothbrush head clean and dry You must not throw battery products into the dustbin You should wear protective clothing This warranty extends to every country If you want to get maintenance and service within the warranty period, Endings a to make sure your phone can be used in a bathroom environment b by putting it inside the travel case c where this appliance is supplied by Arthur d to replace the battery e you likely brush your teeth and gums too hard f send the complete appliance and sales receipt to our Service Center g to protect the environment h the green color will fade in about three months i you should remove your smartphone from the holder x Brush heads The light green tracer bristles on most Oral-A brush heads ị|ĩĩỉĩf give you information about when to replace the brush head The green \f|/ color will fade halfway in about three months if you brush twice a day carefully for minutes You need to replace the brush head then You likely brush your teeth and gums too hard if the bristles spread out before the color fades 76 Smartphone Holder: Clean the smartphone holder with a damp, soft cloth J Only use glass cleaner, alcohol or similar products without silicone oils After cleaning, make sure that the surface is dry and dust-free The smartphone holder should be kept in a clean and dry place Always take your phone out of the holder while it IS not in use To make sure that your phone/charger can be used in a bathroom setting, follow your smart phone's user manual hB Beauty Bag: The product comes with a travel case and a beauty bag You can use the travel case to store your clean and dry toothbrush/brush heads Surface stains must be cleaned immediately Always hand wash the beauty bag with warm water (30°C - 40°C) and keep it in a clean and dry place Environmental Notice: Batteries and/or recyclable electric waste come with the product To protect the environment, not throw electric waste into the dustbin Instead, take it to one of your country’s e-waste collection locations Remember to use protective clothing such as gloves and safety glasses when replacing the battery It can help to avoid any skin contact with leaking batteries Guarantee: The product comes with a one-year warranty that begins on the date you buy the appliance from Arthur We will, within the warranty period, repair or replace the appliance free of charge if there IS something wrong in the appliance because of faults in materials or work quality This guarantee applies to where Arthur or its selected distributor sells this appliance Hand in or send the device, including your sales receipt, to an Arthur Oral-A Service Centre to receive service within the warranty period Section Imperative sentences Video Imperative sentences Task 6.1 Read the following statements and match each incomplete sentence with its correct ending Watch Video to check your answers 77 Incomplete sentences Endings A negative imperative sentences Imperative sentences will be used The language used in user manuals B has eased the reading of many end-users The use of imperative sentences together with pictures and c after “bare infinitive” concerning the mentioned subject diagrams Sometimes there is a D are used to give commands, noun orders, instructions or even warnings If manufacturers want to warn E should be clear, accurate, helpful, end-users not to something, and plain Task 6.2 Look at the pictures and match each imperative sentence with the picture it describes Wash the brush head in running water to make sure it is clean Please handle it with care Use protective clothing Clean the travel case in warm water Don’t throw the battery directly into the dustbin 78 Task 6.3 Describe pictures using imperatives RULES Work in small groups The teacher shows some photos to students, one at a time fl After seeing a photo, each group tries to make a sentence ■ n describing what they see, using the imperative form , M The group that makes the correct sentence the most quickly wins one point K The group that has the highest point wins the game Task 6.4 Rearrange the following words to create correct sentences a/ hold/ Maintain/ hands/ both/ on/ handlebars/ the/ with/ at all times scooter/ allow/ ride/ Never/ than/ more/ at a time/ one/ to/ the/ person 79 ride/ Never/ using/ while/ cell/ a/ or/ headphones./ wearing/ phone motor/ touch/ not/ the/ or/ Do/ scooter/ on/ brakes/ the/ when in use night/ Visibility./ not/ ride/ Do/ at/ or/ limited/ in areas of Video Lesson summary 80 Anh văn TS PHAN THỊ TUYẾT NGA (Chủ biên) TS CHEN CHENG-HU NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC CỒNG NGHIỆP TP HƠ CHÍ MINH 12 Nguyễn Văn Bảo - p - Q Gò vấp - TPHCM ĐT (028) 3894 0390 - 816 ; Fax: (028) 3994 0650 Email: nhaxuatban@iuh.edu.vn Chịu trách nhiệm xuất bản: TRƯƠNG NGỌC THƠI Biên tập: LÊ THỊ TIẾU NHI ĐOÀN THANH ĐIÊN VĂN SANG Sưa ban in: Trình bày bìa: Đơi tác liên kêt: Khoa ngoại ngữ - Trường Đcậ học Công nghiệp Thành phổ Hồ Chí Mình ISBN: 978-604-920-169-1 In 50 cn khơ 20 X 28 cm theo Quyết định xuất số: 35/QĐ-NXBĐHCN ngày 15/12/2022 vón xác nhận đăng kí xuất bán số 4493-2022/CXBIPH/1-25/ĐHCNTPHCM ngày 07/12/2022 In lại Xướng in NXB Đại học Công nghiệp TPHCM, nộp lưu chiểu tháng 12/2022 Giá: 80.000 VNĐ

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2023, 09:38


