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30:19–21 Korihor teaches in J.; 35:6, 14 out- cast Zoramites 2 come into J.; 35:13 (43:4, 15) Ammonites leave l. so that Nephite armies can gather to fight Lamanites; 43:18 Neph- ites battle Lamanites in borders of J.; 43:25 Moroni 1 leaves part of army in J |
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J."; 35:6, 14 out-cast Zoramites2 come into "J."; 35:13 (43:4, 15) Ammonites leave "l." so that Nephite armies can gather to fight Lamanites; 43:18 Neph-ites battle Lamanites in borders of "J."; 43:25 Moroni1 leaves part of army in |
2:4 (17:20; Alma 10:3; Hel. 5:6) Lehi 1 and family leave J.; 2:11 (2 Ne. 1:1, 3; Jacob 2:25, 32; Omni 1:6; Mosiah 2:4; 7:20; Alma 9:22; 22:9; 36:29; 3 Ne. 5:20; Ether 13:7) the |
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10:4 (19:8) the Messiah to come 600 years after Lehi 1 left J.; 11:13 Nephi 1 sees J. in vision; 18:24 people of Lehi 1 bring seeds from land of J.; 19:13 (4 Ne. 1:31) those at J. shall crucify God of Israel; 22:4 many already lost from knowledge of those at J |
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J."; 11:13 Nephi1 sees "J." in vision; 18:24 people of Lehi1 bring seeds from land of "J."; 19:13 (4 Ne. 1:31) those at "J." shall crucify God of Israel; 22:4 many already lost from knowledge of those at |
8:25 (Isa. 52:2) arise, sit down, O J.; 9:5 God shall show himself to those at J.; 10:5 those at J. shall stiffen their necks; 12:1 (Isa. 2:1) word Isaiah 1 saw concerning Judah and J |
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J."; 9:5 God shall show himself to those at "J."; 10:5 those at "J." shall stiffen their necks; 12:1 (Isa. 2:1) word Isaiah1 saw concerning Judah and |
13:1 (Isa. 3:1) the Lord takes away from J. stay and staff; 13:8 (Isa. 3:8) J. is ruined |
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J." stay and staff; 13:8 (Isa. 3:8) "J |
14:3 (Isa. 4:3) they who remain in J. shall be called holy; 17:1 (Isa. 7:1) kings of Syria and Israel went up toward J. to war against it; 18:14 (Isa. 8:14) the Lord shall be for gin and snare to inhabitants of J.; 20:32 (Isa |
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J." shall be called holy; 17:1 (Isa. 7:1) kings of Syria and Israel went up toward "J." to war against it; 18:14 (Isa. 8:14) the Lord shall be for gin and snare to inhabitants of "J |
16:19) the Lord has redeemed J.; Alma 3:11 (3 Ne. 10:17) brass plates brought out of land of J.; 7:10 the Son shall be born at J.; 3 Ne. 4:11 greatest slaughter among people of Lehi 1 since he left J.; 10:5 how oft would the Lord have gathered his peo- ple that dwell at J.; 15:14 Christ not com- manded to tell those at J. about Nephites |
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J."; Alma 3:11 (3 Ne. 10:17) brass plates brought out of land of "J."; 7:10 the Son shall be born at "J."; 3 Ne. 4:11 greatest slaughter among people of Lehi1 since he left "J."; 10:5 how oft would the Lord have gathered his peo-ple that dwell at "J."; 15:14 Christ not com-manded to tell those at "J |
21:23 Gentiles shall assist remnant of Is- rael in building N. J.; 21:24 those scattered shall be gathered unto N. J.; Ether 13:2–6 N. J. shall come down out of heaven unto this land; 13:5 rebuilt Jerusalem could not be n. J.; 13:10 blessed are they who dwell in N. J |
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N. J."; 21:24 those scattered shall be gathered unto "N. J."; Ether 13:2–6 "N. J." shall come down out of heaven unto this land; 13:5 rebuilt Jerusalem could not be "n. J."; 13:10 blessed are they who dwell in |
2:2) doctrine of Christ; 31:10 can we fol- low Jesus save we are willing to keep the Father’s commandments; 32:3 feast upon words of Christ, for they tell you all ye should do; 33:4 writings persuade people to believe in Jesus; 33:6 I glory in my Jesus |
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Christ"; 31:10 can we fol-low "Jesus" save we are willing to keep the Father’s commandments; 32:3 feast upon words of "Christ", for they tell you all ye should do; 33:4 writings persuade people to believe in "Jesus"; 33:6 I glory in my |
33:10 if ye believe in Christ, ye will believe these words; Jacob 1:6 through revelations and prophecies Nephites know of Christ |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Book of Mormon |
Tác giả: |
Joseph Smith |
Nhà XB: |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Năm: |
1830 |
4:4 Nephites’ writings show they know of Christ; 4:15 Jews reject stone upon which they might build safe foundation; 7:11, 19 (3 Ne. 6:23; 7:10) scriptures and prophets testify of Christ; 7:19 Sherem has lied to God in denying Christ; Mosiah 3:7 (15:5;Alma 7:11) Christ to suffer temptation; 16:9 (Alma 38:9; 3 Ne. 9:18; 11:11; Ether 4:12) Christ is light and life of world; Alma 5:44 holy order of God which is in Christ Jesus |
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6:8 Alma 2 teaches according to testimony of Jesus Christ; 28:14 (Moro. 7:18–19) reason for joy because of light of Christ unto life |
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Jesus Christ"; 28:14 (Moro. 7:18–19) reason for joy because of light of "Christ |
31:38 sons of Mosiah 2 are swallowed up in the joy of Christ; Hel. 3:29 word of God leads man of Christ across gulf of misery |
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Christ"; Hel. 3:29 word of God leads man of "Christ |
28:33 scriptures give account of marvelous works of Christ; 29:5 wo unto him who de- nies Christ; 4 Ne. 1:27 many churches pro- fess to know Christ, but deny his gospel;Morm. 3:21 Jews to have other witnesses that Jesus, whom they slew, was the very Christ; 5:11 if Nephites had repented, they might have been clasped in arms of Jesus |
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Christ"; 29:5 wo unto him who de-nies "Christ"; 4 Ne. 1:27 many churches pro-fess to know "Christ", but deny his gospel; Morm. 3:21 Jews to have other witnesses that "Jesus", whom they slew, was the very "Christ"; 5:11 if Nephites had repented, they might have been clasped in arms of |
9:5 holiness of Jesus Christ will kindle un- quenchable fire in guilty; Ether 2:12 God of this land is Jesus Christ; 3:14 Christ was prepared from foundation of world; 4:12 (Moro. 7:16–17) whatsoever persuades men to do good is of Christ; 12:41 seek this Jesus of whom prophets have written; Moro |
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Jesus Christ" will kindle un-quenchable fire in guilty; Ether 2:12 God of this land is "Jesus Christ"; 3:14 "Christ" was prepared from foundation of world; 4:12 (Moro. 7:16–17) whatsoever persuades men to do good is of "Christ"; 12:41 seek this "Jesus |
7:11 servant of devil cannot follow Christ, follower of Christ cannot be servant of devil; 7:16, 18–19 light of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; 7:44 if man confesses by the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must have charity; 7:47 charity is pure love of Christ |
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Christ", follower of "Christ" cannot be servant of devil; 7:16, 18–19 light of "Christ" is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; 7:44 if man confesses by the Holy Ghost that "Jesus" is the "Christ", he must have charity; 7:47 charity is pure love of |
11:2 Nephi 1 has seen the Redeemer; 25:14 the Messiah shall rise from dead and mani- fest himself to his people; Enos 1:8 Christ shall manifest himself in flesh; Alma 19:13 Lamoni has seen the Redeemer; 3 Ne |
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10:18–19 (11:2) Christ will show his body to those who are spared; 11–28 Christ’s a.among Nephites; 11:8 Nephites see a Man descending from heaven; 16:2 Christ has not yet manifested himself to other sheep |
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Christ" will show his body to those who are spared; 11–28 "Christ’s a." among Nephites; 11:8 Nephites see a Man descending from heaven; 16:2 "Christ |
17:4 Christ will show himself to the lost tribes; 19:15 Jesus comes again and stands in Nephites’ midst; 27:2 Jesus again shows himself to disciples; Morm. 1:15 Mormon 2 is visited of the Lord; Ether 3 Christ’s a. to brother of Jared 2 ; 3:15 the Lord has never shown himself before to man; 3:16 as Christ appears to brother of Jared 2 , so will he |
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Christ" will show himself to the lost tribes; 19:15 "Jesus" comes again and stands in Nephites’ midst; 27:2 "Jesus" again shows himself to disciples; Morm. 1:15 Mormon2is visited of the Lord; Ether 3 "Christ’s a." to brother of Jared2; 3:15 the Lord has never shown himself before to man; 3:16 as "Christ "appears |
9:7 (25:16) A. must be infinite; 9:26 A. sat- isfies demands of justice; 10:25 God raises man from everlasting death by power of A.; 11:5 justice, power, and mercy in great and eternal plan of deliverance from death; 11:6 save Christ should come, all must perish; Jacob 4:11 be reconciled unto God through A. of Christ; 7:12 (Alma 34:9 |
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