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  • Preface

  • 1. Introduction

    • 1.1 Some Basic Terms

    • 1.2 Outline of the Book

    • Notes

  • Part 1. Bargaining Theory

    • 2. The Axiomatic Approach: Nash's Solution

      • 2.1 Bargaining Problems

      • 2.2 Nash's Axioms

      • 2.3 Nash's Theorem

      • 2.4 Applications

      • 2.5 Is Any Axiom Superfluous?

      • 2.6 Extensions of the Theory

      • Notes

    • 3. The Strategic Approach: A Model of Alternating Offers

      • 3.1 The Strategic Approach

      • 3.2 The Structure of Bargaining

      • 3.3 Preferences

      • 3.4 Strategies

      • 3.5 Strategies as Automata

      • 3.6 Nash Equilibrium

      • 3.7 Subgame Perfect Equilibrium

      • 3.8 The Main Result

      • 3.9 Examples

      • 3.10 Properties of the Subgame Perfect Equilibrium

      • 3.11 Finite versus Infinite Horizons

      • 3.12 Models in Which Players Have Outside Options

      • 3.13 A Game of Alternating Offers with Three Bargainers

      • Notes

    • 4. The Relation between the Axiomatic and Strategic Approaches

      • 4.1 Introduction

      • 4.2 A Model of Alternating Offers with a Risk of Breakdown

      • 4.3 A Model of Simultaneous Offers: Nash's ``Demand Game''

      • 4.4 Time Preference

      • 4.5 A Model with Both Time Preference and Risk of Breakdown

      • 4.6 A Guide to Applications

      • Notes

    • 5. A Strategic Model of Bargaining between Incompletely Informed Players

      • 5.1 Introduction

      • 5.2 A Bargaining Game of Alternating Offers

      • 5.3 Sequential Equilibrium

      • 5.4 Delay in Reaching Agreement

      • 5.5 A Refinement of Sequential Equilibrium

      • 5.6 Mechanism Design

      • Notes

  • Part 2. Models of Decentralized Trade

    • 6. A First Approach Using the Nash Solution

      • 6.1 Introduction

      • 6.2 Two Basic Models

      • 6.3 Analysis of Model A (A Market in Steady State)

      • 6.4 Analysis of Model B (Simultaneous Entry of All Sellers and Buyers)

      • 6.5 A Limitation of Modeling Markets Using the Nash Solution

      • 6.6 Market Entry

      • 6.7 A Comparison of the Competitive Equilibrium with the Market Equilibria in Models A and B

      • Notes

    • 7. Strategic Bargaining in a Steady State Market

      • 7.1 Introduction

      • 7.2 The Model

      • 7.3 Market Equilibrium

      • 7.4 Analysis of Market Equilibrium

      • 7.5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium

      • Notes

    • 8. Strategic Bargaining in a Market with One-Time Entry

      • 8.1 Introduction

      • 8.2 A Market in Which There Is a Single Indivisible Good

      • 8.3 Market Equilibrium

      • 8.4 A Market in Which There Are Many Divisible Goods

      • 8.5 Market Equilibrium

      • 8.6 Characterization of Market Equilibrium

      • 8.7 Existence of a Market Equilibrium

      • 8.8 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium

      • Notes

    • 9. The Role of the Trading Procedure

      • 9.1 Introduction

      • 9.2 Random Matching

      • 9.3 A Model of Public Price Announcements

      • 9.4 Models with Choice of Partner

      • 9.5 A Model with More General Contracts and Resale

      • Notes

    • 10. The Role of Anonymity

      • 10.1 Introduction

      • 10.2 The Model

      • 10.3 Market Equilibrium

      • 10.4 The No-Discount Assumption

      • 10.5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium

      • Notes

  • References

  • Index

Nội dung

Reprinted from “Bargaining and Markets”, ISBN 0-12-528632-5, Copyright 1990, with permission from Elsevier. References updated and errors corrected. Version: 2005-3-2. Bargaining and Markets This is a volume in ECONOMIC THEORY, ECONOMETRICS, AND MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS A series of Monographs and Textbooks Consulting Editor: Karl Shell, Cornell University A list of recent titles in this series appears at the end of this volume. Bargaining and Markets Martin J. Osborne Department of Economics McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada http://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne Ariel Rubinstein Department of Economics Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv, Israel http://arielrubinstein.tau.ac.il ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers San Diego New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright c  1990 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publicatio n may be reproduced or transmit ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California 92101 United Kingdom Edition published by Academic Press Limited 24–28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Osborne, Martin J. Bargaining and Markets / Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-12-528631-7 (alk. paper). – ISBN 0-12-528632-5 (pbk.: alk. paper) 1. Game Theory. 2. Negotiation. 3. Capitalism. I. Rubinstein, Ariel. II. Title. HB144.073 1990 380.1–dc20 90-30644 CIP Printed in the United States of America 90 91 92 93 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Preface ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Some Basic Terms 1 1.2 Outline of the Book 3 Notes 6 Part 1. Bargaining Theory 7 2. The Axiomatic Approach: Nash’s Solution 9 2.1 Bargaining Problems 9 2.2 Nash’s Axioms 11 2.3 Nash’s Theorem 13 2.4 Applications 17 2.5 Is Any Axiom Superfluous? 20 2.6 Extensions of the Theory 23 Notes 26 v vi Contents 3. The Strategic Approach: A Model of Alternating Offers 29 3.1 The Strategic Approach 29 3.2 The Structure of Bargaining 30 3.3 Preferences 32 3.4 Strategies 37 3.5 Strategies as Automata 39 3.6 Nash Equilibrium 41 3.7 Subgame Perfect Equilibrium 43 3.8 The Main Result 44 3.9 Examples 49 3.10 Properties of the Subgame Perfect Equilibrium 50 3.11 Finite versus Infinite Horizons 54 3.12 Models in Which Players Have Outside Options 54 3.13 A Game of Alternating Offers with Three Bargainers 63 Notes 65 4. The Relation between the Axiomatic and Strategic Approaches 69 4.1 Introduction 69 4.2 A Model of Alternating Offers with a Risk of Breakdown 71 4.3 A Model of Simultaneous Offers: Nash’s “Demand Game” 76 4.4 Time Preference 81 4.5 A Model with Both Time Preference and Risk of Breakdown 86 4.6 A Guide to Applications 88 Notes 89 5. A Strategic Model of Bargaining between Incompletely Informed Players 91 5.1 Introduction 91 5.2 A Bargaining Game of Alternating Offers 92 5.3 Sequential Equilibrium 95 5.4 Delay in Reaching Agreement 104 5.5 A Refinement of Sequential Equilibrium 107 5.6 Mechanism Design 113 Notes 118 Contents vii Part 2. Models of Decentralized Trade 121 6. A First Approach Using the Nash Solution 123 6.1 Introduction 123 6.2 Two Basic Models 124 6.3 Analysis of Model A (A Market in Steady State) 126 6.4 Analysis of Model B (Simultaneous Entry of All Sellers and Buyers) 128 6.5 A Limitation of Modeling Markets Using the Nash Solution 130 6.6 Market Entry 131 6.7 A Comparison of the Competitive Equilibrium with the Market Equilibria in Models A and B 134 Notes 136 7. Strategic Bargaining in a Steady State Market 137 7.1 Introduction 137 7.2 The Model 138 7.3 Market Equilibrium 141 7.4 Analysis of Market Equilibrium 143 7.5 Market Equilibrium and Compe titive Equilibrium 146 Notes 147 8. Strategic Bargaining in a Market with One-Time Entry 151 8.1 Introduction 151 8.2 A Market in Which There Is a Single Indivisible Good 152 8.3 Market Equilibrium 153 8.4 A Market in Which There Are Many Divisible Goods 156 8.5 Market Equilibrium 159 8.6 Characterization of Market Equilibrium 162 8.7 Existence of a Market Equilibrium 168 8.8 Market Equilibrium and Compe titive Equilibrium 170 Notes 170 9. The Role of the Trading Procedure 173 9.1 Introduction 173 9.2 Random Matching 175 9.3 A Model of Public Price Announcements 180 9.4 Models with Choice of Partner 182 9.5 A Model with More General Contracts and Resale 185 Notes 187 viii Contents 10. The Role of Anonymity 189 10.1 Introduction 189 10.2 The Model 190 10.3 Market Equilibrium 191 10.4 The No-Discount Assumption 195 10.5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium 197 Notes 197 References 199 Index 211 Preface The formal theory of bargaining originated with John Nash’s work in the early 1950s. In this book we discuss two recent developments in this theory. The first uses the tool of extensive games to construct theories of bargain- ing in which time is modeled explicitly. The second applies the theory of bargaining to the study of decentralized markets. We do not attem pt to survey the field. Rather, we select a small number of models, each of which illustrates a key point. We take the approach that a thorough analysis of a few models is more rewarding than short discussions of many models. Some of our selections are arbitrary and could be replaced by other models that illustrate similar points. The last section of each chapter is entitled “Notes”. It usually begins by acknowledging the work on which the chapter is based. (In general we do not make acknowledgments in the text itself.) It goes on to give a brief guide to some of the related work. We should stress that this guide is not complete. We include mainly references to papers that use the model of bargaining on which most of the book is based (the bargaining game of alternating offers). Almost always we give detailed proofs. Although this makes some of the chapters look “technical” we believe that only on understanding the proofs ix x Preface is it possible to appreciate the models fully. Further, the proofs provide principles that you may find useful when constructing related models. We use the tools of game theory throughout. Although we explain the concepts we use as we proceed, it will be useful to be familiar with the approach and basic notions of noncooperative game theory. Luce and Raiffa (1957) is a brilliant introduction to the subject. Two other re- cent books that present the basic ideas of noncooperative game theory are van Damme (1987) and Kreps (1990). We have used drafts of this bo ok for a semester-long graduate course. However, in our experience one cannot cover all the material within the time limit of such a course. A Not e on Terminology To avoid confusion, we emphasize that we use the terms “increasing” and “nondecreasing” in the following ways. A function f: R → R for which f(x) > f (y) whenever x > y is increasing; if the first inequality is weak, the function is nondecreasing. A Not e on the Use of “He” and “She” Unfortunately, the English language forces us to refer to individuals as “he” or “she”. We disagree on how to handle this problem. Ariel Rubinstein argues that we should use a “neutral” pronoun, and agrees to the use of “he”, with the understanding that this refers to both men and women. Given our socio-political environment, continuous re- minders of the she/he issue simply divert the reader’s attention from the main issues. Language is extremely important in shaping our thinking, but in academic material it is not useful to wave it as a flag. Martin Osborne argues that no language is “neutral”. Every choice the author makes affects the reader. “He” is exclusive, and reinforces sexist attitudes, no matter how well intentioned the user. Language has a pow- erful impact on readers’ perceptions and understanding. An author should adopt the style that is likely to have the most desirable impact on her readers’ views (“the p oint . . . is to change the world”). At present, the use of “she” for all individuals, or at least for generic individuals, would seem best to accomplish this goal. We had to reach a compromise. When referring to specific individuals, we sometimes use “he” and sometimes “she”. For example, in two-player games we treat Player 1 as female and Player 2 as male; in markets games we treat all sellers as female and all buyers as male. We use “he” for generic individuals. [...]... of those in the market or of those considering entering the market We begin, in Chapter 6, by exploring models in which agents are randomly matched pairwise and conclude the agreement given by Nash’s bargaining solution We consider two basic models: one in which the number of traders in the market is steady over time (Model A), and another in which all traders enter the market at once and leave as they... the demand and supply functions of the competitive model should be applied to the stock of agents in the market or to the flow of agents through the market Also, we consider models in which the set of agents considering entering the market may be different from the set of agents who actually participate in the market In this case we ask whether the competitive model should be applied to the demands and. .. to understand better the circumstances under which a market is “competitive” In the theory of competitive equilibrium, the process by which the equilibrium price is reached is not modeled One story is that there is an agency in the market that guides the price The agency announces a price, and the individuals report the amounts they wish to demand and supply at this fixed price If demand and supply... Section 2.6.3) Definition 2.1 A bargaining problem is a pair S, d , where S ⊂ R2 is compact (i.e closed and bounded) and convex, d ∈ S, and there exists s ∈ S such that si > di for i = 1, 2 The set of all bargaining problems is denoted B A bargaining solution is a function f : B → R2 that assigns to each bargaining problem S, d ∈ B a unique element of S This definition restricts a bargaining problem in a number... behavior in the bargaining game does not depend on events in other matches The equilibrium that we characterize does not coincide with the competitive equilibrium of the market when the demand and supply functions are those of the steady state stock of agents in the market In Chapter 8 we study two strategic versions of Model B The two models differ in the characteristics of the underlying market In the... this book, see Wilson (1987), Bester (1989b), and Binmore, Osborne, and Rubinstein (1992) For some basic topics in bargaining theory that we do not discuss, see the following: Schelling (1960), who provides an informal discussion of the strategic elements in bargaining; Harsanyi (1977), who presents an early overview of game-theoretic models of bargaining; and Roth (1988), who discusses the large body... pairs could result from many different combinations of agreement sets and preferences.) The objects of our subsequent inquiry are bargaining solutions A bargaining solution associates with every bargaining situation in some class an agreement or the disagreement event Thus, a bargaining solution does not specify an outcome for a single bargaining situation; rather, it is a function Formally, Nash’s central... procedure of bargaining (in the model in Part 1) and the procedure of trade (in the models in Part 2) The bargainers are concerned about the time at which an agreement is reached since they are impatient The sequential structure is flexible and allows us to address a wide range of issues 1.1.4 Economic Theory Bargaining is a basic activity associated with trade Even when a market is large and the traders... also the credit for those ideas Martin Osborne gratefully acknowledges support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and thanks the Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, the Indian Statistical Institute, and the London School of Economics for their generous hospitality on visits during which he worked on... is a bargaining solution” Nash proposes that a bargaining solution should satisfy four plausible conditions It turns out that there is only one solution that does so, which is known as the Nash Bargaining solution This solution has a very simple functional form, making it convenient to apply in economic models In Chapter 3 we take a different tack: we impose a specific structure on bargaining and study . 18 5 Notes 18 7 viii Contents 10 . The Role of Anonymity 18 9 10 .1 Introduction 18 9 10 .2 The Model 19 0 10 .3 Market Equilibrium 19 1 10 .4 The No-Discount Assumption 19 5 10 .5 Market Equilibrium and Competitive. Introduction 13 7 7.2 The Model 13 8 7.3 Market Equilibrium 14 1 7.4 Analysis of Market Equilibrium 14 3 7.5 Market Equilibrium and Compe titive Equilibrium 14 6 Notes 14 7 8. Strategic Bargaining in a Market. One-Time Entry 15 1 8 .1 Introduction 15 1 8.2 A Market in Which There Is a Single Indivisible Good 15 2 8.3 Market Equilibrium 15 3 8.4 A Market in Which There Are Many Divisible Goods 15 6 8.5 Market Equilibrium

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