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Autonomy in learning english of first year non english majors at a university in hanoi

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS AUTONOMY IN LEARNING ENGLISH OF FIRST-YEAR NON- ENGLISH MAJORS AT A UNIVERSITY IN HA NOI (Tự chủ việc học tiếng Anh sinh viên năm thứ khối không chuyên ngữ trường đại học Hà Nội) vu THI THUY NGAN Field: English Language Code: Hanoi - 2023 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS AUTONOMY IN LEARNING ENGLISH OF FISRT-YEAR NON- ENGLISH MAJORS AT A UNIVERSITY IN HANOI (Tự chủ việc học tiếng Anh sinh viên năm thứ khối không chuyên ngữ trường đại học Hà Nội) VU THI THUY NGAN Field: English Language Code: Supervisor: Dr LE THI MINH THAO Hanoi - 2023 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled “AUTONOMY IN LEARNING ENGLISH OF FIRST-YEAR NON­ ENGLISH MAJORS AT A UNIVERSITY IN HA NOI” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Language Except where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Hanoi, 2023 Vu Thi Thuy Ngan Approved by SUPERVISOR Dr LE THI MINH THAO Date: September, 2023 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I, first, would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Le Thi Minh Thao, who spent strenuous efforts in guiding me with the writing of my thesis I have benefited a lot from her insightful views and scientific methods for academic research Besides my advisor, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my lecturers at Hanoi Open University, especially the lecturers at the Faculty of English, for their enthusiasm and tremendous knowledge, as well as for their insightful comments and encouragement A special word of thanks also goes to my colleagues, who were willing to offer a lot of help in collecting quantitative and qualitative data In addition, a thank you to the hundreds of my students who have attended my survey and contributed to the success of this research My hearty thanks are also extended to my leaders at Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, who have given me the chance, support, and encouragement to study I would also like to thank my relatives for always standing behind me and willingly offering me a lot of help when it is needed The kindness, tolerance, understanding, and support of my husband and my children have greatly encouraged me, listened to my complaints, and supported me during my study at Hanoi Open University Thank you ii ABSTRACT According to the results of relevant research, the learner autonomy of students at Vietnamese universities plays an important role and is a key factor in determining learners’ learning progress In this current study, the learner autonomy of first-year non-English major students in learning English at Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment is investigated to address the research gap Two objectives of this study needed to be obtained: a) to determine the current situation of HUNRE first-year non-English major students’ learner autonomy in the context of credit-based training; b) to show factors affecting HUNRE freshmen non-English majors’ learner autonomy and propose approaches to promoting it A mixed method was employed in this study Quantitative data was analyzed through SPSS 20.0 software Meanwhile, qualitative data was obtained by interviewing three English language lecturers The research results were found Students understood the important role of learner autonomy for their learning English progress; identified the objectives of learning English; and many of them could not carry out the autonomous learning skills The majority of the students were passive in their learning progress; they could not study autonomously and depended too much on their teachers The factors affecting the freshmen students’ learner autonomy were also explored First and foremost, it was the factor of the learner The factors of teachers and the learning environment were found to influence the students’ learner autonomy From the results found, some solutions were given to promote learner autonomy in learning English These solutions relate to three main groups of factors that strongly influence the students’ learner autonomy in studying English: the learners, the teachers, and the learning environment iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AI Artificial Intelligence EFL English Foreign Language HUNRE Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment LA Learner Autonomy PDCA Planning, Developing, Checking and Acting SDT Self-Determination Theory SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences iv LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 2.1 Levels of learner autonomy (Nunan, 1997) 23 Table 3.1 The allocation of participants taking part in the survey 29 Table 4.1 The importance of learner autonomy according to studcnts’opinion Table 4.2 Students’ abilities to autonomous learning skills 36 Table 4.3 Students’purposes of learning English 39 Table 4.4 The students’ learning activities in the English classes 42 Table 4.5 The students’ learning activities outside of the Englishclasses 45 Table 4.6 The teachers’ role according to students’ view 48 Table 4.7 The factors affecting to students’ learner autonomy 52 34 Figure 2.1 Components and domains of autonomy by William Littlewood (1996) V 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS i Certificate of originality Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii List of Abbrrviations iv List of tables and figures V Table of contents vi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Method of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Structure of the study CHAPTER 2.1 2.2 2.3 LITERATURE REVIEW Review of previous studies 2.1.1 Studies conducted by Vietnamese researchers 2.1.2 Studies conducted by foreign scientists 12 Theoretical background 16 2.2.1 Autonomy and language learner autonomy 16 2.2.2 The characteristics of learner autonomy 19 2.2.3 Levels of learner autonomy 22 2.2.4 Affecting factors to learner autonomy 24 Chapter summary CHAPTER 26 28 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research orientations 28 3.2 Research methods 28 3.3 3.2.1 Quantitative survey 28 3.2.2 Qualitative survey 31 Chapter summary vi 32 CHAPTER 4.1 34 34 The students ’ abilities to carry out 35 The students’ purposes of learning English 38 The students ’ learning activities in the English classes 40 The students ’ learning activities outside 43 The teachers' role according to students ’ pointviews 46 The affectingfactors to students' learner autonomy 50 Teachers’ view point 54 4.1.2 4.4 34 The situation of learning autonomy in learning English 4.3 34 1.1 Learner autonomy’s importance 4.1.1 4.2 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The findings of the research Disscusions 57 4.2.1 Regarding the students' perception 57 4.2.2 In terms of the abilities to implement 58 4.2.3 In terms of learning activities of English 60 4.2.4 Regarding the affecting factors 62 4.2.5 The recommendations and solutions from the teachers 64 The solutions to foster learner autonomy in English 65 4.3.1 Focusing on the learner factor 67 4.3.2 Concentrating the role of the teacher factor 67 4.3.3 For Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment 69 Chapter summary CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 69 72 5.1 Recapitulation 72 5.2 Concluding remarks 72 5.3 Limitation of the research 74 5.4 Recommendations for further research 74 REFERENCES APPENDICES vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Recently, English is becoming a popular international language widely spoken worldwide, especially in the information era and process of global integration It is used for all aspects of life: business, education, politics, entertainment etc Therefore, gaining and mastering the English language is, nowadays, one of the desires of most generations To compete in the globalization process, the Vietnamese Government has focused on developing English language education and implemented many educational reforms It can be listed some Governmental policies related to this issues as followings: The project “Dạy học ngoại ngữ hệ thống giáo dục quốc dân giai đoạn 2008-2020” (Teaching and Learning foreign language in the National Education System for the period 2008-2020) was approved by Prime Minister of Vietnam Government in 2008 with the overall objective to comprehensively reform the teaching and learning of foreign languages in the National Education System (đổi toàn diện việc dạy học ngoại ngừ hệ thống giáo dục quốc dân) The decision No 2080/QĐ-TTg on 22 December 2017 issued by Prime Minister of Vietnam Government on “Điều chính, bổ sung Đề án dạy học ngoại ngữ hệ thống giáo dục quốc dân giai đoạn 2017-2025” (Adjusting and supplementing the project on teaching and learning foreign language in the National Education System for the period 2017-2025) The decision No 2658/QĐ-BGDĐT on 23 July 2018 issued by Minister of the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training on “Ke hoạch trien khai De án dạy học ngoại ngừ hệ thống giáo dục quốc dân giai đoạn 20172025” (Plan to implement the project on teaching and learning foreign language in the National Education System for the period 2017-2025) Accordingly, learner autonomy of learners has recently been recognized as a necessary element of changes in higher education in Vietnam Moreover, most universities in Vietnam have employed the credit-based system that requires learners to take responsibilities for their learning Please read the following statements carefully and tick (a/) in one column that represents your opinion Very poor Poor Fair Good Excellent (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) How welt you with these abilities? Identify your objectives for learning English during university time Make plans to learning English for an academic school year or a semester your strengths, Identify weaknesses, and necessary factors for learning English learning methods, Adapt materials, and self-regularity to achieve the learning objectives 10 Select the learning activities inside and outside of the English class, including with and without the support of the teachers 11 Carry out the English learning plan autonomously based on the identified learning activities 12 Decide how long to spend on inside and outside learning activities in the English class 13 Assess the results based on the determined learning objectives 14 Be willing to accept complex assignments for self­ improvement 15 Be able to work in groups and listen to recommendations, suggestions from teachers, friends Please read the following statements carefully and tick (V) in one column that represents your opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Un (*) Agree Strongly agree (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) How you think about the purpose of learning English at HUNRE? 16 17 18 Like the English language and want to continue your good English in high school Discover new things (culture, landscape, people, stc ) of England Communicate with foreigners and understand what they said 19 Enjoy movies, ect, in English subtitle 20 Make me more confident to enter the period of globalization Participate in big international events and speak confidently in front of people Pass all exams on English subject at university 21 22 23 songs, without Get academic scholarships to study overseas 24 Own the HUNRE scholarship by gaining high study results 25 Get well-paid jobs after graduating from universiy (*) Undecided Please read the following statements carefully and tick (V) in one column that represents your opinion Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) How often you these below-listed English learning activities in English classes? 26 Trying to use every chance to take part in the learning activities (i.e speaking) 27 Asking the teachers when you did not understand something in the English class 28 Making special notes and summarizing the content of each lesson 29 Bringing extra documents, books, ect that were not on the syllabus required by teachers 30 Discussing assignments with your classmates 31 Doing the tasks required independently without the support of teachers 32 Being good at applying new ways and strategies into the learning process 33 Evaluating the outcomes before finding feedback from teachers Often Please read the following Never Rarely Sometimes Always statements carefully and tick (y) in one column that represents (4) (2) (3) (5) (1) your opinion How often you the below English learning activities outside of classes? 34 Preparing content, materials, references carefully before the class (i.c see summary, lessons etc.) 35 Doing assignments that were not compulsory knowledge 36 Systematizing after each lesson and each unit that was not required by teachers 37 Noting down new words, new phrase words with their meanings and their usage; making sentences with them 38 Working in groups to solve difficult problems or complete big projects that were required by teachers 39 Being active in proposing ideas or discussing them with teachers 40 Practicing English skills through attending English clubs, seminars, international conferences hosted by HUNRE, or training courses given by foreign experts 41 Practicing English skills through listening to music, watching movies, reading books and newspapers in English, etc 42 Practicing English speaking involves communicating with other people (foreigners, friends) in English and recording the voice regularly Please read the following statements carefully and tick (x) in one column that represents your opinion Strongly disagree Disagree Un.(*) Agree Strongly agree (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) What you think about teachers ’ role in your learning English at HUNRE? Play an essential role in my learning process and progress as well 44 Always have available time for me if need the help 45 Point out the weaknesses and strengths of my English 46 Always explain what & how I need to in the class 47 Help me a lot in setting the goals of my learning English 48 Stimulate my interest in learning and practicing English inside and outside of the class 49 Allow me to choose the ways to learn as long as could meet the learning requirements 50 Help me to choose books, reference materials that are necesssary for my study 51 Give me many opportunities to work with classmates and communicate in English 52 Always decide what I need to learn and how I need to it inside and outside of the classroom 53 Always decide on learning activities with and without the teachers 43 (*) Undecided Please read the following statements carefully and tick ('V) in one column that represents your opinion 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Strongly disagree Disagree Un.(*) Agree Strongly agree (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Your statement on these things at Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment Available facilities (i.e., space, light, tables, chairs, noise, etc,) are suitable for the English learning process Internet access and advanced equipment are strong enough for the learning process The learning program is very flexible, including lessons both in and out of class Fifty (50) minutes sitting in the class is enough for each English lesson The syllabus and reference books used are interesting and easy to follow and use The regular tests have appropriate content for students Different sources of information and knowledge can be found in the HUNRE library Learning methods are selected by learners depending on teachers’ requirements The atmosphere of English classes is often friendly and happy for all students The evaluation of learning results by teachers is always fair and right for every student Teamwork is always applied in almost all English learning projects The opportunity to practice English is available at HUNRE (*) Undecided THE END Thank you so much for your answers! APPENDICE INTERVIEW QUESTION-SHEET (For the teachers only) I am doing my research related to learner autonomy in learning English with a focus on first-year non-English major students I am so thankful for your support in accepting my invitation to come here to participate in this interview I have committed that the content of the interview today will only be used in this research Question 1: Do you think, learner autonomy bring many benefits to our students? Question 2: What kinds of benefits learner autonomy bring to the students, according to your opinion? Question 3: Do you think that our first-year non-English majors are autonomous in their learning English? Question 4: What abilities of carry out autonomous learning skills you sec our students can well according to your observation in class and from your assessment? Question 5: What you as a teacher to create learner autonomy for students and make them more autonomous? Question 6: Have you ever dicided what students have to learn inside & outside of the classes? Question 7: Have you ever asked your students to the task independently without your assisstance? Question 8: Do your students prefer inside-class learning activities to outside- class learning activities? Question 9: What factors affect learner autonomy of the first-year non-English majors in learning English? Question 10: With the given picture on students’ learner autonomy, could you please kindly propose some ways to forter it? TRƯỜNG ĐẠỊ HỌC MỞ HÀ NỘI HỘI ĐÒNG ĐÁNH GIÁ LUẶN VĂN CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Đôc lập - Tự - Hạnh phúc QUYÉT NGHỊ CỦA HỘI ĐÒNG ĐANH GIÁ LUẬN VÀN THẠC sĩ Căn Quyết định số 2731/QĐ-ĐHM, ngày 09 tháng 08 năm 2023 Hiệu trưởng Trường Đại học Mở Hà Nội việc thành lập Hội đồng đánh giá luận văn thạc sĩ, học viên cao học: Vũ Thị Thủy Ngân Sinh ngày: 11/11/1977 Tên đề tài luận văn: Autonomy in learning English of the first year non-English majors at a university in Hanoi Ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh Mã số: 8220201 Hội đồng đánh giá luận văn thạc sĩ (theo hình thức trực tiếp) họp hồi // • Ậ phút, ngày £.57tháng ỹ năm 2ồ2ỷ Trường Đại học Mở Hà Nội Sau nghe học viên trình bày tóm tắt luận văn thạc sĩ, phàn biện đọc nhận xét, học viên trả lời câu hỏi, Hội đồng họp, trao đổi ý kiến thống nghị: - Tên đề tài Y nghĩa khoa học ỹCcýS tó - Những điểm học viên cần chình sửa Luận văn đạt điểm Quyết nghị tất thành viên có mặt Hội đồng trí thơng qua THƯ KÝ HỘI ĐÒNG (Chữ ký, họ tên) TS Trần Thị Lệ Dung CHỦ TỊCH HỘI ĐÒNG (Chữ kỷ, họ tên) PGS.TS Hồ Ngọc Trung EXAMINER’S REPORT Name of Examiner: Lê Phuong Thảo, PhD Major: Linguistics Present Employer: Hanoi Open University Name of student: Vũ Thị Thủy Ngân Field: English language Code: 8220201 Thesis Title: Autonomy in learning English of first-year non-English majors at a university in Hanoi On examining the dissertation, I have the following comments: Having carefully read the study, I realized that the dissertation has been done with great effort It has presented new points which have not been mentioned in the previous studies The current thesis is necessary to be conducted to add more theoretical and practical aspects to the area The research topic, language corpus, findings, and conclusions presented in the thesis are original and not replicate those of any previous publications or dissertations The citations and references ensure integrity, clarity, and completeness The contents of the thesis accurately reflect the title of the dissertation and are fully aligned with the code of English Language 8220201 The literature review is an attempt to provide the review of previous studies in Vietnam^X}//" overseas and theoretical framework for the study It covers key concepts of autonomy/ TRÙ language learner autonomy, characteristics of learner autonomy, levels of learner, Đ Ạ'H autonomy, and factors affecting learner autonomy \ r ' The mixed design of qualitative and quantitative approaches used in combination with the analytical framework are well-suited to address the research questions of the thesis The Findings and Discussions are in line with research questions and objectives The findings relating to the learner autonomy of the first-year non-English majors including the importance of learner autonomy for their learning English progress; learners’ objectives of learning English at universities, factors affecting the learners’ autonomy are also explored The present study findings and discussion show the author’s academic seriousness, accuracy, and research potential Areas for improvement The thesis, however, has several points for considerations as follows: The Abbreviation list should be provided; The Abstract should be rewritten and shortened (not more than 300 words) including the research problem, objectives, methods, and results of the study The rationale of the study should be shortened and straight to the point Its aim is to spark interests and show why this is a timely or important topic The writer should avoid beating about the bush by writing about the importance of English Some arguments require quotations from previous scholars to support the author’ s opinions Some citations mentioned in Literature Review does not follow the APA style (pages 13,14,15,16) It’s better if the author can discuss, compare and contrast the findings and results from different groups being surveyed Many works cited in chapter are not listed in References For example: Works of Myriam Luna Cortes and Diana K Sanchez Lujan (2005), Khulaifiyah, Widiati u., Anugrahwati M., and Suryati N (2021) on pages 13, 16 etc A summary for each chapter (2,3,4) should be provided 10 Several clerical errors are found throughout the manuscript It is a pity W'hen a well - written thesis is spoiled by irritating grammatical and typographic eiTors Conclusion Overall, the student has made great effort in completing the thesis My recommendatiofy is that the thesis be subject to further assessment and decision of the Examination Board.c MƠ ° Question: Can you give a justifiable reason for using both quantitative and qualfmtifi^J ", ’ , ozZ approaches for your research in Chapter (Methodology)! * IS Hanoi, 21s' August 2023 Examiner Hà Nội, ngày «2.1 tháng s năm 20c2Ẳ TL HIỆU TRƯỞNG Le Phuong Thao, PhD M.A THESIS COMMENTS Examiner: Phạm Thi Thanh Thùy, Ph.D National Economics University Title: AUTONOMY IN LEARNING ENGLISH OF FIRST-YEAR By: Vu Thi Thuy Ngan Field: English Language Code: NON-ENGLISH MAJORS AT A UNIVERSITY IN HANOI The study suggests that Ms Ngan’s work is well located in the field of English Language, and to the best of my knowledge, represents a piece of original research Ms Ngan possesses reasonably good research skills and an ability to conduct independent research The submission also indicates that a lot of effort and time have gone into the work, and appears to produce results Ms Ngan has clear aims and objectives of the investigation Her discussion of the methodology is detailed There is a logical movement from the theoretical background to the detailed descriptions of the issues relating to autonomy in learning English The research surely contributes to assisting policy-makers, lecturers in providing appropriate teaching approaches to address students; and helping students to improve their autonomy in learning English The literature review chapter was presented logically and clearly literature on previous studies relating to autonomy including characteristics of learner autonomy, levels of autonomy and factors affecting learner autonomy, which shows her great efforts in carrying out her research However, because the second research question is about factors affecting students’ autonomy, the second part of literature review should be provided with richer information, and the author should provide a framework with clearer factor groups The framework will be a base for later findings It is suggested that the real situation of students’ learning autonomy should be divided into (i) attitude in learning autonomy (in class and outside the classroom); and (ii) autonomy action (in class and outside the classroom) Then the author can compare and contrast the differences between what students aware of learning autonomy (part 4.2.1) and what students to realize their thought (part 4.2.2) The various data collection instruments were selected carefully from different sources from questionnaire, interview with clear reasons for choices and by line for ease of reference However, the data have not yet presented in a way to support for the provided research questions In this thesis, the author just presented data with their pure setting without filtering parts for their own sake For example, at page 54- the teachers’ view on students’ autonomy should be moved to answer the first question (real situation of students’ autonomy); or at page 57- factors affecting students’ learning autonomy should be put in the second part answering the second question (factors) The findings were properly drawn and appropriately generalized however, the findings and discussion chapter is summarized separately The data should be used as a contribution for answering the three research questions instead of being presented separately from page 54 to 57 Information to answer the research question and are a main part in the finding chapter and it is used to address problem given However, information in table 4.4 to 4.7 should be grouped in clearer parts with certain criteria to group so that readers can follow and understand better In this thesis, the writer just presented the raw data with numbers After each part, the author should summarize main as it has not provided answers to the research questions raised in the thesis Some points in the conclusion are very subjective and not persuasive Some improvements in the way of academic writing must be injected into the writing of the thesis There are some minor problems with expressions which must be addressed In conclusion, recommend the thesis’s author to re-consider way to present information under the guidance of the research questions before defending the thesis at the examination council It seems to me that the information showed in the research as raw data from her multi-research tools to collect data and with some separated parts from her research method Examiner, )NG phòng BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MÓ HÀ NƠI CỘNG HỒ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tụ - Hạnh phúc Hà Nội, ngày tháng năm 2023 BẢN GIẢI TRÌNH (về nội dung bổ sung, sửa chữa luận văn theo góp ý Hội đồng) Kính gứi: Trường Đại học Mị' Hà Nội Tên là: Vũ Thị Thúy Ngân Sinh ngày: 11/11/1977 Khóa học: 2021 - 2023 Hình thức đào tạo: Chính quy Sau thực bồ sung, sửa chừa luận văn theo góp ý Hội đồng, đến tơi sửa hồn thiện luận văn thạc với đề tài: “Autonomy in Learning English of First-year Non-English Majors at a University in Hanoi” Ngành: Ngôn ngừ Anh Mã số: 22 02 01 Sau nội dung bồ sung, sứa chữa luận văn: STT Những thiếu sót, vấn đề cần bổ sung, sửa chữa theo nhận xét phản biện góp ý Hội đồng Nội dung sửa chữa, bổ sung học viên (nội dung không tiếp Mục thu nêu rõ lý do) Bồ sung Danh mục từ viểt tắt Tiếp thu bố sung danh mục từ viết tắt Phẩn tóm tắt viết ngắn gọn Tiếp thu chinh sửa (tối đa 300 từ) phần Tóm tắt ngắn gọn, đầy đù theo góp ý Mục “Lý chọn đề tài” nên Tiếp thu chinh sừa 1.1 viết ngắn gọn lại, thăng đàm bảo theo yêu cầu vào vấn đề Một số trích dẫn phần Tiếp thu chình sửa theo 2.2.2 Literature Review chưa theo định dạng APA đối định dạng APA Trang V iii 12-16 STT Nhũng thiếu sót, vấn đề cần bổ sung, sửa chữa theo nhận xét phản biện góp ý Hội đồng Nội dung sửa chữa, bố sung học viên (nội dung không tiếp Mục Trang thu nêu rõ lý do) với sổ tên tác giã, tên cơng trình cùa báo Bồ sung phần tiểu kẻt chương Tiếp thu bố sung phần tiểu kết cho chương 2,3 2,3,4 Cần so sánh khác Tiếp thu bo sung việc nhận biết sinh khác nhận biết viên tự chủ học học sinh viên tự suy nghĩ học tập suy nghĩ; tự hoạt động học tập Nôn bổ sung thêm khung lý Tiếp thu bố sung số thuyết cho câu hỏi nghiên nghiên cứu cùa tác giả Việt cửu số (Affecting factors) Nam quốc tế có liên quan đến yếu tố ảnh hưởng đen tính tự chù học tập tiếng 2.3 3.3 4.4 4.2.2 26 32 69 58 2.2.4 25 Anh cúa sinh viên; Đã bổ sung thêm danh mục Tài liệu tham khảo Viết lại phần kết luận ngắn Tiếp thu đà chinh sứa 5.2 gọn thuyết phục đám báo theo yêu cầu 72 CHỦ TỊCH HỘI ĐÒNG GIÁO VIÊN HƯỚNG DẢN HỌC VIÊN PGS.TS Hồ Ngọc Trung TS Lê Thị Minh Thảo Vũ Thị Thủy Ngân

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2023, 09:28

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