Historical Perspectives
This section is based on [Beaman, 1997]
The roots of RP can be traced to two technical areas [Beaman, 1997]: topography and photo sculpture
In 1890, Blanther introduced a layered method for creating molds for topographical relief maps, utilizing wax plates cut along contour lines This approach was enhanced by researchers such as Perera, Zang, and Gaskin over the following decades Matsubara later developed a layer manufacturing process for casting molds, employing refractory particles coated with photopolymer resin that is selectively cured with light Additionally, DiMatteo proposed a method for producing 3D objects from contoured metallic sheets using milling techniques Nakagawa further explored lamination techniques for the fabrication of various tools, including blanking, press forming, and injection molding tools.
Figure 1.1 A method for making moulds for topographical relief maps [Blanther,
Photosculpture, a technique proposed by Bogart in the 19th century, allows for the creation of 3D object replicas by using 24 cameras arranged in a circular setup to capture simultaneous photographs Each image's silhouette is then utilized to carve one-twenty-fourth of the object's cylindrical portion Subsequent developers, including Baese and Monteah, sought to enhance this method by streamlining the manual carving process Morioka further advanced the technique in the 1930s by introducing structured lighting to generate photographic contour lines, which could be used to cut and assemble objects from sheets In 1956, Munz patented a layer manufacturing system that fabricates scanned object cross-sections by selectively exposing a transparent photo emulsion, creating layers through a piston mechanism that adds photo emulsion and fixing agent.
Figure 1.2 The layer manufacturing system proposed by Munz [1956]
Development work in the area of RP continued in the 1960s and 1970s and a number of patents have been filed on different methods and systems [Beaman, 1997] These include:
• A method for fabricating objects from powdered materials by heating particles locally and fusing them together employing a laser, electron beam, or plasma beam [Ciraud, 1972]
• A process for producing plastic patterns by selective 3D polymerisation of a photosensitive polymer at the intersection of two laser beams [Swainson, 1977]
• A photopolymer RP system for building objects in layers [Kodama, 1981] A mask is used to control the exposure of the UV source when producing a cross- section of the model
• A system that directs a UV laser beam to a polymer layer by means of a mirror system on an x-y plotter [Herbert, 1982]
Further to this list there are numerous patents covering existing commercial RP processes The most prominent patents as listed by Beaman [Beaman, 1997] are shown in Figure 1.3
The significant rise in commercially available Rapid Prototyping (RP) systems during the 1990s can be attributed to advancements in 3D CAD modeling, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, and Computer Numerical Control, initially driven by the competitive automotive and aerospace industries Sales of RP systems experienced annual growth rates of 40-50% in the early to mid-1990s, although this rapid expansion has slowed in recent years Despite this, the sector remains vibrant, evidenced by the filing of 208 new patents in the past two years and a 22% sales growth in 1999, with an estimated 3.4 million parts produced globally using RP technologies Moreover, the application of RP has extended to various other economic sectors, indicating strong and optimistic prospects for the future of the RP industry.
Name Housholder Murutani Masters Andre et al Hull Pomerantz et al Feygin Deckard Fudim Arcella et al Crump Helinski Marcus Sachs et al Levent et al Penn
The evolution of three-dimensional (3D) manufacturing technologies is marked by significant patents from various countries In December 1979, the U.S introduced the optical mould method, followed by Japan's computer automated manufacturing process in May 1984 Notable advancements in France included an apparatus for creating three-dimensional objects via stereolithography in July 1984 By June 1986, Israel developed a method for forming integral objects from laminations, while the U.S continued to innovate with selective sintering and photo solidification techniques throughout the late 1980s The period also saw the emergence of three-dimensional printing and thermal spray methods, with the U.S leading in patent filings Overall, these developments highlight the rapid growth and diversification of 3D printing technologies from the late 1970s to the early 1990s.
5.5% 7.7% • Con umcr Products o Busincs Machines o Medici.1 Acadcmic
Figure 1.4 The use ofRP systems in different sectors [Wohlers, 2000]
Rapid Prototyping - An Integral Part of Time Compression Engineering
Geometrical Modelling Techniques
The advent of computer-controlled fabrication systems, particularly Numerical Controlled machine tools, over 40 years ago necessitated the electronic representation of product data The initial generation of computer-aided design (CAD) tools emerged as 2D drafting systems, replicating traditional drafting processes in a digital format These 2D geometrical models are composed of graphical primitives, including lines, arcs, text, symbols, and various notations essential for representing engineering drawings electronically.
The first generation of CAD systems offered limited modeling capabilities, primarily supporting only basic design applications that fell short of addressing real industrial design challenges However, the foundational concepts from these early systems paved the way for the next generation of CAD systems, which introduced 3D modeling capabilities The growing complexity of products and the demand for integration and automation in design and manufacturing significantly propelled the advancement of these 3D CAD systems.
To be widely accepted in engineering applications, geometrical models must provide three-dimensional, unique, and complete representations of products These models enable the use of consistent data across various engineering tasks, including documentation, engineering analysis, rapid prototyping, and manufacturing The three fundamental techniques for creating 3D designs are wireframe, surface, and solid modelling.
Chapter 1 Introduction 9 Wire/rame Modelling
Wireframe models, akin to 2D geometrical representations, consist of graphical primitives defined in three-dimensional space, showcasing 3D design objects through edges and vertices While creating valid 3D models using wireframe techniques can be a complex and time-consuming process due to the extensive input data and command sequences required, these models are efficient in terms of storage, requiring minimal computer memory and allowing for quick retrieval, editing, or updating Primarily, wireframe models facilitate the generation of engineering documentation and can also provide input data for finite element analysis Through the application of geometrical transformations to the graphical primitives, various projections of the 3D object can be generated.
3D designs represented by wireframe models often lack unique interpretation, making complex object models difficult to understand To mitigate confusion, edges can be hidden, dashed, or blanked Consequently, many companies primarily use 3D wireframe systems in a two-dimensional mode due to these interpretative challenges Additionally, wireframe models do not include surface and volume data, rendering them unsuitable for rapid prototyping (RP) Overall, wireframe modeling techniques are viewed as natural extensions of traditional drafting methods.
Figure 1.6 Wire frame and solid models of a watch
Wireframe models serve as the foundational elements for creating surface models, with most surface modeling software relying on wireframe primitives to generate surfaces Users define surface boundaries by inputting vertices and edges, which are then utilized to fit surfaces to these edges Various mathematical techniques can represent surfaces, including Coons, Bezier, Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS), as well as quadratic, cylindrical, and spherical surfaces.
Surface models offer more comprehensive and clearer representations compared to wireframe models, as they contain richer geometrical databases that provide detailed information about the surfaces connecting model edges This extensive data is essential for generating cutter paths for NC machining, making surface models the foundation for most CAM systems.
Surface models primarily represent the geometry of objects without capturing their topology, limiting them to a collection of surfaces associated with a single object Consequently, shared edges between surfaces are not recorded, resulting in gaps that prevent surface models from defining closed volumes To effectively utilize surface models for rapid prototyping, these gaps need to be eliminated, a process that can often be challenging or even unfeasible.
Solid modeling offers a straightforward approach to defining models, requiring minimal input data and utilizing simpler command sequences compared to other modeling techniques Most solid modeling software supports Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG), enabling users to create complex objects from predefined 3D primitives These primitives include basic shapes like planes, cylinders, cones, and spheres, as well as more intricate solid objects formed by sweeping 2D wireframe sections To define a solid model, these primitives are combined through boolean operations such as union, intersection, and difference.
Solid models provide a complete and unambiguous representation of objects [Zeid,
The effectiveness and clarity of solid modeling techniques stem from the comprehensive information held in their databases Once a component is created, the solid modeller transforms the input into a data structure that preserves both the geometry and topology of the object.
In contrast to both wire frame and surface models that store only geometrical data, solid modelling databases are complete and the models are very easy to verify
Solid modeling data can be stored using various representation schemes, with the most popular being Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) and Boundary Representation (B-Rep) CSG organizes objects in a tree structure, where solid primitives are the leaves and boolean operations form the interior nodes In contrast, B-Rep relies on the topological concept that each 3D object is defined by a collection of faces, edges, and vertices, ensuring the model's topological consistency Most solid modeling software supports multiple representation schemes, designating one as the primary scheme while deriving others from it.
Figure 1.7 A construction tree for a solid model
Solid modeling plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between design and manufacturing, as highlighted by Zeid in 1991 The significant advancements in computing power and its cost-effectiveness over the past decade have facilitated its widespread adoption Today, solid modeling is recognized as the most dependable method for generating 3D models for rapid prototyping (RP) applications.
Figure 1.8 Boundary representation of a solid model
3D modeling software utilizes various representation techniques and data formats to store geometrical data, but the incompatibility of these formats complicates data exchange with downstream CAM applications To address this issue, there are two primary solutions: a direct method, which involves creating interfaces between systems—often impractical—and an indirect method that uses neutral database structures for information exchange These neutral data structures are vendor-independent and contain essential definitions needed to support a specific set of applications.
In rapid prototyping (RP), an indirect approach is utilized, with various neutral formats suggested, including STL (STereoLithography), SLC, CLI (Common Layer Interface), and RPI (Rapid Prototyping Interface).
The STL format is the most widely used standard for interfacing CAD and RP systems, established as the de facto standard since its introduction Although other formats like LEAF and LMI have been proposed to overcome the limitations of STL, their adoption remains limited in comparison.
STL files are created by tessellating precise CAD models, where the surfaces of 3D models are represented by triangular facets Each triangle is uniquely defined by its three vertices and outward normal vector Adhering to specific requirements during the generation of STL files is crucial for ensuring accuracy and quality.
I Data about triangle vertices must be stored in the file in an ordered fashion to identify interior or exterior surfaces A clockwise vertex ordering defines an interior surface, and an anti-clockwise ordering the exterior surface The right- hand rule (Figure 1.9) is applied
2 A triangle must share exactly two common vertices with each adjacent triangle (Figure 1.10) This is known as the vertex-to-vertex rule
Figure 1.10 Vertex-to-vertex rule
Virtually every 3D modelling package provides an interface for exporting the internal CAD representation into the STL format
STL files can be stored in either ASCII or binary formats, with binary files being preferred due to their smaller size The STL file format is structured with a header, followed by the number of triangles and a list of those triangles [Jacobs, 1996].
To store a triangle in a binary format, 50 bytes are needed Therefore, the total size of the binary file can be calculated by multiplying the number of triangles by 50 and adding 84 bytes for the header and triangle counter.
The utilization of various standard formats for product data exchange, including IGES (Initial Graphical Exchange Specification), HPGL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language), and STEP (Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data), is essential for ensuring seamless communication and interoperability in design and manufacturing processes.
Since the introduction of VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) in 1993, it has been considered as an alternative to STL for data representation in rapid prototyping (RP) applications However, due to persistent issues, these alternative formats have not gained widespread acceptance Ongoing efforts to develop new formats aim to meet the increasing demands for more precise data representation in RP applications.
RP Information Workflow
All RP systems have a common information workflow (Figure 1.11) The main stages in preparing and pre-processing data for automated fabrication of 3D objects are as follows:
To create geometric data, a 3D CAD package or a 2D scanning device can be utilized It is essential that the generated data is represented in a model that forms a closed 3D volume, ensuring there are no holes, zero-thickness surfaces, or more than two surfaces converging along common edges.
1997] Formally, the model is valid if the system can determine uniquely for each point in the 3D space whether it lies inside, on, or outside the object surfaces
To export a valid 3D model from a CAD package, it is typically saved in a neutral format, most commonly STL Many CAD software options also provide the ability to adjust the model's resolution, allowing users to control the size of the generated file effectively.
Data validation and repair are crucial steps in ensuring the accuracy of exported data, which serves as an approximation of the precise internal 3D model This approximation process simplifies model surfaces into basic geometric shapes, primarily triangles However, STL models generated through this method often suffer from geometric errors, including holes and overlapping regions along surface boundaries.
Before further processing, it is essential to validate the generated files, as noted by Wozny (1997) Some rapid prototyping (RP) packages provide both automatic and manual model repair options These software tools assess STL models to identify any missing triangles, and if errors are found, they fill the gaps by adding new triangles.
Figure 1.11 RP information workflow oftware I
Part orientation and scaling are crucial in RP systems, as they construct parts along the Z axis of STL models By strategically reorienting parts in relation to the model coordinate systems, it is possible to enhance accuracy, improve surface finish, and reduce build time.
RP systems enable the simultaneous nesting of multiple parts within the system chamber, facilitating efficient production Additionally, these parts can be scaled to address potential anomalies caused by downstream processes, including deformation, shrinkage, warpage, and curling.
Liquid-based rapid prototyping processes necessitate the use of support structures to effectively construct overhanging sections of parts These support structures are typically generated automatically through specialized software tools By carefully choosing the build direction of the part, the need for support structures can be significantly reduced.
Setting up process parameters is crucial for defining the build style and desired attributes of the system These parameters can be tailored to meet specific part requirements and are influenced by the rapid prototyping (RP) material utilized Adjusting these settings ensures optimal performance and quality in the final output.
The generation of 2D slice data involves slicing an STL file to create successive cross-sectional layers of a model Each layer utilizes polylines to accurately represent the exterior and interior boundaries of the rapid prototyping (RP) models To address potential process errors, these polyline boundaries can be adjusted by a specific offset value Slice data can be produced either off-line for the entire model or on-line, generating one cross-section at a time during the part building process.
The process data generated following the stages outlined above is stored in a build file This file contains all the information needed to guide material additive processes to build 3D objects.
RP technologies play a crucial role in TCE by streamlining the product design and development process This chapter reviews the chronological advancements in RP, highlighting the importance of 3D modeling as a gateway to these technologies It discusses the benefits and drawbacks of various geometrical representation techniques and describes the existing formats for interfacing CAD and RP systems Additionally, it outlines the key stages involved in generating the data required to construct 3D objects layer by layer.
Beaman JJ (1997) Historical Perspective, Chapter 3 in JTECIWTEC Panel Report on Rapid Prototyping in Europe and Japan, WTEC Hyper-Librarian (http://itri.loyola.edu/rp/toc.htrn)
Brite EuRam (1994) Common layer interface (CLI), Version 1.31 Brite EuRam Project BE2578, RPT - Development and Integration of Rapid prototyping Techniques for Automotive Industry
DiMatteo PL (1976) Method of generating and constructing three-dimensional bodies, U.S Patent 3,932,923
Dolenc A and Malela I (1992) Leaf: a data exchange format for LMT processes, Proc 3th International Conference on Rapid Proto typing, Dayton, USA, pp 4-
Herbert AJ (1982) Solid object generation J Appl Photo Eng., Vol 8,4, pp 185-
Jacobs PF (1996) Stereo lithography and Other RP&M Techniques, ASME Press, New York
Kai CC, Jacob GGK and Mei T (1997) Interface between CAD and Rapid Prototyping systems Part 2: LMI - An Improved Interface, Int J Adv Manuf Technol., Vol 13, pp 571-576
Kodama H (1981) Automatic method for fabricating a three-dimensional plastic model with photo-hardening polymer Rev Sci Instrum, pp 1770-1773
Kunieda M and Nakagawa T (1984) Development oflaminated drawing dies by laser cutting Bull of JSPE, pp 353-354
Matsubara K (1974) Japanese Kokai Patent Application, Sho 51[1976]-10813 Monteah FH (1924) U.S Patent 1,516,199
Nakagawa T et al (1979) Blanking tool by stacked bainite steel plates Press Technique, pp 93-1Ol
Nakagawa T, Kunieda M and Liu S (1985) Laser cut sheet laminated forming dies by diffusion bonding, Proc 25th International MTDR Conference, pp 505-510
Owen J (1993) STEP An Introduction, Information Geometers
Reed K, Harrvd D and Comoy W (1990) Initial Graphics Exchanges Specification (lGES) version 5.0, CAD-CAM Data Exchange Technical Centre
Rock SJ and Wozny MJ (1991) A flexible file format for solid freeform fabrication,
Proceedings of Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Texas, USA, pp 155-
Swainson WK (1977) Method, medium and apparatus for producing three- dimensional figure product, U.S Patent 4,041,476
VRML Repository (2000) Web3D Consortium, http://www.web3d.orglvrmVvrml.htm
Wohlers T (2000) Wohlers Report 2000: Executive Summary, Time-Compression Technologies, Vol 8, 4, pp 29-31
Wozny MJ (1997) CAD and Interfaces, Chapter 8 in JTECIWTEC Panel Report on Rapid Prototyping in Europe and Japau, WTEC Hyper-Librarian (http://itri.1oyola edu/rp/toc.htm)
Zeid I (1991) CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hili, Singapore
This chapter categorizes various physical Rapid Prototyping (RP) processes and provides a detailed overview of each method Moving forward, the term RP will specifically denote physical Rapid Prototyping.
Classification of Rapid Prototyping Processes
RP processes can be categorized into two main types: those that add material and those that remove it According to Kruth (1991), material accretion methods are classified based on the initial state of the prototype material—liquid, powder, or solid sheets Liquid-based processes involve solidifying a resin through laser contact, electro-setting fluids, or melting and solidifying the material Powder-based methods aggregate particles using lasers or binding agents, while solid sheet processes depend on bonding techniques, either via lasers or adhesives Figure 2.1 illustrates Kruth's classification, which has been updated to include new methods, and the subsequent discussion will align with this framework.
D T Pham et al., Rapid Manufacturing © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001
• + I Lirid t 1 I Solidification of;-l Liquid Polymer I Solidification of an Electroset Fluid (ES) H
Point by Point (SL, LTP, BIS) ~ Layer by Layer (Objet, SGC) Holographic Surface (HIS) t Solidification of a Molten Material Point by Point (BPM, MJM, FDM, 3DW, 1M) Layer by Layer (SDM)
Rapid prototyping methods can be classified into various categories based on their material removal and bonding techniques Key processes include the discrete fusing of particles, such as Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS), and Granular Particle Deposition (GPD) Additionally, methods like Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) and PolyJet (PJT) focus on bonding sheets using adhesives Other techniques, including 3D Printing (3DP) and Stereolithography (SFP), emphasize joining particles and sheets with light-based technologies This classification is adapted from Kruth's work in 1991.
Processes Involving a Liquid
Solidification of a Liquid Polymer
This article discusses six processes that utilize electromagnetic radiation for resin solidification Among these, three methods focus on constructing parts layer by layer using points, while the remaining three techniques solidify entire layers or surfaces simultaneously.
Stereolithography (SL) is one of the most popular rapid prototyping processes, utilizing a photosensitive liquid resin that solidifies into a polymer when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light This process occurs primarily at the surface due to the absorption and scattering of the UV beam, resulting in the formation of voxels—three-dimensional pixels Each voxel is defined by its horizontal line-width and vertical cure depth, as illustrated in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 Single cured line of photo polymer [Jacobs, 1992]
A selective laser (SL) machine features a build platform submerged in a vat of resin, utilizing a UV Helium-Cadmium or Argon ion laser to create the first layer of a part based on a 3D solid CAD model The laser scans the layer's contour and fills the interior, after which the platform is lowered to coat the part thoroughly It is then raised to ensure the solidified part is level with the resin surface, and a blade wipes the resin to maintain a precise layer thickness above the part Subsequently, the part is lowered slightly below the surface to allow the liquid to settle, ensuring a flat surface and preventing bubble formation before the next layer is scanned.
All new SL machines utilize an advanced resin application method that surpasses the traditional deep-dip process This innovative technique addresses issues caused by high resin viscosity, which can result in inaccurate part dimensions due to inconsistent resin application by the recoating blade By spreading resin across the part as the blade moves through the vat, the new method ensures precise resin amounts are applied, enhancing accuracy and achieving a smoother surface finish Additionally, it significantly reduces non-productive recoating time and eliminates trapped volumes of resin, which can compromise part accuracy and potentially lead to delamination.
Chapter 2 Rapid Pro to typ ing Processes 23 or collision of the blade and part because of a build up of unwanted polymerised resin at the surface of the trapped volume ewly polym ri ed r In Unwanted pol ymcrisation xce s re in at surface of trapped volume
Desired resin level z y Figure 2.4 Trapped Volume in Stereo lithography
After the part is finished, it is taken out of the vat and the excess resin is drained, a process that can take several hours due to the resin's viscosity Subsequently, the 'green' part is placed in a UV oven for post-curing, which guarantees that no liquid or partially cured resin is left behind.
Ongoing research focuses on improving materials and addressing issues related to accuracy, warping, and shrinkage in parts For detailed insights into SL systems and their technical specifications, refer to Chapter 3.
This process resembles Stereolithography (SL) but utilizes thermosetting resin and an infrared laser to form voxels The use of heat can influence voxel size, potentially leading to distortion and shrinkage in the final part Nevertheless, these issues are reportedly manageable and not significantly worse than those encountered in SL Ongoing research continues to refine this system.
This innovative process employs two laser beams positioned at right angles, each emitting light at distinct frequencies to polymerize resin within a transparent vat The initial laser beam excites the liquid resin into a reversible metastable state, while the second beam induces polymerization of the excited resin.
Resin subjected to both beam i polymeri cd to form the part
Re in in the path of la er I is excited to a metastable tate
Figure 2.5 Beam Interference Solidification (Adapted from Kruth [Kruth, 1991])
To date, no commercial applications of this process exist because there are still technical difficulties to be solved:
• Shadows are cast from previously solidified sections
• There is a problem with light absorption because the intensity of the lasers drops with depth
• It is hard to intersect the laser beams due to diffraction variations in the resin caused by temperature gradients or solid sections [Kruth, 1991]
Chapter 2 Rapid Prototyping Processes 25 Objet Quadra Process
The Objet Quadra process utilizes 1536 nozzles to create parts by applying layers of photo-sensitive resin, which are cured with two UV lights The system's light intensity and exposure are precisely controlled to eliminate the need for post-curing With a printing resolution of 600 dpi and a layer thickness of 20 µm, the Objet system currently offers one photopolymer for model building, while additional materials are in development To enhance the support for overhanging areas and undercuts, a second material is applied, which can be easily separated from the model without leaving any marks or blemishes.
2000] For more information about the Objet system and its technical specifications, see Chapter 4
This system employs photopolymerizing resins and UV light to cure layers of resin directly from a CAD model A mask is positioned above the resin surface, allowing a powerful UV lamp to illuminate the entire layer, ensuring complete curing without the need for post-curing After curing, excess resin is removed, and any gaps are filled with wax, which is then cooled on a chill plate and milled flat before removing the wax chips This process is repeated with a new layer of resin.
The mask, made of glass, is created during the waxing, cooling, and milling of the current layer Each new layer's negative image is generated electrostatically on the glass and developed with toner, akin to the laser printing process.
Wax effectively fills gaps in cured resin, eliminating the need for additional supports in the interface software It supports overhangs and anchors protrusions, reducing distortion from warping and curling by keeping the part stable in the vat, thus negating the need for vibration-proof machines This system allows for the suspension of builds to prioritize urgent parts and solidifies entire layers at once, significantly decreasing part creation time, particularly for multi-part builds Additionally, nesting parts optimizes build volume, ensuring complete curing of all resin in a layer without the need for post-curing, resulting in more durable parts compared to those produced by other methods Operators also benefit from not handling partially cured, toxic resin, and wax removal can be automated in a specialized machine.
Figure 2.6 Solid Ground Curing (SGC)
The system has several disadvantages, including being noisy, large, and heavy, requiring constant supervision It also leads to significant wax waste that cannot be recycled and is susceptible to breakdowns The mask production process involves raster scanning, which can introduce inaccuracies due to steps in the x-y plane Additionally, the solid resin models created through SGC are unsuitable for investment casting, as the resin's thermal expansion coefficient is much higher than that of the ceramic molds, resulting in cracks during the burnout process.
For more information about SGC systems and their technical specifications, see Chapter 3
Chapter 2 Rapid Prototyping Processes 27 Holographic Interference Solidification (HIS)
A holographic image is projected into resin, leading to the solidification of the entire surface While data is sourced from the CAD model, it is not processed in traditional slices The build space measures 300x300x300 mm, and currently, there are no commercial systems available for this technology.
Solidification of an Electroset Fluid: Electrosetting (ES)
Electrodes are applied onto a conductive substrate, typically aluminum After printing all layers, they are stacked and submerged in an electro-setting fluid, which is then energized This process causes the fluid between the electrodes to solidify, forming the desired part Once the composite is extracted and drained, any excess aluminum can be trimmed away.
This technology offers several advantages, including the ability to control part density, compressibility, hardness, and adhesion by adjusting the voltage and current applied to aluminum Components can be created using materials such as silicone rubber, polyester, polyurethane, or epoxy Additionally, the necessary hardware for this system can be purchased at a low cost from off-the-shelf sources Currently, the software for the system is still under development.
Solidification of Molten Material
The melting and solidification of part material involve six distinct processes The first five methods deposit material at individual points, while the sixth process allows for the manufacturing of entire layers simultaneously.
A stream of molten material is expelled from a nozzle, forming droplets that impact the substrate and instantly cold weld to create the part When the substrate has a rough texture, it enhances thermal contact, thereby minimizing stresses within the formed part.
The stream in droplet generation can either be a drop-on-demand system or a continuous jet, with the latter being ejected through a nozzle excited by a piezoelectric transducer operating at approximately 60 Hz To prevent damage to the transducer, it is positioned away from the nozzle While a capillary stream typically breaks into droplets naturally, disturbances at the nozzle create a consistent stream of small, evenly spaced droplets By employing a low-frequency carrier wave modulated by a higher-frequency disturbance, customized streams can be achieved, allowing users to specify larger droplet separations than possible with a single frequency Additionally, regular streams can be generated that feature clusters of small droplets followed by larger, more widely spaced droplets, providing more time for the nozzle to reposition or for droplets to solidify as needed.
1 Movable Sub nate Figure 2.7 Ballistic Particle Manufacture
The characteristics of the final part are influenced by the temperature, velocity, and electrostatic charge of the droplets The droplets acquire charge when ejected, which aids in precise material placement; however, the maximum charge limits the droplet's deflection, necessitating a movable substrate or jet for a larger build area Temperature plays a crucial role in the solidification speed of the molten material—if droplets are too cold, they solidify before welding, while excessive heat can distort the part's shape Additionally, the velocity of the droplets affects both deformation and placement accuracy; slow-moving droplets result in poor accuracy, whereas fast droplets can become deformed upon impact.
Chapter 2 Rapid Prototyping Processes 29 Multi Jet Modelling (MJM)
The MJM machine utilizes a 3D printing technique akin to inkjet printing, employing a print head with 352 jets arranged in a linear array to construct models layer by layer with a specialized thermo-polymer material Each layer measures 40 microns in thickness, while the print head moves back and forth along the X-axis, repositioning the platform on the Y-axis for wider parts Once a layer is finished, the platform shifts along the Z-axis to initiate the next layer After the entire model is built, support structures are removed to complete the final product.
For more information about the MJM system and its technical specifications, see Chapter 4
Figure 2.8* Multi Jet Modelling Head
An FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) machine features a movable head that extrudes a thread of molten material onto a substrate, with the build material heated to just above its melting point to ensure it solidifies quickly and adheres to previous layers Key factors influencing the printing process include maintaining a consistent nozzle speed and material extrusion rate, incorporating support structures for overhangs, and adjusting the head speed, which ultimately impacts the layer thickness.
Modern Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) systems feature dual nozzles—one for the primary material and another for the economical support material, which can be easily removed without damaging the prototype's surface Additionally, horizontal supports can be utilized to reduce material consumption and construction time For further details on FDM systems, refer to Chapter 3.
Figure 2.9 The Fused Deposition Modelling process
Chapter 2 Rapid Proto typing Processes 31 Three-Dimensional Welding (3DW)
This innovative system employs an arc-welding robot to deposit material onto a platform, creating simple shapes that can be assembled into intricate structures Unlike traditional rapid prototyping methods, this approach does not rely on sliced CAD files for prototype construction.
Several challenges persist in the manufacturing process, particularly due to the lack of feedback mechanisms Heat accumulation can lead to the melting of prototypes, and the uneven layering results in a rough surface, which may cause the torch to make contact with the part during production.
In 1992, it remained unclear whether complex structures could be constructed using robotic systems A method must be developed to directly generate robot programming from CAD files, ensuring that both the orientation of each section and the assembly order are effectively determined.
A novel welding system under investigation employs a layered deposition of weld material, utilizing thermocouples for feedback control to monitor temperature and manage an on-line water cooling system To reduce oxidation of the workpiece, a grit blasting nozzle is implemented, while a suction pump and vacuum nozzle efficiently eliminate excess water vapors and grit.
The experimental layer-by-layer process involves spraying molten metal onto a substrate to create near net shapes, followed by the removal of excess material through NC operations Support material is applied either before or after the prototype material, depending on the presence of undercut features, to reinforce subsequent layers In cases of complex layers, support may be necessary on both sides of the prototype Each layer undergoes shot-peening to eliminate residual stresses, while a robotized pallet system transfers the prototype between stations with an accuracy of ±5 J UI1 Droplets, measuring 1-3 mm in diameter, are deposited at a rate of 1-5 droplets per second.
Stainless steel components reinforced with copper have been developed, which can be removed through immersion in nitric acid These prototypes exhibit a structure comparable to cast or welded parts while maintaining the precision of CNC milled components.
Various materials can be utilized, and components can be integrated into the structure Currently, there is no temperature control system for the substrate in place, and factors such as the temperature, size, and trajectory of the droplets remain unregulated.
Figure 2.10 Shape Deposition Manufacturing The construction of the first 3 layers ofa part is shown (from [Merz et aI., 1994])
1 Layer 1: part material is added
2 Layer 1: part material is milled
3 Layer 1: support material is added
4 Layer 1: support material is milled
5 Layer 2: support material is added
6 Layer 2: support material is milled
7 Layer 2: part material is added
8 Layer 2: part material is milled
9 Layer 3: support material is added
10 Layer 3: support material is milled
11 Layer 3: part material is added
12 Layer 3: part material is milled
13 Layer 3: support material is added
14 Layer 3: support material is milled
Processes Involving Discrete Particles
Fusing of Particles by Laser
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Laser Engineering Net Shaping (LENSTM) are key additive manufacturing processes The Gas Phase Deposition (GPD) technique involves the formation of discrete grains through the interaction of a reactive gas with a laser, which also serves to solidify the grains in relation to the final part.
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) employs a fine powder that is heated with a CO2 laser, allowing the particles to overcome surface tension and bond together To reduce thermal distortion and enhance fusion with the previous layer, the entire powder bed is preheated to just below the material's melting point before the sintering process begins.
In the laser sintering process, the laser is precisely modulated to affect only the powder grains directly in contact with the beam This creates a sintered layer on the powder bed, which is subsequently lowered to allow a counter-rotating roller to evenly spread a new layer of powder over the build area The sintered material forms the desired part, while the unsintered powder remains to support the structure, allowing for easy removal and recycling after the build is complete.
More detailed information about SLS systems and their technical specifications can be found in Chapter 3 canning Sy tern Laser Engineering Net Shaping (LENSTM)
The LENS process utilizes a nozzle to deposit powder onto the part bed while a laser simultaneously fuses the material The nozzle can be positioned either to the side of the bed or coaxially with the laser beam If positioned to the side, it is crucial to maintain a consistent orientation to avoid shadowing areas that need to be built Conversely, when the powder feeder is coaxial with the laser, any misalignment can lead to inaccuracies in the part's geometry and layer thickness.
The heating of the powder stream by the laser enhances fusion with the previous layer, but it also causes thermal distortion in the part To avoid such distortions, it is crucial to cool the part when it overheats, or alternatively, implement a temperature control system The minimum wall thickness is influenced by factors such as feed rate, particle stream width, spot size, and the laser's speed and power For comprehensive details on LENS systems, refer to Chapter 3.
Z Alas Poslllorung of f ocusing Lens
Figure 2.12* LENSTM process (Courtesy ofOptomec Design Co)
A laser decomposes the molecules of a reactive gas to produce a solid that adheres to a substrate, forming the desired part Currently, three distinct methods for constructing this part are under investigation.
The article discusses three advanced methods for part fabrication using laser technology The first method, Selective Area Laser Deposition (SALD), utilizes the solid components of decomposed gas to create parts from materials like carbon, silicon, carbides, and silicon nitrides The second method, Selective Area Laser Deposition Vapour Infiltration (SALDVI), involves applying a thin layer of powder, with decomposed solids filling the gaps between the grains Lastly, Selective Laser Reactive Sintering (SLRS) employs a laser to trigger a reaction between gas and powder layers, resulting in solid parts made of silicon carbide or silicon nitride.
Joining of Particles with a Binder
In the powder-based additive manufacturing process, layers of powder are applied to a substrate and selectively bonded using a binder that is sprayed through a nozzle To minimize powder disturbance during binding, it is crucial to first moisten the powder with water droplets After the build is finished, excess powder that supported the model is removed, revealing the fabricated part This method reduces distortion, as it does not involve any state change.
Sub trate move in negative Z direction
Chapter 2 Rapid Pro to typing Processes 37
Parts produced through this process eliminate the need for supports to stabilize overhanging features; however, they must incorporate a hole for the removal of excess powder (Sachs et al., 1993) This technology has notable drawbacks, including the potential fragility and porosity of the final parts, as well as challenges in extracting excess powder from cavities Additionally, the raster-scanning method utilized by the printhead results in a stair-stepping effect in both the X-V plane and the vertical build direction (Jacobs, 1996).
More detailed information about 3DP systems can be found in Chapter 4
This technology is being developed for prototyping specialised medical equipment in metal It is designed to produce high precision parts within a small build envelope of
The process begins with printing a negative of each layer onto a ceramic substrate using a ceramic pigmented organic ink, which is then cured with UV light This layering continues for approximately 30 layers, after which the positive space is filled with another ink containing metal particles, followed by curing and milling Once the prototype is fully constructed, it is heated in a nitrogen atmosphere to eliminate binders from both inks and sinter the metal particles Finally, the ceramic negative is removed in an ultrasonic bath, revealing the final piece, which is then infiltrated with liquid metal to create the metal prototype.
The sintering process results in up to 20% shrinkage in all directions, which must be considered during part design Ongoing research focuses on optimizing the binder removal process and automating the addition of the positive material, along with the subsequent milling operation.
A prototype system is currently utilized for creating pre-assembled microstructures for medical applications While no commercial systems are available yet, the technology can produce extruded parts with a consistent cross-section Theoretically, it is possible to achieve completely arbitrary geometries.
Processes Involving Solid Sheets
Laminated Object Manufacture (LOM)
The build material is applied from a roll and bonded to previous layers using a hot roller that activates a heat-sensitive adhesive Each layer's contour is precisely cut with a laser, ensuring it penetrates only to the intended depth Unwanted material is trimmed into rectangles for easier removal later but remains in place during the build to provide support The material sheet is wider than the build area, allowing the edges to stay intact after cutting the part's cross-section Once a layer is completed and the build platform is lowered, the excess material can be wound onto a second roller, enabling the process to continue seamlessly.
Figure 2.15 Laminated Object Manufacturing upply
The system utilizes a 25 or 50 Watt CO2 laser for precise material cutting To ensure effective waste removal, smaller hatches are essential on both upward and downward-facing surfaces, preventing waste material from adhering to the part Additionally, it may be necessary to pause the build process to extract paper from difficult-to-reach areas.
Chapter 2 Rapid Prototyping Processes 39 completed, they should be sealed with a urethane lacquer, silicone fluid or epoxy resin spray to prevent later distortion of the paper prototype through water absorption The height is measured and the cross-sections are calculated in real time to correct for any errors in the build direction [Jacobs, 1996]
LOM (Laminated Object Manufacturing) offers several advantages, including a diverse selection of cost-effective materials such as paper, plastic, and fiber-reinforced glass ceramic This method allows for the production of larger parts compared to other rapid prototyping techniques, making it particularly appealing to model makers due to the wood-like finish of the final products Additionally, LOM is significantly faster—approximately 5 to 10 times quicker than alternative processes—since it only requires tracing the outlines of the components.
One significant drawback of this technology is the challenge of removing finished parts from the build platform, which negatively impacts their surface finish Additionally, creating hollow components is difficult due to complications in core removal, alongside issues with undercuts and re-entrant features Other disadvantages include high scrap rates, the necessity for constant machine supervision, the requirement for manual finishing of parts, and compromised shear strength due to the layering of adhesive and foil Furthermore, the laser cutting process poses a fire hazard, necessitating the installation of inert gas extinguishers, while the removal of molten material (dross) formed during cutting is also essential.
For more information about the LOM process and its applications, see Chapter 3.
Paper Lamination Technology (PLT)
The PL T process closely resembles the LOM process, with key differences in material and cutting methods While LOM utilizes a CO2 laser, PL T employs a computerized knife for contour cutting In PL T, the part's cross-section is printed on paper and bonded to the work-in-progress using a hot roller A computer-driven knife then cuts the part's outline and cross-hatches the waste material This cycle continues until completion, allowing excess material to be peeled away, after which the model can be sealed with epoxy resin For more in-depth information on PL T systems, refer to Chapter 3.
Solid Foil Polymerisation (SFP)
In SFP (Solid Freeform Fabrication), parts are constructed using semi-polymerized foils that solidify and bond under UV light, becoming insoluble upon exposure After illuminating the cross-section, a new layer of foil can be applied Supportive foil areas, which do not form part of the final product, remain soluble for easy removal during the build process Once the part is complete, these non-bonded sections can be dissolved, resulting in the finished component Currently, there are no commercial systems available for this technology.
This chapter has described the technologies currently available for rapidly building physical prototypes The chapter has provided a classification of existing RP technologies followed by an outline of each method
Anon (1993) State of the Art Review-93-01, MTIAC, 10 West 35 Street, Chicago,
Anon (1995) Manufacturing Parts Drop By Drop, Compressed Air, March, Vol
Au S and Wright PK (1993) A Comparative Study of Rapid Prototyping Technology, Proceedings ASME Winter Conference, New Orleans, November, Vol 66, pp 73-82
Corbel S, Allanic AL, Schaeffer P and Andre JC (1994) Computer-Aided Manufacture of Three-Dimensional Objects by Laser Space-Resolved Photopolymerization, Journal ofintelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol 9, pp 310-
Crump SS (1991) Fast, Precise, Safe Prototypes with FDM, ASME Annual Winter Conference, Atlanta, December, Vol 50, pp 53-60
Cubital Ltd (1996) Advantages of the Solider System, Cubital Ltd., 13 Hasadna St., PO Box 2375, Industrial Zone North, Raanana, 43650 Israel
Dickens PM, Pridham MS, Cobb RC and Gibson I (1992) Rapid Prototyping Using 3-D Welding, Proceedings ofthe 3 rd Symposium on Solid Freeform Fabrication, Austin, Texas, September, pp 280-290
Dickens PM (1995) Research Developments in Rapid Prototyping, Proceedings IMechE, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Part B, Vol 209, pp 261-266
Helisys Inc (1997) 2030H System, Helisys Inc., 24015 Gamier Street, Torrance,
Helisys Web page (2000) Helisys, Inc., 24015 Gamier Street, Torrance, California 90505-5319, USA, http://helisys.comi
Jacobs PF (1992) Fundamentals of Stereo lithography, First European Conference on Rapid Prototyping, Nottingham, July, pp 1-17
Jacobs PF (1996) Stereo lithography and Other RP&M Techniques, ASME Press, New York
Klocke F, Celiker T and Song Y-A (1995) Rapid Metal Tooling, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol 1,3, pp 32-42
Kruth JP (1991) Material Incress Manufacturing by Rapid Prototyping Technologies, CIRP Annals, Vol 40, 2, pp 603-614
Laboratory for Freeform Fabrication (1996) Web pages of University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA
Merz R, Prinz FB, Ramaswami K, Terk M and Weiss LF (1994) Shape Deposition Manufacturing, Proceedings of the sth Symposium on Solid Freeform Fabrication, Aug 8-lO, Austin, Texas, pp 1-8
Objet Web page (2000) Objet Geometries Ltd Rehovot, Israel, http://clients.tia.co.il/objet/inner/products.html
Optomec Web page (2000) Optomec Design Company, 270l-D Pan American Freeway - Albuquerque, New Mexico - 87107, USA, http://www.optomec.comi
Orme M, Willis K and Courter J (1994) The Development of Rapid Prototyping of Metallic Components via Ultra Uniform Droplet Deposition, Proceedings of the sth
International Conference on Rapid Prototyping, Dayton, Ohio, June 12-15, pp 27-37
Rayleigh (1878) On the Instability of Jets, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol 10, Part 4, pp 4-13
Renap K and Kruth JP (1995) Recoating Issues in Stereolithography, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol 1,3, pp 4-16
Sachs E, Cima M, Williams P, Brancazio D and Cornie J (1992) Three Dimensional Printing: Rapid Tooling and Prototyping Directly from a CAD Model, Transactions of ASME: Journal of Engineering for Industry, November, Vol 114, pp 481-
Sachs E, Cornie J, Brancazio D, Bredt J, Curodeau A, Fan T, Khanuja S, Lauder A, Lee J and Michaels S (1993) Three Dimensional Printing: the Physics and Implications of Additive Manufacturing, CIRP Annals, Vol 42, 1, pp 257-260
Stratasys Inc (1991) Fused Deposition Modelling for Fast, Safe Plastic Models,
12th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics, Chicago, April, pp 326-332
Stratasys Inc (1996) FDM-1650, Stratasys Inc., 14950 Martin Drive, Eden Prairie, Minneapolis 55344-2020, USA
In their 1995 paper presented at the IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference in Amsterdam, Taylor et al introduced "Spatial Forming," a novel three-dimensional printing process This innovative technique, discussed in detail on pages 203-208, highlights advancements in micro-electromechanical systems and their applications in various fields.
Waterman NA & Dickens P (1994) Rapid Product Development in the USA, Europe and Japan, World Class Design To Manufacture, Vol 1,3, pp 27-36
YUASA Warwick machinery Ltd (1997), Private communication, YUASA Warwick machinery Ltd., Rothwell Road, Wedgenock Ind Est., Warwick CV24 5PY, UK
3D Systems Press Release (1998) ThermoJet, 3D Systems, Worldwide Corporation
HQ, 26081 Avenue Hall, Valencia, California, USA
Technological Capabilities of Rapid Prototyping Systems
This chapter provides a comprehensive technical overview of commercially available rapid prototyping (RP) systems, focusing on key processes such as stereolithography, solid ground curing, fused deposition modeling, selective laser sintering, laminated object manufacturing, and laser engineering net shaping It evaluates the technical characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of these systems, while also highlighting various successful applications across different industries.
Stereolithography Apparatus (3D Systems)
The Stereolithography Apparatus (SLNM) by 3D Systems, established in 1986, was the first commercially available layer-additive technology for creating physical objects directly from CAD data Their inaugural SLA machine was developed in 1987, and today, 3D Systems offers four different SLA models The SLA 250, the smallest model, utilizes a helium-cadmium laser with a wavelength of 325 nm, while the other models employ solid-state Nd:YV04 lasers emitting at 354.7 nm Among these, the SLA 3500 is currently the most popular choice for rapid prototyping and tooling Specifications for all 3D Systems SLA products are detailed in accompanying figures.
D T Pham et al., Rapid Manufacturing © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) produces robust or semi-solid stereolithography (SL) components using acrylic or epoxy resins, employing various build styles, with the three most prevalent being ACESTM, STAR WEA VpM, and QuickCast™ [3D Systems, 1996] Typically, fully hollow parts are avoided due to their fragility in the green state, which makes them prone to deformation during handling.
Using ACESTM technology, the interior of parts is nearly fully cured by laser application, achieved through a hatch-spacing equal to half the line-width This method ensures uniform UV exposure across all solidified resin, resulting in flat downward-facing surfaces It is suitable only for epoxy resins with minimal shrinkage during polymerization to prevent warping This approach is the most precise among the three build styles for low-distortion resins and is preferred for creating high-precision components, despite having the longest drawing time.
Chapter 3 Characteristics and Capabilities of RP Systems 45
Laser type, Solid state frequency frequency
Wavelength, Heed,325 Nd:YV04, tripled tripled
Power nm,6mW 354.7 nm, Nd:YV04, Nd:YV04,
Drawing speed 635 mmls 2.54 mls up to 5.0 mls 2.54-9.52 mls
Operating system MS-DOS Windows NT Windows NT Windows NT
* Geometry, build style, material and parameter dependent
Figure 3.2 Technical specifications of SLA systems [3D Systems, 2000] z x y
Figure 3.3 ACESTM build style: Repeated, even laser exposure produces a flat base
STARWEAVETM enhances the stability of solid parts by incorporating a series of interior grids, offset by half the hatch spacing on alternating layers This design feature minimizes overall distortion by ensuring the grid ends do not connect to the part's border and keeping grid lines from touching, while positioning them as closely as possible to boost the part's green strength This build style is particularly effective with acrylic resins, which tend to shrink during polymerization, and is sometimes preferred over ACESTM for epoxy resins due to reduced draw time.
+- -t - -+- -1 r-r - j i 'Offset distance IS half the hatch spacing
The STARWEAVETM build style consists of a single layer featuring a cross-hatched grid that is separated from the part border Additionally, alternate layers of STARWEAVETM are strategically offset by half the hatch-spacing, enhancing structural integrity and design flexibility.
Chapter 3 Characteristics and Capabilities of RP Systems 47
Part Border Vertex of one section is the centroid of the above previous section - - First Section
Figure 3.5 QuickCast™ build style: Parts are hatched with offset triangles
QuickCast™ is ideal for creating prototypes intended for investment casting, as it generates nearly hollow parts The process begins with outlining the layer before filling the interior, using either squares (QuickCast™ version 1.1) or equilateral triangles (QuickCast™ version 1.0) These shapes are strategically offset after a designated vertical build distance to enhance resin drainage In the case of triangles, their vertices are positioned above the centroids of the previous section's triangles, while squares are offset by half the hatch spacing This design choice allows for improved drainage due to the smaller meniscus of resin associated with squares, which have larger interior angles compared to triangles.
In the manufacturing process, horizontal sections forming the outer surface of parts, known as skinfill areas, are fully solidified to prevent 'pinholes' during support removal and to minimize sagging on upward-facing surfaces These skinfills enhance surface support, allowing for larger hatch spacing and resulting in a lower solid percentage of the prototype To facilitate the escape of excess resin, proper venting and drainage must be integrated into these areas QuickCast™ parts, due to their extensive surface area and hygroscopic nature, should be utilized promptly or stored in controlled humidity environments to avoid distortion from moisture absorption.
A range of several resins has been developed by Ciba-Geigy in collaboration with 3D Systems especially for the SL process The material properties of these resins are summarised in Figure 3.6
Several companies have developed rapid prototyping (RP) systems utilizing polymer curing with ultraviolet lasers Notable manufacturers of stereolithography (SL) systems include SONY, Computer Modelling and Engineering Technology Inc (founded by Mitsubishi Corp., NTT Data Corporation, and Asahi Denka Kogyo K.K in 1990), Teijin Seiki Ltd., Meiko Co Ltd., and AAROFLEX, Inc.
Stereolithography (SLA) offers several advantages, including a surface finish that rivals that of numerical control (NC) milling With over 1,000 machines in operation globally, SLA is a proven technology known for its speed and accuracy The systems achieve an impressive accuracy of ± 100 micrometers and can produce layers as thin as 25 micrometers, making them a reliable choice for high-quality 3D printing.
To utilize the resin vat fully and shorten production time, several parts may be built at once
The drawbacks of this material include its high cost, toxicity, and unpleasant odor, requiring protection from light to prevent premature polymerization Additionally, the limited selection of resins can lead to brittle and translucent parts that necessitate supports, potentially compromising surface finish upon removal Furthermore, replacing the resin in the vat is a time-consuming and expensive process.
Density @ 25° C Tensile strength Tensile modulus Elongation at break Flexural strength Flexural modulus Impact strength, 10 Hardness Glass deflection temp Heat deflection temp
The measurement methods for materials include ASTM D 638, which reports tensile strength values ranging from 59-60 MPa for method 51701 and 55-57 MPa for method 51901 Additionally, the tensile strength for method 51701 varies between 3737-2172 MPa, with a maximum of 4158 MPa, while method 51901 shows values up to 2275 MPa The elongation percentage for method 51701 is between 7-19%, and for method 51901, it is 9% Flexural strength measured by ASTM D 790 indicates values of 107-75 MPa for method 51701 and 2920-2110 MPa for method 51901, with a maximum of 3006 MPa and 2450 MPa, respectively Impact resistance, assessed by ASTM D 256, ranges from 27-30 J/m Shore D hardness, according to DIN 53505, is 85 for method 51701 and 80 for method 51901 Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) shows E" peak values after UV post-curing, with ASTM D 648 indicating a temperature of 55°C at 0.455 MPa and 49°C at 1.822 MPa The testing conditions include a 60-minute UV post-cure, a 90-minute UV post-cure followed by 2 hours at 120°C thermal post-cure, a 90-minute UV post-cure only, and a 90-minute UV post-cure with an additional 2 hours at 80°C thermal post-cure.
Resin Types 5195 52102 52203 54303 1.16 1.15 1.14 1.181 46.5 45 62 51-56 2090 3020 2703 2358- 2668 11-22 1.6 8.3 2.9-4.9 49.3 74 94 109- In 1628 3061 2951 3089- 3165 54 27 37 21 83 85 86 87 92°C 53°C 88° C 47° C 99°C 63° C 74°C 42°C 52° C 5 1.5-6 hours UV postcure; higher values are obtained with longer UV postcure times Figure 3.6 Properties of SL resins [3D Systems, 2000]
Solid Ground Curing Systems (Cubital Ltd)
Cubital Ltd., established in 1987 as an internal R&D unit of Scitex Corporation Ltd., developed the SGC systems, with the first installation occurring in 1991 The company offers two SGC-based systems: the Solider 4600, an entry-level RP machine, and the Solider 5600, designed for high-capacity users Figure 3.7 illustrates the Solider 4600 system, while Figure 3.8 provides a summary of the technical specifications for both models.
SGC systems offer the significant advantage of solidifying an entire layer simultaneously, which greatly reduces part creation time This method ensures complete curing of all resin within a layer, resulting in more durable parts compared to those produced with other processes, eliminating the need for post-curing Additionally, the use of wax to fill gaps in the resin and support the part means that no additional supports are required.
Figure 3.7 Cubital's Solider 4600 system (Courtesy of Cubital Ltd)
The SGC system has several disadvantages, including its noise and large size, which require constant supervision Additionally, it results in significant wax waste, as the used wax cannot be recycled after removal in hot water or citric acid Furthermore, SGC systems are susceptible to breakdowns, and the solid resin models they produce are not suitable for further processing.
Chapter 3 discusses the characteristics and capabilities of RP systems, highlighting the challenges associated with investment casting Notably, the resin's coefficient of thermal expansion significantly exceeds that of the ceramic system, leading to the potential cracking of ceramic molds during the burnout of the sacrificial part.
Min Feature Size O.4mm O.4mm
Net Production Rate 164 cm 3 /hour 426 cm 3 /hour
Layer Build Speed 120 s/layer 70 s/layer
Control system Unix based workstation Unix based workstation
Figure 3.8 Specifications of sac systems [Cubital, 2000]
The resolution (minimum feature size) of this system is 400 J.Un in the X-Y plane and 100 J.Un in the Z direction The least expensive sac machine costs around
$275,000 and weighs about 5000 kg The largest build chamber available is 500 x
A layer measuring 350 x 500 mm can typically be constructed in 70 to 120 seconds, depending on the machine utilized This process includes a 3-second exposure to a 2000W UV lamp, with the remaining time allocated for clearing the resin, as well as adding, chilling, and milling the wax.
Fused Deposition Modelling Systems (Stratasys, Inc.)
The Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process, developed by S Crump in 1988, led to the founding of Stratasys in 1989, which has since produced over 1,000 systems The company's inaugural product, the 3D MODELER, was launched in 1992, and Stratasys continues to offer a diverse range of FDM rapid prototyping systems.
The FDM systems, including the FDM 2000, FDM 3000, FDM 8000, and FDM Quantum, are equipped with dual nozzles—one designated for the primary part material and the other for the more economical support material This support material is designed to easily detach from the prototype, ensuring that the surface quality remains intact.
Horizontal supports can be implemented to reduce material usage and construction time, as highlighted by Crump in 1991 The FDM 2000 system, depicted in Figure 3.10, is a widely used option for creating functional prototypes or casting masters, with dimensions up to 254x254x254 mm Priced at approximately $87,000, this system offers an accuracy of ±127 µm, as reported by Stratasys in 2000.
0.254mm (up to 127 mm)and ±
Weight 160kg 160kg 392 kg 1134 kg
Power 220-240 V AC, 208-240 V AC, 220-240 V AC, 208-240 V AC, Require- 50/60 Hz, 10A 50/60 Hz, 10A 50/60 Hz, lOA 50/60 Hz, 50A ments single phase single phase single phase single phase
Materials ABS (White) ABS (White) ABS ABS
Layer Width 0.254 to 2.54 0.254 to 2.54 0.254 to 2.54 0.38 to 0.51 mm mm mm mm
Layer 0.05 to 0.762 0.05 to 0.762 0.05 to 0.762 0.18 to 0.25
Thickness mm mm mm mm
Figures 3.9 Technical characteristics ofFDM systems [Stratasys, 2000]
Chapter 3 Characteristics and Capabilities of RP Systems 53
Figure 3.10 FDM 2000 system (Courtesy ofStratasys, Inc.)
In January 1998, Stratasys launched the FDM Quantum system featuring MagnaDrive technology, which utilizes an X-Y electromagnetic motion-control system alongside dual-axis linear motors This innovative design enables precise and repeatable two-axis motion control in a single plane without the need for a traditional gantry system, eliminating common moving parts like cables, belts, and pulleys As a result, the mechanics are simplified, enhancing reliability The MagnaDrive technology also facilitates high-precision coordinated movements, including contouring and circular interpolation.
Figure 3.11 FDM Quantum extrusion heads employing MagnaDrive technology
Figure 3.12 FDM Quantum system (Courtesy ofStratasys, Inc.)
Chapter 3 Characteristics and Capabilities ofRP Systems 55
In August 1999, Stratasys launched the FDM 3000 system, featuring an innovative support removal method utilizing a water-soluble ABS modeling material known as WaterWorks This process involves immersing the completed model in a water-based solution that effectively dissolves the support material, resulting in a clean model with smooth surfaces The FDM 3000 system is priced competitively within the market.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) systems utilize various thermoplastic materials, including standard ABS, high-impact ABS, investment casting wax, and elastomers These materials are commercially available and supplied on spools, which are essential for the spool-based filament system used in the FDM process.
FDM systems serve as cost-effective and environmentally friendly desktop prototyping solutions in design offices, utilizing affordable, non-toxic, and odorless materials The availability of various materials enhances their versatility, while the stability of parts produced through this method is notable, as they are not hygroscopic.
One drawback of material extrusion is the inferior surface finish of the parts compared to those produced by stereolithography (SL), primarily due to the lower resolution dictated by filament thickness Additionally, it remains unproven whether material extrusion can be halted quickly enough to create small holes in vertical sections.
Selective Laser Sintering Systems (DTM Corp and EOS GmbH)
The SLS process, originally developed and patented by the University of Texas at Austin, was commercialized by the formation of DTM Corporation in Austin, Texas DTM holds 79 patents globally that encompass various elements of the SLS process, systems, and materials The company launched its first commercially available SLS system in 1992, with the latest model being the Sinterstation.
The Sinterstation 2500 Plus features a build chamber with dimensions of 381 mm in width, 330 mm in depth, and 457 mm in height A detailed summary of its specifications is illustrated in Figure 3.14 The approximate cost of the Sinterstation 2500 Plus is around [insert price].
A diverse array of materials can be utilized in the sintering process, including nylon, nylon composites, polystyrene, and polycarbonate, which are cost-effective, non-toxic, and safe options that can be sintered using low-power lasers (10 - 20 W) Additionally, metal powders and sand, when coated with an appropriate binder, can be sintered for the direct production of metal tooling inserts and sand cores For more detailed insights into the rapid tooling applications of the SLS process, refer to Chapter 7.
Figure 3.13 Sinterstation 2500 Plus (Courtesy DTM Corp.)
Currently, two nylon-based materials, DuraForm Polyamide and DuraForm Glass-filled, are commercially available for the SLS process These nylon materials are primarily utilized for producing prototypes and functional parts, such as hinges and clips, due to their ability to be finished to a smooth appearance The production of nylon parts is cost-effective for small quantities, typically ranging from 1 to 5 pieces Key properties of these nylon materials are illustrated in Figure 3.15, with an example part made from DuraForm PA displayed in Figure 3.16.
SLS materials are essential for creating casting patterns, with TrueForm and CastForm being the primary materials used TrueForm, an acrylic-based powder, is processed at lower temperatures than nylon, resulting in reduced shrinkage of only 0.6%.
In 1997, TrueForm was introduced for producing parts with good accuracy and moderate strength, featuring a density that ranges from 70 to 90% based on build parameters, and the capability to achieve a mirror-like finish In 1999, DTM launched CastForm, a polystyrene-based powder that provides substantial benefits over TrueForm, particularly for creating patterns used in investment casting.
Chapter 3 explores the characteristics and capabilities of RP systems, highlighting the advantages of CastForm, which boasts low ash content and compatibility with standard foundry practices The processing of CastForm results in porous, low-density patterns that are infiltrated with low-ash foundry wax, achieving a composition of 45% polystyrene and 55% wax Key material properties of TrueForm and CastForm are summarized in Figure 3.17.
Laser 50- or 100-Watt CO2 (Beam Diameter = 0.420 mm) Beam Delivery System M3ST Galvanometers, 3 axis
Scan Speed = 5,000mmisec Positional Accuracy = 50mm
DTM Sinterstation System Software Materialize NV, Magics RP® Software Computer System Pentium-based controller
System Dimensions Process Station = 2l33 w x 1346ux 1981 H mm
Computer Cabinet = 609 W x 609D X 1828 H mm Chiller = 533 W x 838D X 914 H mm
Peripherals Breakout Station 1 Air Handler 1 Sifter, Vacuum
Cleaner Power Requirements 240 V AC, 12.5 KV A, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Minimum Pressure = 1 7 bars Continuous Flow Rate = 19 lpm Atmospheric Requirements Temperature Range = 15° to 27° C
Figure 3.14 Sinterstation 2500"Ius system specifications
SLS materials are more cost-effective than SL resins, non-toxic, and safe, allowing for sintering with low-powered lasers However, nylon parts necessitate an extended cooling period in the machine, with nylon composite components taking 6-8 hours to cool before removal Additionally, the materials used are sensitive to varying heating and laser parameters, requiring specific settings for each type, which can be challenging and time-consuming to configure.
Unit ASTM Test DuraForm DuraForm
General Properties Method Polyamide Glass-Filled
Diffraction Particle Size Range, 90% 11m Laser 25-92 10-96
Tensile Strength at Yield MPa D628 44 38.1
Figure 3.15 Properties of DuraForm materials
Figure 3.16 Boeing air vehicle component (Courtesy ofDTM Corp)
Chapter 3 Characteristics and Capabilities of RP Systems 59
One limitation of the SLS process is the necessity for sieving recycled powders to eliminate any globules that could disrupt the even application of subsequent powder layers Additionally, the sintering of materials must occur in an inert Nitrogen atmosphere.
Units Test Method TrueForm CastForm
Average Particle Size /-lm Laser 33 62
Particle Size Range, /-lm Laser 15-60 25-106
Powder Density, Tap g/cm3 ASTM D4164 0.3-0.4 0.46
As Processed (Ra) /-lm DTM 5.5 13
After Polishing (Ra) J.lm DTM 0.7 3
Figure 3.17 Material properties of TrueForm and CastForm
EOS GmbH Electro Optical Systems manufactures laser sintering systems, including the EOSINT P machines introduced in 1994 These machines are specifically designed for creating physical prototypes using thermoplastic powders like polystyrene and nylon The primary applications of EOSINT P include producing investment casting patterns and functional test parts A summary of the specifications for the EOSINT P350 can be found in Figure 3.18.
Laser scan speed up to 5 m/s
Building speed 10-25 mm heightlh (material dependent) Layer thickness (typ) 0.1-0.2 mm
Compressed air supply minimum 5.000 hPa; 6 m 3 /h
Cooling water supply 1.500 hPa - 4.000 hPa; 5 I/min
Interface to CAD Standard: STL, CLI
Figure 3.18 Specification of EOSINT P350 (Courtesy ofEOS GmbH)
Chapter 3 Characteristics and Capabilities of RP Systems 61
Laminated Object Manufacturing Systems (Helisys, Inc.)
The LOM process, developed by Helisys Inc., marked a significant advancement in manufacturing when the company shipped its first commercial LOM system in 1991 Today, Helisys offers two models of the LOM system: the LOM-1015 Plus and the LOM-2030H, which utilize 25 W and 50 W CO2 lasers, respectively, for material cutting.
A summary of their specifications is given in Figure 3.20
Currently, there is no adjustment to the width of the CO2 laser beam, resulting in minor dimensional errors in the parts produced To effectively remove waste material bonded to the components, smaller hatches must be implemented on both up- and down-facing surfaces The process of detaching a LOM object from excess material may require halting the build to access hard-to-reach areas After completion, parts should be sealed with urethane, silicon, or epoxy spray to prevent distortion from water absorption Additionally, height measurements and real-time cross-section calculations are conducted to correct any build direction errors.
System controller Pentium-based Pentium-based
System software Windows NT OS Windows NT OS
Material size, mm 356 mm roll width, 356 711 mm roll width, 711 mm mm roll diameter roll diameter Dimensions, cm l22.6 L x 74.3 w x 130.8 H 206 L x 141 W x 140 Hand 59 L x 83w X l40H
Power requirements 220 V AC, 15 A, 50/60 Hz, 220 V AC, 30 A, 50/60 Hz, single phase single phase
Atmospheric Temperature = 20 0 to 27 0 C Temperature = 20 0 to 27 0 C Requirements Humidity = number of measured dimenSIons: along X: 29 afong Y: 30 along Z: 9 along X+Y+c 68 mean error along X: 0,28 along Y:-O,07 along Z: 0,37 along X+Y+Z: 0,14 variance: along X: 0,08 along Y: O,Og along c 0,15 along X+Y+Z: 0,13
Dislribution of errors of dImensions: _ •• along X along Y along Z along X+Y+Z
Figure 5.10 TrueFonn housing: Distribution of errors along different directions
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology 95
Error as a percentage of dimension ('!o) number of measured dimensions: along X: 29 along Y: 30 along Z: 9 along X+Y+Z: 68 mean error: along X: 1.31 along Y: ().13 along Z: 4.11 along X+Y"'Z: 1.04 vanance: along X: 8_35 along Y: 4.65 along Z: 8.77 along X+Y"'Z: 8.66
Dislributionoferrorsofdimensions: _ " _ alongX 0 alongY - 6 alongZ~alongX+Y+Z
Figure 5.11 TrueFonn housing: Distribution of percentage errors along different directions
Figure 5.12 TrueFonn housing: Cumulative IT distribution
TrueForm exhibits properties similar to injection-moulded plastic, making it susceptible to sinking or sagging, particularly in thicker sections To mitigate sagging, part orientation should be carefully selected whenever possible; however, this may not always be feasible In such instances, shelling the model—transforming a solid structure into a hollow one—can effectively minimize distortion Although TrueForm generally offers good accuracy, the specific part orientation in this case, which primarily measured dimensions in the Z direction, contributed to a less favorable accuracy outcome due to inherent error sources in that orientation.
Figure 5.13 Cross section of a hollow TrueForm part
Figure 5.14 Sagging due to non-constant wall thickness Figure 5.15 Improvement of the accuracy on a hollow part
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology 97
Using a larger SLS machine like the Sinterstation 2S00 would enable horizontal part orientation in the build area, improving accuracy to approximately ±0.12 mm, as specified for TrueForm material by the manufacturer Despite some dimensions potentially falling outside the general tolerance of ±0.12 mm, the aluminum castings remained satisfactory, as deviations could be corrected through subsequent machine finishing TrueForm patterns prove to be cost-effective for producing a limited quantity of complex designs, typically up to 50 parts, where the expense of creating molds for wax patterns is not feasible.
RP technologies are utilized in the medical field to create models that deliver both visual and tactile information These RP models find applications in various areas of medicine, enhancing understanding and interaction with anatomical structures.
Operation planning benefits significantly from real-size RP models of patients' pathologic regions, enabling surgeons to better understand physical issues and gain deeper insights into the surgical procedures Additionally, these RP models facilitate effective communication between surgeons and patients regarding the proposed operations.
Medical Models
RP technologies are utilized in the medical field to create models that deliver both visual and tactile information These RP models have various applications in medicine, enhancing practices in areas such as surgical planning and education.
Operation planning is significantly enhanced by utilizing real-size RP models of patients' pathological regions, allowing surgeons to better comprehend physical issues and gain deeper insights into the necessary procedures These RP models also facilitate effective communication between surgeons and patients regarding the proposed surgical interventions.
Surgery rehearsals utilizing RP models provide surgeons and their teams with the chance to practice intricate procedures with the same techniques and tools they will use in real operations These rehearsals have the potential to enhance surgical protocols and significantly lower risks associated with complex surgeries.
Training with RP models of unique medical deformities enhances the education of student surgeons and radiologists, providing valuable hands-on experience These models are also beneficial for conducting student examinations, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of complex cases.
Prosthesis design has been revolutionized by the use of RP models, which serve as master patterns for creating implants These implants, crafted from bio-compatible plastic materials, offer enhanced accuracy and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional manufacturing methods.
The building of RP models of anatomical structures involves the following steps:
Medical equipment such as CT scans, MRI scans, and 3D ultrasounds are essential for data acquisition, capturing a series of images of specific anatomical structures For instance, a CT scanner, illustrated in Figure S.16, demonstrates this imaging process effectively.
Figure 5.16 A CT scanner and a captured image (Courtesy of Materialise)
Interactive software tools, such as MIMICS developed by Materialise, facilitate the generation of STL files from scanned data by allowing users to control and correct image segmentation The software defines the segmentation volume based on pixels with a grey value above a set threshold, and it also supports segmentation between two threshold values This approach is particularly useful for segmenting soft tissues in CT images and for differentiating multiple structures in MR images.
Building RP models from generated STL files can utilize various RP technologies, each offering specialized materials for medical applications Notably, Fine Nylon Medical Grade is tailored for SLS processes and can withstand autoclave sterilization, while Stereocol resin, used in SLA processes, provides unique benefits despite being less accurate than epoxy resin This resin allows for color customization through additional UV laser treatments, enhancing the visual representation of certain model areas, especially since SLA models are inherently translucent.
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Proto typing Technology 99 can be viewed within the parts Figure 5.18 shows a medical model built using Stereocol v T,
Figure 5.17* User interface in the MIMICS software (Courtesy of Materialise)
Figure 5.18* A medical model built using the Stereocol resin (Courtesy of
Two case studies highlight the application of RP models in the medical field The first case, conducted by Anatomics™ in Queensland, Australia, involved the creation of two SLA medical models for a patient with a secondary carcinoma affecting the right superior orbital margin and the adjacent frontal bone The initial model served multiple purposes: it aided in planning the resection of the cancerous bone, acted as a reference during surgery, and facilitated patient consent Notably, the SLA model can be manipulated using standard surgical tools for bone resection A plastic template was produced based on the surgeon's specified resection line, allowing for a precise fit when placed over the model to verify alignment with the intended surgical plan.
Figure 5.19* The SLA model with the resection template (Courtesy of the British
A custom acrylic implant was created using the unaffected left superior orbital margin as a reference for design Both the resection template and the custom implant underwent gas sterilization prior to the operation The template was applied to the lesion to outline the resection line, after which the bone was excised Ultimately, the implant was successfully inserted into the resulting deficit.
The operation was a complete success The surgeon was fully satisfied with the quality and the cost of utilising RP models
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology 101
Figure 5.20* The SLA model together with the template and the implant (Courtesy of the British Journal of Neurosurgery)
A case study by Materialise (2000) highlights the use of rapid prototyping (RP) technology in creating an obturator prosthesis for an oncologic patient Utilizing CT scan data, an RP tool was developed for direct molding of a biocompatible silicone implant The resulting prosthesis demonstrated superior fit compared to traditional methods, offering enhanced accuracy and significantly minimizing damage to sensitive surrounding tissues during surgery.
Rapid prototyping (RP) technologies are increasingly being utilized in the fields of art and design, allowing artists to create intricate models that enhance their creative processes While the initial expense of RP models restricted their size, the advent of Concept Modellers has made these techniques more affordable for various artistic projects With the precision of art models and the quality of RP materials now available, Concept Modellers provide sufficient technological capabilities to meet the demands of most art applications.
A: A hole resulted from the irradiation of a tumor in the mouth cavity This hole has to be filled by an implant to allow the patient to breathe and eat normally
B: The soft tissue surrounding the cavity was modelled by CT scanning This model was used to design a tool for direct moulding of the implant
C: A silicon implant was moulded from the tool
D: Without surgery, the deformable silicon prosthesis was implanted Magnets were used to fix the prosthesis to a hard dental implant
Figure 5.21 * Fabrication of obturator prosthesis using RP techniques Case study presented by Dr L.L Visch from Daniel den Hoed Kliniek Rotterdam
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology 103
Figure 5.22* Cross-sections of the 3D model of a water splash
(Courtesy of the CALM project)
Figure 5.23 SLS model representing a water splash
(Courtesy of the CALM project)
The CALM (Creating Art with Layer Manufacture) project, supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, showcases three examples of RP techniques in art This initiative aims to enhance the integration of IT within the UK higher education art and design community.
M Harris's artwork features a splash design within a plexiglass vitrine, showcasing its innovative use of materials The final installation will include an RP model, carefully fitted into a plexi-box that matches the width of the splash, enhancing the visual impact of the piece.
K Brown's cybersculpture exemplifies an innovative artefact that defies conventional construction methods Initially intended for rapid prototyping and bronze casting, the artist was inspired by the SLS model's unique Dura form material and intricate lace-like Moire surface patterns This realization led to a profound appreciation for the artwork's inherent beauty, where the synergy of concept, process, material, color, and layered form creates an unprecedented experience in artistic expression.
Figure 5.24* 3D shaded image and a cross-section of the cybersculpture (Courtesy of the CALM project)
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology 105
Figure 5.25 SLS model of a cybersculpture
(Courtesy of the CALM project)
Engineering Analysis Models 1 06
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) analysis plays a crucial role in Time Compression technologies, utilizing various software tools primarily based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to accelerate product development through early design optimization However, creating precise FEA models for complex engineering objects can be time-consuming and labor-intensive By integrating Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques, testing on physical models can commence earlier, enhancing the CAE data This article outlines four key applications of RP models in engineering analysis.
SLA models were utilized to optimize the cross-flow jacket of a V6 high-performance racing engine, incorporating 60 sensors to monitor local flow temperature and pressure The visualization of coolant flow patterns was achieved by injecting tiny air bubbles, with high-speed video capturing the flow dynamics This analysis revealed stagnation zones and poorly cooled areas, leading to the redesign of critical sections The production of modified SLA models allowed for rapid design iterations, with each cycle taking just one week, ensuring that the accuracy and surface quality were sufficient to replicate complex flow behaviors effectively.
Figure 5.27 Assembly of the cross-flow water jacket of a V6 high-performance racing engine [Jacobs, 1996]
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology 107
Thermo Elastic Tension Analysis (THESA) enables the structural analysis of real parts using Rapid Prototyping (RP) models on test rigs, effectively correlating temperature changes in test components to applied loads By employing thermal imaging, the impact of specific loads on temperature patterns is assessed For instance, SLS models made from glass-filled nylon were utilized to enhance the design of a sports car's highly loaded wheel rim Initial experiments with various RP materials identified the optimal choice for THESA analysis, revealing that the temperature patterns of the glass-filled nylon model closely resembled those of cast metal parts This case study illustrates that the findings from SLS models using the THESA method can be effectively related to the behavior of series cast metal components.
Figure 5.28* Thermographic plots of aluminium rim (left) and SLS glass-filled nylon rim (right) [Gartzen et ai., 1998]
Photoelastic stress analysis is an effective method for evaluating stresses and strains in physical components under specific conditions, utilizing the temporary birefringence of transparent materials when subjected to load SLA models, particularly those made with the ACES build style, demonstrate the necessary birefringence, which can be visualized using polarized white and monochromatic light The insights gained from photoelastic analysis of SLA models can be applied to functional metal parts through fundamental similarity laws, enabling quick and cost-effective predictions of stress distributions in actual components.
In photoelastic stress analysis, rapid manufacturing techniques enable the "freezing" of stresses and strains by initially heating the loaded model above the resin's glass transition temperature, followed by a gradual cooling process back to room temperature.
Figure 5.29* The frozen stress distribution for a model of an aeroengine turbine rotor [3D Systems, 1994]
The aerospace and automotive industries continue to depend on experimental wind tunnel tests to validate new designs, despite advancements in CAE tools Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques are effective for creating wind tunnel models that experience minimal loads Technologies such as SLA, SLS, FDM, and SGC yield models with the necessary strength, accuracy, and surface finish for testing non-structurally loaded components Additionally, SLS models made from RapidSteel or metal models created from RP patterns are suitable for applications with light loading.
Chapter 5 Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology 109
This chapter offers a comprehensive overview of the application areas for Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies, along with specialized software tools and the various building styles and materials utilized It includes case studies to help users explore potential RP applications tailored to their specific needs As RP technology continues to evolve, the listed application areas are not exhaustive, with numerous research and development centers globally actively pursuing new RP applications alongside advancements in technology and materials.
3D Systems Newsletter (1994) The Edge, Summer, 3D Systems, 26081 Avenue Hall, Valencia, California, USA
Anatomies Case Studies (2000), Anatomies Rty Ltd, Queensland, Australia, http://glacier.qmi.asn.au: 801 anatomics/
Beaman JJ, Barlow JW, Bourell DL, Crawford RH, Marcus HL and McAlea KP
(1997) Solid Freeform Fabrication: A New Direction in Manufacturing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
CALM Project Final Report (1998) University of Central Lancashire, Preston, http://www.uclan.ac.uklclt/cahn!overview.htm
DTM White paper (2000) Functional prototyping with DuraForm and SLS, DTM Corporation, Austin, Texas, USA, 2000
D'Urso PS, Atkinson RL, Lanigan MW, Earwaker WJ, Bruce II, Holmes A, Barker
TM, Effeney DJ and Thompson RG (1998) Stereo lithographic biomodelling in craniofacial surgery, The British Journal of Plastic Surgery, Vol 51, 7, pp 522-
D'Urso PS, Atkinson RL, Weidmann MJ, Redmond MJ, Hall BI, Earwaker WJ, Thompson RG and Effeney DJ (1999a) Biomodelling of skull base tumours The Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, Vol 6,1, pp 31-35
D'Urso PS, Barker TM, Earwaker WJ, Bruce II, Atkinson RL, Lanigan MW, Arvier
JF and Effeney DJ (1999b) Stereolithographic biomodelling in cranio-maxillofacial surgery: a prospective trial The Journal of Cranio-maxillofacial Surgery, Vol
D'Urso PS and Redmond MJ (2000), Method for the Resection of Cranal Tumours and Skill Reconstruction British Journal of Neurosurgery Vol 4, 6, pp 555-559, http://www.tandf.co.uk, see also [Anatomies, 2000]
Gatrzen J, Lingens H, Gebhardt A and Schwarz C (1998) Optimisation using THE SA, Prototyping Technology International '98, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 36-38
Ippolito R, Iuliano L and Gatto A (1995) Benchmarking of Rapid Prototyping Techniques in Terms of Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish, CIRP Annals, Vol 44,1, pp 157-160
Jacobs PF (1996) Stereolithography and other RP&M technologies, Society of Manufacturing Engineers - American Society of Mechanical Engineer
Materialise Product Information (2000) Mimics software, Materialise, Leuven, Belgium, http://www.materialise.be/
McAlea K, Lackminarayan U and Maruk P (1996) Selective Laser Sintering of Metal Molds: The Rapid ToolTM Process, Moldin'96, ECM Inc., Plymouth, MI
In their 1995 study, Lightman AJ, Vanassche B, D'Urso P, and Yamada S explored the applications of rapid prototyping in surgical planning, highlighting a comprehensive survey of global activities in this innovative field Presented at the 6th International Conference on Rapid Prototyping in Dayton, Ohio, the research emphasizes the significance of rapid prototyping techniques in enhancing surgical procedures and outcomes The findings, detailed on pages 16-21 of the conference proceedings, underscore the transformative potential of these technologies in modern medicine.
Pham DT, Dimov SS and Lacan F (1999) Selective Laser Sintering: Applications and Technological Capabilities, Proc IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 213, pp 435-449
Poulsen M, Lindsay C, Sullivan T and D'Urso PS (1999) Stereolithographic modelling as an aid to orbital brachytherapy The International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, Vol 44, 3, pp 731-735
Raymond NC and Thomas VJ (1998) A Comparison of Rapid Prototyping Techniques Used for Wind Tunnel Model Fabrication, Rapid Prototyping Journal, MCB University Press, Vol 4, 4, pp 185-196
Van de Crommert S, Seitz S, Esser KK and McAlea K (1997) Sand, Die and Investment Cast Parts via the SLS Selective Laser Sintering process, DTM GmbH, Hilden, Germany
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool
Rapid Prototyping (RP) is evolving, leading to enhancements in material properties, accuracy, cost, and lead-time, which enable its use in tool production Traditional tool-making techniques have been adapted, and innovative methods for direct tool creation through RP have emerged This chapter focuses on indirect Rapid Tooling (RT) methods that are currently available or will soon be available for production runs of several hundred parts, utilizing materials similar to those of the final production components The RT methods discussed are termed "indirect" because they rely on RP patterns created through specific RP techniques to serve as models for mold and die fabrication.
Role ofIndirect Methods in Tool Production
Recent advancements in RP technologies have significantly minimized delays associated with the iterative processes required for high-quality product development These innovative technologies enable the swift production of three-dimensional solid objects directly from CAD-generated designs, reducing prototype completion time from several weeks to just a few days or even hours.
Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques are constrained by a limited selection of materials for prototype creation While visualization and dimensional verification can be achieved, functional testing is frequently unfeasible because the mechanical and thermal properties of the prototypes differ significantly from those of the final production parts.
The RP industry is now focusing on tooling to leverage advancements in 3D CAD modeling and RP technology Enhanced accuracy in RP techniques has led to the development of various processes for creating tooling from RP masters Among the most commonly used indirect rapid tooling methods are the creation of silicone room temperature-vulcanizing (RTV) molds for plastic components and the use of RP masters as sacrificial models.
Investment casting of metal parts, as discussed by D T Pham et al in their 2001 work, is a rapid manufacturing process ideal for producing small batches of 1 to 20 components Commonly referred to as "soft tooling" techniques, these methods offer efficient solutions for limited production runs.
Despite the expanded range of materials available through soft tooling, options remain limited and cannot meet all requirements Consequently, alternative indirect methods for tool fabrication have emerged, enabling the creation of prototypes with the same materials and manufacturing processes as the final production components.
This chapter explores indirect methods that serve as a cost-effective alternative to traditional mold-making techniques These methods significantly reduce lead times and facilitate tool validation before incurring substantial expenses The primary objective of these rapid tooling (RT) methods is to bridge the gap between rapid prototyping (RP) and hard tooling, allowing for the production of tools suitable for short prototype runs.
The diverse array of indirect RT solutions complicates the selection of the most suitable method for specific projects It is essential for companies to be aware of all available processes and to understand their respective strengths and weaknesses, as well as the comparative advantages of the materials used.
Metal Deposition Tools
The process utilizes a rapid prototyping (RP) model with a smooth surface finish, incorporating a draft angle and accounting for the shrinkage of the molding material The pattern is set into plasticine along its parting line within a chase, with sprue, gates, and ejector pins added After applying a release agent to the exposed half of the mold, a thin shell of low-temperature molten metal, measuring 2-3 millimeters thick, is deposited It's important to note that high temperatures can soften and distort RP models, limiting the metal deposition techniques that can be used The most commonly employed methods for replicating RP patterns are highlighted.
Spray metal deposition is a widely used technique for metal application, primarily categorized into Gas Metal Spraying and Arc Metal Spraying Gas Metal Spraying utilizes a low melting point alloy that is atomized and propelled onto a substrate through a nozzle, while Arc Metal Spraying, also known as the Tafa process, employs an electric arc to melt metal wires, atomizing the molten material with compressed gas This method is efficient, allowing for the production of up to 2000 precise parts using the same material Additionally, spray metal tools are cost-effective, quick to produce, and capable of handling abrasive materials.
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production 113
Nickel electroforming involves spraying a model with electrically conductive paint and immersing it in an acid bath containing nickel powder By applying a voltage to the bath, nickel is attracted to the conductive surface through electrolysis This technique is versatile and suitable for various applications, including the production of injection mold cavities, embossing plates, fine printing plates, seamless belts, and laser pumping cavities.
Nickel Vapour Deposition (NVD) is a process that involves the deposition of pure nickel from gaseous vapour onto a heated pattern, typically at temperatures ranging from 110 to 190°C During this process, nickel carbonyl gas (Ni(CO)4) is introduced, resulting in a precise replica of the pattern's surface NVD allows for deposition rates between 0.005 and 0.8 mm/h, enabling the rapid production of shell moulds, regardless of their size or complexity.
After creating a metallic shell through various methods, water cooling lines are incorporated, and the shell is filled with epoxy resin or ceramic to enhance its strength These materials are chosen for their thermal expansion coefficients, which closely match those of the nickel or zinc used in the shells To improve thermal conductivity, aluminum powder is typically added to the epoxy resin or ceramic Once the backfilling material cures, it is machined flat, and the second half of the tool is constructed using the same procedure.
Metal spraying has limitations, particularly when dealing with parts that have projections obstructing the spray configuration or deep recesses that are difficult to reach Consequently, this technique is best suited for models with large, gently curved surfaces While metal spraying can create cost-effective tooling shells that offer good reproduction and dimensional accuracy, these shells often exhibit low mechanical strength and high porosity To enhance the thermal conductivity of the molds, a layer of metal with superior thermal properties and a higher melting point can be applied over the shell.
Ma,ler model Backfilling of Ihe mould ¢ ICh=m Sprue I ¢ ¢
Embedding oflhe model along ils pani ng Ii ne I nvcr,ion of Ihe firsl half of Ihe mould ¢
The spraying process for the first half of the mold is completed, followed by the spraying and backfilling of the second half This technique is illustrated in Figure 6.1, showcasing the spray metal deposition mold.
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production 115
Nickel exhibits superior mechanical and thermal properties compared to alloys typically used in metal spraying; however, its electroforming deposition rate is relatively slow, approximately 10 µm/h, and the thickness of the deposition is influenced by the surface geometry Challenging areas such as deep corners, sharp edges, and narrow openings are particularly difficult to plate, often leading to premature wear of the nickel shell In contrast, NVD does not face these electroforming challenges but necessitates models that can endure temperatures up to 110°C.
Metal deposition is a well-established and efficient tooling technique that enables the production of thousands of parts This method is widely utilized across various applications, including sheet metal forming, injection molding, blow molding, and compression molding.
RTV tools, also referred to as silicone rubber molds, offer a cost-effective and efficient solution for creating prototype or pre-production tools The process of fabricating RTV molds typically involves several key steps, as outlined by Jacobs in 1996.
1 Producing a pattern Any RP method can be employed
2 Adding venting and gating to the pattern
3 Setting-up the pattern in a mould box with a parting line provided III a plasticine
4 Pouring silicone rubber to form one half ofthe mould
5 Inverting the first half of the mould and removing the plasticine
6 Pouring silicone rubber to produce the second half of the mould
There are two types of silicone used in this process: tin- and platinum-based silicones Tin-based silicone is generally less expensive and more durable
RTV tools are ideal for molding components using wax, polyurethane, and certain epoxy materials This technique is particularly effective for projects that require form, fit, or functional testing with a material that closely resembles the properties of the final production material.
Vacuum Casting, a method of RTV moulding, is essential for creating precise silicone tools that can produce parts with intricate details and thin walls This technique necessitates an initial investment in a specialized vacuum chamber, which consists of two sections: the upper section for mixing the resin and the lower section for casting the resin into the mould An example of a vacuum chamber made by MCP Systems is illustrated in Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2 MCP vacuum casting chamber (Courtesy of MCP)
The MCP vacuum casting process includes nine steps as shown in Figure 6.3 [3D Systems, 1995]:
1 The first step is to produce a pattern using any of the available RP processes (SLA, SLS, FDM, etc.)
2 The pattern is fitted with a casting gate and set up on the parting line, and then suspended in a mould casting frame
3 Once the two-part silicone-rubber is de-aerated and then mixed, it is poured into the mould casting frame around the pattern
4 The mould is cured inside a heating chamber
Figure 2.8 Multi Jet Modelling Head, p.29
Figure 2.12 LENS™ process (Courtesy of Optomec Design Co), p.35
Figure 3.25 LENSTM process (Courtesy of Optomec Design Co), p.65
Figure 3.28 Parts produced employing LENS and stereolithography (Courtesy of
Figure 4.3 Example of model built using the ThermoJet printer, p.73
Figure 4.10 Examples of parts built using the 3DP process
Figure 4.7 A ring produced employing PatternMaster (Courtesy of Sanders
Figure 4.17 Example of models produced using the
Objet Quadra (Courtesy of Objet Geometry), p.84
Figure 5.17 User interface in the MIMICS software (Courtesy of Materialise), p.99
Figure 5.18 A medical model built using the Stereocol resin (Courtesy of
Figure 5.19 The SLA model with the resection template (Courtesy of the British
Figure 5.20 The SLA model together with the template and the implant (Courtesy of the British Journal of Neurosurgery), p.lOl
A: A hole resulted from the irradiation of a tumor in the mouth cavity This hole has to be filled by an implant to allow the patient to breathe and eat normally
B: The soft tissue surrounding the cavity was modelled by CT scanning This model was used to design a tool for direct moulding of the implant
C: A silicon implant was moulded from the tool
D: Without surgery, the deformable silicon prosthesis was implanted Magnets were used to fix the prosthesis to a hard dental implant
Figure 5.21 Fabrication of obturator prosthesis using RP techniques Case study presented by Dr L.L Visch from Daniel den Hoed Kliniek Rotterdam
Figure 5.22 Cross-sections of the 3D model of a water splash
(Courtesy of the CALM project), p.103
Figure 5.24 3D shaded image and a cross-section of the cybersculpture
(Courtesy of the CALM project), p.104
Figure 5.28 Thermographic plots of aluminium rim (left) and SLS glass-filled nylon rim (right) [Gartzen et aI., 1998], p.107
Figure 5.29 The frozen stress distribution for a model of an aeroengine turbine rotor [3D Systems, 1994], p.108
Figure 6.9 MCP Metal Part Casting System, p.127
Figure 7.4 Optical micrograph of a RapidSteel part surface
(a - Sintered Part, b - Partially copper infiltrated, c- Fully copper infiltrated), p.142
Figure 7.7 Optical micrograph of a RapidSteel2.0 part surface
(a - Sintered part, b - Fully bronze infiltrated part), p.l45
Figure 7.14 SandForm™ core (Courtesy of DTM), p.l5l
3 Building the mould using 3D printing process
4 Removal of the unbound powder 5 Casting the mould
Figure 7.19 Direct Shell Production Casting (Courtesy of Soligen), p.156
Figure 7.20 Examples of ceramic moulds and castings fabricated using DSPC
Figure 8.6 Micrograph and waviness colour coded map of the square feature surface of the EOSINT M insert after 16000 injections (magnification 1000x), p.169
Figure 8.8 Colour coded depth map and micrograph (magnification 1000x) of the gate of the non-coated EOSintM insert after 16000 injections, p.l71
Figure 8.10 Surface (magnification 250x) and waviness of the square feature for the
Molybdenum-coated RapidSteel 2.0 and EOSINT M inserts after 8000 injections, p.l72 a b
Figure 9.7 Over-curing effects on accuracy (a - thicker bottom layer, b - deformed hole boundary), p.l92
Figure 8.11 Surface (magnification 250x) and waviness of the square feature for the
Stellite-coated RapidSteel 2.0 and EOSINT M inserts after 8000 injections, p.173
Figure 9.16 Stair-steps around the periphery (a - facing upwards; b - facing downwards), p.198
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production I 17
Figure 6.3 MCP vacuum casting process (Courtesy ofMCP)
5 The pattern is removed from the silicone mould by cutting along the parting line
6 The urethane resin is measured, dye is added for coloured components and casting funnels placed Then, the mould is closed and sealed
Computer-controlled equipment efficiently mixes and pours resin into a vacuum chamber, ensuring the mold is completely filled without any air pockets or voids.
8 After casting the resin the mould is moved to the heating chamber for 2 to 4 hours to cure the urethane part
Once the casting has hardened, it is carefully extracted from the silicone mold, and any excess material such as the gate and risers is trimmed away to create an accurate replica of the original pattern If desired, the finished component can also undergo painting or plating for enhanced aesthetics.
Vacuum castings produce highly accurate replicas of patterns, ensuring dimensional precision without imperfections, while faithfully capturing all profiles and textures The market offers a range of specially formulated resins for vacuum casting, providing diverse characteristics such as hardness, toughness, flexibility, and temperature resistance.
Epoxy Tools
Epoxy tools are used to manufacture prototype parts or limited runs of production parts Epoxy tools are used for [3D Systems, 1995]:
• Moulds for prototype injection plastics;
The mould fabrication process starts by creating a basic frame along the parting line of the RP model After completing the mould, sprue gates and runners can be integrated To facilitate release, the model's surface is treated with a release agent before pouring epoxy over it Typically, aluminium powder is mixed into the epoxy resin, and copper cooling lines can be incorporated for effective temperature management.
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods/or Rapid Tool Production 119
Inversion of the first half of the mould and backfilling
Embedding of the model along its parting line and backfilling with epoxy resin
To enhance the thermal conductivity of the epoxy mould, the curing process is initiated After the epoxy cures, the assembly is inverted, allowing for the removal of the parting line block, which leaves the pattern embedded in the cast tool A new frame is then created, and epoxy is poured to form the opposite side of the tool Once the second side cures, the two halves of the tool are separated, and the pattern is extracted.
The Soft-Surface® rapid tool method involves machining an oversized cavity in an aluminum plate, creating an offset that facilitates the introduction of casting material This process allows for the model to be suspended in its desired position and orientation before the material is poured into the cavity.
In 1996, it was noted that while this method requires some machining, which may extend the mold building time, it offers the significant advantage of enhanced thermal conductivity compared to all-epoxy molds.
Epoxy curing is an exothermic reaction, making it challenging to cast epoxy directly around a rapid prototyping (RP) model without causing damage To address this, a silicone RTV mold is created from the RP pattern, which is then used to produce a silicone RTV model for aluminum-filled epoxy tooling This process can lead to a loss of accuracy through multiple reproduction steps Alternatively, constructing an RP mold as a master allows for a single silicone RTV reproduction step, enhancing precision Notably, epoxy tooling is a cost-effective technique that requires no special skills or equipment.
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production 121
It is also one of the quickest Several hundred parts can be moulded in almost any common casting plastic material
Epoxy tools have the following limitations [3D Systems, 1995]:
• Tolerance dependent on master patterns;
• Aluminum-filled epoxy has low tensile strength
The life of injection plastic aluminium-epoxy tools for different thermoplastic materials is given in Figure 6.6 [3D Systems, 1995]
Figure 6.6 Approximate aluminium-epoxy tool life [3D Systems, 1995]
Ceramic Tools
Ceramic materials, rather than epoxy, can be utilized to create tool cavities by casting around a master, making them suitable for plastics processing, metal forming, and metal casting It is crucial to control the water content in ceramic tool production to prevent excessive shrinkage during the setting process Recently, there has been a growing interest in non-shrinking ceramics, particularly Calcium Silicate-based Castable (CBC) ceramics, which were originally designed for applications unsuitable for metal spraying.
The production process for the two halves of a CBC ceramic tool involves unique steps compared to the epoxy mould method CBC ceramics cure at a low temperature of approximately 50°C, allowing them to be poured directly over the RP master without causing damage To prevent air bubbles, the mould halves must be vacuum cast, and utilizing a vibration table can help compact the material effectively After about one hour, the RP pattern is removed, and the ceramic tool undergoes a 24-hour curing process in an oven Once fully cured, the back surfaces of the mould halves are machined flat, and guides are drilled for the ejector pins.
Ceramics, while effective for tool manufacturing, are porous materials that can hinder the molding of highly adhesive polymers To mitigate this issue, surface treatments such as dry film lubricants, release agents, silicone, or PTFE can be applied Due to their brittleness, ceramic tools require careful handling To improve fracture toughness and tensile strength, finely chopped fibers and aluminum fillers are often incorporated, enhancing thermal conductivity With these enhancements, ceramic tools can produce hundreds of parts, achieving injection molding cycle times as low as 30 seconds.
The primary benefit of this process is its cost-effectiveness due to the inexpensive ceramics utilized, along with the rapid mould construction time Recent beta tests of CBC ceramics indicate a curing duration of only a few hours, allowing for the creation of an injection tool within a single day following the acquisition of the RP model.
Cast Metal Tools
Metal moulds are generally time-consuming and expensive to machine, but by combining RP techniques with casting techniques, some zinc or aluminium alloy moulds can be rapidly made
Investment casting has evolved significantly with the integration of rapid prototyping (RP) technologies Initially, RP was utilized for creating sacrificial models in investment casting, and today, nearly all RP machines can produce models for this purpose These models can be generated directly without altering the building process, as seen in LOM, or by adapting the building style through methods like Quickcast™ Additionally, special materials such as SLS and FDM can be employed, and another innovative approach involves 3-D printing the ceramic shell required for investment casting.
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production 123
Die-casting involves creating a ceramic mold specifically designed to cast a metal alloy mold This ceramic mold functions similarly to a traditional die cast mold, but it is limited to producing a single metal mold.
Spin-casting is a manufacturing process that involves injecting material through a central sprue into a rapidly rotating mould, typically made of heat vulcanised silicone Due to the high temperatures generated during the mould fabrication, a multi-step approach is required for producing metal parts Initially, an RTV rubber mould is created from a rapid prototyping (RP) master, from which a tin-based metal alloy part is cast This part serves as a model for creating a durable heat-vulcanised silicone mould, capable of producing spin-cast zinc alloy components These components exhibit physical strength properties comparable to die-cast aluminium and Zamak zinc parts, making spin-casting a viable option for high-quality metal fabrication.
The primary goal of utilizing an RP model in metal casting is to create a mould that closely resembles the final product, requiring only minimal finishing work This approach significantly reduces both time and machining costs in comparison to conventional mould-making techniques.
Unlike earlier tooling methods, these metal tools offer strong durability and excellent thermal conductivity, enabling effective clamping forces and injection pressures during the molding cycle Consequently, the injection molding conditions closely resemble standard production conditions; however, the lifespan of the mold typically does not exceed a thousand parts.
Molten mewl or liquid plastic cl1tml sprue
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production 125
Investment Casting
The investment casting process, originating from ancient Egyptian techniques known as "lost wax," is utilized for creating intricate and precise components This method involves the use of wax patterns that define the desired shape, which are subsequently melted away Additionally, patterns can be made from various materials such as foam, paper, and polycarbonate, all of which can be easily melted or vaporized The investment casting process consists of several key steps that ensure the accuracy and complexity of the final product.
2 The patterns are assembled as a group on a "tree" where they are gated to a central sprue
3 The tree of patterns is dipped in a slurry of ceramic compounds to form a coating Then, refractory grain is sifted onto the coated patterns to form the shell
4 Step 3 is repeated several times to obtain the desired shell thickness (5-10 mm) and strength
5 After the tree has set and dried, the patterns are melted away or burned out of the shell, resulting in a cavity
6 Molten metal is poured into the shell to form the parts
7 The ceramic shell is broken away to release the castings
8 Finally, the castings are removed from the sprue and the gate stubs are ground off
Shell investment casting is a widely recognized process, while solid flask investment casting utilizes solid flask molds instead of shells This method fills molds using a vacuum differential pressure technique An automated solid flask investment casting system, developed by MCP, illustrates this process The production of castings with this system follows specific processing steps outlined by MCP in 2000.
Chapter 6 Indirect Methodsfor Rapid Tool Production 127
Figure 6.9* MCP Metal Part Casting System
1 A master is built using any of the available RP processes
2 A silicone mould is produced from the master under vacuum III the MCP Vacuum Casting System (see Section 6.3)
3 Multiple patterns are cast from the silicone mould in the same system under vacuum
4 The patterns are gated to a central sprue to create a pattern cluster The cluster is then placed in a flask
5 Ceramic embedding material is poured around the pattern cluster under a vacuum in a special vacuum chamber to avoid creating bubbles
6 After the ceramic mould has set and dried, the flask is placed in a furnace to melt out the patterns
The flask is then positioned in the casting chamber of the MCP Metal Part Casting system, where the melting chamber operates under a melting pressure that is independent of the casting chamber This design enables the mould to be filled with metal using vacuum differential pressure.
8 The ceramic mould is broken away from the castings using a water jet Then, the sprue and gate stubs are removed from the castings
The MCP Metal Part Casting system is manufactured in three unit sizes: MPA 150,
MP A 300 and MP A 1000 The technical specifications of these three models are given in Figure 6.10
Unit Type Casting Volume of Flask Size
Figure 6.10 Technical specifications of the MCP Metal Part Casting systems
Fusible Metallic Core
Fusible metallic core technology offers an innovative approach to creating intricate, hollow, one-piece plastic components that are challenging to manufacture using traditional methods This technique is a variation of investment casting, distinguished by the use of low melting point alloys instead of wax for sacrificial patterns Additionally, rapid prototyping techniques can be utilized to create part and core models, facilitating the fabrication of casting dies needed for core production.
I Bli ild RP model of Ihe core L \I~ nl.'" lI n.,} ('Ilr.: dl~' 5 CaS! a 10 \I' n£ Iling poin! al loy inlO core die ¢ ¢
ClII\." U I H:P "tH\" 2 U,c R P 'mdel '" a ,m;'lcrfor cn:al ing con: die 6 Place all o y core illto Ille injcclion nnuld ¢ ¢
Ih.'lvu 3 Build RP nvdel oflhe pan \I t' u l~oo pf ~~~ 7 Mcrnl core cmbedded illlO Ihc pla'lic pan ¢ ¢ Figure 6.11 Fusible metallic core technology [3D Systems, 1995]
-I U,c R P pan model", a n1a"CrlO produce Ihe injcclion ,muld, 8 Core Ill.' Ilcd OUI IO re\ crr l Ihe Iini,hed pan
Fusible cores are designed to match the internal passage shape of the part and are typically suspended within the mold cavity During the molding process, these cores are encapsulated by the material, which is later melted away using induction heating or by immersing the molded parts in hot water or oil This innovative technology streamlines production by allowing for complex internal geometries.
1995] The cores can have a melting point of up to 220°C depending on the alloys used
Figure 6.12 Inlet manifold (Courtesy ofMCP)
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production 131
The innovative process allows for the production of complex parts with consistent thin walls, eliminating the need for splitting components or incorporating welding lines and bolt flanges This advanced technology is predominantly utilized in manufacturing parts for under-the-bonnet applications, such as fluid reservoirs, fuel and water pumps, and engine inlet manifolds A notable example of this technique is the creation of a one-piece inlet manifold, demonstrating the efficiency and capability of fusible core technology.
Sand Casting
The sand casting process is widely used for manufacturing larger metal components that do not demand high surface quality Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques can be utilized to create master patterns for making sand molds This is achieved by placing RP patterns in a sand box, which is subsequently filled and compacted with sand to create the mold cavity.
Utilizing RP techniques simplifies the creation of patterns that account for casting shrinkage and provides extra machining stock for post-casting processes Additionally, these techniques lead to shorter lead times and enhanced pattern accuracy.
The 3D Keltool™ process is based on a metal sintering process which 3M introduced in 1976 This process converts RP master patterns into production tool inserts with very good definition and surface finish
The production of inserts employing the 3D Keltool™ process involves the following steps [Jacobs, 1996]:
1 Fabricating master patterns of the core and cavity;
2 Producing RTV silicone rubber moulds from the patterns;
To create "green" parts that replicate the masters, silicone rubber moulds are filled with a metal mixture consisting of powdered steel, tungsten carbide, and a polymer binder, featuring particle sizes of approximately 5 micrometers.
4 Firing the "green" parts in a furnace to remove the plastic binder and sintering the metal particles together;
5 Infiltrating the sintered parts (70% dense inserts) with copper in a second furnace cycle to fill the 30% void space;
6 Finishing the core and cavity
3D Keltool inserts, made from either Stellite or A-6 composite tool steel, exhibit remarkable durability, enduring over 1,000,000 molding cycles The DirectTool™ process enables the production of these high-performance inserts, as illustrated in Figure 6.13.
Figure 6.13 3D Keltool inserts (Courtesy of American Precision Products)
Chapter 6 Indirect Methods for Rapid Tool Production 133
Indirect tooling methods serve primarily as prototyping or pre-production processes rather than for full-scale production As a result, tools created through these methods differ from production tools, featuring larger draft angles, simpler geometries, and lower mechanical and thermal specifications These variations impact production cycle times, part mechanical properties, and tool longevity However, the purpose of these methods is not to replace production tooling but to produce a limited number of parts, eliminating the need for long-term durability Consequently, these tools can operate with reduced efficiency compared to production tools, allowing for longer cycle times per part to offset their lower thermal conductivity.
Bettany S and Cobb RC (1995) presented a rapid ceramic tooling system designed for prototype plastic injection at the First National Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Research, held on November 6-7, 1995, in Buckinghamshire, UK The findings were published in the conference proceedings edited by G Bennett, spanning pages 201-210.
Childs THC and Juster NP (1994) Linear Accuracies From Layer Manufacturing, CIRP Annals, Vol 43-1, pp 163-167
Comeau D and Dobson S (1996) A soft surface tooling method for rapid prototyping, Society of Plastic Engineers - RETEC, Pioneer Valley, March 1996: updated November 1996
Davy D (1996) Century-old chemistry is reborn in moldmaking, Modern Plastics Magazine
Dickens PM, Stangroom R, Greul M, Holmer B, Hon K K B, Hovtun R, Neumann
R, Noeken Sand Wimpenny D (1995) Conversion of RP models to investment castings, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol 1,4, pp 4-11
Dickens PM (1996) Rapid Tooling: A review of the alternatives, Rapid News, Vol
Erickson R (1996) CASTTOOL prototyping for injection molding, where is it going, Proceedings ofthe 1996 Wescon Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, pp 317-324
Jacobs PF (1996a) Recent Advances in Rapid Tooling from Stereolithography, White Paper, 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA
Jacobs PF (1996b) Stereolithography and other RP&M technologies, Society of Manufacturing Engineers - American Society of Mechanical Engineer
Kamphuis K and VanHiel B (1996) Rapid tooling for injection molding using cast resin, Project Progress Report, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Maley K (1994) Using Stereolithography to Produce Production Injection Molds, Annual Technical Conference, Conference Proceedings, San Fransisco, CA, USA, Vol 53, 3, pp 3568-3570
MCP Web Page (2000), HEK GmbH, Kaninchenborn 24-28, D-23560 Lubeck, Germany, http://www.mcp-group.de
Mosemiller L and Schaer L (1997) Combining RP and Spin-Casting, Prototyping Technology International '97, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 242-246
Mueller T (1995) Stereolithography-Based Prototyping: Case Histories of Application in Product Development, IEEE Technical Application and Conference Workshops, Portland Oregon, October 10, pp 305-309
Plavcan JE (1995) Rapid tooling for compression molding of a thermoset, Annual Technical Conference, Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA, USA, Part 3, pp 4324-4326
Schaer L (1995) Spin-Casting fully functional metal and plastic parts from stereo lithography models, Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Rapid Prototyping, Dayton, Ohio, USA, Ch 27, pp 217-235
Tritech company literature (1997) Tritech Precision Products Ltd., Wrexham, UK
Whitward L (1996) Getting to metal quicker with RP patterns, Design Engineering, London, January, pp 39-42
3D Systems Application Guide (1995) 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA 3D Systems White Paper (1996) Recent advances in Rapid Tooling from Stereolithogtaphy, 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool
Indirect methods for tool production require at least one intermediate replication process, which can lead to accuracy loss and longer build times To address these drawbacks, some rapid prototyping manufacturers have introduced innovative rapid tooling methods that enable the direct creation of injection molding and die-casting inserts from 3D CAD models This chapter explores the commercially available direct rapid tooling solutions.
7.1 Classification of Direct Rapid Tooling Methods
Direct RT methods offer a viable alternative to conventional mould-making techniques by producing durable inserts that can withstand anywhere from dozens to tens of thousands of cycles The lifespan of these inserts varies significantly based on the material used and the specific RT method applied As a result, direct RT processes have a broad range of applications, including prototype, pre-production, and production tooling These processes can be categorized into two main groups based on their intended applications.
The initial category encompasses cost-effective techniques with quicker turnaround times, suitable for validating tools prior to incurring significant expenses These direct RT methods, which meet these criteria, are referred to as "firm tooling" methods.
Bridge tooling serves as a crucial link between soft and hard tooling, enabling the production of tools designed for short prototype runs of around fifty to one hundred parts This approach utilizes the same materials and manufacturing processes as those used for final production, ensuring consistency and quality in the prototypes.
The second group includes RT methods that allow inserts for pre-production and production tools to be built RP apparatus manufacturers market these methods as
"hard tooling" solutions Currently available solutions for "hard tooling" are based
D T Pham et al (2001) discuss the rapid manufacturing of sintered metal powder inserts, specifically focusing on materials such as steel, iron, and copper, which are subsequently infiltrated with copper or bronze This process utilizes technologies like Keltool™ from 3D Systems, DTM RapidTool™ process, EOSINT Metal from EOS, and Three-Dimensional Printing of metal parts from Soligen.
Figure 7.1 shows the classification of direct RT methods according to their application
Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production
DTM RapidToofM Process DTM SandFormTooling I
L part, 1-3 days [Fritz, 1998] LOM Tooling in Ceramic
LOM Tooling in Polymer (Data not available) I
3DpTM Direct Metal Tooling 3DpTM Ceramic Shells I
Figure 7.1 Classification of direct RT methods
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 137
7.2 Direct ACESTM Injection Moulds (AIMTM)
Stereolithography is utilized to create epoxy inserts for injection molding tools used in thermoplastic part production Current curable epoxy resins, like Cibatool®SL5530HT, can withstand temperatures up to 200°C, while thermoplastics are injected at temperatures reaching 300°C (572°F) Therefore, specific guidelines must be followed in the manufacturing process of these injection molds, as detailed in the procedure outlined by Decelles and Barritt (1996).
The injection mould is designed using a 3D CAD package, incorporating features such as runners, fan gates, and ejector pin clearance holes, with a recommended shell thickness of 1.27mm (0.05") Constructed from Accurate Clear Epoxy Solid (ACES) on a stereolithography machine, the mould undergoes support removal and polishing along the draw direction for easier part release Notably, the thermal conductivity of stereolithography resins is approximately 300 times lower than that of traditional tool steels, which influences heat management during the injection moulding process To enhance cooling efficiency and minimize cycle times, copper water cooling lines are integrated, and the mould's back is filled with a composite of 30% aluminium granulate and 70% epoxy resin Additionally, air is blown onto the mould faces post-injection to facilitate cooling.
The primary drawback of Direct AIMTM (ACESTM Injection Moulds) is its reliance on the shape and size of the molded part, as well as the operator's skill in managing cooling cycles This process is more complex than indirect methods due to the need for finishing internal mold shapes Additionally, achieving proper part ejection necessitates draft angles of ½ to 1 degree and the application of a release agent during each injection cycle.
A Direct AIMTM mould typically lacks the durability of an aluminium filled epoxy mould While the backing operation can affect cooling time, it does not enhance the mould's lifespan, which is compromised by erosion from the injected material.
Indirect tooling methods are designed for prototyping or pre-production processes rather than for full-scale production As a result, tools created using these methods differ from production tools, featuring larger draft angles, simpler shapes, and lower mechanical and thermal specifications These variations influence production cycle times, part mechanical properties, and tool lifespan However, the primary goal of these methods is to produce a limited number of parts, meaning the tools do not need to be as durable or efficient as production tools Consequently, a longer cycle time per part is acceptable to offset the impact of reduced thermal conductivity.
Bettany S and Cobb RC (1995) presented a groundbreaking ceramic tooling system designed for rapid prototype plastic injection at the First National Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Research, held on November 6-7, 1995, in Buckinghamshire, UK The work, edited by G Bennett and published by MEP Pub Ltd., spans pages 201-210 and highlights advancements in efficient tooling methods for prototype development.
Childs THC and Juster NP (1994) Linear Accuracies From Layer Manufacturing, CIRP Annals, Vol 43-1, pp 163-167
Comeau D and Dobson S (1996) A soft surface tooling method for rapid prototyping, Society of Plastic Engineers - RETEC, Pioneer Valley, March 1996: updated November 1996
Davy D (1996) Century-old chemistry is reborn in moldmaking, Modern Plastics Magazine
Dickens PM, Stangroom R, Greul M, Holmer B, Hon K K B, Hovtun R, Neumann
R, Noeken Sand Wimpenny D (1995) Conversion of RP models to investment castings, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol 1,4, pp 4-11
Dickens PM (1996) Rapid Tooling: A review of the alternatives, Rapid News, Vol
Erickson R (1996) CASTTOOL prototyping for injection molding, where is it going, Proceedings ofthe 1996 Wescon Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, pp 317-324
Jacobs PF (1996a) Recent Advances in Rapid Tooling from Stereolithography, White Paper, 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA
Jacobs PF (1996b) Stereolithography and other RP&M technologies, Society of Manufacturing Engineers - American Society of Mechanical Engineer
Kamphuis K and VanHiel B (1996) Rapid tooling for injection molding using cast resin, Project Progress Report, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Maley K (1994) Using Stereolithography to Produce Production Injection Molds, Annual Technical Conference, Conference Proceedings, San Fransisco, CA, USA, Vol 53, 3, pp 3568-3570
MCP Web Page (2000), HEK GmbH, Kaninchenborn 24-28, D-23560 Lubeck, Germany, http://www.mcp-group.de
Mosemiller L and Schaer L (1997) Combining RP and Spin-Casting, Prototyping Technology International '97, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 242-246
Mueller T (1995) Stereolithography-Based Prototyping: Case Histories of Application in Product Development, IEEE Technical Application and Conference Workshops, Portland Oregon, October 10, pp 305-309
Plavcan JE (1995) Rapid tooling for compression molding of a thermoset, Annual Technical Conference, Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA, USA, Part 3, pp 4324-4326
Schaer L (1995) Spin-Casting fully functional metal and plastic parts from stereo lithography models, Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Rapid Prototyping, Dayton, Ohio, USA, Ch 27, pp 217-235
Tritech company literature (1997) Tritech Precision Products Ltd., Wrexham, UK
Whitward L (1996) Getting to metal quicker with RP patterns, Design Engineering, London, January, pp 39-42
3D Systems Application Guide (1995) 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA 3D Systems White Paper (1996) Recent advances in Rapid Tooling from Stereolithogtaphy, 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool
Indirect methods for tool production require at least one intermediate replication process, which can lead to accuracy loss and extended production time To address these issues, some rapid prototyping (RP) manufacturers have introduced innovative rapid tooling techniques that enable the direct creation of injection molding and die-casting inserts from 3D CAD models This chapter explores the direct rapid tooling solutions that are presently available in the market.
7.1 Classification of Direct Rapid Tooling Methods
Direct rapid tooling (RT) methods offer a viable alternative to traditional mold-making techniques, producing inserts that can endure from several dozen to tens of thousands of cycles The lifespan of these inserts varies greatly based on the materials used and the specific RT method applied This versatility allows direct RT processes to be utilized across a broad spectrum of applications, including prototype, pre-production, and production tooling Consequently, direct RT processes can be categorized into two primary groups based on their applications.
The first category comprises cost-effective methods with quick turnaround times, ideal for validating tools before incurring significant expenses These direct RT methods, designed for "firm tooling," meet the criteria necessary for efficient tool validation.
Bridge tooling serves as an essential solution in rapid prototyping processes, effectively bridging the gap between soft and hard tooling This method enables the production of tools that can handle short prototype runs, typically ranging from fifty to one hundred parts Notably, bridge tooling utilizes the same materials and manufacturing processes as those employed for final production parts, ensuring consistency and quality in the prototype phase.
The second group includes RT methods that allow inserts for pre-production and production tools to be built RP apparatus manufacturers market these methods as
"hard tooling" solutions Currently available solutions for "hard tooling" are based
D T Pham et al (2001) discuss the rapid manufacturing techniques for creating sintered metal powder inserts using materials such as steel, iron, and copper, which are subsequently infiltrated with copper or bronze The article highlights various processes, including Keltool™ from 3D Systems, DTM RapidTool™ process, EOSINT Metal from EOS, and the three-dimensional printing of metal parts by Soligen, showcasing advancements in metal fabrication technology.
Figure 7.1 shows the classification of direct RT methods according to their application
Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production
DTM RapidToofM Process DTM SandFormTooling I
L part, 1-3 days [Fritz, 1998] LOM Tooling in Ceramic
LOM Tooling in Polymer (Data not available) I
3DpTM Direct Metal Tooling 3DpTM Ceramic Shells I
Figure 7.1 Classification of direct RT methods
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 137
7.2 Direct ACESTM Injection Moulds (AIMTM)
Stereolithography is employed to create epoxy inserts for injection molds used in thermoplastic part production Current curable epoxy resins, like Cibatool®SL5530HT, can withstand temperatures up to 200°C, while thermoplastics are injected at temperatures reaching 300°C (572°F) Therefore, specific guidelines must be followed when producing this type of injection mold, as outlined in Decelles and Barritt (1996).
Using a 3D CAD package, an injection mould is designed with features such as runners, fan gates, and ejector pin clearance holes, ensuring a shell thickness of 1.27mm (0.05") The mould is constructed using Accurate Clear Epoxy Solid (ACES) on a stereolithography machine, followed by support removal and polishing to aid part release Notably, the thermal conductivity of stereolithography resins is significantly lower—approximately 300 times—than that of traditional tool steels To enhance heat removal and minimize injection moulding cycle times, copper water cooling lines are integrated, and the mould's back is filled with a mixture of 30% aluminium granulate and 70% epoxy resin Additionally, air is blown onto the mould faces during separation after the injection moulding process to further cool the mould.
One major drawback of Direct AIMTM (ACESTM Injection Moulds) is its dependency on the shape and size of the molded part, along with the operator's expertise in managing cooling times between cycles The process is more complex than indirect methods due to the need for finishing internal mold shapes Additionally, achieving proper part ejection necessitates draft angles of ½ to 1 degree and the application of a release agent during each injection cycle.
A Direct AIMTM mould typically lacks the durability of an aluminium-filled epoxy mould While the backing operation affects cooling time, it does not enhance the mould's lifespan, which is compromised by erosion from the injected material.
While the injection cycle time for Direct AIMTM tools ranges from 3 to 5 minutes, significantly longer than the 5 to 15 seconds typical of conventional injection molding, these tools can efficiently mold up to 100 parts Furthermore, the parts can be produced in the desired material within just one week of receiving the design.
~- 1 '0.; ~ o~ - 3D mould desi gn ~ t lt - 'I":~ ,r , "" " ," CnrePlalC Illlegmlion of lh e insen, illlo lhe mou ld ha\c Addilion of cooling linc~ ¢ ¢
M anu faclu rin g of lh e Direcl A IM - " insci1S ~ 'Of "', " I " , C.nil) pla tt.: Ba ckfilling of the mou ld wilh epoxy resi n ¢ ¢ Figure 7.2 Direct AIMTM injection mould
Cavil y 1_- r/ ~ '- Runn er and f:m or Core Eject"r pin guide, ~ ' I Slercolilhogmphy im, ens \ Core plate
Ca\lI) pla te ~ Epoxy ," ,in I, : "" ~l o"ldcd part to Injeclio n moulding
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 139
To enhance the erosion resistance and thermal conductivity of Direct AIMTM tools, researchers have explored the application of a 251µm copper layer on the mold surface.
Injection molds made from nylon and produced through Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) have been documented, alongside molds created via stereolithography using urethane photocurable resin with a significant glass particle content.
7.3 Laminated Object Manufactured (LaM) Tools
The original Layered Object Manufacturing (LOM) process creates parts that resemble wood by utilizing sheets of paper Research has shown attempts to construct molds either directly or with a thin metal coating; however, these molds are limited to low melting thermoplastics and are unsuitable for injection or blow molding of standard thermoplastics Consequently, innovative materials such as epoxy and ceramics have been developed to endure demanding operational conditions.
Direct ACESTM Injection Moulds (AIMTM)
Stereolithography is employed to create epoxy inserts for injection mold tools used in thermoplastic part production Current curable epoxy resins, such as Cibatool®SL5530HT, can withstand temperatures up to 200°C, while thermoplastics are injected at temperatures reaching 300°C (572°F) Therefore, specific guidelines must be followed for the production of these injection molds, as outlined in the procedure by Decelles and Barritt (1996).
A 3D CAD package is utilized to design the injection mould, incorporating runners, fan gates, and ejector pin clearance holes, while ensuring a shell thickness of 1.27mm (0.05") The mould is constructed using Accurate Clear Epoxy Solid (ACES) on a stereolithography machine, after which supports are removed and the mould is polished to enhance part release Notably, the thermal conductivity of stereolithography resins is approximately 300 times lower than that of traditional tool steels, with Cibatool®SL5l70 epoxy resin measuring 0.2002 W/mK To optimize heat removal and minimize injection moulding cycle time, copper water cooling lines are integrated, and the mould's back is filled with a composite of 30% aluminium granulate and 70% epoxy resin Additionally, cooling is enhanced by blowing air on the mould faces during their separation post-injection moulding.
The primary drawback of Direct AIM™ (ACESTM Injection Moulds) is its reliance on the shape and size of the molded part, as well as the operator's expertise in managing cooling cycles effectively This process presents challenges in finishing the internal shapes of the mold, making it more complex than indirect methods, which primarily focus on external model shapes Additionally, achieving proper part ejection necessitates draft angles between ½ to 1 degree and the application of a release agent during each injection cycle.
A Direct AIMTM mould typically offers less durability compared to an aluminium filled epoxy mould While the backing operation affects cooling time, it does not enhance the mould's lifespan, as it remains vulnerable to erosion from the injected material.
While the injection cycle time for Direct AIMTM tools is longer at 3 to 5 minutes compared to conventional injection molding's 5 to 15 seconds, the process allows for the completion of molds capable of producing up to 100 parts Notably, these parts can be manufactured in the desired material within just one week of receiving the design.
~- 1 '0.; ~ o~ - 3D mould desi gn ~ t lt - 'I":~ ,r , "" " ," CnrePlalC Illlegmlion of lh e insen, illlo lhe mou ld ha\c Addilion of cooling linc~ ¢ ¢
M anu faclu rin g of lh e Direcl A IM - " insci1S ~ 'Of "', " I " , C.nil) pla tt.: Ba ckfilling of the mou ld wilh epoxy resi n ¢ ¢ Figure 7.2 Direct AIMTM injection mould
Cavil y 1_- r/ ~ '- Runn er and f:m or Core Eject"r pin guide, ~ ' I Slercolilhogmphy im, ens \ Core plate
Ca\lI) pla te ~ Epoxy ," ,in I, : "" ~l o"ldcd part to Injeclio n moulding
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 139
To enhance the erosion resistance and thermal conductivity of Direct AIMTM tools, research has focused on applying a 251μm copper layer to the mould surface.
Injection molds made from nylon through selective laser sintering (SLS) have been documented, alongside molds produced via stereolithography using urethane photocurable resin enriched with a significant amount of glass particles.
Laminated Object Manufactured (LaM) Tools
The original Layered Object Manufacturing (LOM) process creates parts that resemble wood by utilizing sheets of paper Research has indicated attempts to construct molds directly or with a thin metal coating; however, these molds are limited to low melting thermoplastics and are not appropriate for injection or blow molding of standard thermoplastics Consequently, new materials, including epoxy and ceramic, have been developed to endure demanding operational conditions.
Polymer sheets are composed of glass and ceramic fibers embedded in a B-staged epoxy matrix To achieve optimal performance, parts manufactured from this material must undergo post-curing at 175°C for one hour After the curing process, these sheets exhibit excellent compressive strength and a heat deflection temperature of 290°C, making them suitable for high-temperature applications.
Two advanced ceramic materials have been created for Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): a sinterable A1N ceramic and a silicon infiltratable SiC ceramic Each of these materials is combined with a polymeric binder, comprising 55% by volume, to enhance their properties and performance.
The polymer composite process is currently in beta testing, with its first industrial application anticipated shortly In contrast, the ceramic process is less developed and necessitates additional software and hardware modifications to the LOM machine Although there are limited results available for these processes, the current indications are encouraging.
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a prominent rapid prototyping technique utilized for direct tool production DTM pioneered the commercialization of rapid tooling technology with its RapidTool™ process The RapidTool product line includes three distinct materials: RapidSteel 1.0, RapidSteel 2.0, and Copper Polyamide, each designed for specific applications and requirements.
DTM RapidToo1™ Process
RapidSteel 1.0 powder consists of low-carbon steel particles with an average diameter of 55 micrometers, which are coated with a thermoplastic binder The processing of RapidSteel 1.0 involves three primary stages, as illustrated in Figure 7.3.
1 Green part manufacture (SLS processing): The low melting point binder allows the material to be processed in the SLS machine without heating the feed and part bed Tooling inserts in the "green" stage are built layer by layer through fusion of the binder
2 Cross-linking: During the subsequent furnace cycle, the thermoset binder coating would melt and would behave as a lubricant between the steel particles
To prevent distortion during the low-temperature phase of the furnace cycle, the green part is treated with an aqueous acrylic emulsion and dried at approximately 60°C This acrylic emulsion serves as a binding agent, enhancing the strength of the green part until the polymer is eliminated in the furnace The drying duration varies with the size of the part, potentially taking up to 48 hours for larger components.
3 Furnace processing: In this stage, the green part is converted into a fully dense metal part by infiltration with molten copper To remove oxides from the steel surface, a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen is used during the furnace cycle Between 350 and 450°C, the polymer evaporates Then, the temperature is increased to 1000°C to allow the sintering of the steel powder Finally, the part is heated up to 1120°C where copper infiltration occurs driven by capillary action
The final RapidSteel 1.0 parts, composed of 60% steel and 40% copper, are fully dense and can be finished using various techniques such as surface grinding, milling, drilling, wire erosion, EDM, polishing, and surface plating.
""" § \.) ~ ~ ""- c ~ ~ §- R:: ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ C4 to-.- : ~ §- 6 mould design 6-Plastic injection moulding 5-Inserts finishing Figure 7.3 Description ofthe RapidTool process
Figure 7.4* Optical micrograph ofa RapidSteel part surface
(a - Sintered Part, b - Partially copper infiltrated, c- Fully copper infiltrated)
SLS technology allows for the creation of parts with highly complex geometries without limitations However, the RapidTool process does impose specific constraints on the design of inserts.
• Excess material has to be added on the parting surfaces, shut-offs and sides of the inserts and machined afterwards for a good surface match
• The process requires a flat base for proper infiltration
Omitting simple features from the insert design can be beneficial, especially for small features under 1mm that are challenging to construct and may break during the cleaning of the green part Additionally, the maximum achievable resolution is limited by the laser beam's offset value, which can reach up to 0.4mm.
For successful SLS processing, it's essential to remove features from the CAD model that demand high positioning accuracy or tight tolerances, such as holes, as well as easily added elements like bosses.
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 143
During the furnace process, the part's shape relies solely on friction among steel particles between the debinding and sintering stages It is crucial to avoid features like holes or cooling lines, as they can compromise the part's integrity, leading to distortion or collapse Throughout the RapidTool process, parts experience size variations, as illustrated in Figure 7.5, which depicts the distribution of dimensional changes that occur.
It> cO c:::::J reen Part c:::::::J Copper infiltrated Part
Oimcn ion (mm) c:::::::J Cross-linked Part
Green orm.Oi tr opper-inf oml.Oi If
Figure 7.5 Dimensional variations for a nominal dimension of 60 mm
Dimensional accuracy tends to decline with each step in the manufacturing process due to increasing variance in distribution, affecting both part dimensions and geometry The drying phase of acrylic is particularly problematic, as the surface dries faster than the interior, leading to internal stresses and distortion While shrinkage is typically assumed to correlate linearly with part dimensions and can be mitigated by applying scaling factors before production, variations in shrinkage occur based on factors like part weight and geometry Previous methods have achieved an accuracy of ±0.1% by calculating scaling factors from a test part, though this approach is time-consuming and not feasible for every part Despite efforts to predict part shape variations, achieving higher accuracy requires significant reduction in overall shrinkage Research has indicated that tuning scaling factors and adjusting offset values based on whether a part has convex or concave geometry can improve accuracy While manufacturers claim a process accuracy of ±0.25%, practical experience suggests that ±0.16% is a more realistic target.
Achieving precise finishing of tools is crucial for enhancing the accuracy of molded parts The bottom plane is typically the preferred reference for machining inserts due to its flatter surface and lower roughness (8.2 µm Ra) compared to the vertical sidewalls (10.8 µm Ra) The roughness of freeform surfaces varies significantly with slope, but the stair-stepping effect's roughness is often mitigated by copper, which forms a meniscus between steps Additionally, slight erosion from brushes or compressed air during cleaning helps reduce roughness While the finishing and polishing of RapidTool inserts can be a labor-intensive manual process, initial finishing before the furnace cycle can expedite this Ultimately, a surface finish of 0.3 µm Ra can be achieved after polishing, as illustrated by examples of inserts produced with RapidSteel 1.0.
RapidSteel 2.0 (announced in May 1998) [DTM, 1998a] offers a number of modifications over RapidSteel 1.0:
• The base metal has been changed from carbon steel to 316 stainless steel
• Bronze has replaced copper as the infiltrant
• The thermoplastic binder material has been substituted by a thermoset binder
As a result of these changes, the processing of RapidSteel 2.0 differs from that of RapidSteell.0, and comprises the following stages:
1 Green part manufacture (SLS processing): The part bed is heated to a temperature of about 100°C for the SLS processing
2 Brown part manufacture (Furnace debinding and sintering cycle): The temperature is raised to 1120°C, held for 3 hours and decreased to room temperature in a controlled atmosphere
3 Part infiltration (Furnace bronze infiltration cycle): The temperature is raised to 1050°C, held for 2 hours and decreased to room temperature in a controlled atmosphere
Chapter 7 Direct Methodsfor Rapid Tool Production 145
Figure 7.6 Inserts built using RapidSteel1.0
(a - windscreen wiper arm die-casting inserts and parts, b - electronic tour guide front and back covers inserts
Figure 7.7* Optical micrograph of a RapidSteel2.0 part surface
(a - Sintered part, b - Fully bronze infiltrated part)
The final RapidSteel 2.0 parts (Figure 7.7) are made up of 53% stainless steel 47% bronze [DTM, 1998b] and can also be finished by any conventional technique
A comparison of the main properties of RapidSteel 1.0 and RapidSteel 2.0 is given in Figure 7.8
Reducing the average particle size from 551 µm to 341 µm enables the production of parts with a thinner layer thickness, enhancing the overall quality and precision of the build process.
The reduction of particle size to 75 micrometers enhances surface smoothness by minimizing stair stepping effects, which in turn decreases finishing time Additionally, this size reduction improves part resolution, enabling the creation of sharper edges However, the minimum feature size remains approximately 1 millimeter due to the thermal conductivity of steel powder, which causes the laser beam to sinter a larger area than its actual diameter.
Bronze properties enhance polishability and improve friction characteristics of mould inserts, while switching the metal base from carbon steel to 316 stainless steel significantly boosts mould wear resistance.
The updated manufacturing process involves two furnace cycles due to the higher sintering temperature compared to the infiltration temperature, with each cycle lasting approximately 20 hours This results in a total processing time that is significantly reduced from the original 48-hour cycle of RapidSteel 1.0 Additionally, the modification of the binder material removes the need for the cross-linking stage, further cutting down processing time by up to 48 hours for larger parts This enhancement not only streamlines production but also improves accuracy by preventing distortion during the drying of the polymer infiltrant.
A new test part has been introduced that considers both internal and external features to calculate shrinkage factors and offset values RapidSteel 2.0 demonstrates reduced sensitivity to part geometry and weight due to the removal of the cross-linking stage and minimized dimensional changes Instead of the typical shrinkage of 4-5%, the entire process now estimates an expansion of only 0-0.5% This shift accounts for the decreased percentage of steel after infiltration, despite the reduction in particle size.
The average dimensional accuracy of parts produced with RapidSteel 1.0 and RapidSteel 2.0 materials has significantly improved, now approaching the ±0.1mm precision typically required for production injection molding tools Examples of inserts manufactured with RapidSteel 2.0 are illustrated in Figure 7.10.
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 147
Figure 7.8 RapidStee11.0 and RapidStee12.0 properties [DTM, 1998c]
Mean error for RapidSteel 1,0 in three stages
Mean error for RapidSteel 2.0 in three stages
Olmension Gtoan Brown Bronzcd~ nfittrotod
Figure 7 9 Average errors from all processes
Figure 7.10 Set of inserts for a nose hair trimmer
Copper Polyamide (PA)
Copper PA, introduced in May 1998, is an innovative metal-plastic composite ideal for short-run tooling applications, specifically for producing hundreds of parts (100-400) from standard plastics Tooling inserts are created directly within the SLS machine, utilizing a layer thickness of 75 microns, with minimal finishing needed before they are integrated into the tool base This process eliminates the need for a furnace cycle, allowing unfinished tool inserts to be produced in just one day.
During the CAD stage, the design of Copper PA inserts incorporates essential features such as shelled structures, cooling lines, ejector pin guides, gates, and runners, which are constructed directly through the SLS process Subsequently, the surfaces of the inserts are sealed using epoxy for enhanced durability and performance.
Chapter 7 Direct Method~ for Rapid Tool Production 149 and finished with sandpaper, and finally the shell inserts are backed up with a metal alloy Examples of parts moulded using Copper PA inserts are shown in Figure 7.13
Copper P A inserts are highly machinable and offer superior heat resistance and thermal conductivity compared to most plastic tooling materials Additionally, the cycle times for molds utilizing Copper P A inserts are comparable to those of metal tooling.
Figure 7.11 Back surface of an insert [DTM, 1998e]
Figure 7.12 Working surface of an insert [DTM, 1998e]
Figure 7.13 Parts moulded using Copper PA inserts (Courtesy ofDTM)
SandForm™ Zr & Si materials enable the direct creation of moulds and cores from 3D CAD data using the SLS process, achieving equivalent accuracy and properties to those made through traditional methods These sand moulds and cores are suitable for low-pressure sand casting, exemplified by an aircraft engine part core produced by DTM for an industrial client.
DirectTool™ is a commercial rapid tooling process introduced by EOS GmbH in
Since 1995, advancements in materials and processes have significantly enhanced productivity and quality in manufacturing A primary application of these innovations is the creation of inserts for plastic injection molding and rubber vulcanization This direct tooling method utilizes proprietary metal powders that are selectively sintered in the advanced EOSINT M machine.
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 151
Sintered parts are inherently porous and typically require epoxy resin infiltration to enhance their strength Following this infiltration process, additional polishing of the surfaces can be performed to meet the quality standards necessary for injection molding inserts.
Figure 7.14* SandForm™ core (Courtesy ofDTM)
In 1999, EOS launched the second generation of their DirectTool™ process alongside the EOSINT M 250 xtended machine, which marked a significant advancement in additive manufacturing This innovative machine not only accommodates materials with low melting points but also introduces the capability to process steel powder for the first time.
The DirectTool™ process is an effective solution for quickly creating complex inserts that cannot be directly machined It serves as a practical alternative for prototype and pre-production tooling applications, enabling the production of several thousand parts using standard engineering plastics.
Laser scan speed up to 3 mls
Building speed 2-15 mmJ/s (material dependent) Layer thickness 0.05-0.1 mm
Interface to CAD Standard: STL, CLI
Figure 7.15 EOSINT M 250 xtended Specifications [EOS, 1997]
Chapter 7 Direct Methodsfor Rapid Tool Production 153
The introduction of new powders, DirectSteel™ 50-VI and DirectMetal™ 50-V2, enables the construction of inserts with a layer thickness of 50 µm, facilitating the reproduction of intricate structures and details Additionally, EOS has launched DirectMetal™ 100-V3, featuring a maximum particle size of 100 µm, designed for higher building speeds Demonstrating the capabilities of the DirectTool™ process, inserts made from DirectSteel™ 50-VI have successfully produced a series of plastic parts, including those made from a highly abrasive 50% glass-fibre reinforced polyamide.
Figure 7.16 Inserts produced using the DirectToolTM process (Courtesy ofEOS)
EOS has introduced the EOSINT S system, which utilizes the Direct Croning Process (DCP) to create sand casting moulds and cores by directly sintering resin-coated foundry sand This innovative technology enables the production of moulds and cores suitable for casting metal prototypes or small series of production parts using conventional sand-casting materials Additionally, the EOSINT S system is compatible with the standard production Croning process, as illustrated by a car cylinder head produced using this advanced system.
Figure 7.17 Car cylinder head produced using EOSINT S System [Fritz, 1998]
7.7 Direct Metal Tooling using 3DpTM
The 3D Printing process pioneered by MIT enables the creation of metal parts for injection moulding tooling inserts directly from CAD models, utilizing materials such as stainless steel, tungsten, and tungsten carbide This innovative technique supports the fabrication of complex geometries, including overhangs, undercuts, and internal volumes, provided there is a pathway for the removal of unused loose powder The production of these metal components involves several key steps.
1 Building the part by combining powder and binder employing the 3DPTM process
2 Sintering the printed parts in a furnace to increase their strength
3 Infiltration of the sintered parts with low melting point alloys to produce fully dense parts
The 3DP ™ process can be easily adapted for production of parts in a variety of material systems, for example metallic/ceramic compositions with novel material
Chapter 7 Direct Methodsfor Rapid Tool Production 155 properties [Sachs et aI., 1997; MIT, 1999] Tooling inserts built using this process are shown in Figure 7.18
Figure 7.18 Tooling inserts fabricated using the 3DpTM process (Courtesy of MIT) (a and b - injection moulding inserts with conformal cooling, c - finished metal inserts)
1 CAD model of a casting tree 2 CAD model of a ceramic mould
3 Building the mould using 3D printing process
4 Removal of the unbound powder 5 Casting the mould
Figure 7.19* Direct Shell Production Casting (Courtesy of So ligen)
The 3DP™ process enables the direct creation of ceramic molds from 3D CAD data, eliminating intermediate steps Marketed by Soligen Inc., this method is referred to as Direct Shell Production Casting (DSPC) The DSPC process comprises several key steps, as illustrated in Figure 7.19.
1 A 3D CAD model is created of a casting tree that includes the gating system through which molten material will flow
2 The CAD model of the tree is used as a reference to generate a digital model of a ceramic mould
Chapter 7 Direct Methodsfor Rapid Tool Production 157
3 The CAD model of the mould is used to build the actual ceramic mould with the 3Dp™ process
4 The unbound powder is removed from the mould
5 The mould is filled with molten metal After solidification of the metal, the ceramic and gating metal are removed and the casting is finished
The DSPC process is effectively utilized for creating ceramic molds and metal castings across various industries, including aerospace, medical implants, and automotive applications, as illustrated in Figure 7.20.
Figure 7.20* Examples of ceramic moulds and castings fabricated using DSPC
Topographic Shape Formation (TSF) is a technology akin to 3D printing, primarily utilized for the rapid production of molds This process involves the sequential layering of silica powder, with paraffin wax selectively sprayed from a controlled nozzle to bind the powder and partially melt previous layers for optimal adhesion After completion, the part is sanded, coated in wax, and used as a mold for the customer's product, employing materials such as concrete, fiberglass, and expanding foam.
Figure 7.21 Topographical Shape Formation system (Courtesy of Form us)
This technology offers the significant benefit of rapidly and affordably producing large components, which would typically be costly and time-consuming with other rapid prototyping methods However, a drawback is that the molds often exhibit a 'gritty' surface finish, requiring additional finishing work by an operator.
Currently, TSF operates in a single service bureau, featuring a maximum build envelope of 3353 x 1829 x 1219 mm It offers a layer thickness range of 1.27 to 3.81 mm, with a resolution of 12.7 mm and an accuracy of ±1.27 mm [Formus, 2000].
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 159
Direct methods for tool production minimize overall production time and reduce inaccuracies from intermediate replication stages Although the limited range of available materials remains a significant drawback, advancements are being made, with new materials like ceramics for stereolithography emerging Additionally, integrating the capabilities of direct tooling methods with traditional techniques presents a promising avenue for expanding their application area significantly.
Decelles P and Barritt M (1996) Direct AIMTM prototype tooling, Procedural Guide, 3D Systems, Valencia, CA, USA
Dunlop RN (1995) Physical characteristics of metal sprayed tooling, First National Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Research, 6-7 November 1995, Buckinghamshire, UK, ed G Bennett, MEP Pub Ltd., pp 249-256
DTM Corporation's 1998 press release highlights the launch of RapidStee12.0®, a groundbreaking technology that significantly reduces typical build times by 50% while enhancing surface finishes for metal mold inserts This innovative advancement is set to transform manufacturing processes, offering improved efficiency and quality in production applications For more details, visit DTM Corporation's official news page.
DTM (1998b) DTM 2 nd European User Group Meeting Leuven, Belgium, RapidStee12.0, 7-8 October 1998
DTM Product information - RapidTool 2.0 Material (1998c) DTM GmbH, Otto- Hahn-Str 6, D-40721 Hilden
DTM Press Release (1998d) DTM Targets Short-Run Tooling Applications with new Copper Polyamide Material, May 1998, DTM Corporation, http://www.dtm- corp.comIN ews/newsdesk.htm#Press
DTM Product information (1998e) Copper Polyamide Mold Insets for Plastic Injection Molding, DTM Corporation, June, 81611 Headway Circle, Building 2, Austin, TX
DTM SandForm™ material fuels development of new aircraft engine part for Woodward Governor company (1998t) Horizons, newsletter published by DTM
EOS Press Release (1997) DMLS and EOSINT M 250 on Stage at EuroMold 1997 December, EOS, www.eos-gmbh.de
Formus Web page (2000) Formus, 185 Lewis Road, Suite 31, San Jose, CA 95111, USA, www.formus.com
Fritz E (1998) Laser-sintering on its way up, Prototyping Technology International '98, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 186-189
Jacobs PF (1996a) Recent Advances in Rapid Tooling from Stereolithography, White Paper, 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA
Jacobs PF (1996b) Stereo lithography and other RP&M technologies, Society of Manufacturing Engineers - American Society of Mechanical Engineer
Klosterman DA, Chartoff RP and Pak SS (1996) Affordable, rapid composite tooling via laminated object manufacturing, Proceedings of the International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Covina, CA, USA, Vol 41, 1, pp 220-229
MIT Web page (1999) MIT, Three Dimensional Printing Group, http://me.mit.edu! groups/tdp/
Nakagawa T (1994) Applications of laser beam cutting to manufacturing of forming tools - Laser cut sheet laminated tool, Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering,
Pak SS, Klosterman DA, Priore B, Chartoff RP and Tolin DR (1997) Tooling and low volume manufacture through Laminated Object Manufacturing, Prototyping Technology International '97, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 184-188
Pham DT, Dimov SS and Lacan F (1999) Selective Laser Sintering: Applications and Technological Capabilities, Proc IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 213, pp 435-449
Pham DT, Dimov SS and Lacan F (2000) The RapidTool process: Technical Capabilities and Applications, Proc IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 214, pp 107-116
Reinhart G and Breitinger F (1997) Rapid Tooling for Simultaneous Product and Process Development, Proceedings of the 6 th European Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, Nottingham, pp 179-191
Sachs E, Guo H, Wylonis E, Serdy J, Brancazio D, Rynerson M, Cima M and Allen
S (1997) Injection molding tooling by 3D printing, Prototyping Technology International '97, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 322-325
Soligen Technologies Inc Web page (1999) Soligen Technologies Inc., http://www.3dprinting.comi
Direct Metal Tooling using 3Dp™
The 3D Printing process developed by MIT enables the creation of metal parts for injection molding tooling inserts directly from CAD models, utilizing various materials such as stainless steel, tungsten, and tungsten carbide This innovative technique facilitates the fabrication of complex geometries, including overhangs, undercuts, and internal volumes, provided there is an escape route for excess loose powder The production of these metal parts involves several key steps.
1 Building the part by combining powder and binder employing the 3DPTM process
2 Sintering the printed parts in a furnace to increase their strength
3 Infiltration of the sintered parts with low melting point alloys to produce fully dense parts
The 3DP ™ process can be easily adapted for production of parts in a variety of material systems, for example metallic/ceramic compositions with novel material
Chapter 7 Direct Methodsfor Rapid Tool Production 155 properties [Sachs et aI., 1997; MIT, 1999] Tooling inserts built using this process are shown in Figure 7.18
Figure 7.18 Tooling inserts fabricated using the 3DpTM process (Courtesy of MIT) (a and b - injection moulding inserts with conformal cooling, c - finished metal inserts)
1 CAD model of a casting tree 2 CAD model of a ceramic mould
3 Building the mould using 3D printing process
4 Removal of the unbound powder 5 Casting the mould
Figure 7.19* Direct Shell Production Casting (Courtesy of So ligen)
The 3DP™ process allows for the direct construction of ceramic molds from 3D CAD data, eliminating intermediate steps Marketed by Soligen Inc., this method is referred to as Direct Shell Production Casting (DSPC), which involves a series of specific steps to create high-quality molds efficiently.
1 A 3D CAD model is created of a casting tree that includes the gating system through which molten material will flow
2 The CAD model of the tree is used as a reference to generate a digital model of a ceramic mould
Chapter 7 Direct Methodsfor Rapid Tool Production 157
3 The CAD model of the mould is used to build the actual ceramic mould with the 3Dp™ process
4 The unbound powder is removed from the mould
5 The mould is filled with molten metal After solidification of the metal, the ceramic and gating metal are removed and the casting is finished
The DSPC process has been effectively utilized to create ceramic molds and castings, as illustrated in Figure 7.20 This innovative technique has proven successful in producing metal castings for various applications, including aerospace, medical implants, and automotive industries.
Figure 7.20* Examples of ceramic moulds and castings fabricated using DSPC
Topographic Shape Formation (TSF)
Topographic Shape Formation (TSF) is a technology akin to 3D printing, primarily utilized for the rapid production of molds This process involves the successive layering of silica powder, with paraffin wax selectively sprayed from a controlled nozzle to bind the powder and create each cross-section of the part The wax not only adheres the layers together but also partially melts the previous layer for optimal bonding After completion, the part undergoes sanding and is coated in wax before being used as a mold for the final product, with materials such as concrete, fiberglass, and expanding foam commonly employed.
Figure 7.21 Topographical Shape Formation system (Courtesy of Form us)
This technology offers the significant advantage of rapidly and cost-effectively producing large components, which can be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming with other rapid prototyping methods However, a notable drawback is that the molds often have a rough surface finish, requiring additional finishing work by an operator.
Currently, the TSF technology is utilized in a single service bureau, featuring a maximum build envelope of 3353 x 1829 x 1219 mm It offers a layer thickness range of 1.27 to 3.81 mm, a resolution of 12.7 mm, and an accuracy of ±1.27 mm [Formus, 2000].
Chapter 7 Direct Methods for Rapid Tool Production 159
Summary 159 References 15 9
Direct methods for tool production significantly decrease overall production time and minimize inaccuracies from intermediate replication stages Despite the limited range of available materials being a major drawback, continuous advancements are being made, with new options like ceramics for stereolithography emerging Additionally, integrating the strengths of direct tooling methods with traditional techniques could greatly expand their application areas.
Decelles P and Barritt M (1996) Direct AIMTM prototype tooling, Procedural Guide, 3D Systems, Valencia, CA, USA
Dunlop RN (1995) Physical characteristics of metal sprayed tooling, First National Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Research, 6-7 November 1995, Buckinghamshire, UK, ed G Bennett, MEP Pub Ltd., pp 249-256
DTM Corporation's RapidStee12.0® significantly cuts typical build times by 50% while enhancing surface finishes for metal mold inserts, according to a press release from May 1998 This innovative technology is designed to improve efficiency and quality in manufacturing processes For more information, visit DTM Corporation's news page.
DTM (1998b) DTM 2 nd European User Group Meeting Leuven, Belgium, RapidStee12.0, 7-8 October 1998
DTM Product information - RapidTool 2.0 Material (1998c) DTM GmbH, Otto- Hahn-Str 6, D-40721 Hilden
DTM Press Release (1998d) DTM Targets Short-Run Tooling Applications with new Copper Polyamide Material, May 1998, DTM Corporation, http://www.dtm- corp.comIN ews/newsdesk.htm#Press
DTM Product information (1998e) Copper Polyamide Mold Insets for Plastic Injection Molding, DTM Corporation, June, 81611 Headway Circle, Building 2, Austin, TX
DTM SandForm™ material fuels development of new aircraft engine part for Woodward Governor company (1998t) Horizons, newsletter published by DTM
EOS Press Release (1997) DMLS and EOSINT M 250 on Stage at EuroMold 1997 December, EOS, www.eos-gmbh.de
Formus Web page (2000) Formus, 185 Lewis Road, Suite 31, San Jose, CA 95111, USA, www.formus.com
Fritz E (1998) Laser-sintering on its way up, Prototyping Technology International '98, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 186-189
Jacobs PF (1996a) Recent Advances in Rapid Tooling from Stereolithography, White Paper, 3D Systems, Valencia, California, USA
Jacobs PF (1996b) Stereo lithography and other RP&M technologies, Society of Manufacturing Engineers - American Society of Mechanical Engineer
Klosterman DA, Chartoff RP and Pak SS (1996) Affordable, rapid composite tooling via laminated object manufacturing, Proceedings of the International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Covina, CA, USA, Vol 41, 1, pp 220-229
MIT Web page (1999) MIT, Three Dimensional Printing Group, http://me.mit.edu! groups/tdp/
Nakagawa T (1994) Applications of laser beam cutting to manufacturing of forming tools - Laser cut sheet laminated tool, Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering,
Pak SS, Klosterman DA, Priore B, Chartoff RP and Tolin DR (1997) Tooling and low volume manufacture through Laminated Object Manufacturing, Prototyping Technology International '97, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 184-188
Pham DT, Dimov SS and Lacan F (1999) Selective Laser Sintering: Applications and Technological Capabilities, Proc IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 213, pp 435-449
Pham DT, Dimov SS and Lacan F (2000) The RapidTool process: Technical Capabilities and Applications, Proc IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 214, pp 107-116
Reinhart G and Breitinger F (1997) Rapid Tooling for Simultaneous Product and Process Development, Proceedings of the 6 th European Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, Nottingham, pp 179-191
Sachs E, Guo H, Wylonis E, Serdy J, Brancazio D, Rynerson M, Cima M and Allen
S (1997) Injection molding tooling by 3D printing, Prototyping Technology International '97, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 322-325
Soligen Technologies Inc Web page (1999) Soligen Technologies Inc., http://www.3dprinting.comi
Venus AD and Van de Crommert SJ (1996) presented a study on the rapid manufacturing of injection molds using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) techniques This research was part of the proceedings from the 5th European Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, held in Helsinki, Finland, from June 4-6, 1996, and is documented on pages 171-183 Their work highlights the advancements in rapid prototyping technologies and their application in mold production, emphasizing the efficiency and effectiveness of SLS in manufacturing processes.
Uziel Y (1997) Seamless CAD to metal parts, Prototyping Technology International '97, UK & International Press, Surrey, UK, pp 234-237
Chapter 8 Applications of Rapid Tooling
Rapid Tooling (RT) technology has revolutionized the fabrication of prototypes and production tooling, significantly reducing production time Understanding the capabilities and limitations of various direct tool production methods, including the DTM RapidTool process, is crucial for successful implementation This chapter highlights key lessons learned from the DTM process, emphasizing the importance of specific design and finishing requirements for RapidTool inserts, which are vital for optimizing process capabilities Additionally, it presents a study on the wear characteristics of RapidTool and EOSintM inserts, supported by two industrial case studies demonstrating the practical applications of this technology.
RT technology in the fields of plastics injection moulding and aluminium gravity die-casting.
Insert Design
To effectively utilize the DTM RapidTool process, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the design issues related to this direct RT method Tool designers must pay close attention to specific factors, including gating type, thermal control systems, ejection methods, venting types, and expected shrinkage This detailed analysis is crucial for accurately defining parting lines and integrating additional features into the inserts.
The RapidTool process requires careful consideration of insert design, as SLS technology enables the integration of cooling lines, ejector pin guides, gates, and runners directly into the inserts This innovative approach not only streamlines the design process but also results in significant time savings by reducing the need for additional machining of the inserts.
D T Pham et al., Rapid Manufacturing © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001
Figure 8.1 CAD model of an insert (Courtesy ofDTM)
The main issues that have to be taken into account when designing RapidTool inserts are summarised below
To achieve a precise surface match in manufacturing, it is essential to add excess material to the parting surfaces, shut-offs, and sides of the inserts, followed by machining Specifically, a stock allowance of 0.23 mm should be maintained on parting surfaces and shut-offs, while 0.25 to 0.38 mm is recommended for the exterior of inserts [DTM, 1998] The SLS process facilitates the addition of material to all features within the X-Y build plane by adjusting the beam offset values in the build preparation software However, it is crucial to avoid adding excessive material, as this can significantly prolong the finishing time required.
The CAD design of inserts can incorporate cooling channels that offer a degree of conformal cooling, as noted by DTM in 1998 These cooling lines should measure 0.6 to 6.44 mm in diameter and must be positioned at least 6.4 mm below the surface of the insert.
To facilitate the removal of the unsintered powder, cooling channels should pass through the side walls of the inserts
The RapidTool process is designed for constructing features larger than Imm due to the challenges of removing unsintered powder from small structures at the green stage without causing damage Additionally, the maximum achievable resolution is constrained by the laser beam's offset value, which can reach up to 0.4 mm.
Chapter 8 Applications of Rapid Tooling Technology 163
Before the SLS process, it is advisable to remove features from the CAD model that necessitate tight dimensional or positional tolerances but are easy to machine or can be easily added later.
To ensure structural integrity during the debinding and sintering processes, it is essential to avoid features like holes throughout the entire component Such design flaws can compromise the part's strength, leading to distortion or even collapse when its shape relies solely on the friction between steel particles.
Incorporating reference datum features into the CAD model is essential for accurately positioning insert geometry during the finishing process These datum features are usually recessed to ensure their positions remain unchanged after machining, enhancing precision and consistency in the final product.
Insert Finishing
The key distinction between conventional tooling and RapidTool inserts lies in their machining processes Conventional tooling begins with a material piece that has well-defined datums for machining and integration into a tool base In contrast, RapidTool inserts lack directly usable surfaces as datums, making their finishing process resemble that of cast parts The precision of machining the insert datums is essential for achieving the final accuracy of the tools.
After the infiltration of copper or bronze, the insert base plane experiences the least distortion due to the self-supporting nature of the steel powder after debinding This characteristic allows the part to sag under its own weight, conforming to the shape of the alumina plate beneath it, which helps to correct some distortions from the cross-linking step Consequently, the base plane must be machined first, serving as the primary datum plane for subsequent machining operations.
The secondary datum plane, positioned opposite the infiltration plane, is free from infiltration marks and is perpendicular to the primary datum plane (insert base plane) After machining, this side plane serves as a crucial reference for subsequent machining operations.
Either of the other two remaining side walls of the insert can be adopted as a tertiary datum plane
The stair effect on slopes can make the finishing and polishing of RapidTool inserts a challenging task However, by performing initial finishing on the inserts before infiltration, these efforts can be greatly minimized Utilizing fine files and polishing stones can effectively remove 0.075 to 0.10 mm of material, thereby reducing the stair step effect.
After inserts are infiltrated to achieve the required accuracy and surface finish the following machining and finishing operations can be employed [DTM, 1998a; DTM, 1998b; DTM, 1998c]:
1 Milling using high-speed or carbide cutting tools Carbide tools are more effective because of a hard scale layer on the infiltrated parts
Welding RapidTool inserts is challenging due to their composition of dissimilar metals However, specific brazing rods can effectively join and repair these inserts.
Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) is utilized for machining RapidTool inserts, employing both wire and volume EDM equipment When using volume EDM, the same process parameters applicable to tool steel can be implemented However, for wire EDM, it is essential to adjust the process settings to accommodate the unique material properties of RapidSteel.
4 Chemical Etching and Plating Chemical etching can be used to achieve a texturing effect on infiltrated parts RapidTool inserts can be also plated with chrome, nickel and electroless nickel.
Rapid Tooling Inserts Wear Resistance
Wear Test Results
To optimize time for finishing and integrating inserts into the mold base, the straightforward design of the paper clip shape allowed for the RapidSteel 2.0 inserts to be directly machined from material created using the RapidTool process, resulting in a superior surface finish for the inserts.
The non-coated insert proved to be able to withstand the injection of glass filled nylon very well Visually, the insert appeared completely unchanged and, after
16000 shots, surface profiler measurements taken with a pitch of 0.1 mm revealed no sign of wear Microscope examinations showed only very slight changes at the 500x magnification used throughout the tests
High-magnification photographs (2000x) of the tested and spare inserts reveal differences in the square feature and gate that were not apparent in the scanning results To verify these observations, a profiler was used to scan the square feature and gate with a reduced pitch of 10 µm However, the results contradicted the initial visual inspection, indicating no significant differences in roughness and waviness values.
Figure 8.4 Micrographs of the square feature surface of the non-coated RapidStee1
2.0 insert after 0 and 16000 injections (magnification 2000x)
Figure 8.5 Micrographs of the gate surface of the non-coated RapidStee12.0 insert after 0 and 16000 injections (magnification 2000x)
Chapter 8 Applications of Rapid Tooling Technology 169
The phenomenon can be attributed to the softer nature of bronze compared to steel; during machining, steel was cut while some bronze spread onto the surface of the part This excess bronze, visible under the microscope, was later eliminated during wear tests.
The EOSINT M inserts, manufactured by EOS for this study, were machined to fit the bolster without any additional surface finishing, resulting in a higher roughness compared to the RapidSteel 2.0 inserts.
The non-coated EOSINT M insert is by far the softest of all the inserts tested As a result, a much quicker wear rate was expected
Measurements of the square feature's surface indicated no significant changes in roughness or waviness The minor variations observed are likely attributed to the positioning of the insert in the profiler Profiles of comparable areas on the square surface displayed consistent shapes and roughness values throughout the tests.
Despite a slight change in the color of the mould cavity during testing, microscopic examination of the square surface revealed no significant signs of wear A micrograph illustrating the surface of the square feature is displayed in Figure 8.6.
Figure 8.6* Micrograph and waviness colour coded map of the square feature surface of the EOSINT M insert after 16000 injections (magnification 1000x)
The results indicate that the gate experienced significant damage due to higher plastic flow velocity, with small particles beginning to detach from the surface after 2,500 injections As illustrated in Figure 8.7, the degradation on the gate surface is minimal and not perceptible to the naked eye, posing no impact on the molded parts The Talymap software provides an estimate of the material loss during testing, with Figure 8.8 displaying the depth of the holes created by the removed particles Notably, the volume of the hole in the area highlighted in Figure 8.9 is approximately 0.26 mm³ after 500 injections.
Figure 8.7 Changes in the gate surface for the non-coated EOSINT M insert
Chapter 8 Applications of Rapid Tooling Technology 171
Figure 8.8* Colour coded depth map and micrograph (magnification 1000x) of the gate of the non-coated EOSintM insert after 16000 injections
Figure 8.9 3D map of the gate of the non-coated EOSINT M insert after 16000 injections (roughness removed)
The two plasma spray-coatings used withstood the injection moulding trials remarkably well
The micrographs reveal no significant alterations in the surfaces of the inserts, and the profiler results demonstrate no evidence of wear Any minor observable differences are likely attributed to the inability to scan the part at precisely the same location on two occasions.
Figures 8.10 and 8.11 illustrate the surface characteristics and waviness of the four spray-coated inserts A comparison of the waviness values reveals that the coating application negatively impacted the surface finish when contrasted with the non-coated inserts.
Figure 8.10* Surface (magnification 250x) and waviness of the square feature for the Molybdenum-coated RapidSteel 2.0 and EOSINT M inserts after 8000 injections
Chapter 8 Applications of Rapid Tooling Technology 173
Figure 8.11 * Surface (magnification 250x) and waviness of the square feature for the Stellite-coated RapidSteel 2.0 and EOSINT M inserts after 8000 injections
Note that the magnification had to be kept below 500x due to the high surface roughness of the sprayed parts
The test conditions were insufficiently rigorous to effectively compare the behaviors of the two types of coatings Neither the micrographs nor the profile measurements indicated any observable differences in the coated surfaces before, during, or after the tests, including in the gate area.
Discussion of the Wear Test Results
The results of the wear tests show good wear resistance for most of the inserts tested
The EOSINT M inserts exhibited the poorest performance, yet aside from the significantly damaged gates, the remaining components displayed no noticeable wear This indicates that the longevity of EOSINT M moulds could be significantly enhanced by incorporating a conventionally manufactured steel gate into the insert design.
The RapidSteel 2.0 inserts demonstrated no significant wear throughout the entire component Micrographs indicate that some bronze on the surface, particularly near the gate, may have been removed; however, the findings suggest that a substantially greater number of parts can be produced with these inserts before any noticeable wear occurs on the tool surface.
The two plasma spray coatings tested performed better than anticipated, exhibiting excellent adhesion with the SLS substrates, as evidenced by the absence of delamination or deterioration in microsurface observations and profile measurements However, it was observed that the surface finish of the sprayed components deteriorated post-coating, and despite the simultaneous application on RapidSteel 2.0 and EOSintM parts, the final coating thicknesses varied between the two insert types Further research is necessary to resolve these issues.
Case Studies
ABS Portable Electronic Tour Guide
A total of 60 sets of front and back covers for a portable electronic tour guide, designed for use in museums, needed to be produced within a tight timeframe of four weeks To meet this urgent deadline, the decision was made to utilize the RapidTool process for manufacturing the mould inserts.
The mould inserts, created using a 3D CAD software, included two pairs for the front and back covers, each taking five days to produce with RapidSteel 1.0 To meet tight deadlines, the mould design was simplified, resulting in the initial batch being produced without sliding inserts and cooling lines (Figure 8.13).