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Improving the poor material management in construction projects using value stream mapping

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY TRAN HOANG ANH IMPROVING THE POOR MATERIAL MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS USING VALUE STREAM MAPPING Major: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Major Code: 8580302 MASTER’S THESIS HO CHI MINH CITY, July 2023 THIS THESIS IS COMPLETED AT HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY – VNU-HCM Supervisor 1: Dr Bui Phuong Trinh Supervisor 2: Assoc Prof Dr Do Tien Sy Examiner 1: Assoc Prof Dr Tran Duc Hoc Examiner 2: Dr Nguyen Hoai Nghia This master’s thesis is defended at HCM City University of Technology, VNU-HCM on July 10th, 2023 Master’s Thesis Committee: Assoc Prof Dr Luong Duc Long - Chairman Assoc Prof Dr Pham Vu Hong Son - Secretary Assoc Prof Dr Tran Duc Hoc - Reviewer Dr Nguyen Hoai Nghia - Reviewer Dr Pham Hai Chien - Member Approval of the Chairman of Master’s Thesis Committee and Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering after the thesis being corrected (If any) CHAIRMAN OF THESIS COMMITTEE DEAN OF FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGIERING i VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY-HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness THE TASK SHEET OF MASTER’S THESIS Full name: Tran Hoang Anh Date of birth: September 27th,1997 Major: Construction Management I II III IV V Student code: 2170463 Place of birth: Ho Chi Minh City Major code: 858032 THESIS TOPIC: Improving the poor material management in construction projects using Value Stream Mapping (Cải thiện việc quản lý vật liệu xây dựng dự án phương pháp Sơ đồ chuỗi giá trị) TASKS AND CONTENTS: - Evaluating the material management procedures in Vietnam construction firms - Analyzing numerous significant aspects affecting poor material management in the case study project - Proposing the coordination process, construction process of work in material management using value stream mapping (VSM) to minimize the causes of waste and bring efficiency to the business TASKS STARTING DATE: February, 2023 TASKS ENDING DATE: June, 2023 SUPERVISORS: Assoc Prof Dr Do Tien Sy and Dr Bui Phuong Trinh Ho Chi Minh City, June 10th, 2023 SUPERVISORS HEAD OF DEPARTMENT DEAN OF FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my highly appreciation to all the people who directly and indirectly supported me during this study Without their direction, encouragement, and participation, this study would not have been possible Firstly, I sincerely appreciate Assoc Prof Dr Do Tien Sy and Dr Bui Phuong Trinh They provided me with plenty of insightful comments, advice, and supervision, as well as supportive encouragement Moreover, I would like to give a great altitude to Dr Nguyen Thanh Viet, who had also supported and guided me to finish my thesis Sincere thanks to my friends and the professionals in Vietnam's construction industry who patiently and sincerely offered me numerous suggestions and their opinions during the data collection and interviews Without their assistance, this master's thesis would not have come to an end Last but not least, I want to express my sincere gratitude to my family for their support and love Throughout the course of my master's thesis, they never stopped supporting and encouraging me and never gave up on me iii ABSTRACT The improper management of materials during site activities is a crucial factor that has a negative impact on the performance of construction projects Materials management is problematic by shortages, supply delays, price fluctuations, damage, wastage, and a lack of storage space Numerous studies were conducted to identify the issue causing poor material management, and solutions were offered These solutions, however, only help to enhance a portion of the materials management In the grand scheme of things, improper detail procedure control prevents proper material management in the construction project Therefore, Lean tool and Value Stream Mapping (VSM) were brought in this thesis to answer the question The purpose of this thesis is to understand which activities are value-adding and nonvalue-adding to the current process and create a leaner and better material management The objective is to identify and reduce "waste" in value streams in order to increase the efficiency of a specific value stream in material management The study discovered the current construction material management procedure of construction projects/companies in Vietnam through interviews with experts in the field On the basis of the survey of the Case Study project, the thesis also discovered waste in the current process The thesis developed the project's material management process, evaluated the process time, and identified the source of waste by applying Lean tools to the actual Case study process The thesis used that information to identify the wasteful activities that needed to be stopped The thesis also utilized Revit and Amis accounting software to improve process in the perspective of saving more time, requiring fewer staff members, and becoming more professional The results of the thesis showed that by using the VSM tool, in the same actual project, if comparing with using the traditional process, the new material management time from the process of calculating volume, ordering (including making contracts), examining and accepting input materials and warehousing is reduced 16.9% of the initial total time More importantly, Value Added Time is now 50.6% of total time of the total material iv management process This means that the company can reduce costs, waste, and effectively use the company's human resources In other word, leaner processes will make it simpler to identify waste and quality problems, enhancing the productivity of material management in construction projects Moreover, the shortcomings of the previous material management procedure are studied, and the new procedure's application is verified This helps investors or companies have an objective view and easily accept new effective proposals As a result, production in general and material controlling in particular will be completed much faster and more efficiently, giving the company more flexibility to respond to shifting customer demands In lean production, there is always a more effective way to complete every task because a business must keep up with the changing market in order to satisfy these new customer demands Key words: Construction Material Management, Lean tools, Lean in Construction, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Improvement, Construction Projects, Vietnam v TÓM TẮT LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ Việc quản lý vật liệu không hiệu hoạt động công trường yếu tố quan trọng có tác động tiêu cực đến hiệu suất dự án xây dựng Việc quản lý nguyên vật liệu gặp nhiều vấn đề thiếu hụt, cung ứng chậm trễ, biến động giá cả, hư hỏng, lãng phí thiếu kho bãi Nhiều nghiên cứu thực để xác định vấn đề gây việc quản lý vật liệu giải pháp đưa Tuy nhiên, giải pháp giúp cải thiện phần cơng tác quản lý ngun vật liệu Nhìn chung, quy trình quản lý chi tiết khơng phù hợp ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến việc quản lý vật liệu dự án xây dựng Vì vậy, cơng cụ Tinh gọn Sơ đồ dòng giá trị (VSM) đưa vào luận văn để trả lời câu hỏi Mục đích luận án để hiểu hoạt động mang lại giá trị không gia tăng giá trị cho quy trình tạo hệ thống quản lý vật liệu tinh gọn tốt Mục tiêu xác định giảm "lãng phí" dịng giá trị nhằm tăng hiệu quản lý vật chất Nghiên cứu tìm quy trình quản lý vật liệu xây dựng dự án/công ty xây dựng Việt Nam thông qua vấn chuyên gia lĩnh vực Trên sở khảo sát dự án, luận án phát lãng phí quy trình Luận án xây dựng quy trình quản lý nguyên vật liệu dự án, đánh giá thời gian thực công tác, xác định nguồn gốc lãng phí cách áp dụng cơng cụ Lean vào quy trình dự án thực tế Luận án sử dụng thơng tin để xác định hoạt động lãng phí cần phải chấm dứt Luận án sử dụng phần mềm kế toán Amis phần mềm thiết kế Revit để cải tiến quy trình theo hướng tiết kiệm thời gian hơn, nhân viên chuyên nghiệp Kết luận án cho thấy, với việc sử dụng công cụ VSM, cơng trình thực tế, so sánh với việc sử dụng quy trình truyền thống thời gian quản lý vật tư từ khâu tính khối lượng, đặt hàng (kể làm hợp đồng), kiểm tra, nghiệm thu đầu vào nguyên vật liệu nhập kho giảm 16,9% so với tổng thời gian ban đầu Quan trọng hơn, thời gian gia tăng giá trị chiếm 50,6% tổng thời gian tồn quy trình quản lý vật liệu Điều có nghĩa cơng ty giảm chi phí, lãng vi phí sử dụng hiệu nguồn nhân lực công ty Hơn nữa, thiếu sót quy trình quản lý vật liệu trước nghiên cứu ứng dụng quy trình xác minh Điều giúp nhà đầu tư cơng ty có nhìn khách quan dễ dàng chấp nhận đề xuất hiệu Do đó, hoạt động sản xuất nói chung kiểm sốt ngun vật liệu nói riêng hồn thành nhanh hiệu hơn, giúp công ty linh hoạt việc đáp ứng nhu cầu thay đổi khách hàng Từ khóa: Quản lý vật liệu xây dựng, Công cụ tinh gọn, Tinh gọn xây dựng, Lập đồ dòng giá trị (VSM), Cải tiến, Dự án xây dựng, Việt Nam vii AUTHOR’S COMMITMENT The undersigned below: Name: TRAN HOANG ANH Student ID: 2170463 Place and date of born: Ho Chi Minh City, September 27, 1997 Address: Ho Chi Minh City Declaring that the author completed the master's thesis with the title "IMPROVING THE POOR MATERIAL MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS USING VALUE STREAM MAPPING" under the guidance of the supervisors All works, ideas, and materials that were obtained from other sources have been properly cited Ho Chi Minh City, June 10th, 2023 Tran Hoang Anh viii Table of contents CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem Statement 1.2 Objectives of the topic 1.3 Scope of study CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Material management in Construction Projects 2.2 The process of construction materials management 2.2.1 Construction Material Planning 2.2.2 Material Management Procedure 2.2.3 Construction Materials Handling 12 2.2.4 Stock and Loss/Waste Control 14 2.3 Construction materials management issue 17 2.4 Effect of poor materials management 24 2.4.1 Effect of construction waste 24 2.4.2 Effect on quality of work 26 2.4.3 Effect on profitability of the project .27 2.5 Current Materials Management Method 29 2.6 Lean Definition 33 2.7 Value Stream Mapping (VSM) 40 2.8 Waste in Value Stream definition 42 CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES 44 3.1 Research design 44 3.1.1 Case study .44 3.1.2 Data collection techniques 44 86 APPENDICES Questionnaire Design SEMI-INTERVIEW: Improving the poor material management in construction projects using Value Stream Mapping Hi, My name is TRAN HOANG ANH I am a student of Master of Construction Management from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Ho Chi Minh City class 2021 Currently, I am working on the thesis "Improving the management of construction materials in projects using the Value Chain Mapping method" Research scope: Vietnamese construction engineers To complete this research topic, the work of collecting data as well as collecting opinions from individuals working in the field of construction is very important and a prerequisite for completing the thesis Therefore, the information you provide will be very important data to contribute to the success of the study I hope that you will take the time to provide information and share your experiences to assist me in completing this research I pledge that the information you provide will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen! If you need more information, please contact me at the following address: Tran Hoang Anh Phone: 0944630077 Email: hoanganh.tr97@gmail.com Part I: General Information Name: …………………………………………………… Position: ………………………………………………… Number of years of experience: ………………………………………… Date of Interview: ……………………………………… 87 Part II: Material management process, common mistakes and improvements Do you know about Construction Materials Management? Do you have experience in Construction Materials Management? Does your company have a dedicated department (procurement department or others) to manage materials for your projects? Does your company have a specific construction material management system (for example, material purchasing process, delivery process, inventory/loss control process, quality management process, etc.)? How you manage material handling in terms of transportation and tracking of materials and equipment in the construction site? How you ensure inventory management (in terms of storage and site space)? Do you have a specialized department (procurement or others) to manage documents about your projects? How you manage the project's waste materials? What problems you often face in managing materials and equipment that affect the quality of the project's input materials? What problems you often encounter in the management of materials and equipment that affect the control of the project's material volume? 10 What problems you often encounter in the management of materials and equipment that affect the project's progress control of imported materials? 11 How you solve the above problem? (e.g using previous experience, consulting, peers or superiors, consulting experts, specific tools and techniques, etc.) 12 How can your materials management processes be improved in the future? 13 What steps in the current process you think are hindering, time-consuming, affecting the progress, quality of placing and controlling materials at the construction site? And how you suggest to improve this problem? 14 In your opinion, what are the key elements in a successful equipment management system? 88 15 Do you have a specific construction material management system (for example, material purchasing process, delivery process, inventory/loss control process, quality management process) quantity, etc)? 16 What tools/technologies would you like to have to improve your construction equipment management? (What are those tools/techniques?) 89 Flow chart A Picture of Company A’s material management process 90 Flow chart B Picture of Company B’s material management process 91 Flow chart C Picture of Company C’s material management process 92 Material Calculation Using Revit FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR STATISTICS OF CONCRETE VOLUME OF COLUMNS AT THE 6th FLOOR NAME QUANTITY SIZE HEIGHT(mm) VOLUMN (m3) AW01 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW02 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW03 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW04 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW05 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW06 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW07 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW08 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW09 500x1700 3200 2.72 AW09A 450x1700 3200 2.45 AW10 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW11 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW12 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW13 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW14 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW15 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW16 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW17 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW18 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW19 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW20 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW21 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW22 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW23 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW24 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW25 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW26 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW26A 300x3750 3200 3.60 AW27 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW27A 250x2900 3200 2.32 AW28 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW29 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW30 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW31 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW32 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW33 500x1800 3200 2.88 AW34 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW35 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW36 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW37 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW38 500x2000 3200 3.20 AW39 500x2000 3200 3.20 93 6th FLOOR AW40 6th FLOOR AW41 th FLOOR AW42 th FLOOR AW43 6th FLOOR AW44 th FLOOR AW45 6th FLOOR AW46 th FLOOR AW47 th FLOOR AW48 6th FLOOR AW49 th FLOOR AW50 6th FLOOR AW50A th FLOOR 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WALLS AT THE 6th FLOOR LENGTH (mm) WIDTH (mm) HEIGHT (mm) VOLUMN (m3) TM1 2425 200 3200 1.44 TM1 3075 200 3200 1.84 TM1 2425 250 3200 1.80 TM1 5450 250 3200 4.23 TM1 2225 250 3200 1.75 94 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR TM1 3075 250 3200 2.30 TM1 2200 250 3200 1.74 TM1 7800 250 3200 6.13 TM2 2450 200 3200 1.44 TM2 2450 200 3200 1.44 TM2 5275 250 3200 4.28 TM2 2450 250 3200 1.80 TM2 3100 300 3200 3.05 TM2 2263 300 3200 2.10 TM2 6713 300 3200 6.34 TM2 3400 300 3200 3.06 TM2 3100 225 3200 2.07 TM2 2875 350 3200 2.91 49.71 FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR NAME STATISTICS OF FORMWORK OF WALLS AT THE 6th FLOOR LENGTH (mm) WIDTH (mm) HEIGHT (mm) FORMWORK (m2) TM1 2425 200 3200 14.82 TM1 3075 200 3200 18.09 TM1 2425 250 3200 14.72 TM1 5450 250 3200 32.98 TM1 2225 250 3200 13.90 TM1 3075 250 3200 18.68 TM1 2200 250 3200 13.19 TM1 7800 250 3200 48.35 TM2 2450 200 3200 14.64 95 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR 6th FLOOR TM2 2450 200 3200 14.64 TM2 5275 250 3200 33.98 TM2 2450 250 3200 14.79 TM2 3100 300 3200 20.60 TM2 2263 300 3200 14.11 TM2 6713 300 3200 39.92 TM2 3400 300 3200 19.89 TM2 3100 225 3200 17.99 TM2 2875 350 3200 16.64 381.92 FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR STATISTICS OF CONCRETE VOLUME OF BEAMS AT THE 7th FLOOR NAME AREA SIZE LEIGHT (mm) D1 100x400 1300 D1 100x400 1380 D1 100x400 950 D1 100x400 950 D1 100x400 1300 D1 100x400 550 D1 100x400 1600 D1 100x400 2325 D1 100x400 750 D1 100x400 2350 D2 550x400 3350 D3 200x400 2500 D3 200x400 2300 D3A 200x400 3350 D3A 200x400 2125 D3A 200x400 3350 D4 200x600 5500 DH-A1 200x400 1000 DH-A1 200x400 1200 DH-A1 200x400 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0.08 0.71 0.74 0.74 0.08 0.23 0.09 0.74 0.19 0.14 0.60 1.20 0.02 1.68 2.00 1.67 0.59 99 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR Grand total: 168 DTB2 LTH LTH LTH LTH LTH1 LTH1 200x600 200x900 200x900 200x900 200x900 250x900 250x900 1 1 1 3100 2475 2425 2450 4750 2450 2525 STATISTICS OF CONCRETE VOLUME OF SLAB AT THE 7th FLOOR THICKNESS FLOOR AREA (m2) VOLUMN (m3) (mm) 7th FLOOR 120 215.17 25.82 th FLOOR 350 330.61 112.53 7th FLOOR 120 149.40 17.93 th FLOOR 320 189.63 60.68 th FLOOR 120 60.20 7.22 th FLOOR 400 38.62 15.45 7th FLOOR 150 1081.48 162.22 401.85 FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR 7th FLOOR STATISTICS OF FORMWORK OF SLABS AT THE 7th FLOOR THICKNESS (mm) AREA (m2) FORMWORK (m2) 120 215.17 217.65 350 330.61 427.28 120 149.40 154.80 320 189.63 255.47 120 60.20 65.06 400 38.62 54.92 150 1081.48 1091.86 2267.05 0.37 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.86 0.55 0.57 48.65 100 PROFILE Full name : TRAN HOANG ANH Place and Date of birth : Ho Chi Minh City, September 27, 1997 Student ID : 2170463 Major : Construction Management Faculty : Civil Engineering Address : 260/4D1 Nguyen Thai Binh, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, HCMC Email : hoanganh.tr97@gmail.com Phone number : (+84) 94 463 0077 Studying Period : September 2021 – 2023 Training process: + 2015 - 2020: Study Bachelor degree at Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland Major: Construction engineering + 2021 - 2023: Study Master degree at Ho Chi Minh city university of technology Major: Construction Management Working process: + 1/2020 – present: Construction and building materials JSC (CBM) Position: Project Manager

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2023, 22:15

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