Bai giai mon anh van chuyen nganh thuong mai dien tu, chuyen nganh moi, tai lieu huu ich danh cho cac sinh vien.........................................................................................................
LETTER PRACTICE 1 Recourse Applying Part – time Enclosed Position Forward Interview Sincerely LETTER PRATICE 2 : Reponding : applying Posited : position Since : for 6.accounting : account Email : call Hear : hearing 10 Sincere : Sincerely LETTER PRATICE To : Subject: Coordinator position Dear Pablo Cavero: I am applying for the position full- time client services coordinator of web discount corporation of Barcelona on web site I am a recent graduate of the business administration program With a typing speed of 30 wpm I have administrative experience years of clerical experience, using word processing and databases I have excellent organizational skills accompanied by good communication skills I have attached my resume to this email I will call you next week to follow up on my application I look forward to hearing from you soon Sincerely yours,