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Our Discovery island workbook 2 answer key

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A2 Key 1 For The Revised 2020 Exam Students Book With Answers With Audio With Resource ... Our Discovery Island American Sb5 WCdrom OnlineA2 Key 1 For The Revised 2020 Exam Students Book With Answers With Audio With Resource ... Our Discovery Island American Sb5 WCdrom Online

Workbook Answer key Find and color Then wri e = red = pink = green = orange = blue Lis en and draw 03 Wri e Then ma ch Hello = yellow = purple a I’m Joe Hello Hello Hello I’m Lindy I’m Pippin c b I’m Emily blue d purple 4 blue Look and wri e blue pink pink I ’s eigh o’clock I’m Sandra How are you? Hello I’m Pe er Hello, David Wha ime is i ? I’m fine, hank you I’m 02 Lis en and number Pippin orange blue Ma ch Then number 04 b get up c go o school eat dinner ge up e go to school 7 I eat breakfast six o’clock I My toys go to bed nine o’clock eat breakfast a go to bed a Look and circle Ma ch 17 11 20 ( Wha ’s / Wha are ) ? 18 ( Wha ’s / Wha are ) hese? boat I ’s a train car I ’s a doll I ’s a I ’s a I ’s a I ’s a ball I ’s a bike teddy bear nine een hir een seven een wen y six een 13 They’re ( bikes / bike / ball ) eleven 07 Ss to color brown teddy bears Follow he pa h and coun Then wri e Ss to color red car I ’s a kite I ’s a train They’re teddy bears I ’s a car How many balls? There are 11 Chan (See S uden Book page 108.) 160OurOur Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key key www.frenglish.ru 12 08 sixteen Sing (See S uden Book page 14.) 15 19 14 Lis en and color Then wri e Ss to color purple train 16 fif een ( Wha ’s / Wha are ) hose? 12 welve four een They’re ( ki e / ki es / boa s ) eat lunch twelve o’clock ( Wha ’s / Wha are ) his? 06 I a eigh een go to school eight o’clock rain og o deb I ’s a ( boa / bike / rain ) 10 I a eddy bear go to bed ten o’clock I eat lunch I ’s a ( ball / doll / eddy bear ) car doll ki e e a uhlnc Look and wri e ball bike boa e a frbeaaks a h get up six o’clock I Look and wri e eat breakfast seven o’clock a og o clshoo g e I a eat dinner seven o’clock ea dninre ea lunch g a d ea dinner d I ea breakfas c Unscramble and ma ch Then draw and wri e abou yourself g e pu wake up go o bed Chan (See S uden Book page 8.) a b time is it ? It’s three o’clock Wha Chan (See S uden Book page 108.) a red orange time Wha is i ? It’s twelve o’clock Hello! I’m Ann Wha ’s your name? one o’clock I ’s green 05 Wha ime is i ? Ma ch yellow balls Look, coun , and wri e Look and wri e ball boa car doll Look and wri e rain 2 Wha ’s his? ball I ’s a boat I ’s a doll I ’s a bikes fifteen bikes How many There are There How many dolls are are fourteen dolls How many boats are are nineteen boats There There How many kites are eleven kites - = = 10 Friendship - dolls cars I have here? and are here? a I ’s a doll I ’s Princess Emily b I ’s Pippin He’s a parro + = Sarah Mike and (name) (name) 15 Read he words Circle he pic ures ch fish rich shell ship sh 17 Read and color I ’s a car I ’s blue I ’s a boa I ’s yellow boa s 14 Lis en and connec 10 16 d i sh s ch o p m u ch boat I ’s a They’re aun cars brown brown teddy bears They’re brown red They’re yellow red kites They’re red yellow yellow boats They’re yellow They’re 18 Look, circle, and wri e aun Look and wri e Wha ’s his? / Wha are hese? trains They’re My family blue red 17 blue red 16 Look and circle Then wri e I ’s a ball I ’s pink Look and wri e Then color blue They’re Read aloud Then lis en and say 12 I ’s a rain I ’s orange They’re blue I can see a fish I can see a shell Wha ’s his? / Wha are hose? INISH ch Lis en and wri e he words b sh ch i n sh f s 11 18 h p 15 he le ers c STAR I ’s a doll I ’s purple I ’s a bike I ’s green 10 Ma ch 19 bike ch 12 Students to draw their own picture I share my oys wi h rains is impor an ! 14 dolls = n Draw wo oys you share wi h friends Then wri e m 13 + train I ’s a 10 Lis en and wri e 09 s h a bb i t c e c r e a l b o w i n e t e e e s k a d o n e y g l o o i l o i here? 13 11 car I ’s a Draw Then look and number are here? Friendship is impor an f r i e n d s h i p cousin granddaugh ers grandson Who’s ( he / she )? Who’s ( he / she )? cousin daugh er granddaugh er grandson son uncle This is my dad This is my mom This is my bro her This is my cousin Wha ’s ? / Wha are hese? It’s a bike 20 They’re balls balls hir een Students to draw 13 balls kites are nine This is my This is my aunt This is my uncle aunt cousin How many ki es are here? There How many balls are here? are ( He’s / She’s ) my This is my grandpa Read and wri e Then draw There Wha ’s ? / Wha are hose? Students to draw kites This is my This is my This is my This is my 19 20 13 grandson granddaughter son daughter ( He’s / She’s ) my cousin Who’s ( he / she )? I ( have / has ) wo ( He’s / She’s ) my grandson granddaughters 21 Chan (See S uden Book page 108.) Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key www.frenglish.ru 161 Look and number Look and wri e apar men Read and number a bakery bank garden pos office res auran b c house garden bakery apar men pos office res auran s ore bank Where’s my aun ? Where’s my grandson? garden She’s in he 14 e d He’s in he post office Lis en, circle, and ma ch Where’s my granddaugh er? She’s Where’s my daugh er? in he restaurant She’s bakery in he My dad My brother My grandpa Where’s my uncle? Where’s my son? He’s in the apartment He’s in the bank 23 Sing (See S uden Book page 24.) 10 Spend ime wi h your rela ives b c Read he words Circle he pic ures 12 ma h wins hick hin h his h b � baby � a 24 Lis en and number Then wri e a � 16 baby grandparen s paren s My bro her Who’s missing? Wha you like o wi h your rela ives? Check (�) My dad My sis er Ma ch and wri e bro her dad grandpa 15 My grandpa 22 My mom c twins d 13 � parents cousin This is my Lis en and connec s h r h he le ers h a Ma ch 11 This is my house grandparents 17 STAR Draw one of your rela ives in your house Then wri e and circle h INISH s z ch h Students to draw their own picture 14 18 Lis en and wri e he words m a th th i s p a th th i n He’s / She’s in he kitchen 15 He’s young 25 16 20 Lis en and ma ch She’s young Read aloud Then lis en and say 27 21 Move your body Lis en and check (�) a b a b � aun 19 This is a hick book Tha is a hin book He’s old 26 18 She’s old a � b a Look and wri e clap move nod poin b shake s amp ouch wave uncle � cousin 19 bro her � wave move Read and circle Then ma ch nod Where’s my grandson? ( My / Your ) grandson is in he garden 17 Look a Ac ivi y 16 Circle and wri e Where’s my …? bakery bank pos office res auran Where’s my cousin? ( He’s / She’s ) in he Where’s my bro her? ( He’s / She’s ) in he Where’s my aun ? ( He’s / She’s ) in he Where’s my uncle? ( He’s / She’s ) in he bakery restaurant post office bank touch Where’s your aun ? ( My / Your ) aun is in he bakery stamp ( Wha ’s / Where’s ) my cousin? Your cousin is in he apar men point 28 29 162OurOur Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key key www.frenglish.ru 30 22 Chan (See S uden Book page 108.) clap shake y Look and wri e arms body fee Ma ch and wri e shake s amp oes arms your Touch toes your ju m dan Stamp 23 feet your Shake body your car wh d 32 Ma ch 24 Hello! My name’s Frank Jump! Jump! e ad cartwheels Yes, I can / No, I can’ Can you the splits Can you ? ? e e ls Yes, I can / No, I can’ Yes, I can / No, I can’ 33 Wri e � = exercise or � = no exercise Look and wri e 10 Exercise regularly I’m ho ! ? Sing (See S uden Book page 36.) climb Can you Yes, I can / No, I can’ swi m 31 n g swi c e s and on your h b c swim ? Lis en and number a swim Can you p he spli s clim b car wheels he spli s Wave climb d o Look, wri e, and circle ouch wave hop pull push � a c b � � � 10 hop � skip 12 Circle and number a � d � Wha exercise you like? Draw � Jump! / Run S amp your ( fee / foo ) ( Touch / Clap ) your oes ( Shake / Nod ) your body ( S amp / Clap ) your hands Students to draw their own picture Read he words Circle he pic ures 16 ng nk 28 Lis en and number climb he spli s 25 Lis en and connec She can g nk ng 14 15 26 climb k l o ng FINISH m swim swing nk p i nk g th a nk Read aloud Then lis en and say 37 He can’ hop He can skip 18 She can’t swing He can the splits Read and wri e Can you s and on your head? Can you car wheels? Can you swim? Can you hop? Can you climb rees? h Dad can sing The girl can sing She can’t swim c h Lis en and wri e he words p i ng 27 ng sh n skip e START Hop d he le ers hop 13 Look and wri e b c Clap your hands 36 17 a Touch your oes ink ring sing sink Jump Skip 35 Wave your arms 5 e 34 12 2 push Find and number 11 c b skip � 11 pull Yes, I can No, I can’t No, I can’t Yes, I can Yes, I can 38 39 Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key www.frenglish.ru 163 My face Read Then look and wri e or 2 Look and wri e ears eyes face hair mou h nose face hair I have big eyes b I have shor hair c I have a big nose d I have long hair e I have small eyes 2 ( long / shor ) hair ( nea / messy ) hair ( nea / messy ) hair eyes Look, read, and circle ( shor / long ) hair I have a big mou h Look and circle a ( blond / dark ) hair ( dark / blond ) hair ( s raigh / curly ) hair Do you have a small mou h? Yes, I / No, I don’ ( s raigh / curly ) hair Does he have long hair? mouth Yes, he does / No, he doesn’ nose Does she have big eyes? big eyes Yes, she does / No, she doesn’ 40 29 41 Lis en and circle Then look and wri e 42 Ru h Read and draw Max s raigh / curly / messy / blond I ’s messy / nea / blond / red I ’s long / shor / s raigh / curly I ’s messy / nea / curly / dark I ’s Grandma has short Grandma has neat/curly/dark Her hair is short long, s raigh hair 10 33 Lis en and wri e � = likes or � = dislikes Respec differences hair � eyes � hair � eyes � hair � face � Emily Look and wri e hair big eyes long mou h � This is my friend He / She has face Draw a friend Then wri e and circle 11 � He hair nose She has long hair has a small mouth She has big eyes big He has a hair Her hair is neat/curly/dark Ru h has long/messy/straight hair Her hair is long/messy/straight Max has short/neat/straight/blond hair His hair is short/neat/straight/blond Uncle Ed has long/messy/curly hair His hair is long/messy/curly long and big hair eyes Students to draw their own picture 43 Coun and wri e 12 � Uncle Ed Ruth Max Grandma Uncle Ed Look a Ac ivi y and wri e small nose shor , curly hair Sing (See S uden Book page 46.) 31 Emily has big eyes Emily’s mou h is big Emily’s hair is long Her hair is nea and curly Grandma � Yes, he does / No, he doesn’ ears Chan (See S uden Book page 109.) 32 small eyes big nose Does he have a small nose? Lis en and check (�) Then draw 30 � 45 44 Read he words Circle he pic ures 15 mail rain 19 ail wai ee 38 Lis en and color green blue brown pink red 13 34 purple red Lis en, look above, and circle Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No 16 Yes / No 35 Lis en and connec 14 Draw Use he shapes in Ac ivi y 12 Then wri e e ee START a 17 I ’s a house 18 36 37 a o ee u FINISH i 20 Lis en and wri e he words s ee f ee t orange he le ers w ee k sh ee p Read aloud Then lis en and say The ca has a ail The ca has four fee 46 47 164OurOur Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key key www.frenglish.ru 48 Read Then look a Ac ivi y 19 and circle She has big eyes Yes / No He has long hair Yes / No She has a small mou h Yes / No He has a small nose Yes / No She has small ears Yes / No He has big ears Yes / No 21 39 Animals Lis en and check (�) a a b b � a a b chicken cow duck goa b � � goat sheep cow horse chicken He has shor blond hair I ’s curly Who is i ? She has long dark hair I ’s s raigh and messy She has long blond hair I ’s curly and nea Nick I ’s 40 bat chicken curly duck fee crow Wha ’s his? b Wha ’s his? c Wha ’s his? d Wha ’s his? goa thin legs sheep feet curly I has small eyes and a hin duck I ’s a ail I ’s a body and big ears I ’s a legs I ’s a chicken goat sheep 51 Chan (See S uden Book page 109.) Is i small? Are he foxes fa ? Read and draw Are he Is i a crow? Wha ’s ? skunks hin? I ’s a duck I ’s a sheep I ’s a parro I ’s a cow Ss to draw a duck skunk a I has a big mou h and wo big owl Read, look a Ac ivi y and wri e Find, circle, and wri e I has a fa body and black 50 crow fox owl skunk d I has a Look and wri e ba c 49 It’s Gigi Who is i ? b It’s Ruth Who is i ? Lis en and number urkey turkey horse sheep duck Ru h Ss to draw a sheep fox Ss to draw a parrot Ss to draw a cow Read, ma ch, and wri e a They have big long ails They’re brown 1 Draw Then read and wri e 22 41 Look and wri e � a crows Yes, hey are Yes, hey are No, hey aren’ No, hey aren’ Yes, i is No, i isn’ No, i isn’ a Read and ma ch Yes, i is b I has wo legs I ’s hin I has wings I has big eyes I has four legs I has a shor ail I has four legs I ’s black and whi e b They’re black and whi e They have big ails foxes c c They’re hin and black They have wo legs 52 42 I ’s a skunks Is i a frog? chicken Yes, it is fat thin Ma ch 53 Sing (See S uden Book page 58.) Look, wri e, and circle 11 Respec animals cow I’m a I’m ( asleep / awake ) a nigh 2 b owl I’m an I’m ( asleep / awake ) a nigh 3 ba d I has four I ’s a cow and white 43 legs Lis en and connec a Students to draw a cow and a duck Students to draw their own picture START Students to draw a fox, an owl, and a bat day 55 nigh 15 16 44 o i a FINISH oa ch i igh Lis en and wri e he words s igh 45 he le ers igh oa oa owl Draw a farm animal you like Then wri e I ’s big igh soap fox Draw animals from Ac ivi y 11 I ’s black ligh duck 14 12 10 goa cow duck I’m a I’m ( asleep / awake ) in he day Read he words Circle he pic ures boa bat I’m a I’m ( asleep / awake ) in he day c 54 13 fox I’m a I’m ( asleep / awake ) in he day a d They’re They’re h igh r igh t c oa t Read aloud Then lis en and say The goa has some soap The goa has a boa 56 57 Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key www.frenglish.ru 165 17 46 Where is Lindy’s grandpa? Lis en and find he pa h Food Look, read, and wri e 18 Is he cow big? Are he sheep whi e? Yes, it is No, they aren’t 4 47 salad � pizza � chicken � fish � rice � apples � bananas � hot dogs � 10 burgers � Are hey foxes? a a b b a b � � 59 Look and wri e 50 Lis en and draw I like chicken I like apples grapes beans oas corn nu s pumpkin coconu pineapple raisins cereal I like bananas I like 10 Look and wri e My lunch � � � salad fish burgers bananas ho dogs I like eggs beans Bu I don’ like rice 61 Read and circle 62 49 10 nuts raisins , , and toast / / He likes ( / She likes ( / � � � / ) / ) I like or illas and eggs for breakfas I like croissan s and coffee for breakfas I like pizza for lunch I like rice and vege ables for dinner a c d � � � � 13 Find and circle I ( like / don’ like ) cake 11 ) Read Then look and number 12 Ea good food Choose good snacks b I ( like / don’ like ) pizza / 63 � I ( like / don’ like ) fish He likes ( for ( breakfas / lunch / dinner ) Wri e � = good snacks or � = bad snacks ) Sing (See S uden Book page 68.) I ( like / don’ like ) apples / for ( breakfas / lunch / dinner ) � apples She likes ( for ( breakfas / lunch / dinner ) I don’ like … chicken Lis en and circle Look and circle pizza 51 for ( breakfas / lunch / dinner ) eggs fish ho dogs pizza rice salad Chan (See S uden Book page 109.) 48 60 Ma ch apples bananas chicken eggs apples bananas burgers chicken eggs Students to draw rice, apples, and bananas b 58 � No, it isn’t owl I ’s an Lis en and check (�) a eggs Is i a chicken? No, they aren’t They’re chickens 19 Look and wri e Then draw Read and circle Draw wo foods you like and wo you don’ like Then wri e c h e e s e f a c r p i z z a i p h o a s s p i r e a l h l c i I like Pippin Yes / No I don’ like parro s Yes / No Pippin is my friend Yes / No I ’s my bir hday Yes / No Students to draw their own picture I like nuts and chocolate Students to draw their own picture I don’ like cookies or toast 64 65 166OurOur Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key key www.frenglish.ru 66 c e e e s a l a d e k h g b a n a n a e n g b r e a d h n Read he words Circle he pic ures 14 book foo 18 oo look moon 55 He and 19 Lis en and connec 52 ee START 16 17 z oo orange green an orange a pink a brown T-shirt dress shoe pineapple green pizza 59 pink dress black pan s blue pan s purple skir pink skir purple dress brown shoes red socks red shoes purple � brown blue red blue � Look and wri e Then find and answer brown pan s pink 4 � blue a shir boo s jeans a swea er a coa sneakers a cap I’m wearing I’m wearing a I’m wearing a orange red green yellow a shirt a sweater orange brown red green shoes and a T-shir and dress and blue orange yellow skir pan s I’m wearing pajamas 72 60 Yes, I / No, I don’ I’m wearing a swea er I’m wearing a dress boots a coat jeans pajamas A hat Wha ’s missing? socks Read and ma ch sneakers brown green 71 I wan a ( red swea er / red shir ) Sing (See S uden Book page 80.) Look and wri e Be poli e Good morning Goodbye! Good nigh I’m sorry Please Thank you Yes, I / No, I don’ I wan ( a pink boo / pink boo s ) I’m sorry Goodbye! Good morning Yes, I / No, I don’ I wan ( a yellow shir / a yellow skir ) Lindy Yes, I / No, I don’ Emily Good night Draw Lis en and ma ch 62 My shoe! a 10 Students to draw one of Emily’s shoes b c Joe I wan ( a blue pajamas / blue pajamas ) a cap 2 pajamas brown yellow pants skirt socks pink skir Read and color Then look and wri e Lis en, look, and circle 61 like fish corn for � purple dress Chan (See S uden Book page 110.) � ( breakfas / lunch / dinner ) Lis en and check (�) Then number and color socks T-shir a red dinner 69 blue lunch dinner 68 dress pan s shoe skir breakfas ( breakfas / lunch / dinner ) and brown � lunch pineapple coconut for He doesn’ blue red grapes corn fish pineapple and pink � corn Look, wri e, and circle She likes cereal Find and color Then wri e � oas toast Clothes 58 dinner 67 � breakfas � lunch Read aloud Then lis en and say 54 pizza beans breakfas coconu c oo k ho dogs nu s coconu pumpkin FINISH grapes Look a he big moon Look a he book, oo 70 chicken oo f oo d � � salad Lis en and draw Then wri e Lis en and wri e he words 53 t oo or o doesn’t like toast eggs He Lis en and check (�) burgers 21 oa oo 57 I don’ like … oas pizza bread bananas eggs rice cereal pineapple pizza e a oo 56 likes chicken salad he le ers igh 20 I like … cereal chicken cheese fish apples salad 15 Lis en and circle Then wri e oo Please Thank you Draw yourself wearing clo hes you like Then wri e Look a me! I’m wearing a T-shirt jeans and Students to draw their own picture d 73 74 75 Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key www.frenglish.ru 167 Look and wri e 11 Read he words Circle he pic ures 13 nurse I’m a firefighter I’m a Look and wri e 17 ar car girl shark surf chef firefigh er nurse police officer ir or ur bed boo s pajamas pajamas school pajamas Take off your chef I’m a police officer I’m a 14 Lis en and connec 63 ir he le ers or r START a o ck T-shirt shoes I ’s ime for school Take off your sweater FINISH or b I’m wearing a shir , black pan s, and black shoes I’m wearing d I’m wearing a long coa and boo s I’m wearing a big ar I’m wearing a whi e dress, , and black shoes c ch ar 15 16 Lis en and wri e he words 64 s ir f or c or n f ur See he girl surf See he shark surf! Pu on your I’m wearing yellow pajamas I’m wearing red shoes a 66 purple black 19 d yellow red sunny I ’s Is i rainy? boo s dress pan s shoes skir Ss draw a coat I’m wearing dress hat boots a a and socks swea er T-shir Ss draw shoes a , a and T-shirt skirt socks Ss draw a cap sweater pants , shoes and , a , ( Yes / No ) ( Yes / No ) Tuesday ( Yes / No ) ( Yes / No ) ( Yes / No ) 80 67 Friday I ’s 11 12 It’s I ’s snowy Wha day is oday? I ’s I ’s windy Wha day is oday? I ’s I ’s rainy Wha day is oday? I ’s I ’s sunny Wha day is oday? I ’s 69 Lis en and wri e Thursday Friday 70 Sunday 13 Friday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Monday 71 It’s What I ’s Friday I like cool I like sunny rainy days windy days cloudy days I don’ like Ss to draw windy days days I don’ like Ss to draw cloudy days days I don’ like Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Monday Students draw snowy weather Students draw cloudy weather I ’s Look and wri e Now I have hree friends Sa urday rainy Sa urday Students draw rainy weather I ’s is oday? Friday cloudy Lis en and wri e Then draw sunny My new friends— Joe and Lindy day I ’s Wednesday Wow! You’re he Princess Wha ’s he wea her like? It’s Read and ma ch Bu Pippin’s my friend cool Students draw sunny weather I ’s day is oday? Wha is oday? Wha ’s he wea her like? rainy day Thursday Read, look a Ac ivi y 3, and wri e 1 It’s windy What day is oday? Monday Wha I ’s 10 Wha ’s he wea her like? Saturday days Ss to draw sunny days Read and wri e Then look and number snowy 81 Wha ’s he wea her like? Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday I like Ss to draw rainy days Chan (See S uden Book page 110.) Sa urday 10 cool I ’s Is i snowy? Monday snowy Is i cool? Friday I ’s Is i cloudy? Tuesday cloudy Lis en and wri e Then draw Ss to draw cool days Is i sunny? Monday rainy I ’s ( Yes / No ) I ’s , Look and wri e January Sunday I’m wearing 79 windy Is i windy? 68 I’m wearing , I ’s bed I ’s ime for Ss to draw snowy days Wri e Then lis en and draw cloudy cool rainy snowy sunny windy cloudy cool rainy snowy sunny windy c b Look and wri e Then read and circle I’m wearing a purple swea er pajamas 78 Weather I’m wearing black boo s Read aloud Then lis en and say 65 Read and number Then color 77 18 boots Take off your I’m wearing a T-shir and pan s I’m wearing whi e shoes and a all 76 82 Pu on your Pu on your ur Read Then look a Ac ivi y 11 and number 12 shoes swea er T-shir snowy I ’s cloudy 83 Sing (See S uden Book page 90.) 168OurOur Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key key www.frenglish.ru 84 Hello I’m Joe Look and check (�) wha you share wi h o her people 10 12 Share wi h friends and family Friends Sis er(s) Bro her(s) Paren s � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 72 Look and wri e Then lis en and number Read he words Circle he pic ures 14 cold freezing ho a c b hot d warm freezing cold 15 � 73 Lis en and connec I share and toys CDs Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I ’s Thursday I ’s rainy I ’s Monday Is i snowy? � I ’s Sa urday Is i rainy? � I ’s Sunday I ’s cloudy � I ’s Friday I ’s sunny � I ’s Tuesday I ’s windy � 17 74 w FINISH oy y p ow Lis en and wri e he words ow l 75 h oy j ow � o START Sa urday 16 85 n ow j oy t oy Read aloud Then lis en and say The boy wa ches he cowboy The cow wa ches he boy 86 Read, look, and wri e or 18 Monday  Students to draw their own picture wi h my friends and family he le ers Read, look, and wri e � or � 13 Draw wo hings you share wi h friends and family Then wri e oy warm ar 11 ow boy cow cowboy down 87 Read, number, and wri e 19 cloudy snowy sunny windy He’s in he garden a windy I ’s b I’m wearing big boo s! c She has a bike snowy I ’s Pic ure sunny I ’s cloudy Look and wri e duck key o presen sunglasses reasure ches 76 present I ’s cloudy c I have a rain e I’m wearing a dress g I like chicken i I ’s sunny b I’m wearing a T-shir and pan s d I like pizza b a 2 sunglasses h Look a my dog I ’s big j I’m wearing boo s a b a 1 duck 89 Circle and wri e 78 The keys Lis en and draw Then wri e Where ( is / are ) he keys? are shoe photo b 88 nuts b 2 I don’ have a doll ey Lis en and check (�) a Pic ure a 3 20 nu s shoe umbrella d I’m wearing a swea er I ’s 1 treasure chest umbrella 90 Draw hese five hings in he living room Then wri e key o shoes sunglasses umbrella in he door Where ( is / are ) he duck? The duck is in the sink Where ( is / are ) he reasure ches ? treasure chest is under the bed The Where ( is / are ) he sunglasses? The sunglasses are on the TV 77 a Lis en and check (�) b a b � a � b a b � � 91 Where are the shoes ? They’re in the tub the sunglasses They’re on the bed Where is the doll It’s in the refrigerator Where is the treasure chest It’s under the water Where are 92 ? ? The key is The o is ? 79 Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key in the door on the door The shoes are under the table The sunglasses are on the table The umbrella is in the box Sing (See S uden Book page 103.) Our Discovery Island, Level 2, Workbook Answer key www.frenglish.ru 93 169

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2023, 06:36

