The Workbook helps reinforce and consolidate the language presented in the Student Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus personalization.The Workbook helps reinforce and consolidate the language presented in the Student Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus personalization. woBrBoor 6Pac@ WffiffiffiMW Aqron JollY ' Jose Luis Moroles Series Advisor: Dovid Nunon Series Consultqnts: Hildo Mortinez X6chitl Arvizu Advisory Boord: Tim Budden Tino Chen Betty Deng Dr Nom-Joon Kong Dr Wonkey Lee Wenxin Liong Ann Moyedo Wode O Nichols Jomie Zhong Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Our Discovery Island rM ww'w ourdis coveryisland com @ Pearson Education Limited 2012 and is independent educational course published by Pearson Education Limited Discovery LLC or communications not affiliated with, or authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Discovery Education, Inc T1,e our Discouery Island series is an Based on the work of Sagrario Salaberri be identified as authors of this work have been The rights of Aaron Iolly, Ios6 Luis Morales, and sagrario Salaberri to 1988' assert;d by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act Phonics syllabus and activities by RachelWilson system, or transmitted in any form All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduc.ed, stored in a retrieval the prior written permission of the withoui otherwise or or by any means, electionic, mechanical, pt oto.,ipvi"girecording, Publishers First published2012 Third impression 2012 ISBN: 978- 1-4479-0069-6 Set in Longman English L4l25Pt Printed in China (CTPS/03) (Good lllustration), Chan Cho Fai, Illustrators: Humberto Blanco (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency), Anja Boretzki Lun (The andYamWai Organisation), Ruffle Lee Cosgrove, Leo Cultura, Marek iagucki, Mark Welcome {# ilolune ." t;*$ ne ffi;x Pets t5} clolhes " ,, *6*" " .2?8 Sponts " 48 "'58 q# Food ' '.58 ffi Things we Goodbye t8 .78 " '88 Slnuctunes " 92 /t/:1 effir""' Moi"h' G;il @ ru e W" Drqw qnd write qbout yourself l$iffi is) r g Listen ond write toj CA Cn Hw fh { -/ ,rlr,r,i\ '4i f I t o, Listen ond write : There ore fhir*v*thrmw q birds in the tree There ore horses in the yord There ore tobles in the clossroom There ore teochers in the school There ore children of the porty l;;:::':'3 5)(.-sl \t' Write 21 24 27 33 35 37 20 10 20 20 41 35 40 44 49 30 39 18 30 26 ,{' qnd mqich (c) oo7 Listen, write, * (**** Wedrresdsy ffiffiP H, W- "9,K Billy orG >rr< Jenny d ,/-A +ffi "x? e Andv' .,$o l\ l, \\: &'wl l I >v- J udy 5', H',I / '\ //,-y r ,/,{:a &4 Unscrqmble qnd wrile ihe months ( \r'8;) \-.V, , ( (t)-**ffi% Fq /!r Ss-y ztr\l::i I : I' ji ,m&{\ (&m^} I '-,, :, i-t Alh t-.i JOe M&refie4 ond Pom -\ / /;:e '"1 9j \-."r/ t-.,4S \ -/ Look of Activity ond write /.ilJ 'ld ( '-l \./ *-.f Write obout o friend wos born in yeors old IS ,k::i t t / 7i t ) [\-/*4 Color Then motch \.-/ I @@ @ @ @ @ t t I a 3-, I': Listen, drow, ond color l I i' i" s /-\ /,/\ /\ i/ /L \a _/ \+ i / I \ ,g;t]a Look ot Activily ond write k) r*.-z ('*.1d \_/ How mony ponds ore there? There is mfne h,&ue pOnd How mony flowers ore there? There ore there? How mony birds ore there? How mony insects ore there? How mony onimols ore there? How mony rocks ore brown blue a-\A -\ " ,':-\ { i 7) t r Listen ond write ?1 "/\j'/ Hi, Joson! I'm in Thoilond I'm hoving fun but it's very hot! I'm Jason Spode 10 Park Street New York NY 10013 United States o sondwich by the pool My sister is swimming reoding ' ond Mom is Mydodisa to music ond singing But he's funny u See you soon! Adom /;:a r f7't* ,.8i( r "2 \J*C Write ploying the piono quickly reoding wolking sleeping? APD \ / d I Y J- Is ? Yes, Is_ slowly? No 8,1, ,.l, -.* f fr''il"r' :/ :'' $,' ;i Write Whot Whot Where doing? He's running going? They're fixing to Eorth the //: "*.Lllif t: ,roii, J , Write boll cotching drinking eoting mochines reoding sondwich Write Leorn new things Develop your tolents cooking doncing fovorite house moke tolents teocher violin sing I'm Donico I love to leorn new things I love to ond donce I'm studying singing with o greot three times o week I'm olso leorning top of o speciol school neor my It's so cool! My other ore pointing ond s Cooking is my with Mom We o thing to cookies ond cokes on weekends But I'd love to leorn to ploy the e I think this instrument sounds so beoutiful i:':'; *,ial3{-,:, ItD ( -"S Gheck (/).men drow the skill you wont to leorn Thinqs I doncing S ',€; ' ,s&'-6q I wont to leorn singing octing pointing cooking ploying the piono ploying bosketboll ploying soccer riding o bike climbing trees W,, S,ng*oWP iListen ond drow ,-".,# it# ffiffi \;;r \-/ Look qt Activity 13 ond write ATLAS glosses mochine pilot round wings This is o new It hos four It's flying in the oir It's big ond ond two toils The nome of the flying mochine is A5 is flying the mochine He's weoring big ond o skijocket '/t:t)' nL.ili{,,,,,, e W'"""Reqd the words Circle the pictures bump hond point x' ,tC) {'* ,,,, wind t b l v qu d W \ ,ot Listen ond write the words 234 & mp nd sk sp Listen ond connect the letters Then write E E E E L_'l @ E @ E E E E ft Reqd oloud Then listen ond soy st nt ///,,.:3 /:-\ / -&,11131,.,,, ,/ f 19i i *.4 Write '-z \*/ , Oe -21qffi (rJ-@ lt Y ti I U M s# ^t ,;w_\ a d v whot f C-\ /-\ - ?' i20j is the secret word? s lt:2 -'/:,,:a:8a'::t.:: [ ,;] Write Whot ore you doing? yrin rl*i #"l"* *h* l "ryr ff r"t iEl "T $.Jt{-{ylgl\4 Ettq; nin*rJ" *i n jN J7/ E\\ t-'\ **Tqlent Sho\ r** // ,/, >IJ 1/"' ,- ( t/z att (s) ,=1 Eddie M-'rfe 'l ,1\ Whot's Eddie doing? Whot ore Sondy ond Amy doing? Whot's Anno doing? Whot ore Mike ond Fred doing? Whot's Don doing? Whot's Gigi doing? { ,22iq \ "./ \.r/,., Listen ond motch m \ l ffi W @u \-l ploying the violin the ond Fred G\ +.*:],-+@,-"6ffi 2a \cJ -*/?\ _*,orysry*-***\ =t*b -wt- 3e e " te\ (b) !ffi, * 4e - ,t\ _ #* \{l g *&&_s* "ffib se e :: 5e a L,,-J G '* P** ffitd t * | J\ L-'',,,J **{ \- ' :Y:.,4 f'***-r"*'11 ! fl l ,lir,ri ,,:rl.r:.,{ €J # ,ffi*J eG) e ,]i:ii'lli$lilffi -/"&.":r, l:.1 :: (.,"4 Write the nomes of the Quest items i2 tr-Z ) \-,/ 12 ,lil:l:r,\ f 3J ; L.o, Listen qnd ck (,/) che a )X 1Q t -1 L l (O i'b) I H" r,o, bio eors! " \ 3e (t',93 I )l l G reI 4e \&\-;7 W l- l L_l r\- _\ n nl €t sG w e Ytr /tri., :* '-\ I e= >-/ e-' n tlJ e G e G \ 7e green 8e T: L l a [-l II ni aa e red tt a ffi-ru ffi ltlt It tt e nl nl tr, I: T t-t n L_l .;.,.:) *l:\i',., e3 " write qbout the picture There ore e.ry@ a t";"%r.; U ,* **, r**i n7 Listen qnd che ck This is my pet ond o shorp ' (6) (/) Then write Its nome is Pouli It hos colorful It hos two strong a It hos shorp , Be coreful! y'-/ ^:,fl L ;$ Write things thot qre in your house Bedroom Bothroom Living Room Kitchen /! ,) ntt*,.Y,,,.,,, (Z) [ */ Write qboui o fomily member or friend He/She He/She con't I 2 3 *aa:'t r:a;it,, f -& '7:.:t{,,.:'1,' iB)i \ l \ ",4 # Write ,::: t, ' J t, ",,j Choose qnd write I like ond I don't like ond My friend likes ond My friend doesn't like ond &t$mKwwmxw Whot's your fovorite Y19t y":9 y_9 : doy? My fovorite doy is Sundoy !*"l3 *Ll x:?-":Hlri ugryi were you born in Moy? Yes' I wos' ! No, I wosn't I wos born in June wosn't - wos not Unit Ww&axww How mony onimols ore there? ] There's one purple onimol l How mony birds ore there? ] Tfrere ore two blue birds , I_:'1.!*"5_-grjp"._y_? Is there ony wind? there ore / No, there oren't - Yg?,.llgl" l / No, there isn't : j Yes, there's some wind / No, there isn't ony wind Unit ffiw I 9_e1-l He , She l"e,Y_e_ le:, - doesn't i hove i o smoll nose thick eyebrows Yes, I Do you i i I Does he/she I ! o round chin? brood shoulders? No, I don't Yes, he/she does No, he/she doesn't !x Unit Ww&s Whot iI does itll vvvg l^ i +L^., i looklike? "***-"^ ^t Ii hos oroit - -' ii wings' It doesn't hove i i t They wrngs Yes, Do you hove o dog? N; I It's cute i;;;,i Does it hove spotted fur? i Yes, it dgg-P_ No, it doesn't Unit ffiwmw There's o plont There ore two plonts The plont is / It's below the mirror The plonts ore / They're l Is the computer in the bedroom? Yes, ii is No, it isn't It's in the living room Are the ploies in the cupboord? Unit Clothes Whot ore you weoring L ygglils Whot's he/she weoring? He's/She's weoring bosebol cop iI oshorts' Yes, Are you weoring o boseboll cop? shoris? Is he/she weoring I om No, I'm not I Yes, he/she is No, he/she isn't is These ore This ' ''' ,1 i t my fovorite ; scorf tights -',-*'-* "-.**'.'-*J I love my scorf/tights Yes, they ore: No, they oren't ffrey're sink i" tf," Unit $pents I run ond ride o bike I run but I con't ride o bike Con he/she I/He/She ] run? i : No l he/she i con't wos ot the gym wosn't oi ihe gym I/He/She wos ot the boseboll field Unit Wwwd Yes, Do you No, l lit, peos? ^ il t(.u Does he/she i I I l I I don't .Y99, he{shg d.o_99, No, he/she doesn't Is there ony broccoli? Yes, there ore Are there ony peors? No, there oren't Unit Y&x&mxrys we de you Whot ore t I they Whot's he/she Are you I, I *1i doing? I Is he/she singing? s he/she singing quietly? sleeping He's/She's l singing? They're I om / No, I'm not $ $ Yes, he/she is / No, he/she isn't $ Yes, heishe is i No, he/she isn't He's/She's singing loudly Yes, ISBN 978-1-4 47 9-0069- ll[illillillllililLilLll