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Our discovery island american 6 workbook

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The Workbook helps reinforce and consolidate the language presented in the Student Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus personalization.The Workbook helps reinforce and consolidate the language presented in the Student Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus personalization.

gt www.frenglish.ru woBrBoor @wGwffi@ *[g[gmd John Wiltshier Jose Luis Moroles Series Advisor: Dovid Nunon Series Consultonts: Hildq Mortinez Xochiil Arvizu Advisory Boord: Tim Budden Tino Chen Betty Deng Aoron JollY ' Dr Nom-Joon Kong Dr Wonkey Lee Wenxin Liong Ann Moyedo Wode O Nichols Jomie Zhong :rl llir:: www.frenglish.ru Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Our Discovery Island wwryrr o urdis c rNt overyisland co m O Pearson Education Limited 2012 The Our Diicouery Island series is an independent educational course published by Pearson Education Limited and is not affiliated with, or authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Discovery Communications LLC or Discovery Education, Inc The rights of John Wiltshier, Jos6 Luis Morales, and Linnette Ansel Erocak to be identified as authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers First published2012 Third impression 2012 ISBN: 978- 1- 4479-0072-G Set in Longman English 12.5l20pt Printed in China (CTPS/03) Illustrators: Leo Cultura, Mark Draisey, Michael Garton (The BrightAgency), John Haslam, Ned lolliffe, Simone Massoni (Advocate), Moira Millman, Ken Mok, Rui Ricardo (Folio), and OlimpiaWong Picture Credits: The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs: (Key: b-bottom; c-centre; l-left; r-right; t-top) Alamy Images: Oliver Gerhard 22,Jeff Morgan 01 33tr, Radius Images 42bl; Art Directors and TRIP Photo Library: lohnWallace 33c; Corbis: lim Craigmyle 52, Image Source 42r,Juice Images 321, Science Faction / Steven Kazlowski 23t; Getty Images: Taxi / Eri Morita 4211; istockphoto: Jani Bryson 62; Pearson Education Ltd: Jules Selmes 11, Studio B 16cl; Shutterstock.com: Atlaspix 71t1, Paul Banton 21cI, Paul Coartney 21cr, Comosaydice 211, David Davis 16r, East 32r, Four Oaks 26cr, Karel Gallas 26r, Cathy Keifer 23b, Jan Kratochvlla26l,Ivan Kuzmin 21c, Marie Lumiere 26c1, R Gino Santa Maria 16cr, Joe Mercier 7lbr, Nulinukas 71tr, Photobar 21r, Lesley Rigg 71b1, Schalke Fotografie / Melissa Schalke 161, Szefei 61;Thinkstock: iStockphoto 33t1, and Stockbyte 82 All other images @ Pearson Education Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional omissions We would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent edition of this publication www.frenglish.ru Welcome {;"*P fldventure camp i# witdtitepark 18 Where we live 28 {15,} i;4$ Good days and bad days "38 ffi} Trips " 48 L_6;,$ flrts and entertainment ." 58 iH-a r /*' JDaGe r "'."'"" qthi:.4! {i0} The environment Goodbye 58 ".78 "" "88 Structures "92 www.frenglish.ru :":li:l$.::r, [ ,v] Write lhe nomes of the chorocters Morto Chris Chomp Sereno Zero Zendell Lal (z) VL'g I ' ):,::,:r::':'.:' (.,,d Look ot Activity I ond number He's Morto's friend He's very smort ond he likes to study He hotes getting dirty so he usuolly ploys indoors She's brove ond lives in o noture reserve with her porents Her porents work there so sometimes she helps She hos o greot friend His nome is Chomp tr tr He wos in o tree ond wild dogs were trying to ottock him Morto's dod rescued him from the tree Morto gove him his nome ond she looks ofter him He's hoppy ond olwoys friendly He olwoys weors o top hot ond he hos o long mustoche He's the only person who hos onimols on Future Islond, but this yeor not mony people ore coming to his zoo She's o girl from the future She's good of running ond jumping, ond she climb wolls! She's usuolly outside www.frenglish.ru tr T 'l:"1 -" ,"\.rlr'.d4,' ,.g,rn" tt \ / I " j Check({ "f Who hos o zoo? Q'Q*t Who lives on Future Islond? / :l:lt \xf U#" CircleT=Trueor F= Fqlse l:i'i:l,r5lrl:l! tree I Morto lives with her mom ond dod in the noture reserve T I The nome of the noture reserve is "Elephont Rock" TI Morto is the chimponzee's new dod TI The number of visitors to the zoo is going up TI Zero Zendell doesn't know whot to TI Morto's dod rescues Chomp from o ,'*12' l::,'' L,.J T F F F F F F Whot you think Zero Zendell is plonning? Wrile lo (1 = ver| proboble, = not proboble) He's plonning to show films of onimols from the post He's plonning to trovel to the post to steol onimols ond bring them to the future He's plonning to close the zoo ond open o woter pork He's plonning to show robot onimols www.frenglish.ru n tr T tr /&.& ,&{rr:rg:r.r: (ol( *4 t lst 7th 13th \d\:f Motch o forty-second b thirteenth c ninety-ninth 20th d seventh s 28th e sixty-fifth 42nd 65th 99th x:r f twentieth I first h twenty-eighth ,{ ' '7 ol Listen qnd circle \_.z) |\rrz first, second, third, fifteenth, sixteenth, , eighteenth twentieth, , fortieth, fiftieth eleventh, twenty-first, thirty-first, sixty-sixth, sixty-seventh, , sixty-ninth , ninety-eighth, ninety-seventh, ninety-sixth www.frenglish.ru /ll:& (s) i ;d write furry sweet loud hord cold The ice is spiky The chocolote is The music is The hoir is The spider is The rock is /k:":tr) za\ / "&;r.,rH.ri "/ ,10) i ,r-"'l Think ond write \;"/ \':w d Shells cre smooth round soft scory cute loud L-/ chocolote looks I tr smells rough like the cold like o l"rnon hord block beoutiful [ l bod tr furry spiky tr tr sounds seo greot bod sweet good tostes Whot is it? tr [ l or, n E smootn [-.1 tr shorp tr brown fish o rose o soft toy lion feels tr scory tr tr soft tr wet o tr tr tr tr nice www.frenglish.ru [l tr sour tr *""t [-.1 /-"\ i 1) /"?tr]]Sarr:r', ,/ l'rrS Write the nomes of the chorqclers Honnoh Tom Felipe Flo Morio : i (z\ t I '& Unscromble the letters ond write Then number [1{i}, -\ ffi{/ (b\ ttne slepo geps thoflishgl pomcsso isleengp gbo $ (;y !ryrr rc /ffi trut / or X List for Adventure o bockpock tr o floshlight E tr composs I / \ &\ (eJ ffi Look ot Flo's list Listen qnd write o ^ rcw t&w tr on mp3 ployer o sleeping bog *ar A /r\ giB= di% tr tr [] /t\ ,drb i9/,@ www.frenglish.ru C) ffi 1.ffi /ffi ffi ry htr x/ Circle Ilike( ploy / He doesn't like ( wotch They're ( Brozil / We're good ( / wotching ) TV He @@ ( I British ) They're ( live / of doncing of singing / ( ski / doesn't )likecomping ( like / likes ) reoding trom )the United Kingdom ( never / doncing ) We She loves trompolining ond He's good / ploying )soccer,butl(don't olwoys ) proctice skiing ) She thinks they're of sing ) He's o fomous ( soldier / ( fun / musicion boring ) Listen ond circte Tom hos one ( sister / brother ) Morio likes doncing, but she's not good of Flo is from the ( singing ( United Stotes / / swimming ) United Kingdom ) She's good ot ( skiing swimming ) ond she loves tolking to friends Felipe likes science ond @ Eff"Drow ( English / moth ) yourself Then write My nome's I'm from tn I love ond but I don't like I'm good ot ond but I'm not good ot www.frenglish.ru / ) f rl0) i 48, Listen ond number CB 1/4.:a /"-*\:ir:dl.l.l:, ,(} ( o If you Look qt Activity l0 ond write you'll SAV€ feSOufCeS b If you you'll If you you'll If you you'll If you you'll If you you'll www.frenglish.ru buses cleonest gorboge plostic tomorrow botfles going Hi Molly, Your plons for '_ Doy We're going to put oll sound fun! My closs of school is going to hove o Green the'_into different recycling bins ond then we're going to moke Green Doy posters for school I'm going to collect some gorboge from home ond others ore going to bring poper, ,_, ond a u_ school in our town! Then, we're oll ,-towolkorcyclehome-nocorSor,-.IlovecyclingSoI,m bogs We're going to be the very hoppyl I'm going to like Green Doy Oh, ond I use your bike? Thonks! Niki -\ (!3J \.-/ /-t,'f 'll'i [."4 \ ^t Look qt Activity t2 ond write Whot's speciol obout tomorrow? Whot's Niki going to moke? \ Whot does Niki wont to borrow? Is Niki o "green" person? "!ft/.r:kr'r,rr:r / J ,-*J Moke Iists '14) i\;*;.rs /' I Whot ore some of the couses of oir pollution? fsctories www.frenglish.ru tt ^lritr, *r:1p' Find, circle, ond correct eqch mistoke Vemexue{s t The highest woterfoll in the world is Angel Folls in06ill4 It's 979 metres high Austrolio is the smollest islond ond the smollest continent in the world The Atocomo Desert in Chile, South Americo, is probobly the wettest ploce in the world The Nile in Africo is the longest river in the world, ond you see it in five countries ttttou;t Fuji is o very fomous loke in Jopon, ond it's the highest mountoin in Jopon, too 'rz\ 'l-s {y,,|l/' i -t \"*" *$ utrcte NiagaffirrFcrlls in,iha,U.S than Ange[ FaIIs , ,,,,,,,,,,i, o higher ii ? b 979 meters c longer flustralia is the world o biggest c 5rd biggest a( continent b Znd in the biggest ,.l is biggest desert in the world tnt ? desert in llorth flfrica' o Gobi b fltacama c Sahara d flrabian 83 www.frenglish.ru ./aa e( &"ir,.,9:li.r, I """'check 1{ Who got into the coge? Whot Morto ond Chris use to return with Chomp? l18J \/ { I\-/o' z Listen ond motch Who soid it? "Where were you?" "We went to the omusement pork." "There ore no reol pets in the future." "He wos in o coge." "We need to look ofter our onimols." /-^\ I/a:Y;{:rr;ll _/ "A l.t,$ v\-; L.-*? Circle or write you own onswer I think Morto is o brove b kind c I think Zero Zendell is o b IT]eOfl scory c My fovorite chorocter is o Morto b Sereno c I think the story wos o exciting b interesting c www.frenglish.ru Gheck (/)ne items you personolly use doily Then complete the diogrom for yourself I woter electricity plostic cups botteries gos juice cortons milk cortons yogurt cortons writing poper l0 tl sodo cons wropping poper 12 plostic bottles 13 food cons 14 plostic bogs 15 poper bogs 15 cordboord boxes 17 condy wroppers -"4 tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr n tr n tr tr tr tr T Sove our plonet Leorn to sove energy ond keep the plonet cleon 1$ reduce 'i!r' {l r ';:ll' l}, -O (r- ' -"d r\ o g'ra ,r\, ''! ip "\ (D iii ti E{ r$'- I I i I ::i t'r 'ti, ':li iiii, ',,,*ir ,{L, 7.ry.' frii]l {, l$,"' Remind yourself whot to where Compleie the toble below with items F;!}| \.rts1rii3 from Activiiy 20 Are there ony differences? Al home At school RECYCLE REDUCE REUSE www.frenglish.ru ,//.,:a:'i ,.1.):t#).:.,:., f "!%1,:lis:,rri, \#\s '.22) \ -/t Motch I conserve reduce recycle o o poison in the environment b sove or keep c we use these to get food home from the shops d buses ond troins ore two exomples of this e light ond heot ore two exomples of this turn off pollution public tronsportotion gorboge plostic bog woste l0 f g h I I energy moke less things thot ore used corelessly chonge into moteriol thot we reuse things we throw owoy opposite of turn on ,.'f\:l:,i$ir,.,,:l l l:: Y:.1::::' t\ '2ji ir,,J Circle I'm going to help moke my school greener My friends ond I ore 1( will put recycling boxes in every clossroom Then we 2( collect ond 3( tronsportotion 4( reduce / / going to I Iurn off ) poper bottles ) to recycle My fomily is olso going to help sove ) the plonet ot home They're going to s( use lights when they go outside, ond my mom is going to 6( use tronsportotion to go to the supermorket We'Z( will /'\I/ / / going / turn off ) the / reuse ) public to ) oll be greener! rrulrlil,,'.' eS L ,tj Unscromble qnd write Then motch public / tronsportotion I if I you / use o you'll sove resources collect / if / gorboge / you b you lrecycle you'll conserve energy c lou'll reduce pollution lif I poper the / off / lights I il I you / turn d you'll sove trees e you'll keep the plonet cleon recycle / if / bottles / you www.frenglish.ru i25) \-/ /* t so \e/ / Listen ond write /'/.',, e fu$'"' Write o journol entry oboui your plons for the future At the wee kend, I'm going to Then, I'll Next week, Next yeor, www.frenglish.ru ,l1?:}{.t' [ *4 Circle T = True or F = Folse Morto is bock from the future ond lives with her porents Chomp is now living in the future with Zero Zendell Chris is bock in school studying hord Sereno is in Future Islond wolking her dog every doy Zero Zendell doesn't hove o zoo now There oren't ony visitors to the zoo now Whose is this? WhY did he toke it to the comP? Who were in the bus? Whot did they see from the bus? TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF r:l rl':' { (.3) rqi}}l-r:., '1': ( ,"4 qg Motch Were there ony onimols on Future Islond? Whot wos Zero Zendell like? Did the guords lock up Chomp? o Yes, they did b Yes, there were but they were oll in Zero Zendell's zoo c Who used the river to enter Ihe zoo? d How did Sereno breok the coge? e Who got Chomp from the stoge? t She used the time mochine He wos o horrible mon Morto Sereno www.frenglish.ru Circle Whot's Tom like? (Unit 1) He's clever ond good of Flo ) Whot will Felipe ond Tom first of the omusement pork? (Unit 5) ( chocolote I ice creom ) Whot were Flo ond Tom doing on the hill in Unit 7? They were hoving o ( slide / pork ) Whot wos Flo doing neor the pork in Unit 3? She wos buying ) cooked o stew They will go on the woter sports Who cooked o stew? (Unit 4) ( Felipe / ( singing / ( porty / compfire Where ore Tom ond Flo from? (Unit They're from the United ( Stotes / ) 1) Kingdom ) Whot does Honnoh to help cleon up? (Unit 8) Honnoh ( doesn't help cleon Where's Felipe from? (Unit He's from ( Spoin / up / collects the gorboge ) 1) Mexico ) Where did Morio go in London? (Unit 5) She went to the ( poloce / oquorium ) ond the theoter 10 Whot's Morio not good ot? (Unit She's not good of 1) ( singing / surfing ) 1'l Who scored Morio outside the movie theoter? (Unit 6) ( Felipe / Flo ) scored Morio outside the movie theoter 12 Whot wos Tom doing in Unit 2? He wos wotching the ( ponthers / cheetohs ) 13 Whot wos Tom doing in Unit 8? Tom wos recycling ( bottles / poper ) 14 How mony steps ore there in the costle in Unit 3? There ore ( 450 I 540 ) steps in the costle www.frenglish.ru i\-tg) ( *4 Write \J/ My post Lost summer, I Yesterdoy, I I've never by myself My present I'm good ot I like I love Icon There is o I , but I don't like ond but I con't my home I wont to l0 I hove to My future 11 Tomorrow when I get up, first I 12 Then, I 13 Next yeor, I 14 Il I study hord of school, r:@ 'S) (g} The The The The I Drow three onimots Then write obout them is toller thon the is the www.frenglish.ru @@wrre when where why how which whot who ore you hoppy? is thot bright light? is the most frightening? is your fovorite movie stor? you live? you get up? did you get here? ^, ffi W Moke o poster oboul how to help the environment Then write I'm going to Whot you to help? I If you www.frenglish.ru WeKwwwmm Does it look good? Yes, it does / No, it doesn't It looks good Whot does it look like? It looks like o coke Unit I &dwwwx&wxmw effiffiW Flo is good of swimming I'm pitching the tent I like hiking, but I don't We're putting in the pegs I like soiling I pitch o tent, but I con't reod o composs love fishing ond comping Unit WW&SK&Sw pwmk l-:: P:yy i: il3_ i How toll is it? | I ll-:190 !l-o-9'1T' It's five meters toll _" ,.,., ,._,._ - - The giroffe is toller thon the rhino The giroffe is the tollest Yes, they ore No, they oren't Are otters bigger thon seols? I Were the giroffes toller ihon the Which is the i trees? i I heoviest? Vac rrrara Yes, *harr they rt'v were vvt'ru' '.=o' " No, they weren't The hippo is the heoviest Unil WKxwx"& ew& X$ww How you get io the supermorket? Turn left of the corner, then go stroight The supermorket is behind the school I wont to go to the pork I hove to go to the librory He/She wonts to go to the pork I I I He/She hos to go to the librory www.frenglish.ru a Unit ffiwwd dwpw wxxd kwd dwpw stew i re poddled very quickly i She I cooked l Whot hoppened? He dropped the plote -^-i******-"- I I ! We fell in it the loke I didn't poss my test becouse I didn't study He didn't bring his juice becouse he wos lote for school Unit Ym&pw Whot did you yesterdoy? I went to the oquorium ?:qJ-": g:"P 11:-:-q'orium? yes, r did / No, r didn,r Did you like the oquorium? j Whot will you of the omusement pork? First, I'll ride the Ferris wheel Then, I'll go on the bumper cors Unit &x"&m eeed wwx&wx-&w&r*mmxx& I sow the movie by myself You wrote it by yourself He mode it by himself She didn't go to the movie by herself We didn't wotch ii by ourselves They didn't drow it by themselves Did you heor the cello? ":tl!_:_::lo:_ - n'1 iY "::1.9i*lI::Lq:9:l i !i Hove you ever been to o concert? j I Hove you ever ployed the soxophone? Yes, I hove / No, I hoven't Y"r, I hove / No, I've never been to o concert www.frenglish.ru Unit SBoee Who ore they? They're ostronouts ryH 9r9l!_:y,.:-:.r:_? i_I"Py.*Te_l_e!-lllell: y.!9i9*9i9-tl-q-v-:-"-nilgr?-*-: Il-:-y:.9n9-ipal!9ryon How did they get here? w_lv qr: y-:y l"g|it-g 911!9_:"f4 Whot's thot floshing light? which tetescope is more ; ffrey come by spoceship i*l:9* g ll"9_._1it9" l''q.-ll i lt's o spoceship : compricoted? ]lt^Pin^,1"1:::"^p" smoll telescope is more complicoted thon the *Tl l:l:.::::: l":h::"-:l::-tl:i":1 l- :r::11:l::::t_:t:_ll"_T::T":**:1_ The smoll telescope is less e v'e vv complicoted vv thon the raraonnnn io rnoo anmnriaa*^^o i v \A/hiah ""vvv *::* ::"::":_:::l::::::'l:::l::' i ig_ri;:::;; l l Which telescope is the leost complicoted? l I The smoll telescope is the leost complicoted Unit Ykw wxxw&mwexsffi&ee& Are you going to recycle poper? Yes, I om No, I'm not I'm going to recycle bottles Whot you to help? i I use public tronsportotion If you reuse plostic bogs, you'll reduce woste www.frenglish.ru 79-0072-6 lililli[|lll :: i : :.:.-' : : www.frenglish.ru a ,a:i:., ::.,'.:.: -

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2023, 05:58
