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Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 1 ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2013 MÔN THI: ANH VĂN; Khối D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Mã đề thi 637 ĐỀ THI GỒM 80 CÂU (TỪ QUESTION 1 ĐẾN QUESTION 80) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.  Thí sinh nhớ đọc đề cho kỹ không là bị nhầm (phần chữ màu đỏ ~ gần nghĩa với) Question 1: Many scientists agree that global warming poses great threats to all species on Earth. A. annoyances: nỗi phiền muộn B. risks (n): những mối đe dọa ~ threats C. irritations: tình trạng cáu gắt D. fears: nỗi sợ hãi Question 2: The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes helped pave the way for academic freedom in the modern sense. A. initiate (v): khởi đầu, mở đường cho, khởi xướng ~ pave the way for (idiom) B. lighten: thắp sáng, soi sáng C. terminate: kết thúc, hoàn thành, chấm dứt D. prevent: ngăn cản, cản trở Question 3: E-cash cards are the main means of all transactions in a cashless society. A. cash-free (adj): không dùng tiền mặt (chỉ dùng thẻ ATM hay thẻ tín dụng) ~ cashless B. cash-starved (adj): thiếu nguồn cung tiền (ám chỉ hoạt động của chính phủ) C. cash-strapped (adj) ~ cash-starved ~ without enough money D. cash-in-hand (adj) ~ trả bằng tiền mặt Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 4: A. hesitation / hezɪˈteɪʃn / B. economics /iːkəˈnɒmɪks/ C. calculation /kælkjuˈleɪʃn/ D. curriculum /kəˈrɪkjələm/ Question 5: A. constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ B. national/ ˈnæʃnəl/ C. essential / ɪˈsenʃl/ D. commercial/ kəˈmɜːʃl/ Question 6: A. cancel /ˈkænsl/ Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 2 B. remove /rɪˈmuːv/ C. copy /ˈkɒpi/ D. notice /ˈnəʊtɪs/ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.  Thí sinh nhớ đọc đề cho kỹ không là bị nhầm (phần chữ màu đỏ ~ trái nghĩa với) Question 7: Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region. A. fluctuate (v): dao động B. stay unchanged: không thay đổi # vary: thay đổi, biến đổi C. restrain: ngăn cản, kiềm chế D. remain unstable: không ổn định Question 8: In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental improvements. A. something to suffer: gánh chịu một cái gì đó (xấu) B. something sad: một chuyện buồn C. something to entertain: giải trí cái gì đó (vui) => bẫy ở câu này D. something enjoyable: một điều thú vị # burden: gánh nặng Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 9: A. invent /ɪnˈvent/ B. tennis /ˈtenɪs/ C. medicine /ˈmedɪsn/ D. species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ Question 10: A. particular /pəˈtɪkjələ(r)/ B. superstar /ˈsuːpəstɑː(r)/ C. part /pɑːt/ D. harvest /ˈhɑːvɪst/ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions. Question 11: “I would be grateful if you could send me further details of the job,” he said to me => Anh ta nói với tôi: “Tôi rất biết ơn nếu bạn gửi thêm thông tin về công việc đó cho tôi.” => vẫn chưa gửi. A. He politely asked me to send him further details of the job. => Anh ta lịch sự nhờ tôi gửi thêm chi tiết công việc. B. He thanked me for sending him further details of the job. => bẫy ở câu này => Anh ta cám ơn tôi vì đã gửi thêm chi tiết công việc cho anh ta. Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 3 C. He flattered me because I sent him further details of the job. => Anh ta nịnh tôi bởi vì tôi đã gửi thêm chi tiết công việc cho anh ta. D. He felt great because further details of the job had been sent to him. => Anh ta cảm thấy hạnh phúc khi có người gửi thêm chi tiết công việc cho anh ta. Question 12: “Why don’t we wear sunglasses?” our grandpa would say when we went out on bright sunny days. => “Tại sao chúng ta không đeo kính râm nhỉ?” Ông chúng tôi đã đề nghị như thế khi đi ngoài nắng. A. Our grandpa asked us why we did not wear sunglasses when going out on bright sunny days. => Ông chúng tôi yêu cầu tại sao chúng tôi không đeo kính râm khi đi ngoài nắng => bẫy ở câu này B. Our grandpa reminded us of going out with sunglasses on bright sunny days. => Ông chúng tôi nhắc chúng tôi nhớ đeo kính râm khi đi ngoài nắng. C. Our grandpa would warn us against wearing sunglasses on bright sunny days. => Ông chúng tôi cảnh cáo chúng tôi không được đeo kính râm khi đi ngoài nắng. D. Our grandpa used to suggest wearing sunglasses when we went out on bright sunny days. => Ông chúng tôi từng đề nghị chúng tôi đeo kính râm khi đi ngoài nắng.) Question 13: David was narrowly defeated and blew his own chance of becoming a champion. => David đã bị đánh bại suýt xao và bỏ lỡ cơ hội trở thành nhà vô địch.) A. But for his title as the former champion, David would not have defeated his rivals. => Là một cựu vô địch, David vẫn không đánh bại được đối thủ của mình.) B. As a result of his narrow defeat, David did not win the championship. => Kết thúc trận thua suýt xao, David đã không dành được quán quân.) C. Losing the championship came as a terrible blow to David. => Để tuột khỏi chức vô địch là một điều bất hạnh khủng khiếp đối với David.) D. In spite of the narrow defeat, David won the championship. => Mặc dầu thua suýt xao, David vẫn dành ngôi quán quân.) => bẫy ở câu này Question 14: People say that Mr. Goldman gave nearly a million pounds to charity last year. => Người ta nói rằng năm ngoái ông Goldman đã làm từ thiện gần 1 triệu bảng Anh. A. Nearly a million pounds was said to have been given to charity by Mr. Goldman last year. B. Mr. Goldman was said to have given nearly a million pounds to charity last year. C. Mr. Goldman is said to have given nearly a million pounds to charity last year. D. Nearly a million pounds is said to be given to charity by Mr. Goldman last year. => bẫy ở câu này => Đây là dạng bị động của những động từ chỉ ý kiến (say/think/believe/know/find/report…) xem phần cuối, mục số 6 của link này: http://yeutienganh123.blogspot.com/2012/12/chuyen-e-luyen-thi-ai-hoc- phan-2b.html Question 15: I am sure he did not know that his brother graduated with flying colors. => Tôi tin chắc hắn không biết rằng anh trai hắn đã tốt nghiệp với điểm số khá cao. A. He cannot have known that his brother graduated with very high marks. => Chắc là hắn không biết anh trai hắn đã tốt nghiệp với điểm số khá cao. B. He may not know that his brother is flying gradually up in a colorful balloon. => Hắn có thể không biết anh trai hắn thường bay lên bằng kinh khí cầu đầy đủ màu sắc. C. That his brother graduated with flying colors must have been appreciated by him. =>bẫy ở câu này => Việc anh trai hắn tốt nghiệp với điểm số khá cao có thể khiến hắn thầm cảm ơn. D. He should not have been envious of his brother’s achievement. Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 4 => Có lẽ hắn không nên đố kỵ với thành tựu của anh trai hắn. CHÚ Ý: must/may/might/can/could/should/will/would + have + p.p  He must have done ~ in my opinion or according to the evidence, he surely did it.  He might have done ~ it is possible that he did it; he had the option of doing it.  He can have done ~ maybe he did it; it was possible for him to do it.  He could have done ~ it was possible for him to do it; he has the option of doing it.  He should have done ~ it was a good idea for him to do it; it was the right thing to do.  See more here: http://yeutienganh123.blogspot.com/2012/12/chuyen-e-luyen-thi-ai-hoc-phan-1c.html Question 16: If you had stuck to what we originally agreed on, everything would have been fine. => Nếu bạn cứ làm theo những gì mà chúng ta đã đồng thuận thì mọi việc đã ổn rồi. A. If you had not kept to what was originally agreed on, everything would have been fine. => Nếu bạn không làm theo những gì mà chúng ta đã đồng thuận thì mọi việc đã ổn rồi. => bẫy ở câu này B. As you fulfilled the original contract, things went wrong. => Khi bạn đã hoàn thành bổn phận được qui định trong hợp đồng thì mọi việc đã sai. C. Things went wrong because you violated our original agreement. => Mọi việc đã sai vì bạn đã vi phạm hợp đồng. (ĐK loại 3 nên câu gốc phải ở dạng quá khứ) D. If you had changed our original agreement, everything would have been fine. => Nếu bạn thay đổi hợp đồng thì mọi thứ đã ổn rồi. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 17 to 26. In “Cerealizing America”, Scott Bruce and Bill Crawford remark that the cereal industry uses 816 million pounds of sugar per year. Americans buy 2.7 billion packages of breakfast cereal each year. If (17)______ end to end, the empty cereal boxes from one year’s consumption would (18) ______ to the moon and back. One point three (1.3) million advertisements for cereal are broadcast on American television every year at a(n) (19) ______ of $762 million for airtime. Only automobile manufacturers spend more money on television advertising than the makers of breakfast cereal. (20) ______ of the boxed cereals found in supermarkets contain large amounts of sugar and some contain more than 50% sugar. Cereal manufacturers are very clever in their marketing, making many cereals appear much healthier than they really are by “fortifying” them with vitamins and minerals. Oh, (21) ______ - you now have vitamin-fortified sugar! Before you eat any cereal, read the ingredient list and see how (22) ______ sugar appears on the ingredient list. Then check the “Nutrition facts” panel. There are actually only a small handful of national commercially-branded cereals that are made (23) ______ whole grains and are sugar-free. If you shop at a health food store instead of your local supermarket, you (24) ______ to find a healthy, whole grain, sugar-free (or very low sugar) cereal. But (25) ______! Some of the health food store boxed cereals are sweetened with fruit juice or fructose. Although this may be an improvement (26) ______ refined white sugar, this can really skyrocket the calories. From “Foods That Burn Fat, Foods That Turn to Fat” by Tom Ventulo New words:  Cereal industry: ngành công nghiệp ngũ cốc  End to end ~ in a line, with the ends touching: nằm theo hàng sát nhau Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 5  To the moon and back (idiom) ~ a whole lot: bao la, vô tận  Airtime ~ the amount of time that is given to a particular subject on radio or television: thời gian quảng cáo, thời gian phát sóng.  Fortify sth with sth ~ to increase the strength or quality of food or drink by adding something to it: làm tăng thêm, làm cho vững chắc.  Vitamin-fortified sugar ~ sugar fortified with vitamin: lượng đường giàu vitamin.  Handful of sth/sb ~ a small number of people or things: một ít người hoặc vật.  Sugar-free (adj) ~ without sugar: không đường  Sweeten sth (v) ~ to make food or drinks taste sweeter by adding more sugar: làm ngọt  Refined (adj) ~ made pure by having other substances taken out of it: tinh khiết, nguyên chất  Skyrocket (v) ~ to rise quickly to a very high level: tăng nhanh chóng Question 17: A. to lay: đặt, để, xếp B. laying C. lay D. laid (If laid end to end: nếu được xếp thành hàng) Question 18: A. reach: chạm đến, đạt đến B. prolong; kéo dài, nối dài C. stretch (stretch to the moon and back: trãi dài đến vô tận) D. contact: tiếp xúc Question 19: A. charge: tiền phải trả B. average: trung bình C. cost: chi phí, giá D. expense: phụ phí Question 20: A. Most (determiner): hầu hết B. Mostly (adv) ~ mainly, generally: chủ yếu, nói chung C. Almost (adv) ~ not quite: hầu như D. Furthermost (adj) ~ located at the greatest distance from sth: ở đằng xa Question 21: A. charming (adj) duyên dáng B. lovely (adj): dễ thương C. gorgeous (adj): lộng lẫy D. beautiful (adj): đẹp Question 22: A. tall B. large C. high Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 6 D. many Question 23: A. by B. from C. at D. in Question 24: A. are more likelier B. are much more likely: nhiều khả năng C. would be able D. could more or less Question 25: A. see through: xem kỹ B. keep alert: thông báo C. watch out ~ be aware ~ used to warn sb about sth dangerous: cẩn trọng D. look up: tra cứu Question 26: A. at B. from C. with D. on (improvement in/on/to sth): tốt hơn, khá hơn, cải tiến hơn. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 27 to 36. New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our leisure time. (Question 28) We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go away, we take our cell phones, PDAs, and laptops along). And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of e-mail, voice mail, cell phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of privacy and leisure. Since the Industrial Revolution, people have assumed that new labor-saving devices would free them from the burdens of the workplace and give them more time to grow intellectually, creatively, and socially – exploring the arts, keeping up with current events, spending more time with friends and family, and even just ‘goofing off’. But here we are at the start of the 21 st century, enjoying one of the greatest technological boom times in human history, and nothing could be further from the truth. The very tools that were supposed to liberate us have bound us to our work and study in ways that were inconceivable just a few years ago. It would seem that technology almost never does what we expect. In ‘the old days’, the lines between work and leisure time were markedly clearer. (Question 31) People left their offices at a predictable time, were often completely disconnected from and out of touch with their jobs as they traveled to and from work, and were off-duty once they were home. That is no longer true. In today’s highly competitive job market, employers demand increased productivity, expecting workers to put in longer hours and to keep in touch almost constantly via fax, cell phones, e- Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 7 mail, or other communication’s devices. As a result, employees feel the need to check in on what is going on at the office, even on days off. (Question 32) They feel pressured to work after hours just to catch up on everything they have to do. Workers work harder and longer, change their work tasks more frequently, and have more and more reasons to worry about job security. Bosses, colleagues, family members, lovers, and friends expect instant responses to voice mail and e-mail messages. Even college students have become bound to their desks by an environment in which faculty, friends, and other members of the college community increasingly do their work online. Studies of time spent on instant messaging services would probably show staggering use. This is not what technology was supposed to be doing for us. New technologies, from genetic research to the Internet, offer all sorts of benefits and opportunities. (Question 29) But, when new tools make life more difficult and stressful rather than easier and more meaningful – and we are, as a society, barely conscious of it – then something has gone seriously awry, both with our expectations for technology and our understanding of how it should benefit us. From “Summit 1” by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher New words:  To goof off ~ to spend your time doing nothing, especially when you should be working: rãnh rỗi, không làm gì.  Technological boom times: thời đại bùng nổ công nghệ  Inconceivable (adj) ~ impossible to imagine or believe: kì lạ, phi thường  Off-duty (adj) ~ not at work: không làm việc  Keep in touch: giữ liên lạc  Day off: ngày nghỉ  Staggering (adj) ~ so great, shocking or surprising that it is difficult to believe: làm choáng người.  To be conscious of sth ~ aware of sth ~ noticing sth: nhận thức rõ, thấy rõ.  Awry (adj): không như ý  At a predictable time: thời gian biết trước (để làm gì đó) Question 27: According to the first three paragraphs, technological tools that were designed to make our lives easier______. => Theo 3 đoạn đầu, các công cụ tân tiến được thiết kế để làm cho cuộc sống chúng ta dễ dàng hơn__.) A. have brought us complete happiness (toàn mang lại hạnh phúc cho chúng ta) B. have fully met our expectations (đáp ứng đầy đủ những gì chúng ta mong muốn) C. have not interfered with our privacy (không can thiệp vào sự riêng tư của chúng ta) D. have turned out to do us more harm than good (chứng minh cho ta thấy hại nhiều hơn lợi) Question 28: Which of the following is NOT true about technological tools, according to new surveys? =>Theo những thăm dò mới đây, câu nào không đúng khi nói đến công cụ tân tiến? A. They make our life more stressful. (Nó làm cho cuộc sống chúng ta căng thẳng hơn) B. They bring more leisure to our life. (Nó cho chúng ta có nhiều thời gian rãnh hơn) C. They are used even during vacations. (Nó được tận dụng ngay cả khi bạn đang đi nghỉ mát) D. They are being increasingly used. ( Nó ngày càng được tận dụng nhiều hơn) Question 29: Which of the following is true, according to the passage? Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 8 => Theo đoạn văn này thì câu nào sau đây đúng? A. People have more opportunities to get access to technological applications. => Mọi người có nhiều cơ hội tiếp cận các ứng dụng tân tiến hơn. B. Employees were supposed to make technology do what they expected. => Nhân viên được cho là điều khiển công nghệ làm theo những gì mình muốn. C. People now enjoy greater freedom thanks to the technological boom. => Hiện nay mọi người rảnh rang hơn nhờ vào việc bùng nổ công nghệ. D. Students used to have to study more about technological advances. => Sinh viên từng phải nghiên cứu thêm về sự tân tiến của công nghệ. Question 30: The word “inconceivable” in the passage is closest in meaning to”______”. A. unforgettable (không thể quên được) B. unimaginable (không thể tin được) C. predictable (có thể đoán được) D. foreseeable (có thể biết trước được) Question 31: With the phrase “at a predictable time”, the author implies that______. => Với cụm từ “at a predictable time’, tác giả ám chỉ rằng_________. A. people had to predict the time they were allowed to leave offices => Mọi người phải dự đoán thời gian họ được phép rời văn phòng. B. people wanted to be completely disconnected from their work => Mọi người muốn cắt đứt liên lạc hoàn toàn với công việc của họ. C. people were unable to foresee their working hours => Mọi người không thể biết trước được giờ làm việc của họ. D. people used to have more time and privacy after work => Mọi người từng có thời gian và sự riêng tư sau giờ làm. Question 32: It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that______. => Có thể rút ra từ đoạn văn số 4 rằng_________. A. it is compulsory that employees go to the office, even on days off => Bắt buộc nhân viên phải đi làm, ngay cả ngày nghỉ. B. employees have more freedom to decide what time they start and finish work => Nhân viên tự do quyết định thời gian mà họ bắt đầu và kết thúc công việc. C. employers are more demanding and have efficient means to monitor employees => Người sử dụng lao động khắt khe hơn và có nhiều phương tiện hiêu quả để giám sát nhân viên hơn. D. life is more relaxing with cell phones and other technological devices => Cuộc sống thoải mái hơn khi có điện thoại di động và các thiết bị công nghệ khác. Question 33: The word “They” in the fourth paragraph refers to______. A. employers B. employees C. workers D. tasks Question 34: Which of the following could be the main idea of the fifth paragraph? => Câu nào sau đây có thể làm ý chính cho đoạn văn số 5? A. New technological applications are wise entertainment choices of our modern time. Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 9 => Các ứng dụng công nghệ mới là những lựa chọn giải trí khôn ngoan trong thời hiện đại của chúng ta. B. The coming of new technological advances has spoiled family and social relationships. => Việc ra đời của công nghệ tân tiến đã làm hỏng gia đình và các mối quan hệ xã hội. C. New technological advances have added more stress to daily life. => Sự phát triển của công nghệ tân tiến đã tạo thêm áp lực cho cuộc sống hàng ngày. D. New technological advances have reduced work performance. => Sự phát triển của công nghệ tân tiến đã làm giảm hiệu suất công việc. Question 35: This passage has probably been taken from______. => Đoạn văn này có thể được rút ra từ________. A. a science review (một tạp chí khoa học) B. a political journal (một tạp chí chính trị) C. an advertisement (một quảng cáo) D. a fashion magazine (một tạp chí thời trang) Question 36: Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage? => Câu nào sau đây có thể phù hợp nhất để làm tiêu đề cho đoạn văn? A. Expectations and Plain Reality (Những mong muốn và thực tại giản đơn) B. Benefits of Technology (Lợi ích của công nghệ) C. Research on the Roles of Computers (Nghiên cứu về vai trò của máy tính) D. Changes at the Workplace (Sự thay đổi ở sở làm) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions. Question 37: We all agree that she is _____ student in our class. A. the cleverest (so sánh nhất: the + short adj + est/ the most + long adj) B. a more clever (sai cấu trúc) C. cleverest (thiếu mạo từ “the”) D. most clever (sai cấu trúc) Question 38: Standing on the tip of the cape, _____. => (câu trên là dạng rút gọn của câu sau: When/if we stand on the tip of the cape, we can see____) A. people have seen a lighthouse far away B. a lighthouse can see from the distance C. we can see the lighthouse in the distance D. lies a lighthouse in the middle of the sea Question 39: The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm _____. A. broke (mộ hành động đang xảy ra trong quá, có một hành động khác xen vào) B. would break C. had broken D. was breaking Question 40: _____ John Kennedy was elected president; he was the youngest American President ever. Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 10 A. Before (trước khi) B. As long as (miễn là) C. When (khi) D. While (trong khi) Question 41: Only one of our gifted students _____ to participate in the final competition. A. has been chosen (dạng bị động trong đó chủ từ là số ít) B. have been chosen C. were choosing D. chosen Question 42: The pool should not be made so deep _____ small children can be safe there. A. so as to (+V) B. though (+ clause: phản nghĩa) C. if (+ clause: không phù hợp nghĩa) D. so that (+ clause) Question 43: I am sorry I have no time at present to _____ detail of our plan. A. bring in: đưa vào B. come in: đi vào C. take into: đưa vào D. go into ~ to begin to do sth or behave in a particular way: phát thảo Question 44: Tom: “_____” Mike: “I won’t say no!” (Dĩ nhiên rồi) A. Mike, do you know where the scissors are? B. What about playing badminton this afternoon? (Chiều nay chơi cầu lông chứ?) C. How are things with you, Mike? D. What’s your favorite, tea or coffee? Question 45: As a millionaire who liked to show off her wealth, Mrs. Smith paid _____ we asked. A . four time much as B. four time much than C. four times as much as (gấp 4 lần hơn chúng tôi yêu cầu) D. four time as many as Question 46: The Lake District, _____ was made a national park in 1951, attracts a large number of tourists every year. A. that (không dùng sau dấu phẩy) B. what (không phù hợp) C. where (không phù hợp) D. which (đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho The Lake District đóng vai trò chủ từ) Question 47: He _____ us but he was short of money at that time. A. might help B. would help C. can help [...]... spend about one-third of our lives sleeping We know relatively little about sleep A We know relatively little about sleep; as a result, we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping B Despite spending about one-third of our lives sleeping, we know relatively little about sleep C We shall know more about sleep if we spend more than one-third of our lives sleeping D We spend about one-third of our lives... precipitation occurs, some of it evaporates, some run off the surface it strikes, and some sinking in to the ground.=> sinks Question 63: A warming printed on a makeshift lifebuoy says: “This is not a life-saving device Children should be accompany by their parents.”=> accompanied https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 12 Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153 Question 64: Of all... free trade but because of protectionism and subsidies (Question 71) They argue that the more recently successful economies of South Korea, Taiwan, and China all had strong state-led development strategies that did not follow neo-liberalism These critics think that government encouragement of “infant industries” – that is, industries that are just beginning to develop – enables a country to become internationally... from: mang lại từ… C to ~ persuade sb to agree to sth: thuyết phục D up ~ to care for a child: nuôi nấng Question 59: _ his brother, Mike is active and friendly A Dislike ~ to not like sb or sth: Không thích B Liking: thích C Alike (adj) ~ very similar: rất giống D Unlike (prep) ~ different from a particular person or thing: không giống (chọn vì cần một giới từ) Question 60: _ one of the most beautiful... She had left because I was not on time C I arrived very late to say goodbye to her D I was not early enough to see her off  Mời các bạn tham gia thảo luận Tiếng Anh tại:  https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish  http://yeutienganh123.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish Page 15 Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153... giới từ) Question 60: _ one of the most beautiful forms of performance art, ballet is a combination of dance and mime performed to music A Considered (Dạng bị động rút gọn, giống câu 80 mã đề 475 môn Anh khối A1-2013) B Being considering C Considering D To consider Question 61: _ has been a topic of continual geological research A If the continents formed B The continents formed C how the continents... to the corner of the hall to _ our party tonight A give place to ~ be succeeded or replaced by (được thực hiện thành công hay được thay thế bởi) B make room for (có chỗ trống cho) C take up room to (chi m chỗ) D make place for (tạo một chỗ cho + youth/kids… (nghĩa bóng: ý muốn nói tạo không gian giải trí cho giới trẻ…) Question 55: Stephanie: “Oh, no! I left my book at home Can I share yours?” Scott:”... be changed The debate over globalization is about what the best rules are for governing the global economy so that its advantages can grow while its problems can be solved (Question 75) On one side of this debate are those who stress the benefits of removing barriers to international trade and investment, allowing capital to be allocated more efficiently and giving consumers greater freedom of choice.(Question . tôi gửi thêm chi tiết công việc. B. He thanked me for sending him further details of the job. => bẫy ở câu này => Anh ta cám ơn tôi vì đã gửi thêm chi tiết công việc cho anh ta. Lê Quốc. of the job. => Anh ta nịnh tôi bởi vì tôi đã gửi thêm chi tiết công việc cho anh ta. D. He felt great because further details of the job had been sent to him. => Anh ta cảm thấy hạnh. see her off.  Mời các bạn tham gia thảo luận Tiếng Anh tại:  https://www.facebook.com/LearningAmericanEnglish  http://yeutienganh123.blogspot.com/ Lê Quốc Bảo https://www.facebook.com/quocbao153

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2014, 07:56
