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CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission 512 Fig. 4c. (Color online) TDDFT/LB94 orbital population, N i, (t), of CS 2 for selective fixed angle, θ, between the molecular axis and the laser polarization direction and I= 1.72×10 14 W/cm 2 . Only the relevant KS orbitals which possess an important response to the laser field are shown with their label. Fig.4d. (Color online) TDDFT/LB94 harmonic spectra of CO 2 for some angles, between the molecular axis and the laser polarization direction. Laserpulse duration, eight optical cycles, peak intensity I= 1.72×10 14 W/cm 2 , and wavelength, 800nm. harmonic while when θ=90 o the harmonic spectrum signal is significantly higher as expected resulting from a constructive interference as found in the CO 2 and the H 2 + case. 48 c. OCS Considering the nonsymmetric OCS case, one finds that the amount of ionization, computed using Eq.9 is nearly the same at the end of the eight cycle laserpulse (around 7%) independent of the laser molecule angle θ. However, the difference between theses orientations on the harmonic spectra (Fig.4e) is remarkable. Non Perturbative Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory, TDDFT, Study of Ionization and Harmonic Generation in Linear Di-(N 2 ) and Tri-(CO 2 , OCS, CS 2 )… 513 For the parallel orientation, θ=0 o , the spectra shows in the plateau region a striking pronounced minimum or destructive interference as for the CS 2 and CO 2 case around N= 39. For θ=90 o , unlike what we find for the case of CS 2 , a minimum is found around N=25. This interference minimum is rather broad and as deep as is found for θ=0 o . Although the oxygen and the sulfur atom experience exactly the same external electric field, the minimum observed is due to the electronegativity and the IP difference between the two atoms. To explain these results, we invoke the semiclassical picture of MHOHG. When the driving laser field is polarized perpendicular to the molecular axis, if the two nuclei are identical (CS 2 and CO 2 ), they experience the same tunnelling ionization and the returning electron wavepacket can interact simultaneously with all the ionic cores. Then, both nuclei at the same time emit radiation of the same intensity, frequency and phase 12, 49 , thus leading to enhanced harmonic yield. However, if the two nuclei are different (different atomic electronegativity or atomic ionization potential, IP as for the OCS case), although they experience the same laser intensity, both nuclei emit different radiation of different intensity, giving rise to the presence of both minima and maxima in the spectrum. In contrast, the electron wavepacket if they are driven by a laser field parallel to the molecular axis can miss the molecular core. In fact the nuclei screen each other from the returning electron wavepacket. Thus the interference of harmonics emitted from each nucleus occurs over a wide spread of harmonic order thus giving rise to a smaller efficiency for HHG in the case of parallel orientation. Fig. 4e. (Color online) TDDFT/LB94 harmonic spectra of OCS for some angles, between the molecular axis and the laser polarization direction. Laserpulse duration, eight optical cycles, peak intensity I= 3.50×10 14 W/cm 2 , and wavelength, 800nm. d. N 2 In Fig.4f we present the MHOHG power spectra obtained by, Eq.11, emitted respectively by N 2 at θ=0˚and 90˚. Calculations are done at I=3.50×10 14 W/cm 2 laser intensity and the ionization yield is respectively 3% at θ=0˚ and 5% at θ=90˚. The ‘cut-off’ due to recollision of an ionized electron that usually determines the highest harmonic order achievable, N m , is found approximately at the 55 th harmonic. When the molecule is aligned parallel to the laserCoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission 514 polarization (θ=0˚), the spectrum displays two shallow minima, the first at N=25 in agreement with the experimental measurements 45-47 at I=2.3 x 10 14 W/cm 2 and the second one near the cut-off at N=43. This latter is absent in the experimental data most probably due to the different laser intensity used or due to the fact that experimentally the noise level is much higher near the cut-off. The difference with the corresponding harmonic spectrum amplitude for θ=90˚ is remarkable. An interesting future is the complete absence of a minimum interference and the harmonic signal is strongest near the cut-off region of the spectrum. This reflects the constructive interference in the MHOHG recombination step that results in a maximum in the high harmonic signal originating from the HOMO-1 of symmetry π u (although it is bound by an additional 1.6 eV) due to its shape and also its large recombination dipole as shown in Fig.1 and Fig.3d. Fig. 4f. ((Color online) TDDFT/LB94 harmonic spectra of N 2 for some angles, between the molecular axis and the laser polarization direction. Laserpulse duration, eight optical cycles, peak intensity I= 3.50×10 14 W/cm 2 , and wavelength, 800nm. e. Comparative MHOHG In figures 4a-f, we have illustrated MHOHG spectra for CO 2 , CS 2 , OCS and N 2 , i.e. 3-center and 2-center molecules. The TDELF images, Fig 3a-f show that OCS behaves like a superposition of two 2-center moieties, CO and CS. The dominant features of the MHOHG spectra are intensity minima at certain laser-molecule angles, θ. Thus in Fig.4a, CO 2 exhibits a minimum around N=37 at θ=45 o . CS 2 z and y harmonic components have minima around N=30, Fig.4c and similarly for OCS Fig.4d. For comparison the 2-center N 2 shows a minimum around N=25 and 41 at θ=0 o which disappears for perpendicular ionization and recombination at θ=90 o , Fig.4f. CO 2 (Fig.4a), CS 2 (Fig 4b) and N 2 (Fig.4f) show no significant minima in their MHOHG spectrum at θ=90 o whereas OCS (Fig.4d) manifests at θ=90 o a broad minimum centered around N=30. The symmetric molecules N 2 , CO 2 , CS 2 can be treated as 2-center ionization and recombination systems with emitter interference patterns for the multiphoton ionization and photon recombination. 4, 12 Thus for molecular bonding orbitals sums of atomic orbital, σ g and π u , both ionization and recombination amplitude will have 2-center interference modulation proportional to cos( p e •R/2) whereas antibonding Non Perturbative Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory, TDDFT, Study of Ionization and Harmonic Generation in Linear Di-(N 2 ) and Tri-(CO 2 , OCS, CS 2 )… 515 antisymmetric combinations σ u and π g produce a sin(p e •R/2) interference 4 for electron momentum p e and internuclear distance R. Thus for perpendicular laser-molecule orientation, θ=90 o , cos(p e •R/2) =1 and sin(p e •R/2)=0 for electrons ionized or recombining along the laser polarization. CO 2 , OCS and CS 2 ionization probabilities are in fact minimal at θ=90 o , whereas for N 2 at higher intensities these are equal (Table 2). This result is confirmed by the HOMO antibonding combination of atomic orbitals of the triatomics π g as compared to the bonding 3σ g HOMO of N 2 . Similarly, lower higher IP bonding π u orbitals in the triatomics have dominant ionization at θ=90 o and higher intensities where cos (p e •R/2) = 1, Fig.2. In the case of harmonics, one observes in general little structure or interference at θ=90 o for symmetric molecule due to both cos(p e •R/2) and sin(p e •R/2) modulating factors. Clear MHOG intensity minima are found for CO 2 around N=37 at θ=45 o Fig.4a, for CS 2 and N=30 and θ=45 o Fig.4b, and N 2 at N=25 for θ=0 o , Fig.4f. Harmonics at orders N=25 are produced by electrons with momentum p e =1.69, since p e 2 /2=Nω, with ω=0.057 au (800nm). The corresponding electron wavelength is λ e = 2π/p e =0.197 nm, or equivalently 2R for N 2 (R=0.104 nm). Since recombination occurs to the bonding 3σ g , HOMO, cos(p e •R/2) =cos(πR/λ e )=cos(π/2)=0, thus explaining the minimum. The same exercise at θ=45 o for CO 2 gives λ e =R(CO 2 )=0.2 nm and sin(p e •R/2)= sin(πR/λ e )=0. The same result is found for CS2, since in both cases recombination occurs in an antibonding π g HOMO. In these three symmetric molecular cases, two center interferences, cos( p e •R/2) for bonding and sin( p e •R/2) for antibonding HOMO’s regulate MHOHG spectral intensities. The nonsymmetric OCS MHOHG spectra present anomalous intensities as seen in Fig.4d. A clear minimum appears at order N=35 at θ=0 o and an unexpected minimum around N=30 at θ=90 o . The charge asymmetry in this molecule is responsible for more complex recombination and MHOHG spectra. 7. Conclusion The nonlinear nonperturbative TDDFT calculations presented in this paper for symmetric CO 2 , CS 2 and non-symmetric OCS tri-atomics and the di-atomic N 2 address the TDELF analysis and the MHOHG process occurring from MO ionization at high laser intensities where linear TDDFT is not applicable. As major results, we find that at equilibrium distance R and at intensities I 0 > 3.5x10 14 W/cm 2 , lower inner highest occupied molecular orbitals contribute significantly to ionization and to the MHOHG process. This is due to the symmetry of these orbitals. Even though such lower inner shell orbitals have higher ionization potentials and MHOHG processes occur when orbital densities are maximal with laser polarization direction. Our simulations also reveal that the direction of the laser polarization, θ, with respect to the molecular axis of the linear molecule can have a significant effect on MHOHG. At some angles, ionization probabilities of different orbitals cross in magnitude. 50 So, while maxima (constructive) and minima (destructive) due to intramolecular interference are found in the dependence of the harmonic intensities on the orientation of the asymmetric OCS molecule, only maxima interference are found for symmetric CS 2 and CO 2 molecules when the laser polarization is perpendicular to the molecular axis. The relative position of the minima interference increases to high harmonic order, N, when the laser-molecule angle, θ, increases. This is explained in section (6-e) by a simple general formula based on recombination of a continuum electron with a HOMO. 4 These findings are confirmed with the time dependent electron localization function, TDELF, representation through the analysis in term of density perturbations appearing on CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission 516 the TDELF images of each molecule. 23 For θ < 90 o and at lower laser intensity (Io =10 14 W/cm 2 ), one sees that the HOMO is the most affected by the laser field and a large asymmetry density is found, i.e., we clearly see that during each half cycle, the perturbation occurs alternatively from one nucleus to another (favouring minimal interference) while for θ=90 o , both nuclei simultaneously feel the same perturbation from the laser field (favouring maximal interference). 51 The present TDDFT simulations show also that the local LB94 potential gives reliable ionization energies 52 , IP, of individual orbitals, thus suggesting that the KS orbitals are close to Dyson orbitals 40 which are the exact many body orbitals for ionization. The relation between these Dyson and the LB94 KS orbitals requires further exploration. Furthermore, the MHOHG spectra show strong dependence on the laser intensity and the laser-molecular angle θ. This suggests that MHOHG can be a potentially powerful way of studying molecular structure such as orbital tomography. 10 This is made possible by observing and analyzing the shape of the MHOHG spectrum in the plateau region whereas electron recombination is predicted to occur near zero electric field. 49 We also show that elliptical polarization of the MHOHG spectra are influenced by inner shell ionization. In general, for intensities above I=3.5x10 14 W/cm 2 , inner shell orbitals, i.e. lower highest occupied molecular orbitals HOMO-1 and HOMO-2 with larger ionization potentials, IP, than the highest occupied orbital, HOMO, can contribute considerably to total ionization. The main reason is that these inner-valence orbitals have fewer nodes than the HOMO and therefore for certain laser polarization, the density of these lower (but higher IP) orbitals at the laser-molecule angle θ is much larger than the HOMO. At angle θ=45 o , the degeneracy of π orbitals is removed by the laser, resulting in different MHOHG polarization components. The phase dependence of these different component harmonics and their relation to electron dynamics has not yet been explored. 49 As a general rule, we note that the ionization is generally preferred as the molecule is aligned along the major axis of the electron distribution in the active molecular orbital. It should be emphasized that while the local LB94 potential yields good molecular orbital ionization potentials IP, further study of MHOHG including the nucleus separation distance effects such as recently reported 53 for H 2 and using more accurate exchange potentials based on long range-short range corrected model 54 offer scope for future accurate characterization of MHOHG processes. The effects of the atomic position (bond length) on the molecular ionization and MHOHG signal are left for future study in order to treat new nonlinear phenomena in molecules such as Charge Resonance Enhanced Ionization, CREI. 51 8. References [1] M. I. Al-Joboury, et al., J. Chem. Soc., 6350 (1965). [2] M. Hentschel, et al., Nature 414, 509 (2001). [3] M. Drescher, et al., Nature 419, 509 (2002). [4] A. D. Bandrauk, et al., in Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, edited by K. Yamanouchi, et al. (Springer, Tokyo, 2006), Vol. III. [5] P. B. Corkum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1994 (1993). [6] M. 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A wide range of photonic structures manufactured using this method has been demonstrated in glasses and crystals since the first observation of the underling phenomenon (Davis, 1996). While numerous waveguides, waveguide lasers and amplifiers, couplers and Bragg gratings were fabricated on the basis of this phenomenon, PRICE theory is far from accomplishment yet, although some basic principles are beyond any doubt. To date it is obvious that to understand femtosecond modification of a transparent dielectric the process should be separated in two stages. The first stage consists of the non-linear absorption of a femtosecond pulseand electron plasma generation. The second stage consists of energy transfer from the electron plasma to ions and structural changes in a dielectric. The first stage seems to be very analogous both in glasses and crystals, as it deals with electronic excitation and only material parameters required for its description are energy gap width and coefficients of multiphonon absorption (MPA). The second stage still rises many questions and should be considered as an incomplete chapter in PRICE theory. To date it is not clear whether PRICE proceeds in the same manner both in crystals and glasses. It is generally understood for glasses and associated with melting and densification (Glezer, 1997; Streltsov & Borelli, 2001). As a rule it gives positive refractive index change in the exposed region, and its magnitude can be as high as 10 -2 (Allsop, 2010). Thus a straightforward way for waveguide inscription is open for glasses. Contrary to glasses PRICE is rather more complicated and intrigued in crystals. As a rule refractive index change is negative in the exposed region. For example, a widely accepted point of view relays on the assumption that a crystal undergoes amorphisation in the exposed region, and this causes stresses and positive refractive index change in the surrounding area (Gorelik, 2003; Apostolopoulos, 2004). Thus a waveguide is usually created in the area adjacent to tracks written by femtosecond beam. Since in this case waveguiding is due to an indirect effect accompanying femtosecond modification of crystal lattice, magnitude of refractive index change in the waveguide is not so high as in glass waveguides and does not exceed 1*10 -3 (Nejadmalayeri, 2005; Torchia, 2008; Siebenmorgen, 2009; Silva, 2010; Bookey, 2007; Burghoff, 2007). This value is not enough to build compact waveguide lasers with diode pumping. Meantime in many cases crystals are more a attractive media for femtosecond fabrication of compact waveguide lasers in comparison to glasses, because they have better thermo-conductivity, high optical damage threshold andCoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission 520 allow high doping level of rare-earth and transition metal ions without significant degradation of spectroscopic characteristics. Finally negative refractive index change could be altered to an advantage, as it allows writing a cladding, while a waveguide core is composed of unperturbed crystal region. In such architecture degradation of spectroscopic parameter is excluded and scattering loss is basically lower. This paper is devoted to investigation of the processes relating to femtosecond writing of waveguides in laser crystals doped by rare-earth and transition metal ions, as well as to design and fabrication of crystalline waveguide lasers. The author proposes his own point of view on processes taking place in crystal, and methods for inscription of low loss waveguides in ion-doped YAG crystals. An example of a waveguide laser will be presented. 2. Waveguide fabrication technique and architecture Numerous femtosecond lasers operating in NIR (Ti: sapphire or Yb-based lasers) or VIS (harmonic of Ti:sapphire laser), and even in Mid-IR (OPO, 2400 nm) are used for waveguide fabrication in transparent dielectrics. They are either oscillators providing pulses with high rep rate from range of 5 MHz to 25 MHz, or regenerative amplifiers providing lower rep rate nearly less than 5 MHz. A sample is mounted on high-precision 3-D translation stage, andlaser beam is tightly focused in the sample volume at a depth of 20-500 µm under polished surface of the sample. Microscopic lenses with numerical aperture NA= 0.4 – 1.4 are usually used for focusing, providing beam waist as low as 0.5 - 2 µm. Focusing depth is first of all constrained by aberrations which a converging beam suffered at air-dielectric interface (they could be reduced by implementing immersion liquid). Another constrain is the lens working distance. While the sample is moving in the direction perpendicular to the laser beam, beam waist produces a permanent stable track of modified material with altered refractive index, or permanent refractive index change (PRICE). Velocity of the translation in dependency of laser rep rate may be in the range of 0.01 – 50 mm/s. Under moderate pulse energy, suitable for waveguide fabrication, PRICE is positive in fused silica and most of glasses (Davis, 1996; Miura, 1997; Homoelle, 1999; Schaffer, 2001; Streltsov, 2001). Thus even a single track recorded in glass is a waveguide core, while surrounding area is a cladding (Fig.1a). Transverse cross section of such waveguide is generally elliptical. Ellipticity is high for low rep rate inscription. Special beam shaping is applied in order to make waveguide with a circular cross section at low rep rate laser systems (Osellame, 2003; Moh, 2005; Marshall, 2006). High rep rate lasers provide circular waveguide cross section even without beam shaping due to strong cumulative heating effect (Eaton, 2005). However it holds true for glasses with low thermal conductivity (borosilicate, boroaluminosilicate, etc.), and does not work for fused silica. Situation is more complicated in crystals. Positive refractive index change in the exposed crystal area was observed only under certain restricted conditions. Refractive index change is positive in LiNbO 3 crystal for extraordinary axis under low pulse energy (Burghoff, 2006; Burghoff, 2007). Second harmonic generation in a waveguide written in this regime in z-cut PPLN crystal was demonstrated (Lee, 2006). A track has a pronounced elliptical cross section with width of about 1 µm and was elongated in direction of femtosecond beam propagation by 10 µm and more. Because of this a multiscan technique was applied in order to fabricate a more symmetrical waveguide core. That is, 6 tracks separated by 0.7 µm in direction perpendicular to a track and beam propagation were written (Fig.1b). A near- circular single mode waveguide of analogous type was fabricated in z-cut LiNbO 3 single crystal (Bookey, 2007). In this work the modified region of the crystal is consisted of two [...]... Fig 14 Dependence of pulse absorbed energy in undoped YAG crystal in dependency upon input pulse energy The arrow indicates PRICE threshold Inscribing beam has cross section of circular symmetry 532 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission Fig 15 Dependence of pulse absorbed energy in undoped YAG and YAG:Nd(0.5%) crystals (black and red points correspondingly) ZnSe crystal (blue points) and BK7... various glasses with ultrashortpulselaser Appl Phys Lett., Vol 71 (3329-3331) Marshall, G.D.; Ams, M and Withford, M.J (2006) Direct laser written waveguide–Bragg gratings in bulk fused silica Optics Letters, Vol 31 (2690-2691) 542 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission Marshall, G.D.; Dekker, P.; Ams, M.; Piper, J.A and Withford, M.J (2008) Directly written monolithic waveguide laser incorporating... range Fig 21 Scheme of laser setup Fig 22 Near field image of pump emission taken at OC location 540 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission Fig 23 Oscilloscope trace of a Q-switch pulse 7 Conclusion Micro-modification by means of femtosecond laser pulses is an effective tool for fabrication of low threshold and efficient waveguide lasers in YAG crystals A beam with elliptical cross section is very... input power 11 MHz rep rate femtosecond laser 534 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission Sign of PRICE induced by 11-MHz rep rate Ti-Sapphire oscillator in YAG:Cr4+ crystal depends upon speed of crystal translation andpulse energy (Okhrimchuk, 2008) For example at velocity V=32 mm/s it is positive for pulse energy exceeding 50 nJ, and is negative for pulse energies ranging from PRICE threshold... experimental results and new atomistic mechanisms are needed in order to explain the measured kinetics 544 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission 2 Non-linear heating by a single laserpulse Before we discuss the heat transport and phase transformation in noble metals irradiated by fslasers, we first need to consider how heat is absorbed by the materials during a single pulse irradiation This... comparsion of the laser- induced d-band holes and the doped d-band holes, we plot a(f) as a function of absorbed fluence The population of the excited d-band holes (for Ag) can be estimated for a given absorbed fluence by assuming the electrons maintain a Fermi-Dirac distribution They are shown as verticle lines in Fig 2 546 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission At low Pt concentrations, the laser- induced... Waveguides in Ion-Doped Laser Crystals 539 cladding ) Oscillation was investigated in a pulsed pump mode with repetition rate ranging from 1 Hz to 10 kHz and pump pulse duration of 100 – 250 µs Q-switch pulse energy and duration were found to be independent upon repetition rate At repetition rate of 1 kHz and pump pulse duration of 250 µs output pulse energy is as high as 10 µJ, and threshold pump energy... drag some weekly bonded positive ions outside the 538 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission exposed area In this case even inscription with a shorter wavelength does not reduce a minimal inscribable pitch, because minimal pitch size not defined by size of the exposed area, but by size of the electron plasma expanding for a long time after laserpulse is over Accordingly to this assumption another... Dubov, M and Bennion, I (2009-a) Cascaded nonlinear absorption of femtosecond laser pulses in dielectrics”, Laser Physics, Vol.19, (141 5 -142 2) Okhrimchuk, A.G.; Mezentsev, V.K.; Dvoyrin, V.V.; Kurkov, A.S.; Sholokhov, E.M.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Shestakov, A.V and Bennion, I (2009-b) Waveguide-saturable absorber fabricated by femtosecond pulses in YAG:Cr4+ crystal for Q-switched operation of Yb-fiber laser. .. of beam cross-section, and the beam experiences a more uniform absorption, which decreases a transmittance, as it was observed in experiment (Table.1) This result suggests that breaking of axial symmetry of the femtosecond beam is a promising technological method to prevent destructive self-focusing at small energies, and thus it may 530 CoherenceandUltrashortPulseLaserEmission lead to a better . perturbations appearing on Coherence and Ultrashort Pulse Laser Emission 516 the TDELF images of each molecule. 23 For θ < 90 o and at lower laser intensity (Io =10 14 W/cm 2 ), one sees. the 55 th harmonic. When the molecule is aligned parallel to the laser Coherence and Ultrashort Pulse Laser Emission 514 polarization (θ=0˚), the spectrum displays two shallow minima,. (2010). Coherence and Ultrashort Pulse Laser Emission 518 [51] T. Zuo, et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 259, 313 (1996). [52] S K. Son and S I. Chu, Chem. Phys. 91, 366 (2009). [53] A. D. Bandrauk,