Oscillation Susceptibility of an Unmanned Aircraft whose Automatic FlightControl System Fails 287 Theorem 1. If the inequalities (32) hold and () 2 2 ee e g c mz zm z a Va αδ α δ α δ ε ⋅ −⋅ ⋅+⋅⋅ ⋅> (36) then for any *nN∈ the system (2.20) has at least one 2n π -periodic solution. Proof. See Balint et al., 2010b. Theorem 2. If inequalities (32) hold and () 2 2 ee e g c mz zm z a Va αδ α δ α δ ε ⋅ −⋅ ⋅−⋅⋅ ⋅<− (37) then for any *nN∈ the system (2.21) has at least one 2n π -periodic solution. Proof. See Balint et al., 2010b. The conclusion of this section can be summarized as: Theorem 3. If inequalities (32) and (36) hold, then for any *nN ∈ equation (22) has at least one solution ()t θ , such that its derivative ()t θ is a positive 2n π -periodic function (i.e. ()t θ is an increasing oscillatory solution). If inequalities (32) and (37) hold, then for any *nN ∈ equation (22) has at least one solution ()t θ , such that its derivative ()t θ is a negative periodic function (i.e. ()t θ is a decreasing oscillatory solution). 4. Numerical examples To describe the flight of ADMIRE (Aero Data Model in a Research Environment) aircraft with constant forward velocity V , the system of differential equations (12) is employed: where: () () e r e r r N y r yy N zaC z aC y aC y aC y aC δ δ αβ αδ β δ ββ =⋅ =⋅ =⋅ =⋅ =⋅ (,) (,) a a p yp y yaCy aC δ δ α βαβ =⋅ =⋅ 212mN TmN maCcCcaCCaC αα ααα α ⎛⎞ =⋅ −⋅ +⋅⋅ + ⋅⋅ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ D ( ) 21 ee e e mm NN maCcCCaC δδ δ α δ =⋅ −⋅ + ⋅⋅ 22 2 c c q m q mm m maC maCC maC δ α α δ α ⎛⎞ =⋅ =⋅ + =⋅ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ DD D 11111 () () () () ra ra p r prl ll ll l aC l aC l aC l aC l aC δ δ β βδδ αα αα =⋅ =⋅ =⋅ =⋅ =⋅ ( ) 33n y naCcC β β β =⋅ +⋅ () ( ) 33 (,) (,) , pp pny naCcC α βαβαβ =⋅ +⋅ 33 () () ca ca n nacC δ δ α α =⋅⋅ () ( ) 33 (,) (,) rr rny naCcC α βαββ =⋅ +⋅ ( ) 33 rr r n y naCcC δ δ δ =⋅ +⋅ ( ) 33 aa a ny naCcC δδ δ =⋅ +⋅ () () 22 22 22 , p r yr y p y y acaC y acaC y acaC β β β αβ = ⋅ ⋅⋅ = ⋅ ⋅⋅ = ⋅ ⋅⋅ 22 22 ra ra yy y acaC y acaC δ δ δδ =⋅⋅⋅ =⋅⋅⋅ 11 0.157[ ] 0.28[ ] p T l C rad C rad α − − =− =− ( ) 11 3.295[ ] (0.344 0.02)[ ] r Nl CradC rad α αα −− ==⋅+ 1 1.074[ ] e N Crad δ − = 1 0.0907[ ] n Crad β − = 11 0.267[ ] 0.0846[ ] r mn C rad C rad δ α −− ==− 1 0.426[ ] e m Crad δ − =− 1 0.051[ ] a n Crad δ − = ( ) 1 0.2[ ] 0.49 0.0145[ ] cca mn C rad C rad δδ αα − ==−⋅+ AdvancesinFlightControlSystems 288 11 0.44[ ] 1.45[ ] q mm CradCrad α −− =− =− D 2 1 ( ) 0.896 0.47 0.04 [ ]Crad β ααα =⋅−⋅− ( ) 1112 0.804[ ] 0.185[ ] 0.122[ ] 2.725 [ ] ra r yy y y C rad C rad C rad C rad δδ β ββ −−− ==−= =⋅ ( ) ( ) 23 , 6.796 0.315 (0.237 0.498) 10 [ ] p y Crad αβ α β α − =⋅+⋅+⋅−⋅ () ( ) 22 , 1.572 0.368 1.07 0.005[ ] r n Crad αβ α α β =⋅−⋅−⋅− () () 2 0.024[ ]; 0.192[ ]; , 2.865 0.3 [ ] ra p n ll C rad C rad C rad δδ αβ α β == =⋅+⋅ 500[ ] 0.25HmM== 13 338[ ] 1.16[ ] s ams kgm ρ − − =⋅ = ⋅ 21 9.81[ ] 84.5[ ] s g ms V Ma ms −− =⋅ =⋅=⋅ 1 / 0.116[ ] g Vs − = 2 45[ ] 5.2[ ] 10[ ]Sm c mbm=== 9100[ ] 1.3[ ] 0.15 Ge mkgxmz===− 22 2 21000[ ] 81000[ ] 101000[ ] xyz Ik g mI k g mI k g m=⋅=⋅= ⋅ 1111 123 0.485[ ] 88.743[ ] 11.964[ ] 18.45[ ]asa sa sas −−−− =−=== 12 3 0.25 0.029 0.13cc c==− = 123 0.952 0.987 0.594iii=== All the other derivatives are equal to zero. The system which governs the longitudinal flight with constant forward velocity V of the ADMIRE aircraft, when the automatic flightcontrol fails, is: 2 2 cos cos sin e e e q e g qzz V g c qm mq m a m Va q α αδ αδ αθαδ α θθδ θ ⎧ =+ ⋅ + ⋅+ ⋅ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎛⎞ = ⋅+ ⋅+ ⋅ ⋅ − ⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ ⎨ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ ⎪ ⎪ = ⎪ ⎩ D D D D (38) When the automatic flightcontrol system is in function, then e δ in (38) is given by: eqp kkqk α δ αθ = ⋅+ ⋅+ ⋅ (39) with 0.401;k α =− 284.1 − = q k and 1 8 p k = ÷ . System (38) is obtained from the system (12) for 00 arcca pr βϕδδδδ = == = = = = = . The equilibriums of (38) are the solutions of the nonlinear system of equations: 2 2 cos 0 cos sin 0 0 e e e qe g qzz V g c mmq m a m Va q αδ αδ θα δ αθθδ α • ⎧ +⋅ +⋅+ ⋅= ⎪ ⎪ ⎛⎞ ⎪ ⋅ +⋅+⋅ ⋅ −⋅⋅ + ⋅= ⎨ ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ ⎪ ⎪ = ⎪ ⎩ (40) System (40) defines the equilibriums manifold of the longitudinal flight with constant forward velocity V of the ADMIRE aircraft. Oscillation Susceptibility of an Unmanned Aircraft whose Automatic FlightControl System Fails 289 It is easy to see that (40) implies: 22 0 ee AB C D αδαδ ⋅ +⋅ ⋅+⋅ + = (41) where A,B,C,D are given by: () ()() () 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 ee e ee e c Ammz az a c Bmmzmmz azz a c Cm mz az a g c Da Va αα α α αδ δ αδ δδ δ α αα α • •• • =−⋅+⋅⋅ = ⋅−⋅⋅−⋅+⋅⋅⋅⋅ =−⋅+⋅⋅ =− ⋅ ⋅ Solving Eq.(41) two solutions α 1 = α 1 (δ e ) and α 2 = α 2 (δ e ) are obtained. Replacing in (17) α 1 = α 1 (δ e ) and α 2 = α 2 (δ e ) the corresponding θ 1 =θ 1 (δ e )+2kπ and θ 2 =θ 2 (δ e ) +2kπ are obtained ()kZ∈ . Hence a part of the equilibrium manifold M V (0)k = is the union of the following two pieces: P 1 = () () ( ) { } 11 ,0, eee I αδ θδ δ ∈ # ; P 2 = () () ( ) { } 22 ,0, eee I αδ θδ δ ∈ # . The interval I where e δ varies follows from the condition that the angles 1 () e α δ and 2 () e α δ have to be real. Using the numerical values of the parameters for the ADMIRE model aircraft and the software MatCAD Professional it was found that: e δ = -0.04678233231992 [rad] and e δ = 0.04678233231992[rad]. The computed 1 () e α δ , 1 () e θ δ , 2 () e α δ , 2 () e θ δ are represented on Fig.1, 2. Fig.1 shows that ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1212 , eeee α δαδαδαδ ==and ( ) ( ) 12ee α δαδ > for () , eee δ δδ ∈ . Fig.2 shows that ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1212 , eeee θ δθδθδθδ == and ( ) ( ) 12ee θ δθδ < for ( ) , eee δ δδ ∈ . The eigenvalues of the matrix () e A δ are: λ 1 = - 22.6334; λ 2 = - 1.5765; λ 3 = 1.0703 x 10 -8 0≈ . For ee δ δ > the equilibriums of P 1 are exponentially stable and those of P 2 are unstable. These facts were deduced computing the eigenvalues of () e A δ . More precisely, it was obtained that the eigenvalues of () e A δ are negative at the equilibriums of P 1 and two of the eigenvalues are negative and the third is positive at the equilibriums of P 2 . Consequently, e δ is a turning point. Maneuvers on P 1 are successful and on P 2 are not successful, Fig.3, 4. Moreover, numerical tests show that when ( ) ', " , ee ee δ δδδ ∈ , the maneuver '" ee δ δ → transfers the ADMIRE aircraft from the state in which it is at the moment of the maneuver in the asymptotically stable equilibrium () () ( ) 11 ",0, " ee αδ θδ . AdvancesinFlightControlSystems 290 Fig. 1. The α 1 (δ e ) and α 2 (δ e ) coordinates of the equilibriums on the manifold M V . Fig. 2. The θ 1 (δ e )+2kπ and θ 2 (δ e )+2kπ coordinates of the equilibriums on the manifold M V . Oscillation Susceptibility of an Unmanned Aircraft whose Automatic FlightControl System Fails 291 Fig. 3. A successful maneuver on P 1 : α 1 1 = 0.078669740237840 [rad]; q 1 1 = 0 [rad/s] ; θ 1 1 = 0.428832005303479 [rad] → α 1 2 = 0.065516737567037 [rad]; q 1 2 = 0 [rad/s] ; θ 1 2 = - 0.698066723826469 [rad] Fig. 4. An unsuccessful maneuver on P 2 : α 2 1 = 0.064883075974905 [rad]; q 2 1 = 0 [rad/s] ; θ 2 1 = 0.767462467841413 [rad] → α 1 2 = 0.065516737567037 [rad]; q 1 2 = 0 [rad/s] ; θ 1 2 = 0.698066723826469 [rad] instead of α 2 1 = 0.064883075974905 [rad]; q 2 1 = 0 [rad/s] ; θ 2 1 = 0.767462467841413 [rad] → α 2 2 = 0.046845089090947 [rad]; q 2 2 = 0 [rad/s] ; θ 2 2 = 1.036697186364400 [rad]. AdvancesinFlightControlSystems 292 Fig. 5. Oscillation when e δ = - 0.05 [rad] and the starting point is : α 1 = 0.086974288419088 [rad]; q 1 = 0 [rad/sec]; θ1= 0.159329728679884[rad]. Fig. 6. Oscillation when e δ = 0.048 [rad] and the starting point is : α 1 = 0.086974288419088 [rad]; q 1 = 0 [rad/sec]; θ1= 0.159329728679884[rad]. Oscillation Susceptibility of an Unmanned Aircraft whose Automatic FlightControl System Fails 293 The behavior of the ADMIRE aircraft changes when the maneuver '" ee δ δ → is so that ( ) ', eee δ δδ ∈ and ( ) ", eee δ δδ ∉ . Computation shows that after such a maneuver α and q oscillate with the same period and θ tends to + ∞ or − ∞ . (Figs.5, 6) The oscillation presented in Figs. 5,6 is a non catastrophic bifurcation, because if e δ is reset, then equilibrium is recovered, as it is illustrated in Fig.7. Fig. 7. Resetting 0.048[ ] eeo rad δ δ = < after 3000 [s] of oscillations to eeo δ δ = , equilibrium is recovered. 7. Conclusion For an unmanned aircraft whose automatic flightcontrol system during a longitudinal flight with constant forward velocity fails, the following statements hold: 1. If the elevator deflection is in the range given by formula (19), then the movement around the center of mass is stationary or tends to a stationary state. 2. If the elevator deflection exceeds the value given by formula (36), then the movement around the center of mass becomes oscillatory decreasing and when the elevator AdvancesinFlightControlSystems 294 deflection is less than the value given by formula (37), then the movement around the center of mass becomes oscillatory increasing. 3. This oscillatory movement is not catastrophic, because if the elevator deflection is reset in the range given by (19), then the movement around the center of mass becomes stationary. 4. Numerical investigation of the oscillation susceptibility (when the automatic flightcontrol system fails) in the general non linear model of the longitudinal flight with constant forward velocity reveals similar behaviour as that which has been proved theoretically and numerically in the framework of the simplified model. 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