179 8 Plant Uptake of Pharmaceuticals from Soil Determined by ELISA Rudolf J. Schneider Contents 8.1 Introduction 180 8.2 Background 180 8.2.1 CodepositionofVeterinaryAntibioticswithManuringPractices .180 8.2.2 Pharmaceuticals for Human Use in Soil 181 8.2.3 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Soil 182 8.2.4 Fate of Pha r mac euticals i n Plants 183 Uptake 183 Detoxication 184 8.2.5 Analysis of Pharmaceutical Residues in Soil and Plants 184 Extraction 184 Determination of Antimicrobial Residues 184 8.3 Materials and Methods 185 8.3.1 Sulfonamides and Plants Studied 185 8.3.2 Model Soils 185 8.3.3 Urine 186 8.3.4 Soil Extraction 186 8.3.5 Plant Extraction 187 8.3.6 Immunoassay 187 8.3.7 Laboratory Study: Sorption and Microbial Degradation in Soil 188 8.3.8 Greenhouse Study: Leaching versus Uptake 189 8.4 Results 190 8.4.1 ELISA Measurements and Extraction Recovery 190 8.4.2 Degradation and Sorption 190 8.4.3 Uptake versus Leachi ng 191 Growth 191 Leaching 192 Plant Uptake 192 8.5 Conclusion 193 Ack nowledgments 195 References 195 © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 180 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems 8.1 INTRODUCTION Plants taketheirnutrientsfromtheairandairmoisture(fog,dew,andrainfall),and are able t otakeupdissolvedcompoundsfromsoilwatertoliveandgrow.Many plants live in symbiosis with soil fungi (mycorrhiza), which themselves are able to uptake and deliver specic solutes to their host. Unfortunately, in the process of tak- i n gupessentialplantnutrientsandenergysources,plantsalsotakeupheavymetals, pesticides, and other bioavailable pollutants that are undesirable for human consump- t i on.Forexample,ithasbeenrecognizedthattherearemechanismsthatleadtothe uptakeofinsecticidessuchasDDTinnontargetedplants.Havinglearnedthelessons onthepotentialofpassiveuptakeofxenobioticsintothecrops,thereisconcernthat plantswouldalsotakeuppharmacologicallyactivecompoundsfromcontaminated soil,thusaccumulatingunwantedpharmaceuticalsinediblepartsofcrops. Knowledge on nutrient uptake, such as that of nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, ammo - n i um, and potassium, is well established and is the basis of understanding and man- agi ng plant production.Sim i larly, knowledge on the uptake of soil-applied pesticides is also huge because it is essential for designing and assessing the efcacy of crop protectionagents.However,studiesonplantuptakeofpharmaceuticalsarelimited todate.Therefore,thispaperdescribesresultsofexperimentsthatstudyplantuptake of two sulfonamide antimicrobials: sulfamethazine and sulfamethoxazole—the rst beingaveterinarydrugandthelatterusedinhumantherapy.Modelexperiments examining degradation, leaching, and uptake were performed. Concentrations in water, soil, and plants were analyzed using two selective enzyme immunoassays (ELISA). 8.2 BACKGROUND 8.2.1 C ODEPOSITION OF VETERINARY ANTIBIOTICS WITH MANURING PRACTICES Millions of chemical compounds are present in the atmosphere, mostly of natural ori- gin,butthousandsofthemareofxenobioticnature.Bywetanddrydeposition,often adsorbed on aerosol particles and traveling over large distances, they are deposited onto the soil surface. For most plants the top soil layer is the most important inter - fa cewiththeirenvironment,providingsupportandprotectionoftherootsand,atthe sametime,water,nutrients,andsomeotherlow-molecularweightcompounds. Thereareotherintentionaldepositionsofchemicalsubstancesthataretradition - al ly carried out, especially the application of fertilizer or pesticides on agricultural elds.Theapplicationsofplantresiduessuchasstrawandmulchandofnutrient-rich residuesfromlivestockbreedingasdungandliquidmanureareinmanyregionsof the world widely used to fertilize the soil in order to ll up the soil’s nutrient res - ervoirs.Inthe1980sresearchersbecameawarethatthispracticecouldleadtothe inputofpharmaceuticalcompoundsintosoilsusedforplantproduction. Afteroralorparenteraladministrationofpharmaceuticals,suchasveterinary antibiotics or growth promoters, these compounds may undergo natural metabolism, inwhichtheyaredegradedtoamajororminordegree,dependingontheirchemical properties. Pharmaceuticals can be ranked among the more persistent substances, © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Plant Uptake of Pharmaceuticals from Soil 181 sincetheyhavebeendevelopedtoremainactiveinthebodyforsometimewithout deactivation or degradation. 1 Many antimicrobial substances are excreted unchanged, with a share from 50 to 70% for penicillin G and 70 to 90% for tetracyclines. 2 Thera- peutic doses of tetracyclines (ca. 40 mg kg –1 d –1 ) can result in manure concentrations of200mgkg –1 during treatment. 3 The stability of some groups of pharmaceuticals in manure, especially antimi- crobials,hasbeenthetopicofmanystudies. 4–7 Itwasfoundthatduringstorageofthe manure,someresiduesremainstableforalongperiodoftime.Meyeretal. 8 found tetracyclines in concentrations between 5 and 870 µg L –1 in all of 13 studied swine manure storage tanks. Other studies found concentrations of tetracycline up to 66 g m –3 inswinemanurewithadegradationoflessthan5%after7weeks. 5 Sulfonamides arestableinmanureuntilapplication,too, 9 especially with nonoptimal conditions (e.g., cold weather, anaerobic conditions), 10,11 buthighertemperaturesandadapta- tion of the microorganisms enhance degradation. 12 Metabolites (e.g., the glucuro- nide of chloramphenicol or N-4-acetylsulfamethazine) can be cleaved in manure and thus transformed back to the active ingredients, such that their concentrations may increase with time. 13 As manure is usually collected and stored for several weeks, only compounds that resist degradation for this period will enter the soil compart- me ntwhenmanureisappliedtosoil(Figure 8.1). 8.2.2 PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE IN SOIL Wastewater of human origin may also contain residues of pharmaceuticals, espe- ciallywhentheycomefromhospitals,whichobviouslyhavealargerconsumptionin pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics. Some substances are excreted in relatively high amounts, while on the other hand there are compounds like sulfamethoxazole that aremetabolizedupto85%;hence,only15%oftheoriginalsubstancethatcanbe foundinurineorfeces 2 will enter wastewater. The fate of pharmaceuticals during wastewatertreatmentisdiscussedinPartIIIofthisbook. Wastewaterinurbanizedregionsisusuallytransportedviasubterraneansewer systems to wastewater treatment plants. It should be noted that less polar pharma - ceuticals may adsorb to sewage sludge during wastewater treatment. In countries Application to Agricultural Fields Pharmaceuticals (vet./hum.) Animal Manure Human Urine Storage Wastewater Treatment with Sorption of Compounds to Sewage Sludge Urine Separation and Ecological Sanitation FIGURE 8.1 Pathways of pharmaceuticals to agricultural soils. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 182 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems whereagriculturaluseofsewagesludgeisstillanoption,thismayleadtoaninput of these compounds into the soil environment (see Figure 8.1). Some c ountries, some ofwhichhavescatteredsettlementinruralareasorinalpineregions,startedopting for complementing “decentralized wastewater treatment” pursuing “ecological sani- tation” (see also: http://www.ecosan.org/; http://www.ecosanres.org/). Ecological sanitationisbasedonsourceseparationoffecesfromurine(e.g.,in“no-mix”toilets andwaterlessurinals)sothataftersomebasictreatmenttoeliminatefecalpathogens (often simple storage is sufcient) the solid components can be composted together with organic garbage and the urine used separately. These low-cost and low-mainte- na ncesystemsareespeciallyinterestingfordevelopingcountrieswheremorethan 80%ofsewageisdischargedwithoutanytreatment,wastingthenutrientsnitrogen (nitrate, ammonia), phosphate, and potassium, which can be used in sustainable agri- cu lturelikeorganicfarming,closingnutrientcycleswhileprotectingsurfacewater and groundwater from eutrophication. It is clear that human urine may contain residues of pharmaceuticals and that a sanitation concept including urine recycling will lead to an input of these compounds intothetopsoillayerofagriculturaleldsorwilllimittheusabilityoftheurine. The experiments described in this contribution were carried out with urine collected inaurinetankfromasmallclosed-loopsanitationproject(WaterMillMuseum “Lambertsmühle,” Burscheid, Germany) where acceptance, efciency, storage, and fertilization studies have been undertaken. 14 8.2.3 FATE OF PHARMACEUTICALS IN SOIL Reviews on the fate of veterinary antibiotics, 15 uoroquinolones, 16 and sulfonamides 17 appeared recently. It is also discussed in Chapter 5 of this book. Compounds that have entered the pedosphere disappear with time. Dissipation can be subdivided in the concurrent processes sorption/binding, degradation, leaching, and plant uptake. The share of these processes depends predominantly on the properties of the com- po undsandthesoilsandtherelativetimescaleofeachprocess. Physicochemical parameters that are important in predicting the fate of con- ta minantsinsoilhavebeencollatedforantibioticsinthereviewarticlesbyTolls 18 and Thiele-Bruhn. 19 Chapter 6 in this book also provides an overview of sorption and degradation of selected pharmaceuticals in soil and manure. In all these reviews it is apparent that the sorption of pharmaceuticals in soil can vary widely. For instance, partition coefcients between soil and water (K d )forsulfonamidesindiversesoils range from 0.9 to 10, suggesting low sorption, while tetracyclines show values between 417 and 1026, indicating that tetracyclines are strongly adsorbed. Strepto- my cin adsorbs preferentially to the clay fraction in soil. 11 Thisalsoholdstrueforthe uoroquinolones. 20–22 Adsorption of sulfonamide antimicrobials is highly dependent on soil pH and ionic strength. 23 Sorption of tetracyclines to clays showed differences for K- and Ca-saturation due to cation bridging, with humic substances being an additional factor. 24 Kinetics also have to be taken into account. 25 With some com- pounds(e.g.,virginiamycin)soilmetabolitesformthathavetobeaccountedfor. 26 © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Plant Uptake of Pharmaceuticals from Soil 183 Nondegraded residues in the top soil layers can be dislocated by surface run- offorinterowandpreferentialow. 27 Usuallythegoverningprocesswithpolar compoundsisleaching.Insandysoilstetracyclinescanleachtolowerlevels,buttoa higherextentthishappenswithsulfonamides,eventuallyevenintogroundwater. 28,29 Sulfamethoxazole is relatively mobile in soil and has been detected in groundwater (upto0.47µgL –1 ). 8 For another sulfonamide, sulfachlorpyridazine, sorption coef- cientsinsoilhavebeendeterminedthatimplypreferentialleachingwiththedrain- age water. 30 Thesulfonamidesulfapyridinehasbeenfoundtoadsorbstrongerin moist soils than in dry ones. 31 Inalysimeterstudyithasbeenshownthatabreak- throughofsulfadiazinethroughsoilcolumnswasonlyslightlyretardedagainsta water tracer. 32 8.2.4 FATE OF PHARMACEUTICALS IN PLANTS 8.2 .4.1 Uptake There are a number of studies indicating that pharmaceutical residues that are reversibly adsorbed to soil may be taken up by plants. 33 Ine arly experiments using hydroponic culture, as well as in pot experiments with chlortetracycline and oxytet- ra cycline,theeffectofstimulatednitrogenuptakeshownbywheatandcornplants grownonasandyloamdemonstratedtheuptakeandactivityoftheresidueswithin the plants. 34,35 In a greenhouse experiment, corn took up lasalocid and monensin. 36 In laboratory experiments it has been demonstrated that uptake of sulfadimethoxin in sorghum, pea, and corn inuence their development and is dependent on bioac - cu mulationofthesespecies;bioaccumulationismorepronouncedforC-4plants (sorghum and corn) than for C-3 plants (pea, ryegrass). 9 From hydroponic culture (300 mg L –1 Sulfadimethoxin) plants incorporated the sulfonamide until nal con- centrations of 180 to 2000 mg kg –1 .Rootsofcornandsorghumaccumulatedmuch more active ingredient than the shoots. Similar results were obtained from rye, car- ro t,corn,sorghum,andpeaineldtrials. 37 Enrooxacin was also accumulated in µg g –1 amounts. 38 Plantuptakeisgovernedbymanyfactors,andithasbeenstudiedwithmany compounds other than pharmaceuticals because of its potential for phytoremedia- tion. 39 Even genotype can be important to assess the uptake of contaminants. 40 Roots suchascarrotsandpotatotuberscantakeupveryhighamountsofpollutants. 41 Mycorrhizationisalsoanimportantfactorashasbeenshownfortheuptakeofatra- zine. 42 Even desorption-resistant organic compounds can be taken up into the roots, to some extent, from sediments, which means that compound properties sometimes do not modulate uptake and that root sorption may be the dominant mechanism vs.translocationintheplantfornonpolarcompounds. 43 The class of xenobiotics whose uptake has been intensively studied is pesticides, especially herbicides that may affect nontarget plants. 44,45 Uptake of pharmaceuticals may also inuence plant development. 46 It is in partnotclearifthenegativeeffectsonplantsoriginatefromadirectdamageon the plant by the ingredients (phytotoxicity) or if the antimicrobial action on soil microorganisms is responsible for the damage by affecting the plant-microorganism symbiosis. 47–49 Antibiotics in the soil may inuence plant development indirectly by © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 184 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems disruptingsoilcommunities:thedecayinthenumberofsoilbacterialeadstoalack of feed for soil fauna (protozoa, nematodes, microarthropods) and nally inuences soil functions: plant residues are decomposed slower, denitrication is slower, and thereforenutrientsarerecycledmoreslowly. 50 Risk assessments for the uptake of pharmaceuticals in edible portions of crops suggest that with the allergenic potential andlong-termeffectsofantibiotics,theriskisnotnegligible. 51,52 Detoxification Plants are not without defense against xenobiotic compounds, which they (passively) take up. There is a three-step detoxication mechanism that acts on foreign com - po unds, once termed the “green liver.” 53,54 Nucleophilic substances are conjugated to glutathione, a process intensively studied with herbicides. 55,56 Glutathione conjugates are the transport forms of many xenobiotics; compartmentation is potentially the nalpurposeofthisprocess. 57 Meanwhile,thispathwayhasalsobeenfoundforthe detoxication of chlortetracycline in corn 58 ;Chapter9ofthisbookisdedicatedto that mechanism. 8.2.5 ANALYSIS OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESIDUES IN SOIL AND PLANTS Extraction Sulfonamides are highly water soluble (sulfamethazine: 1500 mg L –1 , sulfamethoxa- zole: 610 mg L –1 ), allowing efcient extraction using methanol or methanol/water mixtures as extraction solvents. On the other hand, it is well known that methanol coextractsahugevarietyoforganicsoilconstituents,andthisisalsotrueforplants. liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) may therefore behampered,especiallybygivingrisetosuppressionduringionization,whichleads to underestimations of the concentrations in the extracts. Methanol has a relatively low bowling point of ca. 64°C, but with the method of pressurized uid extraction, 59 whichcanbeperformedwithcommerciallyavail- able accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) equipment, organic solvents can be used attemperaturesupto200°Cbyholding,forexample,apressureof20MPainhigh pressure cells. 60 With polar herbicides extraction times have been reduced dramati- cally(18hSoxhletversus<22minASE)andareductionofsolventuse(300mL versus <80 mL) was also achieved. 59 Samples that contain considerable amounts of water, like plants, can be handled in a better way by addition of diatomaceous earth to the samples (e.g., Extrelut™, Merck). 60 Aged residues of sulfonamide antibiotics couldbeexhaustivelyextractedbyamixtureofaqueousbufferandacetonitrileat elevated temperature. 61 Determination of Antimicrobial Residues Residues of pharmaceuticals in plant and soil samples are usually analyzed by chro- mat ographic methods coupled to mass spectrometric (LC/MS) methods. 62 For food analysis,especiallywithsulfonamidesinmilk,immunoassayshavebeenusedfor almost two decades (e.g., Märtlbauer et al. 63 ). In fact, class specic assays have been developed for this application. 64,65 For the analysis of pharmaceuticals in plants or © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Plant Uptake of Pharmaceuticals from Soil 185 soilsbyimmunoassay,onlyasmallnumberofliteratureexists.Oneexampleisthe determinationoftetracyclinewithELISAkitsbyAgaandcoworkers 66 and our study on the determination of sulfamethazine in soil extracts 13 using the antibodies pre- paredbyFráneketal. 67 8.3 MATERIALS AND METHODS All chemicals were used at least in analytical grade. Pharmaceutical standards sul- famethazine (sulfadimidin) and sulfamethoxazole for the construction of calibration curves were prepared from reference substances obtained from Riedel-de Haën and were of 99.7% and 99.9% purity, respectively. The expression “ultrapure water” in thetextreferstowaterdeionizedbyreverseosmosisandsubsequentpassagethrough aMilli-Q ® water purication system. Methanol was high performance liquid chro- matography (HPLC) grade. 8.3.1 SULFONAMIDES AND PLANTS STUDIED Sulfamethazine (SMZ, in Europe frequently named “sulphadimidine”) and sulfa- methoxazole (SMX) have been chosen from the sulfonamide antimicrobials because much data on their properties and behavior exist. The chemical structures of these compounds are show in Figure 8.2. pK a values are 2.4 and 7.4 and 1.8 and 6.0 for sulfamethazine and sulfamethoxazole, respectively. 61 Sulfamethazine is a frequently usedveterinaryantibiotic,andinapreviousstudyithasbeendetectedinsoilincon- ce ntrationsupto17µgkg –1 soil. 13 As it is frequently detected in swine manure it can- notbeexcludedthatthesoilsstudiedhadbeenincontactwiththechemicalbefore. Sulfamethoxazoleisastandardantibioticagainstcommoncold.Ithasbeenfound frequently in freshwater monitoring. 68 AsamodelplantforuptakeItalianryegrass (Lolium multiorum italicum, type: Turilo), a forage grass plant, was chosen. 8.3.2 MODEL SOILS Soilsofdifferentcompositionwereselectedforthestudies.Twoofthesoilsorigi- natedfromthelong-termeldexperimentsattheUniversityofBonn 69 and at Bayer N N CH 3 CH 3 R = Sulfamethazine (SMZ) (vet.) SN H O O NH 2 R N O CH 3 R = Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) (hum.) FIGURE 8.2 Chemical structures of the compounds studied. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 186 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems Crop Science Corporation facilities at Burscheid. All soils had been taken from the topsoillayeratleast1yearbeforetheexperiments,airdriedandsievedthrougha sievewith5-mmporewidth,exceptsoilCwhichwasusedfreshly.Table 8.1 pro- vides soil data. 8.3.3 URINE Urine was collected from the model project on ecological sanitation described in Section8.2.2andwasbetween1and3monthsofage;pHwas9.Urinespikingwas performedatIWWWaterCenter,Mülheim/Ruhr,Germany.Eightotherpharmaceu- ticals were present in the spiking solution but were not analyzed in this project. Their effect on the course of the plant experiment and on the analytical accuracy has been determined to be negligible in separate experiments (data not shown). 8.3.4 SOIL EXTRACTION Soilsamples(equivalentto10.0gdrymass)weresubjectedtoASEusinganASE ® 200 Extractor (Dionex). The 11-mL extraction cells were used, with the frits of the cellheadsprotectedagainstcloggingbyaglassberlterandca.1gofdiatoma- ceous earth (Isolute ® HM-N, Part. No. 9800-1000, Separtis) on top of the soil sample. The extracts were collected in 40-mL collection vials with Teon-lined silicon septa. Theparametersofextractionwere:preheating10min,heatingofthecell5min, stationaryextraction8min,pressure140bar,temperature80°C,solventmethanol: ultrapurewater9:1v/v,rinsingsolventvolume50%ofcellvolume,twoextraction cycles,purgesolventfromcellwithnitrogen(5.0)for60sec. After extraction, about 15 to 20 mL of extract were obtained, depending on the water contents of the soil sample and its pore volume. The extracts were evaporated to almost dryness in a water bath (30°C) by nitrogen (5.0) from stainless steel nee- dles. The larger part of methanol evaporated rst and an azeotrope of methanol and water formed reducing largely evaporation speed. The residue is almost completely aqueous.Itwasresuspendedin5.00mLofultrapurewaterandtreatedinanultra- sonicbathfor30sectocompletelydissolvetheactiveingredient.Aportionofthis TABLE 8.1 Model Soil Characteristics Soil A B C D Soil Type Loamy silt Sandy silt Loam Sand Texture lU sU L S Sampling Depth 0–30 cm 0–15 cm 0–15 cm 0–30 cm Status Dry Dry Fresh* Dry pH 6.3 5.8 6.5 Not determined Organic Carbon Content 1.2% 2.7% 1.7% <0.1 % * For the laboratory experiments, soil C was also air dried and all the soils were sieved through a 2-mm sieve. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Plant Uptake of Pharmaceuticals from Soil 187 aqueous extract was ltered through a membrane syringe lter (GHP Acrodisc 13 mm,0.45µm,Gelman).Analiquotof100µLwasdilutedwith9.90mLofpurewater byafactorof100andthissamplewasstoredinbrown10-mLglassvialswithplastic lidandaTeon-coatedrubberlinerintherefrigeratorat4°Cuntilmeasurement. Inordertodeterminetherecoveriesofsoilextraction,apreliminaryminiatur - iz edincubationexperimentwith10gofsoilandtwolowspikinglevels(8and16 µg kg –1 equivalent to ca. 1 kg ha –1 application rate) was used. The soil was put in a 10-mLglassvial,1.6mLofurine(atypical“applicationrate”)wereadded,andthe openvialsincubatedfor4weeksat20°Cand80%relativeairhumidityinthedark. Thesoilwaskeptat14%ofitsmaximumwaterholdingcapacity.Eachvariantwas runinduplicate. 8.3.5 PLANT EXTRACTION The plant biomass was deep frozen immediately after harvest. The water contents of the frozen grass were not determined or accounted for. However, in preliminary experimentsitwasshownthatitdidnotexceeded5%oftheoriginalmass.For extraction,thedeep-frozenplantswereputinaporcelainmortar,coveredcom - pl etelybyliquidnitrogen,andmanuallygroundwithaporcelainpestletoobtaina homogeneoussample.Thissamplecouldbeeasilysubdividedintosmallerportions after evaporation of the nitrogen. About5gofthehomogenatewereweighedintoashort100-mLglassmeasur - ingcylinder.Then50.0mLofpurewaterwereadded,andthemixturewashomog- en izedbyarotarymixerathighspeed(Ultra-Turrax ® )for60sec.About5mLof the supernatant were ltered through a uted paper lter and subsequently through amembranelter(porewidth0.45µm).Finally,100µloftheltratewerediluted with9.90mLofpurewater(factor100).Thesesamplesweredirectlymeasuredby ELISA,andtheresultswerecalculatedbackwiththerespectivefactorstoamass concentrationofmgpharmaceuticalperkgoffreshmass. 8.3.6 IMMUNOASSAY TheimmunoassaysusedfollowtheprincipleofdirectELISA.Thegeneralproce- dure has been described elsewhere. 70 The polyclonal anti-sulfamethazine (“sulphad- imidine”)antibodieswerefromFráneketal. 67 Antibodies against sulfamethoxazole were produced beforehand at the University of Bonn. Table 8.2 summarizes t he per- formancedataoftheELISAs.Selectivityinthecontextofthemodelexperiments performed means that the cross-reactivity of the antibodies to the other respective analytehadbeencheckedandfoundtobenegligible. Immunoassaysoftenshowmatrixeffects,especiallywhensoilextractsareana - lyzed. Interference in ELISA is often attributed to coextracted humic substances, which may lead to overestimation of target analyte concentrations. Because the afn- it yofhumicacidsandotherinterferentscanbeconsideredinferiortotheanalyte’s afnitytotheantibody,itisinmanycasespossibletoeliminatetheinuenceof matrixbydilutionofthesamples,providedthattheassayhaslowdetectionlimits. Thehighapplicationratesinthemodelexperimentsfordegradationandleaching allowedtheextractstobedilutedbyafactorof100to10,000.Inthesemeasurements © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 188 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems nomatrixeffectshavebeenobservedpreviously(datanotshown).Thereweresome concerns as to whether the urine components in the leachate would interfere and affect theaccuracyoftheELISAmeasurements.Thereforeanexperimentwascarriedout on recoveries of spiked urine concentrations, including dilutions of the samples. 8.3.7 LABORATORY STUDY: SORPTION AND MICROBIAL DEGRADATION IN SOIL In an incubation experiment of the active ingredients with different soils the pro- cesses of sorption and degradation compete with each other. This study was per- fo rmed in a controlled environment in the climate chamber. After preliminary miniaturized recovery experiments it was concluded that soil moisture could be decisive, and therefore the four soils were studied at three different moisture levels. The experiments were performed in “microcosms,” 250-mL Erlenmeyer asks with anarrowneckthatwereclosedbyalidformedofaluminumfoil.Theaskswere lledwith100.0goftherespectivesoils.Themaximumwater-holdingcapacitywas determined with the bulk soils, and 40, 60, and 90% of that value were maintained readjusting the weight with some drops of ultrapure water. Incorporation of the com - pounds into the soil was achieved by spiking puried sea sand with a methanolic solution of the substances and letting the solvent evaporate to yield a nal mass concentration of ca. 1000 mg kg –1 (actual concentrations obtained were 996 mg kg –1 SMZ and 1003 mg kg –1 SMX). After homogeneous incorporation of 1.00 g of the seasandintothe100.0gofsoiltheresultingsoilconcentrationwas10mgkg –1 .This providedathoroughdistributionofthecompoundsinthesoilandaslowdesorption. The “fertilization” by urine was done by adding 8 mL of urine to each ask (based onamanureapplicationrateequivalentto140kgnitrogenperha). Theaskswerekeptinaclimatechamberat20°Candarelativeairhumidityof 80% in the dark. Each application was done in triplicate plus one negative control. Samplingwasdoneafter3,6,and9weeks:thesoilintheaskwashomogenizedand mixedbyastainlesssteelspatula,ca.10gofequivalentdrymassofsoilwaswith - dr awn.ExtractionwasperformedasdescribedinSection8.3.4.Problemsoccurred at90%maximumwater-holdingcapacity:thesoilsamplewasalmostalwayscov - er ed bywater,he nce,i tcanbeassumedthattherewereanaerobicconditionsinthis soil at later stages of the experiment. TABLE 8.2 Immunoassays Performance Data Antibody Limit of Detection Average Variance (n = 3) Selectivity Leachate µg L –1 Soil mg kg –1 Plant mg kg –1 % Cross-Reactivity % anti-sulfamethazine 5 0.005 0.1 21 SMX <0.1% anti-sulfamethoxazole 10 0.01 0.1 17 SMZ <0.1% © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC [...]... –1 of sulfamethoxazole To avoid direct contact of the solvent with the plant and with soil microorganisms, 25 mL of the spiking solution in acetone was mixed with 480 mL of urine (resulting in a 3.5% solution of acetone in urine) Application took place at a soil moisture of 75% of maximum water- holding capacity A 56.5-mg portion of SMZ and 60.2 mg of SMX were applied to 6 kg of soil This gives an initial... for leaching After each of these seven intense rainfall events leachate © 20 08 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 190 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems was formed (40 to 960 mL, dependent on the soil), sampled from the collecting dish, weighed, and aliquoted At the end of the experiment the whole soil volume was sieved through a 2-mm sieve and reduced to a 200-g laboratory... in a second run It had been planned that the application of the compounds to the soil would be done via spiked sea sand at the beginning of the experiment Unfortunately, the high concentrations prevented the grass from growing A reduction in dose and in the number of compounds (initially 10 compounds should be applied and analyzed) did not give the desired result Therefore, the application of the pharmaceuticals. .. 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Skutlarek, D., and Goldbach, H.E., Determination of antibiotic residues in manure, soil and surface waters, Acta Hydrochim Hydrobiol., 31, 36, 2003 © 20 08 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 196 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems 14 Otterpohl, R., Options for alternative types of sewerage and treatment systems directed to improvement of the overall performance, Water Sci... Khan, S.U and Marriage, P.B., Residues of atrazine and its metabolites in an orchard soil and their uptake by oat plants, J Agric Food Chem., 25, 14 08, 1977 45 Balke, N.E and Price, T.P., Relationship of lipophilicity to influx and efflux of triazine herbicides in oat roots, Pestic Biochem Physiol., 30, 2 28, 1 988 46 Colinas, C., Ingham, E., and Molina, R., Population responses of target and nontarget... Comparing the three soils in the initial phase, it can be seen that the uptake is dependent on the availability of the antimicrobial in the soil which is best in the sandy soil D With the course of the experiment, the most available residues (i.e., residues in soil D) had been washed out to a high extent and were therefore not as much available as in soils that showed a lower leaching potential Therefore,... MEASUREMENTS AND EXTRACTION RECOVERY Table 8. 3 shows the results of the recovery experiments of spiked sulfonamides in urine stored for 4 weeks measured with the sulfamethazine ELISA It can be seen that in direct urine samples an overestimation of the concentrations was observed, giving recovery rates of more than 200% It can also be seen that the selectivity of the serum for sulfamethazine in the presence of. .. Part of this work was supported by the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany The IWW Water Center at Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany, is thanked for preparing spiked sea sand samples Thanks to Dr Joachim Clemens (INRES) for coordinating the project REFERENCES 1 Langhammer, J.P., Büning-Pfaue, H., Winkelmann, J., and . . 180 8. 2.2 Pharmaceuticals for Human Use in Soil 181 8. 2.3 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Soil 182 8. 2.4 Fate of Pha r mac euticals i n Plants 183 8. 2.4.1 Uptake 183 8. 2.4.2 Detoxication 184 8. 2.5. afn- it yofhumicacidsandotherinterferentscanbeconsideredinferiortotheanalyte’s afnitytotheantibody,itisinmanycasespossibletoeliminatetheinuenceof matrixbydilutionofthesamples,providedthattheassayhaslowdetectionlimits. Thehighapplicationratesinthemodelexperimentsfordegradationandleaching allowedtheextractstobedilutedbyafactorof100to10,000.Inthesemeasurements © 20 08 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 188 Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment. layer is the most important inter - fa cewiththeirenvironment,providingsupportandprotectionoftherootsand,atthe sametime ,water, nutrients,andsomeotherlow-molecularweightcompounds. Thereareotherintentionaldepositionsofchemicalsubstancesthataretradition - al ly