The solar system Hệ mặt trời Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity – the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; dwarf planets such as Pluto; dozens of moons; and millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. Beyond our own solar system, we have discovered thousands of planetary systems orbiting other stars in the Milky Way.
THE SOLAR SYSTEM Neptune: Neptune is the Venus: Venus is theJupiter: second fifth Mercury: Earth Mercury : Earthisisthe the third Jupiter planet is the Saturn : Saturn is the sixth Uranus: Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, orbiting it eighth and farthest known planet planet the Sun and planet the smallest from and innermost the Sun and planet the from only in object from the Sun and the every 224.7 Earth days It has the planet from from the the Sun SunItinhas thethe Solar System Mars : largest Mars is in the fourth Solarplanet System It is the SolarinSystem the Universe Its orbital known tothe harbor second-largest in the Solar longest rotation period of any third-largest In the planetary Solar System, radius itand is the aSun giant planet with a mass one- after Jupiter It is a gas period around life According the from Sun the of to 87.97 radiometric and the secondSystem, planet in the Solar System and fourth-largest fourth-largest planetaryplanet mass by in diameter, thousandth of the Sun, but days is the dating shortest smallest and other of all planet the sources in the ofthat Solar giant with an average radius rotates in the opposite direction the Solarthe System third-most-massive Radius planet, two-and-a-half times thatabout of all nine times that of Earth planets in evidence, the Solar System Earth System after formed Mercury over 4.5 to most other planets Radius : 25,362 km and the densest giant planet theRadius other planets in the Solar Radius: 2,440 km billion years Radius: 3,390 km ago Radius: 58,232 km : 6,052 km Distance Radius: 24,622 km from Sun combined Radius Distance : 6,371 km fromMass: 6.39 Sun System × 10^23 kg Distance from Sun Surface area: 460.2 million km² : 2.871 billion km Distance from Sun : 57.91 million km Mass: 5.972 Distance ×: 69,911 km 10^24 kg from Sun : 1.433 billion km Mass: 4.867 × 10^24 kg Mass: 8.681 : 4.495 billion km × 10^25 kg Mass: 1.898 × 10^27 kgMass: 5.683 × 10^26 kg) Mass: 3.285 Age: 4.543 billion years × : 227.9 million km 10^23 kg Distance from Sun Orbital period: 84 years Orbital period: 165 years SurfaceDistance area: 74.8 million km² from(317.8 M⊕) Sun Orbital period: 29 years : 108.2 million km Surface Mass: 1.024 area: 8.083 billion km² × 10^26 kg Distance from Sun Length : 149.6 million km of day: 58d 15h 30m Surface area: 42.7 billion km² Orbital period: 225 days Surface area: 7.618 billion km² : 778.5 million km Orbital period: 12 years Surface area: 61.42 billion km² WWW.ECOSYSTEMFORKIDS.COM • FREE PowerPoint Lessons For Teachers: • Images: