SQL Server interview questions Explain the use of keyword WITH ENCRYPTION. Create a Store Procedure with Encryption. It is a way to convert the original text of the stored procedure into encrypted form. The stored procedure gets obfuscated and the output of this is not visible to CREATE PROCEDURE Abc WITH ENCRYPTION AS > GO What is a linked server in SQL Server? It enables SQL server to address diverse data sources like OLE DB similarly. It allows Remote server access and has the ability to issue distributed queries, updates, commands and transactions. Features and concepts of Analysis Services Analysis Services is a middle tier server for analytical processing, OLAP, and Data mining. It manages multidimensional cubes of data and provides access to heaps of information including aggregation of data One can create data mining models from data sources and use it for Business Intelligence also including reporting features. Some of the key features are: • Ease of use with a lot of wizards and designers. • Flexible data model creation and management • Scalable architecture to handle OLAP • Provides integration of administration tools, data sources, security, caching, and reporting etc. • Provides extensive support for custom applications What is Analysis service repository? Every Analysis server has a repository to store metadata for the objects like cubes, data sources etc. It’s by default stored in a MS Access database which can be also migrated to a SQL Server database. What is SQL service broker? Service Broker allows internal and external processes to send and receive guaranteed, asynchronous messaging. Messages can also be sent to remote servers hosting databases as well. The concept of queues is used by the broker to put a message in a queue and continue with other applications asynchronously. This enables client applications to process messages at their leisure without blocking the broker. Service Broker uses the concepts of message ordering, coordination, multithreading and receiver management to solve some major message queuing problems. It allows for loosely coupled services, for database applications. What is user defined datatypes and when you should go for them? User defined data types are based on system data types. They should be used when multiple tables need to store the same type of data in a column and you need to ensure that all these columns are exactly the same including length, and nullability. Parameters for user defined datatype: Name System data type on which user defined data type is based upon. Nullability. For example, a userdefined data type called post_code could be created based on char system data type. What is bit datatype? A bit datatype is an integer data type which can store either a 0 or 1 or null value. Describe the XML support SQL server extends. SQL Server (serverside) supports 3 major elements: a. Creation of XML fragments: This is done from the relational data using FOR XML to the select query. b. Ability to shred xml data to be stored in the database. c. Finally, storing the xml data. Clientside XML support in SQL Server is in the form of SQLXML. It can be described in terms of • XML Views: providing bidirectional mapping between XML schemas and relational tables. • Creation of XML Templates: allows creation of dynamic sections in XML. What is SQL Server English Query?
SQL Server interview quesons Explain the use of keyword WITH ENCRYPTION. Create a Store Procedure with Encrypon. !" #$%& % ' ((')** + What is a linked server in SQL Server? ',)- )!. /001 Features and concepts of Analysis Services '110 )0! 111 . 1 '-2 • 3 • 41 • ' ) • 1100001 • 1 What is Analysis service repository? 5-06 7'',)' What is SQL service broker? '.-0 71 /-/11 1- -'.-0101 5/0 1 What is user de+ned datatypes and when you should go for them? "81 0 82 % '8 % 4098post_codechar What is bit datatype? :; Describe the XML support SQL server extends. ',)'<9=>52 1?7)214 ?7) / 40 9?7)',)'',)?7) • XML Views:1?7)1 • Creaon of XML Templates:11?7) What is SQL Server English Query? /1,1' 1- ',) What is the purpose of SQL Pro+ler in SQL server? ',)8 /.0181/ 1 What is XPath? ??7) 1?7) @ What are the Authencaon Modes in SQL Server? #117 <#11=26# 77<#11',)'11=2 ',) Explain Data De+nion Language, Data Control Language and Data Manipulaon Language. !!81)<!!)=29',)8 2 ) ! "% 77% %7 !71)<!7)=29 2 ')9 %'9 "!91 !) 7+ )) ?)%)% ) A.) !)<!)=29-31 2 +% B A What are the steps to process a single SELECT statement? ' - /- ,13-118 1 1 Explain GO Command. +1',)C+ What is the signi+cance of NULL value and why should we avoid permi7ng null values? %")) -8D3EE F/- -%")) What is the di8erence between UNION and UNION ALL? "% %1"% %))51 UNION2')G4 7G; "% % ')G4 7GH UNION All2')G4 7G; "% %)) ')G4 7GH What is use of DBCC Commands? !.<!-=!',)'- 2 727-!080!.)%.)0 !.%!?!4+0!.!.%!?0!.'$%A!.'0!.! )%."44'0!. '$%A4)0!.4 $0!."!"'+ 72-0!. 0!.$)0!.4''' %$0!. 440!.4'&'7$0!. % 12-1!. %"."440!.'$ # %+0!. %%0!.',)40!. ""."440!. '"'0!. $0!."' %'0!.'$ #G''' B12 11!00!.$A)) 0 !.$A4)+ "0!.$A) +0!.$A!%0!.$A %'%'0!. $A.)0!.$A!. What is Log Shipping? )81--18 ',)'I--',)' 10 I-)>12 .-11 I- I- What is the di8erence between a Local and a Global temporary table? ',)'H2 Local Global !1 1 1 1 716 1 What is the STUFF and how does it di8er from the REPLACE funcon? .'"44) <JJ0JJ0JJ= <JJ0JJ0JJ= #8KL) D<JJ0M0>0JJ= M> What are the rules to use the ROWGUIDCOL property to de+ne a globally unique iden+er column? @ #+"! ) N #+"! What is the acons prevented once referenal integrity is enforced? 12 • .-11 • 6 • 66-8 • 6 • 66- What are the commands available for Summarizing Data in SQL Server? 3',)'2 !1 'I '"7 ' ')'"7<'= ;O B+ ')B+<'=G' ;O "% ') "%<P=;O 7? ')7?<'=;O 7% ')7%<'=;O + ".& SELECT ZIP,City FROM Emp GROUP BY ZIP !.& ' SELECT ZIP,City FROM Emp ORDER BY City List out the di8erence between CUBE operator and ROLLUP operator !D". ))"2 ". ))" 61+ ".& 11 6+ ".&6 1131 11 1 8+ ".&+ 1 What are the guidelines to use bulk copy ulity of SQL Server? .-1',)'I .-Q1 • %%'111 • %')1 • %')05 E2RES9 %'9@8 What are the capabilies of Cursors? 12 • • 8 • 18 • 3T • -<=1 What are the ways to controlling Cursor Behavior? H2 • 2!O010-9 • 2A' ))%'%'B1 81 What are the advantages of using Stored Procedures? 2 • • '@ • "+"I/ • 1$! 8/ • $- • 1 • What are the ways to code e;cient transacons? 'Q12 • !-1 • +111 • 1 • 1 • -191 • 1- • 1 What are the di8erences among batches, stored procedures, and triggers? Batch Stored Procedure Triggers 1',) 11 61',) 6 1 6' 8 00 What security features are available for stored procedures? '2 • +1 • +- • 'U • What are the instances when triggers are appropriate? '2 • 1 • • 1 • 1 • 1 • ',)I11 What are the restricons applicable while creang views? 112 • • • 09 • %'G%"))'," !G!%41 • • 81'$7.%!%+1 • #'0"% %0 0 !.&0!'%0 "%<P=0 7"0 7".& What are the events recorded in a transacon log? 12 • .-'.- • 1 • )8%)5 • !8- • # ',)' • 400 • )--/00 • 550 • )!. )!. • !7) • 1 • '1I • '11 • ' • '11',)' • '1' • 11 • ',)1',) • "88 Describe when checkpoints are created in a transacon log. 11-2 • #- • 1 • !8! • ',)' • ',)'- • .-- De+ne Truncate and Delete commands. TRUNCATE DELETE 1 1 1 "%- 1! 11 !1' C " #$ - %- !!) !7) For more questions with answers, follow the link below: http://www.careerride.com/SQLServer-Interview-Questions.aspx We do not warrant the correctness of content. The risk from using it lies entirely with the user. While using this document, you agree to have read and accepted the terms of use and privacy policy. . !" #$%& % ' ((')** + What is a linked server in SQL Server? ',)- )!. /001 Features. Query? /1,1' 1- ',) What is the purpose of SQL Pro+ler in SQL server? ',)8 /.0181/ 1 What. datatype? :; Describe the XML support SQL server extends. ',)'<9=>52 1?7)214