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Effective ways to improve vocabulary for huflit students majoring business english graduation paper, major business english

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HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (HUFLIT) DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES o0o GRADUATION PAPER THE EFFECTIVE WAYS TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY FOR HUFLIT STUDENTS MAJORING BUSINESS ENGLISH Advisor: NGUYEN THI BACH YEN, M.A Student: LE HOAI BAO NGAN Student’s number: 15DH710565 Major: BUSINESS ENGLISH June, 2019 NAME: LE HOAI BAO NGAN STUDENT ID: 15DH710565 UNIT NAME: GRADUATION PAPER DATE SUBMITTED: JUNE 18th, 2019 WORD COUNT: 10,186 Declaration I certify that the attached material is my original work No other person’s work or ideas have been used without acknowledgement Except where I have clearly stated that I have used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented this for assessment in another course or unit at this or any other institution Name/signature Date: 18/06/2019 ii INSTRUCTOR’S ASSESSMENT Abstract _ /10 Introduction _ /10 Literature Review _ /10 Research Methodology _ /10 Result and Discussion _ /10 Recommendation _ /10 Conclusion _ /10 References _ /10 Marks: i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INSTRUCTOR’S ASSESSMENT i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii ABSTRACT iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1-5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 6-14 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 15-18 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS and DISCUSSION 19-43 CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATION 44-46 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION 47-48 REFERENCES 49-51 APPENDIX 52-58 ii ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to identify the relationship between the use of vocabulary learning strategies and the learning outcomes of students majoring Business English at Huflit It aimed at discovering some effective methods in improving vocabulary and awaking students to the importance of enriching vocabulary in learning English This study also attempted to find out the most-used and least-used strategies applied by learners of Business English as their major at Huflit One hundred Huflit students (45 males and 55 females) joined in this investigation An online survey, a paper-and-pencil survey and interviews were used for data collection The participants answered the questionnaire and then the filled inquiry forms and responses were collected After the survey, the results of this study significantly showed the majority of Huflit students frequently used familiar vocabulary learning strategies such as using bilingual dictionaries (77%), asking teachers for translation into Vietnamese (83%), using written repetition techniques (61%) However, in this research, it was indicated that students who usually employed the strategies that can give them more chances to practice new words, for example, reading English documents, interacting with foreigners, taking a part-time job relating to business English got better academic achievement than those who only used simple and habitual strategies when learning new vocabularies As a conclusion, vocabulary learning strategies can affect directly to students’ English acquisition More importantly, in order to be fluent in English, students must use a variety of vocabulary learning strategies regularly Keywords: vocabulary learning strategies, Huflit students, English iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION The globalization has greatly affected the world’s economies in recent years This phenomenon brought the great need for language performance and competence specifically in English which is one of the world’s global languages Lederer (2011) indicated that English is the most widely spoken language in the history of our planet, used in some way by at least one out of every seven human beings around the globe Majority of international phone calls are made in English, more than 70% of International mails are written and addressed in English Half of the world’s books and as much as 80% of all computer texts are written and stored in English In a survey conducted by Ford Foundation in India in 1983, nearly 99% respondents said that English was their best bet for a good career (as cited in Pushpa & Mani, 2016) Thus, investigating to find out effective strategies to learn English is more and more popular Over the past decades, through many books and researches have been introduced by such linguistists as Oxford (1990), O’Malley and Charmot (1990), Nunan (1991), Nation (1990) and so on, it has been witnessed that among difficulties students often encounter in learning English, extending vocabulary knowledge has been specifically concerned It is said that “without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” (as cited in Hoang Tat Truong, 1985, p.1) In other words, vocabulary is an essential element of language All things considered, in speaking, listening, reading and writing, vocabulary is always needed to communicate and understand others In some circumstances, learners make some grammar mistakes in sentences, but the receiver can still decode their message if they use keywords appropriately In comparison, learners acquiring a good knowledge of English grammar may feel embarrassed when they not know the words to express themselves immidiately As Allen (1983) mentioned in his book “Through research the scholars are finding that lexical problems frequently interfere with communication; communication breaks down when people not use the right words.” Furthermore, a great deal of literature revealed that vocabulary provides the basis for mastering English skills i.e writing, reading, listening and speaking (Hammer, 2007; Carter, 1987; Iriyana, 2007) Then again, in 2008, Cook also stated his idea that “when you want to say something in a second language, it is the words that you feel you struggle for rather than the grammar or pronunciation.” The other noteworthy point is that vocabulary is not only indispensable for communication, but also for academic study On a more advanced level of language learning, for instance as a student majoring in English, a fluent and impressive use of vocabulary in examinations can be the standard to distinguish the exellent students from the others To put it another way, vocabulary could be considered as an instrument to measure learner’s language ability That is the reason why most of standardized tests require knowledge of vocabulary such as TOEIC, TOFFLE, IELTs, GMAT, etc Having abundant vocabulary also allows students broaden their horizons in many different areas This is a key to student’s success Everthing has its own difficulty, learning vocabulary is not an exception It is not easy to gain vocabulary knowledge at all, which is painstaking, demanding lots of efforts When learning vocabulary, the most common obstacle that learners often meet is retention problem That means vocabulary is hard to learn by heart but easy to forget Many Vietnamese students constanly groaned that “Vocabulary just can not go inside my head” or “Water off the duck’s head.” The second problem students deal with is the inability to apply the words they have learned into practice It seems to be a big problem when students not know how to use words in correct contexts Another struggle that often crops up early in students’ learning is exposing to a vast amount of vocabulary So, it is hard to prioritize a suitable range of vocabulary over the rest at certain stages of learning For all above reasons, to date there have been many researches on vocabulary learning strategies As a result, a variety of methods to memorize new words has been detected Therefore, there is more freedom in choosing the strategies used during learning English Beside some popular techniques like learning by heart, taking note, using flashcards, and so on , thanks to the development of technologies, many kinds of English learning software or online programs are designed to help students enlarge their vocabulary size easier Markedly, Hayden (2013) recommended top three fun activities for high school students to build vocabulary containing reading, making flash cards and playing word building game on the Internet In 2011, an article posted by Oxford University Press ELT suggested five other tips to students like repeating little and often, learning in chunks, building real contexts, using a dictionary and extensive reading Additionally, numerous ways to use free digital tools and Internet resources were explored to encourage students in learning vocabulary by Dalton and Grisham (2011) Because there are tons of quick and effective strategies to learn vocabulary, most learners feel difficult to select the appropriate method for themselves Up to now, many works have been done; however, more studies need to be conducted to find the most useful ways to enrich vocabulary for students which are exclusively designed for Vietnamese students In Vietnam, there have so far been some investigations on vocabulary learning strategies Nevertheless, research on vocabulary learning methods employed by students at Huflit has never been done In the role of a student majoring Business English at Huflit, I as well as my schoolfellows often raise many questions relating to vocabulary learning, e.g., How to learn vocabulary effectively? How to retain a new word in mind? How to use words that have been studied into contexts? In my point of view, I realized that it is really indispensable providing successful learning strategies to have a colorful vocabulary That is the main reason why I am interested in this topic This paper tackles the issue of using vocabulary learning strategies by English language students at university level The objectives of this research are to find out what types of vocabulary learning strategies are most-used by EFL students at Huflit as well as propose some strategies for students to learn words efficiently This topic was also identified as having an importance to teachers in providing them the principal instructions to teach in foreign language classes Above all, the findings achieved from this investigation were to help develop learning and teaching English generally and learning and teaching English at Huflit particularly This essay seeks to address the following questions: What are most-used strategies by Huflit students in learning vocabulary? Do these approaches have any positive impacts on expanding their vocabulary? What are the most efficient strategies for Huflit students majoring Business English in learning vocabulary? This paper has been organized in the following way The first section is the introduction about the rationale, the objective, the research questions and the design of the study Chapter begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions of the research In this chapter, the definition and classification of learning strategies are reviewed Moreover, some valuable researches of previous authors having a particular relevance on this topic are covered It followed by the methodology that describes how the report was carried out Chapter includes the context of the study, the study participants and the methods used for this investigation Next, chapter outlines findings and discusses some effective vocabulary learning strategies The results will be indicated on the significant data displayed in the tables and figures The last chapter assesses the conclusion, some implications, some recommendations and some limitations of the paper as well as suggestions for further research CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATION In the previous chapter, all the results from the survey were presented, analysised and discussed With respect to recommendation, in this chapter, I particularly gave some suggestions and advice that can help Huflit students choose effective vocabulary learning strategies for themselves In addition, some personal experiences from my teachers, my friends and myself were proposed too Naturally, there are several differences in vocabulary learning strategy use between the male and the female, between levels of ability, between English majors and non-English majors, etc As a result of this chapter, Huflit students in general and Huflit students majoring Business English in particular can pick out the most suitable strategies in learning vocabulary for themselves The results of this investigation showed that only some of strategies introduced in the questionnaire were used by Huflit students with high frequency Most of the other strategies were infrequently applied Even so, as a matter of fact, only if the students have employed all the vocabulary learning strategies suggested appropriately and regularly, they can be proficient in the use of English The strategies include determination strategies, social strategies, memory strategies, cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies Each of the taxonomies faciliates to study and remember vocabularies in different ways For determination strategies, students are encouraged to use monolingual dictionaries instead of bilingual dictionaries Although using monolingual dictionaries often takes time, this will give students chances to practice and study words repeatedly Moreover, once the students get familiar with this strategy, they will find it very helpful not only for extending vocabulary knowledge but also improving the ability to guess meaning of new words from the textual context For that reason, students can perform capably in reading comprehension, listenning, writting and speaking as well 44 When it comes to social strategies, many teachers always encourage students to interact with native speakers instead of usually asking teachers or friends for mother language translation However, more than half of Huflit students reported that although they really want to practice English with foreigners, they not have many chances From my point of view, universities of foreign language like Huflit should create more and more occasions for students to communicate and practice with native speakers in the most efective way Meanwhile, students should be actively participate in forums, clubs, groups or evens operated to help Vietnamese interact with foreigners and foreigners can also meet and get to kow about Vietnamese culture Together with this point of view, studying and practicing the meaning of the words in groups or peer learning were also highly supported by many linguistists They added that this strategy also regards to many other benefits, for instance, vocabulary command, communicative competence, cooperation, group work skills and so on Next, among all the memory strategies mentioned in the questionnaire, using new words in sentences and grouping words together into categories are evaluated as effective strategies for leaning vocabulary Making sentences including new vocab helps students memorize the meaning and the usage of new words effortlessly and durably On the other hand, there are those who found that learning the words of an idiom together is another positive way to study and retain new vocab A possible explanation is that learning idioms is not only interesting but also neccessary for their speaking skill Having a thorough knowledge of idioms, students, especially English majored students feel more confident when dealing with international English language tests Most of lecturers and students accomplishing accumulated average mark over 8.0 asserted that some cognitive vocabulary learning strategies such as highlingting, underlying or circling new words, using verbal and written repetition techniques or keeping a vocabulary notebook are so straightforward and feasible 45 that students can use them as often as a habit That is the objective reason why many Huflit students doing survey preferred these strategies Although these learning vocabulary strategies are both simple, familiar and effective, it is important for students to employ these strategies everyday if they want to be expert in vocabulary knowledge Beside strategies inspired before, some metacognitive strategies also bring the desired effect in enriching vocabulary Because the mass media and information technology are on a big move all over the world, in recent time, college students have more and more chances of accessing these media and take avandtage of this kind of modern technology for learning English in general and learning English vocabulary in particular Among metacognitive strategies like listening to English music, watching English movies, using Internet resources and so on, reading English newspapers, articles, books is the most recommended strategy for students to apply when increasing their vocabulary A large number of students getting high achivement in Toeic Test think that if learning and working are streamlined, a parttime job requiring to use English regularly can help students extend vocabulary easier and more successful And doing English vocabulary exercises repeatedly is considered as the good way to recall and strengthen vocabulary Taking everything into consideration, there is a key fact for English learners to remember That is “practice makes perfect” In simpler terms, unless students put much time and effort into practicing, their English vocabulary will be limited, which can lead to the disastrous consequences of their learning outcomes and even their furure job Vocabulary learning strategies only assist English learners in reinforcing the vocabularies learned and remembering new words Therefore, though students applied the strategies suggested in this study in the right way but irregularly, they can not achieve the expected results 46 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION One of the most significant findings to emerge from this study is that there are some differences in vocabulary learning use between students performing skillfully at Huflit as well as in Toeic Test and those achieving worse results In detail, the students having better achievement relied more on using monolingual dictionaries, reading English documents, guessing from textual context, grouping words together into categories to study and applying Internet resources into learning vocabulary They were also more likely to practice new words through group activities or their part-time job Meanwhile, the students poor in learning outcomes at Huflit and results in Toeic test preferred such strategies as using bilingual dictionaries, asking teachers for translation into Vietnamese or using written repetition techniques It is also clear that the excellent and good students employed the vocabulary learning strategies more frequently than the average and the weak did As far as this finding is concerned, Huflit students who got accumulated average mark under 7.0 and got below 600 as their scaled score in Toeic test should be encouraged to use more strategies provided in the paper more often than they did The results collected from the survey reflected the real situation of improving vocabulary knowledge of Vietnamese students There are several simple and familiar strategies reported to be used with high frequency They are “use bilingual dictionaries”, “listen to the teacher’s explanation and take note” or “verbal and written repetition” The other strategies were stated to be exercised infrequently or even never used It is not surprising because in most of schools and universities in Vietnam, the traditional teaching methods which students are quite passive in acquiring knowledge are still applied In a typical English class, new words are primarily taught through decontextualized activities and a considerable amount of instructional time is devoted to presenting, explaining and defining new terms Furthermore, Vietnamese students usually learn vocabulary by themselves or by 47 mechanical memorization when they cannot have much guidance from their lecturers In other words, teaching students strategies that help improve their vocabulary learning have not been focused On the other hand, the awareness of English teachers and learners of the importance and necessary of enriching their vocabulary knowledge need to be raised as well As a remedy for these problems, some changes about curriculum designers are required Particularly, it will be better if there are more equipment and materials, for examples, lab rooms, projectors, televisions, available software to practice vocabulary, vocabulary books, etc in classrooms It is essential to create more opportunities for students of accessing to both English language and English culture What is more, teachers should provide learners with systematic vocabulary instructions, recommend students some ways to practice new words outside of their classes, regularly give students tests to review vocabulary students have learned and stimulate their interest in vocabulary extending, etc Finally, English learners need to be more active and spend more effort on coloring their vocabulary, which are the crucial elements if they want to reach more productive outcomes However, everything has two sides, and this study was no exception This investigation was only caught sight of current condition of vocabulary learning by students at Huflit Therefore, these findings can be just correct for Huflit students and cannot be generalized to other people Additionally, the samples were too small and the data for the paper were quite subjective of the contributors Because of those causes, further research should be conducted by collecting bigger number of interviewees and the survey questionnaire should be prepared professionally and meticulously It will be better if the same study should be done in other universities to see whether there are any differences in the results or not Optimistically, I hope this study will be a valuable reference that can inspire to more explorations in this field 48 REFERENCES Allen, V F (1983) Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary Oxford: Oxford University Press Baxter, J (1980) The dictionary and vocabulary behavior: A single word or a handful? 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PART 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION (THÔNG TIN CÁ NHÂN) Gender (Giới tính):  Male (Nam)  Female (Nữ) Major (Chuyên ngành)  Business English (Tiếng Anh Thương Mại)  Other (Chuyên ngành khác) What grade are you in? (Bạn sinh viên năm mấy?)  Freshman (Sinh viên năm nhất)  Sophomore (Sinh viên năm hai)  Junior (Sinh viên năm ba) 52  Senior (Sinh viên năm tư)  Graduate (Sinh viên tốt nghiệp) Which accumulated average mark did you get at Huflit? (Bạn đạt điểm trung bình tích lũy học Huflit?)  Under 5.0 (Dưới 5.0)  From 5.0 to under 6.0 (Từ 5.0 đến 6.0)  From 6.0 to under 7.0 (Từ 6.0 đến 7.0)  From 7.0 to under 8.0 (Từ 7.0.0 đến 8.0)  From 8.0 to under 9.0 (Từ 8.0 đến 9.0)  From 9.0 to 10.0 (Từ 9.0 đến 10.0) What scaled score did you get in Toeic test? (Bạn đạt điểm kì thi Toeic?)  10 – 250  255 – 400  405 – 600  605 – 780  785 – 900 PART 2: QUESTIONS Section I: Situation of learning vocabulary for Huflit students majoring Business English (Thực trạng việc học từ vựng sinh viên Huflit chuyên ngành tiếng anh thương mại) Why did you choose Business English as your major? (Tại bạn chọn học chuyên ngành Tiếng anh Thương mại?)  want to live and work abroad in the future (muốn sống làm việc nước ngoài) 53  want to earn a lot of money (muốn kiếm nhiều tiền)  want to follow the trend (chạy theo xu hướng)  have passion for foreign trade (thực có đam mê kinh doanh quốc tế)  want to improve English ability in business (muốn nâng cao trình độ tiếng anh lĩnh vực kinh doanh)  Others (Nguyên nhân khác) What are the difficulties in learning Business English? (Bạn thường gặp khó khăn việc học tiếng anh thương mại?)  Enriching your vocabulary in business (Mở rộng vốn từ vựng lĩnh vực kinh doanh)  Communicating in business english (Giao tiếp kinh doanh)  Writing in business (Kĩ viết kinh doanh)  Reading comprehension texts in business english (Đọc hiểu văn thương mại tiếng anh)  Others (Những vấn đề khác) Extending your vocabulary is very important in learning business English (Mở rộng vốn từ vựng việc quan trọng học tiếng anh thương mại.)  Absolutely agree (Hoàn toàn đồng ý)  Agree (Đồng ý)  Neutral (Khơng có ý kiến)  Disagree (Khơng đồng ý)  Totally disagree (Hồn tồn không đồng ý) How many hours per day you spend on learning your vocabulary? (Mỗi ngày bạn dành thời gian cho việc học từ vựng?)  Never (Khơng bao giờ)  Less than hour (Ít tiếng) 54  1-2 hours (từ đến tiếng)  hours (3 tiếng)  More than hours (nhiều tiếng) Have you ever used some strategies to learn vocabulary? (Bạn sử dụng chiến lược việc học từ vựng hay chưa?)  Yes (Có)  No (Khơng) Section II: The frequent use of vocabulary learning techniques by students at Huflit (Những phương pháp sinh viên Huflit áp dụng việc học từ vựng) Read the statements in the table and choose how often you use the following vocabulary learning strategies (Đọc chọn mức độ thường xuyên bạn sử dụng thủ thuật việc học từ vựng) No Always (Luôn luôn) Usually (Thường xuyên) Sometimes (Thỉnh thoảng) Seldom (Hiếm khi) Never (Không bao giờ) Vocabulary Learning Strategies Use bilingual dictionary (Sử dụng từ điển song ngữ) Use monolingual dictionary (Sử dụng từ điển Anh - Anh) Translate a new word into Vietnamese (Dịch từ sang tiếng Việt) 55 4 Use verbal repetition technique (Sử dụng kĩ thuật lặp lại lời nói) Use written repetition technique (Sử dụng kĩ thuật viết lại nhiều lần) Use flashcards (Sử dụng thẻ từ vựng) Draw images for words' meaning (Vẽ tranh nghĩa từ) Group words together into categories (Nhóm từ vựng thành nhóm) Use physical action (Sử dụng hành động) 10 Read English books, newspapers, articles, etc (đọc sách, báo, tạp chí tiếng anh) 11 Do English exercises (thực hành tập tiếng anh) 12 Read English books, newspapers, articles, etc (đọc sách, báo, tạp chí tiếng anh) 13 Listen to English music songs (Nghe hát tiếng anh) 14 Watch English movies (Xem phim tiếng anh) 15 Use Internet resources to improve vocabulary (Sử dụng nguồn tài liệu Internet cho việc học từ vựng) 16 Take a part-time job relating to foreign trade (chọn công việc làm thêm phù hợp với chuyên ngành tiếng anh thương mại) 56 17 Use new words in sentences (Đặt câu cho từ mới) 18 Keep a vocabulary notebook (Ghi chép từ vào sổ tay) 19 Connect words to personal experiences (Liên hệ từ với kinh nghiệm thân) 20 Connect words to their synonyms & antonyms (Gắn từ với từ đồng nghĩa trái nghĩa nó) 21 Ask teachers for an example sentence including the new words (Nhờ giáo viên đặt câu ví dụ minh họa cho từ vựng mới) 22 Ask teachers to check the meaning or spelling of new words for accuracy (Nhờ giáo viên kiểm tra nghĩa từ cách phát âm từ vựng mới) 23 Study and practice the meaning of new words through group work activities (Học luyện tập từ vựng thông qua hoạt động nhóm) 24 Highlight, underline or circle new words for notice (Làm bật, gạch chân khoanh tròn từ vựng ) 57 Section III: Personal experience of improving vocabulary (Kinh nghiệm cá nhân việc nâng cao vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh) What are the vocabulary learning strategies you have applied most? (Những chiến lược học từ vựng bạn sử dụng thường xuyên nhất?) Do these approaches have any positive impacts on expanding your vocabulary? (Những chiến lược có đem lại hiệu tích cực việc cải thiện vốn từ vựng bạn không?) What are some of the vocabulary learning strategies you have used and found useful or effective? (Những chiến lược học từ vựng bạn cho hữu ích đem lại hiệu tích cực nhất?) What are some of the strategies you have employed but found not very useful or effective? (Những chiến lược học từ vựng bạn cho khơng hữu ích không mang lại hiệu quả?) 58

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2023, 22:15
