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Developing a standardized academic advising instrument to measure students satisfaction in higher institutions in vietnam m a

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DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT TO MEASURE STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS IN VIETNAM A Thesis presented to Educational Leadership and Management Department Br Andrew Gonzales College of Education De La Salle University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Management By Pham, Khanh Nhat Student ID: 11287888 Dr Roland Nino Agoncillo, Thesis Advisor December 2015 DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to extend a million thanks to Dr Roland Nino Agoncillo, my enthusiastic advisor whose comments and advice guided me so much in completing this thesis I am grateful to the Department of Educational Leadership and Management Dr Rochelle Lucas and Ms Liberty Santos who have provided me with great coordination under the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia scholarship program And I should not miss this opportunity to thank the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia for letting me complete a very interesting and life-changing journey with immeasurable support to me DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT iv ABSTRACT Academic advising has been an area of interest in the academic community worldwide The Vietnam higher education system, in its pursuit of perfecting the creditbased system, has been practicing academic advising as a support service for students Thus, educationalists contend that how much students are satisfied with the quality of academic advising should be taken into serious consideration However, there is no standardized instrument for measuring student satisfaction with this support service Therefore, this research study aims to develop a measurement tool that is localized to suit the needs and concerns of Vietnamese students, acknowledging that there are a few tools of such purpose having been constructed by worldwide researchers for use in a different learning environment Within the scope of the researcher, the researcher used mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative, to create the instrument and compared it with the existing tools in foreign literature In addition to the development of an instrument, the researcher will also include a number of recommendations and suggestions for further studies DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS Approval sheet ii Acknowledgements iii Abstract iv Table of Contents v List of Tables vii List of Figures vii CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Review of theories Literature on academic advising 19 Definition of academic advising 19 Attributes of quality of academic advising 25 Literature on academic advising in Vietnam 41 The instrument development process 44 Synthesis 49 Conceptual framework 49 Statement of the problem 53 Significance of the study 54 Scope and limitations of the study 55 CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 57 Research Design 57 Research setting and participants 58 The qualitative phase 61 The quantitative phase 65 Data gathering procedure 66 DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT Data analysis procedure CHAPTER 3: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results of qualitative analysis The components of quality academic advising The instrument items vi 67 70 70 93 101 Synthesis 108 Results of quantitative analysis 109 Principal Component Analysis 109 Scale reliability statistics 110 Discussion of the results 114 Norming of the instrument 117 Construct validity 118 Summary of the qualitative process 119 Summary of the quantitative process 121 CHAPTER 4: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 123 Summary of the research 123 Conclusion 124 Implication for future studies 127 Recommendations 128 References 130 Appendices 136 Appendix A – Interview Questions 136 Appendix B – Initial Instrument 138 Appendix C - Manual of Satisfaction with Academic Advising Instrument 145 Appendix D – Advising Assessment Inventory (AAI), Cuseo (2004) 149 Appendix E – Correlations between the new instrument and the Academic Advising Inventory 150 Appendix F – Statistical outputs 152 Appendix G – Interview output 154! DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT vii ! List of Tables Table - SERVPERF model descriptions 15 Table - Descriptive and developmental academic advising 21 Table - Functions of academic advising 24 Table - Activities in academic advising 25 Table - Gender distribution of samples 60 Table - Year of standing distribution of samples 60 Table - Categories of quality of academic advising 94 Table - Developed instrument items 101 Table - Shuffled instrument items 105 Table 10 - Statistical output for factor 111 Table 11 - Statistical output for factor 112 Table 12 - Statistical output for factor 113 Table 13 - Statistical output for factor 114 List of Figures Figure - Perception of service quality 10 Figure - The SERVQUAL model 12 Figure - The SERVPERF model 13 Figure - O'Bannion's academic advising process 32 Figure - Career advising as part of developmental academic advising 34 Figure - Customer satisfaction theory 35 Figure - Gordon's 3-I academic advising process 36 Figure - Process of quantitative analysis 69 DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Background to the study Academic advising is obviously, according to previous studies, an integral role to the curriculum, in the understanding that many students are facing the difficulty of adapting to university academic activities only a few months after they have finished high schools Not that all, the credit-based system can also pose some unfamiliarity to them, although it brings about academic freedom to university students Grasping the situation of students, the Vietnam Ministry of Education in 2005 called for the wide implementation of academic advising for students that help them deal with the challenges Despite the fact that academic advising has been a topic of interest in many scholarly works, it still needs further attention from educators of different levels Another concern of educators at the tertiary level is the level of effectiveness which academic advising is being operated at universities in Vietnam, particularly how students perceive it Academic advising should never be saparate from the credit-based system Vietnam is undergoing a few dramatic change in higher education, one of the biggest of which is the enforcement of the credit system at all universities in the country The Government of Vietnam, on their official website, is also determined in reforming the educational system by stating: “We are to plan and implement the shift to credit-based system, allowing students to easily acquire knowledge, change their majors and move forward to higher levels of education, in the country or abroad.” It can be said that most DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT universities in Vietnam is put under the credit-based system, yet there is marginal difference in how it fits the specific context of each school A primary requirement for effectively running the credit-based system is to provide academic advising to students Many research works agree that academic advising have proven a huge importance in helping students set their learning goals, plan their program of studies, and achieve the goals Academic advising can also build a closer connection between students and the university, prepare them for future career and finally, meet learning outcomes Through academic advising, students are aware of the university’s vision-mission and the development direction for future, as well as the processes related to the credit-based educational sytem where there exists a must of advising students what courses to learn to fit their goals and how to register for them However, all these advising-related activities have not enjoyed as much success as expected, because advisement is to some extent new to the Vietnamese higher education, and advising staff need more professional training In reality, the academic advising staff play a significant role in making an advising program successful in that they not only provide information to students, but also sharpen students’ decision-making and problem-solving skills This means that students will be able to combat their life problems such as financial shortage and the adaptation to the new learning environment In other words, whether a student can be successful in learning considerably depends on the student-school relationship which is facilitated by the advisor DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT It has been a common belief that education in the new economy can be considered as a type of service, so special that people usually forget that it is also involves students as customers Furthermore, when educators emphasize the learnercentered approach, it entails that students should also be put at the center of all educational services Quality of these services becomes a growing concern of administrators, because a university’s mission is to provide students with the highest educational quality In this light, services in education, like those in other areas, should be put under the service quality measurement, including the measurement of the satisfaction of students, is one of the top priorities in educational management at the tertiary level Research studies indicate that satisfaction of customers should be evaluated by customers themselves, because any formulas, standards or ratios in management can never fully reflect the reality There has been no guideline from the Ministry of Education regarding the establishment and operation of academic advising at universities under their umbrella, except a simple mention of the role of an academic advisor in signing the course enrollment form to approve the semester study load of the student From this broad context, the credit-based system, which has been in use at the many universities in Ho Chi Minh since 2006, appears to be useful in providing students with the selection of their wanted courses to take Following this decision, the role of the academic advisor at this transitional point is of important nature for helping them select the consequence of subjects which make the most sense to students’ learning needs and career objectives At the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, realizing the need of organizing an effective academic C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT 177 for me due to a number of reasons At the advising meeting, the advisor was Enthusiastic advisors Approachable Approachability questions It seemed that she tried to Cover all of the Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor cover all student’s questions, which student’s questions Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor Accurate information Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor students like me had a chance to listen Advisor’s experience Authenticity Helpfulness of advisor to the advisor’s experience in in studying is studying We know she used to be one appreciated Encourage Approachability Approachable Approachability Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor enthusiastic in taking care of student’s made me very happy I think that the advisor knew a lot of things in order to Advisors know a lot discuss with us so many topics like of things that I am also pleased because the advisor gave us thorough advice on the Advisors thoroughly spot; please remember this is a group- discuss with students advising meeting, and I think all information she gave us was accurate Thanks to the advising meeting, of the best students when she was a young person like me She took us to the second part of information about our major, the graduation requirements Help students and our possible career paths after explore career paths graduation The advisor seemed very Nice and friendly nice and friendly to us Now come to advisors the other sides, which are also the points for improving the quality of advising I would enjoy the advising if Wasting time to the advisor had not wasted some time double check info ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT 178 to double-check the information Well, advisors should be more powerful in Professional Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor their professional knowledge in order knowledge to give us a firmer response, more Accurate and Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor accurate, and sufficiently addressing sufficient answer Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor have to reply our SMS messages, Quick responses to Availability Availability of advising emails more quickly, because messages Personal Approachability Availability Availability of advising Sufficient info Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor my opinion, advisors should actively Attract students to Encourage Approachability induce students into the advising advising content by encouraging them to speak Encourage students Encourage Approachability out what they have in mind I say this to speak out because we are quite young, Inexperienced Encourage Approachability inexperienced people, so there were students need useful many times we couldn’t think of what advising Encourage Approachability our questions Another point, advisors sometimes it took a few days to get one from them! If they don’t enjoy cellphones, they can arrange a Arrange personal personal meeting with us Well, we meeting really want that Moreover, advisors should spend more time on an advising More time for session because we feel that the advising amount of time like the ongoing situation is not enough for effective advising Quite a short time, we think The last point I would like to add, in to ask the advisor at the moment When saying this, I count on very Advisors help ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT much on our advisor We need her to students identify guide us in identifying the important goals 179 and practical goals so that we will gain competitive edge on the job market Informant 11 S11 I have actually attended many advising sessions before, but it is still like new to me In general, I am not satisfied at all with the organization as well the facilities of those meetings, you know, unprofessional Well, we were frustrated because we were pushed into a small room, high temperature crammed with a lot of students like me How could we listen to the advisor in such a poor and untidy Untidy environment Organized Professional manner environment? Take an example, the Badly prepared Organized Professional manner room insulation was inadequately facilities for advising Organized Professional manner prepared so that the noise from outside got in easily, distracting us so much That was about the environment I Poor environment would love it if the university can find ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT 180 out a quick solution to this The second unpleasant thing we encountered was the audience who Uncooperative Com skills Professional manner showed a low sense of responsibility audience By this I mean they were very noisy, Noisy and distracting Com skills Professional manner chatty and therefore so distracting that advisees Manage classroom Com skills Professional manner Interesting advising Com skills Professional manner I am happy is the advice from advisors Advisors help me Encourage Approachability on our future career So far we have explore future career Encourage Approachability the other students could not hear the advisor Those garrulous students did not even make any contribution to the session, because they asked no questions They kept talking to one another all the time I was not sure they were listening to anything For this, I think the advisor must manage the classroom effectively, but the advisor must know how to keep them interested in the advising content Now I want to move to another point What been lacking the direction for it Thanks to such a friendly advisor, we were able to make up our mind when talking with him He helped us explore Advisors help me the jobs relating to our major so that explore job later we would make a good decision opportunities in the So, from this wonderful experience, if major I am asked how I would consider as I can make good ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT the signs of excellent advising, I will decision certainly say the knowledge of the Advisor is advisor plays the largest part I mean knowledgeable that is the ability of an advisor to My questions are satisfyingly deal with all of the addressed questions raised by advisees, no matter satisfyingly 181 Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Com skills Professional manner Availability Availability of advising Availability Availability of advising Availability Availability of advising Availability Availability of advising Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor how difficult A good advisor has to regularly update his knowledge on the Updated knowledge latest developments of students and of student’s the procedures as well He must also development be a good listener so that he can Advisor as a good promptly report student’s problems, if listener necessary, to the departmental management to wait for further instruction from the higher level I hope that advisors can improve their job by speeding up the communication Communication is between them and advisors speedy Sometimes I had to wait quite a time Advisor is until they said something about my responsive to student questions I think it would be better if the departmental management assign a Fixed place for fixed place for them where students advising is needed can easily find them for more Students can access advising I know that the official to advisors more required advising meetings on the easily twice per semester basis never satisfy Insufficient time for our needs for advising, in deed advising ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT 182 Informant 12 S12 Good afternoon, I have this pleasure to say something about one of the most important practices, either beneficial or useful for a senior student like me For me, I think advising must be beneficial for us in terms of giving us Clear advice Com skills Professional manner very clear and consistent information Consistent info Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Conflicting advice Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor TOEIC 500 He was really Unreliable advisor Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor irresponsible for what he spoke out Not knowledgeable Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor By the clarity of advice, I mean that enough for advising Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor I dislike a previous advisor I encountered when I was at the second year who advised differently whenever I needed something from him He conflicted his own information from time to time! For instance, he said that TOEIC 550 is required for graduation from school, while another he told me after the meeting with the advisor, the advisee has nothing unclear about Well-informed what he has to do; for example, I want advisee the advisor share with me about learning method He did it quite well so that I now think he was good because he gave me enough Sufficient info information about my question, and ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT his solution was clear and Clear, helpful understandable After some enquiries solution of my study performance, he knew my Get to know the learning pace so that he advised advisee 183 Approachable Approachability Personal Approachability accordingly He helped me a lot in deciding which subjects to enroll and Useful advice Personal Approachability which should be dropped Well, he Advisor’s deep Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor knew much about student academic knowledge Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Approachable Approachability Approachable Approachability Availability Availability of advising A caring advisor Virtue Professional manner or two advisors I used to experience Respond to student’s Availability Availability of advising delayed the reply even several weeks questions promptly activities as well as the university policy for us, regarding our complaint filing, scholarship opportunity, etc Advisor’s knowledge must be Advisor’s broad powerful enough to make us clear knowledge right at the first time talking with him/her, thus allowing us to working Advisor helps work out a plan to improve our academic out study plan performance For me, the most essential activity I pay a close attention to is making academic plan Work out an early for a semester prior to the start of a study plan semester To this, I need advisor’s effective support by responding Quick respond to quickly to my questions Sometimes I student’s questions wrote an email to the advisor, but it depends on the personality of him/her to give me a prompt reply or not One ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT 184 into the semester As you know, I was really frustrated when I could not Couldn’t reach the Availability Availability of advising reach them, but what else could I do? advisor Availability Availability of advising Individual advising Personal Approachability the advisor, when I was a freshman, Advisor is willing to Availability Availability of advising never hesitated to say yes to me about meet the advisee Approachable Approachability Approachable Approachability My performance was very poor some times since I received belated advice, Result of poor thus my plan spoilt responsiveness Informant 13 S13 Hello, I am glad to be here sharing with you my ideas about the different aspects of the quality of advising For me, everything should come from the experience; mine own experience is more of good satisfaction I get the most satisfaction from the practice of bringing advising to me as an individual I highly appreciate because a personal meeting with me You know, a freshman always needed more information of the academic processes, Useful advice about as well the administrative procedures academic and admin than the higher-level undergraduate procedures students At the time, we were new and inexperienced, so almost every Advising is highly piece of advice would make an asset to needed us The second thing I would like to share is the knowledge of advisors In ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT fact, if an advisor has rich knowledge, Advisor’s rich we are lucky enough because we are knowledge 185 Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Reliable information Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor problem would get irremediable if we Correct information Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor have no time to fix it; for example, is important Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor Organized Professional manner certain the information given is reliable This is important because occasionally we encountered problems with academic requirements The there used to be a time my advisor did not let us know that the online enrolling system might get down when Warn advisee about there are too many users enrolling at a unwanted aspects time So, we enrolled our subjects at the last minute of the deadline, well, just out of our despicable habit You know, we were not able to select the section taught by the lecturer we wanted, because the capacity was full I wish the advisor had warned us about Information should all the unwanted scenarios One more be adequate in all thing, advisors in all situations should aspects bring to us the most accurate Information must be information I think they have to read accurate and reread the university’s newest Prepared before procedures before every advising advising someone meeting, in order not to supply us with the wrong information I have to repeat; in some cases we don’t have ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT enough time to fix the mistake The Accurate information last point I want to make is about the saves time attitude of an advisor He/she will be Friendly advisors are loved if they take us to a friendly desired conversation rather than a teaching Manner in session We dislike the serious face communication is that makes us discouraged and, you good 186 Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor Approachable Approachability Com skill Professional manner An inviting advisor Approachable Approachability communicating with other people Problem with Com skills Professional manner How could she become a lecturer at communication style Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor know, we feel like being uninvited to talk anything We used to complain a female advisor who was grumpy to us We thought that she had problem with the university while she was that severe? Well, it is all about advising at my school; in short, I have been OK with it so far Informant 14 S14 The first time I attended an advising meeting was in my first year, of course, when I did not know anything about university life That’s why I was I’m excited with the really excited with the advising content service, the content of which helps us with university life For example, the advisor let us know how many Advisor helps me specializations they offer us when we know the offers reach the third year He showed us the ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT 187 way to enroll different courses online – something we had never experienced Advising useful for before He advised us how me undergraduate students are ranked, on Useful information the basis of the academic result, plus for me Approachable Approachability Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor Adequacy Helpfulness of advisor Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Approachable Approachability Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor Organized Professional manner Availability Availability of advising Personal Approachability Com skills Professional manner the additional points we might get from participating the extra-curricular programs The range of topics he Range of topics could cover was really impressive I covered didn’t expect more of that, actually However, there was one frustrating moment that we wanted to know most Frustrating moment about the scholarship opportunities, if lacking info which he did not tell Anyway, that particular advisor was enthusiastic and Enthusiastic and friendly to us as he never tried to friendly advisor disregard any concerns; he was really Effectively covers all effective So, to improve this for the concerns next time I would like him to Prior investigation of investigate student’s advising need advising needs prior to the advising session Except from that, everything has been fine for me I appreciate the advisor’s Advisor is willing to willingness to arrange a personal meet me personally meeting with me outside the official sessions More than that, he was Enthusiastic in enthusiastic in talking with me For talking with me example, he talked with me very Discussed ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT thoroughly and straightforwardly thoroughly and about my concern about the student- straightforwardly ranking scheme I like those who are Friendly advisors friendly, because they always make us encourage me to talk 188 Encourage Approachability Approachable Approachability Personal Approachability Personal Approachability Approachable Approachability Organized Professional manner feel free to open up the discussion I wish that I would have another helpful I favor helpful advisor like him in the time to come I advisors am surprised that after a few encounters, he could remember me Advisor remembers clearly – my name, my major, my my personal details class, etc I don’t think it’s as much Personal interest in due to his good memory as his interest an advisee in every single student Right now, this advisor and me sometimes still see each other on campus, and always say hello to him I believe that many Many would love students he is in charge of now would helpful advisors love him One thing to add, advisors Advisors are are considered to be reliable when they punctual for are on time for meetings Well, there meetings was an advisor who was late for an Unreliable advisor Virtue Professional manner estimate this kind of advisors I need Sense of Virtue Professional manner someone more reliable and responsibility is responsible So far, I have been happy appreciated advising meeting, entering the class without an apology So, I don’t highly and satisfied with the advising service Informant 15 ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT S15 189 Hello, I have many experiences in this activity In general, I am enjoying it, but not very much For me, the quality of advising comes from the advisor himself For example, I am happy if the advisor can know clearly about the Advisors know Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor subjects offered to students for each clearly about the semester, and advise us which subjects offered subjects Approachable Approachability Personal Approachability Available Availability of advising Use of technology Available Availability of advising communication between us and the Good Available Availability of advising advisor should be maintained By communication emails, advisors should answer us how should be maintained we should take for the semester It is true that a few students may have their own questions In such cases, the Helpful advice for advisor will have to attend to them, students helping them with what they need for Individualized I would love it if the advisor keeps a advice close contact with my class, maybe by many other forms of communication, Close contact with such as Facebook, Viber, mobile class on different phones, not merely by email like what forms of we are doing now Why don’t we communication make full use of technology for faster communication? I think my advisor does not understand that emails are slow and many students don’t have the habit of checking emails regularly I mean, we expect a good ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an DEVELOPING A STANDARDIZED ACADEMIC ADVISING INSTRUMENT 190 to enroll online, which subjects in particular, and advise us the appropriate learning method for the Useful advice on subjects This is necessary, as you learning methods for know, we lack study skills We hope the subjects Approachable Approachability Authenticity Helpfulness of advisor Com skills Professional manner advisors share with us the learning method as our predecessors passing Sharing of down experience to the next experience in generation instead of opening the learning university handbooks and read, which is too general and unhelpful We have that book I have to say something about the content of their answers Good advisors listen carefully to students in order to give the precise Advisors listen answer to student’s main point They carefully to students don’t say much but very relevant to the Precise answer Accuracy Helpfulness of advisor student’s concern Effective ones will Relevant response to Knowledge Helpfulness of advisor always include an example for their student’s questions Authenticity Helpfulness of advisor point to make it a clear advice Take the advice for self-study skills for example The previous advisor clearly told us that how to arrange time for self-study, of course, but it’s more important that she went further by Sharing of talking about her experience; how she experience by could arrange her time when she was a advisor student to handle all the subjects in a ! Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd

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