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662 Factors Affecting Online Shopping Intention In Tiktok Shop Of Students At Ho Chi Minh University Of Banking 2023.Docx

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Tiêu đề Factors Affecting Online Shopping Intention In TikTok Shop Of Students At Ho Chi Minh University Of Banking
Tác giả Pham Thai Hoang Nhan
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Tran Ngoc Thien Thy
Trường học Ho Chi Minh University of Banking
Chuyên ngành Business Administration
Thể loại graduation thesis
Năm xuất bản 2022
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 106
Dung lượng 359,81 KB

Cấu trúc

  • 1.1. Thenecessityoftheresearch (13)
  • 1.2. ResearchObjectives (15)
  • 1.3. Researchquestion (15)
  • 1.4. Researchsubjectandscope (16)
    • 1.4.1. Researchsubject (16)
    • 1.4.2. Researchscope (16)
  • 1.5. ResearchMethodology (16)
  • 1.6. ResearchSignificance (16)
    • 1.6.1. AcademicSignificance (16)
    • 1.6.2. PracticalSignificance (17)
  • 1.7. Researchstructure (17)
  • 2.1. Definition (19)
    • 2.1.1. Intention (19)
    • 2.1.2. Shoppingintention (19)
    • 2.1.3. OnlineShoppingIntention (19)
    • 2.1.4. TikTokShop (20)
  • 2.2. Relevanttheoreticalmodels (21)
  • 2.3. LiteratureReview (24)
  • 2.4. Hypothesis (35)
    • 2.4.1. Perceivedusefulness(PU) (35)
    • 2.4.2. Perceivedeaseofuse(PEU) (36)
    • 2.4.3. PriceExpectation(PRICE) (37)
    • 2.4.4. Perceivedrisks(PR) (37)
    • 2.4.5. Electronicwordofmouth(E-WOM) (38)
  • 3.1. Processofresearch (41)
  • 3.2. Researchsteps (41)
  • 3.3. ResearchMethods (45)
  • 3.4. Researchdesign (46)
    • 3.4.1. Samplesize (46)
    • 3.4.2. Samplingmethod (47)
    • 3.4.3. Buildingthescale (48)
    • 3.4.4. Questionnairedesign (50)
    • 3.4.5. Datacollection (50)
  • 3.5. Dataprocessingmethod (50)
    • 3.5.1. Descriptivestatistic (50)
    • 3.5.2. Cronbach’sAlphaanalyzing (51)
    • 3.5.3. EFAAnalyzing (51)
    • 3.5.4. Regression analysis (52)
  • 4.1. SampleDescription (54)
  • 4.2. Scale ReliabilityTesting (57)
  • 4.3. ExploratoryFactorAnalysis (59)
    • 4.3.1. Factoranalysisfortheindependentvariable (59)
    • 4.3.2. Factoranalysisforthedependentvariable (63)
  • 4.4. CorrelationAnalysis (65)
  • 4.5. RegressionAnalysis (65)
    • 4.5.1. TestingtheFitofaRegressionModel (65)
    • 4.5.2. Regression analysisresults (66)
    • 4.5.3. TestingMulticollinearity (68)
    • 4.5.4. TestingtheNormalityofResiduals (69)
    • 4.5.5. Testingtheconstantresidualvariance (70)
  • 4.6. Resultdiscussion (71)
  • 5.1. Conclusion (74)
  • 5.2. Theoreticalcontributions (74)
  • 5.3. PracticalImplicationandSuggestion (75)
    • 5.3.1. PerceivedUsefulness (76)
    • 5.3.2. PerceivedEaseofUse (76)
    • 5.3.3. PriceExpectation (77)
    • 5.3.4. PerceivedRisk (77)
    • 5.3.5. E-WOM (78)
  • 5.4. Limitations andFutureResearch (78)

Nội dung



Currently, Vietnam ranks 48/60 countries with the fastest digital economytransformation in the world, and 22nd in terms of digitalization development speed(Nguyen, T H., 2010) It proves that Vietnam is in the digital economy and the e-commercefieldhasafurtherprospect.

More than 90% of users who install an e-commerce app shop at least once permonth, with 60% shopping three ormore times Analytical figures from 2,500Vietnameseu s e r s i n t h e t h i r d q u a r t e r o f 2 0 1 8 o n h o w t o u s e r e t a i l a n d s h o p p i n g apps show that 89% have taken all steps to make an in-app purchase, 82% havetaken all the steps to make an in-app purchase said that they choose because theyfind it more enjoyable and convenient to shop through apps, more than 70% believethat financial information is stored more securely than shopping from the website.The trend of commerce on mobile devices is driving online retailers to invest inapplications to reach customers Statistics show that the rate ofu s i n g m o b i l e a p p s forshoppinghasincreasedfrom40%in2016to72%in2018 (ViễnThông,2018).

Accordingt o d a t a f r o m S t a t i s t a , o n a v e r a g e , e a c h u s e r i n V i e t n a m s p e n d s about 54.89 USD/year (about 1.27 million VND) or only 106,000 VND/month toshop online The proportion of users participating in online transactions reaches52.5% and is expected to reach 55.9% in 2022, whereas in developed countries thisfigure is more than 70% In 2018, there were 49 million users participating in onlineshopping,accountingfor76%ofthenumberofInternet users.

Besides favorable factors and conditions, Vietnam is also facing many barrierssuch as: fierce competition of rivals; Consumer confidence when shopping online isstill low; Delivery and order fulfillment services have not kept pace with demand Especially,despitetherecentrapidgrowth,e- paymentinVietnamisstilli n potentialform,farbehindcomparedtowithmany countriesintheregiona n d aroundtheworld.

For the vast majority of current social network users, TikTok has been and is asocialnetworkingplatformthatisparticularlynoticedbytheyoungu s e r community, belonging to Generation Z This is also the generation of students at HoChiMinhUniversityofBanking-oneofthelargeeducationalinstitutionsinVietnam, training many professions and levels With the advantage of a very largenumber of university students studying, this is considered an age group with veryhigh cognitive development Thanks to the sense of maturity, students have theknowledge, attitude and self-assessment ability to adjust their own growth in theright direction of society In addition, this is also the age group that spends a lot oftimeusingtheinternetingeneralandhasapositiveviewofsocialchanges,especiallyabo ut onlineshopping.

At the end of April 2022, TikTok was officially launched TikTok Shop e- commerce solution in Vietnam market With the advantage of a large number ofusers and a new "review" approach, this will be the next platform to enter the onlineretail market in Vietnam along with Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki As a platform that isstill too new to do business in the field of e-commerce, being competitive withcompetitors in the same segment and still having some customers are still concernedwhenshoppingonlineontheTikTokShopplatformisanunavoidablething.Alth ough there are many theories in the world today, Research model to explain thefactors affecting the intention of consumers to buy online, and in Vietnam, therehave been many studies on the intention to buy online However, with the TikTokShopbusiness,thereisstillnoresearchtostudytheshoppingintentionsofcustomer s.U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e f a c t o r s t h a t a f f e c t t h e p u r c h a s e i n t e n t i o n o f consumerswillhelpbusinessesmaintaincurrentcustomers,attractandattractpotentia lcustomers.

Intention in TikTok Shop of Students at Ho Chi Minh University ofBanking”in order to focus on exploring and analyzing factors affecting onlineshoppingi n t e n t i o n o f s t u d e n t s ( y o u n g c u s t o m e r s ) a t H o C h i M i n h U n i v e r s i t y o f

Banking and the level impact of each factor on students in this period Through thestudy, we can understand factors motivating students in Ho Chi Minh City shoppingonline in TikTok Shop Finally, the research could make some recommendations tohelpTikTokcompaniescouldincreasinglyexpandanddevelopthemarketinVietnamint hecomingtime.


The general objective of this study is to study the factors affecting onlineshopping intention at the TikTok Shop of students at Ho Chi Minh University ofBanking and then assess the extent of their influence on online shopping intention atTikTokShopatuniversity.

Based on the research results, the study will propose suggested solutions for e- commerce companies in general, especially TikTok Shop Increasing customers'trustinthiscommunicationchannel,therebyboostingprofitsfromthissaleschann el To achieve this general goal, this study sets out the following specificresearchobjectives:

- Determining the factors affecting the online shopping intention of students atHoChiMinhUniversityofBankingwhenshoppingonTikTokShop.

- Assessing the influence of factors affecting the online shopping intention ofstudentsat HoChiMinhUniversityofBankingwhenshopping onTikTokShop.

- Providing governance implications for TikTok to improve and innovate theshoppingfeature.


- What are the factors affecting online shopping intention in TikTok Shop ofstudentsatHoChiMinhUniversityofBanking?

- Whichsu gg est io ns f o r T ik To ki si mp ro vi ng an di nn ov at in g s h o p p i n g feature?



Object of study: Factors affecting online shopping intention in TikTok Shop ofstudentsatHoChiMinhUniversityofBanking.



Research is designed to study calculations by reference to scientific researchbefore to select the element of positive impact on the students (online buyer) at HoChi Minh University of Banking Then the recipient of the consumer survey and areconducting onlineshopping to collectinformation.

The data will be analyzed to describe the sample and eliminate inconsistentlyobservedv a r i a b l e s i n a f act or by Cronbach'sA l p h a F u r t h e r m o r e , E F A is u s e d in this study to investigate factors and assess the internal reliability of a scale The goalof multivariate regression is to investigate the factors that influence the change ofindependent variables.



Inthisthesis,boththetheoreticalbasisandpreviousstudieshavebeensystematizedo nth efa ct or s affectingconsumerconfidence whensh op pi ng on li ne.

The thesis examines the relationship between factors and students' online shoppingintention at Ho Chi Minh University of Banking The thesis proposes a suitablemodel related to the factors affecting consumer intention when shopping onlinethroughthecharacteristicsrelevanttothedomesticmarket.


The thesis willmakes o m e t h e o r e t i c a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s , p r a c t i c a l i m p l i c a t i o n s , and suggestions for e-commerce companies in general and especially for TikTokShop This is considered a young trading floor,which has just appeared on the e-commercemarketrecently.


In addition to the table of contents, the list of abbreviations, appendices andreferences,thisresearchpaperisdividedinto 5chapters:

Chapter 2: Literature review and review research modelsChapter3:Researchmethodology

Thefirstchapterprovidedasummary oftheresearchtopic,includingitsimportance, research aims and tasks, research difficulties and questions, researchobjectsandscoperesearch,researchtechniquesanddata,andthestudy'scontributio ns.Thetopic“FactorsAffectingOnlineShoppingIntentioni n TikTokShopofStude ntsatHoChiMinhUniversityofBanking”isbothscientific and practical, as seen by the preceding information.

This will serve as thefoundationf o r f u t u r e s t u d i e s I t i s a n e x t e n s i v e i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t o t h e t h e o r e t i c a l foundations,researchmethodologies,anddatacollectioninordertoprovideresearchfin dingsandsolutions.




Intention is a factor used to assess the likelihood of future behavior.Accordingto Ajzen (1991), intention is a motivating factor that motivates an individual to bewilling to perform a behavior Therefore, Delafrooz et al (2011) argue that "onlineshopping intention is the certainty of a consumer's intention to make an Internetpurchase".


According to Ajzen (1991), shopping intention is considered as a motivationalfactorthataffectsanindividual'sbehavior,thesefactorsshowthelevelofwill ingness or effort of each individual to make a purchase behavior When peoplehave stronger behavioral intentions, they are more inclined to perform the behavior.In addition, purchase intention is a representative of the perceived willingness toperform a buying behavior and is the most accurate tool for predicting actual buyingbehavior (Kalwani et al, 1982) It is a factor used to assess the ability to perform abehavior in the future(Blackwell et al, 2001) Therefore, the study of purchaseintentionwillhavegreatpracticalimplicationsfortheactualpurchasebehavior.


Onlineshoppingintentionisderivedfrompurchaseintention(CloseandKukar- Kinney 2010).HowardandSheth(1969)definepurchaseintentionasacognitive state that reflects a consumer‘s plan to purchase products and services in aspecified periodof time.Bai et al(2008)affirm that purchase intention is theprimary result of pre-purchase satisfaction in an E- commerce context Close andKukar-Kinney (2010) define online shopping intention as the intention of onlineshopperst o p u r c h a s e p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s v i a t h e I n t e r n e t , o r u s e t h e v i r t u a l shopping cart as a means to buy things during an online session Accordingly, thevirtualshoppingcartactsasafunctionalholdingplacewhichisrequiredtotemporarilyk eeporholdtheintendedpurchaseitemspriortocompletingthepurchase transaction. Chen et al (2010) believe that online shopping intention is thevital predictor of actual purchasing behavior They add that it reveals the desire ofonlineshopperstocompleteapurchasetransactionviathevirtualstoresorwebsites.


In recent years, TikTok was becoming a very popular social network not onlyin Vietnam but there are countries in the world Particularly, this social network isformallyexpandingbecauseoftheCOVID-

19complexdevelopments,t h e activation of activities is limited so that people use to social networks as a set-stagefora change ofcourse.

The amount of shopping was right on TikTok social services available at theend of the month 4/2022, with great advantage of the user number, especially thegroup of potential young clients, TikTok Shop's going to join the electronics marketin Vietnam and be competing directly with the other three major electronics Shopee,LazadaandTiki.

The study focuses on TikTok Shop because this was a very new platform inVietnam.Besides,thissocialnetworkhasarelativelyhigh- profileyounguserratingsthatuseagroupofpeoplewhoarewillingtopayforonlinesho ppingbills.In addition, TikTok Shop is somewhat superior in terms of features compared toothersocialnetworkingplatformsandshoppingapps.

- The first is about the sales livestream feature Livestream sales are nowconsidered a trend on social networks Only appeared in the past few years, but it isa form of sales that helps to reach a lot of potential customers Unlike the socialnetwork Facebook, livestream viewers can only buy products when they choose toactively message the seller, or leave a comment for the seller to actively message toadvisec u s t o m e r s , t h e n a l o t p r o v i d e p e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d c h o o s e p a y m e n t methods through messages For TikTok Shop, it is completely different, livestreamviewers can make quick purchases from the livestream and then make paymentsvery quickly andconveniently becausepersonalinformationhasbeensavedinadvance.

- Secondly, TikTok is a ―just for you‖ social network and algorithms. Thebiggest reason people of all ages are still addicted to TikTok is the app's rich feed ofcontent,includingits―Foryou‖page,orFYPforshort.Thispageservesasthemain timeline of the app and helps people see new content TikTok works on aunique algorithm that uses AI and machine learning to cover FYP with the mostoptimal content for a particular user From there, TikTok will recommend productsbasedo n t h i n g s y o u l i k e t o w a t c h i n t h e f o r m o f v i d e o r e v i e w s o r l i v e s t r e a m s sellingsimilarproducts.

- Finally,theadv an tageofvideos experiencingproductsfrom― TikTokers‖- influential people on the TikTok platform With the content displayed mostly in theform of videos, retailers can convey the uses, features, characteristics, of theproduct easily to viewers, helping to increase purchase intention row This can beseen as a key factor to help TikTok Shop get a lot of attention not only from sellersbutalsofrombuyers.

In short, this research focuses on TikTok because it is a social networkingapplication where users can shop online, and the sales method is quite similar toFacebookbutmoreoptimized.Inaddition,TikTokShopalsohasano n l i n e shopping interface that is relatively similar to other online shopping applicationssuch asShopee, Lazada, but personalizes the needs to display for each differentuser In addition, this is a new shopping app to enter the online shopping market andthereisnoresearchdoneonTikTokShopyet.


Explain therelationshipbetwe enattitudea n d behavio rinhuman action

Attitude towards behaviorSubjective standardsCognitivebehavioralc ontrolBehavioralintention

Realbehavior TechnologyA cceptanceMo del-TAM

External variablePerception of usefulnessPerceived ease of useUsageattitude Intentiontouse Actualusagebehavior Combination model: C-

Combiningtheabove models toovercomelimitatio ns in thecontexto f explai ningconsumerbehavior usinginformation technology

Perception of usefulnessPerceived ease of useAttitude

E-commerce usebehavior UnifiedTheo ry ofAcceptanc eand Use ofTechnolog y-UTAUT

Agree on useracceptanceand useoftechnology,ca librate variablesand scales frommodelsofprevi ousstudies, andgeneralizeintoa unifiedmodel

EfficiencyExpectationsEx pectation of effortSocialinfluence Good conditionBehavioral intentionUsagebehavio r

ExtendedUni fiedTheory ofAcceptanc eand Use ofTechnolog y-UTAUT2

Add 3 morevariablestoex pandthe applicationscope of the modelto individualconsumers

Good conditionMotivatio n to enjoyValue for the priceHabit

This study chooses the E-CAM model as the foundation In which, this studyretains3importantfactors:―Perceivedrisks‖,―Perceivedusefulness‖,―Perceivedeaseo fuse‖.Intheresearchscopeofthetopic,itonlystopsatshoppingintention, sothe"E-commerceusebehavior"oftheE-


Currently, the topic of factors affecting online shopping intention has alwaysattracted a lot of attention from managers, organizations and researchers in theworld There are many studies in many different fields that have been carried outsuccessfully.

No Author Researchname Scope ofresearch Factor

Effects amongproductattrib utes,involvement ,word-of- mouth,and purchaseintention inonlineshopping

Taiwanand MainlandC hina ontheintentio ntopurchasem edicaldevic esonline.

Product information (+)Product quality (-)Product price (+)Product involvement (+)World-of- mouth (+)

The effects ofbloggerrecommen dationson customers‘online shoppingintentions

The studywascon ductedin Taiwan.With studysubjectsfr omu n d e r

 Perceivedusefulnessofblog ger’srecommendation willpositively affect blogreaders’ attitudes towardonlineshopping.

 Perceivedusefulnessofblog ger’srecommendation willpositively affect blogreaders’ intentions toshoponline.

 Trustwillpositivelyaffect blogreaders’attitudestowar donlineshoppingintentio ns.

 Blogreaders’attitudestowa rdshoppingonlinewill positively affect theirintentionstoshoponline.

 Ab l o g g e r ’ s reputat ion will affect the relationshipsproposedin hypothesisabove

Consumers'Onlin eShoppingMotives, Attitude, andShoppingIntenti on inThailand

The studywascon ductedinTh ailand,with theresearchobj ect isGenZ

 Hedonicmotivehadasignifica ntimpactonThai GenZ consumer’sattitudetowar dsonlineshopping.

 Simplicitymotive had asignificantimpactonTha i GenZ consumers’attitudetowar dsonlineshopping.

 Usefulness motive had asignificantimpactonTha i GenZ consumers’attitudetowar dsonlineshopping.

 Attitudetowardsonlinesh oppinghadasignificantim pactononline purchase intention.

The studywascon ductedin USA,with theresearch objectfrom

ConsumersAttitu detowards Online Shopping:FactorsInflue ncingYoungCons umers toShop

Dhaka,Bangla deshwith theresearchobj ectistheyoun gconsumers

 Thereisastatisticallysignifica ntrelationshipbetween personal incomeandattitudeofonlines hopping.

 Thereisastatisticallysignifica ntrelationshipbetweenplace ofresidence and attitude ofonlineshopping.

 Therei s astatistically significantr e l a t i o n s h i p between daily internetusage and attitude of onlineshopping.

Consideringfacto rsthataffectusers‘ onlinepurchaseinten tions withusing structuralequationm odeling

The studywascon ductedinIra n withtherese archobject isstudents ofIsfahanUniv ersity

 Trustofo n l i n e custom ershasaneffecton their online purchaseintention

 Perceivedusefulnessofonl ineshoppinghasaneffect on online purchaseintention.

 Socialinfluencehasaneffe ct on online purchaseintention

 Perceivedr i s k hasan effect on online purchaseintention

An onlineprepurchaseint entionsmodel:the role ofintention

Internetshoppingwillpositiv elypredictintentiontouset he Internet for productinformationsearch.

 A consumer’sperceptions of the extenttowhichsignificantre ferentsapproveofInternet use for shopping(i.e.,subjectiven o r m ) willpositivelypredictint entiontousetheInternetforp roductinformationsearch.

 Perceivedbehavioralcontrol willpositivelypredictintenti ontousethe Internet for productinformationsearch

 Purchaseexperienceviathe Internetwillpositively predictintentiontousetheInte rnetforproductinformationse arch.

 Purchaseexperiencev i a theI n t e r n e t w i l l positively and directlypredicti n t e n t i o n t o u s e theInternetforpurchase

Theinteractionale ffects of atmosphericsand perceptualcuriosity on emotionsandonli neshoppingintention

The studywascon ductedinRe publicof Korea,with theresearchobj ectfromlesst han20tol e s s t h a n

The studywascon ductedin Nigeria,with theresearchobj ectmainlya ges 25- 24yearsold.

 Thereisapositiverelation shipbetweenconsumers’trus tinanofflinestoreandthei rperceived internetconfidenceattheretai ler’sonlinestore.

 Thereisapositiverelation shipbetweenconsumers’trus tinanoffline retailer and theirinformation searchintentionu s i n g t h e retailer’sonlinestore.

 Thereisapositiverelation shipbetweenconsumertrusti nanofflinestoreandbehav ioralintentiontowardtheonl inestore.

 Thereisapositiverelation shipbetweenconsumers’perc eivedinternetconfidenceo finternet shopping at theonline retailer and theirinformation searchintentionusingthereta iler’sonlinestore.

 Thereisapositiverelation shipbetweenconsumers’perc eivedconfidenceofinterne tshoppingattheonlineret ailerandtheirbehaviorali ntentiontowardtheonlinest ore.

 Thereisapositiverelation shipbetweenconsumers’info rmationsearchintentiona ttheonliner e t a i l e r a n d t h e i r behavioralin te nt io n towardtheonlinestore."

Theeffectofelectr onicw o r d ofmo uth,trustandp e r c e i v e d value on behavioralintenti on fromthe perspective ofconsumers.

The studywascon ductedin Canada,with theresearchobj ectfromlesst han20to morethan 40 yearsold.

 :Trustofonlinecustomershas aneffecton their online purchaseintention.

 Perceivedvalueso f online customers have aneffectontheironlinepurch ase intention

VietNam, withtherese archobjectf r o m 22tomoretha n 40 yearsold.

In summary, there have been many related studies that have been conducted tostudythefactorsaffectingtheonlineshoppingintention.Afters y n t h e s i z i n g previ ousrelated studies, theauthorfound thatatdifferenttimesorlocations,in each different study, the variables used in the research model are also different and theresults are not completely similar From the summary of factors affecting OnlineShopping Intention, previous studies have shown that factors such as perceivedusefulness, perceived ease of us, price expectation, perceived risk and E- WOMdirectlyimpacttheonlineshoppingintention.

Most of the studies with the research hypothesis of ''Perceived Usefulness''show the impact of this factor on online shopping intention, especially on the speedofonlineshoppingforproductscomparedtotheonlineshoppingm e t h o d traditi onal purchases in the past Indeed, according to Hasslinger et al (2007) onlineshoppingwillbringconveniencetoconsumers,theyarenolongerlimitedint ermsof time and place of shopping Compared to shopping at traditional stores, onlineshopping not only saves a lot of time, but also helps students find products easilywith manyattractiveoffers.

Moreover,the''Perceivedeaseofuse'' factorhasbeenassessedbymanypreviousstudiestoplaythenextimportantroleinpromoti ngstudent‘sonlineshopping intention Based on the result of Cuong, Q H., (2010), the ''Perceived easeof use'' factor has been assessed by many previous studies to play the next importantrole in promoting student‘s online shopping intention Finally, the factors of onlineshoppingintentionwerealsoselectedbypreviousresearchtoconductt h e i r researc h, such as perceived trust, social influence, brand awareness are also highlyappreciatedbypreviousstudies.

After presenting, synthesizing and referencing previous related studies, thestudy found research gaps that have not been paid attention to by previous relatedstudies:

Firstly, most of the previous related research was conducted for subjects of allages However, the majority of survey respondents in previous related studies arebetweentheagesof18and35.Thosemayhaveanimpactonthestudy'srepresentativene ss.So,focusgroupsareperfectfor'fillinginthegap‖ofthestudy and this approach aimed to specifically generate the concept and hypotheses of thestudy (Krueger et al, 2000) Participants in this type of study are chosen on the basisof having something to say about the issue, being within the age range, havingsimilar socio-demographic traits, and being comfortable talking to the interviewerandeachother(Richardson&Rabiee,2001).Therefore,thisstudy focusesonsurveyingyoungcustomers-studentsatuniversity from18to22sothattherepresentative population of the research results are not affected compared to thepreviousresearchresults.

Secondly, TikTok Shop is currently a new online shopping platform, so thereare still very few studies on online shopping intention on this platform, especiallyamong students and market researchers Viet Nam market According to NguyenDuyen(2022),IntheVietNammarket,makingaprofitinthefieldofe- commerceisassessedasnotsimplebecauseoftheoperatingcostsandinvestmentine- commerce logistics infrastructure spend a lot of time and money The adoption ofinnovative technologies also requires large amounts of resources and resources Thefour big names today, Shopee, Lazada, Tiki and Sendo are still struggling to survivein this fierce market Therefore, this research paper focusing on TikTok Shop willhelp businesses betterunderstandthe customers who aredoingo n l i n e s h o p p i n g here,especiallyattractthestudents‘groupatuniversity.

Finally, there have been very few related studies in the past focusing on the E- WOM factor, which is frequently used in marketing campaigns at the TikTok Shopplatform.Asmentionedabove,contentonTikTokisdisplayedmostlyinth eformof videos, retailers can convey uses, features, characteristics, attach purchase links,etc of products to viewers at once easily through the ''TikTokers'' According toBickart & Schindler (2001),

Traditional WOM communication consists of spokenwordsexchangedwithothersinaface-to- facesituation,whileonlineW O M involves the transmission of personal experiences and opinions multiply throughwriting.However,E-

WOMcannownotonlybeconveyedinwrittenform(commentsorfeedback)butalsoby meansofcommunicationproducts.Therefore,

''E-WOM'' is a factor that affects students' intention to shop online on TikTokShop.This study will add an ''E-WOM'' factor to fill the gap in many previous researchpapers as well as update the factor that affects students' intention to shop online onTikTokShoptoday.



Perceived usefulness is ―The degree to which a person believes that usingspecificapplicationsystemswillincreasetheirefficiency/productivityforaparticul ar task‖ (Davis, 1986) Hasslinger et al (2007) mentioned that students findthat shopping online helps them save time and effort and can shop at any time.Darian

(1987), Carson et al (1996) and Burke (1997) also concluded that onlineshopping has created a competitive advantage over traditional shopping becausesearchingforinformationaboutproducts,Onlineorderingandhomed e l i v e r y service save student‘s time Chen et al (2005), believes that online shopping will beperceivedasusefulandproductiveatworkifthecharacteristicsoftheonlineshopping system match the requirements and provide a significant value to thestudent.

Accordingtoresearch―Factorsaffectingtheintentiontousee-shoppingservices online‖ by author Cuong H Q (2010), this research show the result thatcustomer have intention about shopping onlinew h e n t h e y f e e l s h o p p i n g o n l i n e bring theusefulnessfor them,they donota limited aboutspace and time forshopping There are many studies proved that the ―Perceived Usefulness‖ factorinfluences the online shopping intention of consumers Hsu et al (2013);HosseinRezaeeetal(2011).

For students, they represent a young clientele who tend to be receptive to newthings especially in terms of tools that help their lives Therefore, it is necessary tostudy the "Perceived Usefulness" factor of student customers aboutTikTok Shop toseetheirreactionsaboutabasicelementofanonlineshoppingapplication.

Based on previous studies, the factor "Perceived Usefulness" in this researchtopic refers to the characteristics related to the convenience of online shopping atanytime,helpingtosavetime,findproductinformationquickly,alongwithincentives when students shop at TikTok Shop Inconclusion, factor "PerceivedUsefulness" has a positive effect on the attitudes and intentions of student‘s onlineshoppers.Thus,thefollowinghypothesis isformulated:

Hypothesis H 1 :Perceived usefulness has a positive effect (+) on students'onlineshoppingintention.


The perception concept is easy to use theT A M t e c h n o l o g y b y t h e

D a v i s (1986) and the UTT-imaging that the person who uses the information that thenetwork, the information technology would not ask for much effort and they'll seehow easily use In this study, it's easy to use in the users that feel easy to get used to,use a shopping shop on online shopping app and it's easy to become a user user intoaservice.

For students, they are one of the customer groups that spend a lot of time onthe internet In addition, online shopping in recent years has become very popular,especially with this group of student customers They are relatively interested inshopping on e-commerce platforms, especially at "Flash Sale" times.

Therefore, it isnecessarytoverifythe"Perceivedeaseofuse"factorwithanewshoppingapplication like TikTokShop.

In addition, previous research by author Cuong, H Q (2010) also shows thateasyoperationswhenperformingsearchesandperformingtransactionshaveapositiv e influence on customers' online shopping intention.Thus, the followinghypothesis isformulated:

Hypothesis H 2 :Perceived ease of use has a positive (+) effect on students'onlineshoppingintention.


Price is what a student must pay to obtain a desired product or service. Priceexpectations are students' judgments aboutwhat they will tradefor their costs.Consumers will accept the price on two aspects: the monetary cost to spend and theopportunity cost of having to give up using that money to buy other products andservices According to Jiang and Rosenbloom (2005), student often rely on price todetermine product quality because they cannot see the actual product when buyingonline.

In the model ―Factors influencing online consumers‖, Hasslinger et al. (2007)mentionedthatstudentsbelievethatbuyingonlinewillsavemoneyandc a n compare on price Moreover, the budget for monthly expenses of the majority ofstudents is limited, they almost all depend on the support from their families Theywill often have price comparisons between products, even between e-commerceplatforms with the same product Therefore, it is necessary to test how the

"priceexpectation"factor at TikTok Shop is forstudents.

Previous studies in the author Cuong, H Q (2010) and W.-I Lee et al (2017)all said that the price factor has a positive influence on the online shopping intentionofcustomers.Thus,thefollowinghypothesisisformulated:

HypothesisH 3 :Priceexpectationshaveapositive(+)effect onstudents'intentiontoshoponline


CAM)andthetheoryofriskperception(TPR),riskperceptionincludesperceivedrisksrela tedtoproducts/services and risks related to transactions online The risks when usingonlines h o p p i n g s e r v i c e s i n c l u d e : r e v e a l i n g p e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n , l o s i n g m o n e y , real products not as expected when viewed on the net Bhatnagar et al. (2000)suggest that the propensity to shop online will decrease as perceived risk increases.AccordingtoSi nd ha v a n d Bala zs ( 1 9 9 9 ) ; S w a m i n a t h a n eta l ,

(1999), th elac k o f security and confidentiality of information on the internet is a barrier to onlinepurchaseintention Bhimani(1996)suggeststhatstudentsmay fearthatonlinevendorsmayrejectanagreementafterthetransactionhasbeencompleted.I naddition, according to Forsythe and Shi (2003), Risk associated with products is themost important factor in online shopping and is the main reason for students toabandontheintention to buyoverthe web.

The fear of risks for online shopping is obvious not only for students but alsofor many people who intend to shop online Previous studies by author Cuong, Q.H., (2010), Hossein Rezaee et al (2011) have also shown that "Perceived Risk" hasaninfluenceoncustomers'onlineshoppingintention.Allofwhichreducesconsumers' trust attitudes towards online purchases Thus, the following hypothesisisformulated:

Hypothesis H 4 :Perceived risk has a negative (-) impact on students' onlineshoppingintention


Word of mouth (WOM) is the act of one consumer providing information toanother According to Kirby and Marsden (2006), word of mouth is the words,communication between people, between recipients and transmitters related to abrand,product/serviceorinformationonthemarket.Currently,withthedevelopment of information technology, the traditional form ofword ofmouth(WOM) has gradually been replaced by online word of mouth (E-WOM) E-WOMis ―any positive or negative statement made by potential, existing or previousstudent about an application or product-related feature over the internet‖ (Hennig-Thurauetal.work,2004;Litvin,GoldsmithandPan,2008).Comparedt o traditional word of mouth, online word of mouth is considered more useful becauseof its speed, convenience, spread ability and no face-to-face factor (Phelps,Lewis,Mobiliom, Perry and Raman, 2004) Online word of mouth created and transmittedbystudentthemselvesisalwaysareliablesourceofinformationforthem(M angold

Online Shopping Intention Perceived ease of use

& Faulds, 2009; Chu & Kim, 2011) According to Wu & Wang (2011), student trustword-of- mouthaboutproductsmorethanothersourcesofinformationw h e n makingpurchasingde cisions.

Product advertising through video review is currently a hot trend in recentyears and student customers are easily attracted to this form These video reviewscan be seen as a form of E-WOM because of their pervasiveness on the TikTokcommunity in general Students will often tend to "trust" the reviews from thesevideos Therefore, it is necessary to verify the "E-WOM" factor of students' onlineshopping intentions at the TikTok Shop application Thus, the following hypothesisisformulated:

Hypothesis H 5 :Online word of mouth has a positive (+) impact on students'onlineshoppingintention

Chapter 2 of this chapter has systematized the main basic concepts related tothe research topic, including the theoretical basis of the online shopping intentionand the highlight features of TikTok Shop Furthermore, this thesis continues to findout many previous studies and the research gap Many previous related studies ontherelationshipbetweeninfluencingfactorsandonlineshoppingintentionofstudents are thought to be fundamental for the author to propose a research model.This is the crucial groundwork for demonstrating the research method and researchdesigninchapter3.

Identify the research subject, objective, question, methodology, significance Literature review (definitions of research, concept research, related research) Propose research models and hypotheses through theories and related studies

Collect survey data (about 300 samples) Ask for comments from instructors and complete the survey Building a survey questionnaire

Data processing and statical analysis Cronbach‘s Alpha Exploratory factor analysis

R esearch Significance Research result Regression analysis


The study focuses on determining the factors affecting the online purchaseintention of the students in the current period and the degree of influence of eachfactor on the online shopping intention The research process includes the followingsteps:


First and foremost, the author identifies a topic that has never failed to attractpeople‘sattentionandsparkcontroversyoverthepotentialimpactsoft h i s individ ualt r e n d i n V i e t n a m F r o m t h e r e , t h e a u t h o r i d e n t i f i e s t h e r e s e a r c h t o p i c , researchobjectiveandresearchquestion.Thestudyimplementsaqualitativeresearch method by referencing previous scientific studies to select the factors thathave a positive impact on shopping online intention of students that are suitable forthe location in Vietnam After that, based on the proposed research model of theauthorandtheliteraturereview,relatedpreviousstudiesaswellastheactualsituation in the study area, the author builds a scale to assess the impact of factorsaffectingtheonlineshoppingintentionofstudentsatuniversity.Theobservedvariablesin thescalearealsoreferencedfrompreviousresearchstudiesandcustomized to appropriate in Vietnam Furthermore, the author conducts to collectabout 300 survey data for data processing and statistical analysis Finally, surveydata from sample groups will be collected and analyzed, and the results will bereported.Thediagrambelowdepicts aclear picture of the researchprocess.

- I can find product information quicklywhenshoppingonline TikTokShop.

-Iexpectthatthesellingpriceof productsat TikTok Shop is lower than in other e- commercechannels(Lazada,Shopee, ) -I expect that I can choose from multiplepricesforthesameproductwhenIsho ponTikTokShop.

-I expect that products sold on TikTokShopwillbecheaperthanbuyingdirec tly atthestore.

- When shopping onTikTok Shop,I amconcernedthattheproductreceivedisnotas promisedinthepicture.

- WhenshoppingonTikTokShop,Iamconcernedt hatthedeliverytime isnotinaccordancewiththe commitment.

- Whens hopp in gon T ik T o k S ho p , I a m concernedthatI willhave difficulty

E-WOM -Thehighe r thenumber o f p o s i ti v e produc t RonaldE. reviews, the more influence on mypurchaseintentionatTikTokShop

- Themore specific anddetailed a productreview(includinga lengthydescriptionandillustrations), the more it affects myintentiontopurchaseatTikTokShop.

- Them o r e r e v i e w s f r o m p e o p l e w it h c l e a r information, the more influence myintentiontobuyatTikTokShop.

-Themorereviewsthatareclosetothe realityof theproduct,the moreitaffectsmypurchaseintentionatTikTo k Shop.


This study collects references in both Vietnamese and English to synthesizetheoriesonfactorsaffectingstudents‘onlineshoppingintention.Consultsome economictheory,aswellasarticlesandresearchonthetopic.Thecollectedinformation should then be selected and summarized This will lead to conclusionsand recommendations on what TikTok Shop should do to bemore suitable forVietnamesepeople,especially theyoungcustomersegment.AccordingtoYin,Robert K

(1989), the data collection process is very difficult because the theoreticalpart is based on this data Data information can be obtained from two differentsources This section will present primary data sources according to Primary

Data:Thereareitemscollectedbytheresearcher.Assources,directobservations canbe used (Eriksson, 1997) In this study, the data used includes primary and secondarydata.Secondarydataiscollectedusingpreviousresearchpapers,journalsonco nsumer trust, e-commerce, to serve as a theoretical basis for the research.Primarydataiscollectedbysurveyingthesubjectsthroughonlinesurveyquestio nnairestoassessthestatusofresearchfactors.

This research includes the following steps: preliminary research and formalresearch Preliminary research is carried out by qualitative research to review andsupplementobservedvariablesusedtomeasureresearchconceptsconductedthrough focusgroupdiscussionsorthroughbooks,internet,researchstudies.Previous research, etc The issue to be discussed is the factors affecting consumerconfidence in online business in Ho Chi Minh City with the factors given in theproposedresearchmodel.

Formal research is done by quantitative research Data was collected by onlinesurvey ofconsumersliving andworkinginHoChiMinhCity throughapre-designed questionnaire The questionnaire wasmeasured usinga5-point Likertscale, fixed from (1) Strongly disagree to (5) Strongly agree Research data wascollected through a google form questionnaire After collecting the data, the SPSSsoftware is analyzed to check the reliability of the scale and draw conclusions Thedata analysis will be conducted through the following steps: descriptive statistics,reliability assessment of the scale by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and exploratoryfactor analysis (EFA) Next, regression analysis aims to test the relevance of themodel and assess the importance of factors affecting online shopping intention inTikTokShopofstudentsatHoChiMinhCity.



In the research study, the number of observations must be at least four or fivetimes the number of variables in the factor analysis (Hoang Trong & ChuNguyenMongNgoc,2005).Therefore,

The expected sample size for EFA discovery factor analysis was calculatedusingHair,Anderson,Tatham,andBlack'sresearch(1998).Asaresult,themini mumsamplesizeisfivetimesthetotalnumberofvariablesobserved. n=5*m (m:number ofindependentvariablesobserved)

Formultivariateregressionanalysis,theformula(TabachnickandF i d e l l , 1996) calculatestheminimumsamplesizeto beobtained: nP+8*m (m:numberof independentfactors)

According to Leedy and Ormrod (2005), the sample size should be as high aspossible to assure representation and prepare for individuals who do not reply orrespond insufficiently To address the differing requirements of exploratory factoranalysis and multivariate linear regression analysis, the study uses the same samplesize The scales in this study comprise 20 independent variables as a result ofmerging the researchofthe aforementionedauthors,meaning that the requiredsample size is roughly 120 consumers In the event that the survey samples areincorrect or the surveyor misinterprets, the study will survey more than the requiredsample size This study surveyed students at Ho Chi Minh University of Bankingwhohaveonline shoppinginTikTokShop.

This study decided to collect a sample size of 300 observations from studentswho are currently students at Ho Chi Minh University of Banking and know aboutTikTokapplicationtoaccomplishtheresearchobjective.


Sampling method A non-probability sampling method is used to conduct thisstudy.Thebenefits ofthismethodincludeconvenience,easy accesstosurveysubjects,t i m e s a v i n g s , l o w c o s t , a n d h i g h o b j e c t i v i t y T h i s r e s e a r c h t o p i c i s a n exploratory and exploratory study aimed at an in-depth understanding of a problem,in which a survey questionnaire will be sent to random survey subjects who rangefrom18to22yearsandpurchaseonlineshopping.


Building the scale, the author modified and supplemented the components thatinfluence the online shopping intention of students Measurement of factors affectthe online shopping intention of students was developed by the author based on theliteraturereview,andtheresultsofpreviousstudies,incorporatingthemainquestionna irescaleofDavis,BagozziandWarshaw(1989);Davis(1989),Venkatesh and Davis (2001); Hasslinger at el (2007), Eliasson Malin (2009); LeeandTurban(2001);SureshA.M.andShashika-JoonghoAhn,JinsooPark,Dongwon Lee (2001); Jae-Il Kim, Hee Chun Lee & Hae Joo Kim (2004); Ronald E.Goldsmith & David Horowitz, Mei-Hsin Wu (2013); Bagozzi, Baumgatnr and Yi(1998) about Perceived usefulness (PU), Perceived ease of use (PEU), Price ofexpectation (PE), Perceived risks (PR), E- WOM, Online Shopping Intention (OSI).The scale questionnaire is developed in the form of a Likert scale 5 (1 is

Perceived PEU1 WhenIshopatTikTok Shop,Iplaceordersquickly. easeof use(PE

PEU3 WhenIshopatTikTok Shop,Icaneasilyexchangeand returnthem.

PEU4 WhenIshopatTikTokShop,IgetaquickrefundwhenI exchangeor returnthewrongproduct.

Iexpectthat thesellingpriceof productsatTikTokShopislowerthaninothere- commercechannels(Lazada,Shopee, )

PE2 Iexpectthat Icanchoosefrommultiplepricesforthesame productwhenIshopon TikTokShop.

PE3 Iexpectthat Ican comparepricesbetweendifferentsellers atTikTokShop.

PE4 Iexpectthat products soldonTikTokShopwillbecheaper thanbuyingdirectlyatthestore.

PR2 Whenshoppingon TikTokShop, Iamconcernedthatthe productreceivedis not aspromisedinthe picture.

PR3 Whenshoppingon TikTokShop, Iamconcernedthatthe deliverytimeisnotin accordancewiththecommitment.

EW1 Thehigherthenumber of positiveproduct reviews,the moreinfluenceonmypurchaseintentionatTikTokShop

Themorespecificanddetailedaproductreview(including a lengthy description and illustrations), the more it affectsmyintentiontopurchaseatTikTokShop.

EW3 The more reviewsfrompeoplewithclearinformation,the moreinfluencemyintentiontobuyatTikTokShop.

The more reviews that are close to the reality of theproduct,themoreit affects mypurchaseintentionat TikTokShop.


To create a complete questionnaire for the survey, the author first built thequestionnaireusingtheabove- mentionedscalesandobservedvariables.Beforeformaldatacollection,thequestionnairewa stestedandadjusted.


This research topic isanexploratory and exploratory study aimed to findfactors affecting online shopping intention of students Ho Chi Minh city To carryout this study, a non-probability sampling method is used First and foremost, theauthor will make an online survey questionnaire on the google form application toeasily approach and survey many young people The online survey questionnairewas sent by the author to random individuals whom the author could approach andwith the support friends and relatives in Vietnam Finally, the author will collect,cleanand process datato eliminateinvalidsurveys.



The information is gathered as primary data using a survey form First, theauthorg o e s t h r o u g h t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e s a n d d i s c a r d s t h o s e t h a t a r e i n v a l i d T h e s e primary data are then imported into Excel for storage before being transferred toSPSS 25.0 software for descriptive statistics, evaluating the scale, determining theimportanceofthefactors,andtestingthehypotheses.


TheCronbach'sAlphacoefficientmethodwasusedtoassessthescale'sreliability. Before conducting an exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the researchused Cronbach's Alpha to remove irrelevant variables because these variables cancreatedummyfactors(NguyenDinhThoandNguyenThiMaiTrang,2009).Cronbach's Alpha only indicates whether the measurements are linked, not whichobserved variables should be dropped or retained The calculation of the correlationcoefficient between the total variables will then assist in removing variables that donotcontributesignificantly tothedescriptionoftheconcept.Ifthecorrelationcoefficient of the sum variable is less than 0.3 in Cronbach's Alpha, it should bediscarded Choose the scale when Cronbach's Alpha is greater than 0.6 (the higherthe Cronbach's Alpha, the higher the internal consistency reliability) (Nunnally,1978).

0.7t o 0 8 , i s u s a b l e C r o n b a c h ' s A l p h a o f 0 6 o r h i g h e r c a n b e u s e d w h e n t h e concept beingmeasuredis novel ornovelto the respondent (Nunnally,1978).Therefore, items with Cronbach's Alpha coefficients less than 0.6 and correctedTotalItemcorrelationslessthan0.3willbeexcludedfromthemodel.


After analyzing the scale reliability using Cronbach‘s alpha of the factor, theresearchcontinues toanalyzethemethod oftheEFA exploratoryfactor.

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a method for reducing observed variablesinto more general and meaningful factors based on their correlation To determineconvergent and discriminant validity, EFA analysis was used: The EFA analysismust meetthefollowingrequirements:

1 Factor loading must be used to determine whether to keep or remove theobservedv a r i a b l e t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e s c a l e r e a c h e s t h e c o n v e r g e n t v a l u e I f t h e loading factor is less than 0.5, the loading factor is removed from the model, andviceversa.0.5factorloading(Hairetal.,2006).

2 The Eigenvalue index is used to calculate the number of factors If theEigenvalue indexis lessthanone, thefactoris removedfromtheresearchmodel.

3 Total Variability To evaluate the scale, explain: The scale is accepted whentheextractedvarianceisgreaterthan50%,indicatingthattheEFAmodelisappropria te (Hair et al., 2006) Total Variance Explained shows how the factorsexplainthe variationof thevariation when thevariationis set to100%.

OlkincoefficientareusedtodeterminetheappropriatenessoftheEFAfactoranalysis(KM O).TheKMOcoefficientmustbegreaterthan0.5andlowerthan1(0.5≤KMO≤1).Th emodelisnotacceptedforEFAfactoranalysisifthe KMOcoefficientislessthan0.5.

5 To see if the observed variables in the population are correlated with oneanother The Barlett test has statistical significance (Sig

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2023, 22:34



