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847 The Relationship Between Risk Attitude And Behaviours Againt Covid-19 Evidence From Student S Hub 2023.Docx

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Tiêu đề The Relationship Between Risk Attitude And Behavior Against Covid-19: Evidence From Ho Chi Minh University Of Banking Students
Tác giả Neang Lin Lda
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Pham Huong Dien
Trường học Ho Chi Minh University of Banking
Chuyên ngành Business Administration
Thể loại Graduation Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2022
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 82
Dung lượng 217,26 KB

Cấu trúc

  • 1.1. Researchstatement (13)
  • 1.2. Research ObjectivesandQuestions (0)
    • 1.2.1. ResearchObjectives...............................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 1.2.2. Question...............................................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 1.3. Research SubjectandScope (0)
    • 1.3.1. ResearchSubject (0)
    • 1.3.2. Scope (0)
  • 1.4. Research methodology (0)
  • 1.5. ResearchLimits..........................................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 1.6. ResearchSignificance................................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 1.7. ExpectedContribution...............................Error!Bookmarknot defined. 1.8. Thesisstructure (0)
  • 2.1. Relatedtheories (17)
    • 2.1.1. TheoryofPlannedBehavior(TPB) (17)
    • 2.1.2. TheoryofReasonedAction(TRA)..........Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 2.2. Concepts (17)
  • 2.3. Relatedstudies (20)
  • 2.4. Research HypothesesandModel (0)
    • 2.4.1. ResearchHypotheses.............................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 2.4.2. Model...................................................Error!Bookmarknotdefined. Chapter2Summary (0)
  • 3.1. ResearchProcess (24)
  • 3.2. Buildingthescale (25)
  • 3.3. Samplesize (28)
  • 3.4. Dataanalysis (29)
    • 3.4.1. TestEFA(ExploratoryFactorAnalysis) (0)
    • 3.4.2. RegressionanalysisandANOVAtest (0)
  • 4.1. Sampledescription (32)
  • 4.2. Reliability testbyCronbach’s Alpha (37)
    • 4.2.1. Generalriskattitudes (38)
    • 4.2.2. RiskattitudesinHealth (38)
    • 4.2.3. RiskattitudesinFinance (39)
    • 4.2.4. RiskattitudesinWorking (40)
    • 4.2.5. RiskattitudesinTraveling (40)
    • 4.2.6. Behavior (41)
  • 4.3. ResultofExploratoryFactorAnalysis(EFA) (41)
    • 4.3.1. ExploratoryfactoranalysisforRiskattitudes (42)
    • 4.3.2. ExploratoryfactoranalysisforBehavior (44)
  • 4.4. Correlationanalysis (45)
    • 4.4.1. Result of correlation analysis of General risk attitude and Risk attitude33 4.4.2. Resultof correlationanalysisof BehaviorandRiskattitudes (45)
  • 4.5. Regressionanalysis (48)
  • 4.6. ANOVAtest (51)
    • 4.6.1. ANOVAtestbetweenSchoolyearandGeneralriskattitude (54)
    • 4.6.2. ANOVAtestbetweenMajorandGeneralriskattitude (56)
    • 4.6.3. ANOVAtestbetweenParentaloccupation andGeneralriskattitude46 Chapter4Summary (58)
  • 5.1. Conclusion (59)
  • 5.2. Recommendation andsuggestion (60)
  • 5.3. Limitationsandthenextresearchdirection (62)

Nội dung



In 2019, the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic from Wuhan - Chinastrongly affected the life of the whole world from life, economy to society. Manycompaniesandbusinesseshavetotemporarilydelaytheplannedplansandstrategies

; schools must suspend face-to-face learning and switch to online learning;hospitals try 100% of their efforts to help treat sick people Especially, the Covid 19pandemic has had a strong impact on the behavior and attitudes of people across thecountry,almosttheyhavetocompletelychangealldailyactivitiessuchaswearinga mask when leaving the house, do not have close contact or do not gather in largenumberstopreventandrepeltheepidemictoensurethesafetyofeveryone.According to the Vietnam Ministry of Health Portal, the total number of infectionsfrom 2019 to now is more than 10 million, the number of deaths is about 43,000.Currently, the epidemic is still complicated and this is considered a huge number totheVietnamesepeople.

Regarding students, many students have not been able to adapt in time to thenew form of learning at the school to be able to balance between learning efficiencyand good compliance with Covid-19 prevention regulations Besides, many sourcesInaccurate information on social networking sites when referring to Covid 19 hasincreased anxiety and confusion in their attitudes and behaviour With the abovereasons, I decided to do the research ―The relationship between risk attitude andbehavior against Covid 19: Evidence from Ho Chi Minh City University of Bankingstudents‖.

The aims are understand of risk attitudes brings a lot of insights into the risk- takingbehaviors of people as well as the impact of risk attitudes and the compliance levelamongstudents Therefore,thepurpose of thistopic isfollowed:

The objective of this study is to measure the risk attitudes of HUB‘s students.This risk attitude is measured through 4 different aspects of life to find its impact onstudents' risk attitude At the same time, the research objective is to verify thecompliancewith"5KMessage"ofstudentsandthencomparetherelationshipbetweenrisk attitudeandresponsetoCovid19.

The topicwas researched within theBanking University ofH o C h i

Thestudy wasconductedquantitatively tomeasurethescaletosuittheresearch context at HUB, the study conducted a survey through the Google Formtool.Afterhavingthedata,theauthorproceedsto:

 Qualitative research methods: (i) Conduct preliminary research by in- depthinterviews with students to check the appropriateness of the questionnaire,thereby completing the questionnaire; (ii) argue and analyze concepts basedonthetheoreticalbackgroundofpreviousresearchpaperswithrelatedconte nt.

 Quantitative research method: Design of questionnaires, combined with theuse of 5-level Likert scale and 0-10 scale Using SPSS software to processdata through scale evaluation by Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient, testKMO, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), regression analysis and ANOVAtest.

 Data collection method: the author chooses to survey the online tool usingGoogle Form because it is very familiar to students Banking will help thesurveyeasilyachieveresults.Besides,becausethisisanintegratedapplication in the utility application suite of the Google service platform, itcan be incorporated into the form of teaching online classes of the author incharge;therefore,itispossibletourge,answerquestionsandmonitorrespondent sto improvethe reliabilityofcollected data.

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the research topic The author presents theproblem, thereby stating the objectives that the topic aims at, the objecta n d s c o p e oftheresearch.Regardingresearchmethods,thetopicusesqualitativeandquanti tativeresearchmethods,andChapter1alsooutlinesthescientificandpractical significance of the research topic In the next chapter, the author willpresent some definitions as well as theories related to the topic, thereby proposing aresearchmodelto carryoutin-depthresearch.

Theory of planned behavior (Ajzen,1991) is a tool that presents and assists infinding out the determinants of behavior that are the intention to engage in thatbehavior and the perceived behavioral control of that behavior Specifically, TPBstates that the intention to perform a behavior is influenced by three factors: anindividual's attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control First, anindividual's attitude towards a behavior is how the individual feels when performingthe behavior, this attitude can be positive or negative The second are subjectivenorms,whichincludeaperson'sbeliefsaboutwhethersignificantotherst h i n k he/ she should engage in the behavior The third method measures the extent towhich individuals perceive the behavior to be within their personal control Throughthis theory, we can easily determine the risk-taking attitude of students towardsCovid 19 in a voluntary, controlled manner to some extent At the same time, it alsohelps determine the perceived behavior of students against the pandemic whether itis easy or difficult to perform a particular behavior Because the degree of effortstudents makes to engage in the behavior and their degree of control over thebehavioraffectwhetherornottheyengageinthebehavior.

Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was developed by Ajzen and Fishbein in1967andadjustedandexpandedovertime.TheTRAmodelshowsthatconsumption trends are the best predictors of consumption behavior To pay moreattention to the factors that contribute to the buying tendency, consider two factors,which are the attitudes and subjective standards of customers In the TRA model,attitudesaremeasuredby theperceptionofproductattributes.Consumersw i l l noticeattributesthatprovideneces sarybenefitsandhavevaryingdegreesofimportance If the weights of those attributes are known, it is possible to predict theoutcomeo f t h e c o n s u m e r ' s c h o i c e r o u g h l y I n a d d i t i o n , t h e s u b j e c t i v e i n d i c a t o r factor can be measured through people related to the consumer (family, friends,colleagues, ) The degree of impact of subjective standard factors on consumerbuying propensity depends on: (1) the consumer's level of support/opposition topurchasingand(2)theconsumer'smotivationaccordingtothewishesoftheinfluencers. Plus, in the theoretical model of rational action, individual consumers'beliefs about a product or brand will influence their attitude towards the behaviorandattitudestowardsthebehaviorwillinfluencetheirpropensity.T h e r e f o r e , attitude will explain the cause of consumer buying propensity, and trend is the bestfactortoexplainconsumerbehavioraltrends.

According to the traditional school,risksare damages, losses, dangers orfactorsrelatedtodanger,difficultyoruncertaintythatcanhappentopeople.Accordingt othemodernschool,riskisameasurableuncertainty thatisbothpositive and negative. Meaning, risks can bring losses and losses to people but canalsobringbenefits andopportunities.

Attitudeis the articulation in words, signals and activities aboutthings,peculiaritiesandindividualswithsignificantdecisionsandremarksincludin gdiscernment, impact and conduct Attitudes are negative or positive through theoutsideappearancesoftheindividualgivingthedisposition.

A risky attitudeis a ―chosen state of mind in relation to uncertainties thatcan have a positive or negative effect on goals‖ However, another important factortobeconsideredisperception.Both―risk‖and―attitude‖areinfluencedbypercept ion (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979; Kahneman).D.,Slovic P & Tversky A, 1986; Lopes, 1987; Slovic, 2000; Gilovich T GriffinD.&KahnemanD,2002;SlovicSaloveyP.,BrackettMA&MayerJD,2004),including elements rational situational factors (such as familiarity,manageability,proximity,orlikelihood),subconsciousexperiencesoperatingatbotht heindividual andgrouplevels(e.g.,availability,groupthinking,orrisk/cautionshift)andemotions (discussed below) The effect of perceived risk on answers to questionssuchas―Howisituncertain?Andhowimportantisit?

Addingtheinfluenceofperception to the original definition of risk attitudes above leads to a more completedefinitionofthelatter(Hillson&Murray-Webster,2005).

Behavioris a succession of rehashed activities Activity is a gathering ofexercises including responses and ways of behaving of the body, with the particularreason for answering an outside boost, which is the activity or reaction of an item orcreature, frequently utilized in influence on the climate and society Behavior can becognizant,subliminal,unmistakableorincognito,anddeliberateoroblivious.Behaviorisa worththatcanchangeoverthelonghaul.

Behaviorsagainstisconfronting,facingunusualsituations,difficultsituations, using the individual's description in different situations According to R.Lazarus and S Folkman in Stress Psychology, behavior against is the sum of thecognitive and behavioral efforts that the individual expends to weaken the effects ofstress.

Risk attitudeis chosen in response to uncertainty that matters, influenced byperception Meaning, it is usually adopted subconsciously and without consciousvalidation This can be good since it allows people to act quickly in uncertainsituations,butitcanalsobeb a d i f i t r e s u l t s i n s u b o p t i m a l d e c i s i o n s o r behavior Plus, risk attitudes are a choice for an individual or group, help to learnhow to assess each situation, and then to choose a risk attitude explicitly, selectingthe attitude which is most appropriate to the situation and which offers the bestchanceofachieving their objectives.

Complianceis to follow the rules and ethical standards set forth In addition,compliance is also compliance with the general regulations of society and the state.Ina n y a c t i v i t y o f a n a g e n c y , i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o h a v e p r i n c i p l e s a n d s e t o u t t h o s e principles for superiors and subordinates to work together, to develop the companytogether.

5K messageis the message of the desire of the Ministry of Health to call oneach Vietnamese person to actively work and live together safely with the COVID-19pandemicinthe"Newnormal"state.5Kis anacronymfor:

 Khautrang(Mask):wearclothmasksregularly inpublicplaces,p l a c e s where people gather Wear medical masks at medical facilities and isolationareas.

 Khukhuan(Disinfection):washyourhandsoftenwithsoaporh a n d sanitizer.Cle anfrequentlytouchedsurfaces/ items(doorknobs,phones,tablets,tables,chairs,etc.).Keepclean,washandkeept hehousewellventilated.

 Khai bao y te (Health declaration): make medical declarations on the NCOVIApp, install the BlueZone application at https://www.bluezone.gov.vnto bewarnedabouttheriskofCOVID-19infection.

Dohmen,T., Falk, A., Huffman,D., Sunde, U.,Schupp, J., &Wagner, G.

Research ObjectivesandQuestions



Theory of planned behavior (Ajzen,1991) is a tool that presents and assists infinding out the determinants of behavior that are the intention to engage in thatbehavior and the perceived behavioral control of that behavior Specifically, TPBstates that the intention to perform a behavior is influenced by three factors: anindividual's attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control First, anindividual's attitude towards a behavior is how the individual feels when performingthe behavior, this attitude can be positive or negative The second are subjectivenorms,whichincludeaperson'sbeliefsaboutwhethersignificantotherst h i n k he/ she should engage in the behavior The third method measures the extent towhich individuals perceive the behavior to be within their personal control Throughthis theory, we can easily determine the risk-taking attitude of students towardsCovid 19 in a voluntary, controlled manner to some extent At the same time, it alsohelps determine the perceived behavior of students against the pandemic whether itis easy or difficult to perform a particular behavior Because the degree of effortstudents makes to engage in the behavior and their degree of control over thebehavioraffectwhetherornottheyengageinthebehavior.

TheoryofReasonedAction(TRA) Error!Bookmarknotdefined 2.2 Concepts

Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was developed by Ajzen and Fishbein in1967andadjustedandexpandedovertime.TheTRAmodelshowsthatconsumption trends are the best predictors of consumption behavior To pay moreattention to the factors that contribute to the buying tendency, consider two factors,which are the attitudes and subjective standards of customers In the TRA model,attitudesaremeasuredby theperceptionofproductattributes.Consumersw i l l noticeattributesthatprovideneces sarybenefitsandhavevaryingdegreesofimportance If the weights of those attributes are known, it is possible to predict theoutcomeo f t h e c o n s u m e r ' s c h o i c e r o u g h l y I n a d d i t i o n , t h e s u b j e c t i v e i n d i c a t o r factor can be measured through people related to the consumer (family, friends,colleagues, ) The degree of impact of subjective standard factors on consumerbuying propensity depends on: (1) the consumer's level of support/opposition topurchasingand(2)theconsumer'smotivationaccordingtothewishesoftheinfluencers. Plus, in the theoretical model of rational action, individual consumers'beliefs about a product or brand will influence their attitude towards the behaviorandattitudestowardsthebehaviorwillinfluencetheirpropensity.T h e r e f o r e , attitude will explain the cause of consumer buying propensity, and trend is the bestfactortoexplainconsumerbehavioraltrends.

According to the traditional school,risksare damages, losses, dangers orfactorsrelatedtodanger,difficultyoruncertaintythatcanhappentopeople.Accordingt othemodernschool,riskisameasurableuncertainty thatisbothpositive and negative. Meaning, risks can bring losses and losses to people but canalsobringbenefits andopportunities.

Attitudeis the articulation in words, signals and activities aboutthings,peculiaritiesandindividualswithsignificantdecisionsandremarksincludin gdiscernment, impact and conduct Attitudes are negative or positive through theoutsideappearancesoftheindividualgivingthedisposition.

A risky attitudeis a ―chosen state of mind in relation to uncertainties thatcan have a positive or negative effect on goals‖ However, another important factortobeconsideredisperception.Both―risk‖and―attitude‖areinfluencedbypercept ion (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979; Kahneman).D.,Slovic P & Tversky A, 1986; Lopes, 1987; Slovic, 2000; Gilovich T GriffinD.&KahnemanD,2002;SlovicSaloveyP.,BrackettMA&MayerJD,2004),including elements rational situational factors (such as familiarity,manageability,proximity,orlikelihood),subconsciousexperiencesoperatingatbotht heindividual andgrouplevels(e.g.,availability,groupthinking,orrisk/cautionshift)andemotions (discussed below) The effect of perceived risk on answers to questionssuchas―Howisituncertain?Andhowimportantisit?

Addingtheinfluenceofperception to the original definition of risk attitudes above leads to a more completedefinitionofthelatter(Hillson&Murray-Webster,2005).

Behavioris a succession of rehashed activities Activity is a gathering ofexercises including responses and ways of behaving of the body, with the particularreason for answering an outside boost, which is the activity or reaction of an item orcreature, frequently utilized in influence on the climate and society Behavior can becognizant,subliminal,unmistakableorincognito,anddeliberateoroblivious.Behaviorisa worththatcanchangeoverthelonghaul.

Behaviorsagainstisconfronting,facingunusualsituations,difficultsituations, using the individual's description in different situations According to R.Lazarus and S Folkman in Stress Psychology, behavior against is the sum of thecognitive and behavioral efforts that the individual expends to weaken the effects ofstress.

Risk attitudeis chosen in response to uncertainty that matters, influenced byperception Meaning, it is usually adopted subconsciously and without consciousvalidation This can be good since it allows people to act quickly in uncertainsituations,butitcanalsobeb a d i f i t r e s u l t s i n s u b o p t i m a l d e c i s i o n s o r behavior Plus, risk attitudes are a choice for an individual or group, help to learnhow to assess each situation, and then to choose a risk attitude explicitly, selectingthe attitude which is most appropriate to the situation and which offers the bestchanceofachieving their objectives.

Complianceis to follow the rules and ethical standards set forth In addition,compliance is also compliance with the general regulations of society and the state.Ina n y a c t i v i t y o f a n a g e n c y , i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o h a v e p r i n c i p l e s a n d s e t o u t t h o s e principles for superiors and subordinates to work together, to develop the companytogether.

5K messageis the message of the desire of the Ministry of Health to call oneach Vietnamese person to actively work and live together safely with the COVID-19pandemicinthe"Newnormal"state.5Kis anacronymfor:

 Khautrang(Mask):wearclothmasksregularly inpublicplaces,p l a c e s where people gather Wear medical masks at medical facilities and isolationareas.

 Khukhuan(Disinfection):washyourhandsoftenwithsoaporh a n d sanitizer.Cle anfrequentlytouchedsurfaces/ items(doorknobs,phones,tablets,tables,chairs,etc.).Keepclean,washandkeept hehousewellventilated.

 Khai bao y te (Health declaration): make medical declarations on theNCOVIApp, install the BlueZone application at https://www.bluezone.gov.vnto bewarnedabouttheriskofCOVID-19infection.


Dohmen,T., Falk, A., Huffman,D., Sunde, U.,Schupp, J., &Wagner, G.

G (2011):This research measures risk attitudes by investigating responses to asurvey item that asks individuals about a judgment of their own willingness to takerisks Then, they compare the responses to behavior in paid real-stakes lotteries andthe results shed light on the determinants of risk attitudes in a representative sample,as well as the behavioral validity of the survey instrument Besides, the author alsoanalyzesvariousdatasourcesandthesurveyincludesfiveadditionalquestionsth at use the same scale as the general risk question, but ask about risk taking in specificcontexts: car driving, financial matters, sports and leisure, health, and career First,thedatasourcesareGermanSocio-

EconomicPanel(SOEP)measurestheriskattitudes of more than 22,000 individuals and a field experiment conducted with anadditional representative sample of 450 subjects, drawn from the adult population inGermany These research assess the stability of risk attitudes across contexts andresults suggest that risk attitudes are strongly but not perfectly correlated acrosscontexts This suggests the presence of a common underlying risk trait, but alsopointstosomevalue- addedfromaskingcontext-specificquestionsandresultssuggest that risk attitudes are strongly but not perfectly correlated across contexts.Second, the data from research by self-reported information on several importantrisky behaviors: holding stocks, being self-employed, participating in sports, andsmoking This data allows the author to compare the relative ability of the differentmeasures of risk attitudes to explain these risky behaviors and they find that allmeasures are significantly related to severalbehaviors, providing furtherevidenceontheirbehavioralvalidity.

Elke U Weber, Ann-Rene´ E Blais and Nancy E Betz (2002): The studyuses a psychological scale to assess risk taking in five content areas: financial,health/safety, recreational, ethical and sociald e c i s i o n s T h e y t h e n s e n t r e s p o n d e n t s ar a t i n g o f t h e i r a b i l i t y t o e n g a g e i n d o m a i n - s p e c i f i c r i s k a c t i v i t i e s A t t h e s a m e time, respondents choose to rate their perceptions of the expected level of risks andbenefits of previously assessed activities As a result, the respondent's level of risktolerance very specific, meaning that it's not often risk-averse or always sees riskacross all content domains In addition, research shows that women seem to be morerisk averse than men in all areas except social risk Therefore, the differences ingender and content domain have shown that risk tolerance in terms of expectedbenefitsandperceived risksis morerelatedto perceivedbenefitsthan riskattitudes.

Philomena M Bacon, Anna Conte & Peter G Moffatt (2009):The paperusesatestfromSOEPtovalidatemeasuresofriskattitudestowardsentrepreneurship Most individuals are risk-averse about business decisions and theresults of the study show that the more risk-averse individuals are, the more likelythey are to become self-employed However, this case is considered to be true whenthe individual does not have a regular job, if they are unemployed or idle, it is notrelevanttothedecisionto starta business.

From the research objectives and through domestic and foreign references,theauthorproposesthefollowingresearchmodel:

H2: Risk attitudes in financeH3: Risk attitudes in workingH4:Riskattitudesintra veling

Figure 2.1: The proposed research modelChapter2Summary

Behavior = β0+ β1RAH+ β2RAF+ β3RAT+ β4RAW+ єChapter2Summary

In Chapter 2, to create a basis for the research model that will be presented in thenext chapter, the author also conducts a review of the studies related to this topic.The research survey shows that the quantitative studies related to this topic all useexploratory factor analysis (EFA) and regression analysis related to risk attitudesandbehaviors against covid 19.

Research statement Research Objectives Theorical basic

Quantitative research method Qualitative research methods

Evaluation of Cronbach's Alpha scale Adjust scale The proposed research model

 Qualitative research methods: (i) Conduct preliminary research by studyingprevious documents, reasoning and analyzing concepts based on theoreticalfoundations of previous research articles with relevant content mandarin; (ii)Consult the scientific guide to complete the research model and build andcorrect the scales used from previous studies This study was conductedbetweenFebruary2022andMay2022.

 Quantitativeresearchmethod:Conductasurveybysendingsurveyquestionnaires to students studying at HUB about the research issue throughtheGoogleForm.Thestudyimplementsaconveniencesampling method.After collecting enough data, run SPSS using Cronbach's alpha to evaluatethe reliability of the scale; perform EFA factor analysis; Pearson correlation test andmodel and hypothesis testing (regression correlation); continue to perform one- wayANOVAandANOVAtests.

The scale is used as a basis for qualitative research, thereby helping to buildappropriate survey questionnaires for quantitative research This study builds thescaleasfollows:

First,thisresearchusesaquestion(showedtable3.1)aboutthewillingn essto take risks for students to choose on a scale of 11, meaning from 0 (completelyunwillingto takerisks) to 10 (completely willing totake risks).T h e s e q u e s t i o n detail individual attitude towards risk in general, demonstrating how student's HUBiswillingtoacceptrisk.

Willingto takeriskin Whatlevelof health-relatedriskare health youwillingtotake?

Willingto takeriskin Whatleveloffinance-relatedriskare finance youwillingtotake?

Willingto takeriskin Whatlevelofworking-relatedriskare working youwillingtotake?

Willingto takeriskin Whatlevelof traveling-relatedriskare traveling youwillingtotake?

Howmuchdoyouself-assessaboutyour willingness to face risks in allsituations andcircumstances happeningaroundyou?

Second, we use 5-level Likert scale to exploit students' risk attitudes towards eachspecific domains: health, finance, working and traveling (showed table 3.2). Theresultsofthissurveymayprovideamoredetailedexplanationofindividualdifference sinrisktolerance.

Iacceptallhealthrisksassociate d with ordering food online oreatingfoodof unknown origin

Iamwillingtotakeriskswhenmaking payments and transactionsonlineeventhoughI knowthatmy accountmaybestolen

Iamwillingtoacceptwork-related risks when I do not complywithworke n v i r o n m e n t re gulationsbecauseitisagainst ethics

Iamwillingtotakeriskoflosing my job when I engage in fraudulentandcorrupt activities

RAT1 Iamw i l l i n g t o t a k e r i s k s w h e n drinkinganddriving A Jonas & et al (2011);

TElsrud&etal. (2001);EUWeber & et al (2002); NChristin(2013)

RAT4 I am willing to take risk of travelinginaremoteplaces

Finally,attable3.3,thestudyusesthesamescaleasthesurveyonriskattitudesof4 domains We want to know each individual's opinion in observing the 5K messageto prevent Covid 19, this is considered as a test to verify the relationship betweenriskbehaviorsand riskattitudesofeachdomain.

Iha v e r e g u l a r l y disinfected m y hands and body anytime, anywhere

KB I always obey the medical declarationasprescribed

Theresearchsamplewascarriedoutaccordingtothec o n v e n i e n c e metho d The sample size is expected to be 300 questioners and the data takenfrom the survey panel in the Google Form is sent to the HUB student population.Afterthat,thedatawill beenteredandcleanedforanalysis.

According to the empirical rule, the number of observations in the samplemustbeatleast5timesthenumberofobservedvariables(n=5*m)int h e researc h model (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, and Black (1998)) The number ofobservedvariablesofthefactorsinthepreliminaryresearchmodelis2 0 observed variables Therefore, the minimum sample size should be 5 x 20 100observations.Sothesamplesizecollectedforanalysisincluding3 0 0 observation sisexpectedtobesatisfactory.

To analyze the data collected from the survey questionnaires, the topicused SPSS20software toverify therelationshipbetweenriskattitudesandbehaviors to prevent covid 19 The results of EFA analysis will be basis to test it.Theresultingdataof the questionnaire isprocessed as follows:

The purpose of Cronbach's Alpha test is to check whether the scale is reliableor not The scale is said to be reliable when the observed variables in the scalecontribute to the measurement of the concept of the parent factor, showing thecharacteristics of that parent factor.

In addition, this test also shows the author thedegreeofclosecorrelationbetweentheseobservedvariables.

Cronbach introduced this coefficient in 1951 and it only measures thereliability of the scale (from 3 observed variables or more) but does not show thereliability for each observed variable Cronbach's Alpha coefficient has a variablevalue in the interval [0,1] Theoretically, the scale is more reliable when thiscoefficient is gradually approaching 1, but in fact, if this coefficient is too largefrom 0.95 or more,overlapping phenomenon occurs in the scale (NguyenDinhTho),2014).Thescaleissaidtobeveryg o o d ifithasCronbach'sAlpha coefficient from 0.8 to close to 1; The scale is good to use if the coefficient isfrom 0.7 to close to 0.8 and if this coefficient is from 0.6 to close to 0.7, then thescaleiseligibleforuse (HoangTrongand ChuNguyen MongNgoc, 2008).

EFAisusedtoreduceasetofmanyinterdependentm e a s u r e m e n t variable s into a smaller set of variables (called factors) so that they are moremeaningful but still contain most of the information content of the original set ofvariables(Hair,2009).Theresultsofthefactoranalysisforthetestsaresatisfactorywh entheBartlettcriterionandtheKMOcoefficientaresuitable:0.5

≤ KMO ≤ 1 and Sig < 0.05 In case KMO < 0.5, then factor analysis is likely notsuitable for the data In addition, the variables have practical significance whenthefactorloading(Factorloading)isgreaterthan0.5(Hair,2010)andtheextracted factors have Eigenvalue (greater than 1), these factors are explained bythe Cumulative coefficient variance (greater than 50%) is significant (Anderson,1988).

Research HypothesesandModel


 Qualitative research methods: (i) Conduct preliminary research by studyingprevious documents, reasoning and analyzing concepts based on theoreticalfoundations of previous research articles with relevant content mandarin; (ii)Consult the scientific guide to complete the research model and build andcorrect the scales used from previous studies This study was conductedbetweenFebruary2022andMay2022.

 Quantitativeresearchmethod:Conductasurveybysendingsurveyquestionnaires to students studying at HUB about the research issue throughtheGoogleForm.Thestudyimplementsaconveniencesampling method.After collecting enough data, run SPSS using Cronbach's alpha to evaluatethe reliability of the scale; perform EFA factor analysis; Pearson correlation test andmodel and hypothesis testing (regression correlation); continue to perform one- wayANOVAandANOVAtests.


The scale is used as a basis for qualitative research, thereby helping to buildappropriate survey questionnaires for quantitative research This study builds thescaleasfollows:

First,thisresearchusesaquestion(showedtable3.1)aboutthewillingn essto take risks for students to choose on a scale of 11, meaning from 0 (completelyunwillingto takerisks) to 10 (completely willing totake risks).T h e s e q u e s t i o n detail individual attitude towards risk in general, demonstrating how student's HUBiswillingtoacceptrisk.

Willingto takeriskin Whatlevelof health-relatedriskare health youwillingtotake?

Willingto takeriskin Whatleveloffinance-relatedriskare finance youwillingtotake?

Willingto takeriskin Whatlevelofworking-relatedriskare working youwillingtotake?

Willingto takeriskin Whatlevelof traveling-relatedriskare traveling youwillingtotake?

Howmuchdoyouself-assessaboutyour willingness to face risks in allsituations andcircumstances happeningaroundyou?

Second, we use 5-level Likert scale to exploit students' risk attitudes towards eachspecific domains: health, finance, working and traveling (showed table 3.2). Theresultsofthissurveymayprovideamoredetailedexplanationofindividualdifference sinrisktolerance.

Iacceptallhealthrisksassociate d with ordering food online oreatingfoodof unknown origin

Iamwillingtotakeriskswhenmaking payments and transactionsonlineeventhoughI knowthatmy accountmaybestolen

Iamwillingtoacceptwork-related risks when I do not complywithworke n v i r o n m e n t re gulationsbecauseitisagainst ethics

Iamwillingtotakeriskoflosing my job when I engage in fraudulentandcorrupt activities

RAT1 Iamw i l l i n g t o t a k e r i s k s w h e n drinkinganddriving A Jonas & et al (2011);

TElsrud&etal. (2001);EUWeber & et al (2002); NChristin(2013)

RAT4 I am willing to take risk of travelinginaremoteplaces

Finally,attable3.3,thestudyusesthesamescaleasthesurveyonriskattitudesof4 domains We want to know each individual's opinion in observing the 5K messageto prevent Covid 19, this is considered as a test to verify the relationship betweenriskbehaviorsand riskattitudesofeachdomain.

Iha v e r e g u l a r l y disinfected m y hands and body anytime, anywhere

KB I always obey the medical declarationasprescribed


Theresearchsamplewascarriedoutaccordingtothec o n v e n i e n c e metho d The sample size is expected to be 300 questioners and the data takenfrom the survey panel in the Google Form is sent to the HUB student population.Afterthat,thedatawill beenteredandcleanedforanalysis.

According to the empirical rule, the number of observations in the samplemustbeatleast5timesthenumberofobservedvariables(n=5*m)int h e researc h model (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, and Black (1998)) The number ofobservedvariablesofthefactorsinthepreliminaryresearchmodelis2 0 observed variables Therefore, the minimum sample size should be 5 x 20 100observations.Sothesamplesizecollectedforanalysisincluding3 0 0 observation sisexpectedtobesatisfactory.



By using SPSS 20, the collected data is counted and roughly sorted,and specific characteristics of each sample can be analyzed from the survey data.SurveydatafromHUB studentsof allcourseshavesomecharacteristicsasfollows:

(Source:Authorinvestigatedandanalyzed) Table 4.1 reveals that the group of women appeared more than the group ofmalesin225observedsamplesbasedonthedataprovided.Inparticular,thefemale‘s group appeared 131 times (58.2%), while the male‘s group featured 94times (accounting for 41.8%) Because the number of female students at the HUB issubstantially higher than the number of male students, this study was mostly basedonthenumberof"female"groups.


By using SPSS 20, the collected data is counted and roughly sorted,and specific characteristics of each sample can be analyzed from the survey data.SurveydatafromHUB studentsof allcourseshavesomecharacteristicsasfollows:

(Source:Authorinvestigatedandanalyzed) Table 4.1 reveals that the group of women appeared more than the group ofmalesin225observedsamplesbasedonthedataprovided.Inparticular,thefemale‘s group appeared 131 times (58.2%), while the male‘s group featured 94times (accounting for 41.8%) Because the number of female students at the HUB issubstantially higher than the number of male students, this study was mostly basedonthenumberof"female"groups.

Table 4.2 shows that first-year students appeared 25 times (11.1%), second- year students 31 times (13.8%), third-year students 53 times (23.6%), and fourth- year students 116 times (51.5%) As a result, this study favors the viewpoint of the4th year group The reason for this is that the majority of the surveyed subjectsapproached were born in the 4th year, and the possibility to engage with surveysubjectsintheremaininggroupislimited,sothereisadistinction.

(Source:Authorinvestigatedandanalyzed) According to table 4.3, there are 90 students in the Business Administrationgroup(40%).Finance&Bankingisrepresentedby57students( 2 5 3 % ) , Accounting & Auditing is represented by 34 students (15.1%), and InternationalEconomicsisrepresentedby

27students(12%).Finally,thereare17students(7.6%)intheothergroup,whichincludesEn glishLanguage,ManagementInformation System, and Economic Law Furthermore, we can see from the abovedatat h a t s t u d e n t s m a j o r i n g i n B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a c c o u n t f o r t h e b i g g e s t numberbecausesuchstudentsmakeupthemajorityofthesurveysubjectsapproached by the research, therefore the possibility to contact surveyors from othermajorsisratherlimited.

(Source:Authorinvestigatedandanalyzed) Table 4.4 shows that the most common occupation of HUB students' parentsis business, which accounts for 76 people (33.8%), followed by worker, whichaccounts for 56 people (24.9%) There are 37 (16.4%) and 39 (17.3%) studentswhoseparentsareteacherandfarmer,respectively.Inaddition,7.6%ofthepopula tion isemployedinotheroccupations.

Table 4.5 shows that there is a wide range of opinions on the relevance ofGeneral risk attitudes among 225 survey participants On an 11-point scale, studentswilld e c i d e t o c h o o s e a d e g r e e w h e r e t h e y a r e w i l l i n g t o t a k e t h e r i s k , w i t h t h e lowest score being 0 (completely willing) and the highest score being at most 10(completely unwillingness) As a result, the typical scores for willingness to takerisks in health, finance, working, traveling and observation are all around 4-5 Thisdemonstrates that their risk tolerance is low, as they prefer to avoid rather than facerisks.

(Source: Result of data processing)Thestudyusesa5- pointLikertscalef o r t h e f a c t o r " R i s k a t t i t u d e s a n d Behavior",with1bei ng"completelydisagree"and5"completelyagree".Tables4.6and4 7 a r e t h e r e s u l t s o b t a i n e d f r o m 2 2 5 H U B s t u d e n t s u r v e y q u e s t i o n s T h e purposethatweusethe scalefordomainsis:

Riskattitudesisatermthatcanbeusedtocharacterizetakingrisks.Examiningt h e s e u n i q u e c i r c u m s t a n c e s , a c c o r d i n g t o D o h m e n & e t a l , a i d s i n describingtheimpactofeachcontextontheotherswhilealsoreflectinganindividual's risk assessment As a result,the averagevaluef o r a l l v a r i a b l e s i s around 3 (Neutral), with RAW3 reaching 2.89 (Table 4.6), which is fairly low incomparison to the other variables The original hypothesis of a positive sign in themodel, on the other hand, remains valid As a result, the data collected is deemedappropriate.

The study uses the variable "Behavior" which is related to "5K Messages," asan example to investigate the association between risk attitude and behavior againstcovid1 9 I n o t h e r w o r d s , r e s e a r c h a i d s i n c o m p a r i n g t h e e f f e c t s o f 4 s p e c i f i c contexts As result from table 4.7, the average value of all variables is about 3(Neutral),showing that students have consideration when deciding to act in the faceofrisks.

Reliability testbyCronbach’s Alpha


(Source: Result of data processing)AccordingtoTable4.8, theresult ofC ro nba ch 's Al pha of G ene ra lr is k attitudesis0.790andallobservedvariableshaveaCorrecteditem-totalCorrection greater than 0.3, so the scale ensures reliability and can be used inthefollowingfactoranalysis.

The purpose of Cronbach's Alpha analysis of the General risk attitudefactori s t o c o n s i d e r w h e t h e r t h e f a c t o r s a t i s f i e s t h e f i r s t b a s i c c o n d i t i o n , s o that the author can explain the Risk attitudes factor later.Meaning, in order totest the 4 specific-context domains of Risk attitude (depending on the generalrisk attitude), the General risk attitude factor must satisfy Cronbach'sAlphacondition,iftheGeneralriskattitudethen4specificfactors.Theimplementati onofriskattitudesisnotpossible.


Table4.9:Result ofthereliability statistics forHealth

Item-totalStatistics Cronba ch‘sAlph a

(Source: Result of data processing)TheresultofCronbach'sAlpha(Table4 9 ) i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e r e l i a b i l i t y coefficiento f r i s k i n h e a l t h i s 0 8 2 6 a n d a l l o b s e r v e d v a r i a b l e s h a v e a C o r r e c t e d item- totalCorrection greaterthan0 3(RAH1=0.694,RAH2=0.696, RA H3 =0 5 3


Cronbach'sA lpha if ItemDeleted

(Source: Result of data processing)AccordingtoTable4.10,theresultofCronbach'sAlphaofr i s k a t t i t u d e s i n Financeis0.856andallobservedvariableshaveaCorrecteditem- totalCorrection greaterthan0 3(RAF1=0 629, RAF2= 0 688,RAF3=0.746, RAF4=0 740), sothe scaleensuresreliabilityandcanbeusedin the followingfactoranalysis.


(Source: Result of data processing)AccordingtoTable4.11,theresultofCronbach'sAlphaindicatest h a t t h e relia bilitycoefficientofriskinworkingis0.755andallobservedvariableshaveaCorre cteditem-totalCorrectiongreaterthan0.3(RAW1=0.526,RAW2=0.649, RAH3=0.587),s o t h e s c a l e e n s u r e s r e l i a b i l i t y a n d c a n b e u s e d i n t h e f o l l o w i n g factoranalysis.


According to Table 4.12, the result of Cronbach's Alpha of risk attitudes inTraveling is 0.830 and all observed variables have a Corrected item-total Correctiongreaterthan0.3(RAT1=0.661,RAT2=0.670,RAT3=0.629,RAT4=0. 668),sothe scaleensuresreliabilityandcanbeusedin the followingfactoranalysis.


Table 4.13: Result of the reliability statistics for

(Source:Resultofdata processing) According to Table 4.13, the result of Cronbach's Alpha of Behavior is 0.835and all observed variables have a Corrected item-total Correction greater than 0.3(KT=0.668,K K = 0 6 1 6 , K C = 0 5 9 3 , K T D = 0 6 6 7 , K B = 0 6 3 7 ) , s o t h e s c a l e e n s u r e s reliabilityandcan beusedinthefollowingfactoranalysis.



Approx.Chi-Square 1622.730 Bartlett's Test of

(Source: Result of data processing)AccordingtoTable4 1 4 , t h e K M O c o e f f i c i e n t i s 0 8 8 1 , m e e t i n g t h e requirement0.50.05sovarianceisnotsignificant,parentaloccupatio nhasnoeffectonstudents' risk-taking.

Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and EFA factor analysis for the variable Risk attitudein health, financial, working, and traveling; Behavior: KT, KK, KC, KTD,and KB.ThevariablesRiskattitudeandBehaviorhaveanimpactoneachother,accordingto regressiona n a l y s i s a n d h y p o t h e s i s t e s t i n g , w i t h t h e h e a l t h c o m p o n e n t b e i n g t h e mostimportanttostudent‘sHUB.


ThesurveysubjectsinthisresearcharestudentsfromHoChiMinhUniversity of Banking, and designs a questionnaire is based on existing research.The data was gathered through the use of online surveys and create the relationshipbetween risk attitudes and behavior against Covid 19 model A combination ofqualitative and quantitative analysis wasused in the investigation.SPSS20i s u s e d toprocessdataobtainedthroughinvestigation,combinedwiththestructuralequati onmodeling results, and the following conclusion is reached based on asynthesiso f d o c u m e n t s f r o m d o m e s t i c a n d f o r e i g n s c h o l a r s , a r e s e a r c h m o d e l o n riskattitudes and risk-perceivedbehaviors.

Through the similarity of research content with previous research articles, thethesishasproposedaresearchmodelincluding:

Four factors affecting risk attitudes related to health, finance, working andtraveling.

Five factors affecting behavior related to 5K message include Khau Trang,KhoangCach,Khu Khuan,KhongtutapdongnguoiandKhaibaoyte.

The results of the regression analysis suggest that the risk attitude domainshave a significant impact on behavior of HUB students The risk attitude in health isestimated to have a high influence on student behavior with a standardized betavalueof0.411,whiletheriskattitudecomponentsinfinance,working,a n d travelingh ave0.294,0.200,0.137,respectively.

The findings of the ANOVA analysis suggest that demographic factors suchas gender, schoolyear,andm a j o r h a v e a n i m p a c t o n r i s k a v e r s i o n a n d w i l l i n g n e s s totakerisks,withtheexceptionofparentaloccupation.Whentaki ngthesurveyona scale of 11 points, the percentage of males willing to take risks is larger than thatof females (point 4) when it comes to gender In terms of the school year, thewillingness to accept risks is proportional to the level of education, with the higherthe educational level, the more interested individuals are in taking risks In terms ofmajors, compared to students majoring in Banking and Finance, Accounting andAuditing, orInternational Economics, the majority of Business students prefer therisk-taking attitude.

Recommendation andsuggestion

The main aim of the study was to determine the degree of impact of riskattitudes on behavior through specific contexts Simultaneously, research into thistopic canassistusinimprovingourunderstanding and behaviorala w a r e n e s s o f eachindividualtowardsriskssuchasCovid19.Afteranalyzing225samplesobtainedb ySPSSsoftware,theresearchhasthefollowingfindings:

Riskattitudefactorsarecloselyrelatedbothtothemselvesandeventogeneralriskattit udes.Thisdemonstratesthattheriskyattitudevariableisanexcellent choice for research to support data mining and predictive analysis of eachstudent'sbehavior.

Specifically, the three factors gender, school year and major have a strong impact,while the occupation factor has no influence on the willingness to take risks ofstudents.

Health is becoming the top concern (according to a Nielsen survey in thesecond quarter of 2019) of Vietnamese consumers in general, and HUB students inparticular Especially in the complicated epidemic situation, students need to createanappropriate healthplan suchas:

Most students like to use outside foods that contain a lot of fat, such as fastfood, less green vegetables If this is repeated for a long time, it can lead to obesity,being overweight affects the heart, diabetes Therefore, students should increasecookingathome, choosingtobuyfoodfromreliablesources.

Environmentalpollutioncombinedwithepidemicdiseasescanh a v e adverse health effects related to respiratory diseases Therefore, students need to beaware of their risks by regularly wearing masks, disinfecting and cleaning the houseregularlytocreate a clean, beautifuland well-ventilatedenvironment.

At the same time, the school strengthens the organization of programs andworkshops related to health issues to create needs and stimulate risk awareness ofeachstudent.

Risk attitude towards finance has a strong impact on the beta behavior ofthe regression model The higher the student's financial risk aversion, the morerestricted the behavior of shopping, investing, starting a business or all othermoney-related activities, and vice versa To solve the above situation, the authoroffersomesolutionsasfollows:

Financialplanninghelpsindividualsidentifyrisksaswellashiddenopportunitie s By determining your risk tolerance, you can begin to identify whichrisksare worthyourtimeandattention.

Theschoolregularlyorganizesseminarstoinviteexpertstoeducatestudents about financial skills in the field of investment and start-up as well as howto managefinancesindailyspendingeffectivelymosteffective.

Break down the work to a specific and detailed level to visualize the workto be done Failure to fully visualize the work to be done causes individuals to misswork,anditisthisvulnerabilitythatcontainsunwantedrisks.

Having an overview and overview of the problem means you have a goodunderstanding of the job In case you are not experienced enough, then you need tofind someone with more experience to ask, for guidance These are your teachers.Theteacherwillhelpyoucheckthe processandformasyouwork.

Checkaheadoftimetoseewhattransportation,food,andlodgingchoices are available at your destination Keep in mind that some businesses and services inthe impacted regions, such as public transportation, shops and restaurants, as well asfamous tourist destinations, may be totally or partially disrupted, so stay up to dateons e r v i c e a n d p r o c e s s m o d i f i c a t i o n s C h o o s e t h e s a f e s t m e a n s o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n Try to avoid air travel and cruises, where physical distancing can be difficult forlongperiodsoftime.Ifusingpublictransport,followkeyprecautions- keepphysicaldistance,limittouchingsurfaces,andwashhandsfrequently.


Universities, businesses, and even individuals can benefit from the researchreport Universities can use this research to develop successful teaching techniquesthat extend students' understanding of risky situations while also assisting them indevelopingstrong abilities Businessesmustrecognize thedangers thats t u d e n t s faceinordertoprovidebettersolutionsandadvantages.

However,therearestilllimitationstoinvestigation.Tobeginwith,t h e overall sample representativeness is low, and the study is carried exclusively at HoChi Minh University of Banking, diminishing the problem's objective perspective.Second, in addition to the four contexts of health, finance, working, and traveling,therearealsoplentyofotherfactorsthatinfluencewillingnesstotakerisks,simil arly like there are several other factors that influence Covid 19 appropriatemeasures.

The implications of research findings on the association between risk attitude andbehavior against Covid 19 are discussed in Chapter 5 Following that, the authordiscusses governance implications and suggests some potential solutions to give amore comprehensive overview

At the same time, the author providesrecommendationsforfutureenhancement.

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PHẦN1:THÔNGTINCÁNHÂN Giớitínhanhchị? o Nam o Nữ

Anh/chịsinhviênnăm? o Năm1 o Năm2 o Năm3 o Năm4

Anh/chịchuyênngành? o QuảntrịKinhdoanh o Kếtoán-Kiểmtoán o Tàichính- Ngânhàng o Kinhtếquốctế o Khác

NghềnghiệpBa/mẹcủaAnh/chị? o Nhàkinhdoanh o Giáoviên- Giảngvên o Côngnhân o Nông dânKhác

Anh/Chị vui lòng chọn vào ô theo quan điểm của mình theo thang đo từ 0

(Luônluôn né tránh rủi ro) đến 10 (Luôn luôn sẵn sàng chấp nhận rủi ro) cho phù hợp vớimức độ chấp nhận rủi ro của Anh/chị (rủi ro tăng dần từ 0 tới 10) trong các tìnhhuốngsau:

Mức độsẵn sàngchấp nhậnrủi ro củabạn liênquan đếnvấn đề sứckhỏe(hú tthuốc,uốn g vitamin, ) là?

Mức độsẵn sàngchấp nhậnrủi ro củabạn liênquan đếntài chính(đầut ư,xổsố, )là?

Mức độsẵn sàngchấp nhậnrủi ro củabạn liênquan đếncácvấn đềCông việc(ví dụ:khởing hiệp) là?

Mứcđộ sẵn sàngchấp nhận rủi ro củabạnvềc ácvấn đề đilại và dulịch

Theo bạn,bạn tựđánh giábao nhiêuvềm ứcđộsẵn sàngđối mặtvới rủi rotrong tấtcả tìnhhuống

,hoàn cảnhxảy raxung quanh bạn?

Anh/Chị vui lòng chọn vào ô theo quan điểm của mình theo thang đo từ 1 đến 5 nhưsau:

Tháiđộrủi rođối vớisứckhỏe Tôichấp nhậnmọir ủirovề sức khỏeliên quanđếnv i ệ c đặt đồ ăntrực tuyếnhoặcă nđồ ăn không rõnguồngốc

Tôi sẵnsàngc hấpnhận nếucómắc bệnh dothiếuth ậntrọngvề sứckhỏe

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhận rủi rovềsứckhỏ etrong việckhám bệnhởmọic ơsởytế

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhận rủi rovềsứckhỏ ekhi uốngthuốc điềutrị bệnh cóthể có cácvấnđề phản ứngphụnế ucó

Tháiđộrủi rođối vớitàichính Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhậnr ủirotài chínhkhi đầu tưvàocác lĩnhvựcrủi ro(cổ phiếu,xổ số)

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhận rủi rokhi thanhtoánv à giao dịchtrực tuyếnmặc dù tôibiếtrằngt àikhoảncủa mìnhcóthểbị đánhcắp

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhậnr ủirovề vấn đềtài chínhkhiq uyết địnhkhởi nghiệp

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhậnr ủirokhi sở hữumột chiếcxehơiv ớibạnbè

Tháiđộrủi rođối vớicôngviệc Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhận rủi romất việckhikhởi nghiệpthất bại

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhậnr ủiro liênquan đếncông việc khi tôikhông tuânthủ các quyđịnhvềm ôitrường làmviệcvìđi ều đótráivớiđ ạođức

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhận rủi romất việckhi thamgiavà ocáchoạt độnggianlận vàthamnhũng

Tháiđộrủi rovềdi chuyển/dulịch Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhậnr ủirokhi uốngrượuvà láixe

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhậnr ủirokhi đi dulịch trongđiều kiệnthờitiế t xấu

Tôi sẵnsàng chấpnhận rủi rokhi dichuyểnbằ ngphươngt iện côngcộng

Tôi sẵnsàng mạohiểmđ idulịchở nhữngnơi xa


Anh/Chị vui lòng chọn vào ô theo quan điểm của mình theo thang đo từ 1 đến 5 nhưmô tảdướiđây:

Tôi luônluôn đeoKhẩutr angkhi ra khỏinhà

Tôi đãthườngx uyênKhửkh uẩn tayvà cơ thểmọilúc, mọinơi

Tôiđãchấph ành tốtđứngKho ảngcách2m vớingười bêncạnh

Tôi đãKhông tụtập đôngngười tạinhàvànơi côngcộng

Tôi luônluôn chấphành tốtKhai báo ytế theo quyđịnh

PART1:PERSONALINFORMATION Whatisyourgender? o Male o Femal

Areyouastudenttyear? o First year o Second year o Third year o Fourth year

Whatisyour major? o BusinnessAministration o Accounting -Auditing o Finance-Banking o InternationalEconomy o Other

Whatisyourparental occupation? o Business o Teacher o Worker o Farmer o Other

Please tick the box according to your opinion on a scale from 0 (Always avoidrisks)to10(Always willingtotakerisks)tosuityourlevelof risktolerance./sister(riskincreases from0to10)inthefollowingsituations:

What levelofheal th- relatedrisk areyouwilli ngto take?

What levelof finance- relatedriskarey ouwillingt o take?

What levelof working- relatedrisk are you willingto take?

What leveloftravel ing-related riskareyouwi llingto take?

How muchdo you self-assess aboutyourwi llingnessto face risksin allsituations andcircumst anceshappen ing aroundyou?

Pleasetickthebox accordingtoyouropinion onascalefrom1to 5asfollows:

I am willing to take risks when makingpayments and transactions online eventhoughIknowthatmyaccountmay be stolen

Ia m w i l l i n g t o a c c e p t w o r k - r e l a t e d riskswhenIdonotcomply withwork environmentregulationsb e c a u s e i t i s againstethics

I am willing to take risks when drinkinganddriving

I am willing to take risks when travelinginbadweather

I am willing to take risks when traveling by public transport

Pleasetickthebox accordingtoyouropinion onascalefrom1to 5asdescribedbelow:

Ih a v e r e g u l a r l y d isi nf ec ted m y hands a n d bodyanytime,anywhere

Id id n o t g a t h e r i n l ar ge n u m b e r s a t h o m e andinpublic

-OS anje/\pa$*!PaJdpa •!P••pue›s• ! S a J B a j g

St an da rdi ze d

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2023, 22:21
