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Prepare 4 workbook 2019 2nd

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,* W'W g., qя |,_- Е l Officlat l r Cambridge Ехаm PreParation ,.;ýrФ{ ý \ ,., *ц, ;} !l \ \ \ ý }ý l l & :; ,|; I l f Rкв ж t р ý WITH AUDlo DoWNLoAD I Gareth Jones, l Second LEUEL Editi !ж*ý& у*,sж,} iýжý, Irý*ýr4r :]ý*ýý;]}r;] ý e-Source Access Code Use this code to access the Audio files for уоur Рrераrе Workbook: Рrераrе4WВ WсдN/IвRIDGЕ Officiat CamЫidge Ехаm Рrера ratio п IтORквOOх Gareth Jones Second Edition g iж ý ,ffi * ý ý : ,ý ý :& A[labout mе lп fashion з Му way of life |2 Champions 16 Caltthe policel 20 City tife 24 Getting on 28 Going away з2 Shop titlyou drop зб 10 Taste thisl 40 1l А heatthy future 44 12 lncredib[e witdtife 4в 13 Mixed feelings 52 14 On sсrееп 56 15 Digitat tife 60 16 Amazing science 64 17 TaIented 68 18 The world of work 12 l9 The written word 76 20 Seeing is beIieving 80 * ý : :i :" а { а i : _,.i:.:: Find and circle the adjectives for describing people refu ''hееrfиlrиdесафеоьаsrоаshу"пf ,i"l.ё\ýР ]i' Write the correct adjective З iji li4ark печеr knows whеrе things аrе and so pleasant" a Peter's older brother isn't very nice to us whеп we go to his house u Саrlу пеvеr talks to people she doesn't know at ра rties s Еmmа feels very unhappy because she doesn't tike hеr пеw school m Мum [ikes you because you say'please' and'thank you'l р When l study, l сопсепtrаtе so l don't make nristakes с attractive batd blonde dark good-looking еаr[у twenties elderly fair midd[e-aged thirties handsome late pretty straight teenage Choose the correct answer in each sentence Sarah is always making people laugh She's rеаllу а sеriоus Ь funny с unfriendiy а а friendly Ь shy с саrеful lп class, Louisa , , She апswеrs а[[ the questions the teacher asks hеr Ь confident miserable а Веп doesn't like rTaking mistakes, He's vеrу is rude а с Ь carefu[ с polite Не пеvеr smiles l think he's а bit too careless U]tlT l Ь сhееrful с serious sara is iп hег' She has long dark hair She's an Lots of peopie like mу dad Не is vеrу а shy г - he loses most of them The wоmап in the shop said some hоrriЬ[е things r What а lovely gir[l She's always smiIing Look at the pictures and choose the correct word to complete the description You сап only use each word опсе Ь WOman John has curly hair and is з and О _q с d Аппе is Freddie has got shоrt i She has goi short straight hair hair He's е Stefanie is чеrу 1с f Nicky is а i2 She has hair апd is iп hеr 11 girl She's got long hair, which is fifties Bobbie is in his and is 15 с " Read this text about birth order quickly Complete headings A-D with the words in the Ьох !] child Middte chitd chitd Youngest chi[d Etdest Опtу @ Read the text again Fоr questions 1-6 think of the word which best fits each gap Use only one word in each gap Which 'child' you think wrote these comments? |'m just Iike that" l hate birthdays for that rеаsоп - you печеr kпоw if sоmеOпе i5 going to suddenly зоmеthiпg that you didn't kпоw about i hate that Judith, lndonesia don't kпоw" l mеап, l haven't got апу brothers or sisters, but l'vе got а lot of cousins l dcn't think that these things аrе always correct l don't think they're truе! Cim, Turkey l '/ou аrе very careful because you ant to everything right You were ", ,st, ' so you are the example! You enjoy doing ? This опе is sort of right - l mеап, l have got а lot of friends, апd people laugh with mе at mу jokes But l don't rеаllу mind if реор[е аrе uпhарру - you can't Ье happy all the timei Zё Miguel, Portugal homework, making lists and (1) э!аппiпg You (2) like anything -^эхресtеd to happen в ,:.': consider other people's feelings and hate it , ^эп people don't agree You want to Ье happy You're friends all your brothers' and sisters' з) +i :-ds You сап Ье rеаllу funny, too r : - 1ечеr anything wrong! You аrе : _ You want everyone to watch you You like реорlе and ЬаЬу of the family, and everyone loves :+]э е like you! Oh, and you really enjoy having surprises! U _ эrеfеr being with adults, not children your оwп age : - ,э good (6) ,::: -g and have а clear view _ - :эп't succeed everything you You love of the world You hate it when l hate it whеп they say things like this! lt's just not truе! l'm поt а ЬаЬу! Grrrr! Nini, Peru Match the highlighted words in the text to their meanings З сеrtаiп оr obvious events that you didn't expect to happen think саrеful[у about something organising something for the future -а-, "i, Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets 1Julia every day at am (get up) Tonight, my parents aTV show on their computer (watch) Маrtiп his new trаiпеrs Тhеу'rе rеа[lу nicel (wеаr) our homework in оur Correct the mistakes in these sentences, or tick (/) апу you think are correct When we аrе together, we аrе having fun l write to telt you З l send you this We go out together every week that l have а пеw computer emaiIto invite you to my birthday party оп Saturday we rооmý (finish) Every day my dad 5km _":i9I ;: : " before work" (ruп) ,ii: Choose the correct verb forms l l оm hating l hateil whеп mу Ьеdrооm isn't tidy l dоп't believe l аm паt believing that robots сап things better than humапs l оm haviпg l hove mу lэirthdау раrtу at my favourite restaurant Опе day i шолf l аm wапtiпg to go to Australia l grп sending l send you this emait to give you the З f[ight information l don'f чпdеrstопd f аm поt ttпderstoпding what you mеап Му mother is оwпiпg l оwпs а соmрutеr соmрапу l rеа[lу вm liking / like making pizza Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох atways уеаr lаtеr today next month поw sometimes this term tоmоrrоw tonight every right mу birthday is оп а different day! Wе'rе tearning about p[ant tife in biotogy wе'rе spending two weeks Ьу the sea - it's holiday timel l сап't go to the cinema tonight because wе'rе visiting mу aunt in hospital Му music teacher's classes аrе а [ot of funi ь 7l 10 пеVеr l'm going to а party at my friend's hоusеI go to bed Ьеfоrе 8.З0 pm l have an ехаm so l'm going to bed еаrlу tonight" Му sister goeS ruппiпg Ьеfоrе schoo[" Other tiгпеs she stays in bed! l'tt speak to you later because l'm tired Write the opposite of the adjectives in the correct column соrrесt hea tthy patient welI lm- Exercise 1 l have enough mопеу to buy it because it's so cheap Оur team played better than the other team but She always wants everything dопе immediately didn't wiп He's never nice to me when l see him at school Smoking is very bad fоr you, The bus driver печеr says 'hello' оr'goodbyel Use words from Exercise to complete the Sentences 1а Ь 2а Ь Sabrina's not going to schoo{ because she's sick Yes, she looks very Look at the fog - l can't see anything! Yes, the house right opposite is a[most I а Не atways says bad things about реор[е" Ь l know, lthink he's rеа[[у а The dосtоr was wrопg when he told mе to Ь 5а Ь г lп- friend[y Iucky ;!i Match the comments 1-6 with words from Ь fair kind kпоwп polite visible :, un- 6а U]llT expensive stop working Do you think his advice was Саr[ cheats when we р[ау computer games and he always wins That's rеа[[у Do you think there's life оп other planets? That's something ? Ё, Before you read the two online profiles, tick (/) the information you think people wil[ inctude usеrпаmе П а description of what they took tike П where they tive П an online а description of their friends' hobbies personality П П ,';,:''i;,.:;: dark and curly! l'm from Canada and l live in the capital- Ottawa l go to Williamson High School and mу favourite subject is maths l like to say what l think, but sometimes people say l'm а bit impolite l get good marks at school and mу teachers say l'm quite intelligent, so l am doing something right! l'm rеаllу into spofis, and l play tennis well l'm also learning the guitar at the moment l don't have mу оwп guitar, but l have asked mу parents to get mе опе for my bifthday! tives in а different place from whеrе he / she was Ьоrп has one subject he / she realty Iikes at school think l'm а bit unfairl l don't much exercise, so l sometimes feel а bit unhealthy! з has classes outside school does ап outdoor activity wants to Ье а star is frоm North America Даа the missing vowels (а, е, i, о, u) to make adverbs _b t q t- i r ttу v_ry f rtу Write some information about yourself for these notes What's your паmе? What type of person аrе you? Which соuпtry you соmе from? What is your favourite subject at school? Where you live? What are your hobbies and interests? What you look like? , ";; Read the two online profiles Decide who does the following things Write Som or Rlto i ji, Неу guys, l'm Sam! Му hair is shоrt, dark and curly l'm from south Africa, but l live iп New York Му hobbies аrе watching movies and acting - |'m hoping to Ье famous опе dayI l go to drama classes two times а week, which is very imроrtапt because l want to Ье ап actor |'m а friendly person and l'm fairly confident, but l сап Ье quite impatient and sometimes people Му name's Rita, but my friends call me Ritzy Му hair is short, ! l Write ап online profile about yourself Use the tips in the Prepore to write Ьох, Student's Book, page use adverbs to make adjectives stronger оr weaker Remember to check your spelling and grаmmаr Write about 100 words j_З il ,,i1l1ft ,.:, ;|;;;L||iiliii|iiiiiliii,,iiiiii s ё * i;iiэi?:i:i'i:|; i]i,; iiiilx !]i]li:!li i:,ii; ,i ii Write the letters in the correct order to make adjectives 1adlyb-edгessd dnsceo-dhna ufnhensoalabi acusla uclfbntaremoo ::i" Match the words to their meanings [oose-fitting comfortab[e srnart skinny Ьrапd пеw trепdу we[[-dressed а паrrоw and fitting closely to the body ь wearing attractive, good-quaIity clothes с large and соmfоrtаЬ[е to wеаr d gives а pieasant feeting е having а с[еап, tidy and stylish арреаrапсе f complete[y пеw g ь рорulаr at а раrtiсulаr time ;.:, Complete the sentences with the correct word from Exercise 1 l don't Iike these trainers They are very trendy, but they are rеа[lу z l always buy clothes because thеу'rе so cheapl Му clothes looked great five years ago Nоw they look so Му dad печеr wеаrs nice clothes, He's rеа[[у Е lt's only а smaIl party at а friend's house l'm going to wеаr clothes r;i Complete the conversation with words from Exercises and l уOur А: Аrе you wеаriпg В: Yes, l аm But they аrе а bit а В: Nо, it's А: ls that З А: А: В: В: А: В: jeans to the сопсеrt? jacket? , from the пеw sports shop in tоwп She is so and always wears the latest fashions! Yes, she isn't the type of реrsоп to Ье The restaurant sign clothes оп[у l'm going home to change these old clothes because l аm so Sam doesn't wоrrу about how he looks Не рrеfеrs а styleI He's not like his Ьrоthеr who is rеаllу не wеаrs the best clothes says ] Look at the article about shoes before reading it Tick (/) where it comes from "а ;i З ateenmagazine П апегпаi[ П ablog П апопliпеfоrum П Read the article Are these sentences true (Т) or false (F)? Many rеаdеrs buy expensive shoes At Raffi's schoo[, ечеrуопе wеаrs the same со[оur trousersfskirt Raffi wеаrs the same shoes as his friends Аппе Belle wrоtе her паmе оп hеr trainers At Zehra's school, hеr classmates wear stylish shoes Zehra admires hеr аrt teacher's style :"|: Match the highlighted words in the article to their meanings ,: protect соmmепts collection essential а Ь с d things that you say оr write that express уоur opinion а gгоuр of things оr реор[е vеrу important and песеssагу keep 5оmеопе оr something safe from something dапgеrоus ог bad Comptete the sentences with а word from Exercise 3 Не always wеаrs sunglasses to Jane likes to write Some people think l love the пеw it's fashion think itЪ а bit boring the way ечеrуопе in my school wears the l same black leather shoes There are all kinds of shoes we could wear, but we have а uniform, and most people follow the rules There is one girl iп my class who wears all kinds of different things and shеЪ creative, but she isn't fashionable in my opinion Му friends and l try to Ье а bit different and wear black trainers instead We buy them from the same shop But we like them! a] l_,:]', ] his eyes frоm the suп оп social media about the clothes реор[е wеаr in their photos to look trendy all the time at G&C this summеr l love shoes, especially trainers They are trendy and comfortable You сап wear them with everything - trousers, skirts and so оп At school we did а project where we had to add something to а pair of white trainers l wrote half my name on the left and the other half оп the right lt was such а cool project! о _ At my school we all have to wear these silly black or brown shoes They look quite scruffy after а few months Nobody likes them Апуwау, the kinds of shoes we сап wear at school is а big story at the moment! The school agrees поw that the style of the uniform is unfashionable Our art teacher сап give the school some advice! She has а great collection of shoes, and in the summеr hеr sandals are always so pretty She's really well-dressed l want to dress like her, о _ ] i4.a*}"*dttrT*:{{ iiii:t*llifrBt]*ýtflgq} - & verbs з ф rп Complete the report of the conversation with the correct form of the reporting verbs iп Ьох А and the verbs in Ьох В _sk _rd_r t_ tt _dv_s_ р_rs_ _ d_ r_m_пd с пч пс Write the words iп the correct оrdеr to make sentences near / us / wаrпеd ехр[аiп / We i the artist's ideas / the tеасhеr / asked / to З ordered l The me l l поt l Не / the wаtеr / to go l Billy/ my/ eyes/to ý / not/ ореп /totd with /advised / again аrguе persuaded / Felix / to / buy / the [atest PtayStation / his раrепts ask persuade remind us / Ье / headteacher / quiet / to ý " Add the missing vowels (а, е, i, о, u) to make reporting ffi -* /tol Dad: not/ mel heri Lorraine/ l Dad / the schooItrip l to / give / the details reminded/aboutlhim us Lili: Dad: i Liti: Dad: mе 1to / the school fitm night / Mum / convinced / go / to Liti: Dad: Comp[ete the comments Use the reporting verbs in brackets and add апу other words you need ааа gо help tett not get Liti, help mе with dinner, p[ease Sure RеmеmЬеr, Josh is coming for dinner, so add some extra meat for him! Yeah, sure Do you think you could go to the shops to get some mоrе fоr mе? Oh, Dad, rea[ly? Well, l also wапt to make а pudding апd there isn't апу choco[ate |'m going поw! Don't get milk choco[ate, p[ease l need dark 'You shou[d go round the аrt exhibition together,' said the mап The rоuпd the art exh ibition together (advise) 'Show mе your tickets, p[ease,'said the security mап The security mап ,, our tickets mап , ,., (ask) 'Wait at the door!' he said _ , 'You mustn't walk there!'said The wоmап Не the wоmап there (wаrп) 'Remove а[[ phones from уоur bags, p[ease.' Не all оur phones from оur bags (tell) 'Let's go to the саfё first!' said Каri to the саfё first (persuade) Don't forget to take уоur guitar to school for уоur music kari Iesson Му dad to schoo[ (rеmiпd) 'Don't go апd see the пеw exhibition at the gа[[еrу - it's terrible.' she ' gal[ery (convince) 70 at the door (order) Uillт 17 the пеw exhibition at the Ж Ф Соrrесt the mistakes in these sentences оr ticK (/) апу you think are correct she said to mе to look out of the window to check the wеаthеr She to[d mе give back the mопеу, we wеrе in the same class and the teacher asked for us to а project together We were both playing football at the c[ub, and the trаiпеr told us to play together We wеrе talking and а Ьоу in frопt of us tell us Ье quiet ж***#ýg*Ф,#* -#я Make adjectives from these nouns Use -оl or -ful ]ý ].0 11 12 13 Complete the documentary rечiеw with the correct form of the words in brackets hetp паturе епvirопmепt profession реасе StreSS pain culture potitics music success tradition ссllоur э} 5ее Рrераrе ta write Ьох, Student's Book, page 101 & Look at the photo Who is she? What kпоw about her? Read the biography and check your ideas [гпrпа stone is an Аmеriсап actress" she rruas Ьоrп iп 1988 iп Scottsda[e, Аrizопа, Stопе began acting at the age of fоur and hеr fiгst регfоrmапсе was iп а theatre production af The Wind iп el-ie l,Yillclr.з in 2000 As а teenager, she moved to Las Angeleý with her mother апd got а раrt in hеr first television show, iп Sеаrсh of fhe fuerд PBrtridge Fаmi{у (?004), but it печеr арреаrес! оп ТV, Ву the time she was 19, she wаs аlrеаdу а wiппеr of а Young Hollywood Аwаrd fоr her fitm debut iп Superbad, апd she received positive media attention for а part she played iп the fiim ZоmЬiеlапd This led io hеr getting hег first stаrriпg rоlе in the tееп comedy Easy А, tryh jch earned hеr поmiпаtiопs for а Go[den Globe Аwаrd fоr Best Actress This was followed Ьу further success in The Дmаziпg Sрidеrmсл and the romantic comedy Crozy, Sfupjd, lоvе After the 5uccess of the Оsсаrwinning musical La Lo Lапd iп 20]_7, Stone Ьесаmе the highest-paid асtrеss in rhe wоrld Whеп she's not acting, she supports various charities, such as the Сапсеr Rеsааrсh lnstitute апd the Ж Read the biography again What interesting facts you learn аЬочt Emma Stone? ffi How mапу important dates аrе mentioned in the biography? What happened in each уеаr? si Complete the sentences about people's life stages with опе word in each space home Не left She got married Не started playingfootball the age of J.4, she wаs 2.1 а young child she's а wе[l-kпоwп guita rist Е ý he the started at coilege, he was аlrеаdу in two bands You are going to write а biography Choose а famous реrsоп or someone you know Р[ап уочr biography and make some notes Here аrе some ideas to help you When wеrе they Ьоrп? what аrе the important dates iп their [ife? what аrе their mаiп achievements? what interesting facts уоu kпоw about them? ffi Write уочr biography Use уоuг notes to help you Remember to check уоur spel[ing and grаmmаr Writе about 150 words \,Vorlciwide оrрhапs l nstitute" TдLEilTED ч & ё а * Ё * & ý r К Comp[ete the puzzle using the clues Ье[оw, then find the hidden word Which person l ll з L, 10 11 ffi teaches реор[е to improve at а Sport? makes decisions for а political l l designs houses and buildings? gives уоu [ega[ advice? builds houses апd properties? [ooks after young chi[dren? gives medica[ саrе to anima[s that аrе il[ оr hчrt? vrlrites for newspapers оr magazines? prepares оr sells medicines? appears оп te[evision оr radio? stops fires from Ьurпiпg? ;i, l tiIii;i::] !:i:,ll!i ll il т } ]:.]ai:::: l {r.l:ll:::l 10 11 Hidden word: Read what these teens want to Choose а suitable job for them т Choose the odd опе out Yоu might wоrk with children in this Yоч often work in ап office in these jobs You rеаd and write а [ot in these jobs Yоu wоrk with computers in this job Yоu have to study at university to this job" r ] organisation? д ffi babysitter coach presenter journalist politician lаwуеr Yоu must Ье fit to these jobs coach firefighter Ьui[dеr coach lаwуеr You might арреаr on ТV iп these jobs politician journalist modeI vet Ul{lT 18 lаwуеr architect politician model architect journaIist 1awyer babysitter [аwуеr vet architect politician гr пr ý Think about three jobs you would love to Write them below Lzз Read the article about finding уочr dream job and add the correct headings (а-е) to the paragraphs (1-5) Тhеrе is one heading you don't need а Ь с ý d е Put уоur hеаrt into уоur work Working we[[ with people Find уоur dream job f lnformaI interviewing Think about what motivates you How you find your dream job? Read the article again Choose the correct апswеr The text says that finding а job that satisfies уоu А А , , , ,,,., сап make уоur working life rеа[[у happy В сап have а positive effect оп all of your [ife, John says that you need to [ook at yourself reatisticaIly А when уоu go looking for а job, В Ьеfоrе you decide what to То find out more information, it's а good idea to have interviews that аrе В Finding the perfect job is а big ýýýfliWe* Getting а job that satisfies you апd keeping it сап make а big difference to happiness in уоur whole [ife Ноw you this? Неrе аrе four tips to help you find уоur dream job traditional wоrk, you should А the job to the best of уоur ability В everything right When you work hard and to а high standard, you , ,, , А don't have the time or епеrgу to sеаrсh fоr other jobs В disсочеr whether the job is right for you оr not Тhе best thing уоu сап is А find а job that pays уоu wе[[ and that you enjoy В find а job that you [ike апd аrе happy to The аuthоr's advice is to А find а job that уоu'rе naturally good at and сап ,,,,,, _ ехtrеmе[у wel[ where уоu сап use your abilities so the wоrk isn't too hard Match the'Ёl*iffffi ýfl words iп the text to their meanings two options аrе possible but the resu[t is the same how good someone is at doing something compared with other people choose frоm а пumЬеr оr grоuр choices you make аftеr thinking about something something difficult that requires effort Complete the sentences with the correct form of the from the text Ж#,lffiwords l l'm not surе if she likes оr dislikes mе l don't care l've got to make а lwant : I casua[ Whеп you have found а р[асе where you would like to В find а job ý Finding уочr dream job about the type ofjob Being а mапаgеr isn't easy lt's а big The of English spoken in this соmрапу is high Most реор[е аrе bilingua[ for the Congratulations! You have Ьееп director's job First, Ьеfоrе making апу #.ё#li*ýФý, you need to look at yourself honestly and think about what you love to and what you аrе good at After, it's time to ask yourself а key question: 'What l rеа[lу enjoy doing and what kind of а job сап l that wi[[ allow mе to what l enjoy doing?' lnstead of having а traditiona1 fоrmа[ interview, it's Ьеttеr to try to оrgапisе iпfоrmаl meetings with possib[e employers and реор[е in the industry уоu'че identified as а good fit for you апd уоur skilts Fiпd out as muсh as you сап from them about the business, their specific companies, the position уоu wou[d like and оthеr details about the industry Опсе you hаче found а job, it is чеrу important to give уоur епеrgу and time to doing уоur job rеаl[у, rеаllу wel[ Whеп you this, one of two things will hарреп * уоu might find that this is the right саrееr fоr you, оr уоu might find that it is n,ot the right саrееr for you and that you need to сопtiпuе searching ffiЁ!fi,#*, ##, Ьу working hard and doing the best job you сап, уоu will find thb апswеr much quicker The best thing you сап for your,self is to tne kind of work that you love and enjoy You need to find а job where уоu сап uýe уоur паturаl talents апd abilities at а high lffi** You must find а job that inspires you to want to Ьесоmе excellent at what уоu'rе doing Do these things, апd уоu wilt have а better chance offinding happiness and Ж job satisfaction i]i*+:;qi :t, жd ** tt*ý+ti*rt;к ý ф Match the Sentence halves l'd buy а nelv mobile phone if you cou[d visit South Аmеriса, How would уоu feel if if you didn't tatk so much, lf you apologised, ý if you locked mоrе carefully, Would you feel Ьеttег а you wou[d hеаr everything the teacher Ь l would forgive you с l Э g your house Z the bus here, if mоrе exercise, you better (do, feel) уоU hеr lnstagram паmе" (add, know) an umЬrеl[а, she wet (have, not get) ВоЬ his famity on holiday if he the lottery (take, wiп) бl on the schooltrip if l so i[[ (go, поt feel) lf i а famous реrsоп, l them lots of questionsl (meet, ask) to the music festival if l уоu а ticket? (go, give) get Ьесоmе practise see ,l can't buy that video game because l haven't got апу money, lfl The film is on too late, so i'm поt going io go study l Иjs don't Ьuу that ice ci"eam because it is ехрепýlvе" Choose the correct sentence in each pair #tч li{шm promised the сhildгеп she wou[d buy sonre ý\tJeetý fоr them, L U Мuпr promised the сhildrеп she wi[l bought some sweets for them She woutd leave what she was doing if l needed her to" ь She tvcu[d leave what she was doing if ! пееd hеr tо Му parents wоuld Ье vеrу happy if уоu accept" ь lИу раrепts rчоu[d Ье vеrу happy if you за 4а л ллlлl dL.l EtJlrtl l thi;k hirзi, Complete the text with the соrrесt form of the verbs in the Ьох look ffi !а lf she become l lf that jce сrеаm you l (поt catch, Ье) lT lfl watch it" lf the film Complete the second conditionalsentences with the соrrесt form ofthe verbs in brackets 1l Wе l haven't got а bike апd so l can't сус[е to lT 1I said which coilntrywould you choose? уоu wou[d find уоur реп you lost your пеw sunglasses? if l had enough mопеу f lt's rаiпiпg, ýо we can't go to the beach З if уоu sat down? d е Rewrite the sentences using the second conditional happen if уоu met him, you would [ike в lthink iiyou met him, you willtike him" тhеп l rеmеmьеrеd that if l don't find it, they wou[d поt let mе take the class h тhеп l rеmеmьеrеd that if l didn't find it, they wоuid поt let me take the сlаss 5а study I L еvегу wish & fi[m direct guitar music blog reception ruп act bake goa[keep novel ffi What you са[[ someone who З ý mапаgеs а school? writes music? visits а place? doesn't eat meat cleans? creates аrt fоr а job? fixes electricaI equipment Write the letters iп the correct order to make jobs Match the words to the meanings а Ь с support 10 11 12 comedy ,:а1 R Complete the words with the correct suffix 1l , з аkепЬr vеrdir botofaerl1 toruah реtiоrtmос tendsti napints tecsietnis schedu[e manage organise оr сопtrоl something а list of dates and times that shows when things willhappen а time Ьу which something must Ье done Listen to the conversations Answer the questions What аrе Sebastian and Nico[a's prob[ems? Who аrе they asking for advice? Do уоu аgrее with the advice? Listen again Аrе the sentences true (Т) or false (F)? conversation 1 sebastian has to finish some work words deadline Ьу а specific time Sarah suggests that Sebastian talks to his boss Sebastian doesn't have а good relationship with his boss sаrаh thinks sebastian's boss won't understand his situation, conversation Nicola is поt vеrу good at planning hеr working day Nicola writes reminders оп bits of рареr to try to improve things, Amy thinks Nicola is successful iп managing her time Аmу says she сап he[p Nicola а few days а week Listen again How did the people say the following? L l have а lot of wоrk that l haven't completed yet give уоu mоrе time to соrпрlеtе the work happy to give you support l'm not getting апу better рау attention to something at the latest time possibIe Му week is fitled with а lot of wоrk, l } ь * le ]fl Ё 7- 'iЕ-lзitлд;ti ý, Ж il+;*i: ъl+э* T-,il;*cE Fiпd 10 wоrds for things that you read in the word square R В: J к р Е S т Е ] м в в о м D G о к R D А,в JD а U,P в RP N р S N Z Е Е D в о н р о S т Е R R G т А:А с N б о к Е R D о D а а а U ,( Z l F D W S о N о Т'I Е L Е (- t :) S:l Y:S:C S в т F к l с к с S l т к G с Z ER с А N U R н с OiU: U с к ! F I '' А R Т.Е с Сi С.Е T.L S т к с L L т Е ] Match the words from Exercise to their meanings а small magazine containing pictures апd iпfоrmаtiоп оп а product оr company gives уоu important iпfоrmаtiоп aboui something ап electronic чеrsiоп of а book something уоu writе оп with а pen а [arge printed picture оr notice that уоu put оп а wа11 information placed in а magazine, оп TV оr sociaI media that's designed 10 ý * to sell а product or service а story told with pictures а piece of writiпg оп а specific subject iп а пеwsрареr оr magazine а sma[[ piece of рареr that's easy to rеmоче from а surface а short meýsage Complete the sentences with the correct word from Exercise You сап download the пеw Наrrу Potter оп уоUr COmputer Dad left уоu а te[[ing you that dinner is in the fridge" ý Quick, get 5оmе l пееd to write dоwп this idea! Have уоu seen that пеw selling dog food? lt's so fuппу! Let's have а look at the holiday to see the prices for Grеесе l read а really interesting about robots iп mу rпопth[у rTagazine l've just bought this great fоr mу bedroom wall Have you seen the about the gym class being cancel[ed? * it's got amazing drawingsl l wапt to buy that пеw lý То show that уоu'че paid fоr parking, you have t0 put а inside the саr windovr ry Ul{lт 19 l ý tist the different reasons for notes, notices and adverts Ж @ Look at the text iп each question What does it say? Choose the correct letter, А, В or С Stephanie's mum is tetling Stephanie to something Ьу а specific time В send hеr application fоrm herself С show her the application fоrm А В А С ffi, W, li.:,, А в С Onty реор[е whо eat the сеrеа[ сап епtеr you have to Ье ап adult to enter Апуопе сап епtеr the competition А С А В You сап опlу епtеr the liЬrаrу with а mеmЬеr of staff Yоu сап епtеr the liЬrаrу опсе you have shown your С You must collect пеw lD cards frоm staff You have to ask Мr C[arke for реrmissiоп to епtеr the science lab lt's always necessary to wеаr speciaI c[othes iп the science lab Мr C[arke willtetlyou whеп you need to wеаr protective clothing iп the science [аЬ identification, Match the ffi, ffi words in the texts with their meanings show а fоrmаl written request З something that you use to wake uр iп the mоrпiпg giving protection take раrt in cAUTlolý! There are dапgеrочs chemicals iп the science lab You must wear protective clothing at all times lf уоч don't know what you should wеаL speak to Mr Clarke В Ж Тim wants Rache[ to take him to is exam Tim is reminding Rachelthey have ап ехаm in the mоrпiпg Tim would [ike Rachelto him а favour, fог something ф Complete the sentences with the the text *Ж words from l'm going to the пехt London Маrаthоп Yоu'rе late getting up! Didn't you hеаr уоur еа rliеr? Please уоur раssрогt at the check-in desk suпsсrееп is а сrеаm that уоu рut оп your skin to help stop it Ьеiпg damaged Ьу the sun, has Ьееп accepted l'm going to 5Му university next уеаr! тнЕ WпlттЕil WOR]I ч Жq*r; i* rт{* ý с d iФ,* {1 iiв 'l writе fоr the blog,' she said '|'m writiпg fог the btog,'she said '|'l1 write for the blog,' she said 'l сап write for the blog,' she said She She She She said said said said ф # Ж ;1 U1{lT t9 that l got а пеw e-book She saw me and she say that she knew me, and we Ьеgап to ta[k They said that they would get some рареr for the рriпtеr lЪfа аtlзgj g*,flЁ Complete the conversation with the correct form of sол speak, talk or tеrr Use some words mоrе than once Choose the соrrесt word to complete the SentenceS ,,, mе what you mean? Ь tell с say Mum сап four languages а say Ь talk с speak What did you ? l couldn't hеаr you а speak Ь talk с say lt's a[ways nice to to my best friепd а talk Ь tell с say 78 l wапt to say you you cassie said Paolo said Не said that he is going to put the notice iп the students'room Paul: Не[[о, is that Саrа? Cara: Yes Who's Paul: lt's Paul l'm calling to invite уоч to mу раrtу оп Saturday Cara: |'m sоrrу Сап that again? l can't hеаr you very wel[ Рач[: |з, wоuld you like to соmе to mу party оп Saturday? Cara: Yes, l'd love to! Му соusiпЪ here оп holiday сап she соmе too? Paul: YеS, of course а hеr she's wеlсоmе Cara: ОК, thanks, |,[[ hеr l've got to go поw" lt wаS nice to you, See you 0п Saturday! the people said Jane cal[ed mе, and she said that she and her i.i,#iЁI ýij;j*9;?;ia;; Read these video profiles апd then report what 1 she could writе fоr the blog she was writing fоr the blog she wrote for the blog she would write for the blog 'She's reading an interesting artic[e.' Еmmа said 'Мrs Jones will help mе пехt week,' Ben said 'l don't want to buy а пеw соmрutеr.' Fatima said 'l love downloading free e-books.' I.lу Ьrоthеr said 'Dad can't get hеге оп time.' Мum said '|'[[ get some holiday brochures fоr Japan.' Му mum said 'Jo's dad сап pick us up.' Alison said 'Wе won't Ье there.' They said Correct the mistakes in these sentences or tick (/) аПУ You think аrе correct Ьrоthеr are going to buy some graphic novels Rewrite these sentences using reported speech ý } Match the direct speech (1-4) to the reported speech (a-d) а Ь Ж ti,ýf Сап уоu ,, а speak t ;i Ё ! Р} See Prepare ta write Ьох, Student's Book, page 111 ý Which websites you visit to read books оr reviews? What is а book review? How are they hetpful when you want to read а new book? Ж l &ж *жýffж* fu**k а"*н**vg Read ап оп[iпе rечiеw of Ihе Нumапs, What is the writer's opinion of the book? Complete the review with the words in the Ьох absolutely mаiп Read the review quickty Tick (/) the information that Sam includes the tit[e of the book the author's паmе information about the author the паmе of the mаiп characters the story of the whole book а description of part of the story details about how the story ends his оwп орiпiоп of the book comfortabIe alien professor п п п п п п п п |'ve just read а really funny novelcalled Ihe Humans.lt was written Ьу English author Matt Haig The character is an ln the Chicago of the distant future, 6-year-old girl Tris prior chooses to live iп the 'brave' section of the city, where members compete physically with each other to prove their strength During the initiation process, which is very violent and kills or seriously injures а few characters, Tris becomes attracted to her handsome instructor, Fочr, so it's also quite romantic! But violence increases towards the епd of the book, resulting iп mапу lives being lost l loved Tris Prior Like Ihе Hunger Games heroine, Katniss Everdeen, she is а strong, generous female character lt's а wonderful, exciting story, but that's all l'm going to tell you! Read who finds himself in the body of а dead university The alien is sent to Eafih to destroy evidence that the professor had solved а big mathematical problem, but the alien soon finds himself learning mоrе about the professor, his family and 'the humans' than he ever expected When he becomes living with his family, who have по idea he's not the real Andrew, the alien must choose between rеtчrпiпg home or finding а new home here оп Earth 5l loved it! it! ft*vi*иrtэd Ьу Sяrгэ ý, }Л*псh*сtеr Yоu are going to write an online book review Think about а book that you like and рlап your review Use the notes to help you Read the information below and find the four features in sam's review lп an online book review: inc[ude the title of the book and the аuthоr inc[ude the паmе of the mаiп сhаrасtеr include some detai[s of the story, but not а[[ give уоur opinion of the book - what you liked or dis[iked aboutthe characters, scenes or messages ffi What is the tit[e of the book? Who is the author? who is the main сhаrасtеr? what happens iп the story? what is уочr орiпiоп of it? Write уочr опliпе book review Write about 100 words Remember to check уоur spel[ing and grаmmаr тнЕ WRlттЕ]{ WORD 79 l s #qlr ýc+*,*iiifi q+rj *;;; {;fu i rg *i;i rla:; put the [etters in the correct order to make choose the correct form ofthe collocation from Exercise 1to complete the text thinking collocations keam pu urоу dimп sеu уоru rTligantoinia rcsos уurо dimn evah а ohtuhtg veha соsеспd tugohts vieg sопеmое а thin eosl уurо ticoenanocrtn Ж Веfоrе t Complete the sentences with the correct collocations from Exercise 1 If уоu suddenly staгt thinking about something, уOu То help them to guеss something, you сап Whеп people аге talking in ап ехаm, you сап Whеп you аrе ап artist, you have to Whеп you have ап imроrtапt decision to make, ý it's hаrd to Sometimeý уOu сап about something and decide not to it lf уоu thirrk about something for а short time, ?d? з*- it |,,j:; ,]{, Choose the correct coIlocation ýhall l go out tonight? cross mу miпd Z,-.a l can't make up mу miпd l whеп l was doing mу homework l hocl second ý l last пзу сопсепtrаtiоп l wanted Jemnra to guesý * so l l;cd а thought " what hеr present was l gave hеr а hiпt" What wаs the first thing that gave you а lзiпt crossecl your rnind whеп уOu wоп the prize? ! l tvas gоiпg tc play football оп Saturday, but l l had sесопd thoughts апd {ost mу сопсепtrаtiоп 80 went to the cinema instead l had to write а story fоr hогпеwоrk, so ! used mу imаgiпвtiоп l tпade up mу miпс!t0 сrеаtе the сhаrасtегs Have you found апуопе to р[ау guitar iп the band yet? lf not, l've just hod а thought l given you а hiпt, U1{lT 2ll ,"*} ý ',,ь ;* р я Му sistег was playing hеr music too loud thочglзts :} ,] rъ \ t."& | И; {,/ * rJ l f * \, \J j|\ ,; п г ,з I *, U U г т Ф Look at the picture What сап you see? Do you think everything in the picture is real? What you think is rеа[ or not real? Read the article quickly How does Julian Веечеr create his art? Read the article again Are these sentences true (Т) or false (F)? Ju[ian created pavement art using paint When people walk past his art on the street, they believe what they see is rеа[ Frоm the stагt, he's always thinking about how his creation will look in а photograph Beever's time is mostly spent trying to get the best position in the street Вееvеr thinks the iпtеrпеt is а great way for реор[е to see his art Не a[so spends а lot of time recreating the wоrk of very famous artists i| Match the ffiН* words in the text to their meanings реор[е who have comp[ete knowledge оr skitt in something the direction from which уоu look at something pictures of people square pieces of hard material, such as stone оr metal, used to cover walls and floor а рlасе to walk оп the side of а road аrt while he Julian Beever started creating iffi was attending art school, Не made two-dimensional drawings using chalk (something teachers use to write on blackboards)and people gave him mопеу Не began experimenting with chalk creations аftеr seeing t|Hý being removed from а street, ап effect he tried to recreate оп paper When looked at iп а photograph, Beever's creations look amazingly realistic Those who walk past them don't get quite the same view, though, The 3-D (three-dimensional) optical illusion effect works only from опе parlicular qgffib: the place where Beever positions his саmеrа Frоm апу other angle, the work looks strange Fоr Beever, the pavement creation isn't the end result Не explains, 'Fоr me, l'm working towards building а photograph as my end result,'This means а lot of his time is used running between the camera and the drawing, making sure each line is iп just the right place to create the 3-D look While some artists might feel it would Ье а waste of time to create art that сап Ье seen from only опе angle - and that is usually damaged within а few days - Beever doesn't mind, and he sees the internet as the best way to show his аrt Without the internet, his work wouldn't really Ье kпоwп But with the internet, his work never really disappears and it's seen Ьу а lot more people than if it was iп а museum Beever studied at an аd schooland he can recreate the art of the тffi*щ as well However, most of his time and energy is used for the 3-D as paint formal flffi pavement аrt which has made him famous, Не believes his аrt allows everyone to look at and enjoy aft: 'Му art is for anybody lt's for people who wouldn't go into an art gallery lt's art for the people.' \ SEEII{G ls BELlEvl]lG 8t _Е Ё , & t *i*tlaý* р;а,*l*iэr;tл ф The first / Ames rооm / construct / Adelbert lt / build l base show 1946 The actor / tell/ поt / to move This trick / use / mапу / films Му photo / take / Ames rооm / museum / story cIass The adverts was mode in London, l wеrе made iп оur studio Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first use between опе and three Ж painting А lot of З-D in the film That р[асе designed interesting clothes lnteresting at that place Our team wоп the game, The game оur team The magician mаdе the rabbit disappear The rabbit Ьу the magician U1{lT 20 clothes а ., ,, ,, ._ Czech Republic Choose the correct sentence in each pair ffil а We have Ьееп making optical illusions together since wе wеrе Ьоrпеd ь We have Ьееп making opticaI iIlusions together since we wеrе Ьоrп lt was mу 15th birthday раrtу, апd the place whеrе the раrtу was organised was in а park ь lt was my 15th birthday party, and the р[асе whеrе wаs organised the party was iп а park А street iп Tokyo was сочеrеd iп З-D art ь А street in Tokyo were covered in З-D аrt, Не [ooked shy, but then l got to know him better and was surprised of а11 the things we had iп соmmоп ь Не looked shy, but then l got to know him 2а 4а The lllusionist iп the iп our local сiпеmа Story takes place in Austria, but actually it 3а fitm Ьу Steven Millhauser Му friend and l the story Ьу очr teacher According to one website, the words Му grandfather buitt the house 50 years ago The house mу grandfather 50 уеаrs ago Someone delivers очr poýt ечеrу day Оur post every day, оur teacher showed us the illusion Wе оur teacher Му friend did this раiпtiпg This my friепd The filrп used а lot of З-D graphics direct write [[ telt Ьу Neil Burger The оп а short story called ЕЬепhеm the lllusionist, This story lt san Frапсisсо The rасе lдos wап | is wап Ьу ап O[ympic ruппеr Every night, the news оп TV Ь reod / vrros read Ьу the same [ady The artists шеrе paid l are paid to draw З-D pictures оп the wall of the shop Му dad was asked l is asked to talk to the schoo[ about his job Ечеrу уеаr, the poster fоr the music festiva[ ore designed lls deslgлed Ьу the school The illusion was created lls creoted to make реор[е think in а different way That exercise was dопе l is dопе last week iп са Afilm1 last week, lt Choose the correct чеrЬ form Complete the text with the past simple passive form ofthe чеrьs in the Ьох Ames Jr Ап Ames rооm / create / for / the film stаr's / [atest / film 82 Fi;анЁ ý ii Write fullsentences, using the past simple passive Ж : better and was surprised Ьу altthe things we had iп соrпmоп 5а The first ciiy that wе visited was called Vielle ь The first city that wе visited we cattVielte f*вgt;h {;gflзч,*,,я,l*,ч аqiнfт:,i? Yоч will hеаr ап interview with а young magician :*, Choose the correct verb L Laak ot l See that cat lt's а чеrу unusual colourl l've had second thoughts i wiil look at l watch Gаmе о{Тhrопеs instead af Нuпgеr Gomes l can't watch lsee the iIlusion in the picturel Сап you give mе а hint? l lose my concentration vеrу easily, so l try поt to see / laak ot the clock when l'm doing mу hоmеwоrk! Оп Saturdays, latways laokat l uvcfcft mу favou rite footba Il tea m l сап't wait to see l watch When l wеаr mу glаsзеs, l сап L,vofch / see much better l пееd to catch the bus to wоrk, so l will loak at r,tlofch the ti meta Ь[е l love to look at l see l watch Who first епссurаgеd Jеrrу to start doing magic tri cks? А his аuпt В а реrfоrmеr с his father Jеrrу lеаrпеd hjs fjrst п,:аgiс tricks truhеп he А watched а tеасhег at schoof, at my watch and decided it was time fоr some [unch а famous Richard said he te[[ mе who! he wouldn't but iп London, реrsоп The final of the Eurovision Song Contest was Ьу очеr 180 million people this уеаr the match whеп the lwas phone rапg, mу friends after schoo[, l love l don't know why he was tike that, а special сiulэ What does Jеrrу поw to der;elop his skills? А Не goes to see оthеr magicians реrfоrm" В Не reads books ai:out h*w to magic, с Не finds,lideos опliпе showing tricks Ноw Jеrrу's раrепts feel about hinr leэving schooI early? А They believe he has the ai:ility tc have а good са ree!, Th*y аrе happy tc give hiпr mоп*у* whеп he пееdз it, С They rsJould stiil like him to take all his exams" Ноw does Jеrrу feel about his арреаrапсе оп teievision? А surprised в С had sоrпе private iеssопs С joined В l а great film last night! п п п п п п Listen again Fоr each question, choose the correct answer А, В оr С ý mу favourite Comp[ete the sentences using the correct form ol look ot, see or watch Sometimes there is more than опе correct answer "" 1з ",, footbaIl team оп Saturdays lt crossed my mind last night that l didn't /ook at l see l watch SаЬriпа at the party, Аrе you laaking at l seeing l watching lhat пеw series that ечеrуопе is talking аЬоut оп Сhаппе[ 7? Look ot / See l Watctl that street art It's amazing! Have yau laoked af / sееп l watched the new Star Wаrs film at the cinema yet? They аrе hiding, They don't want anyone to /ook ot / see / иzоtсh them Please laak ot l see l watch the examp[es iп the book and write уоur оwп sentences, l had to usе my imagination to /ook at l see r,rzotch the illusion in the picture 1l 2l "il l Choose the correct verb to complete the SentenceS how he i:есаmе interestecJ iп doing rлаgiс how he started learning tr"icks how rпuсh mопеу he's made doing magic his favourite trick tg реrfогm righat his раrепts think about him doing magic yrhat he wоuid like d* iп the future @ al[ mу friепds at the раrtу thiS weekend! called Jerry Tweed Tick the topics you think he witltalk about Then listen and check lзу the lvay the presetlter reacted unsure wheti"rer sоrле trjcks he did wеrе originalenough pleased at the пumЬtr of peopie whо watched the ргсgrаrпmе What is Jerry definitely going to iп the future? А trаiп peopie iп his оv,lп school в travel to оthеr coi.: ntries fоr wоrk С dеsigп magic equipment fог lеаrпегs {; l Whеrе English meets Exams ]' Prepare Second Edition leveb & combine teen-appeal topics wiф extensive preparation forthe revised 2020 В1 ] Enjoy interactive, personalised lessonswith themes а nfl resou rces releva nt to school-a ged [еа rners Relax knowing РrераrеЪ unique Exam Journeydrives students to exam success create confident Eng[ish useв with очr enhanced vocabulary and grammar syllabus l lnspire learnersto expand their horizons and knowledge , exploring РrераrеЪ Life Skills and Cu[ture sections sчрроrtапd extend learningthroughthe пеw collection of online resources Саmhi{gе PREPARE English Scale Level Cambridge English Qualification ý ? ;!, а! }1 19 PRESS ffi ЧР 6.roridge Assessment Official Engtish Cambridge Ехаm Preparation IISBN I 978_1 -1 08-38095-9 llц!цl|шшllцшшлц]ll,

Ngày đăng: 24/08/2023, 19:08



