The publisher gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution to this book provided by the Classical Literature Endowment Fund of the University of California Press Associates, which is supported by a major gift from Joan Palevsky A Critical History of Early Rome A Critical History of Early Rome From Prehistory to the First Punic War Gary Forsythe UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley Los Angeles London University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California University of California Press, Ltd London, England ©2005 by the Regents of the University of California Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Forsythe, Gary A critical history of early Rome: from prehistory to the first Punic War / Gary Forsythe p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0–520–22651–8 (cloth : alk paper) Rome—History— To 510 B.C Rome—History— Republic, 510–265 B.C I Title DG209.F735 2005 937—dc22 2004008505 Manufactured in the United States of America 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 10 05 Printed on Ecobook 50 containing a minimum 50% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine free The balance contains virgin pulp, including 25% Forest Stewardship Council Certified for no old growth tree cutting, processed either TCF or ECF The sheet is acid-free and meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48–1992 (R 1997) (Permanence of Paper) contents list of tables and illustrations acknowledgments / xi dedication / xiii abbreviations / xv foreword / / ix Italy in Prehistory / The Land and its Linguistic Diversity / Modern Archaeology and Prehistory / 12 Prehistoric Italy / 14 The Ice Man / 18 The Bronze and Iron Ages / 20 Ancient Languages and Modern Archaeology / 26 Archaic Italy c 800–500 B.C / 28 Phoenicians in the West / 29 Greek Colonization in the West / 31 The Formation of Etruscan Civilization / 36 Phoenicians, Greeks, and Etruscans / 41 Growth and Decline of Etruscan Civilization / The Alphabet / 51 The Archaeology of Early Latium / 53 46 The Ancient Sources for Early Roman History The Annalistic Tradition / 60 The Antiquarian Tradition / 64 Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus / 66 Cicero and Diodorus Siculus / 68 Ancient Documentary Sources / 69 Roman Oral Tradition and Greek Myth / 74 / 59 vi contents Rome During the Regal Period / The Nature of the Evidence / 78 The Site of Rome / 80 The Archaeology of Early Rome / 82 The Ancient Literary Tradition / 93 Archaic Roman Institutions / 108 Rome’s Growth and Expanding Horizons 78 / 115 Archaic Roman Religion / 125 Some Important Roman Divinities / 126 The Official Religious Calendar / 129 The Religious Priesthoods / 135 Roman Religious Practices and Ideology / 143 The Beginning of the Roman Republic / How Did The Monarchy End? / 147 The Nature and Origin of the Consulship / 150 The Early Consular Fasti / 155 Patricians and Plebeians / 157 Senators, Patricians, and Priests / 167 The Plebeian Tribunate / 170 The Tribal and Other Assemblies / 177 Rome and the Latins / 183 Sp Cassius, the Fabii, and the Cremera / 192 Clan Warfare and the Lapis Satricanus / 198 147 Rome of the Twelve Tables / 201 The Trial of K Quinctius / 204 Appius Herdonius and Quinctius Cincinnatus / 205 Facts and Fictions of the Plebeian Tribunate / 207 The Decemviral Legislation / 209 Jurisdiction in Early Roman Law / 211 Litigation and Orality in Early Roman Law / 213 Society and Economy / 216 The Second Board of Decemvirs / 222 The Prohibition of Intermarriage / 225 The Second Secession and the Valerian Horatian Laws / 230 Evolution and Growth of the Roman State, 444–367 B.C The Military Tribunes with Consular Power / 234 The Sedition of Sp Maelius / 239 The War Against Fidenae / 241 The War Against Veii / 246 The Gallic Catastrophe and Its Aftermath / 251 The Sedition of M Manlius Capitolinus / 259 The Licinian Sextian Laws / 262 Rome’s Rise to Dominance, 366–300 B.C The Emergence of the Roman Nobility / Tibur, Gauls, Greeks, and Carthage / 268 277 / 268 / 234 contents The Samnites and the First Samnite War / 281 The Latin War and its Consequences / 289 The Second Samnite War / 292 The Philinus Treaty / 311 Other Significant Changes in the Roman State / Roman Factional Politics / 321 312 10 Rome’s Conquest and Unification of Italy, 299–264 B.C The Third Samnite War / 324 Early Roman Coinage / 336 Military Ethos and Aristocratic Family Tradition / Domestic and Foreign Affairs during the 280s B.C / The Pyrrhic War / 349 The Roman Organization of Italy / 358 Some Final Assessments / 366 appendix: early roman chronology works cited / 371 index / 391 / 340 344 369 / 324 vii 388 works cited Verbrugghe, G P 1979 “Three Notes on Fabius Pictor and His History.” In Miscellanea di Studi classici in Onore di Eugenio Manni Vol Rome ——— 1982 “L Cincius Alimentus—His Place in Roman Historiography.” Philologus 126: 316–23 Versnel, H.S 1970 Triumphus: An Inquiry into the Origin, Development, and Meaning of the Roman Triumph Leiden Vetter, E 1953 Handbuch der italischen Dialekte Vol Heidelberg 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161 Alexander of Epirus, 292, 293, 350, 352 Alexander the Great, 292, 300, 304, 352 Allia, 197, 198, 200, 252, 253, 255, 256, 331, 367 Alps, 7–10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 251 Ambarvalia, 131, 143 amber, 20, 22, 40, 56, 57, 83, 90 anarchy, 156, 165, 264, 265, 369, 370 Ancona, 14 Ancus Marcius, 97–99, 101, 102, 279 Anio River, 172, 188, 224, 272, 310, 325 Anio Vetus Aqueduct, 339, 358, 360 Annales Maximi, 60, 69–72, 156, 248 See pontifical records Anna Perenna, 130 anniversaries, 130, 136, 152, 175, 242 Antium, 123, 188, 190, 191, 207, 208, 257, 290, 303, 307, 341, 364 Apennine Culture, 23–25 Apennines, 1, 7, 9, 12, 22–25, 49, 80, 189, 252, 281, 295, 331, 334, 348, 349, 365 Aphrodite, 43, 44, 46, 91 Apollo Medicus, 121, 344 Apollonia, 359 Apulia, 10, 15, 16, 25, 27, 298, 300, 303, 327, 334, 354, 355 Aqua Appia, 315, 339, 360 Aquae Sextiae, 277 Aquilonia, 334 Ara Maxima, 119–21 Archidamus of Sparta, 352 Ardea, 56, 58, 90, 107, 116, 123, 184, 191, 227, 230, 235, 241, 290, 301, 353 argei, 131 Aricia, 50, 100, 106, 116, 121, 122, 148, 155, 156, 184, 185, 229, 290 391 392 works cited Aristodemus of Cumae, 50, 121, 148, 149, 186, 193 Aristonothos, 43 Aristotle, 123, 253 Armilustrium, 133 Arno, Arretium, 306, 340, 349, 354, 366 Artemis, 122, 248 Arval Brethren, 143, 144 Arval Hymn, 143 Arx, 49, 245, 254, 256, 260, 279, 339 Asia Minor, 23, 30, 35–38, 44, 122, 192, 210 Athenians, 38, 115, 191, 223, 224, 285 Athens, 1, 37, 68, 77, 112, 115, 116, 147, 148, 191, 192, 196, 203, 209, 223, 224, 230, 284, 285, 302, 368 Atiedian Brethren, 142, 143 Atticus, 65, 94, 156, 369, 370 Auguraculum, 260 augurs, 48, 97, 135, 139, 153, 159, 245, 254, 260, 320, 321, 358 Aulus Vibenna, 103, 105, 243 Ausculum, 282, 355, 356 auspices, 70, 74, 110, 130, 139, 145, 169, 170, 179, 188, 197, 204, 234, 245, 254, 260, 332, 360 See also inauspicious Aventine Hill, 72, 81, 82, 85, 99, 106, 107, 121, 122, 128, 130, 171, 172–75, 195, 207, 224, 240, 248, 345, 347 Barberini Tomb, 57, 100 Bellona, 340, 341 Beneventum, 359, 360 Bernardini Tomb, 57, 100, 161 Bologna, 26, 49, 251 Bononia, 251 bronze age, 13, 16, 20–25, 29, 51, 52 Brundisium, 359, 360 Bruttium, 9, 12, 189 Brutulus Papius, 297, 298 burial See inhumation Cacus, 119, 120 Caelian Hill, 82, 85, 103 Caelius Vibenna, 103, 104 Caere, 36, 41, 43–48, 57, 58, 80, 91, 105, 116, 161, 189, 190, 193, 253, 256, 258, 277, 279, 291, 306, 344, 366 Calpurnius Piso, 59, 60, 62, 72, 97, 194, 240, 248, 318, 326 Camerinum, 307, 366 Camillus (M Furius Camillus), 250, 254–57, 341 Campania, 9, 12, 32, 34, 49, 51, 53, 56, 57, 101, 118, 119, 121, 189, 250, 273, 280, 281, 284, 293, 295, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 310, 316, 329, 338, 339, 363, 366 Campus Martius, 82, 111, 115, 133, 181, 342 Campus Sceleratus, 141 Cannae, 287, 315, 331, 354, 358 Canuleian Law, 225–227, 234 Canuleius (C Canuleius, tr pl 445), 102, 226, 227 Capena, 239, 250, 309 Capitoline Hill, 81, 82, 88, 90, 99, 126, 128, 140, 198, 205, 219, 240, 242, 256–59, 277, 298, 331, 339, 343, 345 Capitoline temple, 77, 100, 107, 108, 113, 116, 122, 135, 149, 151–54, 173, 206, 243, 254, 257, 258, 280, 341 Cappellaccio tufa, 106–8, 250 Capua, 49, 50, 189, 273, 280, 284, 285, 287–289, 291, 292, 302, 306, 309, 316, 339, 359 Carthage, 31, 46, 50, 60, 66, 72, 73, 121–123, 153, 187, 188, 190, 249, 277, 278, 280, 284, 305, 311, 312, 316, 355, 356 Carthaginians, 30, 31, 36, 44, 48, 50, 122, 123, 279, 280, 287, 305, 311, 312, 316, 343, 355, 356, 359, 361 Cassian Treaty, 72, 179, 186, 187 Cassius (Sp Cassius), 187, 192–95, 240, 260, 359 Cassius Hemina, 60, 62, 63, 225 Castel di Decima, 56, 57, 82, 85, 100 Castor and Pollux, 58, 95, 186, 348 Catiline, 193, 260, 273 Cato (M Porcius Cato, the Elder), 59–63, 75, 76, 127, 205, 241, 265, 288 Caudine Forks, 288, 294, 296, 298–300, 304, 311, 313, 314, 334, 354 Caudine Peace, 294, 298–301, 304 Caudium, 282, 297, 298, 300, 334 Celts, 7, 11, 36, 51, 199, 251, 252, 256, 278, 283, 341 censors, 107, 111, 114, 119, 159, 186, 194, 235, 236, 253, 254, 259, 269, 270, 275, 290, 304, 306, 318, 319, 325, 328, 340, 342, 344, 358 index censorship, 62, 168, 236, 238, 253, 269, 275, 309, 318, 340, 367 census, 77, 99, 111–14, 132, 179, 220, 236, 357, 363, 366 centuriate assembly See comitia centuriata Ceres, 72, 121, 128, 130, 137, 146, 171–75, 194, 195, 207, 345 Cerfus Martius, 146 Cerialia, 130 Cermalus, 85, 332, 342 chauvinism, 191, 205, 243, 255, 284, 288, 301, 302, 326, 356 See also patriotism chief pontiff See pontifex maximus Ciminian Forest, 307 Cincinnatus (L Quinctius Cincinnatus), 204–6, 240, 273 Cincinnatus (T Quinctius Cincinnatus), 258, 341 Cincius Alimentus, 59–61, 84, 93, 94, 240, 241, 295, 347 Cineas, 353, 354 Circeii, 122, 123, 191, 290, 309 Circus Maximus, 99, 132 Cisalpine Gaul, 7, 26, 251, 253, 255 See also Po Valley Cispius, 82, 85 cives sine suffragio, 367 civitas sine suffragio, 259, 291, 293, 310, 335, 359 Claudius Caecus (Ap Claudius Caecus), 76, 119, 269, 309, 315, 318, 321, 322, 327, 330, 340, 341, 353, 354, 362 Claudius Quadrigarius, 59, 63, 255, 299, 350 Cleonymus of Sparta, 352 Cloaca Maxima, 100, 108, 147 Cloelia, 149, 192 Clusium, 50, 103, 148, 149, 155, 190, 198, 252, 366 coemptio, 222, 230 coinage, 32, 202, 254, 336, 338, 339, 360 Columna Maenia, 341 Columna Minucia, 240 comitia centuriata, 99, 109–15, 150, 172, 177, 179–83, 211, 232, 233, 236, 266, 274–76 comitia curiata, 109, 110, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183 comitia tributa, 170, 177–83, 232, 233, 347 Comitium, 73, 87, 92, 99, 109, 136, 141, 187, 210, 215, 217, 315, 341, 362 393 commercium, 184, 218, 290 Compitalia, 86, 133 confarreatio, 221, 229, 230 consular fasti, 117, 120, 150, 154–56, 159–62, 164, 166, 189, 195, 264, 269, 270, 343, 348, 368, 370 consular tribunes, 164, 176, 187, 199, 166, 212, 227, 234–37, 242, 245, 256, 260, 265, 272, 367, 369 See also military tribunes with consular power Consus, 132, 133 Contenebra, 257 conubium, 184, 218, 229, 290 Coriolanus (C Marcius Coriolanus), 2, 191, 192, 196 Corsica, 36, 161, 279, 303, 312, 361 Cortuosa, 257 Cosa, 360 Cossus (A Cornelius Cossus), 242–46, 341 cremation, 13, 22, 25, 26, 38, 42, 54–56, 82, 83, 91 Cremera, 80, 192, 193, 196–198, 200, 206, 243, 298 Crustumerium, 56, 116, 246, 252 Cumae, 34, 35, 41, 50–52, 57, 116, 119, 121, 140, 148, 149, 171, 185, 186, 189, 193, 210, 291, 293 Curia Hostilia, 87, 92, 99, 109 curiate assembly See comitia curiata curio maximus, 205, 344 Curius Dentatus (M’ Curius Dentatus), 208, 270, 334, 343, 348, 357 curule aediles, 111, 159, 211, 214, 219, 237, 239, 268, 274, 276, 309, 316, 318, 319, 321, 326, 333, 338, 340, 342, 344, 358 Danube, 9, 18, 22 debt, 117, 158, 172, 173, 178, 203, 217–219, 221, 224, 259, 261, 262, 265, 267, 274, 308, 346, 347; debt servitude, 218, 313–15 decemviri sacris faciundis, 141, 159, 269 decemviri stlitibus iudicandis, 231, 361 decemvirs, 157, 203, 222–26, 230; decemviral legislation, 68, 156, 157, 165, 203, 204, 209–12, 223–25, 227, 230, 231, 238 Decius (P Decius Mus, consul 340), 188, 288, 289, 307, 322, 323, 327, 328, 330, 333, 355 394 index Decius (P Decius Mus, consul 295), 186, 269, 289, 355 deditio, 287 Demeter Thesmophoros, 128, 174, 175 Delphic oracle, 248, 344, 359 Demaratus of Corinth, 99, 101, 103 Demetrius Poliorcetes, 304 devotio, 289, 330, 333, 355 Diana, 72, 99, 106, 121, 122, 207, 248 dictator years, 156, 264, 270, 279, 369, 370 didrachms, 336–39 dies Alliensis See Allia dies Cremerensis See Cremera dies natalis See anniversaries dies parentales, 133, 135, 142, 198 domi militiaeque, 176, 181 Douris of Samos, 333 Duenos Vase, 88 duumviri navales, 303, 339 eclipses, 71, 248, 279 Egypt, 15, 18, 22–24, 51, 358 elephants, 352, 353, 355, 357, 358 Emissarium, 249 Emporiae, 36 Empulum See Sassula Ennius, 61, 64, 248, 349, 350 Epidaurus, 344, 345, 358, 361 Epirus, 94, 292, 350–352 Esquiline Hill, 82, 85, 89, 107, 117, 195, 340, 342 Este Culture, 26 Etruria, 1, 9, 12, 21, 25, 26, 34, 37–39, 41–43, 46–49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56–58, 80, 95, 101, 103, 117, 118, 121, 149, 163, 189, 190, 239, 242, 246, 250–52, 257, 273, 277, 306, 307, 325, 327–30, 335, 340, 349, 358, 366 Etruscans, 13, 26, 27, 32, 36–54, 57, 76, 80, 90, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101–3, 105, 115–19, 121, 122, 128, 132–35, 139, 140, 149, 151, 152, 160, 161, 164, 189, 197, 198, 242, 243, 246, 249–52, 258, 279, 303, 306, 307, 313, 330, 341, 344, 349, 358–60, 363 Euboea, 34, 41, 52, 115 Evander, 119, 120 evocatio, 248, 249, 359 Fabius Dorsuo, 253, 256 Fabius Gurges (Q Fabius Gurges), 334, 357, 358 Fabius Maximus Rullianus, 76, 186, 269, 295, 296, 298, 301, 303, 307, 322, 326, 327–30, 334, 340–42 Fabius Maximus Servilianus, 64, 70, 71 Fabius Pictor (C Fabius Pictor, painter), 342, 361 Fabius Pictor (Q Fabius Pictor, early historian), 60, 61, 64, 69–71, 76–78, 93, 94, 240, 295, 296, 335, 347, 358, 361, 365, 366 Fabius Pictor (Numerius Fabius Pictor, late historian), 64, 264, 369 Fabricius (C Fabricius Luscinus), 269, 270, 343, 344, 350, 357 Falerii, 140, 190, 239, 250, 277 family tradition, 76, 296, 340 See also oral tradition Fanum Voltumnae, 249 fasces, 48, 150, 152, 153 Fasti Triumphales, 327, 329, 357, 358, 369 Felsina, 49, 50, 95, 251, 252 fetials, 168, 242, 297, 324, 325, 359 Ficana, 85, 92 Ficoroni Cista, 316, 317 Fidenae, 56, 101, 113, 116, 188, 191, 236, 238, 241–246, 249, 341, 367 Fidenate War, 113, 243–246, 264 First Punic War, 50, 60, 61, 107, 248, 288, 305, 311, 326, 338, 339, 356, 359, 360 first secession, 158, 170, 172–175, 177, 178, 197, 208, 261, 314, 345 flamen Dialis, 167, 222 flamens, 97, 118, 136, 137, 159, 168, 221, 229 Flavius (Cn Flavius, freedman), 214, 318–321, 344 Foedus Cassianum See Cassian Treaty food shortages, 71, 158, 174, 238–39, 241, 316, 326, 347 Fordicidia, 130, 142 Formiae, 291, 293, 309 Fortuna Muliebris, 192 Forum (Romanum), 54, 72–74, 80–88, 91, 99, 123, 126, 136, 141, 155, 186, 196, 215, 240, 243, 302, 313, 315, 320, 331, 340, 343, 348, 350, 357 Forum Boarium, 80, 81, 85, 90, 117, 119121, 331, 359 Francavilla Maritima, 31 Franỗois Tomb, 48, 100, 102–104 Frattesina, 22 index 395 freedmen, 218, 220, 313, 318–320, 330, 367 Fregellae, 293, 298, 301, 304, 307 Frentani, 12, 281, 310, 329 Fundi, 291, 293, 309 hoplites, 32, 113–115, 202, 305 Horatius Cocles, 149 Hortensian Law, 158, 181, 182, 345–347 hospitium publicum, 248, 256, 258, 292 human sacrifice, 96, 331, 332 Gabii, 54, 72, 101, 107, 116, 185 Gades, 29, 120 Gallic catastrophe, 200, 228, 251, 253, 255, 257, 258, 331, 367 Gauls, 7, 63, 96, 102, 149, 156, 197, 198, 252–257, 259, 264, 271, 272, 277–279, 298, 329–331, 334, 335, 342, 348, 349, 354, 365, 367, 370; invasion of Rome by, 63, 68, 198, 228, 239, 253–255, 264, 369, 370; occupation of Rome by, 156, 228, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 291 Gelon, 174, 175 Genucian Laws, 262, 266, 270, 272–275, 308 Gortyn, 203 Gracchi, 64, 178, 193, 194, 207, 240, 265, 299, 300 grain shortages See food shortages Granius Licinianus, 298, 347 Graviscae, 43, 44, 46, 58, 90, 91 Greece, 3, 10, 21, 23, 24, 31, 34, 37, 43, 47, 51, 53, 58, 68, 77, 91, 93, 98, 106, 119, 148, 174, 192, 193, 196, 210, 218, 258, 284, 304, 344, 345, 352, 361, 368; history of, 31, 191, 196, 197, 264, 369; Ionian, 43; mythology of, 42, 45, 46, 48, 74, 76, 78, 88, 95, 119, 351 Grotta Oscura tufa, 107, 250, 259, 278 Ice Man, 18–20 Icilian Law, 207 Iguvine Tablets, 125, 142, 144 Iguvium, 12, 139, 142, 143, 145, 146, 181, 255 Illyrian, 27, 359 Imbrinium, 295, 296 imperium, 111, 150, 151, 169, 188, 202, 211, 235, 236, 330 inauspicious, 70, 130, 131, 197, 253, 261 See also auspices indebtedness See debt indigitamenta, 145 Indo-European, 10, 12, 26, 36, 39, 126 Ineditum Vaticanum, 305, 353 inhumation, 13, 22, 23, 25, 26, 38, 42, 54–56, 82, 83, 91 intercession, 263 interreges, 110, 169, 170 interregnum, 98, 110, 158, 159, 167–70, 271, 272, 340 iron age, 13, 16, 25–27, 38, 39, 52, 85, 91, 138 Italic, 10, 12, 26, 27, 39, 89, 125, 127, 128, 130, 145, 255 ius auxilii, 171, 173 ius Latii, 184, 292 ius migrandi, 184, 218, 220, 290 Hannibal, 273, 287, 331, 356 Hannibalic War, 60, 62, 78, 151, 158, 194, 205, 206, 271, 281, 287, 296, 339, 344 haruspices, 139 Hatria, 22, 49, 50 Hellanicus, 37–39, 94, 291 Hera, 43, 44, 46, 91 Heraclea, 116, 301, 352, 354 Hercules, 45, 76, 90, 93–95, 105, 119, 120, 337 Herdonius, 205, 243, 298 Hermodorus, 210 Hernicans, 193, 194, 277, 310 Herodotus, 3, 31, 37–39, 44, 48, 62, 94, 148, 174, 175 Hieronymus of Cardia, 152, 349, 353, 355 Janiculum, 346, 347 Janus, 126, 127, 129, 168 Junius Brutus (L Junius Brutus, first consul), 122, 153–155 Junius Gracchanus, 64 Juno, 46, 116, 118, 126, 128–130, 152, 248, 249, 254, 256, 257, 260, 279, 339, 341; Lucina, 130; Moneta, 254, 256, 260, 279, 339 Jupiter, 99, 100, 116, 122, 126, 127, 129, 135–138, 140, 141, 151, 152, 159, 167, 168, 171, 173, 184, 221, 242, 258, 280, 327, 331, 341–343, 362; Feretrius, 242, 341; Latiaris, 184; Stator, 327, 342, 343 jurisdiction, 111, 136, 211–213, 237, 263, 319, 320 396 index koine, 58, 100, 117, 146 Lacinian Promontory, 350 Lacus Servilius, 240 Laelius Felix, 180 Lake Regillus, 121, 149, 174, 185, 186 Lake Vadimon, 349, 354 Lanuvium, 114, 116, 128, 184, 290, 309 lapis niger, 87, 187 Lapis Satricanus, 198–200, 251 Lares Praestites, 131, 146 Lars Tolumnius, 193, 242–244, 246 Larth Telicles, 43, 163 la serrata del patriziato See patriciate Latial Culture, 53, 54, 83 Latin colonies, 187, 190, 241, 257, 262, 290, 293, 298, 303, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312, 313, 325, 334, 343, 348, 351, 360, 362, 363, 367 Latin League, 147, 184–190, 283, 290–292, 366 Latin War, 183, 281, 288, 289, 292, 304, 307, 330, 335, 353, 367 Latium, 1, 9, 12, 42, 50, 53, 54, 56–58, 60, 80, 82, 85, 94, 100, 101, 109, 114, 116–118, 121, 123, 124, 147, 148, 149, 155, 161, 163, 183–185, 187–191, 237, 257, 258, 277–281, 290, 291, 301, 304, 308, 312, 353, 362, 366, 367 Lautulae, 294, 301–304, 306, 307, 311, 354 Lavinium, 58, 60, 93, 95, 116, 123, 183, 184, 290, 291 lectisternium, 247, 248 Leges Regiae, 213 legis actiones, 212, 214, 215, 228, 318–320 Lemnos, 37, 38 Lemuria, 131 Lepontic, 11 Lessini Mountains, 15 Leucothea, 46, 132 lex curiata, 110, 179, 182, 183 lex sacrata, 173, 174, 242, 334 Liber, 65, 121, 130, 168, 172, 174, 369 Liberalia, 130, 175 Licinian Sextian Laws, 261–266, 323 Licinius and Sextius, 264–266 Licinius Macer, 60, 63, 67, 171, 227, 233, 235, 244, 271, 272, 302, 318, 319, 326 lictors, 48, 118, 150, 177 Ligurian, 11 Linen Books, 227, 235, 236 Lipari Islands, 16, 21, 24, 29, 248 Liris River, 283, 284, 293, 303, 309, 310, 316, 325 Livius Drusus (M Livius Drusus, tr pl 91), 302 Lucania, 12, 189, 283, 324, 328, 329, 350–353, 357, 360, 365 Luceres, 108, 236, 304 Luceria, 300, 303, 307, 310, 312, 327 Lucretia, 77, 147, 153, 154, 192, 223 Ludi Plebeii, 175 Ludi Romani, 152, 175 Luni sul Mignone, 21 Lupercal, 96, 333 Lupercalia, 133–135, 142, 198 Luperci, 96, 135, 142, 169, 198 Macstrna See Mastarna Maelius, 193, 238–241, 260 magic, 127, 138, 143, 219 magister equitum, 105, 150, 232 magister populi, 105, 150, 232 magmentum, 145 Mago, 355 Malventum, 357, 360 Mamertines, 161, 273, 311, 356, 359 Mancinus affair, 299, 300 mancipatio, 215, 216, 221, 222, 336 maniples, 305 manipular army, 304, 305 Manlius Capitolinus (demagogue), 193, 254, 256, 259–262, 265, 273, 274, 314 Manlius Torquatus (victor over a Gallic champion), 306 manus, 214, 220–222, 230, 261 Marcius Tremulus (consul 306 and 288), 269, 348 Marius, 205, 277, 289 Marrucini, 12, 282, 310, 365, 366 Mars, 82, 88, 96, 111, 127, 130, 136, 137, 143, 145, 146, 159, 168, 199, 309, 336, 342, 343 Marsi, 12, 281, 295, 310, 325, 329, 365, 366 Marzabotto, 49 Massilia, 35, 36, 116, 122, 248 Mastarna, 102–105 Mater Matuta, 58, 81, 90, 91, 105, 132 Matronalia, 130 Meditrinalia, 132, 133 Melqart, 120 Messana, 161, 273, 305, 311, 359 Messapic, 12, 52, 363 index military tribunes with consular power, 68, 155, 157, 159, 165, 166, 169, 211, 226, 234, 236–238, 243, 245, 263, 268, 270, 272 See also consular tribunes Minerva, 58, 90, 105, 116, 126, 151, 152 Mucius Scaevola (C Mucius Scaevola, legendary figure), 149, 241 Mucius Scaevola (P Mucius Scaevola, pontifex maximus), 70–71 Mundus, 132 municipium, 258 Mycenaean, 20, 21, 24, 29, 30, 51 Naples, 21, 32, 34, 35, 41, 116, 119, 282, 293, 294, 303, 316, 338, 363 Narnia, 308, 325, 364 neolithic, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 28, 42 Nepet, 191, 257, 262, 290 Neptune, 132, 145 nexum, 218, 221 Nora, 29, 30 noxal surrender, 314 Numa Pompilius, 97–100, 117, 158, 320, 362 nundinae, 347 obsidian, 16 Ocriculum, 307 October horse, 60, 88, 133 Ogulnian Law, 138, 139, 320–322, 358 Opalia, 133 Opiconsivia, 132, 133 Oppius, 82, 85, 117 oral tradition, 4, 73, 74, 93, 97, 241, 256 See also family tradition orientalizing period, 32, 47, 58 Oscan, 10, 12, 27, 49, 52, 119, 128, 161, 189, 281, 283, 288, 292, 293, 340, 350, 367 Osteria dell’Osa, 54, 56, 82, 83 Ostia, 278, 279, 303, 355 Paeligni, 12, 310, 329, 366 Paganalia, 85, 133 Palaepolis, 293, 294 Palatine Hill, 81, 83–85, 91, 92, 96, 99, 109, 119, 120, 331–333, 342, 358 paleolithic, 13–16 Pantalica, 24 Papius Mutilus, 298 Parilia, 88, 130, 133, 136 Passo di Corvo, 16 397 pastoralism, 9, 23, 33, 283, 359 paternal authority, 109, 139, 141, 194, 220–222, 224, 225, 314 pater patratus, 168, 169 patres See patricians patria potestas See paternal authority patricians, 96, 157–161, 164, 165, 168, 169, 171, 176, 177, 180, 181, 183, 223, 225, 229, 231, 234, 235, 237, 262, 265, 266–271, 274, 275, 321, 331, 333 patriciate, 136, 158, 162–164, 166, 167, 170, 176, 181, 222, 229, 237, 243 patriotism, 61, 66, 67, 192, 206, 253, 256, 295, 351, 355 See also chauvinism patron-client relationship, 96, 216 patrum auctoritas, 110, 168, 169, 181–183, 229, 232, 275, 276, 347 Peloponnesian War, 114, 210, 223, 284–285, 302 Philinus Treaty, 311, 312, 356 Philistus, 253, 349 Phocaeans, 35, 36, 48, 122 Phoenician, 28–32, 36, 42, 44–46, 52, 54, 57, 92, 117, 120, 121, 122, 316 Phoenicians, 9, 10, 29, 31, 41, 42, 45, 47, 50–52, 92, 118, 121, 209 Picentes, 282, 325, 359 Picenum, 57, 295, 325, 329, 348, 355, 358, 360 picus Martius, 128 See also auspices Pithecusa, 32, 34, 41, 42, 52 plebiscites, 180, 182, 347 Poetelian Law, 271, 313–315 pomerium, 84, 111, 115, 120, 150, 181, 332, 342 Pomponius (imperial jurist), 212, 338, 362 Pons Sublicius, 131, 138, 213 Pontiae, 303, 308 pontifex maximus, 69, 70, 136, 138, 141, 156, 168, 221, 222, 320, 344 pontiffs, 69, 70, 97, 129, 133, 135, 138, 139, 153, 159, 190, 212, 213, 214, 241, 319, 320, 358 pontifical records, 108, 156, 241, 242, 250, 257, 261, 277, 279, 280, 289, 295, 326 See also Annales Maximi Poplifugia, 132, 192, 306 Populonia, 39, 366 populus, 180–182, 223, 231, 232 Porsenna, 50, 80, 105, 148, 149, 154, 155, 185, 190, 241, 253 Porta Carmentalis, 198 398 index Porta Trigemina, 240 Postumius Tubertus (dictator 431), 242 Potitii, 119–121 Po Valley, 7, 9–11, 14–17, 22, 23, 25, 26, 49, 51, 250–252, 256, 330, 331, 348, 360 See also Cisalpine Gaul Praeneste, 56, 57, 95, 100–102, 116, 161, 188, 206, 239, 258, 290, 316, 317, 344, 353 praetor maximus, 151–153 Privernum, 278, 292, 293, 304 prohibition of intermarriage, 223, 225, 226, 229, 234 proletarii, 182, 217, 218, 353 prorogation, 294 Proto-Villanovan, 25, 53 provocatio, 154, 231 Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 358 public land, 193, 263, 265, 334, 335, 361, 362 Publilian Law, 178, 182, 183, 232, 275, 276 Publilius Philo (Q Publilius Philo, consul 339), 178, 182, 183, 261, 268, 269, 274, 276, 289, 294, 300, 313, 322, 361 Punicum, 44 Pygmalion, 30 Pyrgi, 43, 44, 46, 58, 90, 91, 105, 122, 132, 278, 360 Pyrrhic War, 60, 61, 93, 122, 284, 338, 339, 343, 344, 348–350, 352, 355, 356, 358 Pyrrhus, 2, 76, 301, 311, 325, 340, 349–358 Pythagoras, 210, 362 quaestors, 168, 194, 204, 236, 238, 239, 274, 299, 300, 340, 361 quincunx See maniples quinqueviri uls cis Tiberim, 361 Quirinal Hill, 72, 82, 85, 88, 91 Quirinus, 136, 137, 145, 159, 343 Raetic, 11 Ramnenses, 108, 236, 304 Regia, 70, 86–88, 92, 136, 141 Regifugium, 87, 136 Regolini-Galassi Tomb, 47, 57 Remus, 74, 77, 84, 93–96, 131, 331–333, 358 rex nemorensis, 106 rex sacrorum, 70, 73, 74, 87, 88, 106, 110, 135–137, 147, 159, 167, 168, 211, 221, 229 Rhegium, 34, 273, 280, 305, 356 Robigalia, 131, 137 Roman maritime colonies, 278, 290, 293, 303, 307, 308, 348, 360 Romulus, 2, 60, 63, 74, 77, 84, 93–99, 102, 108, 113, 120, 131, 137, 157, 158, 162, 192, 208, 331–333, 342, 343, 358, 369 Rumina, 96, 333 rustic tribes, 114, 117, 163, 173, 197, 242 Rutile Hipukrates, 43, 163 Sabellian, 12, 27, 189, 283, 310, 363 Sabine, 74, 77, 80, 91, 97, 117, 137, 163, 188, 192, 205, 256, 335, 366 Sacra Via, 73, 82, 91 Sacred Mount, 172, 173 sacred spring See ver sacrum sacrosanctity, 171–173, 177, 223, 231 Saepinum, 334 Sagra River, 186 salii, 85, 97, 127, 145, 181 Salus, 342, 361 Samnite War: First, 280, 281, 284, 287–289, 292, 311, 324; Second, 68, 207, 292–294, 301, 303, 307, 310, 311, 313, 316, 318, 321, 322, 324–327, 354 Samnium, 12, 49, 51, 76, 77, 96, 273, 280–81, 283–89, 293–305, 307, 310, 311, 312, 314, 324, 325, 327–330, 334, 335, 340–343, 348, 353, 354, 357–360 San Giovenale, 42, 92, 257 Sant’ Omobono, 90, 105, 117, 359 Sappinates, 250 Sardinia, 21, 29–31, 36, 123, 257, 280, 312 Sassula, 277 Satricum, 58, 90, 116, 191, 198, 199, 257, 300 Saturnalia, 85, 133 Saturninus (L Apuleius Saturninus), 178, 193, 205, 240 Scipio Aemilianus, 178 Scipio Barbatus, 295, 328, 329, 340 Scoglio del Tonno, 21 Scordisci, 331 sella curulis, 150 Sena Gallica, 348, 360 senate, 87, 96, 102, 108–110, 121, 139, 140, 147, 150, 158, 162, 163, 167–172, 183, 194, 202, 204, 206, 207, 226, 229, 230, 233–235, 240, 241, 244, 248, 261, 265, 275, 276, 283–287, 294, 299, 307, 308, 318, 319, 324, 328, 342, 353–356, 359, 365, 367 index senatus consultum ultimum, 207, 260 Sentinum, 96, 289, 327–334, 342, 345 Septimontium, 81, 85, 86, 91 Servian Wall, 107, 114, 116, 250, 259, 309 Servilius Ahala, 240, 241, 260, 269, 270 Servius Tullius, 60, 72, 77, 97–99, 101–103, 105, 106, 111, 112, 114, 121, 147, 172, 173, 195, 233, 366 Sexi, 29 Sibylline Books, 121, 140, 174, 210, 248, 269, 279, 320, 332, 344 Siccius Dentatus, 176, 208, 209 Sicily, 16, 21, 24, 29, 31–35, 41, 50, 52, 94, 123, 128, 161, 174, 210, 259, 280, 311, 312, 315, 316, 336, 343, 355, 356, 359, 361, 362, 365 Sidicini, 284, 285, 288, 289 Silvanus, 118 slavery, 46, 101, 102, 106, 119, 120, 205, 215, 218, 219–221, 250, 260, 262, 276, 278, 286, 303, 310, 313–316, 335, 336, 357, 359, 361, 362, 367, 368 Social War, 262, 289, 290, 294, 298, 302, 368 Sostratus of Aegina, 44 Sparta, 1, 34, 37, 50, 92, 115, 116, 148, 191, 196, 197, 200, 223, 284, 285, 302, 352 Spina, 22, 37, 49, 50 spolia opima, 242–246, 341 state formation, 32, 86, 92, 114, 163, 202 stipulatio, 215 struggle of the orders, 63, 136, 159, 166, 176, 183, 192, 202, 203, 204, 207, 213, 215, 221, 231, 233, 235, 266, 267, 271, 272, 313, 346, 347 Sulla, 63, 194, 233, 273, 289, 318 suovetaurilia, 127 Sutrium, 191, 257, 262, 276, 290, 306, 313 Sybaris, 34, 35, 116, 350 Syracuse, 21, 24, 34, 35, 46, 50, 174, 175, 193, 253, 259, 278, 280, 304, 312 Tabulae Caerites, 259 Tanaquil, 101, 105 Tarentum, 21, 34, 60, 116, 292–294, 311, 337, 338, 350–352, 354, 356–359, 357, 365 Tarquinii, 21, 41–44, 48, 58, 80, 91, 92, 99–101, 103, 105, 116, 134, 189, 190, 196, 257, 277, 279, 306, 360, 366 399 Tarquinius Priscus, 97–102, 105, 160, 163 Tarquinius Superbus, 72, 97, 98, 100, 102, 121, 123, 147–149, 163, 171, 185, 223 Tarshish, 29, 30 Tavoliere, 16 Teanum, 282, 284, 285, 288, 293 Tellus, 130, 194, 195, 359 Terminalia—Terminus, 135, 136 Terracina, 122, 123, 188, 190, 293, 301, 303, 307, 309 Terramara Culture, 22, 25 Thapsus, 21 Thefarie Velianas of Caere, 45, 46, 105, 193 Themistocles, 191, 192 Theophrastus, 279, 303 Theopompus, 253, 349 Thermopylae, 196, 198, 200 thirty tyrants, 223, 230 Thucydides, 34, 37, 38, 66, 67, 92, 94, 115, 284, 285 Thurii, 350, 351 Tiber, 1, 9, 56, 80, 82, 86, 90, 100, 113, 117, 119, 120, 122, 131, 138, 143, 147, 149, 188, 190, 197, 213, 218, 240, 242, 246, 252, 278, 279, 293, 335, 345, 346, 350, 361, 366 Tibur, 116, 188, 277, 278, 290, 309 Timaeus, 31, 60, 62, 152, 349 Timoleon, 280, 303, 355 tin, 20, 24, 36, 76 Titienses, 108, 236, 304 toga praetexta, 150 Tolfa-Allumiere Mountains, 21 transhumance See pastoralism transitio ad plebem, 162 Transvectio Equitum, 132, 186, 306 tresviri capitales See triumviri nocturni tribal assembly See comitia tributa Tripertita, 228 triumphus, 118, 119 triumviri monetales, 254, 339, 360 triumviri nocturni, 361 Trojans, 37, 39, 48, 60, 61, 94, 290, 291 See also Aeneas Tullus Hostilius, 74, 97–100, 162, 187 tumultus Gallicus See Gallic catastrophe Tusculum, 116, 205, 206, 209, 239, 243, 258, 271, 273, 290, 344 Twelve Tables, 65, 159, 173, 201–203, 209, 210, 212, 213, 216, 217–225, 227–234, 238, 261, 266, 314, 336, 346, 367 400 index Tyre, 9, 14, 21, 29–31, 35–38, 41, 44, 49, 80, 86, 92, 93, 95, 100, 101, 105, 109, 114, 117, 118, 120, 163, 256, 278, 280, 303, 335, 361, 363, 366 Tyrtaeus, 191 Umbria, 10, 12, 27, 44, 52, 125, 128, 139, 140, 143–146, 181, 295, 306, 307, 325, 329, 330, 358, 360, 363, 366 Uni, 44–46, 91, 105, 118, 128 Urnfield Culture, 22, 25 usucapio, 222 vadimonium, 204, 205 Valerian Horatian Laws, 230, 231, 233, 264, 346 Valerian Law on appeal, 154, 231 Valerius Antias, 59, 63, 64, 66, 67, 171, 194, 207, 208, 227, 235, 244, 299 Valerius Maximus Corvus, 270, 272, 295, 306, 309 Valerius Publicola, 153, 154, 199, 223, 270 Varronian chronology, 84, 165, 264, 369, 370 Varronian year, 244, 257, 260, 264, 279, 280, 292, 311 Veientine War, 198, 235, 248, 249, 344 Veii, 41, 80, 101, 105–107, 114, 116, 121, 128, 164, 179, 188, 190, 191, 193, 197, 198, 238, 239, 241–50, 255, 257–59, 265, 281, 290, 292, 367 Veneti, 10, 26, 27, 49, 52, 253 Venusia, 308, 334, 351, 359 Verginia, 223, 229, 230 Verona, 15 ver sacrum, 189, 283 Vertumnus, 359 Vestal Virgins, 86–88, 97, 131, 141, 142, 222, 230, 253, 290 Vestini, 12, 282, 295, 310, 365 veto, 171, 263 Vetulonia, 39, 40, 48, 118 Veturius Mamurius, 127 Via Appia, 301, 309, 310, 325, 328, 339, 340, 359 Via Campana, 80, 143 Via Salaria, 80, 272 Via Valeria, 309, 310, 325, 339 vicesima libertatis, 276, 313 Victory (goddess), 327, 331–333, 337, 342, 362 Vicus Cuprius, 195 Vicus Sceleratus, 195 Vicus Tuscus, 80 Villanova, 13, 26 Villanovan culture, 25, 26, 34, 38, 49, 53, 56 Viminal Hill, 82 viritane settlement, 304 Vitruvius Vaccus, 293 Vivera, 21 Volero Publilius, 177, 178, 180, 261, 263 Volscians, 12, 122, 187–193, 235, 241, 242, 257, 263, 277, 281, 284, 285, 292, 293, 301, 363, 367 Volsinii, 95, 103, 104, 107, 116, 151, 190, 250, 252, 349, 359 Volturnus (god), 118, 137 Volturnus River, 49, 284, 325 Vulcan, 73, 102, 132, 137, 145 Vulci, 41, 48, 80, 100, 103, 104, 114, 116, 164, 189, 190, 349 Xanthus of Lydia, 37 Xenophon, 197, 223 Xerxes, 3, 148, 174, 192, 196 Compositor: International Typesetting & Composition Text: 10/12 Baskerville Display: Baskerville Printer and binder: Maple-Vail Manufacturing Group ... supported by a major gift from Joan Palevsky A Critical History of Early Rome A Critical History of Early Rome From Prehistory to the First Punic War Gary Forsythe UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley... California Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Forsythe, Gary A critical history of early Rome: from prehistory to the first Punic War / Gary Forsythe p cm Includes bibliographical references... since the serious study of history involves the juxtaposition and evaluation of different interpretations of the same data, another narrative history of early Rome, which adopts a more critical approach