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(Skkn mới nhất) designing e – learning lessons to teach english for the 10th graders in order to improve their self – study ability

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sa ng ki en ki nh ng hi em w n lo ad th yj TEACHING EXPERIENCE uy ip la an lu DESIGNING E – LEARNING LESSONS TO TEACH ENGLISH FOR THE 10TH GRADERS va n IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THEIR SELF – STUDY ABILITY ll fu oi m at nh Field: English z z vb k jm ht m co l gm sa ng ki en ki NGHE AN EDUCATION AND TRAINING nh ng QUYNH LUU HIGH SCHOOL hi em w n lo ad th yj uy ip TEACHING EXPERIENCE la an lu va DESIGNING E – LEARNING LESSONS n TO TEACH ENGLISH FOR THE 10TH GRADERS fu ll IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THEIR SELF – STUDY ABILITY oi m z Lê Thị Nga at nh Author group: Hồ Thị Thìn z k jm gm Telephone number: 0974468537 ht Email: hothin1707@gmail.com vb Group: English l Email: lenga78ql3@gmail.com m co Telephone number: 0985227447 School year: 2022 - 2023 a sa ng ki en INDEX ki nh ng CONTENT Trang hi 1 Reason for study em PART A INTRODUCTION w Aims and objectives n lo Objects of study ad th Scope of study yj uy Methodology ip la Contribution of the topic an lu PART B DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND ll fu Theoretical background n va 4 oi m 1.1 E-Learning at z 1.1.2 The process of building E-learning lessons nh 1.1.1 E-Learning Concepts z vb 1.1.3 The process of building E-Learning lessons k jm ht 1.2 Teaching in the direction of developing the learners‟ self -study ability 1.3 Flipped-classroom 1.3.1 The nature of flipped-classroom 1.3.2 Procedures to carry out E-learning lessons according to flippedclassroom 1.3.3 Reality of teaching based on Flipped-classroom Practical background CHAPTER APPLICATIONS, WEB PLATFORMS SUPPORTING IN TEACHING AND LEARNING 12 a m co 1.2.2 Self -study forms l gm 1.2.1 Self -study ability definition sa ng ki en 2.1 Some E-learning design lesson software 12 ki nh 2.2 iSpring Suite software 13 ng 15 hi 2.3 Web platforms which support to upload lessons to students em 16 CHAPTER DESIGN AND APPLY E-LEARNING LESSONS TO TEACH ENLIGH FOR THE 10TH GRADERS IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THEIR SELF – STUDY ABILITY THROUGH “FLIPPED CLASSROOM” w n lo ad 3.1 Design E-learning lessons 16 th 3.1.1 Sample 1: Unit 6: Gender equality –Reading yj 17 uy 3.1.2 Sample 2: Unit 9: Protecting the environment – Getting started ip 22 la 3.2 Upload E-Learning 21 lu 3.3 Apply E-learning into flipped classroom so as to improve the 10th graders‟ self – study ability an 23 n va 23 ll fu 3.3.1 Procedure of teaching a flipped class 3.3.2 Apply E – learning lectures into flipped classroom at 32 z Unit 9: Protecting the environment – Getting started 24 nh Unit 6: Gender equality –Reading oi m 24 40 jm ht 40 k 4.4 Test students learning outcomes through three assessment tests 42 PART C CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 45 5.1 Conclusion 45 5.2 Recommendation 46 Appendix i References xxv m 41 co 4.3 Assessment l gm 4.2 Results 40 vb 4.1 Conduct the method z CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND EVALUATION b sa ng ki en PART A INTRODUCTION ki nh Reason for study ng Today, with the strong development of science and technology, the rapid and frequent increase of the amount of information and knowledge, teaching cannot only be limited to the function of teaching knowledge, but strengthen training for students the whole method of learning as well When it comes to learning methods, the core is self-study ability, which connects self-study and scientific research hi em w n lo Currently, the Covid-19 epidemic is basically under control, but the rate of people infected with covid is on the rise again Therefore, both teachers and students must always interact on online learning platforms Moreover, online learning is a trend that many students choose With this method, students also selfstudy through e-learning lectures or pre-recorded videos ad th yj uy ip la E-Learning lectures are a modern educational model This model has created profound changes in education Space and time factors are no longer tightly bound Learners are able to study anywhere, anytime, with anyone, learn what they are keen on in accordance with their abilities and interests All they need is a computer or a with Internet connection This highly interactive learning method will supplement the traditional teaching method and contribute to improving the quality of teaching an lu n va ll fu oi m at nh E-Learning lectures help teachers impart new knowledge to students as well as perform objectives and accurate assessment of students In the process of designing E-Learning lessons, we can integrate both processes of transmitting new knowledge and evaluating the performance of students' learning tasks in each specific knowledge unit This process forces students to perform learning tasks, thereby improving self-discipline and developing self-study capacity for students z z vb jm ht k The current development of digital technology has created softwares, Web platforms, and efficient tools supporting teachers in designing and applying the ELearning lectures to serve their students Teaching and learning online, can shorten the time and effort of teachers and learners Besides, in order to improve the quality of teaching, to meet the requirements of society, it is required that we choose suitable teaching methods with the use of E-learning lessons There have been many research topics and the designs of Elearning lectures However, how to apply the lectures effectively, along with the criteria and methods of assessing the student's operation process, etc rarely mentioned With the "reversed classroom" method, the learning of knowledge is guided by the teacher (through E-learning lectures prepared by the teacher in advance and information searched by students themselves), the students‟ task is to self-study new knowledge and low-level exercises at home At class, teachers organize activities to interact and share with each other Thus, this method not only helps students form and develop self-study and self-discovery, but also helps m co l gm sa ng ki en students improve their ability to apply knowledge to solve practical problems ki nh Stemming from the above issues along with the desire to contribute to the innovation and improvement of the quality and effectiveness of English teaching in high schools, we have chosen the topic: “Designing E – learning lessons to teach English for the 10th graders in order to improve their self – study ability at Quynh Luu High school.” ng hi em w Aims and objectives n - Learn and apply software and Web platforms to support online teaching and assessment lo ad th - Design and application of E-learning lectures, combined with the teaching method of "reverse classroom" in teaching English online, integrating the process of transmitting and discovering new knowledge and assessing the performance of students' learning tasks in each specific knowledge unit in order to develop their self-study ability yj uy ip la an lu Objects of study n va - Theory and practical teaching in English at high school ll fu - Teaching method in accordance with the model of "Reverse classroom" oi m - Web platforms, software and tools to support the process of designing and applying E-learning lessons in teaching at nh Scope of study z Design and apply E-learning lectures in teaching English to develop selfstudy ability for 10th graders at Quynh Luu High school z vb k jm 5.1 Theoretical research methods ht Methodology - Visit classes, attend time to know the reality of teaching and learning in the process of teaching English in high schools - Investigate students' interest in the process of absorbing new knowledge through E-learning lectures - Conduct experiments to test the effectiveness of the topic 5.3 Information processing methods m 5.2 Practical research methods co - Research overview of documents on teaching theory, content program of textbooks, teacher's books, textbooks of English in high school l gm - Research the theoretical basis of teaching and learning by the E-learning lecture system sa ng ki en ki - Process information through the use of mathematical statistics to check the results of experiments nh ng Contribution of the topic hi - Research the teaching method of "reverse classroom" to improve the quality of teaching English em - Design and application of E-learning lectures in online teaching English by teaching method "reversed classroom", assessing the performance of each learning task of students in order to develop the students‟ self-study ability w n lo ad - Experiment with pedagogy and drawing out the advantages and disadvantages in the process of designing and applying E-learning lectures in teaching th yj uy ip la an lu n va ll fu oi m at nh z z vb k jm ht m co l gm sa ng ki en PART B DEVELOPMENT ki nh CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND ng Theoretical background hi em 1.1 E-Learning 1.1.1 E-Learning concepts w E-Learning (electronic learning) is a term that covers a set of applications and processes, such as web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital engagement This includes the delivery of course content to students via the internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio and video tapes, broadcast satellites, interactive television, CD-ROM and other types of learning other electronic materials E-Learning is generally understood as the process of learning through electronic means n lo ad th yj uy ip la 1.1.2 E-Learning features lu an - E-Learning lectures are not limited by space and time: The widespread popularity of the Internet has gradually erased the gap in time and space for ELearning Learners can actively study and discuss anytime, anywhere when they want to study n va ll fu oi m - Attractiveness: With the support of multimedia technology, the lectures integrate text, illustrations, and sound to increase the attractiveness of the lesson nh at - Flexibility: learners can self-regulate the learning process, choosing the learning method that best suits their circumstances z z vb - Up-to-date: lesson content is regularly updated and renewed to best meet and match learners' needs k jm ht 1.1.3 The process of building E-Learning lessons - Determine the core of the lesson: Select the necessary information and basic content to present in the lesson Step 2: Build a repository of materials for lectures This source of material is usually taken from a certain teaching software or from the internet, or newly built by graphics, by scanned images, photos, videos, m - Determining the objectives and content of the lecture: Teachers need to identify all four objectives (knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competencies) that students need to achieve after the lecture co Determining the goal and the content of the lesson are two essential tasks when preparing any type of lecture, whether it is a traditional lecture or an ELearning lecture : l gm Step 1: Identify the objectives and basic knowledge of the lesson sa ng ki en ki by specialized graphic software such as: Macromedia Flash, Photoshop, music cutting and video editing software nh ng Step 3: Build the lesson script hi At this step, it is essential to carry out details and to comply with the pedagogical principles, basic content, and to ensure the lesson objectives (both in terms of knowledge and skills) Perform steps in teaching tasks: build teaching steps, build teacher-student interaction, build interactive questions, assemble steps into a teaching process em w n lo ad Step 4: Select tools and digitize the scenario th Tools: such as Adobe Presenter, Lecture Marker, iSpring,,… yj uy Steps to digitize the scenario: build a lecture using MS Powerpoint The construction process must ensure the steps in the teaching process; audio recording, video recording (video recording of lecturers giving lectures); video and audio editor; Use software to synchronize lectures ip la lu an Step 5: Test the program, repair and package the product va n The work includes: test program, control errors and edit lectures Then, package the lecture in a format suitable for the purpose required At the end of this step, we have an online lecture product ll fu m oi 1.2 Teaching in the direction of developing the learners’ self – study ability at nh z 1.2.1 Self - study ability definition z vb Towards a lifelong learning society, self-study is seen as the key to open that door To so, each learner must have the ability to self-study According to V A Cruchetski, “Self-study capacity is a very important ability because self-study is the key to receiving knowledge with the concept of the times as lifelong learning Having the ability to self-study can be lifelong self-study Self-study capacity includes positive, independent and creative thinking.” k jm ht  Based on the direction of the teacher towards the learners (take place under the teachers‟ guidance and control, however not face to face)  Based on the self-study space m Based on different signs, people have many ways of classifying different forms of self-study, in fact there are usually the following forms of self-study: co 1.2.2 Self – study forms l gm According to Nguyen Canh Toan, “Self-learning ability is understood as a very complex skill attribute It includes skills and techniques that need to be attached to the corresponding motivations and habits, so that learners can meet the requirements set by the job.” sa ng ki en ki - Self-study in class: Students acquire knowledge through listening to lectures, taking notes and doing exercises; at the same time exchange information directly with teachers and classmates in the classroom nh ng hi - Self-study outside the classroom: With this form, students are active in finding sources of knowledge, arranging study time and exchanging necessary information with teachers through many interactive channels em w  Based on self-study support means: n - Self-study with the support of computers and software, documents etc lo ad - Self-study through manuals: In the process, learners are active and versatile to complete the given requirements th yj uy Through studying the forms of self-study, we found that each form of selfstudy has certain advantages and disadvantages Therefore, it is integral to coordinate the teaching forms together to support the learners to self-study actively and appropriately as much as possible ip la an lu 1.3 Flipped – classroom va n Flipped Classroom is an advanced educational model that is applied based on the development of E-Learning technology and modern training methods ll fu oi m 1.3.1 The nature of flipped classroom at nh z z vb k jm ht m co l gm - Teacher instructs - Students take notes - Students follow instructions - teacher evaluates - Students have homework - Teachers guide lessons at home through videos, books, websites - Students learn more about applied concepts, and content connections when discussing in class - Students receive individual support when needed sa ng ki en Time report 10 ki nh - Timely, consistent between sections of presentation ng 10 hi em - Excess or lack time, inconsistent between sections of presentation - Timely, inconsistent between sections of presentation w n lo ad Other groups’ comments, group and noise management th 10 yj uy - Good comments, convincing answers and good group management ip 10 - Normal comments, unconvincing answers and poor group management lu an la - Good comments, convincing answers and fair group management n va ll fu at nh Average Mark 100 oi m Total z z vb k jm ht m co l gm xi sa ng ki en Sheet 2: Peer Assessment ki nh T delivers a student an evaluation card among students during group study, the group leader collects the results ng hi em Name Criteria w n lo ad Complete the assigned task (2pts) th yj Contribute ideas (2pts) uy ip la Listen attentively (1pt) an lu Responding (1pt) n va ll fu oi m Care for other members (1pt) at nh Cheerful and positive attitude (1pt) z z vb Responsibility (2pts) k jm ht Total mark (10pts) m co l gm xii sa ng ki en Appendix 4: Assign tasks, Group work, report results ki nh ng hi em w n lo ad th yj uy ip la an lu n va ll fu oi m at nh z z vb k jm ht m co l gm xiii sa ng ki en ki nh ng hi em w n lo ad th yj uy ip la an lu n va ll fu oi m at nh z z vb k jm ht m co l gm https://youtu.be/ITE5yYmcvJA https://youtu.be/YyrLdfy30rg Students in class 10A4 are presenting the topic in Unit xiv sa ng ki en ki Appendix 5: Three tests are used before, while and after implementing the method nh ng TEST BEFORE APPLYING THE METHOD hi (Time allowed 15 minutes) em Choose the correct letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress w A invention B Internet C benefit D telephone n lo Choose the best answers to complete the sentences ad th A is a small computer that we can carry to work or school easily B laptop C hardware yj A smartphone D software uy B experiments C exercises D explorations la A experiences ip Many inventions are a result of careful lu B convenient C useful D generous n va A valuable an Thank you for your help It was very of you B donated C taken D shared oi m A helped ll fu Many people have clothes and money to people in flooded areas Our trip to Ha Long Bay was very We took a lot of photos C excitement D exciting at B excited nh A excite z z One of the health of using a vacuum cleaners is improving the indoor air quality vb C inventions D problems jm B benefits ht A profits B lived C have lived D are living l gm A live k We in Ha Noi since 2000 We love living here B buys C buying D to buy m A buy co Phong has decided a new laptop for his children 10 It's very difficult this device A use B to use C using D uses 11 While I home from school, it to rain I was soaking wet! A walk / starts B walked / was starting C was walking / was starting D was walking / started 12 Hoang is very tired because he a lot of homework today A does B is doing C has done D will xv sa ng ki en Find the mistake ki nh 13 E-readers used for reading texts taken from the Internet ng A B C D hi em Complete the following conversations by circling the best answers 14 (At a shop) A: ? - B: I'm looking for a new shirt w B How am I helping you n A How I help you lo D How should I help you ad C How can I help you th Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 15 I bought this computer when I was 15 yj uy ip A I used this computer when I was 15 la B I have used this computer for 15 years lu n va D I have had this computer since I was 15 an C I have bought this computer since I was 15 fu ll ANSWER 10 11 12 13 14 15 Đáp án A B B D B D B C D B D nh oi m Câu at C A C C z z vb https://azota.vn/de-thi/401u52 k jm ht m co l gm xvi sa ng ki en TEST WHILE APPLYING THE METHOD ki nh (Time allowed 20 minutes) ng hi Choose the correct letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress em A strategy B expensive C negative D family Choose the best answers to complete the sentences Lack of an education limits women's access _ information and opportunities w n lo ad A to B with C about D from th yj Saudi Arabia is one of the last countries to allow women to vote, and this is an important step towards gender _ uy B distance C roles ip A.gap D equality la an lu Using digital devices in class can help students improve their _ experience in many ways B educational C educationally D educator n va A education ll fu Teachers are looking for _ ways to encourage learning and improve their teaching methods B traditional C usual oi m A new D organisations z C programmes z B communities at A businesses nh Viet Nam is a member of many international _ D shocking vb B ways C behaviours D rights k A choices jm ht Women and men must have equal _ so that they make the most of their lives and talents co C disadvantaged D talented m B advantaged We are often asked to _ materials at home and make a presentation in class A choose B prepare C watch D review 10 This city has become one of destinations for foreign visitor A the more attractive B the most attractive C more attractive D most attractive 11 Women should _the same salaries as men for doing the same job A have given B be given C to give l A active gm UNICEF has helped many _ teenagers continue their education by offering them job training advice D give xvii sa ng ki en ki Find the mistake 12 The man who bicycle crashed into a tree has been taken to hospital nh ng A B C D hi Complete the following conversations by circling the best answers 13 Nam: Dad, I need help My phone stopped working em Dad: : Wait for a second and then turn it on again w A You can turn it on B Turn it off n D You shouldn‟t tun it on lo C You shouldn‟t turn it off ad th Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D yj In some regions, boy‟s educational opportunities are limited by gender roles that force them to work rather than attend school These financial responsibilities are often increased in boy‟s adolescent years, (14) it difficult for them to complete secondary school in some regions uy ip la lu an (15) , in many parts of the world, girls are most often the victims of gender discrimination as they pursue an education For instance, for many African girls, five years of (16) is the most education they can expect, and they are the lucky ones Across the sub=Saharan region, almost 33 million girls roughly between the ages of and 15 are not in school 56 percent of them will never even (17) foot in a classroom compared to 41 percent of out-of-school boys n va ll fu oi m nh at Moreover, poor girls from rural areas with (18) mothers are the children most likely to be excluded from learning opportunities In West and Central Africa, more than 40 percent of secondary school-aged girls are not in school More than 60 percent of illiterate young people in the world are women z z vb ht B taking C Getting D having 15 A In addition B As a result C Therefore D However 16 A growing up B playing C Working D schooling 17 A set B step C Jump D walk 18 A educated B uneducated C Intelligent D cultured k jm 14 A making C Smartphones have a lot of storage space which can store audio books D Smartphones have a lot of storage space to store audio books 20 People believe that no river in the world is longer than Nile river xviii m B Smartphones can store audio books which have a lot of storage space co A Smartphones which have a lot of storage space can store audio books l 19 Smartphones can store audio books They have a lot of storage space gm Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one sa ng ki en A People believe that Nile river is longest in the world ki nh B People believe that Nile river in the world is longest ng C People believe that Nile river is the longest river in the world hi em D People believe that Nile river is longest river in the world ANSWER 10 D B A D D C B B 12 ad B A Q 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Answer B A B D D B B A C lo 13 yj Answer th w n Q A uy ip https://azota.vn/de-thi/iwlftc la an lu n va ll fu oi m at nh z z vb k jm ht m co l gm xix sa ng ki en TEST AFTER APPLYING THE METHOD ki nh (Time allowed 20 minutes) ng Choose the correct letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress hi em A benefit B opposite C physical D develop w Choose the best answers to complete the sentences She told me that she …………… to me the Sunday before n lo A wrote C was writing ad B has written D had written th They asked me how many students in the school B were there C there are D are there yj A there were uy ip Advance software devices can help you have several _ over ordinary learning methods la B connection C advantages D drawbacks an lu A disadvantages va There are lots of things we can all to the environment A enhance B protect C make n D build fu ll In developing countries, housewives are more likely to be victims of violence C home D family at nh B household oi m A domestic z After carrying out economic renovations, Viet Nam achieved remarkable economic _ A trade B Agreement C growth D attention z vb ht k jm learning may not be effective if students have problems with the Internet B Online C Traditional D off line l C when D whose m B why co I talk to the girl _bicycle broke down in front of the shop A which 10 Student become when learning through blended learning A active B more active C activer D the most active 11 These are skills if they want to get the work with higher salary A more important B the most important C most important D the more important gm A Face-to-face Find the mistake xx sa ng ki en 12 He asked me why I don't go to the party the night before ki nh A B C D ng Complete the following conversations by circling the best answers 13 Minh: I'm sorry I couldn't join you for dinner last night hi em Mai: _ Hope you can join me next time A My pleasure B That's great D You‟re welcome C Never mind w n Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D lo ad The Saola is one of the rarest large animals on earth It was discovered by Ministry of Forestry of Viet Nam and WWF in the Vu Quang Nature Reserve in 1992 Adult Saolas weigh 80-100 kg and both females and males have long, gently curving horns, and a significant pattern of white markings on the head th yj uy ip This beautiful animal is found only in Laos and Viet Nam, along the shared border of the two countries It lives in deep, wild forests which are not damaged by human activities Because the Saola is unique and very rare, it is impossible to know its exact population Based on information from local villagers and images by photographers, researchers estimate that there are fewer than 750 Saolas, and the number is declining due to illegal hunting and habitat loss la an lu n va ll fu oi m To save the Saola, some natural scientists think that we must rescue surviving individuals and provide a protected habitat for them The last saola must be found caught and taken to the animal breeding centres, where they can produce young animals Strict punishment should be applied to illegal hunting of the Saola so that the rare, beautiful animal can survive at nh z z vb 14 What is the main idea of the text? ht l C The Saola habitat is destroyed by local villagers and photographers m co D The Saola is one of the rarest large animals on earth 15.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature of Saola? A Long horns B White markings C A big head D big animal 16 The word 'significant' mostly means A easily noticed B quickly known C fairly good D beautiful 17 According to the text, the population of the Saola is A rising B stable C falling gm B The Saola is an endangered animal that needs to be protected to survive k jm A The Saola can't survive in the wild and nothing can be done to save them D fluctuating 18 What can be inferred from the text? A This endangered animal can be saved in the nature reserve xxi sa ng ki en B Everyone wants to take photos of this beautiful animal ki nh C It will be very difficult to save this endangered animal ng D Strict punishment against illegal hunting can protect Saola hi em Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 19 “I will continue to help you with the project,” my teacher said A My teacher said she will continue to help you with the project w n B My teacher said she will continue to help me with the project lo ad C My teacher said she would continue to help you with the project th D My teacher said she would continue to help me with the project yj uy 20 Murder is the most serious of all B No crime is more serious than murder ip A Murder is very serious la C Everyone are afraid of murder D Murder is the dangerous crime lu an ANSWER va Answer D D A D B A Qs 11 12 13 14 15 Answer B C C B C 10 C B D B 16 17 18 19 20 A C D B n nh m Qs ll fu oi at z z https://azota.vn/de-thi/yvmlwc C vb k jm ht m co l gm xxii sa ng ki en Questionnaires for students ki nh https://forms.gle/hnneahHCoX3ycnjo9 ng hi (What you think about Elearning lectures sent by your teacher?) Em cảm nhận giảng điện tử giáo viên gửi cho em nào? em A Very useful (Rất hữu ích) w n B Useful (Hữu ích) lo ad C Not useful (Không hữu ích) th Do you enjoy learning through Elearning lectures? (Các em có thích học qua giảng điện tử khơng? yj uy an lu C Dislike (Khơng thích) la B Like (thích) ip A Fancy (rất thích) n va What is your opinion about "Flipped classroom"? (Ý kiến em lớp học đảo ngược) (Students‟ answers) fu ll ………………………………………………………………………………… … m oi …………………………………………………………………………………… at nh …………………………………………………………………………………… z Việc sử dụng giảng E learning phương pháp " Lớp học đảo ngược" vào dạy học tình hình có cấp thiết khơng? (How is Using E-learning lectures and "Flipped classroom" in recently situation urgent?) z vb k jm gm B Cấp thiết (urgent) ht A Rất cấp thiết (very urgent) l C Ít cấp thiết (a little urgent) Việc sử dụng giảng E learning phương pháp " Lớp học đảo ngược" vào dạy học tình hình có khả thi không? A Rất khả thi (Very feasible) B Khả thi (Feasible) C Ít khả thi (A little feasible) D Khơng khả thi (Not feasible) xxiii m co D không cấp thiết (Not urgent) sa ng ki en Questionnaires for teachers ki nh The survey on the urgency and feasibility of teaching experience ng hi em https://forms.gle/dZic9UYTo1dtupZF8 Name: : w Which school are you teaching? n How often you design E – learning lessons and use them in teaching English? lo ad B usually C sometimes D rarely th A always E never yj B usually C sometimes D rarely ip A always uy How often you apply “Flipped classroom” into teaching English? E never la What online platforms you often to assess students‟ self – ability? n va ll fu C Quizziz.vn an B LMS.vnedu.vn lu A Azota Vn oi m D Others at nh How urgent are “E – learning lessons” and “Flipped classroom” as instruments to help 10th graders develop their self – study ability? z vb B urgent z A very urgent k jm gm D No urgent ht C a little urgent co l How feasible are “E – learning lessons” and “Flipped classroom” as instruments to help 10th graders develop their self – study ability? m A very feasible B feasible C a little feasible D unfeasible xxiv sa ng ki en TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO ki nh [1] Hoang Van Van, Hoang Thi Xuan Hoa, Chu Quang Binh, Hoang Thi Hong Hai, Kieu Th Thu Huong, Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong , English 10, Education Publisher ng hi em [2] Hoang Van Van, Hoang Thi Xuan Hoa, Chu Quang Binh, Hoang Thi Hong Hai, Kieu Th Thu Huong, Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong, Workbook English 10, Education Publisher w n [3] Nguyễn Hoa Nam, Lecturemaker Software manuals, Đắk Lắk Education and Training lo ad th [4] Nguyễn Hoa Nam, Training Violet Software manuals, Đắk Lắk Education and yj uy ip [5] Quách Tuấn Ngọc, Adobe Presenter Software manuals, Education and Training Ministry la an lu [6] Ipring Suite Software manuals – Open material n va [7] Challob, A I (2021), The effect of flipped learning on EFL students‟ writing performance, autonomy, and motivation Education and Information Technologies, 1-27 ll fu oi m [8] Loucky, J P (2017), Motivating and Empowering Students' Language Learning in Flipped Integrated English Classes In Flipped Instruction Methods and Digital Technologies in the Language Learning Classroom (pp 108-138) at nh z [9] IGI Global 10 Bui, T M T (2016), The Flipped classroom: A Possible Model in the Vietnamese EFL Tertiary Context Presentation at TESOL Indonesia International Conference, August 2016 z vb ht k jm [10] Ngô Tứ Thành - Nguyễn Thế Dũng, Research using flipped classroom model - Challenges and applicability Science Magazine, Hanoi National University of Education l gm [11] Student‟s self – study ability – Open material co m [12] Materials on Violet.vn, thuvienhoclieu.vn …Open material xxv

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