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[...]... verb (not a plural ve rb) w it h everything, everywhere and everybody Everything tastes delicious, Almost everywhere in Egypt is interesting Everybody is delighted with the plans Both, all; each, every; either, neither Both, all; each, everv; either neutier Testit ~ Testit again o o Choose the bes t option II b e d h I' ve m et Ste ve twice Every/Each ti me he's been quite ru d e to m e Each student/students... Use both of, each of, either of, and neither of before a plural noun or pronoun You use either in negative sentences (not in positive sentences) Either means one thing or the other thing Gemma didn't like either of the dresses I bought (She didn't like the bla ck dress She didn't like the white dress.) NaT For more information, see the Review page opposite I f> -Gemmtt-liltetJ-either tJf-#le tiresses... eekend [12Q] ~~ Eix it Prepositions of timo it Check your answers Wrong answer? Read the right Fixit note to find out why (i a on bin c in d at e in l2l a 6ft b6ft cat d6ft e6ft f ffi g6ft hat iat j6ft kffi IAt m 6ft nm o 6ft -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ f at gat hat i on i in 0 F E A E at on in at on in on in in at On - - -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ o Fixit notes Answers to Testit -+ -+ -+ -+ -+... wO\t e V' ~y" ,it s 0\ r=D] co~ee Ll20J j,'4 >.II ~m !f2J Uncountable nouns B ~ ~ 0 f A b A ~ B 9 A ~ C c B ~ A d B ~ C eA ~ B h B ~ B B-+ D j B -+ C I) a o Review Fixit note s Answers to Testit Chock your answers Wrong answer? Rood the right Fixit note to find out why ft Uncountable nouns A Un countab le noun s are no rm ally sing ular Do n 't ad d s, Many nouns that are uncountable in English are... did She sings better than he does Note: Sen tences wit h superlative adverbs aren't as common as sentences with co m par at iv e adverbs -ing or -ed? Testit ~ Testit again o o Use t he w or d at the end of each li ne t o m ake a new wor d to fi ll t he spa ce Find and corr ect any sentences t hat are w ron a It' s nea rly Chri st m as ! I' m so exc iti ng ! b The lesson was very confus ing c W hat... student/students bough t a dic t ionary and a gramm ar book All/Both J u piter and M ars are p lanets Kate doesn' t like either/neit her of the books w e ga ve her Dogs , cats, rabbits - J im my loves both/all of them o rne peo p le can't eat nuts and some can 't eat w heat either/neither I've seen th is fi lm at least ten times I like it m o re every times/time Evory/Each pa rking space in the town w as... hook is nearly written NOT -Th e-book-is-w rit ten -nettf/y \ '1)/1 look extremely tired NOT You -icok-tired-extremetv Co mparative and supe rlative adjec tives Test it ~ Test it again o o Ch oose the best option, A or B Find and co rre ct the m is take in eac h sentence a a g The blu e whale is the animal the biggest b A re oysters th an mussels? A m o re tas ty B tast ier Ski ing is excit in g spo rt... : nore i nformati~n , see the Hevi ew page o pposite 1> [ • Yo u use a plu ral verb w ith p lura l nouns The girls are swimming The children didn't go to school yesterday So me no u ns are always plural Yo u use a plura l ve rb These trousers don 't fit me Are these scissors sharp enough? The police are coming My glasses need cleaning Test it ~ Testit again o Choose t he best option, A or B o Comple... unc l1 B French good i He's go t fi ve Siam ese cats He's go t Siamese f ive cats .fllllff She drives a ti ny wh it e car She d riv es a w h it e t iny car l\ CEQ] ~1 1l 1 1\ rab b it urlurn h lu li tt lo Du tch B a Dut ch littl e adorab le LJ2O] Word order wi th adjectives Review Fix it notes A Put adjectives describing size, length or height before other adjectives but after adjectives describing... py I tI l ' tu m orrow go out B go ou t to m o rrow 11 11 II i liti S A VllI Y lo ud ly B lo udly very ~ ~ Word orde r with adverbs f) Fixit Review notes A Word order with adverbs Put adverbs of frequen cy, e.g often, and certainty, e.g probably, be fore most verbs B Put adverbs of freque ncy, e.g always, and certainty, e.g definitely, after aux iliary verbs and the ve rb be C In questions, put . te rm s 86 Test it, Fix it is a seri es of bo ok s design ed to help you i dentify any probl em s you m ay have in English, and to fix the pr obl em s. Each T est it, Fix it bo ok has. e's how it works: Test it (F irst pa gel ." 111 . · ~ I l · 0 o Fi rst do Test it. exe rcis e 1. e- a Then do Test it, exercise 2. 9 Go to the Fix it page and. '- ,- '" . ' _ Test it again (Second pag e) o Do Test it again, e xer cise 1. o Do Test it again, exercise 2. ~ Go t o the Fix it page and chec k yo ur ans wers .