Tài liệu thuyết trình tham khảo về dự án ví điện tử cho môn học quản lý sản xuất cho kỹ sư ( IM1023) ĐH Bách Khoa TPHCM (HCMUT ) CT giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh (OISP) . Tài liệu sử dụng 100% bằng tiếng Anh
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Production and operations management for engineers Assignment report DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Lecturer: MBA Huỳnh Thị Phương Lan Group – Class CC01- Semester 221 Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) GROUP MEMBERS: Name Student ID Phạm Nguyễn Minh Đăng 2153295 Ủ Minh Quân 1911940 Đỗ Đức Trung 1952144 Vũ Minh Đức 2153311 Nguyễn Tuấn Minh 1952848 Đoàn Gia Quyền 1852707 Huỳnh Phước Thiện 1952463 Nguyễn Minh Tiến 2150033 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Contents I Introduction .4 II Ideal generation .6 III Customer requirements identification IV Kano Classification .11 V QFD analysis 20 5.1 What is QFD? .20 5.2 QFD for the E-wallet application 21 VI Conclusion 23 I Introduction The e-wallet market is one of the biggest swords for Vietnam to move towards a cashless society It is also considered a highly competitive market, with suppliers constantly having to come up with new offers to attract and keep customers But on the positive side, the e-wallet market in Vietnam still has many rooms for development Data Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) from the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) shows that, during the period of Covid-19 social isolation, about 15 million people use e-banking services every month Currently, Vietnam recorded 30 million online transactions every day (SBV) As of May 9, 2022, there were 48 non-banking organizations licensed to provide payment intermediary services, over 90 thousand QR payment acceptance points, and nearly 298 thousand points of sale (POS) In the first months of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, mobile payments increased by 76.2% in quantity and 88.3% in value; Internet payments increased by 51.2% in quantity and 29.1% in value According to a report by UOB Bank, PwC Singapore and the Singapore Fintech Association (FinTech in ASEAN 2021: Digital takes flight), Vietnam ranks third in ASEAN in terms of capital funding in fintech with US$375 million, equivalent to over 10% of the total value of fintech funds of US$3.5 billion - a record in ASEAN The bar charts indicate the Market shares among the E-Wallet companies in Vietnam from 2020 to 2021: Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Figure.1 Figure.2 Nowadays, there are various money transfer apps existing on the market such as Momo, ViettelPay, Zalopay, These apps have many benefits for citizen to use but it still have some drawbacks For instance, some issues that some reputable apps have met: Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Momo: high withdrawal fee, low discount when purchasing mobile phone cards ZaloPay: Lack of utilities, minimize the attempt of transfer money to bank ViettelPay: Not support customers transfer money online, awful display, no interest fees FoxPay: Authentication steps usually get errors, connecting bank fees VNpay: recharge/withdraw limit Our new product target is create an E-wallet app finance which allows you to transfer and receive money faster and safer and also help you pay for every requirement, everytime and everywhere for free We will try to minimize disadvantages and obstacles as much as possible to the customers Our ability to join the market share is feasible when the needs of quick transfer money services are growing annually II Idea generation Fast and authorized transactions are one of the essential needs of the digital world in the 21st century, therefore, we want to bring you our E-wallet product which is beyond payments In fact, it’s often easier to obtain an internet connection than a bank account Nowadays, most rural areas in Vietnam have electricity infrastructure, indeed, the internet connection will follow as well In contrast, there are just a few banks that have established their office in these areas Thus, the inclusion and innovation of technology are at heart of the E-wallet value change Customers can easily get to their payment within one touch and have no worry because their account has been strictly secured With the help of advanced technology, the transactions history and others will be noted by the banks and always recorded for some bad situations in the future The wide use of E-wallet is the next level of digitizing the traditional process However, some regions all over the world might not have an adaptable technology to acquire and bring E-wallet to their daily life In addition, some serious issues such as hacking or leaking the information are also cautious with many cases every year Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Although some risks are still there, it is worth trying to make our daily life easier and more comfortable after everything we have to bear out there III Customer requirements identification Customer Requirements Identification is the process of determining what and how a customer wants a product to perform Customer Needs are non-technical, and they reflect the customers’ perception of the product Applying into this E-Wallet app project of our group to research the requirement of customer on the product, we have made a survey about product features and from that we could make out the satisfaction for the features performance also the demand of client for this app After collecting and evaluating the data from the survey, we have developed main features for an app also It would be ready for us to build a Kano model also the house of quality Interview teammates: Quan Trung Quyen Dang Promotions v v x x Wrong transactions handled? v v v v Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Saving account v x x x Security / Authorization v v v v Bank / Card link v v v v Elder-friendly x x v x Interview others: Promotions v v v v Wrong transactions handled? v v x v Saving account x v v x Security / Authorization v v v v Bank / Card link v v v x Elder-friendly v x x x Additional recommended features: AI application: Nowadays, AI ( Artificial intelligence ) is becoming a trend of the world with AI tech it would provide a better online shopping experience also online payments With AI applications, it will provide an easier, safer, and more enjoyable payment process for the user Convenient store transaction: Fast transaction at convenient store via QR code or baking Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Available in more regions: Flexibility and could be use at various payment location More suitable transfer feature: It would be more convenient for the customer if app could be used for variety of payment Server upgrade: Upgrade and maintenance time will be faster, so that customer don’t need to wait for long time From the above survey we can develop main functionalities for our app: Easy and fast transaction: What prevents most people from using many applications is its troublesome procedure Making the transaction procedure easier for people to use is a requirement in order to attract people to using the app Fast transaction time will also give us an competitive advantage over competitors since Security: Security is one of the most important aspects of an e-wallet since it's where people store their money Having a strong security that can protect user accounts from attackers is a required functionality Keeping track of spending history and habits: An app that can keep track of spending history could help users manage their shopping habits Saving account: A savings account with a good interest rate will attract more users since it will help them make more money in the long run Bank/Credit card linking: Having many bank links means that users can make transactions between many banks with ease Credit cards can also help user made transactions more easily For elders: authorized procedure: The app should have authorized procedure for elderly people to prevent them from accidentally transferring money Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Available at ATMs and convenient stores: If it is available at many ATMs or convenient stores, users can withdraw or deposit money at many places and they could choose the closest to them Stability: Stability is an important factor that can affect user experience since not many people would want to use an application that has lots of crashes and bugs Giving reminders: A reminder of unpaid bills or debt can be useful to help people be able to keep track of their payment Electric bills: The ability to pay electricity bills can attract user since it could help people to pay their bills without going to the electric company QR code: QR Code is a fast and secure payment method that should be implemented to attract users Promotions: Many promotions can make people turn on the app frequently to check for promotions It would encourage people to make payment using the app to take advantage of the gifted coupons IV Kano Classification Definition: The Kano Model (pronounced “Kah-no”) is an approach to prioritizing features on a product roadmap based on the degree to which they are likely to satisfy customers Product teams can weigh a high-satisfaction feature against its costs to determine whether or not adding it to the roadmap is a strategically sound decision Apply KANO to product development: Step Survey design: The primary data will be collected through survey questionnaires For instance, the questionnaire which was used in Denmark and the UK 10 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) contained 53 questions, divided into three parts which involved the respondents’ personal information as well as opinion Step Measures: The attributes will be selected to understand the perception of the respondents, they also represent key attributes of the products that provide functional, performative and exciting experience The measurement should base on Kano’ Evaluation Matrix Step Sampling: Because the large number of respondents, the research should collect data through an e-survey, which is chosen since it is cost-effective, easily accessible, and quick to obtain responses Step Analysis: Descriptive analysis was conducted to evaluate the means of perceived importance for each attribute and to create rankings Each functionaldysfunctional question pair was analyzed using cross-tabulations and then evaluated based on Kano’s model Feature 1: Feature 2: Feature 3: Feature 4: Feature Feature 6: Easy and Strong security Track your Provide a 5: Banks Authorized fast and spending saving or cards procedure transaction authorization habits service linking for elders Customer L L I I L L Customer I I I I E I Customer I I I I E I Customer L L E E L E Customer L M E I I I Customer E M L L I I Customer L I I I M I Customer E L E I E I Customer E I I I M I Customer 10 L M L M E I Customer 11 E I I L E E Customer 12 L M I E E I Customer 13 Q E I I M R 11 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Customer 14 L M I L E I Customer 15 L M I I I E Customer 16 L L L L L M Customer 17 E M R E E M Customer 18 M L E L M I Customer 19 M M E M E E Customer 20 E I I I I I Customer 21 L L L L L L Customer 22 E L E L E M Customer 23 L I E I L E Customer 24 L E I E E I Customer 25 Q I I I E I Customer 26 L L I E M E Customer 27 E L I E L I Customer 28 E M M I M I Customer 29 M M M E M I Customer 30 L M I E M I Customer 31 E E E E L E 12 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Customer 32 M M E I M E Customer 33 L L L L R L 13 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Customer 34 I L M M L L Customer 35 L I I M R I Customer 36 E I I I R E Customer 37 M M M M M L Customer 38 E E L I I I Customer 39 E I E I E I Customer 40 Q the number of I L R R I times Q appears the number of 0 0 appears 13 10 13 L 16 11 8 R 0 1 I 12 18 17 22 M Appeared the 13 10 times E most L M I I Show a Make it will Although good customers help you it can be attitude, feel more manage E I It will This is not help necessary if profitable, customers the old 14 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) your people use confident spending their money about the easier, but have to quick to security of but the interest go through make personal without rate is still control many customers information, this low, procedures their comfortable from which function, making when their they will it is not a customers more use new needs are big technology choose to met quickly trust more not too spending as well as clearly problem interested and safely devices Feature 7: Available at atm and Feature 9: Feature 10: convenience Feature 8: Reminder Purchase Customer Feature 11: QR Feature 12: code for Promotions weekly/ store Stable function method for bills transactions monthly E L L I I E 15 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Customer I I E I I I Customer I I E I I I Customer E E L E E E Customer E M E E E E Customer I M M E E E Customer E M I E E E Customer I I E I I I Customer M E E E L I Customer 10 L E L E I I Customer 11 Q M M E I I Customer 12 E I E I I E Customer 13 I I M I I I Customer 14 E M L M E E Customer 15 M M I I E I Customer 16 I L L I E L Customer 17 R E L I I I 16 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) Customer 18 E L E I E E Customer 19 L L L E E E Customer 20 M R I I E I Customer 21 L Q L Q L L Customer 22 E I I I I I Customer 23 E E L E E E Customer 24 E E M E L E Customer 25 I M E I I Q Customer 26 E M E E M R Customer 27 L M L E I E Customer 28 E M E I M I Customer 29 E M E I M E Customer 30 I I E I I E Customer 31 E E L E E E Customer 32 I I L I I E Customer 33 L L L L I L Customer 34 L I E I I I Customer 35 I M L M L E Customer 36 I E L I M R Customer 37 L M M R I L Customer 38 I Q E I I I Customer 39 E M E I E I Customer 40 R I I R E I 17 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) the number of times Q appears 1 appears 15 15 13 15 16 L 15 4 R 2 I 12 10 21 17 17 M 14 E M E, L I I I If the Having a This function This is quite Although QR there are many amount is stable helps users to unnecessary transactions are promotions every the number of times E appeared the most too small, it application pay essential because it takes quick and week, every will not be will expenses on time to convenient, month but possible to maintain a time Help complete one there are many sometimes not withdraw at larger more procedure potential risks of meet the needs of them avoid the ATM, number of missing out without too personal instead we users At leading to high efficiency information can pay the same undesirable directly time help consequences through them have customers at the right time leakage other forms many 18 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) positive experiences when using V QFD analysis 5.1 What is QFD? Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a structured approach to defining customer needs or requirements by carefully listening to the “voice of the customer” and translating them into specific plans to produce products to meet those needs The “voice of the customer” is the stated and unstated customer needs or requirements First developed in Japan in the late 1960s, QFD was brought to the United States in the early 1980s It gained popularity due to numerous successes in the automotive industry In QFD, quality is a measure of customer satisfaction with a product or service QFD uses the management tools to identify and prioritize customers’ expectations quickly and effectively Beginning with the House of Quality, the QFD methodology focuses on the most important product or service attributes or qualities; these are composed of customer wows, wants, and musts Once you have prioritized the attributes and qualities, QFD deploys them to the appropriate organizational function for action Thus, QFD is the deployment of customerdriven qualities to the responsible functions of an organization 19 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh University of Technology POM (IM1023) 5.2 QFD for the E-wallet application In this section we will build a House of quality for the e-wallet application based on part Customer requirements Identification and part Kano model: 20 Project: DESIGN AN E-WALLET SYSTEM