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(Luận văn) the impact of perceived leadership styles on organizational commitment

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING t to ng UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY hi ep -oOo - w n lo ad y th ju Nguyen Thi Tuy An yi pl al n ua THE IMPACT OF PERCEIVED LEADERSHIP STYLES va n ON ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb jm k MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re HO CHI MINH City - 2012 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING t to ng UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY hi ep -oOo - w n lo ad Nguyen Thi Tuy An ju y th yi pl THE IMPACT OF PERCEIVED LEADERSHIP STYLES ua al n ON ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT n va ll fu oi m nh Business Administration Major code: 60340102 at Major: z z ht vb k jm l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS om n a Lu SUPERVISOR: ASSOC PROF DR NGUYEN DINH THO n va y te re HO CHI MINH City - 2012 Contents t to Acknowledgement i ng Declaration ii hi List of tables iii ep List of figures iii Abstract iv w CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION n Background lo 1.1 ad 1.1.1 Organizational Commitment significance y th The importance of Leadership Style ju 1.1.2 yi 1.1.3 Current factors affect organizations in Ho Chi Minh City pl Statement of the Problem ua al 1.2 Employees’ commitment 1.2.2 Leadership n 1.2.1 n va fu Research objective and its significance ll 1.3 Research objective 1.3.2 Research significance oi m 1.3.1 at nh Extent and methodology of the study z 1.4 Extent of the study 1.4.2 Research methods z 1.4.1 ht vb jm Some concepts related to the research k 1.5 gm Organizational Commitment 1.5.2 Leadership and Leadership Style 1.6 om l.c 1.5.1 Organization of the Remainder of the Study 10 a Lu CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 12 Introduction on Organizational Commitment 12 2.2 Introduction on Leadership Style 14 2.3 Concept of each element of Organizational Commitment and Leadership Style model 17 n 2.1 2.3.3 Normative commitment 18 y Continuance commitment 17 te re 2.3.2 n Affective commitment 17 va 2.3.1 t to 2.3.4 Task Orientation 18 2.3.5 Relation Orientation 18 ng hi 2.4 Development of Research Hypotheses 19 ep 2.4.1 Task Orientation and Organizational Commitment 19 2.4.2 Relation Orientation and Organizational Commitment 19 w n Research Model 20 lo 2.5 METHODOLOGY 23 ad CHAPTER III Description of Instrumentation 23 Organizational Commitment Questionnaire 23 ju 3.1.1 y th 3.1 yi Leadership Style Questionnaire 25 pl 3.1.2 al Independent and Dependent Variables 26 3.3 Sample and Analysis Procedures 27 n ua 3.2 va Sample 28 3.3.2 Analysis Procedures 28 n 3.3.1 ll fu m ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 31 oi CHAPTER IV Sample description 31 4.2 Reliability of Scales 32 at nh 4.1 z Organizational Commitment 32 4.2.2 Leadership Style 33 z 4.2.1 ht vb jm Exploratory Factor Analysis 34 4.4 Descriptive Statistics for Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment Score 37 k 4.3 gm Organizational Commitment Score 37 4.4.2 Leadership Style Score 37 om Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment 38 a Lu 4.5 l.c 4.4.1 Regression of Relation Orientation, Task Orientation and Affective Commitment 40 4.5.2 Regression of Relation Orientation, Task Orientation and Continuance Commitment n 4.5.1 y 48 te re Regression of Relation Orientation, Task Orientation and Normative Commitment n 4.5.3 va 45 CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 51 t to ng hi 5.1 Research Hypotheses 51 5.2 Summary of Findings 51 5.3 Conclusions 52 ep w 5.3.1 Organizational Commitment and Leadership Style Scale 52 5.3.2 Organizational Commitment and Leadership Style Score 53 n Organizational Commitment and Leadership Style Relation 54 lo 5.3.3 ad 5.4 Managerial Implications 54 y th 5.4.1 Organizational Commitment 54 ju Leadership Styles 55 5.4.3 Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment 57 yi 5.4.2 pl ua al Limitations and suggestions 57 n 5.5 va BIBLIOGRAPHY 59 n fu APPENDIX 1: LIST OF KEY CONCEPS IN THE STUDY 63 Organizational Commitment 63 Leadership and Leadership Style 64 ll oi m Leadership 64 b Leadership Style 65 at nh a z z vb APPENDIX 2: QUESTIONNAIRE 66 English version 66 Vietnamese version 69 ht k jm gm APPENDIX 3: CHECKING RELIABILITY OF INSTRUMENTS 72 Organizational Commitment Scale 72 Affective commitment 72 b Continuance commitment 72 c Normative commitment 73 d Reliability of Organizational Commitment Scale 73 om l.c a n a Lu n va Leadership Style Scale 74 Task Orientation 74 b Relation Orientation 75 y a te re c Reliability of Leadership Style Scale 75 t to APPENDIX 4: EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS 77 ng APPENDIX 5: REGRESSION 82 hi ep Multiple regression for Affective Commitment 82 w a Assumptions 82 b Result 84 n lo Multiple regression for Continuance Commitment 85 ad Assumptions 85 b Result 88 ju y th a yi Multiple regression for Normative Commitment 89 pl Assumptions 89 b Result 91 n ua al a n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re i t to Acknowledgement ng hi ep I would like to thank the following people who helped to make this w research possible: n lo ad Respectful lecturers of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City for y th empowering me with considerably useful knowledge during the time I studied ju yi in the University pl ua al Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Dinh Tho, for supporting and guiding with his n patience and competence throughout my dissertation writing n va ll fu Respondents, for giving their precious time in inputting the oi m questionnaires nh at My family, for encouraging me all the time z z Even I have tried my best to complete the thesis, however, human vb ht errors might be found Therefore, all inputs, ideas, and comments would be k jm greatly appreciated gm om l.c Nguyen Thi Tuy An Ho Chi Minh, November 2012 n a Lu n va y te re ii Declaration t to ng Student number: 7701080001 hi ep w I would like to declare that this dissertation, “The impact of perceived n lo leadership styles on organizational commitment”, was accomplished based on ad y th my recent independent and serious studies and has not been previously, in its ju entirety or in part, submitted at any university in order to obtain academic yi pl qualifications, the data was collected in reality, and all used sources were al n ua indicated and acknowledged by means of complete bibliography n va Nguyen Thi Tuy An ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re iii List of tables t to ng hi ep Table Four periods of the development of Organizational Commitment 13 Table 2 Different points of Leadership Style Approach 16 Table Surveyed items used in the study for independent variables 26 Table Surveyed items used in the study for dependent variables 27 Table Demographic data 31 Table Reliability of Organizational Commitment Scale 33 Table Reliability of Leadership Style Scale 34 w n lo ad ju y th Table 4 Factor Analysis of Organizational Commitment and Leadership Style 36 Table Organizational Commitment Descriptive Statistics 37 Table Leadership Style Descriptive Statistics 37 Table Correlation between Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment 39 Table Overall relationship between Leadership Styles and Affective Commitment 43 Table Overall relationship between Leadership Styles and Affective Commitment 43 Table 10 Relationship of each Leadership Style and Affective Commitment 44 Table 11 Overall Relationship between Leadership Styles and Continuance Commitment 46 yi pl n ua al n va ll fu m oi Table 12 Overall Relationship between Leadership Styles and Continuance Commitment 46 Table 13 Relationship of each Leadership Style and Continuance Commitment 47 Table 14 Overall Relationship between Leadership Styles and Normative Commitment 48 Table 15 Overall Relationship between Leadership Styles and Normative Commitment 49 Table 16 Relationship of each Leadership Style and Normative Commitment 49 at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm a Lu List of figures n Figure Research Model 22 Figure Research Process 30 Figure Research Findings 52 n va y te re iv Abstract t to ng The purpose of research was to explore the impact of perceived leadership hi ep styles on organizational commitment w The population was the employees working in Ho Chi Minh City n lo ad The used methods were qualitative and quantitative one based on two ju y th instruments of Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (Meyer and Allen, 2004) yi and Leadership Style Questionnaire (Northouse, 2010) pl ua al From this study, we could find that: n  The organizational commitment in Ho Chi Minh City was at moderate n va ll fu level oi m  The leadership style used by most leaders in Ho Chi Minh City was at at nh moderate range of task and relation orientation a statistically significant z was z  There relationship between vb ht organizational commitment of the employees and their perception of k jm supervisors’ leadership styles om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2023, 09:37