the impact of complete genome sequences on genetics

Báo cáo y học: "Measuring the impact of apnea and obesity on circadian activity patterns using functional linear modeling of actigraphy data" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Measuring the impact of apnea and obesity on circadian activity patterns using functional linear modeling of actigraphy data" pps

... the effect of the interaction of the two covari- ates. We extended this method to the functional linear model. The comparisons of all 4 groups in this section are actually the evaluation of the ... ordered M onday through Friday from top to bottom, with the time of day indicated on the X and the height of the spike indicating the raw activity level on the Y axis. The plot (b) shows the activity ... individual covariate among many. The p value of the test can then be calculated by counting the proportion of permutation F values that are larger than the F statistics for the observed pairing.

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20

10 356 0
A mixed methods pilot study with a cluster randomized control trial to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention on guideline implementation in home care nursing ppsx

A mixed methods pilot study with a cluster randomized control trial to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention on guideline implementation in home care nursing ppsx

... care due to a lack of recognition by practi- tioners of ischemia or an underestimation of the severity of infections [10]. Comprehensive assessments by health care professionals of risk factors ... implementation in nursing. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention in community nursing on implementing recommendations from a clinical guideline on the ... for questions, discus- sions and networking amongst participants. Guiding Theoretical Framework The theoretical underpinnings of the proposed interven- tion are based on mechanisms of planned

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

10 521 0
báo cáo khoa học: " A mixed methods pilot study with a cluster randomized control trial to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention on guideline implementation in home care nursing" docx

báo cáo khoa học: " A mixed methods pilot study with a cluster randomized control trial to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention on guideline implementation in home care nursing" docx

... care due to a lack of recognition by practi- tioners of ischemia or an underestimation of the severity of infections [10]. Comprehensive assessments by health care professionals of risk factors ... implementation in nursing. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention in community nursing on implementing recommendations from a clinical guideline on the ... for questions, discus- sions and networking amongst participants. Guiding Theoretical Framework The theoretical underpinnings of the proposed interven- tion are based on mechanisms of planned

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21

10 453 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "The impact of genetic relationship information on genomic breeding values in German Holstein cattle" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: "The impact of genetic relationship information on genomic breeding values in German Holstein cattle" pdf

... relationships between bulls derived from the pedigree in order to study the impact of additive-genetic relationship information on accuracy of GEBVs by cross-validation The aim was to control the ... however, did not show the dependency of the GEBV accuracy on additivegenetic relationships, which is a function of the number of relatives in training, the degree of relationship with training ... kept constant in order to analyze the impact of the precision of SNP effects on accuracy rather than the number of relatives, which can already be observed with decreasing amax Criterion for

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21

12 398 0
tóm tắt luận án a study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p.d.r.

tóm tắt luận án a study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p.d.r.

... the period 1990-2012 The analyses of correlations were used to serve the objectives of this research 1.5 Contributions of the Study This study aims to examine the impact of FDI on several economic ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION LAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY KHAMSEN SISAVONG A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ... to economic growth It also leads to the creation of more opportunities in the sectors of education, healthcare, employment and the conservation of the environment It implies an increase in the

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 07:30

25 647 0
cheap talk, valuable results- a causal attribution model of the impact of promises and apologies on short-term trust recovery

cheap talk, valuable results- a causal attribution model of the impact of promises and apologies on short-term trust recovery

... to consider the harmful consequences of trust violations Research on the consequences of trust violations has offered the robust conclusion that violations lead to a reduction ... restoration to recalibration to termination This dissertation focuses on the relationships on the right hand side of the model shown in Figure 2.1 Based on the theoretical lenses of ... emotional state The cognitive appraisal refers to the victim’s assignment of culpability to the offender and the evaluation of the costs associated with the violation The

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:26

195 273 0
A Study on the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development of Lao P.D.R.

A Study on the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development of Lao P.D.R.

... attracting inward FDI Maximizing the effective impact of FDI on economic development It has been noted that the impact of FDI will largely depend on the economic conditions of the specific countries Domestic ... 116 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents conclusions of the research findings and discussion of the findings First section presents conclusions Next, implications for policy ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING LAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITY NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY KHAMSEN SISAVONG A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 15:16

138 581 0
A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r (sum)

A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r (sum)

... this section, first the author review previous studies on the impact of FDI on economic growth and some other aspects of economic Impact of FDI on economic growth and other economic development ... Telecommunication infrastructure of Laos? 1.4 Scope of the Study This study focuses on the role of FDI on some indicators of economic development in the context of Laos Other aspects of development ... In the first section of the chapter, the literature on the five common measures of IJV performance were reviewed, followed by the review of the key determinants of IJV performance Finally, the

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 21:13

12 417 0
an investigation into the impact of socio-cultural factors on learning english out of class by english majors at hue university college of foreign languages

an investigation into the impact of socio-cultural factors on learning english out of class by english majors at hue university college of foreign languages

... of giving questionnaires, the researcher also mentioned that the information collected is very necessary to the success of the study and the data serve the research purposes After the questionnaires ... collection and other steps used during the research process Chapter 4- The Findings and discussions: describes the findings of the research and the discussion on what the study has found Chapter 5- The ... “Satisfaction of college students is an important indicator of persistence Successful institutions focus on the needs of their students, continually improve the quality of the educational experience,

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2014, 18:05

85 766 0
The impact of pre listening stage on non English majored students listening comprehension at Cao Thang technical college

The impact of pre listening stage on non English majored students listening comprehension at Cao Thang technical college

... member of United Nations, World Trade Organization, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and the Association of Southeast Asia Nations With this international integration progress, the need of labor ... The notion of schemata is related to the organization of information in the long-term memory that cognitive constructs allow Wilson (2008) says that activating the students’ schemata allows them ... question and three visual images Students listened to the text and then chose the visual image which was the best answer to the question in the context of what they had heard This section focused on

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2014, 17:56

83 386 2
Analyzing the impact of individual lecture factors on new product adopting behavior of consumers in hanoi

Analyzing the impact of individual lecture factors on new product adopting behavior of consumers in hanoi

... Behavior of adoption and scale of the behavior of new electronic product adoption by consumers. - Theory and Practice of the impacts of personal cultural factors on the behavior of new electronic ... products at the time of the investigation, and then ask the respondents on the number of new products in the list they own. Advantages: - The scale is based on the real behavior of new product ... intention of purchasing new consumer electronics in the context of the dissertation. CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1. Key findings of the study Over the past half century, there

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2014, 21:55

11 399 0
The Impact of repetition and recycling on grade 11 students' vocabulary retention at Long Hai-Phuoc Tinh High school = Tác động của việc luyện tập củng cố đối v.PDF

The Impact of repetition and recycling on grade 11 students' vocabulary retention at Long Hai-Phuoc Tinh High school = Tác động của việc luyện tập củng cố đối v.PDF

... retention and approaches they use The questionnaire contains 10 questions where questions require only yes and no responses Procedure of data collection The practice of study involves the systematic ... scores of the two groups The result of pre-test showed that the participants of both groups almost have the equal level of vocabulary competence The mean of the control groups was 3.8 and mean of the ... effectively on their vocabulary retention Pedagogical Implications In conclusion, relating to the research questions posed at the outset of the study, the data obtained from the project indicate the

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:33

18 491 0
The Impact of repetition and recycling on grade 11 students' vocabulary retention at Long Hai-Phuoc Tinh High school = Tác động của việc luyện tập củng cố đối v20150227.PDF

The Impact of repetition and recycling on grade 11 students' vocabulary retention at Long Hai-Phuoc Tinh High school = Tác động của việc luyện tập củng cố đối v20150227.PDF

... of the T – Test 26 3.2 The result of pre-test scores of the two groups 26 3.3 The result of post-test scores of the two groups 28 3.4 Summary of the test scores of ... introduction which presents the rationale for the research topic, aims of study, scope of study, research hypotheses and questions, and method of the study Part B is the development which consists of ... terms of data analysis and findings interpreted from the results of the T-test and questionnaires Part C is the conclusion which discusses the major findings and limitations of the research, then

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:33

72 593 3
The Impact of Online Social Networking on Students’ Study (VNU Unviversity of Economics and Business)

The Impact of Online Social Networking on Students’ Study (VNU Unviversity of Economics and Business)

... students The result of the analysis from the survey has proved the direct impacts of UEB students’ connection with Facebook on the process and result of their social study For that reason, the online ... Vietnam National University-Hanoi, are no exception That is why, this study will investigate the impact of the connection with the online social networking of an individual from the viewpoint of students ... (Facebook) not only makes tremendous influence on the result of UEB students’ study, but also helps them adapt to the culture of the University and have close relations with their friends in the University

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:21

14 495 2


... revolutions because of the important economic and social effects derived from it This revolution involves the reformulation of the key resources for the companies If in the Industrial Revolution the ... measurement which involves the assessment of the results derived from the implementation of different marketing strategies One of these barriers is the complexity to isolate the effects of a particular ... are on the verge of the most significant transformation in business Although CRM concept has been the central core of many articles, conferences and seminars, so far most of them corresponds...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

15 797 0
Re-inventing budgeting: the impact of third way modernisation on local government budgeting

Re-inventing budgeting: the impact of third way modernisation on local government budgeting

... assess the impact of public/private partnerships on the practice of budgeting To examine the impact of cross-service programmes on budgeting practice To compare the two authorities and examine the ... Indian sub-continent The other authority was located in the south of England near to London and faced different challenges based around issues of congestion and labour shortages in the public ... experience of ‘Eastmet’ 3.4 The experience of Southshire Conclusions Authors contact details References Overview The focus of this project was on post-1997 policy innovations for the local government...

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 17:45

16 455 0


... generalization of the findings beyond the Vietnam construction sector and not only on share construction firms Thus, the scope of the further research may be extended to the working components and profitability ... recommendations for the target populations Finally, the researcher present the limitations of the study, future research directions 5.1 Conclusions The object of this study is to examine the impact of ... the context of Vietnam along with the importance of working capital management calls for research on their impact on firms’ profitability In light of the above points, the general objective of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:45

34 1,6K 6
The impact of rural-urban migration on child survival doc

The impact of rural-urban migration on child survival doc

... Transition Review The impact of rural-urban migration on child survival 139 six months less than children of rural non-migrants, but only one month longer than urban non-migrant children Since all of ... breastfeeding are one aspect of the modernization of migrant behaviour in urban areas that confers a wide range of health benefits on children of migrants On the other hand, relatively low durations of breastfeeding ... time of life, if they have continued access to the economic resources of a non-migrant father, or if they indirectly benefit from remittances received from the migrant mother or parents On the other...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20

23 502 0
The impact of sovereign credit risk on bank funding conditions pot

The impact of sovereign credit risk on bank funding conditions pot

... risk on the cost of bank funding The empirical literature does not provide indications on the size of the impact of sovereign risk on the cost of bank funding This box examines whether the characteristics ... characteristics of the sovereign play a role in addition to the traditional determinants of the cost of issuing bonds for banks (ie the characteristics of the bank and the bond, and market conditions; see ... funding and the flow -on effects on the real economy This report outlines the impact of sovereign risk concerns on the cost and availability of bank funding over recent years It then describes the channels...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21

52 652 1
The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis pdf

The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis pdf

... significantly impacted by SLR (Figure 2d) This is partly explained by the impact of SLR on the A.R of Egypt’s agricultural extent Indeed, most of the impact of SLR on the agricultural sector of the region ... of threat Under the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), some work has begun on National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) These are intended ... Approximately half of the population of these countries would be impacted with a 5m SLR In terms of economic activity (Figure 1d), the impact of a 1m SLR on Suriname, Guyana, and The Bahamas’ GDP...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

51 589 0