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(Luận văn) hight involvement work practices, procedural justiceand trust in the employer an examination in hochiminh city

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t to ng MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY - hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi NGUYEN VU QUYNH HOA pl n ua al n va fu ll High-involvement Work Practices, Procedural Justice and Trust in the Employer An Examination in Hochiminh City oi m at nh z z vb k jm ht THESIS OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th Ho Chi Minh City - 2012 t to ng MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HOCHIMINH CITY hi ep - w n lo ad ju y th yi NGUYEN VU QUYNH HOA pl n ua al n va fu ll High-involvement Work Practices, Procedural Justice and Trust in the Employer An Examination in Hochiminh City oi m at nh z z Major: Business Administration Code: 60340102 k jm ht vb om l.c gm THESIS OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Supervisor: PhD Pham Quoc Hung an Lu n va ey t re th Ho Chi Minh City – 2012 t to ng COMMITMENT hi ep I would like to commit that the thesis “High-involvement Work Practices, Procedural Justice and Trust in the Employer An Examination in Hochiminh City” is the research of w my own n lo ad Figures in this thesis has been collected and used honestly The research result presented in y th the thesis has not copied from anywhere and also not yet shown or published in any other ju research before yi pl ua al Hochiminh City, October, 2012 n va n Author of the thesis ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb NGUYEN VU QUYNH HOA om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th t to ng GRATEFULNESS hi ep The first and in-depth thank I would like to send to my parents and family, who have been supporting and helping me so much so that I can pursue the MBA course as well as finish w n this thesis lo ad I would like to sincerely thank all teachers at Hochiminh City University of Economics, y th having taught and given me valuable knowledge as a foundation for doing this thesis ju yi I especially show my deep gratitude to Dr Pham Quoc Hung for his devoted guidance so pl that I can complete the thesis ua al n I also gratefully thank you all my friends, colleagues and those who helped me answering va the questionnaire as a data source for analyzing and giving out the research result of this n ll fu thesis m oi Last but not least, the most gratefulness is especially entitled to send to my husband and nh kids, who have been not only going, but also sharing with me difficulties and hardness at during the time I enter the MBA course More than that, it was they who are the “driving z z force” so that I can accomplish the thesis, reaching such a final result k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th t to ng ABSTRACT hi ep The research uses the quantitative method to define the role of high-involvement work practices and procedural justice on trust in the employer in Hochiminh City The data in w this research has been collected from the questionnaire sent to office staffs and managers in n lo Hochiminh City From literature review about trust in the employer, the measurement scale ad of employee trust has been built with the 7-point scale Likert The reliability of y th measurement scale was tested by the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and correlation ju coefficient The confirmatory factor analysis has also been built to define whether the data yi pl in the model fits with Vietnamese situation, especially in Hochiminh City The linear ua al regression model was initially built with the dependent variable “Trust in the Employer” n and three independent ones “High-Involvement Work Practices”, “Procedural Justice”, n va “Perceived Organizational Trustworthiness” After testing the reliability of measurement fu scale as well as defining the suitability of the model, the model was adjusted to three ll independent variables as mentioned above but a certain items of them were deleted The m oi result of regression analysis has shown that these three variables have impacted employee nh trust of organizations in Hochiminh City In which, the most impacted one is Procedural at Justice and High-Involvement Work Practices and the less impacted one is Perceived z z Organizational Trustworthiness, but not playing as a mediating variables as hypothesized k jm ht vb in the research model om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th t to ng TABLE OF CONTENTS hi ep Commitment Gratefulness w n Abstract lo ad List of symbols, abbreviations y th List of tables ju yi List of diagrams pl CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ua al 1.1 Reasons for this research n n va 1.2 Objectives of the research ll fu 1.3 Subjective and Scope of the research oi m 1.4 Research Methodology at nh 1.5 Practical meaning of the research 1.6 Thesis Structure z z vb CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCH MODEL jm ht 2.1 Introduction k 2.2 Literature Review on Trust in the Employer .5 gm 2.2.1 Trust in Organizations l.c 2.2.2 Antecedents to trust in the employer om Trust Research an Lu HR Research .9 va Organizational justice .12 n th 2.3.2 Estimation indices for measuring trust in the employer 15 ey 2.3.1 Research model 14 t re 2.3 Research Model and estimation indices for measuring trust in the employer 14 t to ng CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY hi ep 3.1 Research design .17 3.1.1 Measurement scale 17 w n 3.1.2 Sampling method .20 lo ad Overall 20 y th Sampling method 20 ju yi Sampling size 20 pl 3.1.3 Data collection tool – Questionnaire 20 ua al 3.1.4 Data collection process 22 n n va 3.2 Statistical data analysis techniques 22 ll fu 3.2.1 Encoding the data .22 oi m 3.2.2 Eliminating unsuitable answers .22 at nh 3.2.3 Screening the data 22 3.2.4 Correlation between variables 24 z z vb 3.2.5 Verifying the measurement scale reliability 24 jm ht 3.2.6 Confirmatory factor analysis 25 k 3.2.7 Linear regression analysis 26 l.c gm CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH RESULT 4.1 Eliminating unsuitable answers .29 om 4.2 Sample charactertistics 29 an Lu 4.3 Screening the data 30 va 4.4 Correlation between variables 32 n th 4.5.2 Measurement scale of trust in the employer 38 ey 4.5.1 Measurement scale of each factor of employee trust .34 t re 4.5 Analysis of reliability and suitability of the measurement scale .34 t to ng 4.6 Confirmatory factor analysis 38 hi ep 4.7 Linear regression analysis 43 4.7.1 Relation between variables to trust in the employer 43 w n 4.7.2 Checking assumptions in linear regression 46 lo ad CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION y th 5.1 Conclusion about Trust in the Employer 51 ju yi 5.2 Discussion about employee trust in the organization 51 pl 5.3 Limitation of this research and proposals for further researchers 53 n ua al References n va List of appendix ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th t to ng LIST OF SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS hi ep CFA: Confirmatory Factor Analysis w HCM City: Hochiminh City n lo ad HIWP: High-Involvement Work Practices y th HR: Human Resource ju yi HRM: Human Resource Management pl al n va PJ: Procedural Justice n ua POT: Perceived Organizational Trustworthiness ll fu WTO: World Trade Organization oi m TE: Trust in the Employer at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th t to ng LIST OF TABLES hi ep Table 2.1 Estimation Indices for measuring Trust in the Employer 16 w Table 4.1 Normal distribution of Perceived Organizational Trustworthiness 30 n lo ad Table 4.2 Normal distribution of High-Involvement Work Practices 31 y th Table 4.3 Normal Distribution of Procedural Justice .31 ju yi Table 4.4 Normal Distribution of Trust in the Employer .32 pl al n ua Table 4.5 Correlation coefficient of Perceived Organizational Trustworthiness 32 n va Table 4.6 Correlation coefficient of High-Involvement Trustworthiness 33 ll fu Table 4.7 Correlation coefficient of Procedural Justice 34 m oi Table 4.8 Reliability Statistics of HIWP 34 nh at Table 4.9 Item-Total Statistics of HIWP 35 z z Table 4.10 Reliability Statistics of PJ 35 ht vb k jm Table 4.11 Item-Total Statistics of PJ 36 l.c gm Table 4.12 Reliability Statistics of PJ after deleted 36 Table 4.13 Item-Total Statistics of PJ after deleted 36 om Table 4.14 Reliability Statistics of POT 37 an Lu Table 4.15 Item-Total Statistics of POT 37 n va Table 4.16 Reliability Statistics of POT after deleted .37 ey t re Table 4.17 Item-Total Statistics of POT after deleted .37 th Table 4.18 Model Summary of control variables 43

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2023, 09:22


