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(Luận văn) core criteria affecting intention to select a supplier of less than container load (lcl) import service in ho chi minh

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING t to ng University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City hi ep  w n lo ad y th ju DANG NGOC HOANG yi pl n ua al n va CORE CRITERIA AFFECTING INTENTION TO fu ll SELECT A SUPPLIER OF LESS THAN oi m at nh CONTAINER LOAD (LCL) IMPORT SERVICE z IN HO CHI MINH CITY z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu MASTER THESIS IN ECONOMICS n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – 2018 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING t to ng University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City hi ep  w n lo ad DANG NGOC HOANG ju y th yi pl ua al CORE CRITERIA AFFECTING INTENTION TO n SELECT A SUPPLIER OF LESS THAN n va ll fu CONTAINER LOAD (LCL) IMPORT SERVICE m oi IN HO CHI MINH CITY at nh z z Major: Business Administration ht vb (Research) k jm Code: 8340101 om l.c gm n a Lu Master Thesis in Economics n va Supervisor: Dr Tran Thi Thanh Phuong y te re Ho Chi Minh – 2018 COMMITMENTS t to ng hi I commit that: “Core criteria affecting intention to select a supplier of Less ep Than Container Load (LCL) import service in Ho Chi Minh city” is my own w research, which is based on the study and guidance of Dr Tran Thi Thanh Phuong n lo This thesis includes accurate referencing cited from the vast majority of research ad carried out by reputable authors in the world with detailed in-text citations The y th content and results of the analysis are honest and have not been published in any form ju yi before, so the comments, evaluations and conclusions are reliable pl ua al n Ho Chi Minh City, 2018 va Dang Ngoc Hoang n ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re TABLE OF CONTENTS t to BACK COVER PAGE ng COMMITMENTS hi ep TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBEREVIATIONS w n LIST OF TABLES lo ad LIST OF FIGURES y th ABSTRACT ju CHAPTER yi INTRODUCTION pl ua al 1.1 Introduction: 1.2 Purpose of the study: n n va 1.3 Novelty value and significance of the Study .4 fu 1.4 Subjects and Scopes of study: ll 1.5 Limitation of the Study: Error! Bookmark not defined m oi 1.6 The thesis structure: at nh CHAPTER z LITERATURE REVIEWS z ht vb 2.1 Definition and roles of international freight forwarders 2.1.1 Definition of international freight forwarder: .6 2.1.2 Roles of international freight forwarder: jm k 2.2 Definition and roles of consolidator and less than container load (LCL) service: .9 2.2.1 Definition of consolidator and less than container load (LCL) shipment: 2.2.2 Roles of consolidator and less than container load (LCL) import shipment: om l.c gm n a Lu 2.3 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Consolidator for LCL Import Shipment: .12 y te re 2.5 Purchasing, Purchasing process and Behavioral Intention: 14 2.6 Factors influencing freight forwarder selection 18 n va 2.4 The overview of less than container load (LCL) service in Ho Chi Minh City 13 2.7 An overview of related researches that analysis factors affecting to select a supplier of LCL service 21 t to ng 2.8 Proposed Research Model and The Scale of Variables: 27 2.8.1 Proposed research model: 27 2.8.2 The measurement scale for selected factors: 29 hi ep CHAPTER w RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 33 n lo 3.1 Research Process 33 ad 3.2 The qualitative research: 35 y th ju 3.3 The tools and method of survey: .35 yi 3.4 Target respondents and the sampling 36 pl 3.5 Measurement scales: 36 al va CHAPTER n ua 3.6 The quantitative analysis: 38 n DATA ANALYSIS 40 fu ll 4.1 Demographical Data of the Respondents: .40 4.1.1 Position of respondents: 40 4.1.2 Business type of respondents: 41 4.1.3 Consolidators were chosen by respondents 42 4.1.4 Commodities were imported by LCL import service 43 4.1.5 Frequency of using import service: 44 4.1.6 Markets imported LCL cargo into Vietnam: 44 4.1.7 The Level of Factors on Customer Selection Intention to use LCL Service 45 oi m at nh z z ht vb jm k 4.2 Reliability analysis: 46 gm om l.c 4.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA): .48 4.3.1 EFA for independent variables: 49 4.3.2 EFA for dependent variable: .51 a Lu 4.4 Correlation Testing 52 4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis 54 n 5.1 Conclusion of the Study 59 y te re CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 59 n va CHAPTER 5.2 Limitation and future research 60 5.3 Recommendations to LCL import supplier 61 t to 5.3.1 Recommendations for Responsiveness .61 5.3.2 Recommendations for reliability: .62 5.3.3 Recommendations for Empathy .63 5.3.4 Recommendations for Rates .63 5.3.5 Recommendation for Assurance .64 5.3.6 Recommendations for resource 64 ng hi ep REFERENCE w n APPENDIX lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re t to ng LIST OF ABBEREVIATIONS hi ep CBM: Cubic Meter w n lo KMO: Kaiser – Meyer – Olkin ad ju y th KPI: Key Performance Indicator LCL: Less Than Container Load yi pl EFA: Exploratory Factor Analysis n ua al EXW: Ex-Work n va FOB: Free On Board ll fu FCL: Full of Container Load oi m SOP: Standard Operating Procedure nh at SPSS: Statistical Package Software For Social Science z z Sig.: Significant Value k jm ht vb TEU: Twenty-foot Equivalent Units om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th t to LIST OF TABLE ng hi ep Table 2.1 Dimension of container according to ISO standard 10 Table 2.2 The measurement scales of Banomyong et al (2005) research 25 Table 2.3 The overview of factors influencing selection international freight forwarders and consolidators in related researches 26 Table 2.4 Research Hypotheses 32 Table 3.1 Measurement scales factors affect selection intention LCL import supplier 36 Table 4.1 Position of respondents 41 Table 4.2 Business type of respondents 42 Table 4.3 Consolidators were chosen by respondents 42 Table 4.4 Commodities were imported to Vietnam by LCL import service 43 Table 4.5 Frequency of using LCL import service 44 Table 4.6 Markets imported LCL cargo to Vietnam 45 Table 4.7 Mean and standard deviation of six predictors 45 Table 4.8 Reliability Statistics 47 Table 4.9 KMO and Bartlett’s Test of Independent Variables 49 Table 4-10 Rotated Component Matrixa for Indepentent Variables 50 Table 4.11 KMO and Bartlett's Test 51 Table 4.12 Rotated Component Matrix for The Dependent Variable 52 Table 4.13 Correlations 53 Table 4.14 Model Summaryb 54 Table 4.15 ANOVAa 55 Table 4.16 Coefficientsa 55 Table 4.17 The results of testing all hypotheses 57 w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th t to LIST OF FIGURES ng hi ep Figure 2.1 Proposed research model……………………………………… 28 Figure 3.1 The research process 33 w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th ABSTRACT t to Importers and manufacturing factory in Vietnam are using more of their no ng inventory strategy to reduce storage cost and catch up with the changing need of the hi ep market Thus, there is significant change on quantity of import purchase order, from Full Container Load (FCL) into Less Than Container Load (LCL), but more in w n frequency of shipments The consolidator who is supplying the shipping service for lo ad LCL import shipments must always respond to their customers’ demand to ship LCL y th cargo with competitive cost, short transit time and good at handling service quality ju yi This study was conducted to find out the variables which impact the customer’s pl intention to select the supplier of LCL import service Understanding the customer’s al ua behavioral intention will be one of the keys to competitive advantage, which n improves the organization’s service level n va ll fu The requirements for LCL import service providers are becoming more severe, oi m customers want their cargo must be shipped on time without delay and fastest service, cargo must be handled safely and always receive a willingness on resolving troubles at nh and updating information also z z The criteria selected to examine the impact on customer selection intention to vb ht use the LCL import supplier based on the previous studies written by authors of the jm same topic in the world The result of research did showed that all six factors included k gm Responsiveness, Rate, Resource, Assurance, Empathy, Reliability would positively l.c affect customer intention to select the company's service, while the Responsiveness, om Reliability, Empathy factors were the best significant impacts The findings will be n LCL import shipping market share a Lu the foundation for choosing strategy to develop a better service and getting more on y te re Minh City n va Keywords: Selection Intention, Less than container import service, Ho Chi Stank, T P., & Roath, A S (1998) Some propositions on international t to transportation and logistics facility development: Shippers' perspectives ng Journal of Transportation, 37(3), 13-24 hi ep Tokar, T (2010) Behavioral research in logistics and supply chain management The International Journal of Logistics Management, 21(1), w n 89-103 lo ad Vitasek, K (2006) Supply chain and logistics terms and glossary Retrieved y th November 11, 2009, from: http://www.logisticsservicelocator.com/resources ju Wah, P K (2009) Improving operating efficiency by integrating decisions on yi pl ship routing, berthing time assignment with transshipment options ua al Working paper: Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, The Hong n Kong Polytechnic University, va n Webster, Frederick E., Jr., 1991, Industrial marketing strategy, 3rd ed, John ll fu Wiley& Sons, Inc m oi Wind Y & Thomas, R.J., 1980, Conceptual and Methodological Issue in 14, 239-263 at nh Organizational Buying Behaviour European Journal of Marketing, Vol z z Whyte, J L (1993) The freight transport market: Buyer-seller relationship ht vb and jm selection criteria International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics k gm Management, 23(3), 29-37 l.c Yael Perlm an, Tzvi Raz Livnat Moshka, 2009 Key Factors in Selecting an om International Freight Forwarding Company The Open Transportation n a Lu Journal, 2009, 3, 29-34 n va y te re APPENDIX A t to ng ENGLISH QUESTIONNARE hi ep QUESTIONNARE OF INTENTION TO SELECT THE LCL w n IMPORT SERVICE SUPPLIER lo ad y th To: Respondent, ju I'm Dang Ngoc Hoang, I am a member of MBA course from University of yi pl Economic Ho Chi Minh City This questionnaire was prepared to collect data on core ua al criteria affecting the decisions to select consolidator of LCL import service of n importer/exporter and forwarders companies in Ho Chi Minh city Your opinions will va support for educational purposes only, no part of this is for commercial use The thesis n ll fu will be the useful documentation for improving service quality of consolidator who oi m specialist on LCL import transportation at nh Sincerely thank you! z z Part 1: General information ht vb jm Please fill in the correct information in the following questions: k l.c gm 1.Your name is: n va What kind of your company: n … a Lu Your company is: om … y te re Which LCL import co-loader have you supported for regularly? (Choose the t to most you have supported, this company will be called “company X”) ng hi ep Shipco Thamico -horse Concord w n Oriental lo ad Others: y th ju What is your LCL import commodity shipped by company X 's service: yi pl n ua al iture n va fu ll How offen you use company X's service: oi m at nh z z Which market have you regularly imported LCL products: ht vb jm Others k gm Part 2: Factors influencing decision to select Company X's LCL import l.c service: om Please specify your opinions carefully, the use the scale by making (X) in the Disagree 3.No comment Agree n Trongly disagree a Lu space that is closest to your opinions va n Strongly disagree y te re Strongly disagree←→Strongly agree TC Reliability t to TC1 You relied on Company X's reputation in ng consolidation market hi ep TC2 You know Company X's sales executive or manager w n TC3 Company X is a member of global lo ad transportation association with professional ju y th agent system yi pl TC4 X always delivers your shipments on time va RATES n ua al GC n GC1 X's LCL import ocean freight is competitive fu ll GC2 Local charges at origin and destination ports are oi m standard as market tariff at nh GC3 Currency exchange rate is accurate and z acceptable z ht k jm GC5 Easy payment methods applied vb GC4 Company X supports customer on credit term n a Lu NL2 You always get the freight space and booking om available to contact l.c NL1 X's phone, email, skype, fax, are always Resource gm NL y te re arrival dates match your need n NL3 X's sailing schedules, cut off time, departure & va confirmation from company X NL4 Company X's staff & equipment are always t to ready for shipment track & trace ng NL5 Company X is in convenient location hi ep Assurance DB w n DB1 The LCL import shipments are well delivered lo ad by X without loss or damage y th DB2 Company X always buy transportation ju insurance and support customer claim on yi pl transportation cost al ua DB3 Company X has standard operating procedure n for handling high value, easily teared – stolen n va cargo fu ll DB4 Un-stuffing cargo at destination warehouse will m oi be monitored by Company X, sending photos and z situation at nh warehousing record to customer if cargo is in bad z n y te re revise charge, and document amendment va PH5 Company X & agents give quick support on n rolling shipment to you on time a Lu PH4 Company X's always update delay notice, om Order on time l.c PH3 X always send B/L, Arrival Notice, Delivery billing amount gm PH2 X reports the correct measurement and correct k status with fast response jm PH1 X gives you reply, quotation and shipment ht Responsiveness vb PH PH6 Company X always reply customers’ complaints t to quickly and reasonably ng hi ep DC Empathy DC1 Company X protects business information for w n customers lo ad DC2 Company X always takes care customers’ y th benefits, interests and needs ju DC3 Company X always listen to customers' yi pl comments to improve service quality al ua DC4 Company X keeps maintenance of good n customer relationship n va ll Selection Intention fu YD m oi YD1 You will consider X's service as the first choice at z LCL service nh to use om l.c gm service from Company X k YD4 You will encourage others to purchase LCL jm using LCL import service with Company X ht YD3 You are likely to maintain the percentage of vb logistics soon z YD2 You will re-purchase LCL service with XYZ n a Lu Thanks for your contribution! n va y te re APENDIX B t to ng VIETNAMESE QUESTIONNARE hi ep BẢNG KHẢO SÁT ĐỊNH LƯỢNG CÁC YẾU TỐ TÁC ĐỘNG ĐẾN Ý w ĐỊNH LỰA CHỌN NHÀ CUNG ỨNG DỊCH VỤ KHAI THÁC HÀNG LẺ n lo NHẬP KHẨU TRÊN ĐỊA BÀN THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH ad y th ju Xin chào anh/chị, Tôi Đặng Ngọc Hoàng học viên lớp cao học trường Đại yi Học Kinh Tế Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh Hiện tơi thực đề tài nghiên cứu “ pl ua al Đánh giá nhân tố then chốt tác động đến định lựa chọn nhà cung ứng dịch vụ khai thác hàng lẻ nhập ( consolidator) công ty xuất nhập n n va công ty giao nhận vận tải địa bàn thành phố Hồ Chí Minh ” Những ý ll fu kiến anh/chị nhằm mục đích phục vụ cho giáo dục, khơng phục vụ cho mục địch oi m thương mại Nghiên cứu tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích cho doanh nghiệp nh hoạt động lĩnh vưc gom vận tải hàng lẻ nhập đường biển hoàn at thiện chất lượng dịch vụ Rất mong nhận ý kiến đóng góp từ anh/chị! z z Xin chân thành cảm ơn! ht vb k jm Phần 1: Thông Tin Chung y te re Công ty anh/chị công ty công ty: n va Tên công ty anh/chị: n a Lu Tên anh/chị : om l.c gm Anh/Chị vui lịng cho biết thơng tin sau: ận tải giao nhận Công ty xuất nhập t to ẻ ng hi ep Anh/chị sử dụng dịch vụ gom hàng lẻ nhập đơn vị gom hàng lẻ thường xuyên nhất? (chọn đơn vị mà anh/chị sử dụng w nhiều nhât, gọi công ty X) n lo ad y th Shipco Star- ju Thamico yi pl Concord n rõ): ua al Oriental n va fu ll Những mặt hàng công ty anh chị nhập thông qua dịch vụ công ty X: oi m ội thất at Thiết bị điện tử ất nh May mặc z z vb ht Mức độ thường xuyên sử dụng dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng lẻ công ty X: k jm n y công ty X: te re Part 2: Anh chị cho biết cảm nhận anh chị phát biểu n va rõ) ỹ a Lu Châu Á om Anh chị nhập hàng lẻ từ thị trường nhiều nhất: l.c gm Hàng tuần Đối với phát biểu, anh chị đánh dấu vào số từ đến t to đó: ng Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Khơng đồng ý Không ý hi ep kiến Đồng ý Hồn tồn đồng ý Thang đo Ký Khơng đồng ý← →đồng ý w hiệu n lo Thang đo Tin Cậy ad TC y th TC1 Anh/chị dùng dịch vụ công ty X ju cơng ty cơng ty danh tiếng yi pl khai thác hàng lẻ thị ua al trường n TC2 Anh/chị quen biết với chuyên viên va n kinh doanh người quản lý ll fu công ty X oi m TC3 Công ty X thành viên ht k jm thời gian dự kiến vb TC4 Công ty X vận chuyển hàng z lý tin cậy z uy tín giới có hệ thống đại at nh hiệp hội vận tải đường biển quốc tế y dụng xác phù hợp te re GC3 Tỷ giá tiền tệ công ty X sử n chung thị trường va cơng ty X mức chi phí phù hợp n GC2 Phụ phí cảng cảng đến a Lu X cạnh tranh om GC1 Giá cước vận chuyển công ty l.c Thang đo Giá gm GC GC4 Công ty X hỗ trợ công nợ cho t to khách hàng yêu cầu ng GC5 Phương thức toán công hi ep ty X dễ dang thuận tiện w n NL Thang đo Nguồn lực công ty lo ad NL1 Dễ dàng liên lạc với công ty X y th điện thoại, email, skype, ju fax, yi pl NL2 Anh/chị ln có chỗ nhận n có nhu cầu ua al xác nhận đặt chỗ từ công ty X va n NL3 Lịch tàu, ngày hàng, ngày tàu ll fu chạy, ngày tàu đến công ty X m oi đáp ứng yêu cầu anh/chị k jm Thang đo Đảm bảo y te re đường biển hỗ trợ đền bù n DB2 Công ty X có mua bảo hiểm vận tải va mát hay hư hỏng n container công ty X không bị a Lu DB1 Các lô hàng vận chuyển om DB l.c gm tiện ht NL5 Công ty X đặt vị trí thuận vb hàng anh chị z viện tìm kiếm, theo dõi chi tiết lô z bị công ty X sẵn sàng cho at nh NL4 Nhân viên hệ thống trang thiết chi phí vận chuyện có hư hỏng t to xảy ng DB3 Cơng ty X có quy trình khai thác hi ep hàng giá trị cao, dễ vỡ, cung cấp đầy đủ hình ảnh trình w n khai thác lo ad DB4 Cơng ty X ln thơng báo tình y th trạng gửi hình ảnh hàng hóa ju hàng hóa mở container cảng yi pl đến hàng hóa có dấu hiệu bất n ua al thường va Thang đo Phản hồi n PH ll fu PH1 Công ty X báo giá, cung cấp n n va y te re chứng từ có sai xót a Lu nhanh chóng hỗ trợ việc chỉnh sửa om PH5 Cơng ty X đại lý l.c dự kiến trễ, hàng hóa khơng ngày gm khách hàng sớm vấn đề tàu k PH4 Công ty X thông tin đến jm thông báo hàng đến ht PH3 Công ty X gửi chứng từ: vận đơn, vb xác z hóa số tiền cần tốn z PH2 Cơng ty X báo thông tin số đo hàng at nh oi m thông tin lô hàng cách nhanh PH6 Công ty X trả lời khiếu nại t to khách hàng nhanh chóng ng hi ep DC Thang đo đồng cảm DC1 Công ty X bảo mật thông tin kinh w n doanh cho khách hàng lo ad DC2 Công ty X quan tâm, đáp ứng y th yêu cầu, quyền lợi, mong ju muốn khách hàng yi pl DC3 Công ty X lắng nghe ý kiến ua al khách hàng để cải thiện chất n lượng dịch vụ va n DC4 Công ty X thường xuyên liên lạc, ll fu thăm hỏi, giữ mối quan hệ với oi m khách hàng n va y te re người có nhu cầu n QD4 Anh/chị giới thiệu công ty X cho a Lu công ty X om dụng dịch vụ vận tải hàng lẻ l.c QD3 Anh/chị tiếp tục trì tỷ lệ sử cơng ty X gm vạn tải hàng lẻ nhập nhập k QD2 Anh/chị sớm sử dụng lại dịch vụ jm dịch vụ hàng lẻ nhâp ht trước có nhu cầu sử dụng vb QD1 Anh/chị cân nhắc công ty X z dịch vụ z Thang đo định lựa chọn at nh QD APENDIX C t to ng TOTAL VARIANCE EXPLAINED IN EXPLORATORY FACTOR hi ep ANALYSIS Table C1: Total Variance Explained of Dependent Variables w Initial Eigenvalues n Comp Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Loadings lo Extraction Sums of Squared onent ad Total Cumula Variance tive % Total ju y th % of Cumulati Varianc ve % e 5.673 20.260 20.260 2.559 9.139 9.139 7.500 27.760 2.100 7.500 27.760 2.534 9.048 18.188 1.889 6.747 34.508 1.889 6.747 34.508 2.330 8.320 26.508 1.737 6.204 40.711 va 1.737 6.204 40.711 2.328 8.313 34.821 1.424 5.084 45.795 1.424 5.084 45.795 2.199 7.854 42.674 1.304 4.658 50.453 ll 4.658 50.453 2.178 7.778 50.453 975 3.483 53.936 959 3.427 57.363 898 3.206 60.569 10 847 3.025 63.594 11 819 12 800 2.856 69.377 13 778 2.777 72.154 14 742 2.652 74.805 15 681 2.433 77.239 16 650 2.321 79.559 17 630 2.250 81.809 18 606 2.164 83.974 19 571 2.040 86.014 20 534 1.908 87.922 21 502 1.794 89.717 22 485 1.733 91.450 23 474 1.692 93.142 n ve % % of 20.260 ua 2.100 Varianc Total al 20.260 pl 5.673 Cumulati e yi % of n fu oi m at nh z z ht vb 2.926 66.520 1.304 k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re t to ng hi ep 24 448 1.601 94.743 25 403 1.440 96.182 26 401 1.432 97.614 27 360 1.285 98.899 28 308 1.101 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis w n lo ad Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings ju y th Component Table C2: Total Variance Explained of Independent Variables yi % of Cumulativ Variance pl Total 2.181 54.515 54.515 747 18.665 646 16.154 427 10.666 n ua al e% Total % of Cumulative % Variance 2.181 54.515 54.515 n va 73.180 fu ll 89.334 m oi 100.000 nh at Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re APENDIX D t to ng TOTAL HISTOGRAM, NORMAL REGRESSION & SCATTER hi ep PLOT OF DEPENDENT VARIABLE w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2023, 15:57


