How to collaborate, make use of customer as a resource and managing risk
locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research PAN TO NE 109 C locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. +1.5 locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Company Think about y our p roduct li f e c y cle and the service It p rovides Product Scope Customer U nderstand y our com p an y a n d ho w it r elates to sustai n abili t y W hat should the sco p e o f m y project be ? How do p eo p le inter f ace and a ffect your product life cycle ? locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research company It is important to understand how your company thinks about sustainability before starting a 'green' or sustainable design programme. If there is no structure within the company it may make more sense to undertake this as your first step. There is less complexity in reviewing your company and operation as it is directly under your control. This information is important to communicate to a designer, as they should understand the context of sustainability within your enterprise. Product Only by looking at the life cycle of your product or service can you truly understand and evaluate its environmental impact. Understanding the life cycle can yield important information. It can provide insight into both problems and opportunities which can improve design briefing and product development. Scope Improving the environmental factors related to a product require change. Each new idea will have a different profile from eco-efficiency to eco-effectiveness. The scope may range from just benchmarking the product to a product system level of innovation that requires greater change. customer Consumers have a profound impact on your product. From purchasing choices to how they use the product over its lifespan (and what they do at the end of life). Sustainability is becoming a mandatory factor in some consumer markets, whilst in others it is just a minor consideration. Understanding the market trends and consumer behavior can improve the environmental effectiveness of the product and improve product design. locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research Actions: How is sustainability incorporated into your companies actions, does the action match the rhetoric? Policy: Have you got an Environmental Policy or a stated position on sustainability that is publicly available to internal and external stakeholders? Communication How do you communicate sustainability to your consumers. Sustainable Design & Innovation H ow do environmental and social trends affect your business context, do you maximise the opportunity to generate H H co c sus sus s con n c o n able bl ab l e Culture How does sustainability relate to the organisations values? are responsibilities defined? o Implementation & Integration How have you embedded environment al considerations in your companies processes? Supply Chain: Are you aware of your suppliers environment al performance? Do you track the source of your raw materials? ic ic c o o o h h h re e al l e? e? ? urc r te te c at t i io o t t i io o c at t i i a t i yo u u ur r yo u u u yo u ha i in n n ha i in n n a n e o f f y y y y o eo f f y y f f o Do o o y y Do o o y y D o c e o o o f f f f e o eri a a l s s eri a a l s s r Scopecompany Products Consumer locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research Actions: How is sustainability incorporated into your companies actions, does the action match the rhetoric? Policy: Have you got an Environmental Policy or a stated position on sustainability that is publicly available to internal and external stakeholders? Communication How do you communicate sustainability to your consumers. Sustainable Design & Innovation H ow do environmental and social trends affect your business context, do you maximise the opportunity to generate H H co c sus sus s con n c o n able bl ab l e Culture How does sustainability relate to the organisations values? are responsibilities defined? o Implementation & Integration How have you embedded environment al considerations in your companies processes? Supply Chain: Are you aware of your suppliers environment al performance? Do you track the source of your raw materials? n ic nic n c e e e to t o t o Ch C h C h are a e ta l tl t e? e? e ? ourc o r ate at e a c a a at t t i io io t t t i i io c a a at t t i i i a t i y yo o u u ur r y yo o u u u yo u ha a i i n n n ha a i i n n n a n e o o f f y y y y y y o eo o f f y y y f f o D Do o o y y D Do o o y D o c e e o o o f f e o eri a a l s eri a a l s r Scopecompany Products Consumer locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research Scopecompany Products Consumer Product Life Cycle Document the life cycle of your product/service include inputs, outputs and life cycle stages. Problems & Opportunities document the problems and opportunities related to your product life cycle. Key Environmental Product Indicators (KEPI) identify the most important product environmental issues or indicators, and define the targets measures Supply Chain document the supply chain of your product from manufacture through to end consumer. Competitors Assess your products environmental performance against leading products and brands s s Benchmarking Research existing product/as life cycle and an a lyse the environmental impact to create a benchmark. tputs tp p t ges. ge ge s s. Compliance What standards existing in leading markets can you use to assist improving the environmental impact of your product. p p in in n an n thr con con o Core Function Describe the service your product delivers and think about all the things that contribute to this over its life. oduct life o d t i ce ce s s n g g n u u g g a c a c oduct life od uct li fe d u t i e e e e s g g g us e e e us s e g th h h e e e e e g th h h e e e e e t h e ct t c c [...]... cycle and analyse the Competitors Assess your products environmental impact s to create a environmental performance against benchmark leading products and brands locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research company ion Communicat How do you r your Market Position communicate What... market and changes in your consumers Key customer groups From your interactions define who the most important customers are ae are r ou rs o y ome nd D t s ta he cu ders gt un you icatin r ur yo u n Are mu f yo way om act O in a c s p im duct rs ro ome p t s cu locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable. .. research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research Compan Com pl Using iance legisla such tion as and R WEE, Ro HS E impro ACH to ve eco-e ffi achie ciency an ve co d mplia nce Benchmarking Documenting and understanding your existing product performance through research uct Prod New pment... World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research company Products Consumers Scope Acknowledgements This project was supported by MFE through the Sustainable Design Group of New Zealand, convened by the Sustainable Business Network It was designed to provide designers and their clients a guide to undertaking... changes g Makin roduct ep to th ials to mater ve impro ciency effi eco- tem ct Sys Produ ion at Innov new ting a ice Crea v ct ser produ or life system ncept that co cycle ffective co-e is e UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research company locus research Products Consumer Scope UPA - World. .. designed to provide designers and their clients a guide to undertaking sustainable design projects /sustainable- design locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research ... persisten solve ental re nm enviro s em probl locus research Products Consumer Scope duct g Pro xistin ment E ve Impro changes g Makin roduct ep to th ials to mater ve impro ciency e -effi eco tem ct Sys Produ ion at Innov new ting a ice Crea v ct ser produ or life system ncept that co cycle ffective co-e is e UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords:... come ? and how you c ca o this t mmunica n te o you r cons umer s? Forecast Look at the medium term trends (2-3) in your market and changes in your consumers Key customer groups From your interactions define who the most important customers are ae are r ou rs o y ome nd D t s ta he cu ders gt un you icatin r ur yo u n Are mu f yo way om act O in a c s p im duct ers pro sum n co locus research UPA - World. .. vice n in and life puts, outputs p t cycle s tages Com plia Wh a exis t stan nce d mar ting in ards l k to a ets ca eading s n env sist im you u iron se pro of y m v our ental ing th e pro imp duc act t l enta onm s nvir dicator E Key uct In y the if Prod I) ident nt al KEP importa nment ( ost t enviro tors, m uc ica ts prod s or ind e targe e h issu efine t d and ures s mea Benchmarking Research existing... Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research company Com pl Using iance legisla such tion as and R WEE, Ro HS E impro ACH to ve eco-e ffi achie ciency an ve co d mplia nce Benchmarking Documenting and understanding your existing product performance through research uct Prod New pment lo Deve ping new velo De cts to t produ persisten solve ental re nm enviro s em probl locus research Products Consumer