Do Facebook Likes encourage folks to buy your brand or, do folks like your brand on Facebook because you provide high quality goods and services and are a good corporate citizen? Certainly, there’s a little bit of both going on, but I suspect that most users fall in the latter category — they like you on Facebook for all the great things you do offline. If what I suspect is true, driving Facebook Likes has little impact on your bottom line and efforts to achieve Facebook Likes are misguided. utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Social+Media+Today+(all+posts) 5 Ways to Create Value for a Facebook Like Posted by:Dr. Ang ela Hausman Please log in or register to follow this user. Like it? Posted December 29, 2012 According to Hubspot, customers are 51% more likely to make a purchase after LIKING a brand on Facebook! WOW! That makes a Facebook Like REALLY valuable, so you should do whatever you can to g et as man y Likes as possible, right? WRONG! Let’s explore wh at a Facebook LIKE is really worth. Social Media Strategy 1: Get Facebook Likes Is this part of your social media strateg y playbook? Well, you may be just wasting your money. Let me explain. Going back to the quote from Hubspot earlier, you g et the impression that Facebook Likes encourage folks to buy your brand. If that’s the case, then maximizing the number of Facebook Likes you g et will improve your ROI (Return on Investment). But, it’s not that simple — it’s really a ch icken and egg arg ument. Put another way, do Facebook Likes encourag e folks to buy your brand or, do folks like your brand on Facebook because you provide hig h quality goods and services and are a g ood corporate citizen? Certainly, there’s a little bit of both g oing on, but I suspect that most users fall in the latter category — they like you on Facebook for all the great thing s you do off- line. If wh at I suspect is true, driving Facebook Likes has little impact on your bottom line and efforts to ach ieve Facebook Likes are misg uided. When a Facebook Like might actually hurt you? Say you’re running a contest — Like our pag e and get entered to win some prize. It’s a common social media marketing strateg y. But, it’s dang erously wrong . 1. It discourages sharing – the more people who enter the contest, the lower your odds on winning . So, you h ave NO incentive to sh are the contest with your friends. Denied access to Friends of Friends, your campaig n slugs along, g enerating too few Likes and too much cost. 2. It attracts the wrong people - folks attracted to your pag e in h opes of winning a contest are often NOT the right people. They often aren’t part of your targ et market. Th us, you spent money attracting folks who’ll likely NEVER buy your brand. Another misguided use of the Facebook Like, is forcing folks to Like your pag e before they comment — especially if they’re unhappy. Forcing them to Like your Facebook page before they can leave a negative comment only makes them ang rier. And, instead of just stopping by an d posting their criticism, they’re now part of your community and can continue poisoning the community. Creating VALUABLE Facebook Likes Of course, there are good ways to create Facebook Likes. Here are some of my favorite examples: 1. Create engagement. The SINGLE most critical aspect driving consumer purchase decisions is wh at their friends think. When you create eng agement (sh aring, commenting , or liking your posts on Facebook), those endorsements show up on users Facebook profiles and g et sh ared to their friends’ newsfeeds. 2. Make a ch aritable donation for each Facebook Like. It makes you look GOOD and encourag es sh aring. For example, Pedig ree donated a bowl of dog food to a pet sh elter for each Facebook Like. 3. Earn Facebook Likes by creating a positive image th rough both social media an d traditional marketing tools including product quality, excellent customer service, innovative products, g ood corporate citizenship, traditional advertising, product placement that resonates with your targ et audience and authentic social media marketing strategies. 4. Provide valuable content such as information, discounts, unique access, etc. 5. Pay it forward. The law of reciprocity says that people feel a strong obligation to return favors. If you g ive users something , they’ll often reciprocate by Liking your Facebook Fan Page, since it’s a small effort to repay the obligation. For instance, Chipotle gives out free burritos to those dressed in costume on Halloween. Feed: Hausman Marketing Letter Original article Connect: Author ed by: Dr. Angela Hausman Hey, I'm Dr. Ang ela Hausman . I'm a marketing professor at Howard University and run a full service marketing firm operating at the intersection of marketing and social media. Check out my blog it's filled with great FREE content to h elp make your marketing ROCK! See complete profile Would you like to contribute to this site? Get started » . socialmediatoday. com http:/ /socialmediatoday. com/marketingletter/1113976/5 -ways- create- value- facebook? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Social+Media+Today+(all+posts) 5 Ways to Create Value for a Facebook Like Posted by:Dr. Ang ela Hausman Please log in or register to follow. socialmediatoday. com http:/ /socialmediatoday. com/marketingletter/1113976/5 -ways- create- value- facebook? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Social+Media+Today+(all+posts) 5