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Enrollment management structures and activities at four year institutions of higher education.

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University of Massachusetts Amherst ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst Doctoral Dissertations 1896 - February 2014 1-1-1987 Enrollment management structures and activities at four year institutions of higher education Charles Robert Pollock University of Massachusetts Amherst Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/dissertations_1 Recommended Citation Pollock, Charles Robert, "Enrollment management structures and activities at four year institutions of higher education." (1987) Doctoral Dissertations 1896 - February 2014 4307 https://scholarworks.umass.edu/dissertations_1/4307 This Open Access Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations 1896 - February 2014 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst For more information, please contact scholarworks@library.umass.edu ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES AND ACTIVITIES AT FOUR YEAR INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION A Dissertation Presented By Charles Robert Pollock Submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION February School of 1987 Education Charles All Robert Rights Pollock Reserved ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES AND ACTIVITIES AT FOUR YEAR A INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Dissertation Presented By Charles Dr Robert F Grose, Robert Pollock Member Dr Mario Fanti/li* Dean School of Education iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like appreciation educational for her the impact our lives to to express my those individuals who endeavor love, Foremost, assistance, which the sincere and entire I thanks and supported me am indebted Ann realized program would have and the sacrifices which would be Nevertheless, she encouraged the program and motivated me I of my am very and grateful Dr committee process identified the confidence in me chairperson, provide I A and years guidance Dr and critical William Wolf, asked provided special guided me the thanks and questions, and had to Dr always Robert through the probing direction, Dr review of my remained with me They errors, who also want for his a employer, to acknowledge comments, spark Finally, my the four doctoral found Wolf, m; the time to assistance provided The for begin on required William Kornegay were members comprehensive dissertation to through dissertation committee Grose, law, me this to my wife understanding degree in I to suggestions, the would Dr dissertation like to Paul schedule financial enabled me to pursue iv and father-inHe process express my support my and enthusiasm Western New England College, College's Ryser, for the this thanks to my assisting me ability endeavor to adjust ABSTRACT Enrollment Management Structures and Activities at Four Year Institutions of Higher Education February 1987 Charles R Pollock, B.A., Mount Union College M.S., Miami University, Ed.D., University of Massachusetts Directed by: Professor William C Wolf, Jr Since American higher education has been a growth industry, few colleges have been concerned with attracting and maintaining students The emphasis is now switching from expansion to the realization that many colleges will experience difficulty maintaining the quantity or quality of their student bodies during the next decade to changing demographics This is due If one uses 1978 as a base year, there will be a 23% decline in the number of 18-24 year olds by 1997 Enrollment management (EM) is emerging as a new element of higher education It emphasizes the integration and coordination of the offices and activities which have a direct impact on recruiting and maintaining students It stresses that an institution can undertake actions which will influence their enrollment Specific aspects of EM were studied within four year institutions A survey research design was utilized involving a national, random sample of institutions (228 colleges participated) Representatives from institutions which have an EM program were interviewed afterward to clarify and enhance the survey data EM programs currently exist at about 60% of the colleges and half of the programs were started V since the 1983-84 year Of the institutions which not have an EM program, 73% anticipate the adoption of one within five years Eleven indices were constructed from survey items used and institutions were compared on several variables The indices reflected opinions and measured proactive activities regarding recruiting, retention, research, coordination, and concern Institutions which have an EM program scored higher on every index, and the differences were statistically significant at the 05 level The research suggested there is no ideal EM program appropriate for every campus (a highly structured program is considered more effective than a committee approach); and financial resources is viewed as the primary obstacle to implementation of EM Since only 18% believe that their 1994 full-time undergraduate enrollment will be more that 5% below their 1984 figure, and one-third expect increases of more than 5%; an ostrich syndrome may have been uncovered by the investigator which merits attention vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT LIST OF TABLES.ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Problem Purposes and Objectives Significance of the Research Delimitations Terminology 6 II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Historical Perspective The Future Competition from Employers and the Military Demographics Components of Enrollment Management Admissions and Marketing • Student Retention Enrollment Management The Marketing Committee The Director of Enrollment Management The Matrix System The Enrollment Management Division Summary III RESEARCH DESIGN, METHODOLOGY, 12 13 15 24 25 32 41 45 46 47 49 50 AND PROCEDURES Description of the Sample • Random Sample - Phase One Special Sample - Phase Two Interview Sample - Phase Three Instrumentation Additional Data Data Collection Data Analysis vii 53 53 55 56 57 58 59 61 IV PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Introduction Characteristics of the Sample Analysis of Selected Survey Items Comparison of Institutions Which Have and Do Not Have Enrollment Management Programs Introduction Recruiting Activities Retention Activities Research and Planning Activities Total Activity Score Recruiting Opinion Retention Opinion Research Opinion Concern Opinion Coordination Opinion Total Opinion Score Grand Total Score Summary Is Enrollment Management the Most Important Factor for the Differences in the Eleven Indices? Information Obtained from Interviews Summary Hypotheses Testing General Information V CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION 64 64 65 82 103 103 106 110 113 117 120 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 143 148 152 153 156 159 APPENDIX 168 174 175 182 183 184 193 196 A B C D E F G H 200 222 I J 236 K 241 BIBLIOGRAPHY C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. 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