Copyright,2005–www.english‐4kids.comwww.eslkidslab.com Vegetable Spelling Quiz Name____________________________ Date______________________________ Directions: Choose the correct spelling of the word that matches the picture. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided. _____ 1) A. mushroom B. mushruom C. mushrom D. musshroom _____ 2) A. egg plant B. eg plant C. egg plannt D. egg pllant _____ 3) A. ginnger B. ginaer C. ginger D. gnger _____ 4) A. cucumber B. kucumber C. cukumber D. cuczumber _____ 5) A. chili pepper B. chili peper C. chilli pepper D. khili pepper _____ 6) A. putato B. potato C. potatu D. potbato _____ 7) A. unions B. onions C. onoins D. onnions _____ 8) A. carrot B. carrut C. carot D. karrot _____ 9) A. pumpcin B. pumpkinn C. pumpkin D. pumpin _____ 10) A. cabbag B. cabage C. cabbage D. kabbage _____ 11) A. garlic B. garllic C. garlik D. garlc _____ 12) A. tumato B. tomatu C. tomato D. tomatoa Copyright,2005–www.english‐4kids.comwww.eslkidslab.com Vegetable Spelling Quiz (Answer Key) 1) A 2) A 3) C 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) A 9) C 10) C 11) A 12) C . Copyright,2005–www.english‐4kids.comwww.eslkidslab.com Vegetable Spelling Quiz Name____________________________ Date______________________________ Directions: Choose the correct spelling of the word that matches. Copyright,2005–www.english‐4kids.comwww.eslkidslab.com Vegetable Spelling Quiz (Answer Key) 1) A 2) A 3) C 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) A 9) C 10)