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Iec ts 62239 1 2015

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I E C TS 62 -1 ® Edition 2.0 201 5-04 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON colour i n sid e P rocess m an ag em e n t for avi on i cs – M an ag em en t pl an – P art : P reparati on an d m n ten an ce of an e l ectron i c com pon en ts m an ag e m e n t IEC TS 62239-1 :201 5-04(en) pl an Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal og u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing more than 30 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l os sary - s td i ec ch /g l oss ary More than 60 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I E C C u stom er S ervi ce C en tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TS 62 -1 ® Edition 2.0 201 5-04 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON colour i n sid e P rocess m an ag em e n t for avi on i cs – M an ag e m e n t pl an – P art : P reparati on an d m n ten an ce of an e l ectron i c com pon en ts m an ag e m e n t pl an INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 03.1 00.50; 31 020; 49.060 ISBN 978-2-8322-2608-7 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope Norm ative references Terms, definitions and abbreviations Terms and definitions Abbreviations Technical requirements General Component selection 4 General 4 2 Application conditions for use 4 Availability and durability 4 Additional perform ance 4 Com ponent identification 4 Component application General Electrom agnetic compatibility (EMC) 3 Derating and stress analysis 4 Therm al anal ysis Mechanical anal ysis Testing, testability, and maintainability 7 Avionics radiation environm ent 8 Managem ent of lead-free term ination finish and soldering Counterfeited, fraudulent and recycled com ponent avoidance Moisture and corrosion 1 Additional customer related application requirements 4 Component qualification 4 General 4 Minim um com ponent qualification requirements 20 4 Original com ponent manufacturer quality m anagem ent 20 4 Original com ponent manufacturer process managem ent approval 20 4 Dem onstration of component qualification 20 4 Qualification of components from a supplier that is not qualified 22 4 Distributor process m anagement approval 22 4 Subcontractor assembly facility quality and process m anagement approval 23 Continuous com ponent quality assurance 23 General quality assurance requirements 23 On-going component quality assurance 23 Plan owner in-house continuous monitoring 24 Com ponent design and manufacturing process change m onitoring 24 Component dependability 25 General 25 Com ponent availability and associated risk assessm ent 25 Com ponent obsolescence 25 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 –3– Proactive m easures 26 Com ponent obsolescence awareness 26 6 Reporting 26 Semiconductor reliability and wear out 26 Reliability assessment 26 Component compatibility with the equipm ent manufacturing process 27 Component data 27 General 27 Minim um com ponent data requirements 28 Configuration control 28 General 28 Alternative com ponents 29 Alternative sources 29 Equipment change documentation 29 Customer notifications and approvals 29 Focal organization 30 Plan adm inistration requirements 30 Plan organization 30 Plan term s and definitions 30 Plan focal point 30 Prim ary interface 30 Plan focal point responsibilities 30 Plan references 30 5 Plan applicability 30 Plan im plementation 31 ECMP com pliance 31 Plan obj ectives 31 Plan owner subcontracted activities 31 Plan acceptance 31 Plan maintenance 31 Annex A (informative) Requirement m atrix for I EC TS 62239-1 32 Annex B (informative) Typical qualification requirements and typical component minim um qualification requirem ents 53 Annex C (inform ative) Semiconductor reliability and wear out 57 Annex D (inform ative) Guidelines for environm ental protection techniques and for com parison of components specifications 58 Bibliograph y 73 Figure – Suspect com ponents perim eter Table A – Requirements m atrix 32 Table B – Typical qualification requirements and typical com ponent m inim um qualification requirem ents 54 Table D – Environm ental protection techniques to be considered during the avionics design process 58 Table D – Guidelines for the com parison of in ternationall y available com ponent specifications – Microcircuits 63 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an –4– I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON P RO C E S S M AN AG E M E N T F O R AVI O N I C S – M AN AG E M E N T P L AN – P a rt : P re p a ti o n a n d m a i n te n a n c e o f a n e l e c tro n i c c o m p o n e n ts m a n a g e m e n t p l a n FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stan dardization com prisin g all n ation al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC National Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all q uestions concerni ng stand ardi zati on in the el ectrical an d electronic fi elds To this en d and in additi on to other acti vities, I EC pu blish es I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu ides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Th ei r preparation is entrusted to tech nical comm ittees; any I EC N ational Comm ittee interested in the subj ect dealt with m ay partici pate in this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental an d n on governm ental organ izations l iaising with th e I EC also participate i n this preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I ntern ational Organi zation for Stand ardization (I SO) in accordance with ditions determ ined by agreem ent between th e two organi zati ons 2) The form al decisions or ag reem ents of I EC on tech nical m atters express, as n early as possible, an i nternati onal consensus of opi nion on the rel evant subjects since each technical com m ittee has representati on from all interested I EC N ational Com m ittees 3) I EC Publications have the form of recom m endations for intern ational use an d are accepted by I EC National Com m ittees in that sense While all reasonable efforts are m ade to ensure that the tech nical content of I EC Publications is accu rate, I EC cann ot be h eld responsi ble for th e way in which th ey are used or for an y m isinterpretation by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote intern ational u niform ity, I EC National Com m ittees und ertake to apply I EC Publications transparentl y to the m axim um extent possible i n their national an d regi on al publicati ons Any d ivergence between an y I EC Publication and the correspondi ng national or regi on al publicati on sh all be clearl y in dicated in the latter 5) I EC itself d oes n ot provi de an y attestation of conform ity I n depend ent certificati on bodies provi de conform ity assessm ent services and, in som e areas, access to I EC m arks of conform ity I EC is not responsi ble for any services carri ed out by ind ependent certification bodi es 6) All users shou ld ensure that th ey h ave the l atest editi on of thi s publicati on 7) No liability shall attach to I EC or its directors, em ployees, servants or ag ents inclu din g in divi dual experts an d m em bers of its technical com m ittees and I EC Nati on al Com m ittees for any person al i nju ry, property d am age or other dam age of any nature whatsoever, wheth er di rect or indirect, or for costs (includ i ng leg al fees) and expenses arisi ng out of the publ ication, use of, or relian ce upon, this I EC Publicati on or any other I EC Publications 8) Attention is drawn to th e N orm ative references cited in th is publ ication Use of the referenced publ ications is indispensable for the correct applicati on of this publication 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be the su bject of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for identifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts The main task of I EC technical comm ittees is to prepare I nternational Standards I n exceptional circumstances, a technical committee may propose the publication of a technical specification when • • the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an I nternational Standard, despite repeated efforts, or the subj ect is still under technical development or where, for an y other reason, there is the future but no imm ediate possibility of an agreem ent on an I nternational Standard Technical specifications are subj ect to review within three years of publication to decide whether they can be transformed into I nternational Standards I EC TS 62239-1 , which is a technical specification, has been prepared by I EC Technical Com mittee 07: Process m anagement for avionics Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 –5– This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 201 This edition constitutes a technical revision This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) the number of “shall” requirem ents has been rationalized ; b) the terms “supplier”, “equipm ent manufacturer”, and “OEM” have been replaced by “plan owner”; c) the term “device” has been replaced by “com ponent”; d) a requirement m atrix has been included in Annex A, Table A ; e) various specifications and standards have been updated; f) a new subclause (4 2) on m echanical stresses generated by temperature variation has been added; g) a new subclause (4.3 0) on moisture and corrosion has been added The text of this technical specification is based on the following docum ents: Enqui ry draft Report on votin g 07/245/DTS 07/258/RVC Full inform ation on the voting for the approval of this technical specification can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the I SO/I EC Directives, Part A list of all the parts in the I EC TS 62239 series under the general title Process management for avionics – Management plan, can be found on the I EC website The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will rem ain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http: //webstore.iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • • transform ed into an I nternational standard, reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or am ended A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date I M P O RT AN T – T h e ' c o l o u r i n s i d e ' th at it co n tai n s u n d e rs t a n d i n g of c o l o u rs i ts wh i c h c o n te n ts l og o a re U s e rs on th e co ve r p a g e o f th i s c o n s i d e re d sh ou l d c o l o u r p ri n t e r Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission to t h e re fo re be p u b l i c ati o n u s e fu l p ri n t th i s fo r i n d i c ate s th e d o cu m en t c o rre c t u sin g a C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an –6– I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 INTRODUCTION This technical specification provides the structure for avionics equipment m anufacturers, subcontractors, m aintenance facilities, and other aerospace com ponent users to develop their own Electronic Component Managem ent Plans (ECMPs), hereinafter also referred to as ‘plan’ This technical specification states obj ectives to be accomplished The plan is not prescriptive and those who prepare plans in compliance with this technical specification will docum ent processes that are the most effective and efficient for them in accomplishing the obj ectives of this technical specification I n order to allow flexibility in im plementing and updating the documented processes, plan owners are encouraged to refer to their own internal process documents instead of including detailed process documentation within their plans NOTE The eq uipm ent m anufacturer, often called in the ind ustry the origi nal eq uipm ent m anufacturer (OEM) is in general consid ered as th e plan own er This com ponent management technical specification is intended for aerospace users of electronic com ponents This technical specification is not intended for use by the manufacturers of electronic com ponents Components selected and managed according to the requirem ents of a plan compliant with this technical specification may be approved by the concerned parties for the proposed application, and for other applications with equal or less severe requirem ents Organizations that prepare such plans m ay prepare a single plan, and use it for all relevant products supplied by the organization, or m ay prepare a separate plan for each relevant product or custom er Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 –7– P RO C E S S M AN AG E M E N T F O R AVI O N I C S – M AN AG E M E N T P L AN – P a rt : P re p a ti o n a n d m a i n te n a n c e o f a n e l e c tro n i c c o m p o n e n ts m a n a g e m e n t p l a n S cop e This part of I EC 62239, which is a technical specification, defines the requirements for developing an Electronic Components M anagem ent Plan (ECM P) to assure custom ers that all of the electronic com ponents in the equipment of the plan owner are selected and applied in controlled processes com patible with the end application and that the technical requirements detailed in Clause are accomplished I n general, the plan owner of a com plete Electronic Components M anagem ent Plan is the avionics original equipment m anufacturer (OEM) This document provides an aid in the aerospace certification process Although developed for the avionics industry, this process may be applied by other industrial sectors N o rm a t i ve re fe re n c e s The following docum ents, in whole or in part, are normativel y referenced in this docum ent and are indispensable for its application For dated references, onl y the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced docum ent (including an y amendments) applies I EC 62396-1 : 201 2, Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 1: Accommodation of atmospheric radiation effects via single event effects within avionics electronic equipment I EC TS 62647-1 , Process management for avionics – Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder – Part 1: Preparation for a lead-free control plan I PC/J EDEC J -STD-20 , Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classifications for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices T e rm s , d e fi n i t i o n s a n d a b b re vi a t i o n s For the purposes of this docum ent, the following term s, definitions and abbreviations apply NOTE I n thei r pl an, pl an own ers can use alternati ve defi niti ons consistent with venti on in thei r com pany _ A new edition is u nd er d evel opm ent I t will be publish ed soon Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an –8– I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 Term s and d efi nitions 1 environ ment applicable environmental conditions (as described per the equipment specification) that the equipment is able to withstand without loss or degradation in equipment performance throughout its m anufacturing cycle and m aintenance life (the length of which is defined by the plan owner in conjunction with customers) purchased bought outside the plan owner organization, from an independent supplier Note to entry: This indicates that the plan owner does not m anufacture th is in-house 3.1 capable capacity of a component to be used successfull y i n the intended application 3.1 certified assessed to and com pliant with an applicable certification bod y 3.1 characterization process of testing a sam ple of com ponents to determ ine the key electrical param eter values that can be expected of all produced components of the type tested 3.1 component application dom ain of use where the component m eets the design requirem ents 3.1 component manufactu rer organization responsible for the com ponent specification and its production 3.1 component obsolescence absence of availability of a component which is not procurable due to the m anufacturer(s) ceasing production Note to entry: Com pon ent obsolescence m anagem ent is considered as an elem ent of com ponent depend ability 3.1 compon ent qu alification process used to dem onstrate that the component is capable of m eeting its specification for all the required conditions and environments 3.1 compon ent qu ality assurance activities and processes to provide adequate confidence that each individual com ponent meets the performance and environm ental requirem ents 3.1 1 compon ent selection process of choosing a specific component for a specific application Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an E n v i ro n m e n t a l or au d i t tes t co n d i ti o n s C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: S /0 0 wi th S T AC K o r I E C TS C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: 6 - – t yp i c a l l y C O TS , p a c ka g i n g b u t can packag i n g is p l a s ti c e n c a p s u l a te d b e h e rm e t i c wi th J E S D 47 – t yp i c a l l y C O T S , is C o n s i d e t i o n wi th can G, bu t b e h e rm e t i c b d o cu m e n t: C O TS , p a c ka g i n g C o n s i d e t i o n C o n s i d e t i o n wi th AE C - Q 0 , p l a s ti c e n ca p s u l a te d d o c u m e n t: J E S D t yp i c a l l y Re v a u to m o ti ve , b C o n s i d e t i o n wi th d o cu m e n t: H e rm e t i c a l l y I E C TS 56 4- packag ed t yp i c a l l y C O T S , p l a s ti c p l a s ti c t yp i c a l l y C O T S fo r e x a m p l e D L A e n c a p s u l a te d ‘ en h an ced ’ S M D -5 -8 7 b M I L -S TD - 8 , see wi th M I L- P RF - 5 t yp i c a l l y h e rm e t i c a l l y to i s t yp i c a l l y e n ca p s u l a te d C o n s i d e t i o n d o cu m e n t: wi th d o cu m e n t: packag ed u sing M I L -S TD - 8 m e th o d 50 an d m e th o d p l a s ti c 50 05 e n ca p s u l a te d E l e c t ri c a l No AEC-Q1 00-009, fault gradi ng AEC-Q1 00-009, characterisati on AEC-Q003, short circuit characterisati on for sm art power devices AEC-Q1 00-01 Typically includ ed Not addressed Not ad dressed ESD Yes – ANSI /ESDA/J EDEC J S-001 Yes – ANSI /ESDA/J EDEC J S-001 , J ESD22C1 01 No AEC Q1 00-002 Typically includ ed MI L-STD-883 m ethod 301 or ANSI /ESDA/J EDEC J S-001 MI L-STD-883 m ethod 301 or ANSI /ESDA/J EDEC J S-001 00 % s c re e n i n g No No No No No – onl y if speciall y requested Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 5004, YesMI L-STD-883 m ethod 5004 00 % e l e c t ri c a l te s ti n g an d Som etim es – depends on m anufacturer, see audit report, otherwise guaranteed outg oing electrical testing qu ality level to m ax of 50 DPMO (defects per m illion opportu nities) for > M gates No No Yes – zero d efects program per AEC-Q004 Som etim es – depends on m anufacturercan requ est this Yes Yes re j e c t s r e m o v e d fro m d e l i v e b l e b a tc h AEC Q1 00-003 AEC Q1 00-01 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 © I EC 201 Yes – J ESD86 – 66 – Yes – J ESD86 d i s t ri b u t i o n s C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an or au d i t tes t co n d i ti o n s C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: S /0 0 wi th S T AC K o r I E C TS C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: 6 - – t yp i c a l l y C O TS , p a c ka g i n g b u t can packag i n g is p l a s ti c e n c a p s u l a te d b e h e rm e t i c wi th J E S D 47 – t yp i c a l l y C O T S , is C o n s i d e t i o n wi th can G, bu t b e h e rm e t i c b d o cu m e n t: C O TS , p a c ka g i n g C o n s i d e t i o n C o n s i d e t i o n wi th AE C - Q 0 , p l a s ti c e n ca p s u l a te d d o c u m e n t: J E S D t yp i c a l l y Re v a u to m o ti ve , b C o n s i d e t i o n wi th d o cu m e n t: H e rm e t i c a l l y I E C TS 56 4- packag ed to i s t yp i c a l l y t yp i c a l l y C O T S , p l a s ti c p l a s ti c t yp i c a l l y C O T S fo r e x a m p l e D L A e n c a p s u l a te d ‘ en h an ced ’ S M D -5 -8 7 e n ca p s u l a te d b M I L -S TD - 8 , C o n s i d e t i o n d o cu m e n t: wi th d o cu m e n t: see h e rm e t i c a l l y packag ed u sing M I L -S TD - 8 m e th o d 50 an d m e th o d p l a s ti c wi th M I L- P RF - 5 t yp i c a l l y 50 05 e n ca p s u l a te d 00 % vi s u a l / m ech an i cal i n s p e c ti o n 000 h s t a ti c o p e t i n g l i fe t e s t +1 ( H TO L ) at °C an d l ong fa i l u re t e rm t e g u a n t e e s i n PPM an d at 0, eV 55 ° C an d 60 % CL No No Yes – visual to J ESD22-B1 01 and dim ensions to J ESD22-B1 00 and B1 08B Only if speciall y req uested Yes – visual to MI LSTD-883 m ethod 004 an d 01 0, dim ensions to MI L-STD-883 m ethod 201 Yes – visual to MI LSTD-883 m ethod 004 an d 01 0, dim ensions to MI LSTD-883 m ethod 201 Yes whatever the electrical operati ng tem peratu re ran ge – J ESD22-A1 08 Yes whatever the electrical operati ng tem peratu re ran ge – J ESD22-A1 08 Custom ised for appl ication Yes J ESD22-A1 08 for: ) grade 0, –40 ° C to + 50 ° C electrical ly rated com ponents, 2) grade , –40 ° C to + 25 ° C 3) grade 2, –40 ° C to + 05 ° C electrical l y rated com ponents Yes incl uded Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 005 Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 005 Yes –lon g term PPM lim its guaranteed: Sam ple size tabl e given to calcul ate various ELFRs but no ELFR targets listed Custom ised for appl ication Yes – AEC Q1 00-008 for ELFR Typically includ ed No PPM lim its guaranteed Sam ple sizes often too sm all to calculate PPM lim its No PPM lim its guaranteed Sam ple sizes often too sm all to calculate PPM lim its Discrete transistors FI TS, < k transistors 25 FI TS, < M transistors 00 FI TS, < 00 M transistors 200 FI TS No g uarantee of l ong term FI T rates Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn – 67 – Ar rh e n i u s s h o rt Yes – visual to J ESD22-B1 01 , dim ensions to J ESD22-B1 00 Guarantee of 200 DPMO (d efects per m illion opportu nities) I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 © I EC 201 E n v i ro n m e n t a l C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an E n v i ro n m e n t a l or au d i t tes t co n d i ti o n s C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: S /0 0 wi th S T AC K o r I E C TS C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: 6 - – t yp i c a l l y C O TS , p a c ka g i n g b u t can packag i n g is p l a s ti c e n c a p s u l a te d b e h e rm e t i c wi th J E S D 47 – t yp i c a l l y C O T S , is C o n s i d e t i o n wi th can G, bu t b e h e rm e t i c b d o cu m e n t: C O TS , p a c ka g i n g C o n s i d e t i o n C o n s i d e t i o n wi th AE C - Q 0 , p l a s ti c e n ca p s u l a te d d o c u m e n t: J E S D t yp i c a l l y Re v a u to m o ti ve , b C o n s i d e t i o n wi th d o cu m e n t: H e rm e t i c a l l y I E C TS 56 4- packag ed t yp i c a l l y C O T S , p l a s ti c p l a s ti c t yp i c a l l y C O T S fo r e x a m p l e D L A e n c a p s u l a te d ‘ en h an ced ’ S M D -5 -8 7 b M I L -S TD - 8 , see wi th M I L- P RF - 5 t yp i c a l l y h e rm e t i c a l l y to i s t yp i c a l l y e n ca p s u l a te d C o n s i d e t i o n d o cu m e n t: wi th d o cu m e n t: packag ed u sing M I L -S TD - 8 m e th o d 50 an d m e th o d p l a s ti c 50 05 e n ca p s u l a te d E xte n d e d l on g er Custom ised for appl ication No Yes – wear out graphs available if requested No No See data sheets – therm al resistance characterised See data sheets – therm al resistance characterised No See data sheets – therm al resistance characterised Yes, see data sheets – extend ed therm al detail available if req uested Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 01 – see DSC specification Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 01 – see MI L sl ash sheet Not for plastic encapsul ated com ponents Not for plastic encapsu lated com ponents Yes for herm etic – J EDEC J ESD22-B1 or MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2002 No MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2002 for cavity herm etic packages MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2002 for cavity herm etic packages Not specificall y add ressed Not specificall y add ressed No Yes if req uested Not typicall y add ressed Not typicall y add ressed Not for plastic encapsul ated com ponents Not for plastic encapsu lated com ponents No Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2007 Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2007 Only as part of m echanical sequ ence for herm etic com ponents to J EDEC J ESD22-B1 or MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2007 condition a, peak acceleration of 20 g Yes for herm etic – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2007 Yes if req uested to custom er req uirem ents w e a r o u t c u rv e s T h e rm a l c h a r a c t e ri s a t i o n an d d e t i n g c u rv e s M ech an i cal s h o ck Yes for herm etic – J EDEC J ESD22-B1 EM C c h a r a c t e ri s a t i o n V i b t i o n te s ti n g SAE-J 752/3 radiated em issions for sm art power devices as ag reed on case by case basis Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 © I EC 201 No s e m i c o n d u c to r – 68 – No t e rm C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an or au d i t tes t C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: co n d i ti o n s S /0 0 wi th S T AC K o r I E C TS C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: 6 - – t yp i c a l l y C O TS , p a c ka g i n g b u t can packag i n g is p l a s ti c e n c a p s u l a te d b e h e rm e t i c wi th J E S D 47 – t yp i c a l l y C O T S , is C o n s i d e t i o n wi th can G, bu t b e h e rm e t i c b d o cu m e n t: C O TS , p a c ka g i n g C o n s i d e t i o n C o n s i d e t i o n wi th AE C - Q 0 , p l a s ti c e n ca p s u l a te d d o c u m e n t: J E S D t yp i c a l l y Re v a u to m o ti ve , b C o n s i d e t i o n wi th d o cu m e n t: H e rm e t i c a l l y I E C TS 56 4- packag ed to i s t yp i c a l l y t yp i c a l l y C O T S , p l a s ti c p l a s ti c t yp i c a l l y C O T S fo r e x a m p l e D L A e n c a p s u l a te d ‘ en h an ced ’ S M D -5 -8 7 e n ca p s u l a te d b M I L -S TD - 8 , C o n s i d e t i o n d o cu m e n t: wi th d o cu m e n t: see h e rm e t i c a l l y packag ed u sing M I L -S TD - 8 m e th o d 50 an d m e th o d p l a s ti c wi th M I L- P RF - 5 t yp i c a l l y 50 05 e n ca p s u l a te d S a l t a tm o s p h e re T e m p e t u re c yc l i n g +1 –55 ° C to No No No Not typicall y carri ed out for COTS enh anced plastic MI L-STD-883 m ethod 009 MI L-STD-883 m ethod 009 Yes – J ESD 22-A1 04 J ESD22-A1 04, 700 cycles for ) B, –55 ° C to + 25 ° C, 700 cycl es 2) G, –40 ° C to + 25 ° C, 850 cycl es 3) C, –65 ° C to + 50 ° C, 500 cycl es Custom ised for appl ication Yes – J ESD 22-A1 04 Yes – includ ed Herm etic com ponents have 00 cycl es to MI L-STD-883 m ethod 01 Herm etic com ponents have 00 cycl es to MI L-STD-883 m ethod 01 Not applicable for plastic encapsulated com ponents Not applicable for plastic encapsulated com ponents No Yes for herm etic packages – Mil -STD883 m ethod 01 Yes for herm etic – Mil -STD-883 m ethod 01 Not applicable for plastic encapsu lated com ponents Not applicable for pl astic encapsu lated com ponents ° C fo r 0 c yc l e s I n t e rn a l wa te r va p o u r T h e rm a l sh ock – 69 – No I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 © I EC 201 E n v i ro n m e n t a l No Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Yes if req uested Yes – Mil -STD-883 m ethod 01 Yes – Mil -STD-883 m ethod 01 , cycl es Yes – Mil -STD-883 m ethod 01 , cycl es C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an E n v i ro n m e n t a l or au d i t tes t co n d i ti o n s C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: S /0 0 wi th S T AC K o r I E C TS C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: 6 - – t yp i c a l l y C O TS , p a c ka g i n g b u t can packag i n g is p l a s ti c e n c a p s u l a te d b e h e rm e t i c wi th J E S D 47 – t yp i c a l l y C O T S , is C o n s i d e t i o n wi th can G, bu t b e h e rm e t i c b d o cu m e n t: C O TS , p a c ka g i n g C o n s i d e t i o n C o n s i d e t i o n wi th AE C - Q 0 , p l a s ti c e n ca p s u l a te d d o c u m e n t: J E S D t yp i c a l l y Re v a u to m o ti ve , b C o n s i d e t i o n wi th d o cu m e n t: H e rm e t i c a l l y I E C TS 56 4- packag ed to i s t yp i c a l l y t yp i c a l l y C O T S , p l a s ti c p l a s ti c t yp i c a l l y C O T S fo r e x a m p l e D L A e n c a p s u l a te d ‘ en h an ced ’ S M D -5 -8 7 e n ca p s u l a te d b M I L -S TD - 8 , C o n s i d e t i o n d o cu m e n t: wi th d o cu m e n t: see h e rm e t i c a l l y packag ed u sing M I L -S TD - 8 m e th o d 50 an d m e th o d p l a s ti c wi th M I L- P RF - 5 t yp i c a l l y 50 05 e n ca p s u l a te d H u m i d i t y te s ti n g M o i s t u re Custom ised for appl ication THB (85 ° C/85 % RH) to J ESD22-A1 01 and HAST to J ESD22-A1 and autoclave to J ESD22-A1 02 Yes – included Herm etic – not appl icabl e Herm etic – not appl icabl e See hum idity testing See hum idity testing Custom ised for appl ication See hum idity testing See hum idity testing MI L-STD-883 m ethod 004 MI L-STD-883 m ethod 004 Yes – J ESD89 Yes – J ESD78, J ESD89-1 or J ESD89-2 , J ESD893 No Mem ory > Mbit SRAM or DRAM Unaccel erated to J ESD89-1 or accelerated to J ESD89-2 an d -3 AEC-Q1 00-004, latch up to AEC-Q1 00-004 Typically includ ed J ESD78 J ESD78 No No No No Yes if requested – detail ed SEU testing m ay be available No – testin g available for total dose and SEU for Space en vi ronm ent No – testin g available for total dose and SEU for Space en vi ronm ent Yes – J ESD22-B1 Yes – pull to MI L-STD-883 m ethod 201 , shear to J ESD22-B1 No Yes – Pull to MI L-STD-883 method 201 , shear to AEC-Q1 00-001 Yes included Yes Yes – pull to MI L-STD-883 m ethod 201 Yes included Yes Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 201 re s i s t a n c e S o ft e r ro r t e s t i n g o r l a tc h up At m o s p h e ri c S E U d i a t i o n Bon d te s ti n g s t re n g t h D i e s t re n g t h Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 201 No Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 © I EC 201 THB (85 ° C/85 % RH) to J ESD322-A1 01 an d HAST to J ESD22-A1 and autoclave to J ESD22-A1 02 – 70 – Yes – THB (85 ° C/85 % RH) to J ESD22-A1 01 and HAST to J ESD22-A1 and autoclave to J ESD22A1 02 or TH RB for sem iconductors C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an or au d i t tes t co n d i ti o n s C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: S /0 0 wi th S T AC K o r I E C TS 6 - – t yp i c a l l y C O TS , p a c ka g i n g d o c u m e n t: b e h e rm e t i c wi th J E S D 47 – t yp i c a l l y C O T S , packag i n g is p l a s ti c e n c a p s u l a te d b u t can C o n s i d e t i o n is C o n s i d e t i o n wi th can G, bu t b e h e rm e t i c b d o cu m e n t: C O TS , p a c ka g i n g C o n s i d e t i o n C o n s i d e t i o n wi th AE C - Q 0 , p l a s ti c e n ca p s u l a te d d o c u m e n t: J E S D t yp i c a l l y Re v a u to m o ti ve , b C o n s i d e t i o n wi th d o cu m e n t: H e rm e t i c a l l y I E C TS 56 4- packag ed t yp i c a l l y C O T S , p l a s ti c p l a s ti c t yp i c a l l y C O T S fo r e x a m p l e D L A e n c a p s u l a te d ‘ en h an ced ’ S M D -5 -8 7 b M I L -S TD - 8 , see h e rm e t i c a l l y packag ed u sing M I L -S TD - 8 m e th o d 50 an d m e th o d p l a s ti c 50 05 e n ca p s u l a te d Yes – J ESD22-B1 02 S o l d e b i l i t y Yes – J ESD22-B1 07 M a rk i n g p e rm e n a n c y Fl am m abi l i ty Lead i n t e g ri t y s t re n g t h H e rm e t i c i t y, seal i e tes t M o i s t u re s e n s i ti vi t y l e v e l B G A pa ckag e b al l sh ear X - y Ti n wh i s ke r te s ti n g Yes – UL94 or I EC 606951 -5 No Yes – J ESD22-B1 02 No Yes – UL94 m aterial declaration Yes included Yes Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2003 Yes included Yes Yes No Yes – UL94 m aterial declaration Yes included Herm etic – not appl icabl e Herm etic – not appl icabl e J ESD22-B1 05 No Yes J ESD22-B1 05 Yes included Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2004 Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 2004 MI L-TSD-750 m ethod 2036 No Yes included Yes Yes Typically includ ed if herm etic packaged Yes Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 01 Herm etic – not appl icabl e Herm etic – not appl icabl e Not applicable Not applicable Yes for herm etic only – J ESD22-A1 09 Yes for herm etic onl y – J ESD22-A1 09 No Yes – J -STD020 Yes – J -STD020 No Yes – J -STD020 Typically includ ed if plastic encapsu lated Yes – J ESD22-B1 J ESD22-B1 No Yes – AEC-Q1 00-01 Typically includ ed Yes – MI L-STD-883 m ethod 201 No – m ay be ad ded at next revision J ESD22-A1 21 and J ESD201 No Yes if requested No Yes if req uested Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn – 71 – T e rm i n a l Yes – J ESD22-B1 02 wi th M I L- P RF - 5 t yp i c a l l y to i s t yp i c a l l y e n ca p s u l a te d C o n s i d e t i o n d o cu m e n t: wi th d o cu m e n t: I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 © I EC 201 E n v i ro n m e n t a l C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an E n v i ro n m e n t a l or au d i t tes t co n d i ti o n s C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: S /0 0 wi th S T AC K o r I E C TS C o n s i d e t i o n d o c u m e n t: 6 - – t yp i c a l l y C O TS , p a c ka g i n g b u t can packag i n g is p l a s ti c e n c a p s u l a te d b e h e rm e t i c wi th J E S D 47 – t yp i c a l l y C O T S , is C o n s i d e t i o n wi th can G, bu t b e h e rm e t i c b d o cu m e n t: C O TS , p a c ka g i n g C o n s i d e t i o n C o n s i d e t i o n wi th AE C - Q 0 , p l a s ti c e n ca p s u l a te d d o c u m e n t: J E S D t yp i c a l l y Re v a u to m o ti ve , b C o n s i d e t i o n wi th d o cu m e n t: H e rm e t i c a l l y I E C TS 56 4- packag ed t yp i c a l l y C O T S , p l a s ti c p l a s ti c t yp i c a l l y C O T S fo r e x a m p l e D L A e n c a p s u l a te d ‘ en h an ced ’ S M D -5 -8 7 b M I L -S TD - 8 , see wi th M I L- P RF - 5 t yp i c a l l y h e rm e t i c a l l y to i s t yp i c a l l y e n ca p s u l a te d C o n s i d e t i o n d o cu m e n t: wi th d o cu m e n t: packag ed u sing M I L -S TD - 8 m e th o d 50 an d m e th o d p l a s ti c 50 05 e n ca p s u l a te d P ro d u c t m o n i t o r p ro g m Yes – SPC control of wafer prod uction, assem bly process and fi nal testin g No No Yes SPC control Only if requested Periodic Group B, C, D and E testing Yes SPC for SEM, wire bond, di e attach, lid seal, PI ND, lead trim m ing and l ead fi nish thickness Periodic Group B, C, D and E testing Also: P ro d u c t c h a n g e n o ti ce YES – J ESD46 No Typically includ ed Yes Yes Yes No Typically includ ed Yes Yes Targ et is years Exten ded lifetim e is available if speciall y negotiated No g uarantees but typicall y > 0-year lifetim e No g uarantees but typicall y > 0-year lifetim e – 72 – HTOL, earl y life an d long term life, non vol atile m em ory operati ng life, tem peratu re cycli ng and hum idity testin g n o t i fi c a t i o n L a s t ti m e b u y n o t i fi c a t i o n Ob s ol es cen ce a b No No No No but typically + years for autom otive m arket The plan owner can ensure th at com ponents from these schem es are qualified in accordance with th e applicati on requi rem ents and m anage an y ad ditional verification or testing accordingl y When using J ESD47, it is desirable to note that the testin g specified th erein m ay n ot be appropri ate for all applicati ons The scope parag raph of J ESD47 states that J ESD91 and J ESD94 m ay be used to tailor qual ification testing for known fail ure m echanism s to m eet specific requ irem ents Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 © I EC 201 p ro t e c t i o n C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 – 73 – Bibliography I EC 60695-1 -5, Fire hazard testing – Part 11-5: Test flames – Needle-flame test method – Apparatus, confirmatory test arrangement and guidance I EC 61 340-5-1 , Electrostatics – Part 5-1: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena – General requirements IEC TR 61 340-5-2, Electrostatics – Part 5-2: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena – User guide IEC 61 967-1 , Integrated circuits – Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to GHz – Part 1: General conditions and definitions IEC 61 967 (all parts), Integrated circuits – Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to GHz IEC 621 32 (all parts), Integrated Circuits – Measurement of electromagnetic immunity, 150 kHz to GHz I EC TR 62240-1 , Process management for avionics – Electronic components capability in operation – Part 1: Temperature uprating I EC 62396-2, Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 2: Guidelines for single event effects testing for avionics systems I EC 62396-3, Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 3: System design optimization to accommodate the single event effects (SEE) of atmospheric radiation IEC 62396-4, Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 4: Design of high voltage aircraft electronics managing potential single event effects IEC 62396-5, Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 5: Assessment of thermal neutron fluxes and single event effects in avionics systems IEC TS 62564-1 , Process management for avionics – Aerospace qualified electronic components (AQEC) – Part 1: Integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors IEC TS 62647-2, Process management for avionics – Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder – Part 2: Mitigation of deleterious effects of tin I EC TS 62647-3, Process management for avionics – Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder – Part 3: Performance testing for systems containing lead-free solder and finishes I EC TS 62668-1 , Process management for avionics – Counterfeit prevention – Part 1: Avoiding the use of counterfeit, fraudulent and recycled electronic components I EC TS 62668-2, Process management for avionics – Counterfeit prevention – Part 2: Managing electronic components from non-franchised sources I EC TS 62686-1 , Process management for avionics – Electronic components for aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) applications – Part 1: General requirements for high reliability integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 74 – I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 IECQ 001 001 , IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) – Basic Rules IECQ 001 002 (all parts), IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) – Rules of Procedure IECQ 001 003, IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) – Guidance documents IECQ 001 004, IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) – Specification List IECQ OD 701 , Version 1, Principles for the Implementation of an ECMP Plan IECQ OD 702, ECMP Assessment, Evidence of Compliance Summary and Assessment Reporting Form IECQ OD 703 , Assessment Procedures for Acceptance of Candidate Electronic Component Management Plan (ECMP) Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) in the IECQ System IECQ 03-4, Rules of procedure – Part 4: IECQ ECMP Scheme – Avionics Assessment Program Requirements IECQ-4, IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Systems (IECQ), Rules of Procedure for Avionics Assessment Program Requirements I SO 9000, Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9001 , Quality management systems – Requirements ISO 9004, Managing for the sustained success of an organization – A quality management approach I SO/TS 6949 , Quality management systems – Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations AEC-Q003, Guideline For characterization Of Integrated Circuits AEC-Q004, Zero Deffects Guideline AEC–Q1 00, Failure Mechanism based Stress Test Qualification for Integrated Circuits AEC-Q1 00-01 0, Solder Ball Shear test AEC–Q1 01 , Stress Test Qualification for Automotive Grade Discrete Semiconductors AEC–Q200, Stress Test Qualification for Passive components AN SI /AI AA-R-1 00, Recommended practice for parts management AN SI /ESDA/J EDEC J S-001 , For Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Test– Human Body Model (HBM) – Component Level AS 9000, Aerospace basic quality system standard, appendix 1, society of automotive engineers DEF STAN.00-71 Issue 2, Obsolescence management Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 – 75 – AS/EN/J I SQ, 9100 Quality Management Systems-Requirements for Aviation Space and Defense Organizations DLA SMD-5962-8751 7, Microcircuit, digital, low, power Schottky TTL, binary counter, monolithic silicon EI A-STD-4899, Requirements for an electronic components management plan EI A J ESD 22-A1 2-A , JEDEC standard – Test method A112-A, moisture-induced stress sensitivity for plastic surface mount devices EI A J ESD 22-A1 3-, JEDEC standard – Test method A113-B preconditioning of non-hermetic surface mount devices prior to reliability testing EI A J ESD 26-, JEDEC standard – General specification for plastic encapsulated microcircuits for use in rugged applications (This document has been rescinded, Ju l y 2001 ) EN 90000, Harmonised system of quality assurance for electronic components, generic specification monolithic integrated circuits GEI A-STD-0002-1 , Aerospace Qualified Electronic Component (AQEC) Volume – Integrated Circuits and Semiconductors GEI A-STD-0005-1 , Performance Standard for Aerospace and Military Electronic Systems Containing Lead-Free Solder GEI A-STD-0005-2, Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin Whiskers in Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems GEI A-STD-0005-3, Performance Testing for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Interconnects Containing Pb-free Solder and Finishes GEI A-H B-0005-1 , Program Management / Systems Engineering Guidelines for Managing the Transition to Lead-Free Electronics GEI A-H B-0005-2, Technical Guidelines for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems containing Lead-free Solder and Finishes GEI A-H B-0005-3, Repair and Rework of Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-Free Solder GI FAS/5052/2008, Guide for managing electronic component sourcing through non franchised distributors Preventing fraud and counterfeiting I AQS 91 00 3, Quality systems – Aerospace – Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing I PC/J EDEC J-STD-020, Moisture/reflow sensitivity classification for non-hermetic solid state surface mount devices JEDEC J ESD22-B1 0, Mechanical Shock – Component and Subassembly _ Superseded by J -STD-020-A, April 999 This is technicall y eq ui val ent to AECMA EN 91 00 in Eu rope, SAE AS 91 00 in the USA and J I SQ 91 00 i n J apan Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 76 – I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 JEP1 9, A procedure for executing sweat JESD78, IC latch-up test JESD86, Electrical parameters assessment JESD89, Measurement and reporting of alpha particle and terrestrial cosmic ray induced soft errors in semiconductor devices JESD89-1 , Test method for real-time soft error rate JESD89-2, Test method for alpha source accelerated soft error rate JESD89-3, Test method for beam accelerated soft error rate JEP1 22, Failure Mechanisms and Models for Semiconductor Devices JEP1 49, Application Thermal Derating Methodologies JESD22-A1 01 , Steady-state temperature humidity bias life test JESD22-A1 02, Accelerated moisture resistance – Unbiased autoclave JESD22-A1 04, T emperature cycling JESD22-A1 08, T emperature, bias, and operating life JESD22-A1 09, Hermeticity JESD22-A1 0, Highly accelerated temperature and humidity stress test (hast) JESD22-A1 21 , Measuring whisker growth on tin and tin alloy surface finishes JESD22-B1 00, Physical dimension JESD22-B1 01 , External visual JESD22-B1 02, Solderability JESD22-B1 05, Lead integrity JESD22-B1 07, Marking permanency JESD22-B1 08B, Coplanarity test for surface-mount semiconductor devices solder ball shear JESD22-B1 , Wire bond shear test JESD22-B1 7, Solder ball shear JESD22-C1 01 , Field-induced charged-device model test method for electrostatic discharge withstand thresholds of microelectronic components JESD47, JEDEC Standard, Stress – Test-driven qualification of integrated circuits Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TS 62239-1 :201 © I EC 201 – 77 – JESD91 , Method for Developing Acceleration Models for Electronic Component Failure Mechanism JESD94, J EDEC Standard, Application Specific Qualification Using Knowledge Based Test Methodology JESD201 , Environmental acceptance requirements for tin whisker susceptibility of tin and tin alloy surface finished JP001 , Foundry Process Qualification Guidelines (Wafer Fabrication Manufacturing Sites) MI L-PRF-38535:201 3, Integrated circuits (microcircuits) manufacturing, general specification MI L-STD-301 , Parts management MI L-STD-883, Test method standards, microcircuits MI L-PRF-1 9500, Semiconductor devices, general specification MI L-HDBK-263, Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook (replaced by M I L-STD-301 8) Physics-of-Failure Based Handbook of Microelectronic Systems – Publication available from DSI AC “Defense Systems I nform ation Center” (formerly RI AC “Reliability I nformation Anal ysis Center”) (http://www theriac org/ ) RTCA DO-254/EUROCAE ED-80, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware SAE AS5553 , Counterfeit Electronic Parts, Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition SAE AS6496 Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronics parts: Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation and Disposition- Authorised/Franchised Distribution SAE-J 752/3, Measurement of Radiated Emissions from Integrated Circuits – TEM/Wideband TEM (GTEM) Cell Method; TEM Cell (150 kHz to GHz), Wideband TEM Cell (150 kHz to GHz) SAE STD-001 6, Standard for preparing a DMSMS Management Plan (formerly TechAmerica STD-0016) STACK S/0001 , General Requirements for integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors UL94, Test for flammability of plastic materials for parts in devices and appliances NOTE Bibli ographic referen ces m ay need to be revi ewed to ensu re th ey are current with technol og y NOTE Bibli ographic referen ces m ay need to be revi ewed to ensu re th ose listed are the current version _ Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2023, 01:22

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