[...]... Backups Website activities Path and Pathauto Search engine optimization and website promotion Updates Summary jQuery Basics jQuery in action 360 362 363 365 368 368 369 370 373 374 379 382 386 3 87 390 [] Preface The Internet is a magical place where any type of media and information can be accessed any time, day or night Online medical diagnosis websites pander to every whim of the world's hypochondriacs,... topics: • Drupal an overview • How Drupal came to be • What Drupal has to offer • Uses of Drupal • The Drupal community • The Drupal license • The server environment • Obtaining and installing XAMPP (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) • Obtaining and installing Drupal • A short tour of Drupal Before we begin, there is one crucial bit of advice to be given: Ensure that you have access to a good, preferably broadband... standards and open source technologies, Drupal supports and enhances the potential of the Internet as a medium where diverse and geographically separated individuals and groups can collectively produce, discuss, and share information and ideas With a central interest in and focus on communities and collaboration, Drupal' s flexibility allows the collaborative production of online information systems and. .. creator of the site, present content and information [ 12 ] Chapter 1 Uses of Drupal Any enterprise that requires a fair amount of working with content is a likely candidate for Drupal, but, because of its extensibility and flexibility, you are really not limited in any sense The following list shows the most common uses at present and comes from the case studies page (http:/ /drupal. org/cases) on the Drupal. .. advantage of the collective wisdom of thousands of other people Is there anything else we can say about open source? Sure, with an active community like the one associated with Drupal, development advances rapidly and flexibly because any problems can be spotted early and dealt with effectively This means that you can expect a high level of stability, security, and performance from Drupal websites OK,... Introduction to Drupal introduces you to the world of Drupal and looks at where Drupal comes from, where it's going, and what it can offer you It then deals with how to get everything you need up and running on a development machine and also briefly looks at how all the requisite technologies gel together to produce a working Drupal site Once everything is up and running, and after looking over some of the...Table of Contents Creating an advanced View Arguments 270 270 Adding an Argument Setting the Path Testing the arguments with Live preview 272 274 275 Relationships 277 Adding a relationship Results 278 279 Headers and footers Style settings Advanced settings Creating an attachment Theming Views Views CSS Views templates 279 280 283 283 288 288 289 Importing, exporting, and cloning views... integrating several different features and technologies, this chapter gives readers their first look at how Drupal makes building genuinely world-class websites possible Chapter 11, Deployment and Management takes a pragmatic look at the type of tasks in which you will need to be proficient in order to successfully run and maintain a Drupal site Whether it's considering what type of hosting service to use, or... system is software that facilitates the creation, organization, manipulation, and removal of information in the form of images, documents, scripts, and plain text (or anything else for that matter) [] Introduction to Drupal If you have a need to organize and display fairly large amounts of information, especially when it is likely that content will be created or delivered from a variety of different... know Drupal provides a free platform, along with its attendant community, for satisfying a wide variety of content-management requirements Precisely what one can achieve is the subject of the What Drupal Has to Offer section, later in this chapter For now though, let's turn back the hands of time and take a look at how we ended up with Drupal as we know it today How Drupal came to be As with so many . alt="" Drupal 7 Create and operate any type of website quickly and efficiently David Mercer BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Drupal 7 Copyright © 2010 Packt Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this. so involved! Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Drupal 7 Drupal an overview 9 How Drupal came to be 10 What Drupal has to offer 11 Uses of Drupal 13 The Drupal community 14 Documentation. community in Ireland back in 2006. Having attended several DrupalCamps and DrupalCons, she keeps up-to-date with the latest and greatest in the Drupal community and maintains several Drupal websites.