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Sector integration workshop 300323pdf

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09:30 – 10:00 Welcome coffee 10:00 – 11:30 1st session: Integrated and flexible energy systems, The power of Heat • Lelde Kiela -Vilumsone, Team Leader - End-use sectors, impacts and methodologies (Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy (ENER.C.1)) • Rodrigo Barbosa, Manager, Long-term planning (ENTSO-E) • Pauline Lucas, Policy Director (Euroheat & Power) • Raymond C Decorvet, Senior Account Executive, Global Business Development ETES, CO2 Heat-Pumps & Power Storage (LDES) (MAN Energy Solutions) 10:00 – 11:30 Coffee break 11:45 – 13:00 2nd session: Innovative DHC and other solutions for sustainable integrated energy systems in Europe: concrete examples • Pernille Salomonsen, Energy & Development Consultant (Albertslund Forsyning) • Thibaut Wissocq, Researcher scientist (CEA) • Guillaume Bardeau, R&D Engineer (Renewable heating & Cooling) (EIFER) 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Role of Energy System Integration Workshop on integrated and flexible energy systems: the untapped potential of DHC Brussels, 30 March 2023 Lelde Kiela Vilumsone Renewables & Energy System Integration Policies Directorate-General for Energy A fast-changing policy context Climate neutrality in 2050 Green Deal & Climate Law Higher level of biodiversity protection Biodiversity Strategy Climate Target Plan -55% GHG in 2030 38-40 % RES share REDII revision HIGH ENERGY PRICES Offshore RES Strategy pillars for the energy system 1/ Efficiency & circularity 2/ RES-E & electrification 3/ RES fuels (incl hydrogen) Renovation Wave Offshore RES as an EU priority Energy System Integration & Hydrogen Strategies Promote efficiency and renewables in buildings RepowerEU - focus on renewable energy • Increase the EU 2030 target for renewable energy from 40% to 45% • Deployment of wind and solar energy in power sector • Accelerated installation of heat pumps (10 mln by 2027) • Renewable hydrogen accelerator (10 mln t of domestic production and imports by 2030) Estimated 69% of electricity to be generated from RES by 2030 * Commission proposals Approach to Energy System integration Key role of system integration in delivering the European Green Deal and the RepowerEU objectives More circular & energy efficient energy system Electrification based on renewables Renewables and low carbon fuels, hydrogen EU strategy on energy system integration (2020) EU hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe (2020) Holistic approach consumers, digitalisation & infrastructure More flexible energy system What are the challenges?  Full implementation of the Electricity Market legislation (provisions on flexibility)  Accelerating modernisation of the grids (uptake of smart meters)  Adoption of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (provisions on heating and cooling, access to data on RES)  Revision of the Electricity Market Design (March 2023)  Policy recommendations for uptake of energy storage (March 2023) * Commission proposals Revision of Electricity Market Design Increasing renewables share to be balanced with non-fossil flexibility - demand response and storage  A new definition on flexibility of electricity system  NRAs to issue a report every years on the needs for flexibility in the electricity system in view of achieving both security of supply and decarbonisation objectives.​  Member States to define an indicative national objective for demand response and storage.​  MS may use support schemes for available non-fossil flexibility capacity Electricity Market Reform for consumers and annex (europa.eu) * Commission proposals Commission recommendation on storage Enhanced role of storage in energy system integration  Facilitate permit granting and further exploiting potential of energy storage in design and operation of the networks  Consider specific aspects of energy storage in designing network charges & tariff schemes, tax measures  Address challenges to predictability of revenue flow to facilitate access to finance  Importance of behind-the-meter storage  More transparency of data to facilitate investment decisions Commission recommendations on how to exploit the potential of energy storage (europa.eu) * Commission proposals Actions in heating and cooling sector RepowerEU: Double deployment rates for heat pumps & develop district heating systems to replace fossil fuels  30 million newly installed heat pumps in 2030, 10 million units in the next years  Develop/ modernise district heating systems to replace fossil fuels in individual heating (in cities, urban areas)  Accelerate deployment and integration of: a) large-scale heat heat pumps, b) geothermal and c) solar thermal energy  Exploit industrial heat whenever available Focus on Results Contributions of CO2 emissions for each optimized architectures T Wissocq, L Giraud, G Lavialle & F Boudéhenn - REDONNER project : Overview of applied methodology & typologies of results 22 Focus on Results Focus on a net carbon heating network (Configuration A) CAPEX repartition (11 identified solutions) Overview of optimal architecture Monotonic load curve Designed solution T Wissocq, L Giraud, G Lavialle & F Boudéhenn - REDONNER project : Overview of applied methodology & typologies of results 23 Conclusions & Outlooks Main goal : Decarbonate the Grenoble District Heating system by 2033 Interest of the developed method : ■ A systemic methodological approach reproducible to all energy systems (local or territorial) ■ PERSEE tool can be used to global analysis with specific focus on transient behavior of designed system, especially adapted for complex system analysis in complex environment ■ Able to identify architectures or trends without a priori on the solutions to be implemented ■ Can be used as a support for the definition of Road Map but also as a tool to feed decisions / reflections ■ Subject to data availability (time series, tech-Eco-Env assumptions ) For the district heating company : ■ The methodology of this study and PERSEE tool are very helpful to choose a strategy of decarbonation : ■ (As) exhaustive (as possible) ■ (As) objective (as possible) ■ Manage the complexity of the topic ■ The production model developed in PERSEE will be adapted frequently to specify the strategy T Wissocq, L Giraud, G Lavialle & F Boudéhenn - REDONNER project : Overview of applied methodology & typologies of results 24 Thanks for your attention Contacts : thibaut.wissocq@cea.fr loic.giraud@cciag.fr CEA - www.cea.fr CEA Auteur 30 mars 2023 Introduction to SENERGY NETS increase the Synergy among different ENERGY NETworkS Guillaume Bardeau SENERGY NETS Project Coordinator R&D Engineer, European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) RES DHC & REWARDHeat Workshop 30 March 2023, Brussels Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union The European Union can not be held responsible for them 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 The story of a team… (many researchers, developers, experts!) 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 Consortium 19 partners from EU countries - Research and Academia (EIFER, RSE, TECNALIA, Mälardalen university, Universität Kassel, University of Ljubljana) - Energy supply and services (EDF, DALKIA, VEOLIA, A2A life company, A2A Calore e servizi, ENERGETIKA Ljubljana) - DSO (Elektro Ljubljana, Unareti) - Software provider (CyberGrid, OPERATO) - Association and networks (AIRU, Federconsumatori APS, Euroheat & Power) 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 With a plan to decarbonize the energy sectors… (At least to participate) Low carbone electricity production +++ Low carbone electricity distribution Power to heat Low carbon heat distribution & storage Low carbon heat & electricity production Renewable fuels & solar Flexibility provision through smart management 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 The concept DEMONSTRATE ENABLE MAXIMIZE Flexibility provision at local scale by defining market requirements for DSO ancillary services adapted to to provide flexibility services by a set of tools for planning theMES capability of MES to decarbonize thedelivering heating and cooling sector as well asand theoperation power sector DSO MES to integrate flexibility services from MES by delivering a set of tools for planning and operation Methodology Opportunity Framework Design Operation Evaluation Digital solutions Energy management systems for 3rd to 5th generation DHC (incl Heat D/R) Storage technologies Long term planning Power grid Multi energy networks design and simulation 2024 DSO operational planning tool Gas network technical data, CAPEX, OPEX, time series Use cases Replication Impacts District heating & cooling Conversion technologies Market Optimized flexibility trading DSO procurement and activation platforms GIS analysis KPi definition Development plan4eu Flexibility quantification Value creation 2026 EU system created value Calculated KPis local created value TSO & energy Markets data, time series Business as usual – baseline scenario improved structural and operational strategy Demonstrators and case study 2023 - 26 improved market strategy 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 Using some assets… (mainly related to DHC) 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 The demonstrators CS 2: The Mälarenergi CHP plant in Västerås - SWEDEN DEMO 3: Paris – “Ilôt Gaité Montparnasse” – FRANCE DEMO 2: Demonstration in the city of Ljubljana - SLOVENIA Conversion, distribution and storage technologies from the demonstrators and follow-up case studies (In light blue, technologies not part of the core test during SENERGY NETS but installed on the site or envisaged as part of simulation for medium-long term evolution) CS 1: the Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia in Cordoba - SPAIN DEMO 1: District heating of Milan - ITALY 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 Happy to share… Our coming open-source model library (2024) + 15 public deliverables 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 Open-source library for Multi energy networks design (2024) • • • • • • • Pandapipes et pandapower jointly developed by University of Kassel and Fraunhofer IEE Well diffuse language : Python Data analysis libraries pandas License BSD 3-clause (fully reusable) pandapower : power grids pandapipes : gas and thermal networks Coming pandaProSumer : conversion and storage technologies with the support of SENERGY NETS partners R Bolgaryn et al., "Recent Developments in Open Source Simulation Software pandapower and pandapipes," 2022 Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES), Aachen, Germany, 2022, pp 1-7, doi: 10.1109/OSMSES54027.2022.9769084 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9769084 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 What role for DHC in the decarbonization of the energy system as a whole? Questions? 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 10 Thank you for your attention! Follow us! @SenergyNETS @Senergy NETS Subscribe to our newsletter! https://www.senergynets.eu Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union The European Union can not be held responsible for them 30-03-2023 - SENERGY NETS - CALL: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 - GA NUMBER: 101075731 11

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2023, 14:09

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