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Thiết kế giáo trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành an ninh, nhìn từ góc độ ngôn ngữ học

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MỤC LỤC Trang MỤC LỤC …………… ………………………………………… DẪN NHẬP …………… …………………………………… i 1 Lí chọn đề tài, mục đích nghiên cứu …………………… Giới hạn đề tài, phạm vi nghiên cứu ………………… Lịch sử vấn đề …………………………………………… Phương pháp nghiên cứu nguồn ngữ liệu ……….…… Đóng góp luận văn ……………………………….… 16 Bố cục đề tài …………………… …………………… 17 14 CHƯƠNG MỘT TỔNG QUAN VỀ VIỆC THIẾT KẾ GIÁO TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH …………………………… I Đặt vấn đề …………………………………………………….…… 19 II Một số vấn đề chung …………………… ……………………… 21 Văn …………………………………………………… 22 Đoạn văn …………………………………………….……… 30 Phát ngôn ………………………………………………… 42 III Một số vấn đề cụ thể …………………………………………… 54 Vấn đề phiên âm …………………………………….…… 54 Thuật ngữ ………………………………………………… i 55 19 DẪN NHẬP Lý chọn đề tài, mục đích nghiên cứu Cùng với hội nhập phát triển đất nước, trình độ ngoại ngữ nói chung, trình độ tiếng Anh nói riêng học sinh, sinh viên, công chức ngày nâng cao Để đáp ứng nhu cầu giao tiếp ngoại ngữ, có nhiều giáo trình nước xuất giảng dạy, bước đầu đạt số thành tựu định Tuy nhiên, xét mặt nâng cao trình độ ngoại ngữ từ chỗ phương tiện giao tiếp thông dụng, muốn vươn đến chỗ đọc sách chuyên môn, cần thiết phải xây dựng giáo trình chuyên ngành phục vụ cho đối tượng cụ thể Nói tới tiếng Anh chuyên ngành, với tư cách ngoại ngư,õ có nhiều vấn đề lý thuyết khả ứng dụng thực tiễn cần phải tiếp tục khảo sát nghiên cứu Do vậy, vấn đề phức tạp, Việt Nam giai đoạn mở đầu Hiện nay, tất trường đại học có ý thức xây dựng giáo trình chuyên ngành riêng cho trường Theo quan sát chúng tôi, có 20 tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Có thực tế xuất phát từ quan điểm khác nhau, cách biên soạn khác Nói cách không sách ngoại ngữ chuyên ngành nói chung, tiếng Anh chuyên ngành nói riêng nhiều vấn đề mặt lý thuyết thực tiễn cần làm sáng tỏ Để có nhìn tổng quát chung thực tế tiếng Anh chuyên ngành từ góc độ ngôn ngữ học, cần thiết phải tổng kết, đánh giá chất lượng giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cụ thể Với tư cách người tham gia giảng dạy ngoại ngữ, tác giả luận văn đặt mục đích tìm hiểu mặt cấu trúc, chức vấn đề giảng dạy tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Đó lí giải thích chọn đề tài xây dựng giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành An ninh, nhìn từ góc độ ngôn ngữ học để làm luận văn Giới hạn đề tài, phạm vi nghiên cứu Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thực vấn đề rộng phức tạp Trước hết liên quan đến nhiều tri thức liên ngành ngôn ngữ Trong đó, liên quan đến đối tượng bàn luận có hàng loạt vấn đề giáo học pháp (didactics) thời lượng – tức số đơn vị học trình, trình độ học viên, cách thức triển khai đơn vị học cụ thể, mối quan hệ giáo trình đào tạo, đặc biệt việc xây dựng chương trình đào tạo … Về phía nội với phân loại khoa học nói ứng với loại hình khoa học chuyên biệt phải có giáo trình riêng tri thức phân bố text có liên quan đến nội dung khoa học hẹp chúng ứng với hệ thống thuật ngữ riêng mà nhiều phải có tri thức thông hiểu Trong bối cảnh phức tạp vậy, xác định đối tượng khảo sát mặt lý thuyết thực tiễn tiếng Anh chuyên ngành An ninh Tất nhiên, trước vào xác lập yêu cầu, mục đích cụ thể, luận văn tìm hiểu vấn đề lý thuyết chung bao gồm nhiều yếu tố ngôn ngữ Về thời lượng, giáo trình khuôn định phạm vi đơn vị học trình đối tượng người học học viên học xong chương trình tiếng Anh sơ cấp với khoảng 20 đơn vị học trình Nói cách khái quát, sở nhận xét, đánh giá, kế thừa thành giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành lưu hành nay, phạm vi nghiên cứu trải dài hai bình diện cụ thể sau đây: (i)- Xây dựng khung lý thuyết bao gồm sở, tiêu chí, mục đích phải đạt giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành (ii)- Trên sở thử đề xuất giáo trình cụ thể với thời lượng cụ thể, với đối tượng người học cụ thể Lịch sử vấn đề 3.1 Về lý thuyết có thực tế là, nói, có nhiều giáo trình chuyên ngành tiếng Anh, sách lý thuyết từ hai phương diện didactics ngôn ngữ học bàn chúng lại Theo quan sát có hai công trình gián tiếp bàn vấn đề Cuốn thứ Curriculum Development – A guide to Practice cuûa Jon Wiles and Joseph Bondi, NXB Merrill & Prentice Hall, 2002 (Bản dịch Tiến só Giáo dục Nguyễn Kim Dung – Đại học Sư phạm TP Hồ Chí Minh), thứ hai Academic Discourse cuả John Flowerdew Hai công trình này, với phát triển ngành giáo dục học Úc Mỹ, chủ yếu đề cập đến việc đánh giá xây dựng khung chương trình nói chung Tuy nhiên, từ góc độ giáo học pháp, chúng mở nhiều gợi ý mặt lý thuyết bổ ích Như nói công trình lý thuyết bàn vấn đề tiếng Anh chuyên ngành nói chung tiếng Anh chuyên ngành An ninh nói riêng ỏi Trong đó, sách viết lí thuyết, chiến lược xây dựng chương trình đào tạo, bao gồm tiêu chí khái quát tiếng Anh chuyên ngành (English for Specific Purposes) lại không thiếu 3.2- Về giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cụ thể, vấn đề không chút đơn giản Theo quan sát chúng tôi, tất giáo trình mà khảo sát giáo trình đề cập đến vấn đề lý thuyết cách tường minh Tuy nhiên, qua cách trình bày, cách phân bố đề mục ngôn ngữ, xuất phát từ yêu cầu, mục đích khác nhau, nói giáo trình mang nét riêng Chúng tạm thời chia thành nhóm giáo trình sau đây: - Nhóm a Có thể kể đến tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Ngữ văn, Sử học, Giáo dục (tập 1, tập 2) nhóm giáo viên khoa Ngữ văn Anh, Trường Đại học Xã hội Nhân văn thuộc Đại học Quốc gia TP Hồ Chí Minh biên soạn Mỗi có – đơn vị học (riêng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Lịch sử tập có 13 đơn vị học) biên soạn cho 90 tiết học Các học sách trích dẫn, lựa chọn xếp theo chủ đề có liên quan đến chuyên ngành khoa học học viên, có ghi xuất xứ, có không Các tác giả đặt mục tiêu giúp học viên rèn luyện kó tiếng Anh song thực tế, giáo trình tập trung rèn luyện kó đọc hiểu chính, ý đến kó khác Ngữ pháp trình bày dạng Grammar Review với nhiều tập kèm theo Các đơn vị học có tập dịch để học viên luyên tập vận dụng từ ngữ học vào ngữ cảnh thực tế Chủ đề đọc viết sẵn lựa chọn cho phù hợp với trình độ học viên Giữa chúng với – mối quan hệ liên quan đến chuyên ngành khoa học học viên (mang tính sưu tập, kết hợp) – gắn bó hệ thống lẽ phải có Vì thuật ngữ chuyên ngành lặp lại Một đặc điểm chủ đề đưa không bao trùm lónh vực chuyên ngành học viên Tuy nhiên, khó khăn chung tác giả biên soạn giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành nguồn ngữ liệu phù hợp với trình độ đối tượng học viên hoàn thành chương trình ngoại ngữ hạn chế, ỏi Hơn nữa, với thời lượng bao gồm 90 tiết học khó chọn đưa vào giáo trình đầy đủ chủ đề để giáo trình bao trùm hết chuyên ngành, chưa nói đến tính phù hợp ngôn ngữ cấp độ khác Về tính tích hợp, học nhiều thể đặc điểm Bài đọc chủ đề khai thác sở để từ rút vấn đề cần giảng dạy: đọc hiểu, ngữ pháp, từ vựng… thông qua dạng tập như: Từ vựng: ghép từ / ngữ nghóa, điền từ vào khoảng trống, tìm từ theo lời giải thích, trắc nghiệm lựa chọn Ngữ pháp: biến đổi câu, kết hợp câu, điền từ vào khoảng trống, trắc nghiệm lựa chọn Đọc hiểu: trả lời ngắn đọc, xác định câu / sai, câu hỏi lựa chọn Tổ chức văn bản: xác định câu chủ đề, xác định câu chứng minh, v.v… Các hoạt động mở rộng, bổ sung Bài tập dịch Tuy nhiên, giáo trình bố trí ôn tập, phần thuật ngữ / từ vựng Các giáo trình này, biên soạn nhóm giáo viên khoa Ngữ văn Anh, nên có cấu trúc đề mục, kết cấu tương đối quán - Nhóm b Bao gồm English for Political Education, English for Philology, English for Physical Education số giáo viên Tổ Ngoại ngữ không chuyên, Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh biên soạn, English For Police tác giả Phùng Việt Hoa Trường Đại học Cảnh sát Nhân dân biên soạn năm 1997 Về số lượng học, giáo trình có 13 – 14 đơn vị biên soạn cho sinh viên chuyên ngành tương ứng hoàn tất chương trình tiếng Anh Các học xếp thiên chủ đề ngữ pháp Chủ đề đọc hiểu lựa chọn để chúng có liên quan đến chuyên ngành khoa học tương ứng sinh viên, cung cấp cho sinh viên số từ vựng / thuật ngữ sát với chuyên ngành Tuy nhiên, từ vựng / thuật ngữ giáo trình có độ khó / dễ khác nhiều (chuyên ngành Physical Education: tương đối dễ/ chuyên ngành Cảnh sát, Philology: tương đối khó) Tuy mục tiêu đặt giáo trình kó năng: nghe, nói, đọc, viết, dường giáo trình nặng kó đọc hiểu, trọng ngữ pháp cung cấp vốn từ vựng cho sinh viên Cấu trúc đề mục giáo trình tương đối quán cho đơn vị học thường gặp đề mục sau: Presentation, grammar questions, skills practice (reading, speaking, listening, writing and translation) Tuy nhiên, tính tích hợp chưa cao, phần học kết hợp với có phần gượng ép, không liên tục, hệ thống Ngữ liệu phần trình bày ngữ pháp thiếu gắn kết với chuyên ngành Có ý liệt kê thuật ngữ (English For Philology, English For Police), khác không quan tâm đến điều lại để thuật ngữ lẫn lộn phần từ vựng, thiếu nhấn mạnh cần thiết - Nhóm c Bao gồm hai giáo trình English for Lawyers tác giả Lê Hồng Hạnh, Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội biên soạn Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Luật nhóm giáo viên trường Đại học Luật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh biên soạn Cuốn English For Lawyers biên soạn với tài trợ tổ chức SIDA, Thụy Điển Cuốn giáo trình xếp theo hướng chủ đề đọc hiểu với chủ đề chia thành chương đọc bao trùm hầu hết ngành luật Với giả định người học tiếng Anh chuyên ngành luật có kiến thức ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, sách không trọng vào cấu trúc ngữ pháp thông thường, không đề cập đến việc giảng dạy kó giao tiếp Cuốn sách, từ đầu đến cuối, theo cấu trúc nhất: đọc sau đọc dạng tập khác nhằm vào việc phát triển vốn thuật ngữ chuyên ngành Phát triển vốn thuật ngữ dường mục đích sách, kó không đề cập đến Tương tự vậy, Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Luật trường Đại học Luật, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh có cấu trúc đơn giản, khác với giáo trình khác Ngay vào đầu bài, tác giả giải thích thuật ngữ, sau phần giải thích thuật ngữ dạng tập để vận dụng củng cố vốn thuật ngữ đưa Cuốn sách biên soạn sở giảng English For Lawyers Đại học Luật Hà Nội, nhằm mở rộng làm rõ thuật ngữ English For Lawyers nên chủ đề thuật ngữ hai sách trùng Nói chung, mục đích hai giáo trình cung cấp giảng dạy cho học viên từ vựng chuyên ngành Luật Ngoài ra, phải kể giáo trình Course Of English For Speciality tác giả Đỗ Thị Thái Nguyễn Thanh Thọ Học viện An ninh Nhân dân biên soạn năm 2004 Mục đích giáo trình cung cấp cho sinh viên An ninh lượng từ vựng liên quan đến chuyên ngành An ninh Giáo trình đặt mục tiêu phát triển kó ngôn ngữ nói chung, đặc biệt trọng rèn luyện kó đọc hiểu, giúp cho sinh viên đọc tài liệu chuyên ngành sau trường Mỗi học gồm phần thực lớp: - Về ngữ pháp: ôn tập kiến thức ngữ pháp cũ, giới thiệu ngữ pháp - Về đọc hiểu: có đọc theo chủ điểm liên quan đến chuyên ngành An ninh - Nghe nói: Về diễn biến trình điều tra vụ án Ngoài có phần củng cố, mở rộng, phần dành cho sinh viên làm nhà để củng cố ngữ pháp tăng cường kó đọc hiểu Cách xếp tổ chức học tương đối quán toàn giáo trình Giáo trình có 12 bài, dạy 120 tiết (8 đơn vị học trình) với khoảng gần 800 thuật ngữ chuyên ngành – lượng từ lớn cho cho toàn giáo trình, so với lượng từ giáo trình đề cập tới nhóm a Ngữ liệu chọn lựa cho phần đọc hiểu trích từ sách, báo, tạp chí tiếng Anh, có nêu rõ nguồn trích dẫn, đảm bảo tính xác văn phong chuẩn mực người ngữ Tuy nhiên, với lượng từ vựng / thuật ngữ lớn nói với nguồn tư liệu trích dẫn hạn chế, giáo trình khó cao đối tượng học viên hoàn thành phần tiếng Anh Trong giáo trình mà khảo sát, cần dành cho English For Law Alison Riley, Macmillan Professional English vị trí đặc biệt Cuốn English For Law giáo trình dành cho người học có trình độ trung cấp cao Cuốn sách có 13 đơn vị học Text Pre-reading: Read the following passage: Counterintelligence Collection Part Information concerning the activities of foreign intelligence and security services comes from a variety of sources Open sources concerning friendly and hostile services may include official government documents (e.g, telephone directories, brochures, yearly reports, parliamentary hearings, and reports of commisions of inquiry), books, articles in magazines, and newspapers Examples of such sources include Russian newspaper articles on that nation’s reconnaissance satellites, investigative books on the german Federal Intelligence Service (BND), and officials publications such as the Cnandian Security Intelligence Review Committee’a anaul report on the Canadian Security Intelligence Service In the case of closed societies, open source material is limited; nevertheless, even in these countries analysts may get some useful insights into high-ranking personnel or some aspects of internal operations from occasional government –approved accounts of intelligence and security service actions Information about friendly services may also come from liaison and training arrangements Thus, Dominic Perrone of the U.S Military Liaison Office, U.S Embassy, Rome, was able, in 1978, to gather inside information on the effectiveness, or lack therof, of the newly established intelligence and security services (the SISMI, or Military Security and Information Service, and the SISDE, or Democratic Security and Information Service) from several sources inside the Italian Government As a result, Perrone was able to prepare 4,000-word report for the DIA that indicated that resources devoted to SISDE’s antiterrorist activities were making effective counterespionage impossible, that the commander of SISDE was not qualified for the job, and that both SISDE and SISMI were performing poorly Liason with allied services also provides information about the activities of hostile services – such as when French Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DST) provided the CIA with information about its agent – Vladimir Vetrov, codenamed FAREWELL – in Directorate T of the KGB Beginning in 1981, FAREWELL provided the DST with more than 4,000 documents on Soviet scientific and technical espionage , including information on the Soviet Union’s plan to steal Western technological secrets and on internal assessments of its covert technology acquisition activities Specifically, FAREWELL provided: a complete , detailed list of all Soviet organizations involved in scientific and technical intelligence 142 reports on Soviet plans, acomplishments, and annual savings in all branches of the military industry due to illegal acquisition of foreign technology a list of all KGB officers throughout the world involved in scientific and technical espionage the identities of the principal agents recruited by the officers of “Line X” in ten Western nations, including the United States,West Germany, and France French President Francois Mitterand informed President Reagan about FAREWELL in 1981 and gave a sample of the intelligence material the agent had transmitted Several weeks alter, the head of the DST, Marcel Challet, visited Vice President Buch in Washington to discuss FAREWELL Two types of human sources may provide useful information The first is the agent who holds an official position within a hostile service This type is either a mole (someone recruited prior to their entry into the service – such as Kim Philby) or a “defector-in-place” (someone who agrees to provide information after having attained an intelligence or security position – such as FAREWELL) An individual may agree to provise information for ideological or financial reasons or as the result of coercion or blackmail, which might be based on evidence of sexual or financial misbehavior The United States had some significant successes during the Cold War in penetrating the Soviet military intelligence organization, the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Soviet General Staff (GRU) In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Peter Popov and Oleg Penkovsky, both colonels in the GRU, volunterred their services to the CIA In addition to providing detailed information on the physical layout of the GRU’s headquarters, they identified GRU agents and described their personalities The CIA also began receiving information in the early 1960s’ from GRU officer Dmitri Polyakov, code named GTBEEP by the CIA and TOP HAT by the FBI Polyakov, who reached the rank of Major General , was eventually betrayed by Aldrich Ames and was executed in 1988 Indeed polyakov was only one of a number oc CIA also sources, recruited in 1970s and early 1980s in the Soviet intelligence apparatus (primarily the KGB) who was betrayed by Ames The CIA also apparently penetrated the Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India’s principle foreign intelligence agency In 1987 a senior RAW official, K.V Unnikrishman, was reported to have been stationed in MAdras, where he was responsible for coordinating Tamil insurgency activities Unnikrishman was reportedly blackmailed with compromising photographs of himself and a “stewardess” Source: the US Intelligence Community, Jeffrey T Richelson, Westview Press Answer the questions: Which source of counterintelligence collection may include official government documents? Give an example of this source Which information comes from liaison and training arragements? Why was Perrone able to prepare a 4,000-word report for the DIA? What kind of information does liaison with allied services provide? 143 What did FAREWELL provide the DST with? What is the first type of providing useful information mentioned in this part? What else did Peter Popov and Oleg Penkovsky apart from providing detailed information on the physical layout of the GRU’s headquarter? What code-name did the CIA give to Dmitri Polyakov? 10 What code-name did the FBI give to Dmitri Polyakov? 11 What happened to Polyakov in 1988? 12 What was K.V Unnikrishman in charge of Madras in 1987? 13 What crime did Unnikrishman commit then? Counterintelligence Collection Pre-reading: Read the following passage: The second type of human source is the defector Defectors provide infromation concerning various aspects of intelligence or security service’s structure, operations, and leadership The CIA certainly reaped and intelligence bonanza when Maj Hunter Bolanos of the Nicaraguan DirectorateGeneral of State Security (Direction General de Seguidad del Wstado, DGSE)defected in 1983 For almost all of the period between January 1980 and May 7, 1983, Bolanos had special responsibility for surveillance of the U.S Embassy and CIA activities in Nicaragua He provided information on the structure of the DGSE, the number of Nicaraguan in the DGSE (2,800-3,000), the presence of foreign advisors to the DGSE (seventy Soviets, 400 Cubans, forty to fifty East Germans, twenty to twenty-five BUlgarians), and on the Soviet provision of sophisticated bugging devices Similarly, senior intelligence officers who have defected from Cuba and China have provided the United States with new information on intelligence and counterintelligence operations in those nations I June 1987, Maj Florentino Apillaga Lombard defected to the United States from the Cuban DGI (General Directorate of Intelligence) and proceeded to inform CIA officials that the great majority of CIA “assets” in Cuba were actually double agents working for the Cuban government In 1986, Yu Zhensan, the former head of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the PRC’s Ministry of State Security, defected and provided the United States with extensive information about Chinese intelligence operations abroad, including the names of Chinese agaents, as well as the names of suspected agents form other nations working in China Before defecting, he apparently provided the United States with information leading to the arrest of Larry Wu – Tai Chin, an employee of the CIA’s foreign Broadcast Information Service who was a long-term Chinese mole During the course of the Cold War, the United States benefited from information provided by a sunstantial number of KGB and GRU defectors As a result, the CIA was able to develop a detailed albeit not complete, picture of the structures and activities of those organiations Before his redefection, KGB official Vitaly Yurchenko provided the CIA with information concerning several Soviet penetrations of the U.S intelligence community – information that led to the discovery that former CIA officer Edward Lee Howard and former NSA employee Ponald Pelto had been providing information to the Soviet Union He aslo 144 stated that Pelton and Naval spy John Walker were the KGB’s most prized assets in the United States In June 1986, it was reported that the head of KGB operations in North Africa and KGB liaison to the Palestine Liberation Organization Oleg Agranaints, had defected to the United States Agranaints, whomay have been working for the CIA for the three years prior to his defection, apparently supplied the names of KGB agents in Tusinia, Algeria, Morocco, and Libya The changing domestic situation in the Soviet Union during the Gorbachev era and subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union led to the defection of numerous KGB officers Thus in 1990, Igor Cherpinsk, reportedly the KGB station chief in Belgium, defected In 1991, Sergei Illarionov, a KGB colonel based in Genoa, defected and helped Western security services identify KGB espionage networks in Europe Recent non-Soviet defectors have included Majid Giaka, a Libyan intelligence officer who provided information on the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 Beyond human sources, technical collection also provides data of value for counterintelligence Intercepted communications from within a country or to embassies oversea can reveal either the activities of trh internal security service or the intelligence activities of the foreign intelligence service Thus, the United States interception and decoding of the Soviet communications traffic in the 1940s paid off signifficantly in the late 1940s, 1950s, and beyond when the traffic was decrypted as part of the VENONA project From 1960s until the collapse of East Germany, the targets of the U.S army’s Field Station Berlin included the communications of the East German Ministry of State Security In addition, intercepts of signal from foreign reconnaissance satelites can provide information on what targets are being imaged by those satellites Satellite imagery is decidedly less useful than human sources, open sources, or COMINT in providing information about most activities of foreign inteligence services It can, however, provide information of the precise location and layout of intelligence and security service complexes – information that may provide particularly useful if a direct attack on such facilities is authorized Thus, reconnaisance flights in support of U.N inspectors have provided information on the regional centres of the Iraqi Specail Security Organization In addition, satellite imagery can provide information on the presence of SIGINT facilities and ground stations such as the GRU LOW EAR intercept dishes Source: the US Intelligence Community, Jeffrey T Richelson, Westview Press Answer the questions: What kind of information does the second type of human source provide? Who defected from the Nicaraguan Dictorate General of the State Security? What did Maj Hunter Bolanos have to for the United States in Nicaragua? What did he provide the United States with? Who defected to the United States in June 1987? Where did he defect? who defected to the United States in June 1986? Which post was he in before he defected to the United States? Who provided the United States with information leading to the arrest of Larry Wu – Tai Chin? 10 What did KGB official Vitaly Yurchenko provided the CIA with? 145 11 What did the information provided by Yurchenko lead to? 12 What may Agraniants have been doing three years before hid defection to the United States in June 1986? 13 Which situation resulted in the defection of numerous KGB officers? 14 Why did the United States pay off signifficantly in the late 1940s and 1950s? 15 How useful and precise is satellite imagery compared with other sources? 146 HOME READING Read the following text and answer the questions that follow KGB KGB is the Russian-language acronym for the Committee for State Security, (Russian: Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности ) and was the umbrella organisation name for (i) the principal Soviet internal Security Agency, (ii) the principal intelligence agency, and (iii) the principal secret police agency, from March 13, 1954 to November 6, 1991 Roughly, the KGB's operational domain encompassed functions and powers like those exercised by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the counterintelligence (internal security) division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Federal Protective Service, and the US Secret Service In March 1953, Lavrenty Beria consolidated the MVD and the MGB into one body the MVD; within a year, Beria was executed and MVD was split The re-formed MVD retained its police and law enforcement powers, while the second, new agency, KGB, assumed internal and external security functions, and was subordinate to the Council of Ministers On July 5, 1978 the KGB was re-christened as the "KGB of the USSR", with its chairman holding a ministerial council seat The KGB was dissolved when its chief, Colonel-General Vladimir Kryuchkov, used the KGB's resources in aid of the August 1991 coup attempt to overthrow USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev On August 23, 1991 Colonel-General Kryuchkov was arrested, and General Vadim Bakatin was appointed KGB Chairman and mandated to dissolve the KGB of the USSR On November 6, 1991, the KGB officially ceased existing, though its successor national state security organisation, the Russian Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (FSB), is functionally much like the soviet KGB Belarus is the only post-Soviet Union era country where the successor state security organization continues being known as KGB Belarus also is the birthplace of Felix Dzerzhinsky, one of the founders of the KGB; there, he remains a national hero Tasks and Organization Its tasked responsibilities were external espionage, counter-espionage, the liquidation of anti-Soviet and counter-revolutionary organisations within the USSR, guarding the national borders, guarding the Communist Party and State leaders, and critical state property Also, it investigated and prosecuted thieves of State and socialist property and white collar criminals Unlike Western intelligence agencies, the KGB (theoretically) was uninterested in learning the enemy's intentions only their capabilities; intentions were political decisions based upon Marxist theory In espionage, the KGB mostly relied on human intelligence (HUMINT), unlike their Western counterparts, who relied more on technology imagery intelligence (IMINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) Using ideological attraction, the Soviets successfully recruited many high-level spies Most notable are the KGB successes in gathering US atomic secrets, and, in the UK, the Cambridge Five, especially Kim Philby of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS); ideological recruitment failed after the USSR crushed the 1956 Hungarian uprising Instead, KGB was forced to rely upon blackmail and bribery to control most of its defectors 147 Still, this achieved notable successes, such as CIA mole Aldrich Ames and FBI mole Robert Hanssen, but fewer than in earlier decades Paralleling developments at MI5 and the CIA, the KGB has, in recent years, commercialized its advanced technologies for business applications Artificial intelligence software which was formerly used to sort and filter signals intelligence has become available through companies such as Autonomy (an MI5 spin-off) and InfoTame (ex-KGB technologists) Source:http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KGB Questions What were the fields of activities of the KGB until 1991? When was the KGB probably founded? What happened to the KGB in 1991? Who is the successor of the KGB? What were the KGB’s responsibilities? What was the difference between the KGB and their Western counterparts in espionage? 148 Unit 10 Revision Espionage Read the following text Espionage is the practice of obtaining secrets (spying) from rivals or enemies for military, political, or economic advantage It can also be defined as stealing information that a country does not want the public to know (classified) from that country It is usually thought of as part of an institutional effort (i.e., governmental or corporate intelligence) The definition has been restricted to a state spying on potential or actual enemies, primarily for military purposes, but this has been extended to spying involving corporations, known specifically as industrial espionage Many nations routinely spy on both their enemies, and allies, although they maintain a policy of not making comment on this Black's Law Dictionary (1990) defines espionage as: " gathering, transmitting, or losing information related to the national defense." A spy is an agent employed to obtain such secrets The term intelligence officer is also used to describe a member of the armed forces, police officer or civilian intelligence agency who specialises in the gathering, fusion and analysis of information and intelligence in order to provide advice to their government or another organisation Incidents of espionage are well documented throughout history The writings of Sun-Tzu contains information on deception and subversion The ancient Egyptians had a thoroughly developed system for the acquisition of intelligence, and the Hebrews used spies as well More recently, they played a significant part in Elizabethan England (see Francis Walsingham) Feudal Japan often used ninja to gather intelligence Many modern espionage methods were already then well established.[1] Espionage, when performed by a citizen of the target state, is generally considered to be a form of treason In many countries espionage is a crime punishable by death or life imprisonment For example, espionage is still a capital crime in the USA; however, the death penalty is rarely used in espionage cases in the U.S See Espionage Act A person who owed allegiance to the British Crown who spied for a foreign country would face a maximum life sentence for treason if it could be proved they were aiding Britain's enemies In fact a foreign spy may also be prosecuted for treason because temporary allegiance to the Crown is owed by everyone voluntarily in Britain except lawful enemy combatants Also in the UK, spying for proscribed terrorist organisations violates the Terrorism Act 2000 During the Second World War German spies in Britain were executed for treachery, a special offense covering any aid given to the enemy, including by foreign nationals The Cold War involved intense espionage activity between the United States of America and its allies and the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China and their allies, particularly related to nuclear weapons secrets Recently, espionage agencies have targeted the illegal drug trade and those considered to be terrorists For three decades the United States has cultivated its best and brightest to pre-eminence in what is now known as the field of communication and control As technology has advanced, the means and methods of espionage have advanced from Nixon era wire tapping, through Reagan era programs like echelon and carnivore, to 149 surveillance of all electronic transmissions including cell phone logs, voice mail, email, packet sniffing, trace routing and wireless transmissions However, the Soviet Union has been said to have had fielded the largest and most advanced spy networks during its time, infiltrating some of the most secure places on the planet which has caused many scandals In 2000, a group of hackers known as the l0pht testified to congress that with their knowledge of technology it was possible to break through any level of security and obtain secrets L0pht subsequently was transformed first into @stake, a security consultant recently bought by Symantec and later into a consultancy role for the DIA Since January of 2000, a long list of agencies have been data mining the world's stock exchanges; this program was formalized on October 26, 2001 in the form of the Patriot Act This helps track the financing of people who might be laundering money from drug transactions or working against the interests of defense contractors such as Halliburton or other government agencies For a variety of reasons, including changes in technology, it has been necessary to this without warrants and it is argued that the necessity makes it legal In order to gather political and economic information that might be of advantage to the United States, all foreign communications are routinely surveilled In 2002, new programs of satellite surveillance and unmanned low level intelligent predator drones armed with missles made it possible not only to surveil in real time, but to respond with force that can instantly annihilate any suspected threat anywhere in the world Source:http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espionage I Answer the following questions What is another definition of espinage? What are the task of intelligent officers? What kind of punishment is common in many countries to the crime of espionage ? In Britain, what is maximum punishment for the crime of treason? What are another two targets of espionage agencies recently? What is the use of the Patriot Act of October 26, 2001? II Find words which mean the following: - person or organization competing with another - that can develop intosomething or be developedor exploited in the future - a spy working for a particular country or organization - recorded - the act of getting or obtaining something 150 - of the highest level or degree - legal, in accordance with the law - the period of ten years - made something official - follow signs, traces to find out somebody, something Additional reading: BUREAUCRACY – POLITICS BUREAUCRACY A What is it ? Bureaucracy refers to the official rules and procedures used by officials ( bureaucrats quan chức hành ) to control an organisation or country For many people it is a negative word as it often means unnecessary rules, long waits, and lots of documents and forms B Documents When you need to obtain (get) or show documents, it is important that you know the names of them Here are some important ones : passport: an official document that identifies you and that you have to show when you enter or leave a country identity card: a card with your name, date of birth and photo to show who you are Great Britain is one of the few countries where people still not have identity cards driving licence: the official document which permits you to drive on public roads visa: this gives you permission to enter, pass through or leave a country certificates: official pieces of paper stating certain facts, e.g a birth certificate gives facts about your birth, and exam certificates state you have passed certain exams Officials often check (look at and examine) your documents, e.g the police may check your driving licence; passport officials may check your identity card or passport Some of these documents are for a fixed period of time, e.g a visa may be for six months At the end of that time, your visa runs out (infml) / expires (fml) (i.e it finishes / comes to an end) If you want to stay in the country you must renew it (have a new one for a further period of time) You can renew a visa, a passport, a membership card for a club, etc C Forms landing card: a form you may have to fill in when you enter another country enrolment form: a form you often fill in when you a course, go to a school or college, etc It may also be called a registration form application form: a form to write details of yourself, often when applying for a job With almost all forms, you will need to sign them (write your signature) D Formal language Here are some formal written expressions and their spoken English meanings Written Spoken date of birth = When were you born? country of origin = Where you come from? marital status = Are you single or married? date of arrival = When did you arrive? date of departure = When are you leaving ? (or when did you leave? E Bureaucratic problems We often associate bureaucracy with problems For example, you many have to queue (v,n) ( wait in a line) to get an official piece of paper or have it stamped 151 EXERCISE I Write down at least two words which can be used before these nouns card licence certificate form II Complete these sentences with a suitable word 1- Will you need to a visa if you go to the United States? 2- I was surprised that nobody my passport when we arrived in France 3- Could you this form, please? 4- They sent the form back to me because I had forgotten to it at the bottom 5- I’m afraid my visa next week, so if I want to stay here I will have to it But I don’t think it’ll be a problem 6- You should get there early because there are always long ., and you may have to wait quite a long time 7- I want to an English course in London, so I wrote to a few schools and asked them to send me an form III How many of these documents you have? a passport an identity card a driving licence a business licence a birth certificate a degree certificate (from a university) a marriage certificate an exam certificate for an English exam, e.g Cambridge, Oxford IV Complete these sentences with a suitable paraphrase 1- What’s your date of birth? In other word, when .? 2- What’s your country of origin? .? 3- What’s your marital status? ? 4- What was your date of arrival? .? 5- When’s your date of departure? ? V Your opinion about bureaucracy ? How you feel about bureaucracy? Have you had any problems with bureaucracy? Write down your thoughts and problems 152 POLITICS A Types of government Monarchy: a state ruled by a king or queen There are also countries that have a monarchy, but the monarch is not the ruler, e.g the United Kingdom Republic: a state governed by representatives (men or women chosen by the people) and a president, e.g USA or France People who believe in this system are republicans Democracy: a system of government in which leaders are chosen by the people, e.g France or the UK People who believe in this system are democrats Dictatorship: a system of government in which one person/ party rules the country (one person / party has total power) This person is called a dictator B Political beliefs (quan điểm trị) Abstract noun Personal noun / adjective conservatism : chủ nghóa bảo thủ conservative : bảo thủ socialism : chủ nghóa xã hội socialist: xã hội chủ nghóa social democracy: dân chủ xã hội social democrat : dân chủ xã hội liberalism: chủ nghóa cấp tiến liberal: chủ nghóa cấp tiến communism: chủ nghóa cộng sản communist: cộng sản chủ nghóa fascism: chủ nghóa phát xít fascist: chủ nghóa phát xít People who believe in social democracy are social democrats C Political positions What does it mean to be a socialist or a conservative? Often, it means different things in different countries, but in Britain we often talk about someone’s political position like this: left-wing / on the left middle of the road / right-wing / on the right (socialist): in the centre ( liberal): (conservative): cánh tả ( xã hội chủ nghóa) trung lập ( tự do) cánh hữu (bảo thủ) D Elections In a western democracy, people vote for (they choose in a formal way / elect) the political party (e,g, conservatives, liberals or socialists) that they want to form (make) the government They this in an election, and in many countries elections take place / are held (they happen) every four or five years 42% voted for the socialists in the last election (the socialists got 42% of the votes) The president was elected two years ago E Government (Chính phủ) Political systems are different all over the world In the UK, when a political party wins a majority (51% or more) of seats (official positions in parliament) in an election, they become the government of the country, their leader (the head of the party / person in control) becomes Prime Minister and they are in power 153 The government must have policies (programmes of action) to run (manage) the country This means, for example, an economic policy (for the economy), and a foreign policy (for actions taken by the country in other parts of the world) EXERCISE 1- Look at the vocabulary note then put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below Vocabulary Polling day (n) Day appointed for an election ngày bầu cử Ballot box (n) Thùng phiếu Vote (for/ against sb) Bỏ phiếu, bầu (cho / chống ) Predict (v) Say or tell inadvance dự đoán, đoán trước Opinion poll (n) Cuộc thăm dò ý kiến Polling station (n) Place where voters go to vote nơi / phòng bỏ phiếu Candidate (n) ng cử viên Conduct (v) Manage tiến hành, tổ chức Eligible (adj) Suitable to be chosen; having the right qualification đủ tư cách Declare (v) Make known clearly or formally; announce công bố tuyên bố election campaign support polling day ballot box vote predict opinion poll polling station candidate People sometimes try to (a) _ the result of an election weeks before it takes place Several hundred people are asked which party they prefer, and their answers are used to guess the result of the coming election This is called an (b) Meanwhile each party conducts its (c) _ with meetings, speeches, television commercials, and party members going from door to door encouraging people to (d) their party In Britain everyone over 18 is eligible to (e) The place where people go to vote in an election is called a (f) _ and the day of the election is often known as (g) _ The voters put their votes in a (h) _ and later they are counted The (i) _ with the most votes is then declared the winner 2- Complete this word- building table Use a dictionary to help you if necessary Abstract noun Person Adjective Politics Democracy Dictatorship Socialism Liberalism 3- Fill the gaps to complete this text about the political system in the United Kingdom One word in each gap In the UK are held every five years (The _ Minister may decide to hold one after four years, but five years is the maximum.) 154 Some countries have a system of proportional representation, this means in theory, that a political party with 30% of the should get 30% of the seats in _ In the UK, the political _ is different, here the winner takes all This means that the person with the most votes in each political area (called a constituency) wins the seat: and the political which wins a of the seats will the government on their own As a result of this system, it is possible for a party to be in with only 40% of the total votes Some people think this system is unfair What you think? What possible reasons could there be to justify (support) this system? Think about your answer, then compare it with the ideas suggested in the key 4- Answer these question about one of the countries in the world If possible, ask someone else the same questions a- Which party is in power at the moment? b- When were they elected? c- Who is the leader of this party? d- Is this person the President or Prime Minister of your country? e- Do you agree with most of their policies? f- Would you describe yourself as left-wing, right-wing, or in the centre? g- Do you think your political views have changed much during your lifetime? h- How many major ( important) political parties are there? k- Who would you vote for in the election? l- Do you think this party will win the next election? Will you vote for them again? Reading for Fun HOW DID YOU KNOW HE WAS A BANDIT? A woman went into a butcher shop one evening to buy some meat A strange man followed her into the store and stood about while she was at the counter Suddenly she screamed, and the man turned and ran out of the store, and right in to the arms of a passing patrolman On being searched, he was found to be armed Later he was identified as a notorious hold - up man “Mrs Jones, if you hadn’t screamed, I would certainly have been robbed,” declared the butcher gratefully “But how did you know he was a bandit?” “I didn’t know?” protested Mrs Jones “I screamed when you told me what the roast was going to cost me” Notes bandit : keû cướp to stand about : lảng vảng a passing patrolman : cảnh sát tuần tra ngang qua On being searched, he was found to be armed : Khi soát người hắn, người ta thấy có mang vũ khí Later he was identified as a notorious hold-up man : Sau đó, người ta nhận dạng tên trấn lột khét tiếng gratefully : với cảm kích biết ơn 155 A CLEVER LAWYER Here is story about a young lawyer in his early days at the Bar when he represented a railway company, one of whose vehicles had run down a boy The boy’s case was that his arm was so badly injured that he could no longer lift it above his head The clever young lawyer’s cross-examination of the boy was carried out very, very quietly - and very, very effectively: “Now, my boy.” he said, “your arm was hurt in the accident?” “Yes, sir,” said the boy “And you cannot lift your arm high now?” “No, sir.” “Would you mind,” said the lawyer very gently, “just showing the jury once more how high you can raise your arm since the accident?” The boy lifted with apparent effort just to the shoulder level “And how high could you lift it before the accident?” asked the lawyer in his most innocent manner, and up went the arm straight over the boy’s head Notes - in his early days at the Bar : ngày đầu hành nghề trước vành móng ngựa - one of whose vehicles had run down a boy: moät toa xe ( ông ta) đụng phải cậu bé - no longer : không nữa, không - to carry out cross-examination : tiến hành việc đối chất - effectively : cách có hiệu qủa, hữu hiệu - jury : bồi thẩm đoàn - in his most innocent maner : vẽ ngây thơ - and up went the arm straight over the boy’s head : (lối viết nghịch đảo để nhấn maïnh) and the arm went up straight over the boy’s head 156

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