- - - - - - THONG TIN - - VE LU~N AN TIEN si Ten d~ tai: D{lo Tin Limh if vung TOyNam B{j hifn Chuyen nganh: Ton giao hoc Ma s6: 622203 09 HQ va ten nghien ciru sinh: t.e Hung Yen Khoa dao tao: K32 (2016-2019) NgU'O'ihmrng d~n khoa hoc: PGS, TS Ngo Huu Thao; TS Trfrn Huu HQ'P Ten CO' sO'dao tao: HQc vien Chinh tri Quoc gia Hb Chi Minh Tom t~t k~t qua mrri cua lu~n an 8.1 Nhiing dong gop moi v~ thuc tiln va Ii lu{in v~If; IW,In, luan an gop phan b6 sung, him phong phu them ly luan chuyen nganh ton giao hQCva lam them tinh quy luat cua m6i quan h~ gitra dao Tin Lanh voi doi song xa h(>i,qua thuc ti~n ton giao - xa h(>ivung Tay Nam B(> V~thuc tiin, luan an til viec lam thirc trang dao Tin Lanh vung Tay Nam B(>,da d€ xuat khuyen nghi co tinh giai phap d6i v6i vi~c d6i m6i cong tac d6i v6i dc;toTin Lanh clla h~ th6ng chinh tri Tay Nam B(> Lu~n an la m(>tngubn tai li~u tham khao quy d6i v6i cong tac giang dc;tyton ghio hQc clla cac trucmg dc;tihQCva trucmg chinh tri a cac tinh, vung Tay Nam B(>hi~n 8.2 Nhirng diim mo'i tif kJt qua nghien ClfU, khao Slit - Lfrn dfru tien, d€ Uli lu~n an nghien Clm m(>t cach h~ th6ng va toan di~n qua trinh truy€n giao, phat tri~n clla dc;toTin L'mh a vung Tay Nam B(>,til nam 1919 cho d~n - Til phuong di~n ton giao hQc, d€ tai lu~n an nghien Clm khao sat lam th\Ic trc;tng cua dc;toTin Lanh Tay Nam B(>,v6i han 10 h~ phai, til khai quat v~n d€ d~t d6i v6i a cong tac ton gi{w clla h~ th6ng chinh tri va v6i cac t6 chuc h~ phai Tin lanh tren dia ban - D€ tai lu~n an khuy~n nghi d6i v6i h~ th6ng chinh tri vung Tay Nam B(>,nh~m ton trQng va bao h(>quy€n t\}' ton giao va d~ tin db, chuc s~c, chuc vi~c dc;toTin Lanh dong gop tich C\ICVaGS\Iphat tri~n toan di~n, b€n vung vung Tay Nam B(>hi~n va mai sau NGUm HUONG DAN PGS, TS Ngo Hii'u Thao NGHIEN CUu SINH Le Hung Yen INFORMATION OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS Title: Protestantism in the Southwestern region atpresent Major: Religious studies Code: 62 22 03 09 PhD candidate: Le Hung Yen Course: No 32 (2016-2019) Supervisors: Assoc Prof Dr Ngo Huu Thao; Dr Tran Huu Hop Training Institution: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Summary of new findings of the thesis 8.1 New contributions in terms of academic and theories About the theory, the thesis contributes to supplementing and enriching the theory of specialized religious studies and clarifying the regularity of the relationship between Protestantism and social life, through the Southwest's religious and social practices About practice, the thesis, from clarifying the current situation of Protestantism in the Southwest region, has proposed a solution for reforming the Protestant mission of the Southwestern political system The thesis is also a valuable reference source for the religious teaching of universities and political schools in the Southwestern provinces and cities today 8.2 New findings drawn from research anh survey results For the first time, the thesis has been studied systematically the evangelization and development of Protestantism in the Southwest of Vietnam from 1919 In religious studies, the research has clarified the reality of Protestantism in the Southwest of Vietnam, with more than 10 denominations, thereby finding the problems of the religious work of the political system and the Protestant denominations in this area The author of thesis has suggested that the political system of the Southwest of Vietnam has to respect and protect religious freedom and then Protestants contribute positively to improveSouthwest of Vietnam subtainably SUPERVISOR POSTGRADUATE Assoc Prof Dr Ngo Huu Thao Le Hung Yen